diff --git a/elicit_macro/src/aelicit_derive.rs b/elicit_macro/src/aelicit_derive.rs
index b304286..8c23d12 100644
--- a/elicit_macro/src/aelicit_derive.rs
+++ b/elicit_macro/src/aelicit_derive.rs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use crate::find_field_attr::find_field_attr;
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // ============================================================================
 /// fn expand
-pub(crate) fn expand(ast: DeriveInput) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
+pub fn expand(ast: DeriveInput) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     let mut aelicit_mod_author = Option::<TokenStream2>::default();
     let mut aelicit_from_self_field = Option::<TokenStream2>::default();
@@ -61,23 +61,21 @@ struct Derived {}
     let ident = ast.ident;
-    let aelicit_impl = if let Some(ref x) = aelicit_from_self_field {
-        quote! {self.#x.aelicit_from_self()}
-    } else {
-        quote! { None }
-    };
-    let _weak_assign_impl = if let Some(ref x) = aelicit_from_self_field {
-        quote! {self.#x._weak_assign(_weak)}
-    } else {
-        quote! { Ok(()) }
-    };
+    let aelicit_impl = aelicit_from_self_field.as_ref().map_or_else(
+        || quote! { None },
+        |x| quote! {self.#x.aelicit_from_self()},
+    );
+    let _weak_assign_impl = aelicit_from_self_field.as_ref().map_or_else(
+        || quote! { Ok(()) },
+        |x| quote! {self.#x._weak_assign(_weak)},
+    );
     Ok(quote! {
     impl #aelicit_mod_author :: AelicitFromSelf for #ident {
     fn aelicit_from_self(&self) ->
     Option<#aelicit_mod_author :: Aelicit> {
-        #aelicit_impl
+    #aelicit_impl
diff --git a/elicit_macro/src/elicit_define.rs b/elicit_macro/src/elicit_define.rs
index 62e58f6..53fc77c 100644
--- a/elicit_macro/src/elicit_define.rs
+++ b/elicit_macro/src/elicit_define.rs
@@ -16,10 +16,7 @@ use crate::include::{
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // ============================================================================
 /// fn expand
-pub(crate) fn expand(
-    mod_ident: &Ident,
-    item: ItemTrait,
-) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
+pub fn expand(mod_ident: &Ident, item: ItemTrait) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     let define = quote_define(mod_ident, &item)?;
     let mut ret = item.into_token_stream();
@@ -33,29 +30,29 @@ fn quote_define(mod_ident: &Ident, item: &ItemTrait) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     Ok(quote! {
     mod #mod_ident {
-        mod _inner { #inner }
+    mod _inner { #inner }
-        mod _common {
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            Elicit, ElicitBase, ElicitFromSelf,
-        };
-        }
+    mod _common {
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        Elicit, ElicitBase, ElicitFromSelf,
+    };
+    }
-        /// mod author
-        pub mod author {
-        pub use super::_common::*;
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            WeakAssign,
-            WeakElicitInner,
-            ElicitFromSelfField
-        };
-        }
+    /// mod author
+    pub mod author {
+    pub use super::_common::*;
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        WeakAssign,
+        WeakElicitInner,
+        ElicitFromSelfField
+    };
+    }
-        /// mod user
-        pub mod user {
-        pub use super::_common::*;
-        pub use super::_inner::WeakElicit;
-        }
+    /// mod user
+    pub mod user {
+    pub use super::_common::*;
+    pub use super::_inner::WeakElicit;
+    }
@@ -68,13 +65,13 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     use std::{
-        cell::{OnceCell, RefCell},
-        convert::From,
-        fmt::Debug,
-        marker::Unpin,
-        pin::Pin,
-        rc::{Rc, Weak},
-        result::Result as StdResult,
+    cell::{OnceCell, RefCell},
+    convert::From,
+    fmt::Debug,
+    marker::Unpin,
+    pin::Pin,
+    rc::{Rc, Weak},
+    result::Result as StdResult,
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     pub use elicit::{ Result as ElicitResult,  Error as ElicitError };
@@ -82,21 +79,21 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait ElicitBase
     pub trait ElicitBase: 'static + Unpin + Debug
-        + #orig + ElicitFromSelf + WeakAssign
+    + #orig + ElicitFromSelf + WeakAssign
-        // ================================================================
-        /// usizeptr
-        fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize;
+    // ================================================================
+    /// usizeptr
+    fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize;
     // ====================================================================
     impl<T: 'static + Unpin + Debug + #orig + ElicitFromSelf + WeakAssign>
-        ElicitBase for T
+    ElicitBase for T
-        // ================================================================
-        #[allow(trivial_casts)]
-        fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
-        self as *const _ as usize
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    #[allow(trivial_casts)]
+    fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
+    self as *const _ as usize
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
@@ -118,123 +115,123 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     pub struct WeakElicit(WeakElicitInner);
     // ====================================================================
     impl WeakElicit {
-        // ================================================================
-        /// fn upgrade
-        pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<Elicit> {
-        self.0.upgrade().map(Elicit)
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// fn upgrade
+    pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<Elicit> {
+    self.0.upgrade().map(Elicit)
+    }
     // ====================================================================
     impl From<Elicit> for WeakElicit {
-        fn from(x: Elicit) -> WeakElicit {
-        x.weak()
-        }
+    fn from(x: Elicit) -> WeakElicit {
+    x.weak()
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait ElicitFromSelf
     pub trait ElicitFromSelf {
-        /// elicit_from_self
-        fn elicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Elicit>;
+    /// elicit_from_self
+    fn elicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Elicit>;
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait WeakAssign
     pub trait WeakAssign {
-        /// _weak_assign
-        fn _weak_assign(
-        &mut self,
-        weak: WeakElicitInner,
-        ) -> ElicitResult<()>;
+    /// _weak_assign
+    fn _weak_assign(
+    &mut self,
+    weak: WeakElicitInner,
+    ) -> ElicitResult<()>;
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// struct ElicitFromSelfField
     #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
     pub struct ElicitFromSelfField {
-        /// _weak
-        _weak: OnceCell<WeakElicitInner>,
+    /// _weak
+    _weak: OnceCell<WeakElicitInner>,
     // ====================================================================
     impl ElicitFromSelf for ElicitFromSelfField {
-        fn elicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Elicit> {
-        self._weak.get()?.upgrade().map(Elicit)
-        }
+    fn elicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Elicit> {
+    self._weak.get()?.upgrade().map(Elicit)
+    }
     // ====================================================================
     impl WeakAssign for ElicitFromSelfField {
-        fn _weak_assign(
-        &mut self,
-        weak: WeakElicitInner,
-        ) -> ElicitResult<()> {
-        self._weak.set(weak).map_err(
-            |_| ElicitError::WeakAlreadyExists)
-        }
+    fn _weak_assign(
+    &mut self,
+    weak: WeakElicitInner,
+    ) -> ElicitResult<()> {
+    self._weak.set(weak).map_err(
+        |_| ElicitError::WeakAlreadyExists)
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     impl Elicit {
-        // ================================================================
-        /// new
-        #[allow(trivial_casts)]
-        pub fn new<T>(val: T) -> ElicitResult<Self>
-        where
-        T: ElicitBase,
-        {
-        let r = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Box::pin(val) as RefCellInner));
-        r.borrow_mut().as_mut()._weak_assign(Rc::<_>::downgrade(&r))?;
-        Ok(Elicit(r))
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// weak
-        pub fn weak(&self) -> WeakElicit {
-        WeakElicit(Rc::downgrade(&self.0))
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// usizeptr
-        pub fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
-        self.0.borrow().as_ref().usizeptr()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// with
-        pub fn with<T, E>(
-        &self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&dyn ElicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        {
-        f(& *self.0.borrow().as_ref())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_with
-        pub fn try_with<T, E>(
-        &self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&dyn ElicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        E: From<ElicitError>
-        {
-        f(& *self.0.try_borrow().map_err(ElicitError::from)?.as_ref())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// with_mut
-        pub fn with_mut<T, E>(
-        &self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn ElicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        {
-        f(&mut *self.0.borrow_mut().as_mut())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_with_mut
-        pub fn try_with_mut<T, E>(
-        &self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn ElicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        E: From<ElicitError>,
-        {
-        f(&mut *self.0.try_borrow_mut().map_err(ElicitError::from)?
