Writing a boolean expression parser in Elixir using NimbleParsec - 2018
https://www.bottlecaps.de/rr/ui -> See diagrams for an EBNF grammar
Markdown parser:
- https://doc.botsquad.com/bubblescript/statements/
- https://github.com/colocolo317/farmbot/tree/master/lib/farmbot/celery_script (https://developer.farm.bot/docs/celery-script)
- https://pl-rants.net/posts/leex-yecc-in-elixir/
- https://github.com/ympons/expreso/tree/master/src
- https://github.com/mischov/meeseeks/tree/master/src
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHFwdsPgAEU - Introducing Leex annd Yeec - 2019/03
- Saša Jurić - Parsing from first principles - WebCamp Zagreb 2019
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMZLBB_BFNg - "Parser Parser Combinators for Program Transformation" by Rijnard van Tonder
- https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/elixir-libraries/bbcode - ---
( --- / 0 commits / 0 stars ) - alejandroerik/ale8583 - ISO8583(MasterC and PROSA) parser for ELIXIR language.
( 2018-11-08 / 23 commits / 3 stars ) - alexdesousa/ayesql - Library for using raw SQL in Elixir
( 2020-02-15 / 29 commits / 13 stars ) - altenwald/sqlparser - SQL Parsers
( 2018-04-10 / 17 commits / 2 stars ) - ArcBlock/rule-parser - rule parser that are used for various places for forge framework
( 2019-11-07 / 8 commits / 1 stars ) - arjan/ast_ninja - The Elixir AST explorer
( 2020-01-28 / 84 commits / 32 stars ) - arjan/idefix -
( 2020-01-31 / 7 commits / 0 stars ) - atamis/ironic-space-lisp - Stepped lisp interpreter in Rust.
( 2019-12-19 / 257 commits / 0 stars ) - barruumrex/marshal - Decode Ruby Marshal format in Elixir
( 2016-06-25 / 66 commits / 1 stars ) - bettyblocks/liquid-elixir - Logic-less templating engine in Elixir (patterned after Liquid)
( 2019-01-22 / 243 commits / 74 stars ) - bitwalker/combine - A parser combinator library for Elixir projects
( 2017-09-26 / 152 commits / 159 stars ) - botsquad/match_engine - In-memory matching/filtering engine with Mongo-like query syntax
( 2020-01-11 / 46 commits / 5 stars ) - christopher-dG/osu-ex - osu! tools for Elixir
( 2019-03-13 / 9 commits / 0 stars ) - dashbitco/nimble_parsec - A simple and fast library for text-based parser combinators
( 2020-02-23 / 154 commits / 423 stars ) - edgurgel/solid - Liquid template engine in Elixir
( 2020-02-23 / 143 commits / 38 stars ) - elixirscript/elixir-estree - The ESTree Nodes and JavaScript AST to JavaScript Code Generator in Elixir
( 2019-07-29 / 104 commits / 81 stars ) - elixirscript/elixirscript - Converts Elixir to JavaScript
( 2019-08-20 / 1363 commits / 1.4e3 stars ) - fireblast-ui/fireblast - Fireblast is a html component library that uses a JSX like syntax
( 2019-11-05 / 37 commits / 0 stars ) - ianrumford/plymio_ast - Utility Function for Elixir Asts (Quoted Forms)
( 2017-11-15 / 4 commits / 2 stars ) - ianrumford/plymio_ast_vorm - Managing a Collection of Quoted Forms (Asts)
( 2017-11-22 / 2 commits / 0 stars ) - ianrumford/plymio_option - Utility Functions for Managing Keyword Options
( 2017-11-22 / 4 commits / 0 stars ) - joshnuss/blip - A fault-tolerant and concurrent StatsD server
( 2019-08-19 / 40 commits / 26 stars ) - joshuawscott/rdb_parser - Redis .rdb backup file parsing
( 2018-05-07 / 32 commits / 0 stars ) - jtmoulia/neotomex - A PEG parser/transformer with a pleasant Elixir DSL.
( 2020-02-14 / 56 commits / 58 stars ) - kipcole9/abnf - ABNF parser for Elixir
( 2018-07-19 / 36 commits / 1 stars ) - kipcole9/vcard - VCard in Elixir
( 2018-12-28 / 20 commits / 3 stars ) - LostKobrakai/filter_query_parser - Small library to handle parsing of github style filter queries.
( 2018-11-02 / 4 commits / 0 stars ) - lpil/yesql - An Elixir library for using SQL.
( 2019-10-21 / 12 commits / 48 stars ) - luc-tielen/xml_parsec - XML parser based on parser combinators, written in pure Elixir
( 2018-03-15 / 35 commits / 3 stars ) - lukad/bf - bf is a Brainfuck interpreter written in Elixir.
( 2019-08-19 / 56 commits / 3 stars ) - m1dnight/bibtex_parser - A BibTex parser in Elixir, using NimbleParsec.
