A reference guide to the Hazelcast Platform Operator CRD types.
This is a reference for the Hazelcast Platform Operator API types. These are all the types and fields that are used in the Hazelcast Platform Operator CRDs.
This document was generated from comments in the Go code in the api/ directory. |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Type represents how a batch of replication events is considered successfully replicated. |
false |
Timeout represents the time in milliseconds the source cluster waits for the acknowledgement. After timeout, the events will be resent. |
false |
60000 |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
false |
- |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Repository to pull Hazelcast Platform Operator Agent(https://github.com/hazelcast/platform-operator-agent) |
false |
"docker.io/hazelcast/platform-operator-agent" |
Version of Hazelcast Platform Operator Agent. |
false |
"0.1.22" |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Size represents the maximum batch size. |
false |
500 |
MaximumDelay represents the maximum delay in milliseconds. If the batch size is not reached, the events will be sent after the maximum delay. |
false |
1000 |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
true |
- |
true |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the secret with credentials for cloud providers. |
false |
- |
URL of the bucket to download HotBackup folders. AWS S3, GCP Bucket and Azure Blob storage buckets are supported. Example bucket URIs: - AWS S3 → s3://bucket-name/path/to/folder - GCP Bucket → gs://bucket-name/path/to/folder - Azure Blob → azblob://bucket-name/path/to/folder |
true |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
secret is a deprecated alias for secretName. |
false |
- |
Cache is the Schema for the caches API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
false |
- |
CacheList contains a list of Cache
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
CacheSpec defines the desired state of Cache It cannot be updated after the Cache is created
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the data structure config to be created. If empty, CR name will be used. It cannot be updated after the config is created successfully. |
false |
- |
HazelcastResourceName defines the name of the Hazelcast resource that this resource is created for. |
true |
- |
Number of synchronous backups. |
false |
1 |
Number of asynchronous backups. |
false |
0 |
Class name of the key type |
false |
- |
Class name of the value type |
false |
- |
When enabled, cache data will be persisted. |
false |
false |
InMemoryFormat specifies in which format data will be stored in your cache |
false |
EventJournal specifies event journal configuration of the Cache |
false |
- |
CacheStatus defines the observed state of Cache
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
State of the data structure |
false |
- |
Message explaining the current state |
false |
- |
Holds status of data structure for each Hazelcast member |
false |
- |
CompactSerializationConfig is the configuration for the Hazelcast Compact serialization.
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Serializers is the list of explicit serializers to be registered. |
false |
- |
Classes is the list of class names for which a zero-config serializer will be registered, without implementing an explicit serializer. |
false |
- |
CronHotBackup is the Schema for the cronhotbackups API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
false |
- |
CronHotBackupList contains a list of CronHotBackup
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
CronHotBackupSpec defines the desired state of CronHotBackup
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Schedule contains a crontab-like expression that defines the schedule in which HotBackup will be started. If the Schedule is empty the HotBackup will start only once when applied. |
true |
- |
Specifies the hot backup that will be created when executing a CronHotBackup. |
true |
- |
The number of successful finished hot backups to retain. |
false |
5 |
The number of failed finished hot backups to retain. |
false |
3 |
When true, CronHotBackup will stop creating HotBackup CRs until it is disabled |
false |
false |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the data structure config to be created. If empty, CR name will be used. It cannot be updated after the config is created successfully. |
false |
- |
HazelcastResourceName defines the name of the Hazelcast resource that this resource is created for. |
true |
- |
Number of synchronous backups. |
false |
1 |
Number of asynchronous backups. |
false |
0 |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
State of the data structure |
false |
- |
Message explaining the current state |
false |
- |
Holds status of data structure for each Hazelcast member |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
The name of the executor service |
false |
"default" |
The number of executor threads per member. |
false |
16 |
Durability of the executor. |
false |
1 |
Capacity of the executor task per partition. |
false |
100 |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
ClassName is the fully qualified name of the class that implements any of the Listener interface. |
true |
- |
IncludeValues is an optional attribute that indicates whether the event will contain the map value. Defaults to true. |
false |
true |
Local is an optional attribute that indicates whether the map on the local member can be listened to. Defaults to false. |
false |
false |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Capacity sets the capacity of the ringbuffer underlying the event journal. |
false |
10000 |
TimeToLiveSeconds indicates how long the items remain in the event journal before they are expired. |
false |
0 |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Eviction policy to be applied when map reaches its max size according to the max size policy. |
false |
"NONE" |
Max size of the map. |
false |
0 |
Policy for deciding if the maxSize is reached. |
false |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
The name of the executor service |
false |
"default" |
The number of executor threads per member. |
false |
8 |
Task queue capacity of the executor. |
false |
0 |
ExposeExternallyConfiguration defines how to expose Hazelcast cluster to external clients
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Specifies how members are exposed. Valid values are: - "Smart" (default): each member pod is exposed with a separate external address - "Unisocket": all member pods are exposed with one external address |
false |
"Smart" |
Type of the service used to discover Hazelcast cluster. |
false |
"LoadBalancer" |
How each member is accessed from the external client. Only available for "Smart" client and valid values are: - "NodePortExternalIP" (default): each member is accessed by the NodePort service and the node external IP/hostname - "NodePortNodeName": each member is accessed by the NodePort service and the node name - "LoadBalancer": each member is accessed by the LoadBalancer service external address |
false |
- |
ExternalConnectivityConfiguration defines how to expose Management Center pod.