-          .as_mut())
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// new
+    #[allow(trivial_casts)]
+    pub fn new<T>(val: T) -> ElicitResult<Self>
+    where
+    T: ElicitBase,
+    {
+    let r = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Box::pin(val) as RefCellInner));
+    r.borrow_mut().as_mut()._weak_assign(Rc::<_>::downgrade(&r))?;
+    Ok(Elicit(r))
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// weak
+    pub fn weak(&self) -> WeakElicit {
+    WeakElicit(Rc::downgrade(&self.0))
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// usizeptr
+    pub fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
+    self.0.borrow().as_ref().usizeptr()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// with
+    pub fn with<T, E>(
+    &self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&dyn ElicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    {
+    f(& *self.0.borrow().as_ref())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_with
+    pub fn try_with<T, E>(
+    &self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&dyn ElicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    E: From<ElicitError>
+    {
+    f(& *self.0.try_borrow().map_err(ElicitError::from)?.as_ref())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// with_mut
+    pub fn with_mut<T, E>(
+    &self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn ElicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    {
+    f(&mut *self.0.borrow_mut().as_mut())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_with_mut
+    pub fn try_with_mut<T, E>(
+    &self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn ElicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    E: From<ElicitError>,
+    {
+    f(&mut *self.0.try_borrow_mut().map_err(ElicitError::from)?
+      .as_mut())
+    }
diff --git a/elicit_macro/src/elicit_derive.rs b/elicit_macro/src/elicit_derive.rs
index a42a496..6a79962 100644
--- a/elicit_macro/src/elicit_derive.rs
+++ b/elicit_macro/src/elicit_derive.rs
@@ -6,17 +6,19 @@
 //  @author hanepjiv <hanepjiv@gmail.com>
 //  @copyright The MIT License (MIT) / Apache License Version 2.0
 //  @since 2024/04/10
-//  @date 2024/11/10
+//  @date 2024/11/30
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // use  =======================================================================
-use crate::include::{DeriveInput, Error, Ident, Result, Span, ToTokens, TokenStream2, quote};
+use crate::include::{
+    quote, DeriveInput, Error, Ident, Result, Span, ToTokens, TokenStream2,
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 use crate::find_field_attr::find_field_attr;
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // ============================================================================
 /// fn expand
-pub(crate) fn expand(ast: DeriveInput) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
+pub fn expand(ast: DeriveInput) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     let mut elicit_mod_author = Option::<TokenStream2>::default();
     let mut elicit_from_self_field = Option::<TokenStream2>::default();
@@ -59,26 +61,32 @@ struct Derived{}
     let ident = ast.ident;
-    let elicit_impl = if let Some(ref x) = elicit_from_self_field { quote! {self.#x.elicit_from_self()} } else { quote! { None } };
-    let _weak_assign_impl = if let Some(ref x) = elicit_from_self_field { quote! {self.#x._weak_assign(_weak)} } else { quote! { Ok(()) } };
+    let elicit_impl = elicit_from_self_field.as_ref().map_or_else(
+        || quote! { None },
+        |x| quote! {self.#x.elicit_from_self()},
+    );
+    let _weak_assign_impl = elicit_from_self_field.as_ref().map_or_else(
+        || quote! { Ok(()) },
+        |x| quote! {self.#x._weak_assign(_weak)},
+    );
     Ok(quote! {
     impl #elicit_mod_author :: ElicitFromSelf for #ident {
-        fn elicit_from_self(&self) ->
-        Option<#elicit_mod_author :: Elicit> {
-            #elicit_impl
-        }
+    fn elicit_from_self(&self) ->
+    Option<#elicit_mod_author :: Elicit> {
+        #elicit_impl
+    }
     impl #elicit_mod_author :: WeakAssign for #ident {
-        fn _weak_assign(
-        &mut self,
-        _weak: #elicit_mod_author :: WeakElicitInner,
-        ) -> elicit::Result<()> {
-        #_weak_assign_impl
-        }
+    fn _weak_assign(
+    &mut self,
+    _weak: #elicit_mod_author :: WeakElicitInner,
+    ) -> elicit::Result<()> {
+    #_weak_assign_impl
+    }
diff --git a/elicit_macro/src/feature_default.rs b/elicit_macro/src/feature_default.rs
index 8539b53..be66aa2 100644
--- a/elicit_macro/src/feature_default.rs
+++ b/elicit_macro/src/feature_default.rs
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 //  @author hanepjiv <hanepjiv@gmail.com>
 //  @copyright The MIT License (MIT) / Apache License Version 2.0
 //  @since 2024/04/25
-//  @date 2024/04/26
+//  @date 2024/11/30
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // mod  =======================================================================
-pub(crate) mod aelicit_define;
-pub(crate) mod melicit_define;
+pub mod aelicit_define;
+pub mod melicit_define;
diff --git a/elicit_macro/src/feature_default/aelicit_define.rs b/elicit_macro/src/feature_default/aelicit_define.rs
index d83fb6d..f8bfbaa 100644
--- a/elicit_macro/src/feature_default/aelicit_define.rs
+++ b/elicit_macro/src/feature_default/aelicit_define.rs
@@ -16,10 +16,7 @@ use crate::include::{
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // ============================================================================
 /// fn expand
-pub(crate) fn expand(
-    mod_ident: &Ident,
-    item: ItemTrait,
-) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
+pub fn expand(mod_ident: &Ident, item: ItemTrait) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     let define = quote_define(mod_ident, &item)?;
     let mut ret = item.into_token_stream();
@@ -33,34 +30,34 @@ fn quote_define(mod_ident: &Ident, item: &ItemTrait) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     Ok(quote! {
     mod #mod_ident {
-        mod _inner { #inner }
+    mod _inner { #inner }
-        mod _common {
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            Aelicit, AelicitBase, AelicitFromSelf,
-        };
-        }
+    mod _common {
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        Aelicit, AelicitBase, AelicitFromSelf,
+    };
+    }
-        /// mod autho
-        pub mod author {
-        pub use super::_common::*;
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            WeakAssign,
-            WeakAelicitInner,
-            AelicitFromSelfField
-        };
-        }
+    /// mod autho
+    pub mod author {
+    pub use super::_common::*;
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        WeakAssign,
+        WeakAelicitInner,
+        AelicitFromSelfField
+    };
+    }
-        /// mod user
-        pub mod user {
-        pub use super::_common::*;
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            WeakAelicit,
-            LockError, LockResult,
-            TryLockError, TryLockResult,
-            ReadGuard, WriteGuard
-        };
-        }
+    /// mod user
+    pub mod user {
+    pub use super::_common::*;
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        WeakAelicit,
+        LockError, LockResult,
+        TryLockError, TryLockResult,
+        ReadGuard, WriteGuard
+    };
+    }
@@ -73,37 +70,37 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     use std::{
-        convert::From,
-        fmt::Debug,
-        marker::Unpin,
-        pin::Pin,
-        result::Result as StdResult,
-        sync::{ OnceLock, Arc, Weak, RwLock, },
+    convert::From,
+    fmt::Debug,
+    marker::Unpin,
+    pin::Pin,
+    result::Result as StdResult,
+    sync::{ OnceLock, Arc, Weak, RwLock, },
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     pub use std::sync::{
-        LockResult, PoisonError as LockError,TryLockResult, TryLockError,
+    LockResult, PoisonError as LockError,TryLockResult, TryLockError,
     pub use elicit::{ Result as ElicitResult, Error as ElicitError };
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait AelicitBase
     pub trait AelicitBase: 'static + Unpin + Debug
-        + #orig + AelicitFromSelf + WeakAssign
+    + #orig + AelicitFromSelf + WeakAssign
-        // ================================================================
-        /// usizeptr
-        fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize;
+    // ================================================================
+    /// usizeptr
+    fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize;
     // ====================================================================
     impl<T: 'static + Unpin + Debug + #orig + AelicitFromSelf + WeakAssign>
-        AelicitBase for T
+    AelicitBase for T
-        // ================================================================
-        #[allow(trivial_casts)]
-        fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
-        self as *const _ as usize
