From 62e05b66fd033a58ba81e7a2f5337e98d45da6e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "" Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 20:04:48 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] feat: null to undefined --- src/@types/gles.d.ts | 941 ----------------------------- src/CComponent.ts | 2 +- src/FPSta.ts | 4 +- src/WEICUE.ts | 18 +- src/WEWA.ts | 51 +- src/three.ts | 2 +- src/three/EffectComposer.ts | 4 +- src/three/pass/FullScreenHelper.ts | 8 +- src/three/pass/RenderPass.ts | 28 +- 9 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 999 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 src/@types/gles.d.ts diff --git a/src/@types/gles.d.ts b/src/@types/gles.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 440c076..0000000 --- a/src/@types/gles.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,941 +0,0 @@ -/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions */ -/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface */ -/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ -/** - * Interface for GL-ES3 Typization - * (yet to be implemented in ts-spec) - */ - -interface GLESObject {} - -interface GLESActiveInfo { - readonly name: string; - readonly size: number; - readonly type: number; -} - -interface GLESBuffer extends GLESObject {} - -interface GLESFramebuffer extends GLESObject {} - -interface GLESProgram extends GLESObject {} - -interface GLESRenderbuffer extends GLESObject {} - -interface GLESShader extends GLESObject {} - -interface GLESShaderPrecisionFormat { - readonly precision: number; - readonly rangeMax: number; - readonly rangeMin: number; -} - -interface GLESTexture extends GLESObject {} - -interface GLESUniformLocation {} - -declare interface GLESRenderingContext extends WebGL2RenderingContext { - activeTexture(texture: number): void; - attachShader(program: GLESProgram | null, shader: GLESShader | null): void; - bindAttribLocation( - program: GLESProgram | null, - index: number, - name: string - ): void; - bindBuffer(target: number, buffer: GLESBuffer | null): void; - bindFramebuffer(target: number, framebuffer: GLESFramebuffer | null): void; - bindRenderbuffer(target: number, renderbuffer: GLESRenderbuffer | null): void; - bindTexture(target: number, texture: GLESTexture | null): void; - blendColor(red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha: number): void; - blendEquation(mode: number): void; - blendEquationSeparate(modeRGB: number, modeAlpha: number): void; - blendFunc(sfactor: number, dfactor: number): void; - blendFuncSeparate( - srcRGB: number, - dstRGB: number, - srcAlpha: number, - dstAlpha: number - ): void; - bufferData( - target: number, - size: number | ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer, - usage: number - ): void; - bufferSubData( - target: number, - offset: number, - data: ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer - ): void; - checkFramebufferStatus(target: number): number; - clear(mask: number): void; - clearColor(red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha: number): void; - clearDepthf(depth: number): void; - clearStencil(s: number): void; - colorMask(red: boolean, green: boolean, blue: boolean, alpha: boolean): void; - compileShader(shader: GLESShader | null): void; - // compressedTexImage2D(target: number, level: number, internalformat: number, width: number, height: number, border: number, data: ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer): void; - // compressedTexSubImage2D(target: number, level: number, xoffset: number, yoffset: number, width: number, height: number, format: number, data: ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer): void; - copyTexImage2D( - target: number, - level: number, - internalformat: number, - x: number, - y: number, - width: number, - height: number, - border: number - ): void; - copyTexSubImage2D( - target: number, - level: number, - xoffset: number, - yoffset: number, - x: number, - y: number, - width: number, - height: number - ): void; - createBuffer(): GLESBuffer | null; - createFramebuffer(): GLESFramebuffer | null; - createProgram(): GLESProgram | null; - createRenderbuffer(): GLESRenderbuffer | null; - createShader(type: number): GLESShader | null; - createTexture(): GLESTexture | null; - cullFace(mode: number): void; - deleteBuffer(buffer: GLESBuffer | null): void; - deleteFramebuffer(framebuffer: GLESFramebuffer | null): void; - deleteProgram(program: GLESProgram | null): void; - deleteRenderbuffer(renderbuffer: GLESRenderbuffer | null): void; - deleteShader(shader: GLESShader | null): void; - deleteTexture(texture: GLESTexture | null): void; - depthFunc(func: number): void; - depthMask(flag: boolean): void; - depthRangef(zNear: number, zFar: number): void; - detachShader(program: GLESProgram | null, shader: GLESShader | null): void; - disable(cap: number): void; - disableVertexAttribArray(index: number): void; - drawArrays(mode: number, first: number, count: number): void; - drawElements(mode: number, count: number, type: number, offset: number): void; - enable(cap: number): void; - enableVertexAttribArray(index: number): void; - finish(): void; - flush(): void; - framebufferRenderbuffer( - target: number, - attachment: number, - renderbuffertarget: number, - renderbuffer: GLESRenderbuffer | null - ): void; - framebufferTexture2D( - target: number, - attachment: number, - textarget: number, - texture: GLESTexture | null, - level: number - ): void; - frontFace(mode: number): void; - generateMipmap(target: number): void; - getActiveAttrib( - program: GLESProgram | null, - index: number - ): GLESActiveInfo | null; - getActiveUniform( - program: GLESProgram | null, - index: number - ): GLESActiveInfo | null; - getAttachedShaders(program: GLESProgram | null): GLESShader[] | null; - getAttribLocation(program: GLESProgram | null, name: string): number; - getBooleanv(pname: number): boolean; - getBufferParameteriv(target: number, pname: number): number; - getError(): number; - getFloatv(pname: number): number; - getFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv( - target: number, - attachment: number, - pname: number - ): number; - getIntegerv(pname: number): number; - getProgramiv(program: GLESProgram, pname: number): number; - getProgramInfoLog(program: GLESProgram | null): string | null; - getRenderbufferParameteriv( - program: GLESProgram | null, - pname: number - ): number; - getShaderiv(shader: GLESShader, pname: number): number; - getShaderInfoLog(shader: GLESShader | null): string | null; - getShaderPrecisionFormat( - shadertype: number, - precisiontype: number - ): GLESShaderPrecisionFormat | null; - getShaderSource(shader: GLESShader | null): string | null; - getString(name: number): string; - getTexParameterfv(target: number, pname: number): number; - getTexParameteriv(target: number, pname: number): number; - getUniformfv( - program: GLESProgram | null, - location: GLESUniformLocation | null - ): number; - getUniformiv( - program: GLESProgram | null, - location: GLESUniformLocation | null - ): number; - getUniformLocation( - program: GLESProgram | null, - name: string - ): GLESUniformLocation | null; - getVertexAttribfv(index: number, pname: number): number; - getVertexAttribiv(index: number, pname: number): number; - getVertexAttribPointerv(index: number, pname: number): number; - hint(target: number, mode: number): void; - isBuffer(buffer: GLESBuffer | null): boolean; - isEnabled(cap: number): boolean; - isFramebuffer(framebuffer: GLESFramebuffer | null): boolean; - isProgram(program: GLESProgram | null): boolean; - isRenderbuffer(renderbuffer: GLESRenderbuffer | null): boolean; - isShader(shader: GLESShader | null): boolean; - isTexture(texture: GLESTexture | null): boolean; - lineWidth(width: number): void; - linkProgram(program: GLESProgram | null): void; - pixelStorei(pname: number, param: number | boolean): void; - polygonOffset(factor: number, units: number): void; - // readPixels(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, format: number, type: number, pixels: ArrayBufferView | null): void; - releaseShaderCompiler(): void; - renderbufferStorage( - target: number, - internalformat: number, - width: number, - height: number - ): void; - sampleCoverage(value: number, invert: boolean): void; - scissor(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): void; - shaderBinary( - shader: GLESShader, - binaryformat: number, - bin: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView - ): void; - shaderSource(shader: GLESShader | null, source: string): void; - stencilFunc(func: number, ref: number, mask: number): void; - stencilFuncSeparate( - face: number, - func: number, - ref: number, - mask: number - ): void; - stencilMask(mask: number): void; - stencilMaskSeparate(face: number, mask: number): void; - stencilOp(fail: number, zfail: number, zpass: number): void; - stencilOpSeparate( - face: number, - fail: number, - zfail: number, - zpass: number - ): void; - // texImage2D(target: number, level: number, internalformat: number, width: number, height: number, border: number, format: number, type: number, pixels: ArrayBufferView | null): void; - texParameterf(target: number, pname: number, param: number): void; - texParameterfv(target: number, pname: number, params: Float32Array): void; - texParameteri(target: number, pname: number, param: number): void; - texParameteriv(target: number, pname: number, params: Int32Array): void; - // texSubImage2D(target: number, level: number, xoffset: number, yoffset: number, width: number, height: number, format: number, type: number, pixels: ArrayBufferView | null): void; - uniform1f(location: GLESUniformLocation | null, x: number): void; - uniform1fv(location: GLESUniformLocation, v: Float32Array): void; - uniform1i(location: GLESUniformLocation | null, x: number): void; - uniform1iv(location: GLESUniformLocation, v: Int32Array): void; - uniform2f(location: GLESUniformLocation | null, x: number, y: number): void; - uniform2fv(location: GLESUniformLocation, v: Float32Array): void; - uniform2i(location: GLESUniformLocation | null, x: number, y: number): void; - uniform2iv(location: GLESUniformLocation, v: Int32Array): void; - uniform3f( - location: GLESUniformLocation | null, - x: number, - y: number, - z: number - ): void; - uniform3fv(location: GLESUniformLocation, v: Float32Array): void; - uniform3i( - location: GLESUniformLocation | null, - x: number, - y: number, - z: number - ): void; - uniform3iv(location: GLESUniformLocation, v: Int32Array): void; - uniform4f( - location: GLESUniformLocation | null, - x: number, - y: number, - z: number, - w: number - ): void; - uniform4fv(location: GLESUniformLocation, v: Float32Array): void; - uniform4i( - location: GLESUniformLocation | null, - x: number, - y: number, - z: number, - w: number - ): void; - uniform4iv(location: GLESUniformLocation, v: Int32Array): void; - uniformMatrix2fv( - location: GLESUniformLocation, - transpose: boolean, - value: Float32Array - ): void; - uniformMatrix3fv( - location: GLESUniformLocation, - transpose: boolean, - value: Float32Array - ): void; - uniformMatrix4fv( - location: GLESUniformLocation, - transpose: boolean, - value: Float32Array - ): void; - useProgram(program: GLESProgram | null): void; - validateProgram(program: GLESProgram | null): void; - vertexAttrib1f(indx: number, x: number): void; - vertexAttrib1fv(indx: number, values: Float32Array): void; - vertexAttrib2f(indx: number, x: number, y: number): void; - vertexAttrib2fv(indx: number, values: Float32Array): void; - vertexAttrib3f(indx: number, x: number, y: number, z: number): void; - vertexAttrib3fv(indx: number, values: Float32Array): void; - vertexAttrib4f( - indx: number, - x: number, - y: number, - z: number, - w: number - ): void; - vertexAttrib4fv(indx: number, values: Float32Array): void; - vertexAttribPointer( - indx: number, - size: number, - type: number, - normalized: boolean, - stride: number, - offset: number - ): void; - viewport(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): void; - - readonly DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT: number; - readonly STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT: number; - readonly COLOR_BUFFER_BIT: number; - readonly FALSE: number; - readonly TRUE: number; - readonly POINTS: number; - readonly LINES: number; - readonly LINE_LOOP: number; - readonly LINE_STRIP: number; - readonly TRIANGLES: number; - readonly TRIANGLE_STRIP: number; - readonly TRIANGLE_FAN: number; - readonly ZERO: number; - readonly ONE: number; - readonly SRC_COLOR: number; - readonly ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR: number; - readonly SRC_ALPHA: number; - readonly ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA: number; - readonly