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3D spleen CT segmentation - Simulation

In the following, we show an example of running MONAI-bundle configurations with NVFlare using the FL simulator.

For an example with real-world deployment settings, see here.

Setup environment

To execute the below commands, please open a terminal and go to the folder containing this tutorial.

Follow the setup to create a virtual environment with the MONAI-NVFlare integration installed to use in JupyterLab.

Install the required packages in your virtual environment:

pip install -r ./requirements.txt

1. Download the Spleen Bundle

Download the MONAI bundle as ./${JOB_NAME}/app/config/spleen_ct_segmentation.

python3 -m monai.bundle download --name "spleen_ct_segmentation" --version "0.5.4" --bundle_dir ./${JOB_NAME}/app/config

In this example, JOB_NAME can be either job, job_multi_gpu or job_stats, depending on the configuration you would like to run (see below). The final folder structure under JOB_NAME will be:

├── app
│   └── config
│       ├── config_fed_client.json
│       ├── config_fed_server.json
│       └── spleen_ct_segmentation
│           ├── LICENSE
│           ├── configs
│           │   ├── evaluate.json
│           │   ├── inference.json
│           │   ├── logging.conf
│           │   ├── metadata.json
│           │   ├── multi_gpu_evaluate.json
│           │   ├── multi_gpu_train.json
│           │   └── train.json
│           ├── docs
│           │   ├──
│           │   └── data_license.txt
│           └── models
│               ├──
│               └── model.ts
└── meta.json

2. Download the data

Download the spleen CT data from the MSD challenge and update data path.

Note: The dataset will be saved under ./data.

sed -i "s|/workspace/data/Task09_Spleen|${PWD}/data/Task09_Spleen|g" ${JOB_NAME}/app/config/spleen_ct_segmentation/configs/train.json

3. Run experiment in simulator

Note: Full FL training could take several hours for this task. To speed up your experimentation, you can reduce the num_rounds value in config_fed_server.json, e.g. to 5 rounds.

3.1 Single thread, single gpu

In resource restricted environments where you need to simulate several clients (-n 2 in this case) on the same GPU device, you can run the simulator using:

nvflare simulator job --workspace /tmp/nvflare/sim_spleen_ct_seg --threads 1 --n_clients 2

3.2 Multiple threads, multiple gpus

If you have several gpus in your system, you can assign one for each client and use two threads. We can also specify the client names via the --clients argument and assign them to the appropriate GPU device using the --gpu argument.

nvflare simulator job --workspace /tmp/nvflare/sim_spleen_ct_seg --clients site-1,site-2 --gpu 0,1

3.3 Multi-gpu training

If you have several gpus in your system and want to simulate multi-gpu training on one client, please follow step 2 & 3 above but replace JOB_NAME=job with JOB_NAME=job_multi_gpu. This will use NVFlare's PTMultiProcessExecutor to start multi-gpu training using torchrun on one client.

nvflare simulator job_multi_gpu --workspace /tmp/nvflare/sim_spleen_ct_seg --threads 1 --n_clients 1

3.4 TensorBoard visualization

To monitor the training job, you can start tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir /tmp/nvflare/sim_spleen_ct_seg

With the default setting and running on multiple gpus (section 4.2), the expected TensorBoard training curves look like this when training from scratch:

training curve

In order to load a pretrained model provided in the MONAI bundle, define the source_ckpt_filename argument of MonaiBundlePersistor in "config_fed_server.json", e.g.:

      "id": "persistor",
      "path": "monai_nvflare.monai_bundle_persistor.MonaiBundlePersistor",
      "args": {
        "bundle_root": "config/spleen_ct_segmentation",
        "source_ckpt_filename": "models/"

NOTE: For more information about the simulator, see here.

3.5 Federated statistics

To compute summary statistics on the datasets defined in the MONAI bundle, we can use NVFlare's StatisticsController. Again, please step 2 & 3 above but replace JOB_NAME=job with JOB_NAME=job_stats. To avoid caching the data for training (which will not be executed during the statistics workflow), set cache_rate=0 in train.json.

nvflare simulator job_stats --workspace /tmp/nvflare/sim_spleen_ct_seg --n_clients 2 --gpu 0,1

The histogram results will be placed in the workspace directory under simulate_job/statistics/image_statistics.json. Additional summary statistics, like average image shapes and spacings, computed by MONAI are placed under simulate_job/app_server/. See stats_demo/simulate_job/app_server for examples.

For an end-to-end demo, including visualization of the gathered statistics, open the stats_demo.ipynb notebook in stats_demo.

Statistics Visualization:

The demo notebook shows how to visualize the site and aggregated global image intensity histograms.

Either as overlay:

Histogram overlay

Or side by side:

Histogram subplots