( 2019-08-04 / 12 commits / 0 stars ) - m1dnight/weechat-parser - Parser for Weechat log files in Elixir/Nimble.
( 2019-10-01 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - MainShayne233/type_resolve -
( 2019-10-22 / 21 commits / 1 stars ) - marcelog/ex_abnf - Parser for ABNF Grammars
( 2017-01-22 / 93 commits / 52 stars ) - marianoguerra/erldn - edn format parser for the erlang platform
( 2018-11-29 / 34 commits / 26 stars ) - markglenn/liquex - Liquid template processor for Elixir
( 2020-02-17 / 33 commits / 1 stars ) - msaraiva/surface - An experimental component based library for Phoenix LiveView
( 2020-03-02 / 126 commits / 317 stars ) - mtannaan/elixpath - JSONPath-like operations for Elixir's native data structure
( 2019-06-02 / 22 commits / 7 stars ) - narrowtux/abacus - Parses and evaluates mathematical expressions in Elixir. Inspired by math.js
( 2018-06-05 / 44 commits / 34 stars ) - narrowtux/loppers - Validate quoted elixir code against a function whitelist
( 2019-04-16 / 19 commits / 2 stars ) - olafura/beam_to_ex_ast - Erlang AST to Elixir AST
( 2019-12-09 / 88 commits / 14 stars ) - OvermindDL1/ex_parsing_benchmark -
( 2017-02-09 / 3 commits / 1 stars ) - OvermindDL1/ex_spirit -
( 2018-02-28 / 66 commits / 25 stars ) - OvermindDL1/llixer -
( 2017-10-12 / 11 commits / 2 stars ) - OvermindDL1/protocol_ex - Elixir Extended Protocol
( 2019-08-09 / 98 commits / 25 stars ) - OvermindDL1/safe_script - Simple languages designed for embedded scripting in Elixir
( 2017-06-24 / 9 commits / 4 stars ) - OvermindDL1/typed_elixir -
( 2017-05-12 / 30 commits / 17 stars ) - podlove/chapters - Elixir library to parse and format podcast chapters marks
( 2019-07-12 / 24 commits / 0 stars ) - princemaple/abnf_parsec - ABNF in, parser out
( 2020-02-24 / 61 commits / 24 stars ) - radar/chronic -
( 2018-10-04 / 80 commits / 27 stars ) - rbkmoney/abnfc - An ABNF parser generator for Erlang.
( 2020-02-17 / 47 commits / 1 stars ) - SamWoolerton/parser-elixir - A proof-of-concept equation parser written in Elixir.
( 2020-02-09 / 17 commits / 0 stars ) - saulecabrera/leibniz - Math expression parser and evaluator
( 2018-05-06 / 16 commits / 21 stars ) - seancribbs/neotoma - Erlang library and packrat parser-generator for parsing expression grammars.
( 2016-04-07 / 139 commits / 281 stars ) - serverboards/exosql - Generic SQL engine in Elixir that uses generic data extractors
( 2019-06-21 / 360 commits / 50 stars ) - slapers/ex_sel - Simple runtime expression language for elixir
( 2018-08-18 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - slime-lang/slime - Minimalistic HTML templates for Elixir, inspired by Slim.
( 2020-02-19 / 245 commits / 288 stars ) - sschneider1207/benx - Fast Elixir parser for the Bencoding spec.
( 2017-01-11 / 13 commits / 1 stars ) - taxjar/date_time_parser - Parse strings into DateTime, NaiveDateTime, Date, or Time https://hexdocs.pm/date_time_parser
( 2020-02-25 / 69 commits / 44 stars ) - tmbb/ex_spirit_tutorial - ExSpirit Tutorial
( 2017-10-16 / 3 commits / 1 stars ) - tmbb/ex_to_erl - Convert Elixir expressions into Erlang
( 2019-07-29 / 3 commits / 2 stars ) - tmbb/expo - PO file parser for Elixir
( 2019-09-10 / 5 commits / 1 stars ) - tmbb/guaxinim - Literate programming for Elixir, inspired by Docco and Pycooon
( 2017-10-29 / 11 commits / 5 stars ) - tmbb/makeup - Syntax highlighter for elixir inspired by Pygments
( 2020-01-02 / 67 commits / 83 stars ) - tmbb/makeup_elixir - Elixir language support for makeup
( 2020-01-14 / 60 commits / 10 stars ) - tmbb/makeup_erlang - Erlang lexer for makeup
( 2020-01-14 / 25 commits / 1 stars ) - tmbb/makeup_html5 -
( 2017-08-30 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - tmbb/makeup_lexer_cookiecutter -
( 2018-05-10 / 4 commits / 0 stars ) - tyrchen/common_parser - General parsers for various use cases
( 2019-05-03 / 4 commits / 2 stars ) - usecanvas/searchql - Search query parser written in Elixir
( 2016-12-28 / 42 commits / 26 stars ) - usecanvas/searchql - Search query parser written in Elixir
( 2016-12-28 / 42 commits / 26 stars ) - voltone/plug_signature - Plug for verifying request signatures according to the IETF HTTP signatures draft specification
( 2020-01-01 / 2 commits / 3 stars ) - wojtekmach/calendar_recurrence - Recurrence is an Elixir library for working with recurring dates
( 2018-12-20 / 21 commits / 14 stars ) - ympons/expreso - A boolean expression parser and evaluator in Elixir.