DST_ALPHA: number; - readonly ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA: number; - readonly DST_COLOR: number; - readonly ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR: number; - readonly SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE: number; - readonly FUNC_ADD: number; - readonly BLEND_EQUATION: number; - readonly BLEND_EQUATION_RGB: number; - readonly BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA: number; - readonly FUNC_SUBTRACT: number; - readonly FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT: number; - readonly BLEND_DST_RGB: number; - readonly BLEND_SRC_RGB: number; - readonly BLEND_DST_ALPHA: number; - readonly BLEND_SRC_ALPHA: number; - readonly CONSTANT_COLOR: number; - readonly ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR: number; - readonly CONSTANT_ALPHA: number; - readonly ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA: number; - readonly BLEND_COLOR: number; - readonly ARRAY_BUFFER: number; - readonly ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER: number; - readonly ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly STREAM_DRAW: number; - readonly STATIC_DRAW: number; - readonly DYNAMIC_DRAW: number; - readonly BUFFER_SIZE: number; - readonly BUFFER_USAGE: number; - readonly CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB: number; - readonly FRONT: number; - readonly BACK: number; - readonly FRONT_AND_BACK: number; - readonly TEXTURE_2D: number; - readonly CULL_FACE: number; - readonly BLEND: number; - readonly DITHER: number; - readonly STENCIL_TEST: number; - readonly DEPTH_TEST: number; - readonly SCISSOR_TEST: number; - readonly POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL: number; - readonly SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE: number; - readonly SAMPLE_COVERAGE: number; - readonly NO_ERROR: number; - readonly INVALID_ENUM: number; - readonly INVALID_VALUE: number; - readonly INVALID_OPERATION: number; - readonly OUT_OF_MEMORY: number; - readonly CW: number; - readonly CCW: number; - readonly LINE_WIDTH: number; - readonly ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE: number; - readonly ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE: number; - readonly CULL_FACE_MODE: number; - readonly FRONT_FACE: number; - readonly DEPTH_RANGE: number; - readonly DEPTH_WRITEMASK: number; - readonly DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE: number; - readonly DEPTH_FUNC: number; - readonly STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE: number; - readonly STENCIL_FUNC: number; - readonly STENCIL_FAIL: number; - readonly STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: number; - readonly STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS: number; - readonly STENCIL_REF: number; - readonly STENCIL_VALUE_MASK: number; - readonly STENCIL_WRITEMASK: number; - readonly STENCIL_BACK_FUNC: number; - readonly STENCIL_BACK_FAIL: number; - readonly STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: number; - readonly STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS: number; - readonly STENCIL_BACK_REF: number; - readonly STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK: number; - readonly STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK: number; - readonly VIEWPORT: number; - readonly SCISSOR_BOX: number; - readonly COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE: number; - readonly COLOR_WRITEMASK: number; - readonly UNPACK_ALIGNMENT: number; - readonly PACK_ALIGNMENT: number; - readonly MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: number; - readonly MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS: number; - readonly SUBPIXEL_BITS: number; - readonly RED_BITS: number; - readonly GREEN_BITS: number; - readonly BLUE_BITS: number; - readonly ALPHA_BITS: number; - readonly DEPTH_BITS: number; - readonly STENCIL_BITS: number; - readonly POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS: number; - readonly POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR: number; - readonly TEXTURE_BINDING_2D: number; - readonly SAMPLE_BUFFERS: number; - readonly SAMPLES: number; - readonly SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE: number; - readonly SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT: number; - readonly NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS: number; - readonly COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS: number; - readonly DONT_CARE: number; - readonly FASTEST: number; - readonly NICEST: number; - readonly GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT: number; - readonly BYTE: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_BYTE: number; - readonly SHORT: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_SHORT: number; - readonly INT: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_INT: number; - readonly FLOAT: number; - readonly FIXED: number; - readonly DEPTH_COMPONENT: number; - readonly ALPHA: number; - readonly RGB: number; - readonly RGBA: number; - readonly LUMINANCE: number; - readonly LUMINANCE_ALPHA: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5: number; - readonly FRAGMENT_SHADER: number; - readonly VERTEX_SHADER: number; - readonly MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS: number; - readonly MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS: number; - readonly MAX_VARYING_VECTORS: number; - readonly MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: number; - readonly MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: number; - readonly MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: number; - readonly MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS: number; - readonly SHADER_TYPE: number; - readonly DELETE_STATUS: number; - readonly LINK_STATUS: number; - readonly VALIDATE_STATUS: number; - readonly ATTACHED_SHADERS: number; - readonly ACTIVE_UNIFORMS: number; - readonly ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH: number; - readonly ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES: number; - readonly ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH: number; - readonly SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: number; - readonly CURRENT_PROGRAM: number; - readonly NEVER: number; - readonly LESS: number; - readonly EQUAL: number; - readonly LEQUAL: number; - readonly GREATER: number; - readonly NOTEQUAL: number; - readonly GEQUAL: number; - readonly ALWAYS: number; - readonly KEEP: number; - readonly REPLACE: number; - readonly INCR: number; - readonly DECR: number; - readonly INVERT: number; - readonly INCR_WRAP: number; - readonly DECR_WRAP: number; - readonly VENDOR: number; - readonly RENDERER: number; - readonly VERSION: number; - readonly EXTENSIONS: number; - readonly NEAREST: number; - readonly LINEAR: number; - readonly NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: number; - readonly LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: number; - readonly NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: number; - readonly LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: number; - readonly TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: number; - readonly TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: number; - readonly TEXTURE_WRAP_S: number; - readonly TEXTURE_WRAP_T: number; - readonly TEXTURE: number; - readonly TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP: number; - readonly TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP: number; - readonly TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X: number; - readonly TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X: number; - readonly TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y: number; - readonly TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y: number; - readonly TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z: number; - readonly TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z: number; - readonly MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE: number; - readonly TEXTURE0: number; - readonly TEXTURE1: number; - readonly TEXTURE2: number; - readonly TEXTURE3: number; - readonly TEXTURE4: number; - readonly TEXTURE5: number; - readonly TEXTURE6: number; - readonly TEXTURE7: number; - readonly TEXTURE8: number; - readonly TEXTURE9: number; - readonly TEXTURE10: number; - readonly TEXTURE11: number; - readonly TEXTURE12: number; - readonly TEXTURE13: number; - readonly TEXTURE14: number; - readonly TEXTURE15: number; - readonly TEXTURE16: number; - readonly TEXTURE17: number; - readonly TEXTURE18: number; - readonly TEXTURE19: number; - readonly TEXTURE20: number; - readonly TEXTURE21: number; - readonly TEXTURE22: number; - readonly TEXTURE23: number; - readonly TEXTURE24: number; - readonly TEXTURE25: number; - readonly TEXTURE26: number; - readonly TEXTURE27: number; - readonly TEXTURE28: number; - readonly TEXTURE29: number; - readonly TEXTURE30: number; - readonly TEXTURE31: number; - readonly ACTIVE_TEXTURE: number; - readonly REPEAT: number; - readonly CLAMP_TO_EDGE: number; - readonly MIRRORED_REPEAT: number; - readonly FLOAT_VEC2: number; - readonly FLOAT_VEC3: number; - readonly FLOAT_VEC4: number; - readonly INT_VEC2: number; - readonly INT_VEC3: number; - readonly INT_VEC4: number; - readonly BOOL: number; - readonly BOOL_VEC2: number; - readonly BOOL_VEC3: number; - readonly BOOL_VEC4: number; - readonly FLOAT_MAT2: number; - readonly FLOAT_MAT3: number; - readonly FLOAT_MAT4: number; - readonly SAMPLER_2D: number; - readonly SAMPLER_CUBE: number; - readonly VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED: number; - readonly VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE: number; - readonly VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE: number; - readonly VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE: number; - readonly VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED: number; - readonly VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER: number; - readonly VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE: number; - readonly IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT: number; - readonly COMPILE_STATUS: number; - readonly INFO_LOG_LENGTH: number; - readonly SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH: number; - readonly SHADER_COMPILER: number; - readonly SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS: number; - readonly NUM_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS: number; - readonly LOW_FLOAT: number; - readonly MEDIUM_FLOAT: number; - readonly HIGH_FLOAT: number; - readonly LOW_INT: number; - readonly MEDIUM_INT: number; - readonly HIGH_INT: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER: number; - readonly RENDERBUFFER: number; - readonly RGBA4: number; - readonly RGB5_A1: number; - readonly RGB565: number; - readonly DEPTH_COMPONENT16: number; - readonly STENCIL_INDEX8: number; - readonly RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH: number; - readonly RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT: number; - readonly RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT: number; - readonly RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE: number; - readonly RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE: number; - readonly RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE: number; - readonly RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE: number; - readonly RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE: number; - readonly RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: number; - readonly DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: number; - readonly STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: number; - readonly NONE: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly RENDERBUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE: number; - readonly INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: number; - readonly READ_BUFFER: number; - readonly UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH: number; - readonly UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS: number; - readonly UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS: number; - readonly PACK_ROW_LENGTH: number; - readonly PACK_SKIP_ROWS: number; - readonly PACK_SKIP_PIXELS: number; - readonly COLOR: number; - readonly DEPTH: number; - readonly STENCIL: number; - readonly RED: number; - readonly RGB8: number; - readonly RGBA8: number; - readonly RGB10_A2: number; - readonly TEXTURE_BINDING_3D: number; - readonly UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES: number; - readonly UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT: