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Cass Operator simplifies the process of deploying and managing Cassandra or DSE in a Kubernetes cluster.

Install the operator


  1. A Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes v1.15 is recommended, but Kubernetes v1.13 has been tested and works provided the line containing x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true is deleted from cass-operator-manifests.yaml.
  2. The ability to download images from Docker Hub from within the Kubernetes cluster.

Create a namespace

cass-operator is built to watch over pods running Casandra or DSE in a Kubernetes namespace. Create a namespace for the cluster with:

$ kubectl create ns cass-operator

For the rest of this guide, we will be using the namespace cass-operator. Adjust further commands as necessary to match the namespace you defined.

Define a storage class

Kubernetes uses the StorageClass resource as an abstraction layer between pods needing persistent storage and the storage resources that a specific Kubernetes cluster can provide. We recommend using the fastest type of networked storage available. On Google Kubernetes Engine, the following example would define persistent network SSD-backed volumes.

kind: StorageClass
  name: server-storage
  type: pd-ssd
  replication-type: none
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer

The above example can be customized to suit your environment and saved as server-storage.yaml. For the rest of this guide, we'll assume you've defined a StorageClass and named it server-storage. You can apply that file and get the resulting storage classes from Kubernetes with:

$ kubectl -n cass-operator apply -f ./server-storage.yaml

$ kubectl -n cass-operator get storageclass
NAME                 PROVISIONER            AGE
server-storage   1m
standard (default)   16m

Deploy the operator

Within this guide, we have joined together a few Kubernetes resources into a single YAML file needed to deploy the operator. This file defines the following:

  1. ServiceAccount, Role, and RoleBinding to describe a user and set of permissions necessary to run the operator. In demo environments that don't have role-based access-control enabled, these extra steps are unnecessary but are harmless.
  2. CustomResourceDefinition for the CassandraDatacenter resources used to configure clusters managed by the cass-operator.
  3. Deployment to start the operator in a state where it waits and watches for CassandraDatacenter resources.

Generally, cluster-admin privileges are required to register a CustomResourceDefinition (CRD). All privileges needed by the operator are present within the operator-manifests YAML. Note the operator does not require cluster-admin privileges, only the user defining the CRD requires those permissions.

Apply the manifest above, and wait for the deployment to become ready. You can watch the progress by getting the list of pods for the namespace, as demonstrated below:

$ kubectl -n cass-operator apply -f ./cass-operator-manifests.yaml

$ kubectl -n cass-operator get pod
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cass-operator-f74447c57-kdf2p       1/1     Running   0          1h

When the pod status is Running, the operator is ready to use.

Provision a Cassandra cluster

The previous section created a new resource type in your Kubernetes cluster, the CassandraDatacenter. By adding CassandraDatacenter resources to your namespace, you can define a cluster topology for the operator to create and monitor. In this guide, a three node cluster is provisioned, with one datacenter made up of three racks, with one node per rack.

Example Config

The following example illustrates a CassandraDatacenter resource.

kind: CassandraDatacenter
  name: dc1
  clusterName: cluster1
  serverType: cassandra
  serverVersion: 3.11.6
    insecure: {}
  size: 3
  - name: rack1
  - name: rack2
  - name: rack3
      memory: 4Gi
      cpu: 1000m
      storageClassName: server-storage
      - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 10Gi
      num_tokens: 8
      authenticator: org.apache.cassandra.auth.PasswordAuthenticator
      authorizer: org.apache.cassandra.auth.CassandraAuthorizer
      role_manager: org.apache.cassandra.auth.CassandraRoleManager
      initial_heap_size: 2G
      max_heap_size: 2G
      - -Dcassandra.system_distributed_replication_dc_names=dc1
      - -Dcassandra.system_distributed_replication_per_dc=3

Consider customizing the example above to suit your requirements, and save it as cluster1-dc1.yaml. Apply this file via kubectl and watch the list of pods as the operator deploys them. Completing a deployment may take several minutes per node. The best way to track the operator's progress is by using kubectl -n cass-operator describe cassdc dc1 and checking the status and events.