( 2020-01-22 / 24 commits / 42 stars ) - zweifisch/eno - Lightweight SQL toolkit for Elixir
( 2016-05-07 / 7 commits / 8 stars ) - https://gitlab.com/ryo33/Parselix - ---
( --- / 0 commits / 0 stars )
- elixirscript/elixirscript - Converts Elixir to JavaScript
(1363 commits / 1.4e3 stars / 2019-08-20 ) - serverboards/exosql - Generic SQL engine in Elixir that uses generic data extractors
(360 commits / 50 stars / 2019-06-21 ) - atamis/ironic-space-lisp - Stepped lisp interpreter in Rust.
(257 commits / 0 stars / 2019-12-19 ) - slime-lang/slime - Minimalistic HTML templates for Elixir, inspired by Slim.
(245 commits / 288 stars / 2020-02-19 ) - bettyblocks/liquid-elixir - Logic-less templating engine in Elixir (patterned after Liquid)
(243 commits / 74 stars / 2019-01-22 ) - dashbitco/nimble_parsec - A simple and fast library for text-based parser combinators
(154 commits / 423 stars / 2020-02-23 ) - bitwalker/combine - A parser combinator library for Elixir projects
(152 commits / 159 stars / 2017-09-26 ) - edgurgel/solid - Liquid template engine in Elixir
(143 commits / 38 stars / 2020-02-23 ) - seancribbs/neotoma - Erlang library and packrat parser-generator for parsing expression grammars.
(139 commits / 281 stars / 2016-04-07 ) - msaraiva/surface - An experimental component based library for Phoenix LiveView
(126 commits / 317 stars / 2020-03-02 ) - elixirscript/elixir-estree - The ESTree Nodes and JavaScript AST to JavaScript Code Generator in Elixir
(104 commits / 81 stars / 2019-07-29 ) - OvermindDL1/protocol_ex - Elixir Extended Protocol
(98 commits / 25 stars / 2019-08-09 ) - marcelog/ex_abnf - Parser for ABNF Grammars
(93 commits / 52 stars / 2017-01-22 ) - olafura/beam_to_ex_ast - Erlang AST to Elixir AST
(88 commits / 14 stars / 2019-12-09 ) - arjan/ast_ninja - The Elixir AST explorer
(84 commits / 32 stars / 2020-01-28 ) - radar/chronic -
(80 commits / 27 stars / 2018-10-04 ) - taxjar/date_time_parser - Parse strings into DateTime, NaiveDateTime, Date, or Time https://hexdocs.pm/date_time_parser
(69 commits / 44 stars / 2020-02-25 ) - tmbb/makeup - Syntax highlighter for elixir inspired by Pygments
(67 commits / 83 stars / 2020-01-02 ) - barruumrex/marshal - Decode Ruby Marshal format in Elixir
(66 commits / 1 stars / 2016-06-25 ) - OvermindDL1/ex_spirit -
(66 commits / 25 stars / 2018-02-28 ) - princemaple/abnf_parsec - ABNF in, parser out
(61 commits / 24 stars / 2020-02-24 ) - tmbb/makeup_elixir - Elixir language support for makeup
(60 commits / 10 stars / 2020-01-14 ) - jtmoulia/neotomex - A PEG parser/transformer with a pleasant Elixir DSL.
(56 commits / 58 stars / 2020-02-14 ) - lukad/bf - bf is a Brainfuck interpreter written in Elixir.
(56 commits / 3 stars / 2019-08-19 ) - rbkmoney/abnfc - An ABNF parser generator for Erlang.
(47 commits / 1 stars / 2020-02-17 ) - botsquad/match_engine - In-memory matching/filtering engine with Mongo-like query syntax
(46 commits / 5 stars / 2020-01-11 ) - narrowtux/abacus - Parses and evaluates mathematical expressions in Elixir. Inspired by math.js
(44 commits / 34 stars / 2018-06-05 ) - usecanvas/searchql - Search query parser written in Elixir
(42 commits / 26 stars / 2016-12-28 ) - usecanvas/searchql - Search query parser written in Elixir
(42 commits / 26 stars / 2016-12-28 ) - joshnuss/blip - A fault-tolerant and concurrent StatsD server
(40 commits / 26 stars / 2019-08-19 ) - fireblast-ui/fireblast - Fireblast is a html component library that uses a JSX like syntax
(37 commits / 0 stars / 2019-11-05 ) - kipcole9/abnf - ABNF parser for Elixir
(36 commits / 1 stars / 2018-07-19 ) - luc-tielen/xml_parsec - XML parser based on parser combinators, written in pure Elixir
(35 commits / 3 stars / 2018-03-15 ) - marianoguerra/erldn - edn format parser for the erlang platform
(34 commits / 26 stars / 2018-11-29 ) - markglenn/liquex - Liquid template processor for Elixir
(33 commits / 1 stars / 2020-02-17 ) - joshuawscott/rdb_parser - Redis .rdb backup file parsing
(32 commits / 0 stars / 2018-05-07 ) - OvermindDL1/typed_elixir -
(30 commits / 17 stars / 2017-05-12 ) - alexdesousa/ayesql - Library for using raw SQL in Elixir
(29 commits / 13 stars / 2020-02-15 ) - tmbb/makeup_erlang - Erlang lexer for makeup
(25 commits / 1 stars / 2020-01-14 ) - podlove/chapters - Elixir library to parse and format podcast chapters marks
(24 commits / 0 stars / 2019-07-12 ) - ympons/expreso - A boolean expression parser and evaluator in Elixir.