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
How Management Center is exposed. Valid values are: - "ClusterIP" - "NodePort" - "LoadBalancer" (default) |
false |
"LoadBalancer" |
Ingress configuration of Management Center |
false |
- |
OpenShift Route configuration of Management Center |
false |
- |
ExternalConnectivityIngress defines ingress configuration of Management Center
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Hostname of Management Center exposed by Ingress. Ingress controller will use this hostname to route inbound traffic. |
true |
- |
IngressClassName of the ingress object. |
false |
- |
Annotations added to the ingress object. |
false |
- |
ExternalConnectivityRoute defines OpenShift route configuration of Management Center
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Hostname of Management Center exposed by route. Openshift routers will use this hostname to route inbound traffic. |
true |
- |
GlobalSerializer is registered as a fallback serializer to handle all other objects if a serializer cannot be located for them.
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
If set to true, will replace the internal Java serialization. |
false |
- |
Class name of the GlobalSerializer. |
true |
- |
Hazelcast is the Schema for the hazelcasts API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
Initial values will be filled with its fields' default values. |
false |
{"repository" : "docker.io/hazelcast/hazelcast"} |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the Hazelcast cluster that Management Center will connect to, default is dev. |
false |
"dev" |
IP address or DNS name of the Hazelcast cluster. If the cluster is exposed with a service name in a different namespace, use the following syntax "<service-name>.<service-namespace>". |
true |
- |
TLS client configuration. |
false |
{} |
HazelcastClusterStatus defines the status of the Hazelcast cluster
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
ReadyMembers represents the number of members that are connected to cluster from the desired number of members in the format <ready>/<desired> |
false |
- |
HazelcastEndpoint is the Schema for the hazelcastendpoints API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
false |
- |
false |
- |
HazelcastEndpointList contains a list of HazelcastEndpoint
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
HazelcastEndpointSpec defines the desired state of HazelcastEndpoint
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Type defines the endpoint connection. It is used to identify the target of the endpoint. |
true |
- |
Port of the endpoint. |
true |
- |
HazelcastResourceName defines the name of the Hazelcast resource that this resource is created for. |
true |
- |
HazelcastEndpointStatus defines the observed state of HazelcastEndpoint
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Address is the external address of the endpoint. It is taken from the corresponding service. |
false |
- |
HazelcastList contains a list of Hazelcast
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
HazelcastMemberStatus defines the observed state of the individual Hazelcast member.
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
PodName is the name of the Hazelcast member pod. |
false |
- |
Uid is the unique member identifier within the cluster. |
false |
- |
Ip is the IP address of the member within the cluster. |
false |
- |
Version represents the Hazelcast version of the member. |
false |
- |
State represents the observed state of the member. |
false |
- |
Master flag is set to true if the member is master. |
false |
- |
Lite is the flag that is true when the member is lite-member. |
false |
- |
OwnedPartitions represents the partitions count on the member. |
false |
- |
Ready is the flag that is set to true when the member is successfully started, connected to cluster and ready to accept connections. |
false |
- |
Message contains the optional message with the details of the cluster state. |
false |
- |
Reason contains the optional reason of member crash or restart. |
false |
- |
RestartCount is the number of times the member has been restarted. |
false |
- |
HazelcastPersistenceConfiguration contains the configuration for Hazelcast Persistence and K8s storage.
