A basic annotation based command system for Spigot. You do no need to declare the commands in plugin.yml as it will register the commands for you.
- Subcommands
public class TestPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
new Ample(this) // passing in java plugin, so it can get plugin name
.register(this); // the objects that contain the command annotated methods
//every command method needs this annotation
value = "Test",
description = "Test command",
usage = "test <int> <double> <string>",
alias = {"tst", "t"}
@PlayerOnly // tag a method with this annotation if you want that command to be run by a player only
@Permission("example.perm") // tag a method with this if the command has a permission requirement
public void test(CommandSender commandSender, int arg1, double arg2, String arg3) {
System.out.println("TEST COMMAND!");