(24 commits / 42 stars / 2020-01-22 ) - alejandroerik/ale8583 - ISO8583(MasterC and PROSA) parser for ELIXIR language.
(23 commits / 3 stars / 2018-11-08 ) - mtannaan/elixpath - JSONPath-like operations for Elixir's native data structure
(22 commits / 7 stars / 2019-06-02 ) - MainShayne233/type_resolve -
(21 commits / 1 stars / 2019-10-22 ) - wojtekmach/calendar_recurrence - Recurrence is an Elixir library for working with recurring dates
(21 commits / 14 stars / 2018-12-20 ) - kipcole9/vcard - VCard in Elixir
(20 commits / 3 stars / 2018-12-28 ) - narrowtux/loppers - Validate quoted elixir code against a function whitelist
(19 commits / 2 stars / 2019-04-16 ) - altenwald/sqlparser - SQL Parsers
(17 commits / 2 stars / 2018-04-10 ) - SamWoolerton/parser-elixir - A proof-of-concept equation parser written in Elixir.
(17 commits / 0 stars / 2020-02-09 ) - saulecabrera/leibniz - Math expression parser and evaluator
(16 commits / 21 stars / 2018-05-06 ) - sschneider1207/benx - Fast Elixir parser for the Bencoding spec.
(13 commits / 1 stars / 2017-01-11 ) - lpil/yesql - An Elixir library for using SQL.
(12 commits / 48 stars / 2019-10-21 ) - m1dnight/bibtex_parser - A BibTex parser in Elixir, using NimbleParsec.
(12 commits / 0 stars / 2019-08-04 ) - OvermindDL1/llixer -
(11 commits / 2 stars / 2017-10-12 ) - tmbb/guaxinim - Literate programming for Elixir, inspired by Docco and Pycooon
(11 commits / 5 stars / 2017-10-29 ) - christopher-dG/osu-ex - osu! tools for Elixir
(9 commits / 0 stars / 2019-03-13 ) - OvermindDL1/safe_script - Simple languages designed for embedded scripting in Elixir
(9 commits / 4 stars / 2017-06-24 ) - ArcBlock/rule-parser - rule parser that are used for various places for forge framework
(8 commits / 1 stars / 2019-11-07 ) - arjan/idefix -
(7 commits / 0 stars / 2020-01-31 ) - zweifisch/eno - Lightweight SQL toolkit for Elixir
(7 commits / 8 stars / 2016-05-07 ) - tmbb/expo - PO file parser for Elixir
(5 commits / 1 stars / 2019-09-10 ) - ianrumford/plymio_option - Utility Functions for Managing Keyword Options
(4 commits / 0 stars / 2017-11-22 ) - ianrumford/plymio_ast - Utility Function for Elixir Asts (Quoted Forms)
(4 commits / 2 stars / 2017-11-15 ) - LostKobrakai/filter_query_parser - Small library to handle parsing of github style filter queries.
(4 commits / 0 stars / 2018-11-02 ) - tmbb/makeup_lexer_cookiecutter -
(4 commits / 0 stars / 2018-05-10 ) - tyrchen/common_parser - General parsers for various use cases
(4 commits / 2 stars / 2019-05-03 ) - m1dnight/weechat-parser - Parser for Weechat log files in Elixir/Nimble.
