The cross-site model evaluation workflow uses the data from clients to run evaluation with the models of other clients. Data is not shared. Rather the collection of models is distributed to each client site to run local validation. The server collects the results of local validation to construct an all-to-all matrix of model performance vs. client dataset. It uses the CrossSiteModelEval controller workflow.
Follow the Installation instructions.
This example uses a Numpy-based trainer to simulate the training steps.
We first perform FedAvg training and then conduct cross-site validation.
So you will see two workflows (ScatterAndGather and CrossSiteModelEval) are configured.
We use Job API to generate the job and run the job using simulator:
You can find the running logs and results inside the simulator's workspace:
$ ls /tmp/nvflare/jobs/workdir/
server/ site-1/ site-2/ startup/
The cross site validation results:
$ cat /tmp/nvflare/jobs/workdir/server/simulate_job/cross_site_val/cross_val_results.json
We can also run cross-site evaluation without the training workflow, making use of the previous results or just want to evaluate on the pretrained models.
You can provide / use your own pretrained models for the cross-site evaluation.
In reality, users would use any training workflows to obtain these pretrained models
To mimic that, run the following command to generate the pre-trained models:
Note that our pretrained models is generated under:
SERVER_MODEL_DIR = "/tmp/nvflare/server_pretrain_models"
CLIENT_MODEL_DIR = "/tmp/nvflare/client_pretrain_models"
In our we also specify that.
Then we can use Job API to generate the job and run it using simulator:
You can find the running logs and results inside the simulator's workspace:
$ ls /tmp/nvflare/jobs/workdir/
server/ site-1/ site-2/ startup/
The cross site validation results:
$ cat /tmp/nvflare/jobs/workdir/server/simulate_job/cross_site_val/cross_val_results.json