2023.1.2-dev.1 (2023-01-19)
- build: gh #818 Updated OnDemand version to 2.0.29 for Sid Docker image to fix shell app error (#71) (9dbd01c)
2023.1.1-dev.1 (2023-01-05)
- build: gh #813 updates to Sid OnDemand Docker image to fix latest OOD codebase build process (#70) (f6d9ad9)
2022.8.1-dev.1 (2022-08-19)
2022.7.1-dev.1 (2022-07-28)
2022.5.4-dev.1 (2022-05-27)
- feat(dashboard) gh #731 send automated test support tickets to an alternate queue (#68) (a8dfa15), closes #731 #68 #731 #731 #731 #731 #731 #731 #731
- Configuring the RT client through environment variables is no longer supported.
2022.5.3-dev.1 (2022-05-24)
- Revert "feat(dashboard): gh #731 support specifying more than one queue in RT client config (#67)" (c3e3b56), closes #731 #67
2022.5.2-dev.1 (2022-05-24)
- dashboard: Configuring the RT client through environment variables is no longer supported.
2022.5.1-dev.1 (2022-05-06)
2022.4.26-dev.1 (2022-04-20)
2022.4.25-dev.1 (2022-04-20)
- Revert "feat(dashboard): gh #660 Added terminate session feature (#60)" (#63) (aa8f4c9), closes #660 #60 #63
2022.4.24-dev.1 (2022-04-19)
2022.4.23-dev.1 (2022-04-19)
2022.4.22-dev.1 (2022-04-11)
2022.4.21-dev.1 (2022-04-11)
2022.4.20-dev.1 (2022-04-11)
2022.4.19-dev.1 (2022-04-08)
2022.4.18-dev.1 (2022-04-08)
2022.4.17-dev.1 (2022-04-07)
2022.4.16-dev.1 (2022-04-07)
2022.4.15-dev.1 (2022-04-07)
2022.4.14-dev.1 (2022-04-07)
- build: gh #698 manually clean up CHANGELOG-dev.md again (5998638)
- build: gh #698 sort tags properly in release workflow (08a5f4e)
2022.4.13-dev.1 (2022-04-07)
2022.4.12-dev.1 (2022-04-07)
- build: gh #698 bump canary release version again for testing (b942329)
- build: gh #698 manually clean up CHANGELOG-dev.md (97d3287)
2022.4.11-dev.1 (2022-04-07)
2022.4.10-dev.1 (2022-04-07)
2022.4.9-dev.1 (2022-04-07)
2022.4.8-dev.1 (2022-04-07)
- build: gh #698 roll back to @release-it/conventional-changelog 4.1.0 since ^4.2.0 breaks changelog headers (cb36b48)
2022.4.7-dev.1 (2022-04-07)
2022.4.6-dev.1 (2022-04-07)
2022.4.5-dev.1 (2022-04-06)
2022.4.4-dev.1 (2022-04-06)
- build: gh #698 bump build version (3e536be)
- build: gh #698 update release workflow with release-it config args (ebdeb03)
2022.4.3-dev.1 (2022-04-06)
- build: gh #698 update workflow to specify plugins.@release-it/conventional-changelog.gitRawCommitsOpts (57b904c)
- dashboard: gh #698 remove obsolete dashboard/application/CHANGELOG.md (62da039)
2022.4.2-dev.1 (2022-04-04)
2022.4.1-dev.1 (2022-04-04)
2022.3.13-dev.1 (2022-03-30)
- build: gh #585 fix typo in Makefile (91fc09d)
- build: gh #585 switch conditional logic for calver-bump-patch.js so that canary build is the default (c7c5a89)
2022.3.12-dev.1 (2022-03-30)
2022.3.11-dev.1 (2022-03-30)
- build: gh #585 use github.event.workflow_run.head_branch in second-level workflow instead of env.GITHUB_REF_SLUG (47007f9)
2022.3.10-dev.1 (2022-03-29)
2022.3.9-dev.1 (2022-03-29)
- build: gh #585 increment from VERSION-dev when building application/VERSION from non-stable (8277401)
2022.3.8-dev.1 (2022-03-25)
- build: GH #585 Change release-it arg syntax (6c5a607)
- build: GH #585 Intialize CHANGELOG-dev.md and VERSION-dev files (4b5bcd8)
2022.3.7-dev.1 (2022-03-23)
2022.3.6-dev.1 (2022-03-18)
2022.3.5-dev.1 (2022-03-17)
2022.3.4-dev.1 (2022-03-14)
2022.3.3-dev.1 (2022-03-14)
2022.3.2-dev.1 (2022-03-08)
2022.3.1-dev.1 (2022-03-03)
2022.2.6-dev.1 (2022-02-24)
- Documentation updates: gh #594 added documentation on how to update the Slurm and OOD version (#43) (f93a44b)
2022.2.5-dev.1 (2022-02-23)
2022.3.7-dev.1 (2022-03-23)
2022.3.6-dev.1 (2022-03-18)
2022.3.5-dev.1 (2022-03-17)
2022.3.4-dev.1 (2022-03-14)
2022.3.3-dev.1 (2022-03-14)
2022.3.2-dev.1 (2022-03-08)
2022.3.1-dev.1 (2022-03-03)
2022.2.6-dev.1 (2022-02-24)
- Documentation updates: gh #594 added documentation on how to update the Slurm and OOD version (#43) (f93a44b)
2022.2.5-dev.1 (2022-02-23)
2022.2.4-dev.1 (2022-02-04)
2022.2.3-dev.1 (2022-02-04)
2022.2.2-dev.1 (2022-02-04)
- test: GH #643 this will require another update to workflow doc
2022.2.1-dev.1 (2022-02-04)
- test: GH #643 this will require an update to workflow doc
