- Removed all ROOT, cpp and cuda code, it was no longer supported.
- Fix typo in build pipeline Python versions config list.
- Fix error in SparselyBin __eq__ method.
- Fix test utility corner case error (test_numpy.twosigfigs function).
- Fix error in test context manager for pandas which prevented execution of tests.
- Fix error in expected bin count in test_numpy.test_n_bins test.
- Prevent logging zero execution time TestNumpy class.
- Remove Python 3.8 environment from build pipeline.
- Support numpy >= 2.0.0 (np.string_ -> np.bytes_, np.unicode_ -> np.str_).
- Remove uses of pd.util.testing.makeMixedDataFrame not available in pandas >= 2.0.0.
- Switch from 'pkg_resources' to 'importlib' module for resolving package files.
- Switch from 'distutils.spawn' to 'shutil.which' for finding nvcc command.
- Remove unused test_gpu.twosigfigs function.
- Refactor tests with Numpy() and Pandas() context managers to use single 'with' statement.
- Switch from setup.py to pyproject.toml
- Add numpy<2,pandas<2 test environment to build pipeline test matrix
- fix of get_sub_hist() when Bin histogram is filled only with nans.
- Support for decimal datetype in pandas and spark.
- fix of spark df timestamp datatype detection (#59)
- fix for invalid bin_edges for SparselyBin histogram (#60)
- Fix for machine-level rounding error, which can show up on in num_bins() call of Bin histogram.
- supersedes broken v1.0.29
- Multiple performance updates, to Bin, SparselyBin and Categorize histograms.
- SparselyBin, Categorize: optimized filling with 1-d and 2-d numpy arrays
- Bin, SparselyBin, Categorize: (fast) numpy arrays for bin-centers and bin-labels.
- Count: new, fast filling option when float weight is known.
- util.py: faster get_datatype() and get_ndim() functions.
- Multiple performance updates, thanks to Simon Brugman.
- Use pandas functions to infer datatypes and return numpy arrays.
- Turn of unnecessary specialize function (slow) for Count objects.
- Added tutorial notebook with exercises.
- Fixed 2d heatmap for categorical histograms, where one column was accidentally dropped.
- Improve null handling in pandas dataframes, by inferring datatype using pandas' infer_dtype function.
- nans in bool columns get converted to "NaN", so the column keeps True and False values in Categorize.
- columns of type object get converted to strings using to_string(), of type string uses only_str().
- Categorize histogram now handles nones and nans in friendlier way, they are converted to "NaN".
- make_histogram() now casts spark nulls to nan in case of numeric columns. scala interprets null as 0.
- SparselyBin histograms did not add up nanflow when added. Now fixed.
- Added unit test for doing checks on null conversion to nans
- Use new histogrammar-scala jar files, v1.0.20
- Added histogrammar-scala v1.0.20 jar files to tests/jars/