number; - readonly TEXTURE_3D: number; - readonly TEXTURE_WRAP_R: number; - readonly MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV: number; - readonly MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES: number; - readonly MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES: number; - readonly TEXTURE_MIN_LOD: number; - readonly TEXTURE_MAX_LOD: number; - readonly TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL: number; - readonly TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL: number; - readonly MIN: number; - readonly MAX: number; - readonly DEPTH_COMPONENT24: number; - readonly MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS: number; - readonly TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE: number; - readonly TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC: number; - readonly CURRENT_QUERY: number; - readonly QUERY_RESULT: number; - readonly QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE: number; - readonly BUFFER_MAPPED: number; - readonly BUFFER_MAP_POINTER: number; - readonly STREAM_READ: number; - readonly STREAM_COPY: number; - readonly STATIC_READ: number; - readonly STATIC_COPY: number; - readonly DYNAMIC_READ: number; - readonly DYNAMIC_COPY: number; - readonly MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER0: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER1: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER2: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER3: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER4: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER5: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER6: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER7: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER8: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER9: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER10: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER11: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER12: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER13: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER14: number; - readonly DRAW_BUFFER15: number; - readonly MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS: number; - readonly MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS: number; - readonly SAMPLER_3D: number; - readonly SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW: number; - readonly FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT: number; - readonly PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER: number; - readonly PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER: number; - readonly PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly FLOAT_MAT2x3: number; - readonly FLOAT_MAT2x4: number; - readonly FLOAT_MAT3x2: number; - readonly FLOAT_MAT3x4: number; - readonly FLOAT_MAT4x2: number; - readonly FLOAT_MAT4x3: number; - readonly SRGB: number; - readonly SRGB8: number; - readonly SRGB8_ALPHA8: number; - readonly COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE: number; - readonly MAJOR_VERSION: number; - readonly MINOR_VERSION: number; - readonly NUM_EXTENSIONS: number; - readonly RGBA32F: number; - readonly RGB32F: number; - readonly RGBA16F: number; - readonly RGB16F: number; - readonly VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER: number; - readonly MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS: number; - readonly MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET: number; - readonly MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET: number; - readonly MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS: number; - readonly TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY: number; - readonly TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY: number; - readonly R11F_G11F_B10F: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV: number; - readonly RGB9_E5: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV: number; - readonly TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH: number; - readonly TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_MODE: number; - readonly MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS: number; - readonly TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS: number; - readonly TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START: number; - readonly TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE: number; - readonly TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN: number; - readonly RASTERIZER_DISCARD: number; - readonly MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS: number; - readonly MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS: number; - readonly INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS: number; - readonly SEPARATE_ATTRIBS: number; - readonly TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER: number; - readonly TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly RGBA32UI: number; - readonly RGB32UI: number; - readonly RGBA16UI: number; - readonly RGB16UI: number; - readonly RGBA8UI: number; - readonly RGB8UI: number; - readonly RGBA32I: number; - readonly RGB32I: number; - readonly RGBA16I: number; - readonly RGB16I: number; - readonly RGBA8I: number; - readonly RGB8I: number; - readonly RED_INTEGER: number; - readonly RGB_INTEGER: number; - readonly RGBA_INTEGER: number; - readonly SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY: number; - readonly SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW: number; - readonly SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4: number; - readonly INT_SAMPLER_2D: number; - readonly INT_SAMPLER_3D: number; - readonly INT_SAMPLER_CUBE: number; - readonly INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY: number; - readonly BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS: number; - readonly BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH: number; - readonly BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET: number; - readonly DEPTH_COMPONENT32F: number; - readonly DEPTH32F_STENCIL8: number; - readonly FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_ENCODING: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COMPONENT_TYPE: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_RED_SIZE: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_GREEN_SIZE: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_BLUE_SIZE: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_ALPHA_SIZE: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_DEPTH_SIZE: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_SIZE: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED: number; - readonly DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: number; - readonly DEPTH_STENCIL: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_INT_24_8: number; - readonly DEPTH24_STENCIL8: number; - readonly UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED: number; - readonly DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly READ_FRAMEBUFFER: number; - readonly DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER: number; - readonly READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER: number; - readonly MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT1: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT2: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT3: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT4: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT5: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT6: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT7: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT8: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT9: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT10: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT11: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT12: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT13: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT14: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT15: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT16: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT17: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT18: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT19: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT20: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT21: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT22: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT23: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT24: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT25: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT26: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT27: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT28: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT29: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT30: number; - readonly COLOR_ATTACHMENT31: number; - readonly FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE: number; - readonly MAX_SAMPLES: number; - readonly HALF_FLOAT: number; - readonly MAP_READ_BIT: number; - readonly MAP_WRITE_BIT: number; - readonly MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT: number; - readonly MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT: number; - readonly MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT: number; - readonly MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT: number; - readonly RG: number; - readonly RG_INTEGER: number; - readonly R8: number; - readonly RG8: number; - readonly R16F: number; - readonly R32F: number; - readonly RG16F: number; - readonly RG32F: number; - readonly R8I: number; - readonly R8UI: number; - readonly R16I: number; - readonly R16UI: number; - readonly R32I: number; - readonly R32UI: number; - readonly RG8I: number; - readonly RG8UI: number; - readonly RG16I: number; - readonly RG16UI: number; - readonly RG32I: number; - readonly RG32UI: number; - readonly VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING: number; - readonly R8_SNORM: number; - readonly RG8_SNORM: number; - readonly RGB8_SNORM: number; - readonly RGBA8_SNORM: number; - readonly SIGNED_NORMALIZED: number; - readonly PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FIXED_INDEX: number; - readonly COPY_READ_BUFFER: number; - readonly COPY_WRITE_BUFFER: number; - readonly COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BUFFER: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BUFFER_START: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE: number; - readonly MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS: number; - readonly MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS: number; - readonly MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS: number; - readonly MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS: number; - readonly MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE: number; - readonly MAX_COMBINED_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS: number; - readonly MAX_COMBINED_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT: number; - readonly ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCK_MAX_NAME_LENGTH: number; - readonly ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS: number; - readonly UNIFORM_TYPE: number; - readonly UNIFORM_SIZE: number; - readonly UNIFORM_NAME_LENGTH: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX: number; - readonly UNIFORM_OFFSET: number; - readonly UNIFORM_ARRAY_STRIDE: number; - readonly UNIFORM_MATRIX_STRIDE: number; - readonly UNIFORM_IS_ROW_MAJOR: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BLOCK_NAME_LENGTH: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER: number; - readonly UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER: number; - readonly INVALID_INDEX: number; - readonly MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS: number; - readonly MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS: number; - readonly MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT: number; - readonly OBJECT_TYPE: number; - readonly SYNC_CONDITION: number; - readonly SYNC_STATUS: number; - readonly SYNC_FLAGS: number; - readonly SYNC_FENCE: number; - readonly SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE: number; - readonly UNSIGNALED: number; - readonly SIGNALED: number; - readonly ALREADY_SIGNALED: number; - readonly TIMEOUT_EXPIRED: number; - readonly CONDITION_SATISFIED: number; - readonly WAIT_FAILED: number; - readonly SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT: number; - readonly TIMEOUT_IGNORED: number; - readonly VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR: number; - readonly ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED: number; - readonly ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE: number; - readonly SAMPLER_BINDING: number; - readonly RGB10_A2UI: number; - readonly TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R: number; - readonly TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G: number; - readonly TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B: number; - readonly TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A: number; - readonly GREEN: number; - readonly BLUE: number; - readonly INT_2_10_10_10_REV: number; - readonly TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK: number; - readonly TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PAUSED: number; - readonly TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ACTIVE: number; - readonly TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING: number; - readonly PROGRAM_BINARY_RETRIEVABLE_HINT: number; - readonly PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH: number; - readonly NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS: number; - readonly PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS: number; - readonly COMPRESSED_R11_EAC: number; - readonly COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC: number; - readonly COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC: number; - readonly COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC: number; - readonly COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2: number; - readonly COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2: number; - readonly COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2: number; - readonly COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2: number; - readonly COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC: number; - readonly COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC: number; - readonly TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT: number; - readonly MAX_ELEMENT_INDEX: number; - readonly NUM_SAMPLE_COUNTS: number; - readonly TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS: number; - readonly ES_VERSION_2_0: number; -} diff --git a/src/CComponent.ts b/src/CComponent.ts index 0f4a901..0771f39 100644 --- a/src/CComponent.ts +++ b/src/CComponent.ts @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export class CComponent { * main Settings, need to be overwritten with Specific settings * @public */ - public settings: CSettings = null; + public settings: CSettings = undefined; /** * will recursively try to set a setting with type and return success diff --git a/src/FPSta.ts b/src/FPSta.ts index 1832ad0..73f469b 100644 --- a/src/FPSta.ts +++ b/src/FPSta.ts @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export class FPStats extends CComponent { private gpuMS = 1; // audio - private auProvider: WEAS = null; + private auProvider: WEAS = undefined; private audHolder: HTMLElement; private audioMS = 1; private bpmHolder: HTMLDivElement; @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ export class FPStats extends CComponent { } const getDetail = (type: string) => - result.breakdown.find(bd => !!bd && !!bd.types && !!bd.types.includes && bd.types.includes(type)) ?? null + result.breakdown.find(bd => !!bd && !!bd.types && !!bd.types.includes && bd.types.includes(type)) ?? undefined const addDetail = (gotDetail: any, text: string, gotElement: HTMLElement, insertAfter: HTMLElement) => { if (!!gotDetail && !isNaN(gotDetail.bytes)) { diff --git a/src/WEICUE.ts b/src/WEICUE.ts index c5fd6fa..327eb8f 100644 --- a/src/WEICUE.ts +++ b/src/WEICUE.ts @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ * See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. */ +import { ICUE } from "./@types/we-icue"; import { CComponent } from "./CComponent"; import { CSettings } from "./CSettings"; -import { ICUE } from "./ICUE"; import { Smallog } from "./Smallog"; import { getRealWindowSize, rgbToObj, waitReady } from "./Util"; import { WEAS } from "./weas/WEAS"; @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ export class WEICUE extends CComponent { private cue: ICUE; private weas: WEAS; - private holder: HTMLDivElement = null; - private texter: HTMLDivElement = null; - private preview: HTMLDivElement = null; - private helperCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement = null; - private helperContext: CanvasRenderingContext2D = null; + private holder?: HTMLDivElement = undefined; + private texter?: HTMLDivElement = undefined; + private preview?: HTMLDivElement = undefined; + private helperCanvas?: HTMLCanvasElement = undefined; + private helperContext?: CanvasRenderingContext2D = undefined; private icueDevices = []; - private icueInterval = null; + private icueInterval = undefined; // preview time out - private prevTimeout = null; + private prevTimeout?: NodeJS.Timeout = undefined; // runtime values public settings: CUESettings = new CUESettings(); @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ export class WEICUE extends CComponent { // reset timeout? if (this.prevTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.prevTimeout); - this.prevTimeout = null; + this.prevTimeout = undefined; } // update / show preview if (this.isAvailable && this.preview && this.settings.icue_mode == 1) { diff --git a/src/WEWA.ts b/src/WEWA.ts index d5df53d..d0434f8 100644 --- a/src/WEWA.ts +++ b/src/WEWA.ts @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ const LogHead = "[WEWWA] "; const DefLang = "en-us"; /** - * WEWWA + * WEWA * - * Wallpaper Engine Web Wallpaper Adapter + * Wallpaper Engine Web Adapter * - * This is an aditional TS class to be included in your Typescript/Webpack Wallpaper Engine + * This is an aditional class to be included in your Typescript/Webpack Wallpaper Engine * Web-Wallpaper project - so you can test, run & configure it from a normal web browser. * * REQUIREMENTS: @@ -56,25 +56,26 @@ const DefLang = "en-us"; * * @public */ -export class WEWWA { - private audListener: string; +export class WEWA { + private audioListener: string; private propListener: string; private projectFile: string; private defLang: string; - private projectData: any = null; + private projectData?: any = undefined; // TODO type WE project.json - private htmlMenu: Element = null; - private htmlIcon: Element = null; + private