(3 commits / 0 stars / 2019-10-01 ) - OvermindDL1/ex_parsing_benchmark -
(3 commits / 1 stars / 2017-02-09 ) - tmbb/ex_spirit_tutorial - ExSpirit Tutorial
(3 commits / 1 stars / 2017-10-16 ) - tmbb/ex_to_erl - Convert Elixir expressions into Erlang
(3 commits / 2 stars / 2019-07-29 ) - tmbb/makeup_html5 -
(3 commits / 0 stars / 2017-08-30 ) - ianrumford/plymio_ast_vorm - Managing a Collection of Quoted Forms (Asts)
(2 commits / 0 stars / 2017-11-22 ) - voltone/plug_signature - Plug for verifying request signatures according to the IETF HTTP signatures draft specification
(2 commits / 3 stars / 2020-01-01 ) - slapers/ex_sel - Simple runtime expression language for elixir
(1 commits / 1 stars / 2018-08-18 ) - https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/elixir-libraries/bbcode - ---
(0 commits / 0 stars / --- ) - https://gitlab.com/ryo33/Parselix - ---
(0 commits / 0 stars / --- )
- msaraiva/surface - An experimental component based library for Phoenix LiveView
( 2020-03-02 / 126 commits / 317 stars ) - taxjar/date_time_parser - Parse strings into DateTime, NaiveDateTime, Date, or Time https://hexdocs.pm/date_time_parser
( 2020-02-25 / 69 commits / 44 stars ) - princemaple/abnf_parsec - ABNF in, parser out
( 2020-02-24 / 61 commits / 24 stars ) - edgurgel/solid - Liquid template engine in Elixir
( 2020-02-23 / 143 commits / 38 stars ) - dashbitco/nimble_parsec - A simple and fast library for text-based parser combinators
( 2020-02-23 / 154 commits / 423 stars ) - slime-lang/slime - Minimalistic HTML templates for Elixir, inspired by Slim.
( 2020-02-19 / 245 commits / 288 stars ) - markglenn/liquex - Liquid template processor for Elixir
( 2020-02-17 / 33 commits / 1 stars ) - rbkmoney/abnfc - An ABNF parser generator for Erlang.
( 2020-02-17 / 47 commits / 1 stars ) - alexdesousa/ayesql - Library for using raw SQL in Elixir
( 2020-02-15 / 29 commits / 13 stars ) - jtmoulia/neotomex - A PEG parser/transformer with a pleasant Elixir DSL.
( 2020-02-14 / 56 commits / 58 stars ) - SamWoolerton/parser-elixir - A proof-of-concept equation parser written in Elixir.
( 2020-02-09 / 17 commits / 0 stars ) - arjan/idefix -
( 2020-01-31 / 7 commits / 0 stars ) - arjan/ast_ninja - The Elixir AST explorer
( 2020-01-28 / 84 commits / 32 stars ) - ympons/expreso - A boolean expression parser and evaluator in Elixir.
( 2020-01-22 / 24 commits / 42 stars ) - tmbb/makeup_erlang - Erlang lexer for makeup
( 2020-01-14 / 25 commits / 1 stars ) - tmbb/makeup_elixir - Elixir language support for makeup
( 2020-01-14 / 60 commits / 10 stars ) - botsquad/match_engine - In-memory matching/filtering engine with Mongo-like query syntax
( 2020-01-11 / 46 commits / 5 stars ) - tmbb/makeup - Syntax highlighter for elixir inspired by Pygments
( 2020-01-02 / 67 commits / 83 stars ) - voltone/plug_signature - Plug for verifying request signatures according to the IETF HTTP signatures draft specification
( 2020-01-01 / 2 commits / 3 stars ) - atamis/ironic-space-lisp - Stepped lisp interpreter in Rust.
( 2019-12-19 / 257 commits / 0 stars ) - olafura/beam_to_ex_ast - Erlang AST to Elixir AST
( 2019-12-09 / 88 commits / 14 stars ) - ArcBlock/rule-parser - rule parser that are used for various places for forge framework
( 2019-11-07 / 8 commits / 1 stars ) - fireblast-ui/fireblast - Fireblast is a html component library that uses a JSX like syntax
( 2019-11-05 / 37 commits / 0 stars ) - MainShayne233/type_resolve -
( 2019-10-22 / 21 commits / 1 stars ) - lpil/yesql - An Elixir library for using SQL.
( 2019-10-21 / 12 commits / 48 stars ) - m1dnight/weechat-parser - Parser for Weechat log files in Elixir/Nimble.
( 2019-10-01 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - tmbb/expo - PO file parser for Elixir
( 2019-09-10 / 5 commits / 1 stars ) - elixirscript/elixirscript - Converts Elixir to JavaScript
( 2019-08-20 / 1363 commits / 1.4e3 stars ) - joshnuss/blip - A fault-tolerant and concurrent StatsD server
( 2019-08-19 / 40 commits / 26 stars ) - lukad/bf - bf is a Brainfuck interpreter written in Elixir.
( 2019-08-19 / 56 commits / 3 stars ) - OvermindDL1/protocol_ex - Elixir Extended Protocol
( 2019-08-09 / 98 commits / 25 stars ) - m1dnight/bibtex_parser - A BibTex parser in Elixir, using NimbleParsec.
