Releases: helsenorge/refero
Releases · helsenorge/refero
Release 11.0.0
What's Changed
- Form filler: Copy or move data fields to a summary function (Del 4) by @AG-83 in #39
- Bumped refero beta version to 10.4.0-beta01 by @andreasnp in #42
- Core updates and new beta version by @andreasnp in #43
- Made renderChildrenWhenClosed into a prop in text.tsx by @andreasnp in #44
- Removed beta flag to publish version 11.0.0 by @andreasnp in #45
Full Changelog: v10.3.0...v11.0.0
Release 10.3.0
What's Changed
- Task 286147: Håndtering for om element vises i skjemautfyller by @AG-83 in #24
- Fixed trusted types bug @andreasnp in #29
- Removed redundant load of dompurify to fix trusted types error by @andreasnp in #31
- Returning trusted types in sanitize functions where it was missing by @andreasnp in #33
- Sanitized even more texts with Dompurify by @andreasnp in #34
- Sanitized more strings by @andreasnp in #35
- Sanitized header text with Dompurify by @larskrj in #36
- Remove use of external CustomTag by @larskrj in #38
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v10.2.0...v10.3.0
Release 10.2.0
What's Changed
- Sanitizing dangerouslySetInnerHTML form components with DomPurify by @einett2039121 in #21
- Andreasn/textbugfix-2 by @andreasnp in #22
- Andreasn/datebugfix by @andreasnp in #23
- Andreasn/qafixes by @andreasnp in #25
- Updated CHANGES file and bumped up version number by @andreasnp in #28
New Contributors
- @einett2039121 made their first contribution in #21
Full Changelog: v10.1.3...v10.2.0
Release 10.1.3
What's Changed
- Fixed error caused by resource text by @andreasnp in #20
Full Changelog: v10.1.2...v10.1.3
Release 10.1.2
What's Changed
- Added screenreader text for links opening in new tab by @riskake in #18
- Bumped up version number by @andreasnp in #19
Full Changelog: v10.1.1...v10.1.2
Release 10.1.1
What's Changed
- Upgraded helsenorge packages to version 25 by @andreasnp in #15
Full Changelog: v10.0.1...v10.1.1
Release 10.1.0
What's Changed
- Upgraded helsenorge packages to version 25 by @andreasnp in #15
Full Changelog: v10.0.1...v10.1.0
Release 10.0.1
Release 10.0.0
v10.0.0 Removed beta-tag in package.json