diff --git a/.eslintrc.js b/.eslintrc.js deleted file mode 100644 index aeb2ef19..00000000 --- a/.eslintrc.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -module.exports = { - parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser', - extends: [ - 'eslint:recommended', - 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/eslint-recommended', - 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended' - ], - parserOptions: { - ecmaVersion: 2018, - sourceType: 'module', - project: './tsconfig.json' - }, - rules: { - '@typescript-eslint/array-type': ['error', {default: 'generic'}], - '@typescript-eslint/brace-style': 'error', - '@typescript-eslint/comma-spacing': 'error', - '@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type': 'error', - '@typescript-eslint/func-call-spacing': 'error', - '@typescript-eslint/indent': ['error', 2], - '@typescript-eslint/lines-between-class-members': ['error', {"exceptAfterSingleLine": true}], - '@typescript-eslint/no-base-to-string': 'error', - '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'error', - '@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion': 'off', - '@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare': ['error', {"allowComparingNullableBooleansToTrue": false, "allowComparingNullableBooleansToFalse": false}], - '@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires': 'error', - '@typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain': 'error', - '@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly': 'error', - '@typescript-eslint/quotes': ['error', 'single', {"allowTemplateLiterals": false}], - '@typescript-eslint/semi': ['error'], - '@typescript-eslint/space-before-function-paren': ['error', 'never'], - '@typescript-eslint/type-annotation-spacing': 'error', - 'comma-dangle': 'error', - 'no-confusing-arrow': 'error', - 'no-lonely-if': 'error', - 'no-trailing-spaces': 'error', - 'no-unneeded-ternary': 'error', - 'one-var': ['error', 'never'] - } -} diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md index b517d619..6734b69c 100644 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ assignees: '' **Describe The Problem:** + **To Reproduce:** + **Logs:** + ``` @@ -24,22 +27,22 @@ Remove any sensitive information. **Homebridge Config:** -```json +\```json Show your homebridge config.json here. Remove any sensitive information, such as your homebridge-gsh / google-smarthome token. -``` +\``` **Screenshots:** + **Environment:** -* **Node.js Version**: -* **NPM Version**: -* **Homebridge Version**: -* **Homebridge Camera FFmpeg Version**: -* **Homebridge Config UI X Plugin Version**: -* **Operating System**: - +- **Node.js Version**: +- **NPM Version**: +- **Homebridge Version**: +- **Homebridge Camera FFmpeg Version**: +- **Homebridge Config UI X Plugin Version**: +- **Operating System**: diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md index f0469801..b9203062 100644 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md @@ -8,16 +8,19 @@ assignees: '' --- **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe:** + **Describe the solution you'd like:** + **Describe alternatives you've considered:** + **Additional context:** - + diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/tested_config.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/tested_config.md index 65c03de4..a2fb55f3 100644 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/tested_config.md +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/tested_config.md @@ -8,16 +8,18 @@ assignees: '' --- **Manufacturer/Model:** + **Homebridge Config:** -```json +\```json Show your homebridge config.json here. Remove any sensitive information, such as your homebridge-gsh / google-smarthome token. -``` +\``` **Additional Information:** + diff --git a/.github/workflows/alpha-release.yml b/.github/workflows/alpha-release.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ceead122 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/alpha-release.yml @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name: Alpha Release + +on: + push: + branches: [alpha-*.*.*, alpha] + workflow_dispatch: + +jobs: + build_and_test: + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/nodejs-build-and-test.yml@latest + with: + enable_coverage: false + secrets: + token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} + lint: + needs: build_and_test + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/eslint.yml@latest + + publish: + needs: lint + if: ${{ github.repository == 'homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg' }} + permissions: + id-token: write + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/npm-publish-esm.yml@latest + with: + tag: 'alpha' + dynamically_adjust_version: true + npm_version_command: 'pre' + pre_id: 'alpha' + secrets: + npm_auth_token: ${{ secrets.npm_token }} + + pre-release: + needs: publish + if: ${{ github.repository == 'homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg' }} + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/pre-release.yml@latest + with: + npm_version: ${{ needs.publish.outputs.NPM_VERSION }} + body: | + **Alpha Release** + **Version**: v${{ needs.publish.outputs.NPM_VERSION }} + [How To Test Alpha Releases](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/wiki/Alpha-Version) + + github-releases-to-discord: + name: Discord Webhooks + needs: [build_and_test,publish] + if: ${{ github.repository == 'homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg' }} + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/discord-webhooks.yml@latest + with: + title: "Homebridge Camera FFmpeg Alpha Release" + description: | + Version `v${{ needs.publish.outputs.NPM_VERSION }}` + url: "https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v${{ needs.publish.outputs.NPM_VERSION }}" + secrets: + DISCORD_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL_BETA || secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL_LATEST }} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/workflows/beta-release.yml b/.github/workflows/beta-release.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..70f473af --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/beta-release.yml @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name: Beta Release + +on: + push: + branches: [beta-*.*.*, beta] + workflow_dispatch: + +jobs: + build_and_test: + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/nodejs-build-and-test.yml@latest + with: + enable_coverage: false + secrets: + token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} + lint: + needs: build_and_test + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/eslint.yml@latest + + publish: + needs: lint + if: ${{ github.repository == 'homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg' }} + permissions: + id-token: write + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/npm-publish-esm.yml@latest + with: + tag: 'beta' + dynamically_adjust_version: true + npm_version_command: 'pre' + pre_id: 'beta' + secrets: + npm_auth_token: ${{ secrets.npm_token }} + + pre-release: + needs: publish + if: ${{ github.repository == 'homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg' }} + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/pre-release.yml@latest + with: + npm_version: ${{ needs.publish.outputs.NPM_VERSION }} + body: | + **Beta Release** + **Version**: v${{ needs.publish.outputs.NPM_VERSION }} + [How To Test Beta Releases](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/wiki/Beta-Version) + + github-releases-to-discord: + name: Discord Webhooks + needs: [build_and_test,publish] + if: ${{ github.repository == 'homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg' }} + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/discord-webhooks.yml@latest + with: + title: "Homebridge Camera FFmpeg Beta Release" + description: | + Version `v${{ needs.publish.outputs.NPM_VERSION }}` + url: "https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v${{ needs.publish.outputs.NPM_VERSION }}" + secrets: + DISCORD_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL_BETA || secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL_LATEST }} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7087a780 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +name: Node Build + +on: + push: + branches: [latest] + pull_request: + workflow_dispatch: + +jobs: + build_and_test: + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/nodejs-build-and-test.yml@latest + with: + enable_coverage: false + secrets: + token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} + lint: + needs: build_and_test + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/eslint.yml@latest diff --git a/.github/workflows/changerelease.yml b/.github/workflows/changerelease.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..135b42de --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/changerelease.