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GitHub Workflows

This directory contains the GitHub Actions workflows that power continuous integration and end-to-end testing for Linode Cloud Manager.

Continuous Integration

The ci workflow handles testing, building, and publishing of packages in this repository. Tests are run using Vitest for api-v4 and manager.

If the continuous integration workflow was triggered via a push to the master branch, the built packages are published:


  • Upon push to master branch
  • Upon pull request creation


Name Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS access key, or equivalent
AWS_S3_BUCKET Name of S3 bucket where Cloud Manager is deployed
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS secret access key, or equivalent
NPM_AUTH_TOKEN NPM authentication token for package publishing
SLACK_WEBHOOK Webhook for Slack CI notifications
STORYBOOK_BUCKET Name of S3 bucket where Storybook is deployed

End-to-End Tests

Automatic end-to-end testing of Linode Cloud Manager via Cypress is handled by the Run Tests On PR and Run Tests On Push/Schedule workflows. These two workflows are very similar, and differ primarily in how they are triggered.

End-to-end tests are run automatically for the develop branch each weekday at 8:00 AM ET, and are triggered any time code is pushed to the develop, staging, and master branches. Tests also run for pull requests authored by Cloud Manager team members.

Cypress tests are parallelized across four containers, and tests are automatically distributed among containers for optimal performance. To avoid race conditions, each test container is authenticated with its own test user account.


  • Scheduled, 1:00 PM UTC (8:00 AM ET) every Monday through Friday for develop branch
  • Upon push to develop, staging, and master branches
  • Upon creation or update to any pull request authored by a Cloud Manager team member


Name Description
USER_1 Cloud Manager OAuth token for test user 1
USER_2 Cloud Manager OAuth token for test user 2
USER_3 Cloud Manager OAuth token for test user 3
USER_4 Cloud Manager OAuth token for test user 4
REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID Linode OAuth app client ID
REACT_APP_APP_ROOT Linode Cloud Manager instance root URL
CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY Cypress Dashboard project record key

See Also