Documentation about installing Utopia's CMS.
Obtain the code from GitHub with:
git clone [email protected]:ladiaria/utopia-cms.git
and change to that folder
cd utopia-cms
virtualenv is a tool to create an isolated Python enviroment, refer to: for installation.
This project uses Python 2.7 so a virtualenv virtual enviroment should be created with that version of Python:
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 virtualenv_name
Note that you should have Python 2.7 already installed. In the preceding example the binary was in the /usr/bin/python2.7 route. This last command will create a folder virtualenv_name where all Django and Python dependencies should be installed.
Activate the virtual enviroment:
source virtualenv_name/bin/activate
And then install all needed dependencies using the requirements.txt file using pip.
(virtualenv_name) user@user-machine:~/projects/utopia-cms$ pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install all required dependencies in the virtualenv_name enviroment.
System packages, names can vary by OS/distribution:
mariadb nginx libtiff libtiff-devel giflib giflib-devel python-pillow MySQL-python python-dateutil python-vobject python-oauth2 pyPdf python-openid pytz pycrypto python-memcached python-requests-oauthlib python-requests rubygem-sass npm gcc libmaxminddb-devel
npm (Node.js packages):
postcss-cli autoprefixer
Clone the project repository to any local destination directory and init its git submodules:
user@host:~ $ git clone -b main && cd utopia-cms && git submodule update --init
Clone also another repo with more static files needed:
user@host:~/utopia-cms $ git clone -b main static/lightGallery
Create a virtualenv (venv) for Python2.7 using system-site-packages (the subdirectory
is not needed, we use it in this guide because is the default virtualenv directory in the tool virtualenvwrapper, also the virtual environment name can be any other, "utopiacms" is choosed in this guide):user@host:~/utopia-cms $ mkdir -p ~/.virtualenvs && virtualenv2 --system-site-packages ~/.virtualenvs/utopiacms
Activate the new virtual environment and install the required Python modules:
user@host:~/utopia-cms $ source ~/.virtualenvs/utopiacms/bin/activate (utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms $ pip install -r portal/requirements.txt
- Create a new database and grant user privileges to a new or existing database user:
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms $ sudo mysqladmin create utopiacms
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms $ sudo mysql
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'utopiacms_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON utopiacms.* TO 'utopiacms_user'@'localhost';
- Create a local settings module based on the sample given and edit the file created with your database settings created above and also fill the
variable using any string or a more secure one generated for example with this web tool.
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms $ cd portal
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ cp
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ vim portal/
- Create needed tables using Django's
management command:
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ python -W ignore syncdb --noinput
- Create
module tables using Django'ssqlall
management command piped to the database (provide the correct database user and password created before):
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ python -W ignore sqlall social_django | mysql -u utopiacms_user -p utopiacms
- Run the migration script provided, it will create all the rest of database tables needed:
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ libs/scripts/
- Create a Django superuser and collect static files using this commands:
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ python -W ignore createsuperuser
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ python -W ignore collectstatic --noinput
- Configure Nginx for reverse proxying the Django's development server and start it:
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ sudo cp ../docs/nginx_example_conf/utopia-cms-dev.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ sudo systemctl restart nginx
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ python -W ignore runserver
- Login with superuser created before, edit the default site domain and create a publication with the same slug to the one configured in
Point your preferred web browser to and you will be redirected to the Django's admin site login page, after login you will be redirected again to the default site change form, change its domain to
and optionally also change its display name to any name you want, save the changes and then go to fill the form to create the new publication, save it and then you will be able to see the home page working at