$ kubectl -n cass-operator apply -f ./cluster1-dc1.yaml

$ kubectl -n cass-operator get pods
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cass-operator-f74447c57-kdf2p   1/1     Running   0          13m
gke-cluster1-dc1-r1-sts-0       1/1     Running   0          5m38s
gke-cluster1-dc1-r2-sts-0       1/1     Running   0          42s
gke-cluster1-dc1-r3-sts-0       1/1     Running   0          6m7s

$ kubectl -n cass-operator describe cassdc dc1
  Cassandra Operator Progress:  Updating
  Last Server Node Started:     2020-03-10T11:37:28Z
  Super User Upserted:          2020-03-10T11:38:37Z
  Type     Reason           Age                  From                Message
  ----     ------           ----                 ----                -------
  Normal   CreatedResource  9m49s                cassandra-operator  Created service cluster1-dc1-service
  Normal   CreatedResource  9m49s                cassandra-operator  Created service cluster1-seed-service
  Normal   CreatedResource  9m49s                cassandra-operator  Created service cluster1-dc1-all-pods-service
  Normal   CreatedResource  9m49s                cassandra-operator  Created statefulset cluster1-dc1-r1-sts
  Normal   CreatedResource  9m49s                cassandra-operator  Created statefulset cluster1-dc1-r2-sts
  Normal   CreatedResource  9m49s                cassandra-operator  Created statefulset cluster1-dc1-r3-sts

Cluster and Datacenter

A logical datacenter is the primary resource managed by the cass-operator. Within a single Kubernetes namespace:

  • A single CassandraDatacenter resource defines a single-datacenter cluster.
  • Two or more CassandraDatacenter resources with different clusterName's define separate and unrelated single-datacenter clusters. Note the operator manages both clusters since they reside within the same Kubernetes namespace.
  • Two or more CassandraDatacenter resources that have the same clusterName define a multi-datacenter cluster. The operator will join the instances in each datacenter into a logical topology that acts as a single cluster.

For this guide, we define a single-datacenter cluster. The cluster is named cluster1 with the datacenter named dc1.


Cassandra is rack-aware, and the racks parameter will configure the operator to set up pods in a rack aware way. Note the Kubernetes worker nodes must have labels matching Racks must have identifiers. In this guide we will use r1, r2, and r3.

Node Count

The size parameter is the number of nodes to run in the datacenter. For optimal performance, it's recommended to run only one server instance per Kubernetes worker node. The operator will enforce that limit, and pods may get stuck in the Pending status if there are insufficient Kubernetes workers available.

We'll assume you have at least three worker nodes available. If you're working locally with minikube or another setup with a single Kubernetes worker node, you must reduce the size value accordingly, or set the allowMultipleNodesPerWorker parameter to true.


Define the storage with a combination of the previously provisioned storage class and size parameters. These inform the storage provisioner how much room to require from the backend.

Configuring the Database

The config key in the CassandraDatacenter resource contains the parameters used to configure the server process running in each pod. In general, it's not necessary to specify anything here at all. Settings that are omitted from the config key will receive reasonable default values and its quite common to run demo clusters with no custom configuration.

If you're familiar with configuring Apache Cassandra outside of containers on traditional operating systems, you may recognize that some familiar configuration parameters have been specified elsewhere in the CassandraDatacenter resource, outside of the config section. These parameters should not be repeated inside of the config section, the operator will populate them from the CassandraDatacenter resource.

For example:

  • cluster_name, which is normally specified in cassandra.yaml
  • The rack and datacenter properties

Similarly, the operator will automatically populate any values which must normally be customized on a per-instance basis. Do not specify these in the CassandraDatacenter resource.

For example:

  • initial_token
  • listen_address and other ip-addresses.

A large number of keys and values can be specified in the config section, but the details are currently not well documented. The config key data structure resembles the API for DataStax OpsCenter Lifecycle Manager (LCM) Configuration Profiles. Translating LCM config profile API payloads to this format is straightforward. Documentation of this section will be present in future releases.

Superuser credentials

By default, a cassandra superuser gets created by the operator. A Kubernetes secret will be created for it, named <cluserName>-superuser. It will contain username and password keys.