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +name: Changelog to Release + +on: + release: + types: [published] + +jobs: + changerelease: + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/change-release.yml@latest + secrets: + token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 1dc3c424..00000000 --- a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -# For most projects, this workflow file will not need changing; you simply need -# to commit it to your repository. -# -# You may wish to alter this file to override the set of languages analyzed, -# or to provide custom queries or build logic. -# -# ******** NOTE ******** -# We have attempted to detect the languages in your repository. Please check -# the `language` matrix defined below to confirm you have the correct set of -# supported CodeQL languages. -# -name: "CodeQL" - -on: - push: - branches: [ master ] - pull_request: - # The branches below must be a subset of the branches above - branches: [ master ] - schedule: - - cron: '36 11 * * 6' - -jobs: - analyze: - name: Analyze - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - - strategy: - fail-fast: false - matrix: - language: [ 'javascript' ] - # CodeQL supports [ 'cpp', 'csharp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python' ] - # Learn more: - # https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/finding-security-vulnerabilities-and-errors-in-your-code/configuring-code-scanning#changing-the-languages-that-are-analyzed - - steps: - - name: Checkout repository - uses: actions/checkout@v2.4.0 - - # Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning. - - name: Initialize CodeQL - uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1 - with: - languages: ${{ matrix.language }} - # If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file. - # By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file. - # Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file. - # queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main - - # Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java). - # If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below) - - name: Autobuild - uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1 - - # ℹī¸ Command-line programs to run using the OS shell. - # 📚 https://git.io/JvXDl - - # ✏ī¸ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines - # and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project - # uses a compiled language - - #- run: | - # make bootstrap - # make release - - - name: Perform CodeQL Analysis - uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1 diff --git a/.github/workflows/labeler.yml b/.github/workflows/labeler.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d3af51cd --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/labeler.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +name: Labeler + +on: [pull_request] + +jobs: + labeler: + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/labeler.yml@latest + secrets: + token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/workflows/nodejs.yml b/.github/workflows/nodejs.yml deleted file mode 100644 index fb148051..00000000 --- a/.github/workflows/nodejs.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -name: NodeJS - -on: - push: - branches-ignore: 'gh-pages' - pull_request: - release: # Run when release is created - types: [created] - -jobs: - build: - - strategy: - matrix: - node-version: [12.x, 14.x, 16.x] - os: [ubuntu-latest] - - runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} - - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v2.4.0 - - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} - uses: actions/setup-node@v2.5.1 - with: - node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - - name: npm install and build - run: | - npm ci - npm run build --if-present - env: - CI: true - - publish-npm: - # publish only if we are on our own repo, event was 'release' (a tag was created) and the tag starts with "v" (aka version tag) - if: github.repository == 'Sunoo/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg' && github.event_name == 'release' && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v') - - needs: build # only run if build succeeds - - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v2.4.0 - - uses: actions/setup-node@v2.5.1 - with: - node-version: 12 # use the minimum required version - registry-url: https://registry.npmjs.org/ - - run: npm ci - - run: npm publish - env: - NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.npm_token }} diff --git a/.github/workflows/prerelease.js b/.github/workflows/prerelease.js deleted file mode 100644 index b46df5a8..00000000 --- a/.github/workflows/prerelease.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/env node - -const fs = require('fs'); -const semver = require('semver'); -const child_process = require('child_process'); - -function getTagVersionFromNpm(tag) { - try { - return child_process.execSync(`npm info ${package.name} version --tag="${tag}"`).toString('utf8').trim(); - } catch (e) { - return null; - } -} - -// load package.json -const package = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8')); - -// work out the correct tag -const currentLatest = getTagVersionFromNpm('latest') || '0.0.0'; -const currentBeta = getTagVersionFromNpm('beta') || '0.0.0'; -const latestNpmTag = semver.gt(currentBeta, currentLatest, { includePrerelease: true }) ? currentBeta : currentLatest; -const publishTag = semver.gt(package.version, latestNpmTag, { includePrerelease: true }) ? package.version : latestNpmTag; - -// save the package.json -package.version = publishTag; -fs.writeFileSync('package.json', JSON.stringify(package, null, 4)); diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish-beta.yml b/.github/workflows/publish-beta.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 10ff5711..00000000 --- a/.github/workflows/publish-beta.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -name: Publish Beta - -on: - workflow_dispatch: - inputs: - ref: - description: 'Branch' - required: true - default: 'master' - -jobs: - build: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v2.4.0 - with: - ref: ${{github.event.inputs.ref}} - - uses: actions/setup-node@v2.5.1 - with: - node-version: 12 - - name: npm install and build - run: | - npm ci - npm run build --if-present - env: - CI: true - - publish-npm: - if: github.repository == 'Sunoo/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg' - - needs: build - - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v2.4.0 - with: - ref: ${{github.event.inputs.ref}} - - uses: actions/setup-node@v2.5.1 - with: - node-version: 12 - registry-url: https://registry.npmjs.org/ - - run: npm ci - - run: node .github/workflows/prerelease.js - - run: npm --no-git-tag-version version prerelease --preid=beta - - run: npm publish --tag=beta - env: - NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.npm_token}} diff --git a/.github/workflows/release-drafter.yml b/.github/workflows/release-drafter.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b52fa69 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/release-drafter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +name: Release Drafter + +on: + push: + branches: [latest] + pull_request: # required for autolabeler + branches: [latest] + types: [opened, reopened, synchronize, ready_for_review, review_requested] + workflow_dispatch: + +jobs: + release-drafter: + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/release-drafter.yml@latest + secrets: + token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..360228f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +name: Release + +on: + release: + types: [published] + +jobs: + build_and_test: + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/nodejs-build-and-test.yml@latest + with: + enable_coverage: false + secrets: + token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} + + publish: + needs: build_and_test + if: ${{ github.repository == 'homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg' }} + permissions: + id-token: write + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/npm-publish-esm.yml@latest + secrets: + npm_auth_token: ${{ secrets.npm_token }} + + github-releases-to-discord: + name: Discord Webhooks + needs: [build_and_test,publish] + if: ${{ github.repository == 'homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg' }} + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/discord-webhooks.yml@latest + with: + title: "Homebridge Camera FFmpeg Release" + description: | + Version `v${{ needs.publish.outputs.NPM_VERSION }}` + url: "https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v${{ needs.publish.outputs.NPM_VERSION }}" + secrets: + DISCORD_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL_LATEST }} diff --git a/.github/workflows/stale.yml b/.github/workflows/stale.yml index 7337ea20..2683a78a 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/stale.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/stale.yml @@ -1,27 +1,12 @@ -name: Stale +name: Stale workflow on: - issues: - types: [reopened] + workflow_dispatch: schedule: - - cron: "*/60 * * * *" + - cron: '45 11 * * *' jobs: stale: - - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - env: - ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG: true - steps: - - uses: actions/stale@v4 - with: - repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - stale-issue-message: 'This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.' - stale-issue-label: 'stale' - days-before-stale: 28 - days-before-close: 7 - days-before-pr-stale: -1 - days-before-pr-close: -1 - exempt-issue-labels: 'long running,help wanted,tested config' - exempt-all-assignees: true - remove-stale-when-updated: true + uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/stale.yml@latest + secrets: + token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 11209755..366d8d08 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -36,4 +36,8 @@ jspm_packages # Optional REPL history .node_repl_history -dist \ No newline at end of file +# directory +dist + +# +*.DS_Store diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9fca9a8c --- /dev/null +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ +# Changelog + +All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project uses [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/) + +## [4.0.