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Persistence base directory. |
true |
- |
Configuration of the cluster recovery strategy. |
false |
"FullRecoveryOnly" |
StartupAction represents the action triggered when the cluster starts to force the cluster startup. |
false |
- |
DataRecoveryTimeout is timeout for each step of data recovery in seconds. Maximum timeout is equal to DataRecoveryTimeout*2 (for each step: validation and data-load). |
false |
- |
Configuration of PersistenceVolumeClaim. |
false |
- |
Restore configuration |
false |
{} |
HazelcastSpec defines the desired state of Hazelcast
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Number of Hazelcast members in the cluster. |
false |
3 |
Repository to pull the Hazelcast Platform image from. |
false |
"docker.io/hazelcast/hazelcast" |
Version of Hazelcast Platform. |
false |
"5.3.5" |
Pull policy for the Hazelcast Platform image |
false |
"IfNotPresent" |
Image pull secrets for the Hazelcast Platform image |
false |
- |
Name of the secret with Hazelcast Enterprise License Key. |
false |
- |
Configuration to expose Hazelcast cluster to external clients. |
false |
- |
Name of the Hazelcast cluster. |
false |
"dev" |
Scheduling details |
false |
- |
Compute Resources required by the Hazelcast container. |
false |
- |
Persistence configuration |
false |
- |
B&R Agent configurations |
false |
{repository: "docker.io/hazelcast/platform-operator-agent", version: "0.1.22"} |
Jet Engine configuration |
false |
{enabled: true, resourceUploadEnabled: false} |
User Codes to Download into CLASSPATH |
false |
- |
Java Executor Service configurations, see https://docs.hazelcast.com/hazelcast/latest/computing/executor-service |
false |
- |
Durable Executor Service configurations, see https://docs.hazelcast.com/hazelcast/latest/computing/durable-executor-service |
false |
- |
Scheduled Executor Service configurations, see https://docs.hazelcast.com/hazelcast/latest/computing/scheduled-executor-service |
false |
- |
Hazelcast system properties, see https://docs.hazelcast.com/hazelcast/latest/system-properties |
false |
- |
Logging level for Hazelcast members |
false |
"INFO" |
Configuration to create clusters resilient to node and zone failures |
false |
- |
Hazelcast JVM configuration |
false |
- |
Hazelcast Native Memory (HD Memory) configuration |
false |
- |
Hazelcast Advanced Network configuration |
false |
- |
Hazelcast Management Center Configuration |
false |
- |
Hazelcast TLS configuration |
false |
- |
Hazelcast serialization configuration |
false |
- |
Name of the ConfigMap with the Hazelcast custom configuration. This configuration from the ConfigMap might be overridden by the Hazelcast CR configuration. |
false |
- |
Hazelcast SQL configuration |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
licenseKeySecret is a deprecated alias for licenseKeySecretName. |
false |
- |
HazelcastStatus defines the observed state of Hazelcast
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Phase of the Hazelcast cluster |
false |
- |
Status of the Hazelcast cluster |
false |
- |
Message about the Hazelcast cluster state |
false |
- |
Status of Hazelcast members |
false |
- |
Status of restore process of the Hazelcast cluster |
false |
{} |
HotBackup is the Schema for the hot backup API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
false |
- |
HotBackupList contains a list of HotBackup
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
HotBackupSpec defines the Spec of HotBackup
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
HazelcastResourceName defines the name of the Hazelcast resource |
true |
- |
URL of the bucket to download HotBackup folders. AWS S3, GCP Bucket and Azure Blob storage buckets are supported. Example bucket URIs: - AWS S3 → s3://bucket-name/path/to/folder - GCP Bucket → gs://bucket-name/path/to/folder - Azure Blob → azblob://bucket-name/path/to/folder |
false |
- |
Name of the secret with credentials for cloud providers. |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
secret is a deprecated alias for secretName. |
false |
- |
HotBackupStatus defines the observed state of HotBackup
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
false |
- |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Standard object’s metadata of the hot backups created from this template. |
false |
- |
Specification of the desired behavior of the hot backup. |
true |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the index config. |
false |
- |
Type of the index. See https://docs.hazelcast.com/hazelcast/latest/query/indexing-maps#index-types |
true |
- |
Attributes of the index. |
false |
- |
Options for "BITMAP" index type. See https://docs.hazelcast.com/hazelcast/latest/query/indexing-maps#configuring-bitmap-indexes |
false |
{} |
JVMConfiguration is a Hazelcast JVM configuration
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Memory is a JVM memory configuration |
false |
- |
GC is for configuring JVM Garbage Collector |
false |
- |
Args is for arbitrary JVM arguments |
false |
- |
JVMGCConfiguration is for configuring JVM Garbage Collector
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Logging enables logging when set to true |
false |
- |
Collector is the Garbage Collector type |
false |
- |
JVMMemoryConfiguration is a JVM memory configuration
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
InitialRAMPercentage configures JVM initial heap size |
false |
- |
MinRAMPercentage sets the minimum heap size for a JVM |
false |
- |
MaxRAMPercentage sets the maximum heap size for a JVM |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Java deserialization protection Blacklist. |
false |
- |
Java deserialization protection Whitelist. |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Sets the capacity of processor-to-processor concurrent queues. |
false |
- |
Limits the size of the packet in bytes. |
false |
- |
Sets the scaling factor used by the adaptive receive window sizing function. |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
When false, disables Jet Engine. |
false |
true |
When true, enables resource uploading for Jet jobs. |
false |
false |
Bucket config from where the JAR files will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
Names of the list of ConfigMaps. Files in each ConfigMap will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
List of URLs from where the files will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
Jet Instance Configuration |
false |
{} |
Jet Edge Defaults Configuration |
false |
{} |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
