title | date | author | layout | tags | summary | |
API client libraries |
2020-04-14 |
Geir Aalberg |
page |
A list of external, third party interfaces for using api.met.no
Several independent developers have made third-party client libraries for the various met.no APIs. We take no responsibility for the functionality of these (in fact we know some of them are broken!). Also, at the time of writing all of these using Locationforecast depend on the deprecated 1.9 version; these must be updated to 2.0 before 2021 to continue working. Please contact the developers directly if you have any issues.
The official MET Norway code repo can be found at https://github.com/metno.
Also note that the use of the YR brand is not allowed in third party software as per the Terms of Use.
Note that most of these use the deprecated Locationforecast/1.9 which will be removed by the end of 2020, and need to be updated to use Locationforecast/2.0.
- https://github.com/mr-raw/metno (removed?)
- https://github.com/evanshortiss/yr.no-forecast
- https://github.com/evanshortiss/yr.no-interface
- https://github.com/mitica/metno-client-js
- https://github.com/mitica/metno-symbols
- https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/LibGWeather - The GNOME Weather library (currently the largest user after Yr)
- https://github.com/Danielhiversen/pyMetno - Python library to talk to the met.no API
- https://github.com/Rory-Sullivan/metno-locationforecast - Python library for locationforecast/2.0
- https://github.com/toringer/home-assistant-metnowcast - HomeAssistant Nowcast plugin
- https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::YR (Mojolicious, obsolete)
- https://github.com/jhthorsen/mojo-yr (Mojolicious, obsolete)
- https://metacpan.org/pod/Weather::YR (broken)
- https://github.com/pionl/METno (must be updated to work with locationforecast/2.0)
- https://github.com/ArcticPuffin/frost_api_metno (Jupyter Notebook)
- https://github.com/andehen/MetNoPy (deprecated, uses eklima.met.no which has been replaced by Frost)