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v4.0.0) (2024-01-26) + +### What's Changes +#### Breaking Changes +- *Alpha*: Added support for HKSV +- Now Supporting Node v20 ot v22 +- In this version we force all cameras to be `unbridged` + - If you do not unbridge your cameras before upgrading your cameras, you will loose functionality. + - To unbridge in previous version go into the camera config and check the ubridged checkbox. + - the unbridge config has been removed in this version since all cameras are unbridged. + +#### Other Changes +- Move plugin over to scoped plugin + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v3.1.4...v4.0.0 + +## [3.1.4](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v3.1.4) (2021-12-28) + +### What's Changes +- *Fix*: Pinned mqtt to 2.3.8 to avoid "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v3.1.3...v3.1.4 + +## [3.1.3](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v3.1.3) (2021-08-24) + +### What's Changes +- Errors from FFmpeg are once again hidden when not in debug mode. This will be tweaked in the future. +- An attempt will now be made to gracefully shut down FFmpeg before force killing it. +- *Fix*: Port selection should now correctly grab an open UDP port. +- *Fix*: When using motionDoorbell, the doorbell is now only rung when the motion cooldown has run. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v3.1.2...v3.1.3 + +## [3.1.2](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v3.1.2) (2021-03-05) + +### What's Changes +- Errors from FFmpeg are now always logged. +- Improvements to snapshot caching. +- *Fix*: Streams should no longer end after roughly 3 minutes. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v3.1.1...v3.1.2 + +## [3.1.1](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v3.1.1) (2021-03-01) + +### What's Changes +- Snapshots are now briefly cached. This will prevent bombarding the camera with requests for new snapshots when motion alerts are triggered. +- Improved messaging when cameras respond slowly. +- Minor tweaks. +- Updated dependencies. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v3.1.0...v3.1.1 + +## [3.1.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v3.1.0) (2021-02-20) + +### What's Changes +#### Breaking Changes +- Complete rework of MQTT support. Now topics and messages are configurable per camera, which should allow any camera with MQTT support to work directly with this plugin. If you need compatibility with the way prior versions worked, you can follow [this config example](https://sunoo.github.io/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/automation/mqtt.html#legacy-compatibility). +- Dropped support for older versions of Homebridge, now requires version 1.1.3 or newer. + +#### Other Changes +- *Fix*: Fixed warnings under Homebridge 1.3 when using switches. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v3.0.6...v3.1.0 + +## [3.0.6](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v3.0.6) (2021-02-17) + +### What's Changes +- Added `motionDoorbell` to ring the doorbell when motion is activated in order to allow motion alerts to be displayed on Apple TVs. +- HTTP server now returns JSON to provide additional information to helper plugins. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v3.0.5...v3.0.6 + +## [3.0.5](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v3.0.5) (2021-02-15) + +### What's Changes +- Code cleanup and general housekeeping. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v3.0.4...v3.0.5 + +## [3.0.4](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v3.0.4) (2021-02-15) + +### What's Changes +- Added warning when attempting to use videoFilter with the copy vcodec. +- Added support for connecting to an MQTT broker with TLS. +- Updated dependencies. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v3.0.3...v3.0.4 + +## [3.0.3](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v3.0.3) (2020-09-02) + +### What's Changes +- Updated dependencies. + +### Note +- Homebridge 1.1.3 is now out. It is highly recommended to upgrade as it should completely resolve the issue that caused live video not to work while snapshots continued to update. Once you upgrade, `interfaceName` will no longer have any impact. At some point in the future this plugin will drop support for Homebridge 1.1.2 and lower and also remove the `interfaceName` option. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v3.0.2...v3.0.3 + +## [3.0.2](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v3.0.2) (2020-08-30) + +### What's Changes +- Allow `=` in the URL for HTTP automation for systems that require it. Everything after the `=` will be ignored. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v3.0.1...v3.0.2 + +## [3.0.1](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v3.0.1) (2020-08-25) + +### What's Changes +- *Fix*: Fixed an issue with inactive camera timeouts that could cause zombie FFmpeg processes. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v3.0.0...v3.0.1 + +## [3.0.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v3.0.0) (2020-08-24) + +### What's Changes +### Breaking Changes +- `additionalCommandline` has been replaced by `encoderOptions` to better reflect it's intended use. +- `preserveRatio` has been removed and is now active as long as the default `videoFilter` list is active. + +#### Other Changes +- This plugin now includes __experimental__ two-way audio support. Be aware that this feature is likely to be tweaked in the future, and a configuration that works now may need to be altered in the future. +- Better detection of audio and video streams. There should be very few scenarios where `mapvideo` or `mapaudio` are needed anymore, as FFmpeg's stream auto-selection is now set up. +- Default `videoFilter` can be disabled by including `none` in your comma-delimited list of filters. +- Further reorganization of the config UI. +- Fix: Corrected handling of inactive camera timeouts. You should no longer see timeout messages after cleanly closing a camera stream. +- *Fix*: Fixed `forceMax` not applying to resolution in some scenarios. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.5.0...v3.0.0 + +## [2.5.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.5.0) (2020-08-23) + +### What's Changes +### Breaking Changes +- Horizontal and vertical flip have been removed. If you need these options, pass `hflip` and/or `vflip` in `videoFilter`. +- `forceMax` has resulted in the removal of `minBitrate`, as it is now redundant. To replicate the old behavior, set `maxBitrate` to the bitrate you want to use and set `forceMax` to true. +- `preserveRatio` is now a boolean to reduce confusion and support the better handling of that option. + +- ### Other Changes +- `forceMax` has been added. This will force the use of `maxWidth`, `maxHeight`, `maxFPS`, and `maxBitrate` when set. +- If `maxWidth`, `maxHeight`, or `maxFPS` are set to `0`, the width, height, or framerate of the source will now be used for the output. +- If `maxBitrate` is set to `0`, the bitrate of the encoder will not be limited. I strongly recommend against this, but it is a better option than setting it to `999999` or similar values, as I've seen in some configs. +- Reorganized config UI options. +- *Fix:* Fix handling of IPv6 connections. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.4.7...v2.5.0 + +## [2.4.7](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.4.7) (2020-08-17) + +### What's Changes +- Changed the way external IP address is determined. This should result in video streams working by default in more setups. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.6.0...v2.4.7 + +## [2.4.6](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.4.6) (2020-08-16) + +### What's Changes +- *Fix:* Fix MQTT/HTTP automation when unbridge is used. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.4.5...v2.4.6 + +## [2.4.5](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.4.5) (2020-08-15) + +### What's Changes +- Return messages and error codes when using HTTP automation. +- *Fix:* Fixed bug preventing MQTT/HTTP automation from working. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.4.4...v2.4.5 + +## [2.4.4](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.4.4) (2020-08-07) + +### What's Changes +- Added support for unbridging specific cameras. This can aid with performance of the camera and Homebridge as a whole, but requires manually adding any unbridged cameras to HomeKit. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.4.3...v2.4.4 + +## [2.4.3](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.4.3) (2020-07-29) + +### What's Changes +- Trigger switches are now turned on and off with HTTP or MQTT messages as well. +- Removed doorbell stateless switch because it had no functionality. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.4.2...v2.4.3 + +## [2.4.2](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.4.2) (2020-07-27) + +### What's Changes +- Properly shut down sessions when devices go inactive. +- *Fix:* Fixed some debug messages. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.4.1...v2.4.2 + +## [2.4.1](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.4.1) (2020-07-24) + +### What's Changes +- Added warning when multiple NICs detected. +- *Fix:* Fix error using copy vcodec. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.4.0...v2.4.1 + +## [2.4.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.4.0) (2020-07-24) + +### What's Changes +- Major rework of code to make future maintenance easier. +- Added setting to limit HTTP server to listening on localhost only. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.3.2...v2.4.0 + +## [2.3.2](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.3.2) (2020-07-19) + +### What's Changes +- FFmpeg processes are now killed when the iOS device goes inactive and when stopping Homebridge. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.3.1...v2.3.2 + +## [2.3.1](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.3.1) (2020-07-16) + +### What's Changes +- Tweaks to logging to reduce confusion and provide more information. +- Added authentication support to MQTT. +- Reduced the FFmpeg log level in debug mode. +- *Fix:* The minimum bitrate option is now working again. +- *Fix:* Maximum bitrate and frame rate are no longer capped below what devices request when not set in the config. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.3.0...v2.3.1 + +## [2.3.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.3.0) (2020-07-14) + +### What's Changes +- Added HTTP support for motion detection and doorbells. +- Separated MQTT doorbell and motion messages. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.8.0...v2.8.1 + +## [2.2.2](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.2.2) (2020-07-13) + +### What's Changes +- Restored ability to specify which network interface to use. +- *Fix:* Fixed handling of non-printing characters in config. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.2.1...v2.2.2 + +## [2.2.1](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.2.1) (2020-07-11) + +### What's Changes +- *Fix:* Fixed bug preventing Homebridge from starting. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.2.0...v2.2.1 + +## [2.2.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.2.0) (2020-07-11) + +### What's Changes +- Now properly allows for changing camera manufacturer, model, etc. +- Minor tweaks to configuration UI screen. +- Update dependencies. +- *Fix:* Fixed a bug when the doorbellSwitch config option was enabled. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.1.1...v2.2.0 + +## [2.1.1](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.1.1) (2020-07-08) + +### What's Changes +- Update Dependencies. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.1.0...v2.1.1 + +## [2.1.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.1.0) (2020-07-06) + +### What's Changes +- Add MQTT support for Motion Detect (#572), thanks to [fennec622](https://github.com/fennec622). + - See [MQTT Motion Wiki](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/wiki/MQTT-Motion) for more details. +- Add stateless button for doorbell cameras. +- Add option to disable manual automation switches. +- Re-Added videoFilter. +- *Fix:* Fixed most FFmpeg issues where users were receiving issues with ffmpeg exit 1 error. +- *Fix:* Fixed Logging. +- *Fix:* Fixed most videoFilter configs not working. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.0.1...v2.1.0 + +## [2.0.1](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.0.1) (2020-06-28) + +### What's Changes +- Update Dependencies. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v2.0.0...v2.0.1 + +## [2.0.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v2.0.0) (2020-06-19) + +### What's Changes +### Breaking Changes +- Code has been refactored to typescript, thanks to [Brandawg93](https://github.com/Brandawg93). +- Plugin requires homebridge >= 1.0.0. +- Cameras no longer need to be manually added to homebridge + - Cameras are now bridged instead of being created as external accessories in homebridge. + - Once you update, you will see two copies of each of your cameras. + - You will need to manually remove the old cameras from HomeKit by going into the cameras' settings and choosing "Remove Camera from Home". + - The new bridged cameras will not have this option, and will instead have a "Bridge" button. + - You will also need to copy over any automations that you had tied to your cameras, such as motion detection. + +### Other Changes +- Google Drive Upload has been removed in this update. PRs are welcome for other Video Cloud Options. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v1.3.0...v2.0.0 + +## [1.3.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v1.3.0) (2020-06-18) + +### What's Changes +- Update ffmpeg-for-homebridge to 0.0.6. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v1.2.2...v1.3.0 + +## [1.2.2](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v1.2.2) (2020-05-28) + +### What's Changes +- *Fix:* Fix for Fake Motion Sensor, it was not reseting after Motion Events. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v1.2.1...v1.2.2 + +## [1.2.1](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v1.2.1) (2020-05-28) + +### What's Changes +- *Fix:* Fixes [#522](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/issues/522), Cleans Up and Condenses the code around the motion switch. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v1.2.0...v1.2.1 + +## [1.2.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v1.2.0) (2020-05-27) + +### What's Changes +- Update ffmpeg-for-homebridge to 0.0.5 + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v1.1.1...v1.2.0 + +## [1.1.1](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v1.1.1) (2020-05-14) + +### What's Changes +- Adds debug log for `videoProcessor`. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v1.1.0...v1.1.1 + +## [1.1.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v1.1.0) (2020-05-13) + +### What's Changes +- Adds an option to have a camera behave like a video doorbell, including a switch to trigger doorbell events (automate the switch to get notifications) +- Add Manufacturer, Model, Serial, and Firmware Revision into config.schema.json. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/v1.0.0...v1.1.0 + +## [1.0.0](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/releases/tag/v1.0.0) (2020-05-11) + +### What's Changes +### Breaking Changes +- homebridge-camera-ffmpeg now comes bundled with it's own pre-built static ffmpeg binaries that are compiled with support for audio (libfdk-aac) and hardware decoding (h264_omx). The following platforms are supported: + - Raspbian Linux - armv6l (armv7l) + - Debian/Ubuntu Linux - x86_64, armv7l, aarch64 + - Alpine Linux - x86_64, armv6l, aarch64 + - macOS (10.14+) - x86_64 + - Windows 10 - x86_64 +- If your platform is not supported the plugin will fallback to using your global install of `ffmpeg` automatically. +- Should you wish to force the plugin to use the global install of `ffmpeg` instead of the provided copy, you can simply set `videoProcessor` option to `ffmpeg`. Example: + ```json + { + "platform": "Camera-ffmpeg", + "videoProcessor": "ffmpeg", + "cameras": [ + ... + ] + } + ``` + +### Other Changes +- Initial release. + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/compare/initial-commit...v1.0.0 diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index fc305d46..6208e81f 100755 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ This plugin is supported under both [Homebridge](https://homebridge.io) and [HOO ## Tested configurations -Other users have been sharing configurations that work for them on our GitHub site. You may want to [check that](https://sunoo.github.io/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/configs/) to see if anyone else has gotten your model of camera working already, or [share](https://github.com/Sunoo/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/issues/new?assignees=&labels=tested+config&template=tested_config.md) a configuration setup that works for you. +Other users have been sharing configurations that work for them on our GitHub site. You may want to [check that](https://sunoo.github.io/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/configs/) to see if anyone else has gotten your model of camera working already, or [share](https://github.com/homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/issues/new?assignees=&labels=tested+config&template=tested_config.md) a configuration setup that works for you. ## Manual Configuration @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Other users have been sharing configurations that work for them on our GitHub si - `model`: Set the model for display in the Home app. (Default: `Camera FFmpeg`) - `serialNumber`: Set the serial number for display in the Home app. (Default: `SerialNumber`) - `firmwareRevision`: Set the firmware revision for display in the Home app. (Default: current plugin version) -- `unbridge`: Bridged cameras can cause slowdowns of the entire Homebridge instance. If unbridged, the camera will need to be added to HomeKit manually. (Default: `false`) +- `unbridge`: Bridged cameras can cause slowdowns of the entire Homebridge instance. If unbridged, the camera will need to be added to HomeKit manually. (Default: `true`) #### Config Example with Manufacturer and Model Set @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Other users have been sharing configurations that work for them on our GitHub si - `maxFPS`: The maximum frame rate used for video streamed to HomeKit. If set to 0, the framerate of the source is used. If not set, will use any frame rate HomeKit requests. - `maxBitrate`: The maximum bitrate used for video streamed to HomeKit, in kbit/s. If not set, will use any bitrate HomeKit requests. - `forceMax`: If set, the settings requested by HomeKit will be overridden with any 'maximum' values defined in this config. (Default: `false`) -- `vcodec`: Set the codec used for encoding video sent to HomeKit, must be H.264-based. You can change to a hardware accelerated video codec with this option, if one is available. (Default: `libx264`) +- `vcodec`: Set the codec used for encoding video sent to HomeKit, must be H.264-based. You can change to a hardware accelerated video codec with this option, if one is available. (Default: `libx264`) - `audio`: Enables audio streaming from camera. (Default: `false`) - `packetSize`: If audio or video is choppy try a smaller value, should be set to a multiple of 188. (Default: `1316`) - `mapvideo`: Selects the stream used for video. (Default: FFmpeg [automatically selects](https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Automatic-stream-selection) a video stream) diff --git a/config.schema.json b/config.schema.json index abad2fbd..ee1dc35c 100644 --- a/config.schema.json +++ b/config.schema.json @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ "pluginAlias": "Camera-ffmpeg", "pluginType": "platform", "singular": true, + "customUi": true, + "customUiPath": "./dist/homebridge-ui", "headerDisplay": "Homebridge Plugin Providing FFmpeg-based Camera Support.", "footerDisplay": "You can see configurations that have been shared by other users on [the project site](https://sunoo.github.io/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg/configs/).", "schema": { @@ -117,11 +119,6 @@ "type": "boolean", "description": "Rings the doorbell when motion is activated. This allows for motion alerts to appear on Apple TVs." }, - "unbridge": { - "title": "Unbridge Camera (Recommended)", - "type": "boolean", - "description": "Bridged cameras can cause slowdowns of the entire Homebridge instance. If unbridged, the camera will need to be added to HomeKit manually." - }, "videoConfig": { "title": "Video Configuration", "type": "object", @@ -247,6 +244,20 @@ "title": "Two-way FFmpeg Debug Logging", "type": "boolean", "description": "Includes debugging output from the FFmpeg process used for two-way audio in the Homebridge log." + }, + "recording": { + "title": "Enable Homekit Secure Video Recording", + "type": "boolean", + "required": true, + "default": false, + "description": "Enables Homekit Secure Video and records video on motion and doorbell events. Requires a home hub and iCloud plan with at least 200GB of storage." + }, + "prebuffer": { + "title": "Enables prebuffering for Homekit Secure Video recording", + "type": "boolean", + "required": true, + "default": false, + "description": "If prebuffering is enabled the video is recorded permanent to be able to capture even the seconds before motion was detected or the doorbell event." } } }, @@ -302,15 +313,18 @@ "items": [ { "key": "cameras", - "type": "array", - "orderable": false, - "buttonText": "Add Camera", + "notitle": false, + "type": "tabarray", + "title": "{{ value.name || 'New Camera' }}", + "expandable": true, + "expanded": false, + "draggable": true, + "orderable": true, "items": [ "cameras[].name", "cameras[].videoConfig.source", "cameras[].videoConfig.stillImageSource", "cameras[].videoConfig.audio", - "cameras[].unbridge", { "key": "cameras[]", "type": "section", @@ -354,7 +368,9 @@ "expanded": false, "items": [ "cameras[].videoConfig.returnAudioTarget", - "cameras[].videoConfig.debugReturn" + "cameras[].videoConfig.debugReturn", + "cameras[].videoConfig.recording", + "cameras[].videoConfig.prebuffer" ] }, "cameras[].videoConfig.vcodec", diff --git a/eslint.config.js b/eslint.config.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6fd1113f --- /dev/null +++ b/eslint.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +import antfu from '@antfu/eslint-config' + +export default antfu( + { + ignores: ['dist', 'docs'], + jsx: false, + typescript: true, + formatters: { + markdown: true, + }, + rules: { + 'curly': ['error', 'multi-line'], + 'import/extensions': ['error', 'ignorePackages'], + 'import/order': 0, + 'jsdoc/check-alignment': 'error', + 'jsdoc/check-line-alignment': 'error', + 'perfectionist/sort-exports': 'error', + 'perfectionist/sort-imports': [ + 'error', + { + groups: [ + 'builtin-type', + 'external-type', + 'internal-type', + ['parent-type', 'sibling-type', 'index-type'], + 'builtin', + 'external', + 'internal', + ['parent', 'sibling', 'index'], + 'object', + 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"clean": "shx rm -rf ./dist", + "test": "vitest run", + "test:watch": "vitest watch", + "test-coverage": "npm run test -- --coverage" }, "dependencies": { - "ffmpeg-for-homebridge": "^0.0.9", - "mqtt": "4.2.8", - "pick-port": "^1.0.0" + "@homebridge/camera-utils": "^3.0.0", + "@homebridge/plugin-ui-utils": "^2.0.1", + "mqtt": "5.10.3", + "pick-port": "^2.1.0" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "@antfu/eslint-config": "^4.1.0", + "@types/aes-js": "^3.1.4", + "@types/debug": "^4.1.12", + "@types/fs-extra": "^11.0.4", + "@types/mdast": "^4.0.4", + "@types/node": "^22.10.10", + "@types/semver": "^7.5.8", + "@types/source-map-support": "^0.5.10", + "@types/ws": "^8.5.14", + "@typhonjs-typedoc/typedoc-theme-dmt": "^0.3.1", + "@vitest/coverage-v8": "^3.0.4", + "eslint": "^9.19.0", + "eslint-plugin-format": "^1.0.1", + "homebridge": "^1.8.5", + "homebridge-config-ui-x": "4.69.0", + "nodemon": "^3.1.9", + "shx": "^0.3.4", + "ts-node": "^10.9.2", + "typedoc": "^0.27.6", + "typescript": "^5.7.3", + "vitest": "^3.0.4" } } diff --git a/src/autoTypes.ts b/src/autoTypes.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 48f3860b..00000000 --- a/src/autoTypes.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -export type AutomationReturn = { - error: boolean; - message: string; - cooldownActive?: boolean; -}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/configTypes.ts b/src/configTypes.ts deleted file mode 100644 index cd9874cb..00000000 --- a/src/configTypes.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -import { PlatformIdentifier, PlatformName } from 'homebridge'; - -export type FfmpegPlatformConfig = { - platform: PlatformName | PlatformIdentifier; - name?: string; - videoProcessor?: string; - mqtt?: string; - portmqtt?: number; - tlsmqtt?: boolean; - usermqtt?: string; - passmqtt?: string; - porthttp?: number; - localhttp?: boolean; - cameras?: Array; -}; - -export type CameraConfig = { - name?: string; - manufacturer?: string; - model?: string; - serialNumber?: string; - firmwareRevision?: string; - motion?: boolean; - doorbell?: boolean; - switches?: boolean; - motionTimeout?: number; - motionDoorbell?: boolean; - mqtt?: MqttCameraConfig; - unbridge?: boolean; - videoConfig?: VideoConfig; -}; - -export type VideoConfig = { - source?: string; - stillImageSource?: string; - returnAudioTarget?: string; - maxStreams?: number; - maxWidth?: number; - maxHeight?: number; - maxFPS?: number; - maxBitrate?: number; - forceMax?: boolean; - vcodec?: string; - packetSize?: number; - videoFilter?: string; - encoderOptions?: string; - mapvideo?: string; - mapaudio?: string; - audio?: boolean; - debug?: boolean; - debugReturn?: boolean; -}; - -export type MqttCameraConfig = { - motionTopic?: string; - motionMessage?: string; - motionResetTopic?: string; - motionResetMessage?: string; - doorbellTopic?: string; - doorbellMessage?: string; -}; diff --git a/src/ffmpeg.ts b/src/ffmpeg.ts index 9c4592c9..d0880dfb 100644 --- a/src/ffmpeg.ts +++ b/src/ffmpeg.ts @@ -1,141 +1,132 @@ -import { ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams, spawn } from 'child_process'; -import { StreamRequestCallback } from 'homebridge'; -import os from 'os'; -import readline from 'readline'; -import { Writable } from 'stream'; -import { Logger } from './logger'; -import { StreamingDelegate } from './streamingDelegate'; +import type { ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams } from 'node:child_process' +import type { Writable } from 'node:stream' -type FfmpegProgress = { - frame: number; - fps: number; - stream_q: number; - bitrate: number; - total_size: number; - out_time_us: number; - out_time: string; - dup_frames: number; - drop_frames: number; - speed: number; - progress: string; -}; +import type { StreamRequestCallback } from 'homebridge' + +import type { Logger } from './logger.js' +import type { StreamingDelegate } from './streamingDelegate.js' + +import { spawn } from 'node:child_process' +import os from 'node:os' +import { env } from 'node:process' +import readline from 'node:readline' +import { FfmpegProgress } from './settings.js' export class FfmpegProcess { - private readonly process: ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams; - private killTimeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; - readonly stdin: Writable; + private readonly process: ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams + private killTimeout?: NodeJS.Timeout + readonly stdin: Writable - constructor(cameraName: string, sessionId: string, videoProcessor: string, ffmpegArgs: string, log: Logger, - debug = false, delegate: StreamingDelegate, callback?: StreamRequestCallback) { - log.debug('Stream command: ' + videoProcessor + ' ' + ffmpegArgs, cameraName, debug); + constructor(cameraName: string, sessionId: string, videoProcessor: string, ffmpegArgs: string, log: Logger, debug = false, delegate: StreamingDelegate, callback?: StreamRequestCallback) { + log.debug(`Stream command: ${videoProcessor} ${ffmpegArgs}`, cameraName, debug) - let started = false; - const startTime = Date.now(); - this.process = spawn(videoProcessor, ffmpegArgs.split(/\s+/), { env: process.env }); - this.stdin = this.process.stdin; + let started = false + const startTime = Date.now() + this.process = spawn(videoProcessor, ffmpegArgs.split(/\s+/), { env }) + this.stdin = this.process.stdin this.process.stdout.on('data', (data) => { - const progress = this.parseProgress(data); + const progress = this.parseProgress(data) if (progress) { if (!started && progress.frame > 0) { - started = true; - const runtime = (Date.now() - startTime) / 1000; - const message = 'Getting the first frames took ' + runtime + ' seconds.'; + started = true + const runtime = (Date.now() - startTime) / 1000 + const message = `Getting the first frames took ${runtime} seconds.