The number of threads Jet creates in its cooperative multithreading pool. Its default value is the number of cores |
false |
- |
The duration of the interval between flow-control packets. |
false |
100 |
The number of synchronous backups to configure on the IMap that Jet needs internally to store job metadata and snapshots. |
false |
1 |
The delay after which the auto-scaled jobs restart if a new member joins the cluster. |
false |
10000 |
Specifies whether the Lossless Cluster Restart feature is enabled. |
false |
false |
Specifies the maximum number of records that can be accumulated by any single processor instance. Default value is Long.MAX_VALUE |
false |
- |
JetJob is the Schema for the jetjobs API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
false |
- |
false |
- |
JetJobList contains a list of JetJob
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
JetJobSnapshot is the Schema for the jetjobsnapshots API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
false |
{state: "Waiting"} |
JetJobSnapshotList contains a list of JetJobSnapshot
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
JetJobSnapshotSpec defines the desired state of JetJobSnapshot
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the exported snapshot |
false |
- |
CancelJob determines whether the job is canceled after exporting snapshot |
false |
false |
JetJobResourceName is the name of the JetJob CR where the Snapshot is exported from |
true |
- |
JetJobSnapshotStatus defines the observed state of JetJobSnapshot
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
false |
- |
false |
- |
JetJobSpec defines the desired state of JetJob
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the JetJob to be created. If empty, CR name will be used. It cannot be updated after the config is created successfully. |
false |
- |
HazelcastResourceName defines the name of the Hazelcast resource that this resource is created for. |
true |
- |
State is used to manage the job state. |
true |
Running |
JarName specify the name of the Jar to run that is present on the member. |
true |
- |
MainClass is the name of the main class that will be run on the submitted job. |
false |
- |
InitialSnapshotResourceName specify the name of the JetJobSnapshot object from which the JetJob is initialized. |
false |
- |
Bucket config from where the JAR files will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
URL from where the file will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
JetJobStatus defines the observed state of JetJob
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
true |
- |
true |
- |
false |
- |
false |
- |
false |
- |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Bucket config from where the JAR files will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
URL from where the file will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
URL of your LDAP server, including schema (ldap://) and port. |
true |
- |
CredentialsSecretName is the name of the secret that contains username and password of a user that has admin privileges on the LDAP server. The username must be the DN of the user. It is used to connect to the server when authenticating users. |
true |
- |
DN to be used for searching users. |
true |
- |
DN to be used for searching groups. |
true |
- |
Members of these groups and its nested groups have admin privileges on the Management Center. |
true |
- |
Members of these groups and its nested groups have read and write privileges on the Management Center. |
true |
- |
Members of these groups and its nested groups have only read privilege on the Management Center. |
true |
- |
Members of these groups and its nested groups have the privilege to see only the metrics on the Management Center. |
true |
- |
LDAP search filter expression to search for the users. For example, uid={0} searches for a username that matches with the uid attribute. |
true |
- |
LDAP search filter expression to search for the groups. For example, uniquemember={0} searches for a group that matches with the uniquemember attribute. |
true |
- |
NestedGroupSearch enables searching for nested LDAP groups. |
true |
false |
MCJVMConfiguration is a ManagementCenter JVM configuration
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Args is for arbitrary JVM arguments |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
When true, MC will use a PersistentVolumeClaim to store data. |
false |
true |
Name of the PersistentVolumeClaim MC will use for persistence. If not empty, MC will use the existing claim instead of creating a new one. |
false |
- |
StorageClass from which PersistentVolumeClaim will be created. |
false |
- |
Size of the created PersistentVolumeClaim. |
false |
"10Gi" |
ManagementCenter is the Schema for the managementcenters API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
Initial values will be filled with its fields' default values. |
false |
{"repository" : "docker.io/hazelcast/management-center"} |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Allows you to execute scripts that can automate interactions with the cluster. |
false |
false |
Allows you to execute commands from a built-in console in the user interface. |
false |
false |
Allows you to access contents of Hazelcast data structures via SQL Browser or Map Browser. |
false |
false |
ManagementCenterList contains a list of ManagementCenter
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
ManagementCenterSpec defines the desired state of ManagementCenter.
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Repository to pull the Management Center image from. |
false |
"docker.io/hazelcast/management-center" |
Version of Management Center. |
false |
"5.3.3" |
Pull policy for the Management Center image |
false |
"IfNotPresent" |
Image pull secrets for the Management Center image |
false |
- |
Name of the secret with Hazelcast Enterprise License Key. |
false |
- |
Connection configuration for the Hazelcast clusters that Management Center will monitor. |
false |
- |
Configuration to expose Management Center to outside. |
false |
{type: "LoadBalancer"} |
Configuration for Management Center persistence. |
false |
{enabled: true, size: "10Gi"} |
Scheduling details |
false |
{} |
Compute Resources required by the MC container. |
false |
{} |
ManagementCenter JVM configuration |
false |
- |
SecurityProviders to authenticate users in Management Center |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
licenseKeySecret is a deprecated alias for licenseKeySecretName. |
false |
- |
ManagementCenterStatus defines the observed state of ManagementCenter.
