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FAQ & Troubleshooting

Nate River edited this page Aug 30, 2022 · 63 revisions

Issues with Newtonsoft.Json (missed/duplicated)

  • Go to Project window, use search to find and select Newtonsoft.Json.dll. Then go to Inspector window and check or uncheck Any Platform, then uncheck or check Exclude Platforms, then press Apply and wait a few seconds.
  • If [email protected] is already included/referenced in your project, find Newtonsoft.Json.dll in the asset folder and exclude it from builds (Select platforms for plugin).
  • If [email protected] is not included/referenced in your project, find Newtonsoft.Json.dll in the asset folder and include it to builds.
  • [email protected] may be included as a dependency by other packages like Remote Config or Version Control 1.15.7.

The name 'FSB' does not exist in the current context

Import Unity Standalone File Browser (3rd party asset) or just comment all calls to SFB (if you don't need the file picker functionality). SFB only works with Mono Scripting Backend and .NET 4.x.

No eyes in builds

  • Make sure you've set Player Settings > Auto Graphic API.
  • Navigate to Graphics Settings > Always Included Shaders and include GrayPaint shader.
  • Try switching to the the Built-in Render Pipeline (the shader tested with it and works 100%).

Compatibility with LWRP (purple eyes)

After enabling LWRP you should fix all user shaders by replacing "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" with "RenderPipeline" = "LightweightPipeline" (update GrayPaint.shader). Refer to GrayPaintLWRP.shader (included, the same folder).

Compatibility with URP

Check Shaders/GrayPaintURP2DLit, there is a solution provided by Wolfeye3275.

The type or namespace name 'UI' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEngine' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Switch to Scripting Backend = IL2CPP and Api Compatibility Level = .NET 4.x from Build Settings - Player Settings - Other Settings and restart Unity.

Do you need custom arts (comissions)?

Contact us on Discord. Sometimes we accept comissions. The price is about 30$/h for non-exclusive arts. All custom arts will be included to our asset and will be deployed as .package (included to SpriteCollection and IconCollection as well). Also you can jump to the next section if you want to create new arts by yourself.

How to add new weapons, armors and other sprites?

Adding custom arts

How to play, edit and create new animations?

Animation tips

Does you editor support 4-direction characters?

No, our characters are 2-directions. But we have another asset Fantasy Heroes: 4-Directional Character Editor!

Where can I get new weapon effects?

You can find all required effects on the Asset Store! I can advise you Magic Arsenal and Sci-Fi Arsenal by Kenneth "Archanor" Foldal Moe as it fits perfectly with our weapons!

Where can I get new weapon sounds?

Visit Unity Asset Store! Just search by keywords: weapon, firearm, gun, sounds, effects. Hope you'll find what you need!

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