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    #[allow(trivial_casts)]
+    fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
+    self as *const _ as usize
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
@@ -132,156 +129,156 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     pub struct WeakAelicit(WeakAelicitInner);
     // ====================================================================
     impl WeakAelicit {
-        // ================================================================
-        /// fn upgrade
-        pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<Aelicit> {
-        self.0.upgrade().map(Aelicit)
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// fn upgrade
+    pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<Aelicit> {
+    self.0.upgrade().map(Aelicit)
+    }
     // ====================================================================
     impl From<Aelicit> for WeakAelicit {
-        fn from(x: Aelicit) -> WeakAelicit {
-        x.weak()
-        }
+    fn from(x: Aelicit) -> WeakAelicit {
+    x.weak()
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait AelicitFromSelf
     pub trait AelicitFromSelf {
-        /// aelicit_from_self
-        fn aelicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Aelicit>;
+    /// aelicit_from_self
+    fn aelicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Aelicit>;
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait WeakAssign
     pub trait WeakAssign {
-        /// _weak_assign
-        fn _weak_assign(
-        &mut self,
-        weak: WeakAelicitInner,
-        ) -> ElicitResult<()>;
+    /// _weak_assign
+    fn _weak_assign(
+    &mut self,
+    weak: WeakAelicitInner,
+    ) -> ElicitResult<()>;
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// struct AelicitFromSelfField
     #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
     pub struct AelicitFromSelfField {
-        /// _weak
-        _weak: OnceLock<WeakAelicitInner>,
+    /// _weak
+    _weak: OnceLock<WeakAelicitInner>,
     // ====================================================================
     impl AelicitFromSelf for AelicitFromSelfField {
-        fn aelicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Aelicit> {
-        self._weak.get()?.upgrade().map(Aelicit)
-        }
+    fn aelicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Aelicit> {
+    self._weak.get()?.upgrade().map(Aelicit)
+    }
     // ====================================================================
     impl WeakAssign for AelicitFromSelfField {
-        fn _weak_assign(
-        &mut self,
-        weak: WeakAelicitInner,
-        ) -> ElicitResult<()> {
-        self._weak.set(weak).map_err(
-            |_| ElicitError::WeakAlreadyExists)
-        }
+    fn _weak_assign(
+    &mut self,
+    weak: WeakAelicitInner,
+    ) -> ElicitResult<()> {
+    self._weak.set(weak).map_err(
+        |_| ElicitError::WeakAlreadyExists)
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     impl Aelicit {
-        // ================================================================
-        /// new
-        #[allow(trivial_casts)]
-        pub fn new<T>(val: T) -> ElicitResult<Self>
-        where
-        T: AelicitBase,
-        {
-        let r = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Box::pin(val) as RwLockInner));
-        r.write().expect("Aelicit::new").as_mut()
-            ._weak_assign(Arc::<_>::downgrade(&r))?;
-        Ok(Aelicit(r))
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// weak
-        pub fn weak(&self) -> WeakAelicit {
-        WeakAelicit(Arc::downgrade(&self.0))
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// usizeptr
-        pub fn usizeptr<'s, 'a>(&'s self) ->
-        StdResult<usize, LockError<ReadGuard<'a>>>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        {
-        Ok(self.0.read()?.usizeptr())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// read
-        pub fn read(&self) -> LockResult<ReadGuard<'_>> {
-        self.0.read()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_read
-        pub fn try_read(&self) -> TryLockResult<ReadGuard<'_>> {
-        self.0.try_read()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// write
-        pub fn write(&self) -> LockResult<WriteGuard<'_>> {
-        self.0.write()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_write
-        pub fn try_write(&self) -> TryLockResult<WriteGuard<'_>> {
-        self.0.try_write()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// with
-        pub fn with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        E: From<LockError<ReadGuard<'a>>>,
-        {
-        f(self.read()?.as_ref().get_ref())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_with
-        pub fn try_with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        E: From<TryLockError<ReadGuard<'a>>>,
-        {
-        f(self.try_read()?.as_ref().get_ref())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// with_mut
-        pub fn with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        E: From<LockError<WriteGuard<'a>>>,
-        {
-        f(self.write()?.as_mut().get_mut())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_with_mut
-        pub fn try_with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        E: From<TryLockError<WriteGuard<'a>>>,
-        {
-        f(self.try_write()?.as_mut().get_mut())
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// new
+    #[allow(trivial_casts)]
+    pub fn new<T>(val: T) -> ElicitResult<Self>
+    where
+    T: AelicitBase,
+    {
+    let r = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Box::pin(val) as RwLockInner));
+    r.write().expect("Aelicit::new").as_mut()
+        ._weak_assign(Arc::<_>::downgrade(&r))?;
+    Ok(Aelicit(r))
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// weak
+    pub fn weak(&self) -> WeakAelicit {
+    WeakAelicit(Arc::downgrade(&self.0))
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// usizeptr
+    pub fn usizeptr<'s, 'a>(&'s self) ->
+    StdResult<usize, LockError<ReadGuard<'a>>>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    {
+    Ok(self.0.read()?.usizeptr())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// read
+    pub fn read(&self) -> LockResult<ReadGuard<'_>> {
+    self.0.read()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_read
+    pub fn try_read(&self) -> TryLockResult<ReadGuard<'_>> {
+    self.0.try_read()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// write
+    pub fn write(&self) -> LockResult<WriteGuard<'_>> {
+    self.0.write()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_write
+    pub fn try_write(&self) -> TryLockResult<WriteGuard<'_>> {
+    self.0.try_write()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// with
+    pub fn with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    E: From<LockError<ReadGuard<'a>>>,
+    {
+    f(self.read()?.as_ref().get_ref())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_with
+    pub fn try_with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    E: From<TryLockError<ReadGuard<'a>>>,
+    {
+    f(self.try_read()?.as_ref().get_ref())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// with_mut
+    pub fn with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    E: From<LockError<WriteGuard<'a>>>,
+    {
+    f(self.write()?.as_mut().get_mut())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_with_mut
+    pub fn try_with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    E: From<TryLockError<WriteGuard<'a>>>,
+    {
+    f(self.try_write()?.as_mut().get_mut())
+    }
diff --git a/elicit_macro/src/feature_default/melicit_define.rs b/elicit_macro/src/feature_default/melicit_define.rs
index 038fab5..6e9eab7 100644
--- a/elicit_macro/src/feature_default/melicit_define.rs
+++ b/elicit_macro/src/feature_default/melicit_define.rs
@@ -16,10 +16,7 @@ use crate::include::{
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // ============================================================================
 /// fn expand
-pub(crate) fn expand(
-    mod_ident: &Ident,
-    item: ItemTrait,
-) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
+pub fn expand(mod_ident: &Ident, item: ItemTrait) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     let define = quote_define(mod_ident, &item)?;
     let mut ret = item.into_token_stream();
@@ -33,34 +30,34 @@ fn quote_define(mod_ident: &Ident, item: &ItemTrait) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     Ok(quote! {
     mod #mod_ident {
-        mod _inner { #inner }
+    mod _inner { #inner }
-        mod _common {
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            Melicit, MelicitBase, MelicitFromSelf,
-        };
-        }
+    mod _common {
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        Melicit, MelicitBase, MelicitFromSelf,
+    };
+    }
-        /// mod author
-        pub mod author {
-        pub use super::_common::*;
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            WeakAssign,
