- Turn
into actual tests- actual test framework too
- SOCKS interface
- put it in another package
- Use workers to do crypto and other expensive operations faster
- spawn one thread per connection perhaps
- find out how much overhead passing messages between workers has
- Make benchmarks to test performance maybe
- A proper configuration reader
- Allow building custom transports
- for example, tls or websockets
- Allow different strategies for individual components
- for example, custom allocators for the disassembler
- ability to change random source
- Somehow do ticking of disassembler properly or just replace it entirely with something less weird
- Allow one endpoint to ask the other to close the connection
- if it is only ever the client that closes all of the connections, suspicions may be raised
- Allow different AEAD ciphers to be used
- Actual documentation
- Rename things with names that actually make sense
- TypeScript definitely
- Update eslint configuration
- Acknowledgement stuff because broken connections are not very reliable
- Figure out how to do this with minimal overhead
- Possibly do this on the session layer, on top of disassembler
- become laughingstock on HN or something
- does this even work in its intended purpose
- get someone from china to see if it works
- be better at writing code
- get arrested by chinese internet police or something
- also literally never going to happen because this project sucks
This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 10, 2022. It is now read-only.