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Phase of the Management Center |
false |
- |
Configured is a flag that indicates if the configuration step has successfully passed |
false |
- |
Message about the Management Center state |
false |
- |
External addresses of the Management Center instance |
false |
- |
Map is the Schema for the maps API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
false |
- |
MapList contains a list of Map
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
MapSpec defines the desired state of Hazelcast Map Config
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the data structure config to be created. If empty, CR name will be used. It cannot be updated after the config is created successfully. |
false |
- |
HazelcastResourceName defines the name of the Hazelcast resource that this resource is created for. |
true |
- |
Number of synchronous backups. |
false |
1 |
Number of asynchronous backups. |
false |
0 |
Maximum time in seconds for each entry to stay in the map. If it is not 0, entries that are older than this time and not updated for this time are evicted automatically. It can be updated. |
false |
0 |
Maximum time in seconds for each entry to stay idle in the map. Entries that are idle for more than this time are evicted automatically. It can be updated. |
false |
0 |
Configuration for removing data from the map when it reaches its max size. It can be updated. |
false |
{maxSize: 0, evictionPolicy: NONE, maxSizePolicy: PER_NODE} |
Indexes to be created for the map data. You can learn more at https://docs.hazelcast.com/hazelcast/latest/query/indexing-maps. It cannot be updated after map config is created successfully. |
false |
- |
When enabled, map data will be persisted. It cannot be updated after map config is created successfully. |
false |
false |
Configuration options when you want to load/store the map entries from/to a persistent data store such as a relational database You can learn more at https://docs.hazelcast.com/hazelcast/latest/data-structures/working-with-external-data |
false |
- |
InMemoryFormat specifies in which format data will be stored in your map |
false |
EntryListeners contains the configuration for the map-level or entry-based events listeners provided by the Hazelcast’s eventing framework. You can learn more at https://docs.hazelcast.com/hazelcast/latest/events/object-events. |
false |
- |
InMemoryFormat specifies near cache configuration for map |
false |
- |
EventJournal specifies event journal configuration of the Map |
false |
- |
MapStatus defines the observed state of Map
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
false |
- |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Sets the initial entry loading mode. |
false |
Name of your class implementing MapLoader and/or MapStore interface. |
true |
- |
Number of seconds to delay the storing of entries. |
false |
- |
Used to create batches when writing to map store. |
false |
1 |
It is meaningful if you are using write behind in MapStore. When it is set to true, only the latest store operation on a key during the write-delay-seconds will be reflected to MapStore. |
false |
true |
Properties can be used for giving information to the MapStore implementation |
false |
- |
MultiMap is the Schema for the multimaps API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
false |
- |
MultiMapList contains a list of MultiMap
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
MultiMapSpec defines the desired state of MultiMap
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the data structure config to be created. If empty, CR name will be used. It cannot be updated after the config is created successfully. |
false |
- |
HazelcastResourceName defines the name of the Hazelcast resource that this resource is created for. |
true |
- |
Number of synchronous backups. |
false |
1 |
Number of asynchronous backups. |
false |
0 |
Specifies in which format data will be stored in your MultiMap. false: OBJECT true: BINARY |
false |
false |
Type of the value collection |
false |
MultiMapStatus defines the observed state of MultiMap
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
State of the data structure |
false |
- |
Message explaining the current state |
false |
- |
Holds status of data structure for each Hazelcast member |
false |
- |
NativeMemoryConfiguration is a Hazelcast HD memory configuration
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
AllocatorType specifies one of 2 types of mechanism for allocating memory to HD |
false |
Size of the total native memory to allocate |
false |
"512M" |
MinBlockSize is the size of smallest block that will be allocated. It is used only by the POOLED memory allocator. |
false |
- |
PageSize is the size of the page in bytes to allocate memory as a block. It is used only by the POOLED memory allocator. |
false |
4194304 |
MetadataSpacePercentage defines percentage of the allocated native memory that is used for the metadata of other map components such as index (for predicates), offset, etc. |
false |
12 |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name is name of the near cache |
false |
default |
InMemoryFormat specifies in which format data will be stored in your near cache |
false |
InvalidateOnChange specifies whether the cached entries are evicted when the entries are updated or removed |
false |
true |
TimeToLiveSeconds maximum number of seconds for each entry to stay in the Near Cache |
false |
0 |
MaxIdleSeconds Maximum number of seconds each entry can stay in the Near Cache as untouched (not read) |
false |
0 |
NearCacheEviction specifies the eviction behavior in Near Cache |
true |
{evictionPolicy: NONE, maxSizePolicy: ENTRY_COUNT} |
CacheLocalEntries specifies whether the local entries are cached |
false |
true |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
EvictionPolicy to be applied when near cache reaches its max size according to the max size policy. |
false |
"NONE" |
MaxSizePolicy for deciding if the maxSize is reached. |
false |
Size is maximum size of the Near Cache used for max-size-policy |
false |
0 |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
AccessModes contains the actual access modes of the volume backing the PVC has. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#access-modes-1 |
false |
- |
A description of the PVC request capacity. |
false |