( 2019-08-04 / 12 commits / 0 stars ) - tmbb/ex_to_erl - Convert Elixir expressions into Erlang
( 2019-07-29 / 3 commits / 2 stars ) - elixirscript/elixir-estree - The ESTree Nodes and JavaScript AST to JavaScript Code Generator in Elixir
( 2019-07-29 / 104 commits / 81 stars ) - podlove/chapters - Elixir library to parse and format podcast chapters marks
( 2019-07-12 / 24 commits / 0 stars ) - serverboards/exosql - Generic SQL engine in Elixir that uses generic data extractors
( 2019-06-21 / 360 commits / 50 stars ) - mtannaan/elixpath - JSONPath-like operations for Elixir's native data structure
( 2019-06-02 / 22 commits / 7 stars ) - tyrchen/common_parser - General parsers for various use cases
( 2019-05-03 / 4 commits / 2 stars ) - narrowtux/loppers - Validate quoted elixir code against a function whitelist
( 2019-04-16 / 19 commits / 2 stars ) - christopher-dG/osu-ex - osu! tools for Elixir
( 2019-03-13 / 9 commits / 0 stars ) - bettyblocks/liquid-elixir - Logic-less templating engine in Elixir (patterned after Liquid)
( 2019-01-22 / 243 commits / 74 stars ) - kipcole9/vcard - VCard in Elixir
( 2018-12-28 / 20 commits / 3 stars ) - wojtekmach/calendar_recurrence - Recurrence is an Elixir library for working with recurring dates
( 2018-12-20 / 21 commits / 14 stars ) - marianoguerra/erldn - edn format parser for the erlang platform
( 2018-11-29 / 34 commits / 26 stars ) - alejandroerik/ale8583 - ISO8583(MasterC and PROSA) parser for ELIXIR language.
( 2018-11-08 / 23 commits / 3 stars ) - LostKobrakai/filter_query_parser - Small library to handle parsing of github style filter queries.
( 2018-11-02 / 4 commits / 0 stars ) - radar/chronic -
( 2018-10-04 / 80 commits / 27 stars ) - slapers/ex_sel - Simple runtime expression language for elixir
( 2018-08-18 / 1 commits / 1 stars ) - kipcole9/abnf - ABNF parser for Elixir
( 2018-07-19 / 36 commits / 1 stars ) - narrowtux/abacus - Parses and evaluates mathematical expressions in Elixir. Inspired by math.js
( 2018-06-05 / 44 commits / 34 stars ) - tmbb/makeup_lexer_cookiecutter -
( 2018-05-10 / 4 commits / 0 stars ) - joshuawscott/rdb_parser - Redis .rdb backup file parsing
( 2018-05-07 / 32 commits / 0 stars ) - saulecabrera/leibniz - Math expression parser and evaluator
( 2018-05-06 / 16 commits / 21 stars ) - altenwald/sqlparser - SQL Parsers
( 2018-04-10 / 17 commits / 2 stars ) - luc-tielen/xml_parsec - XML parser based on parser combinators, written in pure Elixir
( 2018-03-15 / 35 commits / 3 stars ) - OvermindDL1/ex_spirit -
( 2018-02-28 / 66 commits / 25 stars ) - ianrumford/plymio_ast_vorm - Managing a Collection of Quoted Forms (Asts)
( 2017-11-22 / 2 commits / 0 stars ) - ianrumford/plymio_option - Utility Functions for Managing Keyword Options
( 2017-11-22 / 4 commits / 0 stars ) - ianrumford/plymio_ast - Utility Function for Elixir Asts (Quoted Forms)
( 2017-11-15 / 4 commits / 2 stars ) - tmbb/guaxinim - Literate programming for Elixir, inspired by Docco and Pycooon
( 2017-10-29 / 11 commits / 5 stars ) - tmbb/ex_spirit_tutorial - ExSpirit Tutorial
( 2017-10-16 / 3 commits / 1 stars ) - OvermindDL1/llixer -
( 2017-10-12 / 11 commits / 2 stars ) - bitwalker/combine - A parser combinator library for Elixir projects
( 2017-09-26 / 152 commits / 159 stars ) - tmbb/makeup_html5 -
( 2017-08-30 / 3 commits / 0 stars ) - OvermindDL1/safe_script - Simple languages designed for embedded scripting in Elixir
( 2017-06-24 / 9 commits / 4 stars ) - OvermindDL1/typed_elixir -
( 2017-05-12 / 30 commits / 17 stars ) - OvermindDL1/ex_parsing_benchmark -
( 2017-02-09 / 3 commits / 1 stars ) - marcelog/ex_abnf - Parser for ABNF Grammars
( 2017-01-22 / 93 commits / 52 stars ) - sschneider1207/benx - Fast Elixir parser for the Bencoding spec.
( 2017-01-11 / 13 commits / 1 stars ) - usecanvas/searchql - Search query parser written in Elixir
( 2016-12-28 / 42 commits / 26 stars ) - usecanvas/searchql - Search query parser written in Elixir
( 2016-12-28 / 42 commits / 26 stars ) - barruumrex/marshal - Decode Ruby Marshal format in Elixir
( 2016-06-25 / 66 commits / 1 stars ) - zweifisch/eno - Lightweight SQL toolkit for Elixir
( 2016-05-07 / 7 commits / 8 stars ) - seancribbs/neotoma - Erlang library and packrat parser-generator for parsing expression grammars.