-            WeakMelicitInner,
-            MelicitFromSelfField
-        };
-        }
+    /// mod author
+    pub mod author {
+    pub use super::_common::*;
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        WeakAssign,
+        WeakMelicitInner,
+        MelicitFromSelfField
+    };
+    }
-        /// mod user
-        pub mod user {
-        pub use super::_common::*;
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            WeakMelicit,
-            LockError, LockResult,
-            TryLockError, TryLockResult,
-            Guard,
-        };
-        }
+    /// mod user
+    pub mod user {
+    pub use super::_common::*;
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        WeakMelicit,
+        LockError, LockResult,
+        TryLockError, TryLockResult,
+        Guard,
+    };
+    }
@@ -73,38 +70,38 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     use std::{
-        convert::From,
-        fmt::Debug,
-        marker::Unpin,
-        pin::Pin,
-        result::Result as StdResult,
-        sync::{ OnceLock, Arc, Mutex, Weak },
+    convert::From,
+    fmt::Debug,
+    marker::Unpin,
+    pin::Pin,
+    result::Result as StdResult,
+    sync::{ OnceLock, Arc, Mutex, Weak },
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     pub use std::sync::{
-        LockResult, PoisonError as LockError,
-        TryLockResult, TryLockError,
+    LockResult, PoisonError as LockError,
+    TryLockResult, TryLockError,
     pub use elicit::{ Result as ElicitResult, Error as ElicitError };
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait MelicitBase
     pub trait MelicitBase: 'static + Unpin + Debug
-        + #orig + MelicitFromSelf + WeakAssign
+    + #orig + MelicitFromSelf + WeakAssign
-        // ================================================================
-        /// usizeptr
-        fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize;
+    // ================================================================
+    /// usizeptr
+    fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize;
     // ====================================================================
     impl<T: 'static + Unpin + Debug + #orig + MelicitFromSelf + WeakAssign>
-        MelicitBase for T
+    MelicitBase for T
-        // ================================================================
-        #[allow(trivial_casts)]
-        fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
-        self as *const _ as usize
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    #[allow(trivial_casts)]
+    fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
+    self as *const _ as usize
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
@@ -130,147 +127,147 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     pub struct WeakMelicit(WeakMelicitInner);
     // ====================================================================
     impl WeakMelicit {
-        // ================================================================
-        /// fn upgrade
-        pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<Melicit> {
-        self.0.upgrade().map(Melicit)
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// fn upgrade
+    pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<Melicit> {
+    self.0.upgrade().map(Melicit)
+    }
     // ====================================================================
     impl From<Melicit> for WeakMelicit {
-        fn from(x: Melicit) -> WeakMelicit {
-        x.weak()
-        }
+    fn from(x: Melicit) -> WeakMelicit {
+    x.weak()
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait MelicitFromSelf
     pub trait MelicitFromSelf {
-        /// melicit_from_self
-        fn melicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Melicit>;
+    /// melicit_from_self
+    fn melicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Melicit>;
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait WeakAssign
     pub trait WeakAssign {
-        /// _weak_assign
-        fn _weak_assign(
-        &mut self,
-        weak: WeakMelicitInner,
-        ) -> ElicitResult<()>;
+    /// _weak_assign
+    fn _weak_assign(
+    &mut self,
+    weak: WeakMelicitInner,
+    ) -> ElicitResult<()>;
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// struct MelicitFromSelfField
     #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
     pub struct MelicitFromSelfField {
-        /// _weak
-        _weak: OnceLock<WeakMelicitInner>,
+    /// _weak
+    _weak: OnceLock<WeakMelicitInner>,
     // ====================================================================
     impl MelicitFromSelf for MelicitFromSelfField {
-        fn melicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Melicit> {
-        self._weak.get()?.upgrade().map(Melicit)
-        }
+    fn melicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Melicit> {
+    self._weak.get()?.upgrade().map(Melicit)
+    }
     // ====================================================================
     impl WeakAssign for MelicitFromSelfField {
-        fn _weak_assign(
-        &mut self,
-        weak: WeakMelicitInner,
-        ) -> ElicitResult<()> {
-        self._weak.set(weak).map_err(
-            |_| ElicitError::WeakAlreadyExists)
-        }
+    fn _weak_assign(
+    &mut self,
+    weak: WeakMelicitInner,
+    ) -> ElicitResult<()> {
+    self._weak.set(weak).map_err(
+        |_| ElicitError::WeakAlreadyExists)
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     impl Melicit {
-        // ================================================================
-        /// new
-        #[allow(trivial_casts)]
-        pub fn new<T>(val: T) -> ElicitResult<Self>
-        where
-        T: MelicitBase,
-        {
-        let r = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Box::pin(val) as MutexInner));
-        r.lock().expect("Melicit::new").as_mut()
-            ._weak_assign(Arc::<_>::downgrade(&r))?;
-        Ok(Melicit(r))
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// weak
-        pub fn weak(&self) -> WeakMelicit {
-        WeakMelicit(Arc::downgrade(&self.0))
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// usizeptr
-        pub fn usizeptr<'s, 'a>(&'s self) ->
-        StdResult<usize, LockError<Guard<'a>>>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        {
-        Ok(self.0.lock()?.as_ref().usizeptr())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// lock
-        pub fn lock(&self) -> LockResult<Guard<'_>>
-        {
-        self.0.lock()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_lock
-        pub fn try_lock(&self) -> TryLockResult<Guard<'_>> {
-        self.0.try_lock()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// with
-        pub fn with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        E: From<LockError<Guard<'a>>>,
-        {
-        f(self.lock()?.as_ref().get_ref())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_with
-        pub fn try_with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        E: From<TryLockError<Guard<'a>>>,
-        {
-        f(self.try_lock()?.as_ref().get_ref())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// with_mut
-        pub fn with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        E: From<LockError<Guard<'a>>>,
-        {
-        f(self.lock()?.as_mut().get_mut())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_with_mut
-        pub fn try_with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        E: From<TryLockError<Guard<'a>>>,
-        {
-        f(self.try_lock()?.as_mut().get_mut())
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// new
+    #[allow(trivial_casts)]
+    pub fn new<T>(val: T) -> ElicitResult<Self>
+    where
+    T: MelicitBase,
+    {
+    let r = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Box::pin(val) as MutexInner));
+    r.lock().expect("Melicit::new").as_mut()
+        ._weak_assign(Arc::<_>::downgrade(&r))?;
+    Ok(Melicit(r))
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// weak
+    pub fn weak(&self) -> WeakMelicit {
+    WeakMelicit(Arc::downgrade(&self.0))
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// usizeptr
+    pub fn usizeptr<'s, 'a>(&'s self) ->
+    StdResult<usize, LockError<Guard<'a>>>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    {
+    Ok(self.0.lock()?.as_ref().usizeptr())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// lock
+    pub fn lock(&self) -> LockResult<Guard<'_>>
+    {
+    self.0.lock()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_lock
+    pub fn try_lock(&self) -> TryLockResult<Guard<'_>> {
+    self.0.try_lock()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// with
+    pub fn with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    E: From<LockError<Guard<'a>>>,
+    {
+    f(self.lock()?.as_ref().get_ref())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_with
+    pub fn try_with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    E: From<TryLockError<Guard<'a>>>,