"8Gi" |
Name of StorageClass which this persistent volume belongs to. |
false |
- |
Queue is the Schema for the queues API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
false |
- |
QueueList contains a list of Queue
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
QueueSetting defines the configuration for Hazelcast WAN queue
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Capacity is the total capacity of WAN queue. |
false |
10000 |
FullBehavior represents the behavior of the new arrival when the queue is full. |
false |
QueueSpec defines the desired state of Queue It cannot be updated after the Queue is created
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the data structure config to be created. If empty, CR name will be used. It cannot be updated after the config is created successfully. |
false |
- |
HazelcastResourceName defines the name of the Hazelcast resource that this resource is created for. |
true |
- |
Number of synchronous backups. |
false |
1 |
Number of asynchronous backups. |
false |
0 |
Max size of the queue. |
false |
0 |
Time in seconds after which the Queue will be destroyed if it stays empty or unused. If the values is not provided the Queue will never be destroyed. |
false |
-1 |
The name of the comparator class. If the class name is provided, the Queue becomes Priority Queue. You can learn more at https://docs.hazelcast.com/hazelcast/latest/data-structures/priority-queue. |
false |
- |
QueueStatus defines the observed state of Queue
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
State of the data structure |
false |
- |
Message explaining the current state |
false |
- |
Holds status of data structure for each Hazelcast member |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Bucket config from where the JAR files will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
Names of the list of ConfigMaps. Files in each ConfigMap will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
List of URLs from where the files will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
ReplicatedMap is the Schema for the replicatedmaps API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
false |
- |
ReplicatedMapList contains a list of ReplicatedMap
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
ReplicatedMapSpec defines the desired state of ReplicatedMap
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the ReplicatedMap config to be created. If empty, CR name will be used. |
false |
- |
AsyncFillup specifies whether the ReplicatedMap is available for reads before the initial replication is completed |
false |
true |
InMemoryFormat specifies in which format data will be stored in the ReplicatedMap |
false |
HazelcastResourceName defines the name of the Hazelcast resource. |
true |
- |
ReplicatedMapStatus defines the observed state of ReplicatedMap
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
State of the data structure |
false |
- |
Message explaining the current state |
false |
- |
Holds status of data structure for each Hazelcast member |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name is the name of custom resource to which WAN replication applies. |
true |
- |
Kind is the kind of custom resource to which WAN replication applies. |
false |
Map |
RestoreConfiguration contains the configuration for Restore operation
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Bucket Configuration from which the backup will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
Name of the HotBackup resource from which backup will be fetched. |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
State shows the current phase of the restore process of the cluster. |
false |
- |
RemainingValidationTime show the time in seconds remained for the restore validation step. |
false |
- |
RemainingDataLoadTime show the time in seconds remained for the restore data load step. |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
StatementTimeout defines the timeout in milliseconds that is applied to queries without an explicit timeout. |
false |
0 |
CatalogPersistenceEnabled sets whether SQL Catalog persistence is enabled for the node. With SQL Catalog persistence enabled you can restart the whole cluster without losing schema definition objects (such as MAPPINGs, TYPEs, VIEWs and DATA CONNECTIONs). The feature is implemented on top of the Hot Restart feature of Hazelcast which persists the data to disk. If enabled, you have to also configure Hot Restart. Feature is disabled by default. |
false |
false |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
The name of the executor service |
false |
"default" |
The number of executor threads per member. |
false |
16 |
Durability of the executor. |
false |
1 |
Capacity of the executor task per partition. |
false |
100 |
The active policy for the capacity setting. |
false |
SchedulingConfiguration defines the pods scheduling details
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Affinity |
false |
- |
Tolerations |
false |
- |
NodeSelector |
false |
- |
TopologySpreadConstraints |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
LDAP security provider |
false |
- |
SerializationConfig contains the configuration for the Hazelcast serialization.
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Specifies the byte order that the serialization will use. |
false |
BigEndian |
Allows override of built-in default serializers. |
false |
false |
Enables compression when default Java serialization is used. |
false |
false |
Enables shared object when default Java serialization is used. |
false |
false |
Allow the usage of unsafe. |
false |
false |
Lists class implementations of Hazelcast’s DataSerializableFactory. |
false |
- |
Lists class implementations of Hazelcast’s PortableFactory. |
false |
- |
List of global serializers. |
false |
- |
List of serializers (classes) that implemented using Hazelcast’s StreamSerializer, ByteArraySerializer etc. |
false |
- |
Configuration attributes the compact serialization. |
false |
- |
Blacklist and whitelist for deserialized classes when Java serialization is used. |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
List of class names to be filtered. |
false |
- |
List of packages to be filtered |
false |
- |
List of prefixes to be filtered. |
false |
- |
Serializer allows to plug in a custom serializer for serializing objects.
