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File metadata and controls

157 lines (129 loc) · 5.93 KB


ModbusTCP layer for high-speed batched modbus requests.

  • Reads register definitions from CSV-Input.
  • Bulks modbus requests to bunches of up to 120 registers for optimized access
  • Requests are handled in one transaction.
  • Supports access of different unit-ids in one batch.
  • Modbus raw-results will be converted to python data-types (integer, float, utf8-string).
  • Configurable retry mechanism
  • Little Endian double words aka "wordswap" is supported.
  • Reads holding and input registers, no coils, no write.
  • An offset for register addressing may be given.

Intended Use

Cyclic polling of (many) inverter modbus registers via TCP.


sudo pip install git+


import time
from modbusBatch.mbBatch import MbBatch
mb = MbBatch(host="localhost",

# endless application loop
while mb.process_batches(close_socket=True):
    # do_some_thing_with(mb.results)
    #check_end_of_loop() and exit(0)
exit( 1 )

CSV register specification

# <- this is a comment line
# First non-comment must be csv.header
# Hdr:
reg_type, reg_number, reg_name, reg_desc, measurement_unit, data_type, data_length, unit_id, scaling_factor, reserved
i,5003,daily_output_energy,"This day PV generation and battery discharge",kWh,U16,,1,0.1,
i,5004,total_output_energy,"Total PV generation and battery discharge",kWh,U32,,1,0.1,
i,5008,inside_temperature,"Inside Temperature","deg C",S16,,1,0.1,
i,5009,total_apparent_power,"Scheinleistung gesamt","VA",U32,,1,1,
i,5011,mppt1_voltage,"MPPT1 Voltage","V",U16,,1,0.1,
# registers from unit_id 200:
i,10744,battery_level_abs,"absolute battery level","%",U16,,200,0.1,

Order of rows is arbitrary. Internally they will be sorted by unit_id, reg_type and reg_number.
reg_type must be first column, order of other columns is arbitrary. Columns reg_type reg_number reg_name are always required. Other columns have defaults.
data_len should be given for data_type 'str' or 'chr'. Length is expressed in number of registers. Length = 5 results in a string of 10 bytes.

Warning - Definitions should not overlap:

i,1099,bar,'',,,u16,1,,,,   <=== overlaps with prev register

Modules, Classes, Functions

Module modbusTcpRaw

Implements class ModbusTcpRaw.

Class ModbusTcpRaw

Parent class is pyModbusTCP.client.ModbusClient from
Provides two new functions:

  • read_holding_raw
  • read_input_raw

They work like "read_holding_registers" and "read_input_registers" but return the raw modbus-result-buffer instead of an integer array. This avoids unnecessary conversion steps.

Module mbBatch

Implements class MbBatch

Class MbBatch


MbBatch(host="localhost", port=502, retry=3, reg_offset=0, reg_wordswap=True, file_type="csv", file_path="registers.csv", csv_dlm=';', batch_size=110)

  • host - name or address of modbus host
  • port - port number, usually 502
  • retry - maximum retries before returning an error
  • reg_offset - offset for register addressing. This offset will be subtracted from external register-number.
  • reg_wordswap - True/False. True means U32/S32 register pairs are little endian encoded (Sungrow, SolaX, ...)
  • file_type - only "csv" is supported
  • file_path - file with register definitions
  • debug - debug flag for modbusTcpRaw
  • csv_dlm - defaults to ','
  • batch_size - maximum number of registers to batch, 60 - 120

Function __init__ stores register specifications from csv-file in internal dataclasses (see below) and generates optimized modbus requests.

Class members
  • dataclass MbReg - one Modbus register from CSV

    • reg_type - i=input, h=holding register
    • reg_number - external register number includes offset
    • reg_name - name of register, python name, preferable snake_case
    • reg_desc - optional descriptive text
    • measurement_unit - optional, e.g. W, A, V, kWh
    • data_type - data type: u16, s16, u32, s32, str, chr
    • data_length - needed for str, chr; otherwise derived from data_type
    • scaling_factor - default 1
    • unit_id - modbus unit-id, default 1, there may be different unit-ids (Sungrow!)
    • precision - precision of register value, derived from scaling_factor
  • list MbRegs - list of MbReg, all modbus registers

  • dataclass MbReq - represents one modbus request

    • unit_id - modbus unit-id, default 1, there may be different unit-ids (Sungrow!)
    • reg_type - i=input, h=holding register
    • address - modbus address (reg_number - offset)
    • quantity - number of registers to read, max. 120
    • from_x - index of first corresponding register in MbRegs
    • to_x - index of first corresponding register in MbRegs

    Modbus requests are grouped by unit_id and reg_type and limited to 120 registers.
    Warning: Overlapping register definitions may lead to misbehaviour.

  • list MbReqs - list of MbReq, all modbus requests

  • dict results - after successful retrieval of all registers you will find them here.

  • function process_batches(close_socket: bool = True)
    This polling function returns True on success, False on failure.
    Parameter close_socket=True closes socket connection after processing the batch. close_socket=False leads to malfunction with Sungrow Inverters. Try it.