diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index a45a3dbd68..70a5156c38 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ The code is available on GitHub at . To run the full project build including tests for all backends, documentation etc. execute: - mvn clean install -s settings-example.xml + mvn clean install Note that for running the test suite against separately installed MongoDB or Neo4j servers their host name must be specified via an environment variable. See the sections below for the details. @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ See the sections below for the details. To speed things up, there are several options for skipping parts of the build. To run the minimum project build without integration tests, documentation and distribution execute: - mvn clean install -DskipITs -DskipDocs -DskipDistro -s settings-example.xml + mvn clean install -DskipITs -DskipDocs -DskipDistro The following sections describe these options in more detail. @@ -77,29 +77,29 @@ Make sure that annotation processing is enabled in your project settings (see "P You can skip integration tests by specifying the `skipITs` property: - mvn clean install -DskipITs -s settings-example.xml + mvn clean install -DskipITs ### Documentation The documentation is built by default as part of the project build. You can skip it by specifying the `skipDocs` property: - mvn clean install -DskipDocs -s settings-example.xml + mvn clean install -DskipDocs If you just want to build the documentation, run it from the _documentation/manual_ subdirectory. By default, the following command only builds the HTML version of the documentation: - mvn clean install -f documentation/manual/pom.xml -s settings-example.xml + mvn clean install -f documentation/manual/pom.xml If you also wish to generate the PDF version of the documentation, you need to use the `documentation-pdf` profile: - mvn clean install -f documentation/manual/pom.xml -s settings-example.xml -Pdocumentation-pdf + mvn clean install -f documentation/manual/pom.xml -Pdocumentation-pdf ### Distribution The distribution bundle is built by default as part of the project build. You can skip it by specifying the `skipDistro` property: - mvn clean install -DskipDistro -s settings-example.xml + mvn clean install -DskipDistro ### Integration tests @@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ distribution, extracts it, starts a _mongod_ process and shuts it down after tes If required, you can configure the port to which the MongoDB instance binds to (by default 27018) and the target directory for the extracted binary (defaults to _${project.build.directory}/embeddedMongoDb/extracted_) like this: - mvn clean install -s settings-example.xml -DembeddedMongoDbTempDir= -DembeddedMongoDbPort= + mvn clean install -DembeddedMongoDbTempDir= -DembeddedMongoDbPort= To work with a separately installed MongoDB instance instead, specify the property `-DuseExternalMongoDb`: - mvn clean install -s settings-example.xml -DuseExternalMongoDb + mvn clean install -DuseExternalMongoDb This assumes MongoDB to be installed on `localhost`, using the default port and no authentication. If you work with different settings, configure the required properties in hibernate.properties (for the tests in _mongodb_) @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ prior to running the tests: export MONGODB_PORT=1234 export MONGODB_USERNAME=someUsername export MONGODB_PASSWORD=someP@ssw0rd - mvn clean install -s settings-example.xml -DuseExternalMongoDb + mvn clean install -DuseExternalMongoDb ### Neo4j @@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ embedded Neo4j configuration is used. Hibernate OGM can connect to a Neo4j server remotely via the Bolt protocol or via HTTP. These tests are not executed by default, you can run them using the following commands: - mvn clean install -s settings-example.xml -Pneo4j-http + mvn clean install -Pneo4j-http or - mvn clean install -s settings-example.xml -Pneo4j-bolt + mvn clean install -Pneo4j-bolt This assumes Neo4j to be installed on `localhost`, using the default port and no authentication. If you work with different settings, configure the required properties in hibernate.properties diff --git a/documentation/manual/src/main/asciidoc/modules/how-to-contribute.asciidoc b/documentation/manual/src/main/asciidoc/modules/how-to-contribute.asciidoc index 6bd4a86531..c149c25f69 100644 --- a/documentation/manual/src/main/asciidoc/modules/how-to-contribute.asciidoc +++ b/documentation/manual/src/main/asciidoc/modules/how-to-contribute.asciidoc @@ -63,25 +63,14 @@ Run maven [source, bash] ---- #build project -mvn clean install -s settings-example.xml +mvn clean install ---- -[NOTE] -==== -Note that Hibernate OGM uses artifacts from the Maven repository hosted by JBoss. -Make sure to either use the [code]`-s settings-example.xml` option -or adjust your [filename]`$$~/.m2/settings.xml$$` -according to the descriptions available -http://community.jboss.org/wiki/MavenGettingStarted-Users[on this jboss.org wiki page]. - -These settings are required for development of Hibernate OGM but should not be needed to use it. -==== - To skip building the documentation, set the `skipDocs` property to true: [source, bash] ---- -mvn clean install -DskipDocs=true -s settings-example.xml +mvn clean install -DskipDocs=true ---- [TIP] diff --git a/how-to-release.md b/how-to-release.md index e3dc8505aa..a01c9b6f63 100644 --- a/how-to-release.md +++ b/how-to-release.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Verify: 4. tests and artifacts: ``` - mvn clean install -s settings-example.xml + mvn clean install ``` 5. the distribution package as built by Maven (_distribution/target/hibernate-ogm-[version]-dist_). diff --git a/src/main/release-scripts/update-version.sh b/src/main/release-scripts/update-version.sh index f9d725d1fb..4dbc363203 100644 --- a/src/main/release-scripts/update-version.sh +++ b/src/main/release-scripts/update-version.sh @@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ else fi pushd $WORKSPACE -mvn clean versions:set -s settings-example.xml -DnewVersion=$NEW_VERSION -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -f bom/pom.xml +mvn clean versions:set -DnewVersion=$NEW_VERSION -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -f bom/pom.xml popd