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Using Basic SSH Commands in Google Cloud's Browser‐Based SSH for VM Instances

PasinduW99 edited this page Oct 10, 2023 · 1 revision


In this guide, we will explore basic SSH commands that can be used in the browser-based SSH terminal for your Google Compute Engine VM instances. SSH (Secure Shell) allows you to remotely access and manage your virtual machines.


Before you begin, make sure you have:

  • Created a VM instance in Google Compute Engine as described in a previous guide.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Accessing the VM via SSH in Browser

  • Open a web browser and navigate to the Google Cloud Console.
  • Sign in with your Google Cloud account credentials.
  • Locate and select your VM instance from the VM instances list.
  • Click the "SSH" button next to your VM instance to open the browser-based SSH terminal.

2. Using Basic SSH Commands

a. List Files and Directories (ls)

  • To list files and directories in the current directory, simply use the ls command:

b. Check Disk Space Usage (df)

  • To check disk space usage on your VM, use the df command:

c. Check Free Memory (free -g)

  • To check available memory on your VM, use the free -g command:

d. Monitor System Processes (top)

  • To monitor running processes and system resource usage, use the top command:

e. Update Package Lists (sudo apt update)

  • To update the package lists for software updates, use the sudo apt update command:

f. Upgrade Installed Packages (sudo apt upgrade)

  • To upgrade installed packages to their latest versions, use the sudo apt upgrade command:

g. Switch to Superuser (sudo su)

  • To switch to the superuser (root) for administrative tasks, use the sudo su command:

h. Add a New User (adduser)

  • To add a new user to your system, use the adduser command. Replace newuser with the desired username:

3. Exiting SSH

  • To exit the SSH session, simply type exit and press Enter.


Using these basic SSH commands in the browser-based SSH terminal for your VM instance allows you to perform various system administration tasks and manage your virtual machine effectively.

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