+    {
+    f(self.try_lock()?.as_ref().get_ref())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// with_mut
+    pub fn with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    E: From<LockError<Guard<'a>>>,
+    {
+    f(self.lock()?.as_mut().get_mut())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_with_mut
+    pub fn try_with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    E: From<TryLockError<Guard<'a>>>,
+    {
+    f(self.try_lock()?.as_mut().get_mut())
+    }
diff --git a/elicit_macro/src/feature_parking_lot.rs b/elicit_macro/src/feature_parking_lot.rs
index 639de92..8a7c1dd 100644
--- a/elicit_macro/src/feature_parking_lot.rs
+++ b/elicit_macro/src/feature_parking_lot.rs
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 //  @author hanepjiv <hanepjiv@gmail.com>
 //  @copyright The MIT License (MIT) / Apache License Version 2.0
 //  @since 2024/04/25
-//  @date 2024/04/26
+//  @date 2024/11/30
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // mod  =======================================================================
-pub(crate) mod aelicit_define;
-pub(crate) mod melicit_define;
+pub mod aelicit_define;
+pub mod melicit_define;
diff --git a/elicit_macro/src/feature_parking_lot/aelicit_define.rs b/elicit_macro/src/feature_parking_lot/aelicit_define.rs
index aa32803..a9e3400 100644
--- a/elicit_macro/src/feature_parking_lot/aelicit_define.rs
+++ b/elicit_macro/src/feature_parking_lot/aelicit_define.rs
@@ -10,14 +10,13 @@
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // use  =======================================================================
-use crate::include::{Ident, ItemTrait, Result, ToTokens, TokenStream2, quote};
+use crate::include::{
+    quote, Ident, ItemTrait, Result, ToTokens, TokenStream2,
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // ============================================================================
 /// fn expand
-pub(crate) fn expand(
-    mod_ident: &Ident,
-    item: ItemTrait,
-) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
+pub fn expand(mod_ident: &Ident, item: ItemTrait) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     let define = quote_define(mod_ident, &item)?;
     let mut ret = item.into_token_stream();
@@ -31,32 +30,32 @@ fn quote_define(mod_ident: &Ident, item: &ItemTrait) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     Ok(quote! {
     mod #mod_ident {
-        mod _inner { #inner }
+    mod _inner { #inner }
-        mod _common {
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            Aelicit, AelicitBase, AelicitFromSelf,
-        };
-        }
+    mod _common {
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        Aelicit, AelicitBase, AelicitFromSelf,
+    };
+    }
-        /// mod autho
-        pub mod author {
-        pub use super::_common::*;
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            WeakAssign,
-            WeakAelicitInner,
-            AelicitFromSelfField
-        };
-        }
+    /// mod autho
+    pub mod author {
+    pub use super::_common::*;
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        WeakAssign,
+        WeakAelicitInner,
+        AelicitFromSelfField
+    };
+    }
-        /// mod user
-        pub mod user {
-        pub use super::_common::*;
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            WeakAelicit,
-            ReadGuard, WriteGuard
-        };
-        }
+    /// mod user
+    pub mod user {
+    pub use super::_common::*;
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        WeakAelicit,
+        ReadGuard, WriteGuard
+    };
+    }
@@ -69,12 +68,12 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     use std::{
-        convert::From,
-        fmt::Debug,
-        marker::Unpin,
-        pin::Pin,
-        result::Result as StdResult,
-        sync::{ OnceLock, Arc, Weak, },
+    convert::From,
+    fmt::Debug,
+    marker::Unpin,
+    pin::Pin,
+    result::Result as StdResult,
+    sync::{ OnceLock, Arc, Weak, },
     use elicit::RwLock;
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -83,21 +82,21 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait AelicitBase
     pub trait AelicitBase: 'static + Unpin + Debug
-        + #orig + AelicitFromSelf + WeakAssign
+    + #orig + AelicitFromSelf + WeakAssign
-        // ================================================================
-        /// usizeptr
-        fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize;
+    // ================================================================
+    /// usizeptr
+    fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize;
     // ====================================================================
     impl<T: 'static + Unpin + Debug + #orig + AelicitFromSelf + WeakAssign>
-        AelicitBase for T
+    AelicitBase for T
-        // ================================================================
-        #[allow(trivial_casts)]
-        fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
-        self as *const _ as usize
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    #[allow(trivial_casts)]
+    fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
+    self as *const _ as usize
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
@@ -126,157 +125,157 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     pub struct WeakAelicit(WeakAelicitInner);
     // ====================================================================
     impl WeakAelicit {
-        // ================================================================
-        /// fn upgrade
-        pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<Aelicit> {
-        self.0.upgrade().map(Aelicit)
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// fn upgrade
+    pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<Aelicit> {
+    self.0.upgrade().map(Aelicit)
+    }
     // ====================================================================
     impl From<Aelicit> for WeakAelicit {
-        fn from(x: Aelicit) -> WeakAelicit {
-        x.weak()
-        }
+    fn from(x: Aelicit) -> WeakAelicit {
+    x.weak()
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait AelicitFromSelf
     pub trait AelicitFromSelf {
-        /// aelicit_from_self
-        fn aelicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Aelicit>;
+    /// aelicit_from_self
+    fn aelicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Aelicit>;
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait WeakAssign
     pub trait WeakAssign {
-        /// _weak_assign
-        fn _weak_assign(
-        &mut self,
-        weak: WeakAelicitInner,
-        ) -> ElicitResult<()>;
+    /// _weak_assign
+    fn _weak_assign(
+    &mut self,
+    weak: WeakAelicitInner,
+    ) -> ElicitResult<()>;
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// struct AelicitFromSelfField
     #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
     pub struct AelicitFromSelfField {
-        /// _weak
-        _weak: OnceLock<WeakAelicitInner>,
+    /// _weak
+    _weak: OnceLock<WeakAelicitInner>,
     // ====================================================================
     impl AelicitFromSelf for AelicitFromSelfField {
-        fn aelicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Aelicit> {
-        self._weak.get()?.upgrade().map(Aelicit)
-        }
+    fn aelicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Aelicit> {
+    self._weak.get()?.upgrade().map(Aelicit)
+    }
     // ====================================================================
     impl WeakAssign for AelicitFromSelfField {
-        fn _weak_assign(
-        &mut self,
-        weak: WeakAelicitInner,
-        ) -> ElicitResult<()> {
-        self._weak.set(weak).map_err(
-            |_| ElicitError::WeakAlreadyExists)
-        }
+    fn _weak_assign(
+    &mut self,
+    weak: WeakAelicitInner,
+    ) -> ElicitResult<()> {
+    self._weak.set(weak).map_err(
+        |_| ElicitError::WeakAlreadyExists)
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     impl Aelicit {
-        // ================================================================
-        /// new
-        #[allow(trivial_casts)]
-        pub fn new<T>(val: T) -> ElicitResult<Self>
-        where
-        T: AelicitBase,
-        {
-        let r = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Box::pin(val) as RwLockInner));
-        r.write().as_mut()._weak_assign(Arc::<_>::downgrade(&r))?;
-        Ok(Aelicit(r))
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// weak
-        pub fn weak(&self) -> WeakAelicit {
-        WeakAelicit(Arc::downgrade(&self.0))
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// usizeptr
-        pub fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
-        self.0.read().as_ref().usizeptr()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// read
-        pub fn read(&self) -> ReadGuard<'_> {
-        self.0.read()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_read
-        pub fn try_read(&self) -> Option<ReadGuard<'_>> {