` if (runtime < 5) { - log.debug(message, cameraName, debug); + log.debug(message, cameraName, debug) } else if (runtime < 22) { - log.warn(message, cameraName); + log.warn(message, cameraName) } else { - log.error(message, cameraName); + log.error(message, cameraName) } } } - }); + }) const stderr = readline.createInterface({ input: this.process.stderr, - terminal: false - }); + terminal: false, + }) stderr.on('line', (line: string) => { if (callback) { - callback(); - callback = undefined; + callback() + callback = undefined } if (debug && line.match(/\[(panic|fatal|error)\]/)) { // For now only write anything out when debug is set - log.error(line, cameraName); + log.error(line, cameraName) } else if (debug) { - log.debug(line, cameraName, true); + log.debug(line, cameraName, true) } - }); + }) this.process.on('error', (error: Error) => { - log.error('FFmpeg process creation failed: ' + error.message, cameraName); + log.error(`FFmpeg process creation failed: ${error.message}`, cameraName) if (callback) { - callback(new Error('FFmpeg process creation failed')); + callback(new Error('FFmpeg process creation failed')) } - delegate.stopStream(sessionId); - }); + delegate.stopStream(sessionId) + }) this.process.on('exit', (code: number, signal: NodeJS.Signals) => { if (this.killTimeout) { - clearTimeout(this.killTimeout); + clearTimeout(this.killTimeout) } - const message = 'FFmpeg exited with code: ' + code + ' and signal: ' + signal; + const message = `FFmpeg exited with code: ${code} and signal: ${signal}` if (this.killTimeout && code === 0) { - log.debug(message + ' (Expected)', cameraName, debug); + log.debug(`${message} (Expected)`, cameraName, debug) } else if (code == null || code === 255) { if (this.process.killed) { - log.debug(message + ' (Forced)', cameraName, debug); + log.debug(`${message} (Forced)`, cameraName, debug) } else { - log.error(message + ' (Unexpected)', cameraName); + log.error(`${message} (Unexpected)`, cameraName) } } else { - log.error(message + ' (Error)', cameraName); - delegate.stopStream(sessionId); + log.error(`${message} (Error)`, cameraName) + delegate.stopStream(sessionId) if (!started && callback) { - callback(new Error(message)); + callback(new Error(message)) } else { - delegate.controller.forceStopStreamingSession(sessionId); + delegate.controller.forceStopStreamingSession(sessionId) } } - }); + }) } parseProgress(data: Uint8Array): FfmpegProgress | undefined { - const input = data.toString(); + const input = data.toString() - if (input.indexOf('frame=') == 0) { + if (input.indexOf('frame=') === 0) { try { - const progress = new Map(); + const progress = new Map() input.split(/\r?\n/).forEach((line) => { - const split = line.split('=', 2); - progress.set(split[0], split[1]); - }); + const split = line.split('=', 2) + progress.set(split[0], split[1]) + }) return { - frame: parseInt(progress.get('frame')!), - fps: parseFloat(progress.get('fps')!), - stream_q: parseFloat(progress.get('stream_0_0_q')!), - bitrate: parseFloat(progress.get('bitrate')!), - total_size: parseInt(progress.get('total_size')!), - out_time_us: parseInt(progress.get('out_time_us')!), + frame: Number.parseInt(progress.get('frame')!), + fps: Number.parseFloat(progress.get('fps')!), + stream_q: Number.parseFloat(progress.get('stream_0_0_q')!), + bitrate: Number.parseFloat(progress.get('bitrate')!), + total_size: Number.parseInt(progress.get('total_size')!), + out_time_us: Number.parseInt(progress.get('out_time_us')!), out_time: progress.get('out_time')!.trim(), - dup_frames: parseInt(progress.get('dup_frames')!), - drop_frames: parseInt(progress.get('drop_frames')!), - speed: parseFloat(progress.get('speed')!), - progress: progress.get('progress')!.trim() - }; + dup_frames: Number.parseInt(progress.get('dup_frames')!), + drop_frames: Number.parseInt(progress.get('drop_frames')!), + speed: Number.parseFloat(progress.get('speed')!), + progress: progress.get('progress')!.trim(), + } } catch { - return undefined; + return undefined } } else { - return undefined; + return undefined } } public stop(): void { - this.process.stdin.write('q' + os.EOL); + this.process.stdin.write(`q${os.EOL}`) this.killTimeout = setTimeout(() => { - this.process.kill('SIGKILL'); - }, 2 * 1000); + this.process.kill('SIGKILL') + }, 2 * 1000) } } diff --git a/src/homebridge-ui/public/index.html b/src/homebridge-ui/public/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2b4f282c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/homebridge-ui/public/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +

+ homebridge-camera-ffmpeg logo +

+ + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/homebridge-ui/server.ts b/src/homebridge-ui/server.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75175265 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/homebridge-ui/server.ts @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +import fs from 'node:fs' + +import { HomebridgePluginUiServer } from '@homebridge/plugin-ui-utils' + +import { PLUGIN_NAME } from '../settings.js' + +class PluginUiServer extends HomebridgePluginUiServer { + constructor() { + super() + /* + A native method getCachedAccessories() was introduced in config-ui-x v4.37.0 + The following is for users who have a lower version of config-ui-x + */ + this.onRequest('getCachedAccessories', () => { + try { + const plugin = PLUGIN_NAME ?? '@homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg' + const devicesToReturn = [] + + // The path and file of the cached accessories + const accFile = `${this.homebridgeStoragePath}/accessories/cachedAccessories` + + // Check the file exists + if (fs.existsSync(accFile)) { + // read the cached accessories file + const cachedAccessories: any[] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(accFile, 'utf8')) + + cachedAccessories.forEach((accessory: any) => { + // Check the accessory is from this plugin + if (accessory.plugin === plugin) { + // Add the cached accessory to the array + devicesToReturn.push(accessory.accessory as never) + } + }) + } + // Return the array + return devicesToReturn + } catch { + // Just return an empty accessory list in case of any errors + return [] + } + }) + this.ready() + } +} + +function startPluginUiServer(): PluginUiServer { + return new PluginUiServer() +} + +startPluginUiServer() diff --git a/src/index.test.ts b/src/index.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..98bab1ec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/index.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +import { describe, it, expect, vi } from 'vitest'; +import type { API } from 'homebridge'; +import registerPlatform from './index.js'; +import { PLATFORM_NAME, PLUGIN_NAME } from './settings.js'; +import { FfmpegPlatform } from './platform.js'; + +describe('registerPlatform', () => { + it('should register the platform with homebridge', () => { + const api = { + registerPlatform: vi.fn(), + } as unknown as API; + + registerPlatform(api); + + expect(api.registerPlatform).toHaveBeenCalledWith(PLUGIN_NAME, PLATFORM_NAME, FfmpegPlatform); + }); +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts index 29661e60..c4d367a7 100644 --- a/src/index.ts +++ b/src/index.ts @@ -1,424 +1,9 @@ -import { - API, - APIEvent, - CharacteristicEventTypes, - CharacteristicSetCallback, - CharacteristicValue, - DynamicPlatformPlugin, - HAP, - Logging, - PlatformAccessory, - PlatformAccessoryEvent, - PlatformConfig -} from 'homebridge'; -import http from 'http'; -import mqtt from 'mqtt'; -import { AutomationReturn } from './autoTypes'; -import { CameraConfig, FfmpegPlatformConfig } from './configTypes'; -import { Logger } from './logger'; -import { StreamingDelegate } from './streamingDelegate'; -const version = require('../package.json').version; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires +import type { API } from 'homebridge' -let hap: HAP; -let Accessory: typeof PlatformAccessory; +import { FfmpegPlatform } from './platform.js' +import { PLATFORM_NAME, PLUGIN_NAME } from './settings.js' -const PLUGIN_NAME = 'homebridge-camera-ffmpeg'; -const PLATFORM_NAME = 'Camera-ffmpeg'; - -type MqttAction = { - accessory: PlatformAccessory; - active: boolean; - doorbell: boolean; -}; - -class FfmpegPlatform implements DynamicPlatformPlugin { - private readonly log: Logger; - private readonly api: API; - private readonly config: FfmpegPlatformConfig; - private readonly cameraConfigs: Map = new Map(); - private readonly cachedAccessories: Array = []; - private readonly accessories: Array = []; - private readonly motionTimers: Map = new Map(); - private readonly doorbellTimers: Map = new Map(); - private readonly mqttActions: Map>> = new Map(); - - constructor(log: Logging, config: PlatformConfig, api: API) { - this.log = new Logger(log); - this.api = api; - this.config = config as FfmpegPlatformConfig; - - this.config.cameras?.forEach((cameraConfig: CameraConfig) => { - let error = false; - - if (!cameraConfig.name) { - this.log.error('One of your cameras has no name configured. This camera will be skipped.'); - error = true; - } - if (!cameraConfig.videoConfig) { - this.log.error('The videoConfig section is missing from the config. This camera will be skipped.', cameraConfig.name); - error = true; - } else { - if (!cameraConfig.videoConfig.source) { - this.log.error('There is no source configured for this camera. This camera will be skipped.', cameraConfig.name); - error = true; - } else { - const sourceArgs = cameraConfig.videoConfig.source.split(/\s+/); - if (!sourceArgs.includes('-i')) { - this.log.warn('The source for this camera is missing "-i", it is likely misconfigured.', cameraConfig.name); - } - } - if (cameraConfig.videoConfig.stillImageSource) { - const stillArgs = cameraConfig.videoConfig.stillImageSource.split(/\s+/); - if (!stillArgs.includes('-i')) { - this.log.warn('The stillImageSource for this camera is missing "-i", it is likely misconfigured.', cameraConfig.name); - } - } - if (cameraConfig.videoConfig.vcodec === 'copy' && cameraConfig.videoConfig.videoFilter) { - this.log.warn('A