We need a better guide for getting started with ESBMC, although we hope to improve this in the future. Examining some of the benchmarks in the SV-COMP competition (http://sv-comp.sosy-lab.org/) would be a good start, using the ESBMC command line for the relevant competition year.
You can also explore practical examples using the ESBMC tool on the documentation page, which is available at https://ssvlab.github.io/esbmc/documentation.html.
Here are some steps to contributing to the code base:
- Compile and execute esbmc. Building
- Fork the repository
- Clone the repository git clone [email protected]:YOURNAME/esbmc.git
- Create a branch from the master branch (default branch)
- Make your changes
- Check the formatting with clang-format (use Clang 9)
- Push your changes to your branch
- Create a Pull Request targeting the master branch
Here is an example of preparing a pull request (PR)
A) Ensure you are in the master
branch and your fork is updated.
git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git pull --rebase upstream master
git push origin HEAD:master
Note that if you have not yet set up the upstream
, you need to type the following command:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/esbmc/esbmc
B) Create a local branch (e.g., model-pthread-create
) from the master
git checkout -b model-pthread-equal --track master
C) Add your changes via commits to the local branch:
git add path-to-file/file.cpp
git commit -sm "added opertational model for pthread_equal"
Note that you can check your changes via git status
Note also that every PR should contain at least two test cases
to check your implementation: one successful and one failed test case.
D) Push your changes in the local branch to the ESBMC repository:
git push origin model-pthread-equal
New contributors can check issues marked with good first issue
by clicking here.
A limited number of classes have been marked up with doxygen documentation headers. Comments are put in the header files declaring classes and methods. HTML documentation can be generated by running:
doxygen .doxygen
The output will be in docs/HTML; open index.html to get started.