-        self.0.try_read()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// write
-        pub fn write(&self) -> WriteGuard<'_> {
-        self.0.write()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_write
-        pub fn try_write(&self) -> Option<WriteGuard<'_>> {
-        self.0.try_write()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// with
-        pub fn with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        {
-        f(self.read().as_ref().get_ref())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_with
-        pub fn try_with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        E: From<ElicitError>,
-        {
-        if let Some(x) = self.try_read() {
-            f(x.as_ref().get_ref())
-        } else {
-            Err(ElicitError::WouldBlock.into())
-        }
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// with_mut
-        pub fn with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        {
-        f(self.write().as_mut().get_mut())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_with_mut
-        pub fn try_with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        E: From<ElicitError>,
-        {
-        if let Some(mut x) = self.try_write() {
-            f(x.as_mut().get_mut())
-        } else {
-            Err(ElicitError::WouldBlock.into())
-        }
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// new
+    #[allow(trivial_casts)]
+    pub fn new<T>(val: T) -> ElicitResult<Self>
+    where
+    T: AelicitBase,
+    {
+    let r = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Box::pin(val) as RwLockInner));
+    r.write().as_mut()._weak_assign(Arc::<_>::downgrade(&r))?;
+    Ok(Aelicit(r))
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// weak
+    pub fn weak(&self) -> WeakAelicit {
+    WeakAelicit(Arc::downgrade(&self.0))
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// usizeptr
+    pub fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
+    self.0.read().as_ref().usizeptr()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// read
+    pub fn read(&self) -> ReadGuard<'_> {
+    self.0.read()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_read
+    pub fn try_read(&self) -> Option<ReadGuard<'_>> {
+    self.0.try_read()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// write
+    pub fn write(&self) -> WriteGuard<'_> {
+    self.0.write()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_write
+    pub fn try_write(&self) -> Option<WriteGuard<'_>> {
+    self.0.try_write()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// with
+    pub fn with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    {
+    f(self.read().as_ref().get_ref())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_with
+    pub fn try_with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    E: From<ElicitError>,
+    {
+    if let Some(x) = self.try_read() {
+        f(x.as_ref().get_ref())
+    } else {
+        Err(ElicitError::WouldBlock.into())
+    }
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// with_mut
+    pub fn with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    {
+    f(self.write().as_mut().get_mut())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_with_mut
+    pub fn try_with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn AelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    E: From<ElicitError>,
+    {
+    if let Some(mut x) = self.try_write() {
+        f(x.as_mut().get_mut())
+    } else {
+        Err(ElicitError::WouldBlock.into())
+    }
+    }
diff --git a/elicit_macro/src/feature_parking_lot/melicit_define.rs b/elicit_macro/src/feature_parking_lot/melicit_define.rs
index 0b872d6..7bde80e 100644
--- a/elicit_macro/src/feature_parking_lot/melicit_define.rs
+++ b/elicit_macro/src/feature_parking_lot/melicit_define.rs
@@ -10,14 +10,13 @@
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // use  =======================================================================
-use crate::include::{Ident, ItemTrait, Result, ToTokens, TokenStream2, quote};
+use crate::include::{
+    quote, Ident, ItemTrait, Result, ToTokens, TokenStream2,
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // ============================================================================
 /// fn expand
-pub(crate) fn expand(
-    mod_ident: &Ident,
-    item: ItemTrait,
-) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
+pub fn expand(mod_ident: &Ident, item: ItemTrait) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     let define = quote_define(mod_ident, &item)?;
     let mut ret = item.into_token_stream();
@@ -31,32 +30,32 @@ fn quote_define(mod_ident: &Ident, item: &ItemTrait) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     Ok(quote! {
     mod #mod_ident {
-        mod _inner { #inner }
+    mod _inner { #inner }
-        mod _common {
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            Melicit, MelicitBase, MelicitFromSelf,
-        };
-        }
+    mod _common {
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        Melicit, MelicitBase, MelicitFromSelf,
+    };
+    }
-        /// mod author
-        pub mod author {
-        pub use super::_common::*;
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            WeakAssign,
-            WeakMelicitInner,
-            MelicitFromSelfField
-        };
-        }
+    /// mod author
+    pub mod author {
+    pub use super::_common::*;
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        WeakAssign,
+        WeakMelicitInner,
+        MelicitFromSelfField
+    };
+    }
-        /// mod user
-        pub mod user {
-        pub use super::_common::*;
-        pub use super::_inner::{
-            WeakMelicit,
-            Guard,
-        };
-        }
+    /// mod user
+    pub mod user {
+    pub use super::_common::*;
+    pub use super::_inner::{
+        WeakMelicit,
+        Guard,
+    };
+    }
@@ -69,12 +68,12 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     use std::{
-        convert::From,
-        fmt::Debug,
-        marker::Unpin,
-        pin::Pin,
-        result::Result as StdResult,
-        sync::{ OnceLock, Arc, Weak },
+    convert::From,
+    fmt::Debug,
+    marker::Unpin,
+    pin::Pin,
+    result::Result as StdResult,
+    sync::{ OnceLock, Arc, Weak },
     use elicit::Mutex;
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -83,21 +82,21 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait MelicitBase
     pub trait MelicitBase: 'static + Unpin + Debug
-        + #orig + MelicitFromSelf + WeakAssign
+    + #orig + MelicitFromSelf + WeakAssign
-        // ================================================================
-        /// usizeptr
-        fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize;
+    // ================================================================
+    /// usizeptr
+    fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize;
     // ====================================================================
     impl<T: 'static + Unpin + Debug + #orig + MelicitFromSelf + WeakAssign>
-        MelicitBase for T
+    MelicitBase for T
-        // ================================================================
-        #[allow(trivial_casts)]
-        fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
-        self as *const _ as usize
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    #[allow(trivial_casts)]
+    fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
+    self as *const _ as usize
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
@@ -123,148 +122,148 @@ fn quote_inner(a_orig: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     pub struct WeakMelicit(WeakMelicitInner);
     // ====================================================================
     impl WeakMelicit {
-        // ================================================================
-        /// fn upgrade
-        pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<Melicit> {
-        self.0.upgrade().map(Melicit)
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// fn upgrade
+    pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<Melicit> {
+    self.0.upgrade().map(Melicit)
+    }
     // ====================================================================
     impl From<Melicit> for WeakMelicit {
-        fn from(x: Melicit) -> WeakMelicit {
-        x.weak()
-        }
+    fn from(x: Melicit) -> WeakMelicit {
+    x.weak()
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait MelicitFromSelf
     pub trait MelicitFromSelf {
-        /// melicit_from_self
-        fn melicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Melicit>;
+    /// melicit_from_self
+    fn melicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Melicit>;
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// trait WeakAssign
     pub trait WeakAssign {
-        /// _weak_assign
-        fn _weak_assign(
-        &mut self,
-        weak: WeakMelicitInner,
-        ) -> ElicitResult<()>;
+    /// _weak_assign
+    fn _weak_assign(
