- Visit https://www.demails.xyz/
- Make sure your wallet is connected to the Polygon Mumbai Testnet
- Add testnet Matic if needed using a faucet
- Connect wallet (using Mumbai Testnet)
- Select Init Inbox
- Use recipient's wallet address as the address you are sending your email to.
- Send!
*Note recipient may need to manually refresh inbox using button to see new emails
*You can find the contract on Polygon Mumbai here at: 0xcAac6E79b814c46A019A29784840A187DECc2478
- 0x24b9a28CCfa9F4c1f3B8758155dEF332f85026de
- 0x1bd506aed4e48609a63371c5e2571747a249b1b2
- 0xbf871a24cd733f840a091a03eca6a514157c4cdc
- 0xfe54a9526af80aa733f19d7520340c3c5d1d7714
- 0xcb7eaE15998C253c3cfb570a63f65eA22C093530
This project was made possible by @NuzairNuwais, @AvniAgrawal1802, @ChimingPork, @wgg, and @heyskylark. Completed for the 2022 Web3Con, hosted by DeveloperDAO.
Currently I am using Node v16 for this project. Node v17 is not compatible with hardhat at this time.
npm install
npm start
This project demonstrates an advanced Hardhat use case, integrating other tools commonly used alongside Hardhat in the ecosystem.
The project comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, a sample script that deploys that contract, and an example of a task implementation, which simply lists the available accounts. It also comes with a variety of other tools, preconfigured to work with the project code.
Try running some of the following tasks:
npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat help
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat coverage
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
node scripts/deploy.js
npx eslint '**/*.js'
npx eslint '**/*.js' --fix
npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --check
npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --write
npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol'
npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol' --fix
To try out Etherscan verification, you first need to deploy a contract to an Ethereum network that's supported by Etherscan, such as Ropsten.
In this project, copy the .env.example file to a file named .env, and then edit it to fill in the details. Enter your Etherscan API key, your Ropsten node URL (eg from Alchemy), and the private key of the account which will send the deployment transaction. With a valid .env file in place, first deploy your contract:
hardhat run --network ropsten scripts/deploy.js
Then, copy the deployment address and paste it in to replace DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
in this command:
npx hardhat verify --network ropsten DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Hello, Hardhat!"