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the class that will be serialized via this implementation. |
true |
- |
Class name of the implementation of the serializer class. |
true |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the secret with TLS certificate and key. |
true |
- |
Mutual authentication configuration. It’s None by default which means the client side of connection is not authenticated. |
false |
"None" |
Topic is the Schema for the topics API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
false |
- |
TopicList contains a list of Topic
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
TopicSpec defines the desired state of Topic
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Name of the topic config to be created. If empty, CR name will be used. |
false |
- |
globalOrderingEnabled allows all nodes listening to the same topic get their messages in the same order the same order |
false |
false |
multiThreadingEnabled enables multi-threaded processing of incoming messages a single thread will handle all topic messages |
false |
false |
HazelcastResourceName defines the name of the Hazelcast resource for which topic config will be created |
true |
- |
TopicStatus defines the observed state of Topic
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
State of the data structure |
false |
- |
Message explaining the current state |
false |
- |
Holds status of data structure for each Hazelcast member |
false |
- |
UserCodeDeploymentConfig contains the configuration for User Code download operation
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
When true, allows user code deployment from clients. |
false |
- |
A string for triggering a rolling restart for re-downloading the user code. |
false |
- |
Bucket config from where the JAR files will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
Names of the list of ConfigMaps. Files in each ConfigMap will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
List of URLs from where the files will be downloaded. |
false |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
false |
- |
false |
- |
false |
- |
WanReplication is the Schema for the wanreplications API
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
false |
- |
WanReplicationList contains a list of WanReplication
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
false |
- |
true |
- |
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
ResourceName is the name of the Map Custom Resource. |
false |
- |
PublisherId is the ID used for WAN publisher ID |
false |
- |
Status is the status of WAN replication |
false |
- |
Message is the field to show detail information or error |
false |
- |
WanReplicationSpec defines the desired state of WanReplication
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Resources is the list of custom resources to which WAN replication applies. |
true |
- |
ClusterName is the clusterName field of the target Hazelcast resource. |
true |
- |
Endpoints is the target cluster comma separated endpoint list . |
true |
- |
Queue is the configuration for WAN events queue. |
false |
{capacity: 10000, fullBehavior: DISCARD_AFTER_MUTATION} |
Batch is the configuration for WAN events batch. |
false |
{size: 500, maximumDelay: 1000} |
Acknowledgement is the configuration for the condition when the next batch of WAN events are sent. |
false |
{type: ACK_ON_OPERATION_COMPLETE, timeout: 60000} |
WanReplicationStatus defines the observed state of WanReplication
Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Status is the status of WAN replication |
false |
- |
Message is the field to show detail information or error |
false |
- |
WanReplicationMapsStatus is the WAN Replication status of the Maps given in the spec directly or indirectly by Hazelcast resource. |
false |
- |
Value | Description |
Replication event is considered successful as soon as it is received by target cluster. |
Replication event is considered successful when it is received and applied by the target cluster. |
Value | Description |
NativeByteOrder uses the native byte order of the underlying platform. |
BigEndian uses the big-endian byte order. |
LittleEndian uses the kittle-endian byte order. |
CapacityPolicyType represents the active policy types for the capacity setting
Value | Description |
CapacityPolicyPerNode is the policy for limiting the maximum number of tasks in each Hazelcast instance |
CapacityPolicyPerPartition is the policy for limiting the maximum number of tasks within each partition. |
CollectionType represents the value collection options for storing the data in the multiMap.
Value | Description |
DataRecoveryPolicyType represents the options for data recovery policy when the whole cluster restarts.
Value | Description |
FullRecovery does not allow partial start of the cluster and corresponds to "cluster-data-recovery-policy.FULL_RECOVERY_ONLY" configuration option. |
MostRecent allow partial start with the members that have most up-to-date partition table and corresponds to "cluster-data-recovery-policy.PARTIAL_RECOVERY_MOST_RECENT" configuration option. |
MostComplete allow partial start with the members that have most complete partition table and corresponds to "cluster-data-recovery-policy.PARTIAL_RECOVERY_MOST_COMPLETE" configuration option. |
Value | Description |
Data structure is not successfully applied. |
Data structure configuration is applied successfully. |
Data structure configuration is being applied |
The config is added into all members but waiting for the config to be persisted into ConfigMap |
Data structure is marked to be deleted, |
Value | Description |
Least recently used entries will be removed. |
Least frequently used entries will be removed. |
No eviction. |
Randomly selected entries will be removed. |
ExposeExternallyType describes how Hazelcast members are exposed.