+    &mut self,
+    weak: WeakMelicitInner,
+    ) -> ElicitResult<()>;
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     /// struct MelicitFromSelfField
     #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
     pub struct MelicitFromSelfField {
-        /// _weak
-        _weak: OnceLock<WeakMelicitInner>,
+    /// _weak
+    _weak: OnceLock<WeakMelicitInner>,
     // ====================================================================
     impl MelicitFromSelf for MelicitFromSelfField {
-        fn melicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Melicit> {
-        self._weak.get()?.upgrade().map(Melicit)
-        }
+    fn melicit_from_self(&self) -> Option<Melicit> {
+    self._weak.get()?.upgrade().map(Melicit)
+    }
     // ====================================================================
     impl WeakAssign for MelicitFromSelfField {
-        fn _weak_assign(
-        &mut self,
-        weak: WeakMelicitInner,
-        ) -> ElicitResult<()> {
-        self._weak.set(weak).map_err(
-            |_| ElicitError::WeakAlreadyExists)
-        }
+    fn _weak_assign(
+    &mut self,
+    weak: WeakMelicitInner,
+    ) -> ElicitResult<()> {
+    self._weak.set(weak).map_err(
+        |_| ElicitError::WeakAlreadyExists)
+    }
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ====================================================================
     impl Melicit {
-        // ================================================================
-        /// new
-        #[allow(trivial_casts)]
-        pub fn new<T>(val: T) -> ElicitResult<Self>
-        where
-        T: MelicitBase,
-        {
-        let r = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Box::pin(val) as MutexInner));
-        r.lock().as_mut()._weak_assign(Arc::<_>::downgrade(&r))?;
-        Ok(Melicit(r))
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// weak
-        pub fn weak(&self) -> WeakMelicit {
-        WeakMelicit(Arc::downgrade(&self.0))
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// usizeptr
-        pub fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
-        self.0.lock().as_ref().usizeptr()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// lock
-        pub fn lock(&self) -> Guard<'_>
-        {
-        self.0.lock()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_lock
-        pub fn try_lock(&self) -> Option<Guard<'_>> {
-        self.0.try_lock()
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// with
-        pub fn with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        {
-        f(self.lock().as_ref().get_ref())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_with
-        pub fn try_with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        E: From<ElicitError>,
-        {
-        if let Some(x) = self.try_lock() {
-            f(x.as_ref().get_ref())
-        } else {
-            Err(ElicitError::WouldBlock.into())
-        }
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// with_mut
-        pub fn with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        {
-        f(self.lock().as_mut().get_mut())
-        }
-        // ================================================================
-        /// try_with_mut
-        pub fn try_with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
-        &'s self,
-        f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
-        ) -> StdResult<T, E>
-        where
-        's: 'a,
-        E: From<ElicitError>,
-        {
-        if let Some(mut x) = self.try_lock() {
-            f(x.as_mut().get_mut())
-        } else {
-            Err(ElicitError::WouldBlock.into())
-        }
-        }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// new
+    #[allow(trivial_casts)]
+    pub fn new<T>(val: T) -> ElicitResult<Self>
+    where
+    T: MelicitBase,
+    {
+    let r = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Box::pin(val) as MutexInner));
+    r.lock().as_mut()._weak_assign(Arc::<_>::downgrade(&r))?;
+    Ok(Melicit(r))
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// weak
+    pub fn weak(&self) -> WeakMelicit {
+    WeakMelicit(Arc::downgrade(&self.0))
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// usizeptr
+    pub fn usizeptr(&self) -> usize {
+    self.0.lock().as_ref().usizeptr()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// lock
+    pub fn lock(&self) -> Guard<'_>
+    {
+    self.0.lock()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_lock
+    pub fn try_lock(&self) -> Option<Guard<'_>> {
+    self.0.try_lock()
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// with
+    pub fn with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    {
+    f(self.lock().as_ref().get_ref())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_with
+    pub fn try_with<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    E: From<ElicitError>,
+    {
+    if let Some(x) = self.try_lock() {
+        f(x.as_ref().get_ref())
+    } else {
+        Err(ElicitError::WouldBlock.into())
+    }
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// with_mut
+    pub fn with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    {
+    f(self.lock().as_mut().get_mut())
+    }
+    // ================================================================
+    /// try_with_mut
+    pub fn try_with_mut<'s, 'a, T, E>(
+    &'s self,
+    f: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn MelicitBase) -> StdResult<T, E>,
+    ) -> StdResult<T, E>
+    where
+    's: 'a,
+    E: From<ElicitError>,
+    {
+    if let Some(mut x) = self.try_lock() {
+        f(x.as_mut().get_mut())
+    } else {
+        Err(ElicitError::WouldBlock.into())
+    }
+    }
diff --git a/elicit_macro/src/find_field_attr.rs b/elicit_macro/src/find_field_attr.rs
index d9e0adf..ce3eed7 100644
--- a/elicit_macro/src/find_field_attr.rs
+++ b/elicit_macro/src/find_field_attr.rs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 use crate::include::{Error, Ident, Result, Span, ToTokens, TokenStream2};
 // use  =======================================================================
-pub(crate) fn find_field_attr<T: ?Sized>(
+pub fn find_field_attr<T: ?Sized>(
     data: &syn::Data,
     ident: &T,
     ret: &mut Option<TokenStream2>,
diff --git a/elicit_macro/src/lib.rs b/elicit_macro/src/lib.rs
index 3d591f4..9a03e41 100644
--- a/elicit_macro/src/lib.rs
+++ b/elicit_macro/src/lib.rs
@@ -23,21 +23,19 @@ mod find_field_attr;
 pub(crate) mod include {
     // common  ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    pub(crate) use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream as TokenStream2};
-    pub(crate) use quote::{quote, ToTokens};
-    pub(crate) use syn::{parse_macro_input, Error};
+    pub use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream as TokenStream2};
+    pub use quote::{quote, ToTokens};
+    pub use syn::{parse_macro_input, Error};
-    pub(crate) type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
+    pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
-    pub(crate) fn into_tokens(
-        res: Result<TokenStream2>,
-    ) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
+    pub fn into_tokens(res: Result<TokenStream2>) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
     // for elicit_macro  ------------------------------------------------------
-    pub(crate) use syn::{DeriveInput, Ident, ItemTrait};
+    pub use syn::{DeriveInput, Ident, ItemTrait};
 // ============================================================================
 mod aelicit_derive;
diff --git a/elicit_macro/src/melicit_derive.rs b/elicit_macro/src/melicit_derive.rs
index 230daa9..1e6ee83 100644
--- a/elicit_macro/src/melicit_derive.rs
+++ b/elicit_macro/src/melicit_derive.rs
@@ -6,17 +6,19 @@
 //  @author hanepjiv <hanepjiv@gmail.com>
 //  @copyright The MIT License (MIT) / Apache License Version 2.0
 //  @since 2024/04/14
-//  @date 2024/11/10
+//  @date 2024/11/30
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // use  =======================================================================
-use crate::include::{DeriveInput, Error, Ident, Result, Span, ToTokens, TokenStream2, quote};
+use crate::include::{
+    quote, DeriveInput, Error, Ident, Result, Span, ToTokens, TokenStream2,
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 use crate::find_field_attr::find_field_attr;
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // ============================================================================
 /// fn expand
-pub(crate) fn expand(ast: DeriveInput) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
+pub fn expand(ast: DeriveInput) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
     let mut melicit_mod_author = Option::<TokenStream2>::default();
     let mut melicit_from_self_field = Option::<TokenStream2>::default();
@@ -59,26 +61,32 @@ struct Derived{}
     let ident = ast.ident;
-    let melicit_impl = if let Some(ref x) = melicit_from_self_field { quote! { self.#x.melicit_from_self() } } else { quote! { None } };
