This is one improved version of original verilog mode There are several issues in origional version:
- doesn't work on windows
- need enter "any key" twice to continue
- doesn't work for systemverilog
Plug 'zhuzhzh/verilog_emacsauto.vim', {'for': ['verilog', 'systemverilog'] }
Plugin 'zhuzhzh/verilog_emacsauto.vim'
In order to work on windows, you need to install unix bins for windows. Actually, git-for-windows already contains it. Please add the path like D:\Git\usr\bin to system variable PATH The bin path including emacs also needs to be added to PATH if it still doesn't work , please consider to use the absolute path.
function s:Add()
if &expandtab
let s:save_tabstop = &tabstop
let &tabstop=8
" a tmp file is need 'cause emacs doesn't support the stdin to stdout flow
" maybe add /tmp to the temporary filename
w! %.emacsautotmp
!"D:\Program Files\emacs\bin\emacs.exe" -batch -l "D:\Program Files\emacs\share\emacs\site-lisp\verilog-mode.el" %.emacsautotmp -f verilog-batch-auto
%!"D:\Git\usr\bin\cat.exe" %.emacsautotmp
if &expandtab
let &tabstop=s:save_tabstop
!"D:\Git\usr\bin\rm.exe" %.emacsautotmp
Two emacs verilog-mode functions are mapped.
- <Leader>a expands all the verilog-mode autos (similar to C-c C-a in emacs).
- <Leader>d collapses all the verilog-mode autos (similar to C-c C-d in emacs).