( 2016-04-07 / 139 commits / 281 stars ) - https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/elixir-libraries/bbcode - ---
( --- / 0 commits / 0 stars ) - https://gitlab.com/ryo33/Parselix - ---
( --- / 0 commits / 0 stars )
- elixirscript/elixirscript - Converts Elixir to JavaScript
(1.4e3 stars / 2019-08-20 / 1363 commits ) - dashbitco/nimble_parsec - A simple and fast library for text-based parser combinators
(423 stars / 2020-02-23 / 154 commits ) - msaraiva/surface - An experimental component based library for Phoenix LiveView
(317 stars / 2020-03-02 / 126 commits ) - slime-lang/slime - Minimalistic HTML templates for Elixir, inspired by Slim.
(288 stars / 2020-02-19 / 245 commits ) - seancribbs/neotoma - Erlang library and packrat parser-generator for parsing expression grammars.
(281 stars / 2016-04-07 / 139 commits ) - bitwalker/combine - A parser combinator library for Elixir projects
(159 stars / 2017-09-26 / 152 commits ) - tmbb/makeup - Syntax highlighter for elixir inspired by Pygments
(83 stars / 2020-01-02 / 67 commits ) - elixirscript/elixir-estree - The ESTree Nodes and JavaScript AST to JavaScript Code Generator in Elixir
(81 stars / 2019-07-29 / 104 commits ) - bettyblocks/liquid-elixir - Logic-less templating engine in Elixir (patterned after Liquid)
(74 stars / 2019-01-22 / 243 commits ) - jtmoulia/neotomex - A PEG parser/transformer with a pleasant Elixir DSL.
(58 stars / 2020-02-14 / 56 commits ) - marcelog/ex_abnf - Parser for ABNF Grammars
(52 stars / 2017-01-22 / 93 commits ) - serverboards/exosql - Generic SQL engine in Elixir that uses generic data extractors
(50 stars / 2019-06-21 / 360 commits ) - lpil/yesql - An Elixir library for using SQL.
(48 stars / 2019-10-21 / 12 commits ) - taxjar/date_time_parser - Parse strings into DateTime, NaiveDateTime, Date, or Time https://hexdocs.pm/date_time_parser
(44 stars / 2020-02-25 / 69 commits ) - ympons/expreso - A boolean expression parser and evaluator in Elixir.
(42 stars / 2020-01-22 / 24 commits ) - edgurgel/solid - Liquid template engine in Elixir
(38 stars / 2020-02-23 / 143 commits ) - narrowtux/abacus - Parses and evaluates mathematical expressions in Elixir. Inspired by math.js
(34 stars / 2018-06-05 / 44 commits ) - arjan/ast_ninja - The Elixir AST explorer
(32 stars / 2020-01-28 / 84 commits ) - radar/chronic -
(27 stars / 2018-10-04 / 80 commits ) - joshnuss/blip - A fault-tolerant and concurrent StatsD server
(26 stars / 2019-08-19 / 40 commits ) - marianoguerra/erldn - edn format parser for the erlang platform
(26 stars / 2018-11-29 / 34 commits ) - usecanvas/searchql - Search query parser written in Elixir
(26 stars / 2016-12-28 / 42 commits ) - usecanvas/searchql - Search query parser written in Elixir
(26 stars / 2016-12-28 / 42 commits ) - OvermindDL1/ex_spirit -
(25 stars / 2018-02-28 / 66 commits ) - OvermindDL1/protocol_ex - Elixir Extended Protocol
(25 stars / 2019-08-09 / 98 commits ) - princemaple/abnf_parsec - ABNF in, parser out
(24 stars / 2020-02-24 / 61 commits ) - saulecabrera/leibniz - Math expression parser and evaluator
(21 stars / 2018-05-06 / 16 commits ) - OvermindDL1/typed_elixir -
(17 stars / 2017-05-12 / 30 commits ) - olafura/beam_to_ex_ast - Erlang AST to Elixir AST
(14 stars / 2019-12-09 / 88 commits ) - wojtekmach/calendar_recurrence - Recurrence is an Elixir library for working with recurring dates
(14 stars / 2018-12-20 / 21 commits ) - alexdesousa/ayesql - Library for using raw SQL in Elixir
(13 stars / 2020-02-15 / 29 commits ) - tmbb/makeup_elixir - Elixir language support for makeup
(10 stars / 2020-01-14 / 60 commits ) - zweifisch/eno - Lightweight SQL toolkit for Elixir
(8 stars / 2016-05-07 / 7 commits ) - mtannaan/elixpath - JSONPath-like operations for Elixir's native data structure
(7 stars / 2019-06-02 / 22 commits ) - botsquad/match_engine - In-memory matching/filtering engine with Mongo-like query syntax
(5 stars / 2020-01-11 / 46 commits ) - tmbb/guaxinim - Literate programming for Elixir, inspired by Docco and Pycooon
(5 stars / 2017-10-29 / 11 commits ) - OvermindDL1/safe_script - Simple languages designed for embedded scripting in Elixir
(4 stars / 2017-06-24 / 9 commits ) - alejandroerik/ale8583 - ISO8583(MasterC and PROSA) parser for ELIXIR language.
