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Nakama Cocos2d-x C++ Client SDK

Cocos2d-x C++ client for Nakama server.

Nakama is an open-source server designed to power modern games and apps. Features include user accounts, chat, social, matchmaker, realtime multiplayer, and much more.

This client implements the full API and socket options with the server. It's written in C++ with minimal dependencies to support Cocos2d-x, Unreal and other custom engines and frameworks.

If you experience any issues with the client, it can be useful to enable debug logs (see Logging section) and open an issue.

Full documentation is online -

Supported platforms

Nakama Cocos2d-x C++ SDK is released with prebuilt libraries for following platforms and architectures:

  • Windows - Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019 (x86, x64, Debug, Release)
  • Android - Android 4.1 (armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64)
  • Linux - Ubuntu 14.04.5 (x86, x64)
  • Mac - 10.10+
  • iOS - 5.0+ (arm64, armv7, armv7s, x86_64), Bitcode is off

Getting Started

You'll need to setup the server and database before you can connect with the client. The simplest way is to use Docker but have a look at the server documentation for other options.

  1. Install and run the servers. Follow these instructions.

  2. Download the SDK from the releases page.

  3. Integrate the SDK into your project:

Setup for CMake projects

Add following to your CMakeLists.txt file:

set(nakama-sdk_DIR <path-to-nakama-sdk>/share/nakama-sdk)
target_link_libraries(${APP_NAME} nakama-sdk)

You will need to include optional-lite as well if you do not bring it in yourself.

set(optional-lite_DIR <path-to-nakama-sdk>/share/optional-lite)
target_link_libraries(${APP_NAME} nonstd::optional-lite)

Some users also like to include protobuf for their own serialization in their app. To include this, do the following:

set(Protobuf_DIR <path-to-nakama-sdk>/share/protobuf)
find_package(Protobuf CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${APP_NAME} protobuf::libprotobuf)

Threading model

Nakama C++ is designed to use in one thread only.


The client object has many methods to execute various features in the server or open realtime socket connections with the server.

Use the connection credentials to build a client object.

NClientParameters parameters;
parameters.serverKey = "defaultkey"; = "";
parameters.port = DEFAULT_PORT;
NClientPtr client = createDefaultClient(parameters);

The createDefaultClient will create HTTP/1.1 client to use REST API.


The tick method pumps requests queue and executes callbacks in your thread. You must call it periodically (recommended every 50ms) in your thread.

auto tickCallback = [this](float dt)
    if (rtClient)

auto scheduler = Director::getInstance()->getScheduler();
scheduler->schedule(tickCallback, this, 0.05f /*sec*/, CC_REPEAT_FOREVER, 0, false, "nakama-tick");

Without this the default client and realtime client will not work, and you will not receive responses from the server.


There's a variety of ways to authenticate with the server. Authentication can create a user if they don't already exist with those credentials. It's also easy to authenticate with a social profile from Google Play Games, Facebook, Game Center, etc.

string email = "[email protected]";
string password = "batsignal";

auto successCallback = [](NSessionPtr session)
    CCLOG("session token: %s", session->getAuthToken().c_str());

auto errorCallback = [](const NError& error)

client->authenticateEmail(email, password, "", false, {}, successCallback, errorCallback);


When authenticated the server responds with an auth token (JWT) which contains useful properties and gets deserialized into a NSession object.

CCLOG("%s", session->getAuthToken().c_str()); // raw JWT token
CCLOG("%s", session->getUserId().c_str());
CCLOG("%s", session->getUsername().c_str());
CCLOG("Session has expired: %s", session->isExpired() ? "yes" : "no");
CCLOG("Session expires at: %llu", session->getExpireTime());
CCLOG("Session created at: %llu", session->getCreateTime());

It is recommended to store the auth token from the session and check at startup if it has expired. If the token has expired you must reauthenticate. The expiry time of the token can be changed as a setting in the server.

string authtoken = "restored from somewhere";
NSessionPtr session = restoreSession(authtoken);
if (session->isExpired()) {
    CCLOG("Session has expired. Must reauthenticate!");


The client includes lots of builtin APIs for various features of the game server. These can be accessed with the async methods. It can also call custom logic as RPC functions on the server. These can also be executed with a socket object.

All requests are sent with a session object which authorizes the client.

auto successCallback = [](const NAccount& account)
    CCLOG("user id : %s",;
    CCLOG("username: %s", account.user.username.c_str());
    CCLOG("wallet  : %s", account.wallet.c_str());

client->getAccount(session, successCallback, errorCallback);

Realtime client

The client can create one or more realtime clients with the server. Each realtime client can have it's own events listener registered for responses received from the server.

bool createStatus = true; // if the socket should show the user as online to others.
// define realtime client in your class as NRtClientPtr rtClient;
rtClient = client->createRtClient(DEFAULT_PORT);
// define listener in your class as NRtDefaultClientListener listener;
    CCLOG("Socket connected");
rtClient->connect(session, createStatus);

Don't forget to call tick method. See Tick section for details.


The development roadmap is managed as GitHub issues and pull requests are welcome. If you're interested to enhance the code please open an issue to discuss the changes or drop in and discuss it in the community forum.

Source Builds

The cocos2d-x C++ SDK is based on General C++ SDK

The prerequisites for building the SDK are vcpkg (installed at $VCPKG_ROOT), CMake and git.

Nakama Cocos2d-x Client guide

You can find Nakama Cocos2d-x Client guide here.

Full Cocos2d-x C++ Client example

You can find the Cocos2d-x C++ Client example here

Make sure cocos2d-x is installed and that you've manually set COCOS_2DX_ROOT to the repository.

To run the example, build our SDK and then use the cocos CLI in the example folder as documented in their README. The example project will find the SDK in the out directory using the triplet you specify in the example CMakeLists.txt. See NAKAMA_TRIPLET in that file.

For Android you will also need to pass the appropriate app-abi, for example:

cocos compile -pandroid --app-abi arm64-v8a -m debug


This project is licensed under the Apache-2 License.

Special Thanks

Thanks to @dimon4eg for this excellent support on developing Nakama C++, Cocos2d-x and Unreal client libraries.