htmlMenu?: Element = undefined; + private htmlIcon?: Element = undefined; - private audio: HTMLAudioElement = null; - private ctx: AudioContext = null; - private source: any = null; - private analyser: any = null; + private audio?: HTMLAudioElement = undefined; + private ctx?: AudioContext = undefined; - private audioInterval: any = null; - private audioCallback: any = null; + private source?: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode | MediaElementAudioSourceNode = undefined; + private analyser?: AnalyserNode = undefined; + + private audioInterval?: NodeJS.Timeout = undefined; + private audioCallback?: (data: number[]) => void = undefined; private pauseOnUnfocus = true; private isPaused = false; @@ -83,24 +84,24 @@ export class WEWWA { * Check if we are running in Web-Mode * if yes => iniitialize, else => do nothing * @param {Function} finished Callback for initializing the wallpaper - * @param {string} audListener to register + * @param {string} audioListener to register * @param {string} propListener to register * @param {string} projFile to register * @param {string} defLang default languague from project file */ constructor( finished: () => void = undefined, - audListener = "wallpaperRegisterAudioListener", + audioListener = "wallpaperRegisterAudioListener", propListener = "wallpaperPropertyListener", projFile = "project.json", defLang = DefLang ) { - this.audListener = audListener; + this.audioListener = audioListener; this.propListener = propListener; this.projectFile = projFile; this.defLang = defLang; - if (window[audListener]) { + if (window[audioListener]) {"detected wallpaper engine => Standby.", LogHead); if (finished !== undefined) finished(); return; @@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ export class WEWWA {"wallpaper engine not detected => Init!", LogHead); // define audio listener first, so we dont miss when it gets registered. - window[audListener] = (callback) => { + window[audioListener] = (callback) => { // set callback to be called later with analysed audio data this.audioCallback = callback;"Registered wallpaper AudioListener.", LogHead); @@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ export class WEWWA { if (this.htmlMenu) { document.body.removeChild(this.htmlMenu); document.body.removeChild(this.htmlIcon); - this.htmlMenu = null; + this.htmlMenu = undefined; } // quick wrapper, we need this a lot @@ -326,7 +327,7 @@ export class WEWWA { // local vars faster const proj = this.projectData; - const props =; + const props =; // TODO Type // create root menu this.htmlMenu = ce("div"); @@ -739,8 +740,10 @@ export class WEWWA { // Input const column2 = ce("td"); column2.classList.add("right"); - // optional NumericUpDown Column + + // optional NumericUpDown Column for sliders let column3 = null; + // div or label text element let txt = null; // main input element @@ -1196,7 +1199,7 @@ export class WEWWA { private startAudioInterval() { const data = new Uint8Array(128); // 33ms ~~ 30fps - this.audioInterval = window.setInterval(() => { + this.audioInterval = setInterval(() => { if (this.audioCallback == null) { this.stopAudioInterval(); Smallog.error("no AudioCallback!", LogHead); @@ -1219,7 +1222,7 @@ export class WEWWA { * @param {Uint8Array} data input * @returns {number[]} result */ - private convertAudio(data: Uint8Array) { + private convertAudio(data: Uint8Array): number[] { const stereo = []; let sIdx = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 64; i++) { diff --git a/src/three.ts b/src/three.ts index f5dc233..31cd576 160000 --- a/src/three.ts +++ b/src/three.ts @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit f5dc23341db58629f1e2e85219c60b0b2a610384 +Subproject commit 31cd5768f99d635bef903ca5fb7b7b8e0eb7990f diff --git a/src/three/EffectComposer.ts b/src/three/EffectComposer.ts index f767d5a..5a6350e 100644 --- a/src/three/EffectComposer.ts +++ b/src/three/EffectComposer.ts @@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ export class EffectComposer { if (this.renderer.autoClear) this.renderer.clear(); // do spilt rendering - if (this.renderer.xr.isPresenting && frame !== null) { + if (this.renderer.xr.isPresenting && frame !== undefined) { this.scene.updateMatrixWorld(); - if ( === null); + if ( === undefined); // update cameras const pose = frame.getViewerPose(this.renderer.xr.getReferenceSpace()); diff --git a/src/three/pass/FullScreenHelper.ts b/src/three/pass/FullScreenHelper.ts index 3aa910d..0b6f597 100644 --- a/src/three/pass/FullScreenHelper.ts +++ b/src/three/pass/FullScreenHelper.ts @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ import { WebGLRenderer } from "three.ts/src/renderers/WebGLRenderer"; * @public */ export class FullScreenHelper { - private _mat = null; + private readonly _mat: Material; - public camera: Camera = null; - public geometry: BufferGeometry = null; - public mesh: Mesh = null; + public readonly camera: Camera; + public readonly geometry: BufferGeometry; + public readonly mesh: Mesh; /** * instantiate diff --git a/src/three/pass/RenderPass.ts b/src/three/pass/RenderPass.ts index 4786306..934ba70 100644 --- a/src/three/pass/RenderPass.ts +++ b/src/three/pass/RenderPass.ts @@ -16,39 +16,37 @@ import { BasePass } from "./BasePass"; * Shader Render Helper */ export class RenderPass implements BasePass { - name = "RenderPass"; - enabled = true; - needsSwap = true; + private readonly scene: Scene; + private readonly camera: Camera; + private readonly overMat?: Material; - clear = true; + public clearColor: Color = undefined; + public clearAlpha: number = undefined; - clearColor: Color = null; + public name = "RenderPass"; + public enabled = true; + public needsSwap = true; - clearAlpha: number = null; - clearDepth = false; - - scene: Scene = null; - camera: Camera = null; - overMat: Material = null; + public clear = true; + public clearDepth = false; /** * Construct helper * @param {Scene} scene Scene * @param {Camera} camera Camera - * @param {Material} overMat Override material + * @param {Material} overMat optional Override material * @param {Color} clearColor Clear color * @param {number} clearAlpha Clear alpha */ constructor( scene: Scene, camera: Camera, - overMat: Material, - clearColor?, + overMat?: Material, + clearColor?: Color, clearAlpha?: number ) { this.scene = scene; = camera; - this.overMat = overMat; this.clearColor = clearColor;