Value | Description |
ExposeExternallyTypeSmart exposes each Hazelcast member with a separate external address. |
ExposeExternallyTypeUnisocket exposes all Hazelcast members with one external address. |
ExternalConnectivityType describes how Management Center is exposed.
Value | Description |
ExternalConnectivityTypeClusterIP exposes Management Center with ClusterIP service. |
ExternalConnectivityTypeNodePort exposes Management Center with NodePort service. |
ExternalConnectivityTypeLoadBalancer exposes Management Center with LoadBalancer service. |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
InMemoryFormatType represents the format options for storing the data in the map/cache.
Value | Description |
InMemoryFormatBinary Data will be stored in serialized binary format. |
InMemoryFormatObject Data will be stored in deserialized form. |
InMemoryFormatNative Data will be stored in the map that uses Hazelcast’s High-Density Memory Store feature. |
Value | Description |
Loading is asynchronous. It is the default mode. |
Loading is blocked until all partitions are loaded. |
Value | Description |
LoggingLevel controls log verbosity for Hazelcast.
Value | Description |
MCPhase represents the current state of the cluster
Value | Description |
McRunning phase is the state when the ManagementCenter is successfully started |
McFailed phase is the state of error during the ManagementCenter startup |
McConfiguring phase is the state of cofiguring the ManagementCenter and might be restated |
McPending phase is the state of starting the cluster when the ManagementCenter is not started yet |
McTerminating phase is the state where deletion of ManagementCenter and dependent resources happen |
Value | Description |
Map config is added into all members but waiting for map to be persistent into ConfigMap |
Value | Description |
Maximum number of map entries in each cluster member. You cannot set the max-size to a value lower than the partition count (which is 271 by default). |
Maximum number of map entries within each partition. |
Maximum used heap size percentage per map for each Hazelcast instance. If, for example, JVM is configured to have 1000 MB and this value is 10, then the map entries will be evicted when used heap size exceeds 100 MB. It does not work when "in-memory-format" is set to OBJECT. |
Maximum used heap size in megabytes per map for each Hazelcast instance. It does not work when "in-memory-format" is set to OBJECT. |
Minimum free heap size percentage for each Hazelcast instance. If, for example, JVM is configured to have 1000 MB and this value is 10, then the map entries will be evicted when free heap size is below 100 MB. |
Minimum free heap size in megabytes for each Hazelcast instance. |
Maximum used native memory size in megabytes per map for each Hazelcast instance. It is available only in Hazelcast Enterprise HD. |
Maximum used native memory size percentage per map for each Hazelcast instance. It is available only in Hazelcast Enterprise HD. |
Minimum free native memory size in megabytes for each Hazelcast instance. It is available only in Hazelcast Enterprise HD. |
Minimum free native memory size percentage for each Hazelcast instance. It is available only in Hazelcast Enterprise HD. |
Maximum size based on the entry count in the Near Cache Warning: This policy is specific to near cache. |
MemberAccess describes how each Hazelcast member is accessed from the external client.
Value | Description |
MemberAccessNodePortExternalIP lets the client access Hazelcast member with the NodePort service and the node external IP/hostname |
MemberAccessNodePortNodeName lets the client access Hazelcast member with the NodePort service and the node name |
MemberAccessLoadBalancer lets the client access Hazelcast member with the LoadBalancer service |
Value | Description |
Client side of connection is not authenticated. |
Server asks for client certificate. If the client does not provide a keystore or the provided keystore is not verified against member’s truststore, the client is not authenticated. |
Server asks for client certificate, but client is not required to provide any valid certificate. |
NativeMemoryAllocatorType is one of 2 types of mechanism for allocating HD Memory
Value | Description |
NativeMemoryStandard allocate memory using default OS memory manager |
NativeMemoryPooled is Hazelcast own pooling memory allocator |
PersistenceStartupAction represents the action triggered on the cluster startup to force the cluster startup.
Value | Description |
ForceStart will trigger the force start action on the startup |
PartialStart will trigger the partial start action on the startup. Can be used only with the MostComplete or MostRecent DataRecoveryPolicyType type. |
Phase represents the current state of the cluster
Value | Description |
Running phase is the state when all the members of the cluster are successfully started |
Failed phase is the state of error during the cluster startup |
Pending phase is the state of starting the cluster when not all the members are started yet |
Terminating phase is the state where deletion of cluster scoped resources and Hazelcast dependent resources happen |
RMInMemoryFormatType represents the format options for storing the data in the ReplicatedMap.
Value | Description |
RMInMemoryFormatBinary Data will be stored in serialized binary format. |
RMInMemoryFormatObject Data will be stored in deserialized form. |
Value | Description |
The config is added into all members but waiting for the config to be persisted into ConfigMap |