2022.1.2-dev.1 (2022-01-26)
2022.1.1-dev.1 (2022-01-10)
- build: sync CHANGELOG with stable after merge [skip actions] (dc1ca05)
2021.11.4-dev.1 (2021-11-18)
2021.11.3-dev.1 (2021-11-18)
2021.11.2-dev.1 (2021-11-01)
- build: fixed JS syntax to conform with Rails asset minification and obfuscation process (69ecd8b)
2021.11.1-dev.1 (2021-11-01)
2021.10.10 (2021-10-28)
2021.10.9-dev.1 (2021-10-28)
- build: fixed JS syntax to pass Rails FE assessts minification and obfuscation process (832c56c)
- dashboard: gh #525, #528, #438 Added enhanced information + new flow to create support ticket (3a79cd1)
2021.10.8 (2021-10-20)
2021.10.7 (2021-10-20)
- build: QA CHANGELOG (847756d)
2021.10.6 (2021-10-20)
2021.10.6-dev.1 (2021-10-20)
2021.10.5 (2021-10-20)
- build: QA CHANGELOG generation (3ad40e5)
2021.10.4-dev.1 (2021-10-20)
- build: QA CHANGELOG generation (bea3b4d)
2021.10.3 (2021-10-19)
- build: address changelog generation bug (43104d2)
2021.10.2 (2021-10-07)
- build: fixed JS syntax to conform with Rails asset minification and obfuscation process (69ecd8b)
2021.10.2-dev.1 (2021-10-19)
2021.10.1-dev.1 (2021-10-07)
2021.9.15 (2021-09-30)
- build: added automatic installation of husky following npm install (4c420d5)
- build: completing merge by integrating canary branch (0dd7a23)
- build: properly increment version in stable (0ceada9)
- build: version increment works properly (0796514)
- documentation: change wording (#25) (762f0dd)
- build: added disjointed continuous delivery process via Puppet (ef9b008)
- build: monorepo build (ad7c7e8)
2021.9.13-dev.1 (2021-09-22)
2021.9.12-dev.1 (2021-09-22)
- build: version increment works properly in stable but we need carrotization of the entire seq (04bc854)
2021.9.11-dev.1 (2021-09-21)
- build: version increment works properly (4bdf32c)
2021.9.10-dev.1 (2021-09-14)
- build: rebuild staging server (41a786c)
2021.9.9-dev.1 (2021-09-13)
- build: fix versioning so canary is always ahead. stable action only strips dev appendix (d851df2)
2021.9.8-dev.1 (2021-09-08)
2021.9.7-dev.1 (2021-09-07)
2021.9.6-dev.1 (2021-09-07)
- sid-dashboard: GH #467 Updated navigation links for Sid documentation (27069a6)
- sid-dashboard: GH #514 Updated RStudio version + added location for RStudio libraries for quick launchers (c30d584)
2021.9.5-dev.1 (2021-09-03)
- build: not sure what happened to README.md but its back (4819960)
2021.9.4-dev.1 (2021-09-03)
- build: truncate CHANGELOG and fix versioning (47497aa)
2021.9.2 (2021-09-03)
- build: versioning now makes more sense given that I have fixed the calver plugin (bb045f6)
2021.9.0-dev.2 (2021-09-02)
- build: ensure that multileveled version increments work by stepping-over bug in node-calver (f3c897e)
2021.9.1-dev.2 (2021-09-02)
- build: do not change package.json version, set back to 0.0.0 (e0ec65e)
2021.9.1-dev.1 (2021-09-02)
- build: fix calver with a patch (5d2b104)
2021.9.0 (2021-09-02)
- build: added automatic installation of husky following npm install (c52c26b)
- build: disable husky for stable (fec3836)
- build: set preRelease to true for releases in stable (65f4a4b)
- build: workflow puts ref under with (44ace09)
- build: workflow_run loses the ref. thanks Aday for pointing that out. i can find the original ref using the paren. sub. for workflow original triggering git sha (a144873)
- husky: Add husky (d899db0)
- sid-dashboard: GH#487 Fixed Makefile after merge from canary (a8ef121)
- build: build canary releases and migrate version file (0aa71c9)
- sid-dashboard: GH #514 Updated Matlab version to match FASRC codebase (d446a08)
2021.8.2 (2021-08-12)
- build: fix name of dashboard release artifact upload bucket to dashboard (b0bbda2)
- build: forgot conventional changelog module (c75c57b)
- build: forgot to add release npm script (0f4d039)
- build: no need to test twice, remove build notice evident from title (456de1e)
- build: stable workflow fix wrt. yaml formatting and paths (42c2664)
- build: use tabs not spaces in makefile (916b2e1)
- build: implement build and release modifications (3a2af4e)
- ci: add initial CI code, no automated release, yet, but on the next merge (f6c9625)