(3 stars / 2018-11-08 / 23 commits ) - luc-tielen/xml_parsec - XML parser based on parser combinators, written in pure Elixir
(3 stars / 2018-03-15 / 35 commits ) - kipcole9/vcard - VCard in Elixir
(3 stars / 2018-12-28 / 20 commits ) - lukad/bf - bf is a Brainfuck interpreter written in Elixir.
(3 stars / 2019-08-19 / 56 commits ) - voltone/plug_signature - Plug for verifying request signatures according to the IETF HTTP signatures draft specification
(3 stars / 2020-01-01 / 2 commits ) - altenwald/sqlparser - SQL Parsers
(2 stars / 2018-04-10 / 17 commits ) - ianrumford/plymio_ast - Utility Function for Elixir Asts (Quoted Forms)
(2 stars / 2017-11-15 / 4 commits ) - narrowtux/loppers - Validate quoted elixir code against a function whitelist
(2 stars / 2019-04-16 / 19 commits ) - OvermindDL1/llixer -
(2 stars / 2017-10-12 / 11 commits ) - tmbb/ex_to_erl - Convert Elixir expressions into Erlang
(2 stars / 2019-07-29 / 3 commits ) - tyrchen/common_parser - General parsers for various use cases
(2 stars / 2019-05-03 / 4 commits ) - ArcBlock/rule-parser - rule parser that are used for various places for forge framework
(1 stars / 2019-11-07 / 8 commits ) - barruumrex/marshal - Decode Ruby Marshal format in Elixir
(1 stars / 2016-06-25 / 66 commits ) - kipcole9/abnf - ABNF parser for Elixir
(1 stars / 2018-07-19 / 36 commits ) - MainShayne233/type_resolve -
(1 stars / 2019-10-22 / 21 commits ) - OvermindDL1/ex_parsing_benchmark -
(1 stars / 2017-02-09 / 3 commits ) - rbkmoney/abnfc - An ABNF parser generator for Erlang.
(1 stars / 2020-02-17 / 47 commits ) - markglenn/liquex - Liquid template processor for Elixir
(1 stars / 2020-02-17 / 33 commits ) - sschneider1207/benx - Fast Elixir parser for the Bencoding spec.
(1 stars / 2017-01-11 / 13 commits ) - slapers/ex_sel - Simple runtime expression language for elixir
(1 stars / 2018-08-18 / 1 commits ) - tmbb/ex_spirit_tutorial - ExSpirit Tutorial
(1 stars / 2017-10-16 / 3 commits ) - tmbb/makeup_erlang - Erlang lexer for makeup
(1 stars / 2020-01-14 / 25 commits ) - tmbb/expo - PO file parser for Elixir
(1 stars / 2019-09-10 / 5 commits ) - https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/elixir-libraries/bbcode - ---
(0 stars / --- / 0 commits ) - atamis/ironic-space-lisp - Stepped lisp interpreter in Rust.
(0 stars / 2019-12-19 / 257 commits ) - ianrumford/plymio_option - Utility Functions for Managing Keyword Options
(0 stars / 2017-11-22 / 4 commits ) - arjan/idefix -
(0 stars / 2020-01-31 / 7 commits ) - fireblast-ui/fireblast - Fireblast is a html component library that uses a JSX like syntax
(0 stars / 2019-11-05 / 37 commits ) - christopher-dG/osu-ex - osu! tools for Elixir
(0 stars / 2019-03-13 / 9 commits ) - ianrumford/plymio_ast_vorm - Managing a Collection of Quoted Forms (Asts)
(0 stars / 2017-11-22 / 2 commits ) - joshuawscott/rdb_parser - Redis .rdb backup file parsing
(0 stars / 2018-05-07 / 32 commits ) - LostKobrakai/filter_query_parser - Small library to handle parsing of github style filter queries.
(0 stars / 2018-11-02 / 4 commits ) - m1dnight/weechat-parser - Parser for Weechat log files in Elixir/Nimble.
(0 stars / 2019-10-01 / 3 commits ) - m1dnight/bibtex_parser - A BibTex parser in Elixir, using NimbleParsec.
(0 stars / 2019-08-04 / 12 commits ) - podlove/chapters - Elixir library to parse and format podcast chapters marks
(0 stars / 2019-07-12 / 24 commits ) - SamWoolerton/parser-elixir - A proof-of-concept equation parser written in Elixir.
(0 stars / 2020-02-09 / 17 commits ) - https://gitlab.com/ryo33/Parselix - ---
(0 stars / --- / 0 commits ) - tmbb/makeup_lexer_cookiecutter -
(0 stars / 2018-05-10 / 4 commits ) - tmbb/makeup_html5 -
(0 stars / 2017-08-30 / 3 commits )