The TGrep2 Database Tools (lite) are a collection of (mostly perl, and some python, and some shell) scripts that allow you to extract data from large corpora (if you already have the corpora in a tgrep2able format) and combine the output into a comprehensive database in a format suitable for importing into your favorite statistical analysis program. These tools are still very much underdocumented, but see the user manual in docs
for more information, or get in touch via email: [email protected]
These scripts were written for the most part by T. Florian Jaeger (University of Rochester) with later contributions by Neal Snider (Nuance Communications) and Austin Frank (Riot Games). Documentation and integration into one tool suite was provided by Judith Degen (Stanford University).
Set the following environment variables in your profile:
Set this to the directory that contains the TGrep2 corpora. For example, on
setenv TGREP2ABLE /afs/ir/data/linguistic-data/Treebank/tgrep2able/
Set this to the TGrep2 default corpus. If you run TGrep2 without a corpus argument, it will run on this corpus. For example, on
setenv TGREP2_CORPUS $TGREP2ABLE/swbd.t2c.gz
Set this to the directory that contains the TDT scripts. For example, on
setenv TDTlite /afs/ir/data/linguistic-data/TDTlite/
Set this to the directory that contains the TDT databases. For example, on
setenv TDT_DATABASES /afs/ir/data/linguistic-data/TDTlite/databases
Then add the TDTlite directory to your PATH
. For example, on
setenv PATH /afs/ir/data/linguistic-data/TDTlite:$PATH
With this in place, you should be able to use the basic run
command from within a project directory. Follow the instructions in example_project
to test that everything is set up properly.