# Run these commands AFTER you've created your CassandraDatacenter

$ kubectl -n cass-operator get secret cluster1-superuser
NAME                       TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
cluster1-superuser         Opaque                                2      13m

$ kubectl -n cass-operator get secret cluster1-superuser -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: cluster1-superuser
  password: d0g0UXRaTTg0VzVXbENCZVo4WmNqRWVFMGx0SXVvWnhMU0k5allsampBYnVLWU9WRTU2NENSWEpwY2twYjArSDlmSnZOcHdrSExZVU8rTk11N1BJRWhhZkpXM1U0WitsdlI1U3owcUhzWmNjRHQ0enhTSFpzeHRNcEFiMzNXVWQ3R25IdUE=
  username: Y2x1c3RlcjEtc3VwZXJ1c2Vy

$ echo Y2x1c3RlcjEtc3VwZXJ1c2Vy | base64 -D

$ echo 'd0g0UXRaTTg0VzVXbENCZVo4WmNqRWVFMGx0SXVvWnhMU0k5allsampBYnVLWU9WRTU2NENSWEpwY2twYjArSDlmSnZOcHdrSExZVU8rTk11N1BJRWhhZkpXM1U0WitsdlI1U3owcUhzWmNjRHQ0enhTSFpzeHRNcEFiMzNXVWQ3R25IdUE=' | base64 -D

To instead create a superuser with your own credentials, you can create a secret with kubectl.

Example superuser secret creation

kubectl create secret generic superuser-secret -f my-secret.yaml

To use this new superuser secret, specify the name of the secret from within the CassandraDatacenter config yaml that you load into the cluster:

kind: CassandraDatacenter
  name: dtcntr
  superuserSecretName: superuser-secret

Specifying version and image

With the release of the operator v0.4.0 comes a new way to specify which version of Cassandra or DSE and image you want to use. From within the config yaml for your CassandraDatacenter resource, you can use the serverType, serverVersion, and serverImage spec properties.

serverType is required and must be either dse or cassandra. serverVersion is also required, and the supported versions for DSE are 6.8.0/6.8.1 and for Cassandra it is 3.11.6. More versions will be supported in the future.

If serverImage is not specified, a default image for the provided serverType and serverVersion will automatically be used. If you want to use a different image, specify the image in the format <qualified path>:<tag>.

Using a default image

kind: CassandraDatacenter
  name: dtcntr
  serverType: dse
  serverVersion: 6.8.1

Using a specific image


kind: CassandraDatacenter
  name: dtcntr
  serverType: cassandra
  serverVersion: 3.11.6


kind: CassandraDatacenter
  name: dtcntr
  serverType: dse
  serverVersion: 6.8.1

Using Your Cluster

Connecting from inside the Kubernetes cluster

The operator makes a Kubernetes headless service available at <clusterName>-<datacenterName>-service. Any CQL client inside the Kubernetes cluster should be able to connect to cluster1-dc1-service.cass-operator and use the nodes in a round-robin fashion as contact points.

Connecting from outside the Kubernetes cluster

Accessing the instances from CQL clients located outside the Kubernetes cluster is an advanced topic, for which a detailed discussion is outside the scope of this document.

Note that exposing Cassandra or DSE on the public internet with authentication disabled or with the default username and password in place is extremely dangerous. It's strongly recommended to protect your cluster with a network firewall during deployment, and secure the default superuser account before exposing any ports publicly.

Scale up

The size parameter on the CassandraDatacenter determines how many server nodes are present in the datacenter. To add more nodes, edit the YAML file from the Example Config section above, and re-apply it precisely as before. The operator will add pods to your datacenter, provided there are sufficient Kubernetes worker nodes available.

For racks to act effectively as a fault-containment zone, each rack in the cluster must contain the same number of instances.

Change server configuration

To change the database configuration, update the CassandraDatacenter and edit the config section of the spec. The operator will update the config and restart one node at a time in a rolling fashion.

Multiple Datacenters in one Cluster

To make a multi-datacenter cluster, create two CassandraDatacenter resources and give them the same clusterName in the spec.

Note that multi-region clusters and advanced workloads are not supported, which makes many multi-DC use-cases inappropriate for the operator.

Maintaining Your Cluster

Data Repair

The operator does not automate the process of performing traditional repairs on keyspace ranges where the data has become inconsistent due to an instance becoming unavailable in the past.

DSE provides NodeSync, a continuous background repair service that is declarative and self-orchestrating. After creating your cluster, Enable NodeSync on all new tables.

Future releases may include integration with open source repair services for Cassandra clusters.


The operator does not automate the process of scheduling and taking backups at this time.

Known Issues and Limitations

  1. There is no facility for multi-region clusters. The operator functions within the context of a single Kubernetes cluster, which typically also implies a single geographic region.
  2. The operator does not automate the creation of key stores and trust stores for client-to-node and internode encryption.