Bandit over the wire- Level 1- ls to veiw folders in the directory and cat readme to access the file readme
Level 2- ls to veiw folders in the directory and cat <- to access the file - (< or ./ should be used to read files initiated with -)
Level 3- ls to veiw folders in the directory and cat "spaces in this filename" to access the file 'spaces in this filename'(so it reads whole as a single string)
Level 4- ls to veiw -> we get inhere directory -> cd to get into inhere -> ls -a to show hidden files -> cat .hidden to veiw .hidden file
Level 5- ls to veiw -> we get inhere directory -> cd to get into inhere -> ls to view -> find . -type f | xargs file to find files in all the directories and then also state the type of the file -> only file 7 has the human readable file which is the password