add split(":") interpretation, read-write
'[filter]' must work as '/*[filter]' (filter to be applied only on leaves)
support rust/ts write:
hial './src/tests/rust.rs^rust/*[:function_item].label = "modified_fn_name"'
add interpretation params to Xell::be()
support zip, markdown
support 'copy source destination'
support ^json^tree^xml
support diff ./file.json^json^tree ./file.xml^xml^tree
basic profiling
should blobs/bytes be part of value? they are only useful by reinterpretation
what to do with very large values? files which are 100MBs?
release first minimal version:
- interpretations: path+fs, json+yaml+toml+xml, rust+js, url?+http
- explicit and implicit write support (policy, include readonly)
- fix tests, todo!() and TODO: in code
- assign to variables;
- search with assignment of results
- pretty print of variables/results
- write values/trees to variables/results
- write to cell (value, label and serial)
- set index (write cell#index)
- new/append/insert_at/delete cell
- new/set/replace/delete group (only sub or attr group)
- diff with assignment of results in variables
?change search: multiple path indices for one cell
?treesitter representations are too detailed, unsure what to do
?explore python implementation and usage
?search should return all matches embedded in a delegation cell, which has all results as subs and delegates write operations to all the subs
later: python, git, database, ical, zip, markdown
todo: c interop and a small c test
cell must implement partialeq, eq (same pointed location)
todo CLI:
- todo: colors: interp, type, label, value
- todo: option to hide attrs?
todo: python interop and a larger python example
todo: get should return an iterator; multiset labels
todo: add regex operator and shortcuts for startswith, endswith, contains
todo: add <, >, <=, >= operators
todo: improve nom parsing errors, use context
todo: custom tree datastructure?
todo: cell symlinks
todo: path bindings
unclear: we should have some internal language:
- Usecase: json:
- Usecase: json:
unclear: how to build a tree of results (what is the accepted language?)
'./**[.name=='config.yaml'][as composefile]^yaml/services/*/image[^string^http@status/code!=200]
tree 'result' -> [composefile] -> image