The example notebooks in this directory demonstrate various functionalities of HERE Map Widget for Jupyter
Before you run the Notebooks make sure you have:
- A HERE developer account, free and available under HERE Developer Portal
- An API key from the HERE Developer Portal
- An XYZ API access token from your XYZ Hub server or the XYZ portal see also it's Getting Started.
- Add ipywidgets over map - Display interactive ipywidget over map and control traits of the map.
- Basemaps - Display various basemaps.
- Choropleth layer - Add a choropleth layer over map.
- Circle - Add circle object over map.
- Custom icons - Add custom SVG icons for marker.
- Custom marker icons - Add custom image icons for marker.
- Data Hub space - Visualise datahub space data on the map.
- Data Hub space style - Provide custom style to data in datahub space.
- Distance measurment control - Add measurement control over map to calculate distance between points.
- DOM marker - Display a marker that is capable of receiving DOM events.
- Extrusion - 3D extrusion of the geometric shapes.
- Forest fire analysis - Analysis use case for forest fire.
- Geodata layer - Add Geopandas dataframe as layer over map.
- Group objects - Add multiple objects over map as single group object.
- Image overlay - Add image overlay over map.
- Infobubble - Open an infobubble based on click event.
- Japan data - Visualise japan specific data over map.
- KML layer - Visualise data from kml file.
- Map basics - Basic map widget functionalities for vector data.
- Map settings control - Enable and disable various layers on the map.
- Marker cluster - Cluster multiple markers together to better visualize the data.
- Marker trace on linestring - 3D use case for marker tracing.
- Movable shapes - Display moveable geometric shapes on a map.
- Polygon - Display polygon on a map.
- Rectangle - Display rectangle object on a map.
- Search control - Search Addresses using serch control on the map.
- Split map control - Visualise two layers at the same time on the map using split map control.
- ImageTileProvider - Visualise data from XYZ or WMTS tile servers.
- LayersControl - Show/hide layers using LayersControl.
- GeoJSON point style - Point style for Markers in GoeJSON layer.