-    let _weak_assign_impl = if let Some(ref x) = melicit_from_self_field { quote! { self.#x._weak_assign(_weak) } } else { quote! { Ok(()) } };
+    let melicit_impl = melicit_from_self_field.as_ref().map_or_else(
+        || quote! { None },
+        |x| quote! { self.#x.melicit_from_self() },
+    );
+    let _weak_assign_impl = melicit_from_self_field.as_ref().map_or_else(
+        || quote! { Ok(()) },
+        |x| quote! { self.#x._weak_assign(_weak) },
+    );
     Ok(quote! {
     impl #melicit_mod_author :: MelicitFromSelf for #ident {
-        fn melicit_from_self(&self) ->
-        Option<#melicit_mod_author :: Melicit> {
-            #melicit_impl
-        }
+    fn melicit_from_self(&self) ->
+    Option<#melicit_mod_author :: Melicit> {
+        #melicit_impl
+    }
     impl #melicit_mod_author :: WeakAssign for #ident {
-        fn _weak_assign(
-        &mut self,
-        _weak:  #melicit_mod_author :: WeakMelicitInner,
-        ) -> elicit::Result<()> {
-        #_weak_assign_impl
-        }
+    fn _weak_assign(
+    &mut self,
+    _weak:      #melicit_mod_author :: WeakMelicitInner,
+    ) -> elicit::Result<()> {
+    #_weak_assign_impl
+    }
diff --git a/examples/aelicit.rs b/examples/aelicit.rs
index 1510371..c0d0ebc 100644
--- a/examples/aelicit.rs
+++ b/examples/aelicit.rs
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ use parking_lot as _;
 pub(crate) mod mine {
     use elicit::{aelicit_define, Aelicit};
-    pub(crate) trait Mine: Send + Sync {
+    pub trait Mine: Send + Sync {
         fn action(&self) -> i32;
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // pub(crate) use mine_aelicit::author as aelicit_author;
-    pub(crate) use mine_aelicit::user as aelicit_user;
+    pub use mine_aelicit::user as aelicit_user;
     // ========================================================================
     #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Aelicit)]
-    pub(crate) struct MineX {}
+    pub struct MineX {}
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     impl Mine for MineX {
         fn action(&self) -> i32 {
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ pub(crate) mod mine {
     #[derive(Debug, Clone, Aelicit)]
     //#[aelicit_from_self_field(_fsf)] // here
-    pub(crate) struct MineY {
+    pub struct MineY {
         #[aelicit_from_self_field] // or here
         _fsf: mine_aelicit::author::AelicitFromSelfField,
         i: i32,
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ pub(crate) mod mine {
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     impl MineY {
         pub(crate) fn new(a: i32) -> Self {
-            MineY {
+            Self {
                 _fsf: Default::default(),
                 i: a,
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ mod error {
     /// enum Error
-    pub(crate) enum Error<'a> {
+    pub enum Error<'a> {
         /// Elicit
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ mod error {
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ========================================================================
     /// type Result
-    pub(crate) type Result<'a, T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Error<'a>>;
+    pub type Result<'a, T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Error<'a>>;
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // ============================================================================
diff --git a/examples/elicit.rs b/examples/elicit.rs
index 89e16f0..af5804e 100644
--- a/examples/elicit.rs
+++ b/examples/elicit.rs
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ pub(crate) mod mine {
     use elicit::{elicit_define, Elicit};
     // ========================================================================
-    pub(crate) trait Mine {
+    pub trait Mine {
         fn action(&self) -> i32;
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // pub(crate) mine_elicit::author as elicit_author;
-    pub(crate) use mine_elicit::user as elicit_user;
+    pub use mine_elicit::user as elicit_user;
     // ========================================================================
     #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Elicit)]
-    pub(crate) struct MineX {}
+    pub struct MineX {}
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     impl Mine for MineX {
         fn action(&self) -> i32 {
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ pub(crate) mod mine {
     #[derive(Debug, Clone, Elicit)]
     // #[elicit_from_self_field(_fsf)] // here
-    pub(crate) struct MineY {
+    pub struct MineY {
         #[elicit_from_self_field] // or here
         _fsf: mine_elicit::author::ElicitFromSelfField,
         i: i32,
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ pub(crate) mod mine {
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     impl MineY {
         pub(crate) fn new(a: i32) -> Self {
-            MineY {
+            Self {
                 _fsf: Default::default(),
                 i: a,
diff --git a/examples/melicit.rs b/examples/melicit.rs
index 01463bb..c94f93d 100644
--- a/examples/melicit.rs
+++ b/examples/melicit.rs
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ pub(crate) mod mine {
     use elicit::{melicit_define, Melicit};
     // ========================================================================
-    pub(crate) trait Mine: Send {
+    pub trait Mine: Send {
         fn action(&self) -> i32;
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // pub(crate) mine_melicit::author as melicit_author;
-    pub(crate) use mine_melicit::user as melicit_user;
+    pub use mine_melicit::user as melicit_user;
     // ========================================================================
     #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Melicit)]
-    pub(crate) struct MineX {}
+    pub struct MineX {}
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     impl Mine for MineX {
         fn action(&self) -> i32 {
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ pub(crate) mod mine {
     #[derive(Debug, Clone, Melicit)]
     // #[melicit_from_self_field(_fsf)] here
-    pub(crate) struct MineY {
+    pub struct MineY {
         #[melicit_from_self_field] // or here
         _fsf: mine_melicit::author::MelicitFromSelfField,
         i: i32,
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ pub(crate) mod mine {
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     impl MineY {
         pub(crate) fn new(a: i32) -> Self {
-            MineY {
+            Self {
                 _fsf: Default::default(),
                 i: a,
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ mod error {
     /// enum Error
-    pub(crate) enum Error<'a> {
+    pub enum Error<'a> {
         /// Elicit
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ mod error {
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // ========================================================================
     /// type Result
-    pub(crate) type Result<'a, T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Error<'a>>;
+    pub type Result<'a, T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Error<'a>>;
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 // ============================================================================
diff --git a/src/error.rs b/src/error.rs
index 886ad0e..e93de1f 100644
--- a/src/error.rs
+++ b/src/error.rs
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ impl Display for Error {
 // ============================================================================
 impl From<std::cell::BorrowError> for Error {
     fn from(e: std::cell::BorrowError) -> Self {
-        Error::Borrow(e)
+        Self::Borrow(e)
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 impl From<std::cell::BorrowMutError> for Error {
     fn from(e: std::cell::BorrowMutError) -> Self {
-        Error::BorrowMut(e)
+        Self::BorrowMut(e)
 // ============================================================================
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ impl StdError for Error {
     // ========================================================================
     fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn StdError + 'static)> {
         match *self {
-            Error::WouldBlock | Error::WeakAlreadyExists => None,
-            Error::Borrow(ref e) => Some(e),
-            Error::BorrowMut(ref e) => Some(e),
+            Self::WouldBlock | Self::WeakAlreadyExists => None,
+            Self::Borrow(ref e) => Some(e),
+            Self::BorrowMut(ref e) => Some(e),
@@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ mod tests {
     use super::Error;
     // ========================================================================
-    fn test_send() {
-        fn assert_send<T: Send>() {}
+    const fn test_send() {
+        const fn assert_send<T: Send>() {}
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    fn test_sync() {
-        fn assert_sync<T: Sync>() {}
+    const fn test_sync() {
+        const fn assert_sync<T: Sync>() {}