- The json files contain the retrieved data for this microtask from the mwaskom/seaborn repo.
- I have tried to perform the following analysis :
- Count of commits modifying each src code file
- Open Issues Age (all open issues till now considered)
- First_response duration to a PR (either a review or comment is counted as a reponse)
The fields present in the DataFrame:
- 'created_at' : "When the PR was created"
- 'first_response_type' : "comment"/"review"
- 'first_respone_at' : "Time of first response to the PR"
- 'first_response_duration' : "Time elapsed since the PR was opened to when the first response was made"
The rows having the value 'Nat' means no response was made to those PR's, they were directly merged, closed or are still open.
(We can remove these rows from here since we are particularly interested in the analysis of PR_first_response)