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WIP state management

Alexander Mextner edited this page Jan 22, 2018 · 1 revision

We're going to use Redux

config = initialState

UPD 'signal' actions don't have reducers of their own, but instead dispatch other actions.

Command plugin example


export { default as reducer } from './reducer'
export { actionTypes, actions } from './actions'


import { getConfig } from '???'
import { actionsTypes } from './actions'

export function reducer (state = getConfig(), action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case actionTypes.set: return state.set('vol', action.payload.value)
    case actionTypes.increment: return state.set('vol', state.get('vol') + 1)
    default return state


import { createActions } from '@a-x-/redux-actions';

// actionTypes: { louder: 'Vol/louder', set: 'Vol/set',,, }
// actions: 2th arg of createActions wrapped into FSA HO-functions
export const { actionTypes, actions } = createActions('Vol', {
  // @phrases: 'not audibly', 'so quietly'
  louder: () => {},
  set: (value) => value,
  // you can perform async actions, but you should avoid actions like this
  weirdSyncWithDevice: async (deviceName) => (await retreiveDevice(deviceName)).volume,
  // you can read state, but you should aviod it
  weirdIncrement: () => (state) => state.volume + 1,
  // @descr: 'make slightly loader'
  increment: () => {},

NB. @phrases are implicitly define actions through state description


state-graphs.js (FSM state-vertices and action-edges):

MongoDB signal --> action relations or signals.js

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