videoFilter is defined, but the copy vcodec is being used. This will be ignored.', cameraConfig.name); - } - } - - if (!error) { - const uuid = hap.uuid.generate(cameraConfig.name!); - if (this.cameraConfigs.has(uuid)) { - // Camera names must be unique - this.log.warn('Multiple cameras are configured with this name. Duplicate cameras will be skipped.', cameraConfig.name); - } else { - this.cameraConfigs.set(uuid, cameraConfig); - } - } - }); - - api.on(APIEvent.DID_FINISH_LAUNCHING, this.didFinishLaunching.bind(this)); - } - - addMqttAction(topic: string, message: string, details: MqttAction): void { - const messageMap = this.mqttActions.get(topic) || new Map(); - const actionArray = messageMap.get(message) || []; - actionArray.push(details); - messageMap.set(message, actionArray); - this.mqttActions.set(topic, messageMap); - } - - setupAccessory(accessory: PlatformAccessory, cameraConfig: CameraConfig): void { - accessory.on(PlatformAccessoryEvent.IDENTIFY, () => { - this.log.info('Identify requested.', accessory.displayName); - }); - - const accInfo = accessory.getService(hap.Service.AccessoryInformation); - if (accInfo) { - accInfo.setCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.Manufacturer, cameraConfig.manufacturer || 'Homebridge'); - accInfo.setCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.Model, cameraConfig.model || 'Camera FFmpeg'); - accInfo.setCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.SerialNumber, cameraConfig.serialNumber || 'SerialNumber'); - accInfo.setCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.FirmwareRevision, cameraConfig.firmwareRevision || version); - } - - const motionSensor = accessory.getService(hap.Service.MotionSensor); - const doorbell = accessory.getService(hap.Service.Doorbell); - const doorbellTrigger = accessory.getServiceById(hap.Service.Switch, 'DoorbellTrigger'); - const motionTrigger = accessory.getServiceById(hap.Service.Switch, 'MotionTrigger'); - const doorbellSwitch = accessory.getServiceById(hap.Service.StatelessProgrammableSwitch, 'DoorbellSwitch'); - - if (motionSensor) { - accessory.removeService(motionSensor); - } - if (doorbell) { - accessory.removeService(doorbell); - } - if (doorbellTrigger) { - accessory.removeService(doorbellTrigger); - } - if (motionTrigger) { - accessory.removeService(motionTrigger); - } - if (doorbellSwitch) { - accessory.removeService(doorbellSwitch); - } - - if (cameraConfig.doorbell) { - const doorbell = new hap.Service.Doorbell(cameraConfig.name + ' Doorbell'); - accessory.addService(doorbell); - if (cameraConfig.switches) { - const doorbellTrigger = new hap.Service.Switch(cameraConfig.name + ' Doorbell Trigger', 'DoorbellTrigger'); - doorbellTrigger - .getCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.On) - .on(CharacteristicEventTypes.SET, (state: CharacteristicValue, callback: CharacteristicSetCallback) => { - this.doorbellHandler(accessory, state as boolean); - callback(); - }); - accessory.addService(doorbellTrigger); - } - } - if (cameraConfig.motion) { - const motionSensor = new hap.Service.MotionSensor(cameraConfig.name); - accessory.addService(motionSensor); - if (cameraConfig.switches) { - const motionTrigger = new hap.Service.Switch(cameraConfig.name + ' Motion Trigger', 'MotionTrigger'); - motionTrigger - .getCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.On) - .on(CharacteristicEventTypes.SET, (state: CharacteristicValue, callback: CharacteristicSetCallback) => { - this.motionHandler(accessory, state as boolean, 1); - callback(); - }); - accessory.addService(motionTrigger); - } - } - - const delegate = new StreamingDelegate(this.log, cameraConfig, this.api, hap, this.config.videoProcessor); - - accessory.configureController(delegate.controller); - - if (this.config.mqtt) { - if (cameraConfig.mqtt) { - if (cameraConfig.mqtt.motionTopic) { - this.addMqttAction(cameraConfig.mqtt.motionTopic, cameraConfig.mqtt.motionMessage || cameraConfig.name!, - {accessory: accessory, active: true, doorbell: false}); - } - if (cameraConfig.mqtt.motionResetTopic) { - this.addMqttAction(cameraConfig.mqtt.motionResetTopic, cameraConfig.mqtt.motionResetMessage || cameraConfig.name!, - {accessory: accessory, active: false, doorbell: false}); - } - if (cameraConfig.mqtt.doorbellTopic) { - this.addMqttAction(cameraConfig.mqtt.doorbellTopic, cameraConfig.mqtt.doorbellMessage || cameraConfig.name!, - {accessory: accessory, active: true, doorbell: true}); - } - } - } - } - - configureAccessory(accessory: PlatformAccessory): void { - this.log.info('Configuring cached bridged accessory...', accessory.displayName); - - const cameraConfig = this.cameraConfigs.get(accessory.UUID); - - if (cameraConfig) { - this.setupAccessory(accessory, cameraConfig); - } - - this.cachedAccessories.push(accessory); - } - - private doorbellHandler(accessory: PlatformAccessory, active = true): AutomationReturn { - const doorbell = accessory.getService(hap.Service.Doorbell); - if (doorbell) { - this.log.debug('Switch doorbell ' + (active ? 'on.' : 'off.'), accessory.displayName); - const timeout = this.doorbellTimers.get(accessory.UUID); - if (timeout) { - clearTimeout(timeout); - this.doorbellTimers.delete(accessory.UUID); - } - const doorbellTrigger = accessory.getServiceById(hap.Service.Switch, 'DoorbellTrigger'); - if (active) { - doorbell.updateCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.ProgrammableSwitchEvent, - hap.Characteristic.ProgrammableSwitchEvent.SINGLE_PRESS); - if (doorbellTrigger) { - doorbellTrigger.updateCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.On, true); - let timeoutConfig = this.cameraConfigs.get(accessory.UUID)?.motionTimeout; - timeoutConfig = timeoutConfig && timeoutConfig > 0 ? timeoutConfig : 1; - const timer = setTimeout(() => { - this.log.debug('Doorbell handler timeout.', accessory.displayName); - this.doorbellTimers.delete(accessory.UUID); - doorbellTrigger.updateCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.On, false); - }, timeoutConfig * 1000); - this.doorbellTimers.set(accessory.UUID, timer); - } - return { - error: false, - message: 'Doorbell switched on.' - }; - } else { - if (doorbellTrigger) { - doorbellTrigger.updateCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.On, false); - } - return { - error: false, - message: 'Doorbell switched off.' - }; - } - } else { - return { - error: true, - message: 'Doorbell is not enabled for this camera.' - }; - } - } - - private motionHandler(accessory: PlatformAccessory, active = true, minimumTimeout = 0): AutomationReturn { - const motionSensor = accessory.getService(hap.Service.MotionSensor); - if (motionSensor) { - this.log.debug('Switch motion detect ' + (active ? 'on.' : 'off.'), accessory.displayName); - const timeout = this.motionTimers.get(accessory.UUID); - if (timeout) { - clearTimeout(timeout); - this.motionTimers.delete(accessory.UUID); - } - const motionTrigger = accessory.getServiceById(hap.Service.Switch, 'MotionTrigger'); - const config = this.cameraConfigs.get(accessory.UUID); - if (active) { - motionSensor.updateCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.MotionDetected, true); - if (motionTrigger) { - motionTrigger.updateCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.On, true); - } - if (!timeout && config?.motionDoorbell) { - this.doorbellHandler(accessory, true); - } - let timeoutConfig = config?.motionTimeout ?? 1; - if (timeoutConfig < minimumTimeout) { - timeoutConfig = minimumTimeout; - } - if (timeoutConfig > 0) { - const timer = setTimeout(() => { - this.log.debug('Motion handler timeout.', accessory.displayName); - this.motionTimers.delete(accessory.UUID); - motionSensor.updateCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.MotionDetected, false); - if (motionTrigger) { - motionTrigger.updateCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.On, false); - } - }, timeoutConfig * 1000); - this.motionTimers.set(accessory.UUID, timer); - } - return { - error: false, - message: 'Motion switched on.', - cooldownActive: !!timeout - }; - } else { - motionSensor.updateCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.MotionDetected, false); - if (motionTrigger) { - motionTrigger.updateCharacteristic(hap.Characteristic.On, false); - } - if (config?.motionDoorbell) { - this.doorbellHandler(accessory, false); - } - return { - error: false, - message: 'Motion switched off.' - }; - } - } else { - return { - error: true, - message: 'Motion is not enabled for this camera.' - }; - } - } - - private httpHandler(fullpath: string, name: string): AutomationReturn { - const accessory = this.accessories.find((curAcc: PlatformAccessory) => { - return curAcc.displayName == name; - }); - if (accessory) { - const path = fullpath.split('/').filter((value) => value.length > 0); - switch (path[0]) { - case 'motion': - return this.motionHandler(accessory, path[1] != 'reset'); - break; - case 'doorbell': - return this.doorbellHandler(accessory); - break; - default: - return { - error: true, - message: 'First directory level must be "motion" or "doorbell", got "' + path[0] + '".' - }; - } - } else { - return { - error: true, - message: 'Camera "' + name + '" not found.' - }; - } - } - - didFinishLaunching(): void { - for (const [uuid, cameraConfig] of this.cameraConfigs) { - if (cameraConfig.unbridge) { - const accessory = new Accessory(cameraConfig.name!, uuid); - this.log.info('Configuring unbridged accessory...', accessory.displayName); - this.setupAccessory(accessory, cameraConfig); - this.api.publishExternalAccessories(PLUGIN_NAME, [accessory]); - this.accessories.push(accessory); - } else { - const cachedAccessory = this.cachedAccessories.find((curAcc: PlatformAccessory) => curAcc.UUID === uuid); - if (!cachedAccessory) { - const accessory = new Accessory(cameraConfig.name!, uuid); - this.log.info('Configuring bridged accessory...', accessory.displayName); - this.setupAccessory(accessory, cameraConfig); - this.api.registerPlatformAccessories(PLUGIN_NAME, PLATFORM_NAME, [accessory]); - this.accessories.push(accessory); - } else { - this.accessories.push(cachedAccessory); - } - } - } - - if (this.config.mqtt) { - const portmqtt = this.config.portmqtt || '1883'; - this.log.info('Setting up MQTT connection...'); - const client = mqtt.connect((this.config.tlsmqtt ? 'mqtts://' : 'mqtt://') + this.config.mqtt + ':' + portmqtt, { - 'username': this.config.usermqtt, - 'password': this.config.passmqtt - }); - client.on('connect', () => { - this.log.info('MQTT connected.'); - for (const [topic] of this.mqttActions) { - this.log.debug('Subscribing to MQTT topic: ' + topic); - client.subscribe(topic); - } - }); - client.on('message', (topic: string, message: Buffer) => { - const messageMap = this.mqttActions.get(topic); - if (messageMap) { - const actionArray = messageMap.get(message.toString()); - if (actionArray) { - for (const action of actionArray) { - if (action.doorbell) { - this.doorbellHandler(action.accessory, action.active); - } else { - this.motionHandler(action.accessory, action.active); - } - } - } - } - }); - } - if (this.config.porthttp) { - this.log.info('Setting up ' + (this.config.localhttp ? 'localhost-only ' : '') + - 'HTTP server on port ' + this.config.porthttp + '...'); - const server = http.createServer(); - const hostname = this.config.localhttp ? 'localhost' : undefined; - server.listen(this.config.porthttp, hostname); - server.on('request', (request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse) => { - let results: AutomationReturn = { - error: true, - message: 'Malformed URL.' - }; - if (request.url) { - const spliturl = request.url.split('?'); - if (spliturl.length == 2) { - const name = decodeURIComponent(spliturl[1]).split('=')[0]; - results = this.httpHandler(spliturl[0], name); - } - } - response.writeHead(results.error ? 500 : 200); - response.write(JSON.stringify(results)); - response.end(); - }); - } - - this.cachedAccessories.forEach((accessory: PlatformAccessory) => { - const cameraConfig = this.cameraConfigs.get(accessory.UUID); - if (!cameraConfig || cameraConfig.unbridge) { - this.log.info('Removing bridged accessory...', accessory.displayName); - this.api.unregisterPlatformAccessories(PLUGIN_NAME, PLATFORM_NAME, [accessory]); - } - }); - } +// Register our platform with homebridge. +export default (api: API): void => { + api.registerPlatform(PLUGIN_NAME, PLATFORM_NAME, FfmpegPlatform) } - -export = (api: API): void => { - hap = api.hap; - Accessory = api.platformAccessory; - - api.registerPlatform(PLUGIN_NAME, PLATFORM_NAME, FfmpegPlatform); -}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/logger.ts b/src/logger.ts index c5b1c7df..1c5fd5e8 100644 --- a/src/logger.ts +++ b/src/logger.ts @@ -1,40 +1,46 @@ -import { Logging } from 'homebridge'; +import type { Logging } from 'homebridge' + +import { argv } from 'node:process' export class Logger { - private readonly log: Logging; - private readonly debugMode: boolean; + private readonly log: Logging + private readonly debugMode: boolean constructor(log: Logging) { - this.log = log; - this.debugMode = process.argv.includes('-D') || process.argv.includes('--debug'); + this.log = log + this.debugMode = argv.includes('-D') || argv.includes('--debug') } private formatMessage(message: string, device?: string): string { - let formatted = ''; + let formatted = '' if (device) { - formatted += '[' + device + '] '; + formatted += `[${device}] ` } - formatted += message; - return formatted; + formatted += message + return formatted + } + + public success(message: string, device?: string): void { + this.log.success(this.formatMessage(message, device)) } public info(message: string, device?: string): void { - this.log.info(this.formatMessage(message, device)); + this.log.info(this.formatMessage(message, device)) } public warn(message: string, device?: string): void { - this.log.warn(this.formatMessage(message, device)); + this.log.warn(this.formatMessage(message, device)) } public error(message: string, device?: string): void { - this.log.error(this.formatMessage(message, device)); + this.log.error(this.formatMessage(message, device)) } public debug(message: string, device?: string, alwaysLog = false): void { if (this.debugMode) { - this.log.debug(this.formatMessage(message, device)); + this.log.debug(this.formatMessage(message, device)) } else if (alwaysLog) { - this.info(message, device); + this.info(message, device) } } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/src/pick-port.d.ts b/src/pick-port.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index e6132796..00000000 --- a/src/pick-port.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -declare module 'pick-port' { - namespace pickPort { - type pickPortOptions = { - type?: ('udp' | 'tcp'); - ip?: string; - minPort?: number; - maxPort?: number; - reserveTimeout?: number; - }; - - type reserveOptions = { - type: ('udp' | 'tcp'); - ip: string; - port: number; - reserveTimeout: number; - }; - - type isReservedOptions = { - type: ('udp' | 'tcp'); - ip: string; - port: number; - }; - - function reserve(options: reserveOptions): void; - function isReserved(options: isReservedOptions): boolean; - } - - function pickPort(options: pickPort.pickPortOptions): Promise; - - export = pickPort; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/platform.ts b/src/platform.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..69929ab9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/platform.ts @@ -0,0 +1,417 @@ +import type { Buffer } from 'node:buffer' + +import type { API, CharacteristicSetCallback, CharacteristicValue, DynamicPlatformPlugin, Logging, PlatformAccessory, PlatformConfig } from 'homebridge' + +import type { AutomationReturn } from "./settings.js" +import type { CameraConfig, FfmpegPlatformConfig } from './settings.js' + +import http from 'node:http' + +import { APIEvent, CharacteristicEventTypes, PlatformAccessoryEvent } from 'homebridge' +import mqtt from 'mqtt' + +import { Logger } from './logger.js' +import { StreamingDelegate } from './streamingDelegate.js' +import { PLUGIN_NAME, PLATFORM_NAME, MqttAction, getVersion } from './settings.js' + +const version = getVersion() + +export class FfmpegPlatform implements DynamicPlatformPlugin { + private readonly log: Logger + private readonly api: API + private readonly config: FfmpegPlatformConfig + private readonly cameraConfigs: Map = new Map() + private readonly cachedAccessories: Array = [] + private readonly accessories: Array = [] + private readonly motionTimers: Map = new Map() + private readonly doorbellTimers: Map = new Map() + private readonly mqttActions: Map>> = new Map() + + constructor(log: Logging, config: PlatformConfig, api: API) { + this.log = new Logger(log) + this.api = api + this.config = config as FfmpegPlatformConfig + + this.config.cameras?.forEach((cameraConfig: CameraConfig) => { + let error = false + + if (!cameraConfig.name) { + this.log.error('One of your cameras has no name configured. This camera will be skipped.') + cameraConfig.name = `Camera ${this.cameraConfigs.size + 1}` + error = false + } + if (!cameraConfig.videoConfig) { + this.log.error('The videoConfig section is missing from the config. This camera will be skipped.', cameraConfig.name) + error = true + } else { + if (!cameraConfig.videoConfig.source) { + this.log.error('There is no source configured for this camera. This camera will be skipped.', cameraConfig.name) + error = true + } else { + const sourceArgs = cameraConfig.videoConfig.source.split(/\s+/) + if (!sourceArgs.includes('-i')) { + this.log.warn('The source for this camera is missing "-i", it is likely misconfigured.', cameraConfig.name) + } + } + if (cameraConfig.videoConfig.stillImageSource) { + const stillArgs = cameraConfig.videoConfig.stillImageSource.split(/\s+/) + if (!stillArgs.includes('-i')) { + this.log.warn('The stillImageSource for this camera is missing "-i", it is likely misconfigured.', cameraConfig.name) + } + } + if (cameraConfig.videoConfig.vcodec === 'copy' && cameraConfig.videoConfig.videoFilter) { + this.log.warn('A videoFilter is defined, but the copy vcodec is being used. This will be ignored.', cameraConfig.name) + } + } + + if (!error) { + const uuid = this.api.hap.uuid.generate(cameraConfig.name ?? `Camera ${this.cameraConfigs.size + 1}`) + if (this.cameraConfigs.has(uuid)) { + // Camera names must be unique + this.log.warn('Multiple cameras are configured with this name. Duplicate cameras will be skipped.', cameraConfig.name) + } else { + this.cameraConfigs.set(uuid, cameraConfig) + } + } + }) + + api.on(APIEvent.DID_FINISH_LAUNCHING, this.didFinishLaunching.bind(this)) + } + + addMqttAction(topic: string, message: string, details: MqttAction): void { + const messageMap = this.mqttActions.get(topic) || new Map() + const actionArray = messageMap.get(message) || [] + actionArray.push(details) + messageMap.set(message, actionArray) + this.mqttActions.set(topic, messageMap) + } + + setupAccessory(accessory: PlatformAccessory, cameraConfig: CameraConfig): void { + accessory.on(PlatformAccessoryEvent.IDENTIFY, () => { + this.log.info('Identify requested.', accessory.displayName) + }) + + const accInfo = accessory.getService(this.api.hap.Service.AccessoryInformation) + if (accInfo) { + accInfo.setCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.Manufacturer, cameraConfig.manufacturer || 'Homebridge') + accInfo.setCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.Model, cameraConfig.model || 'Camera FFmpeg') + accInfo.setCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.SerialNumber, cameraConfig.serialNumber || 'SerialNumber') + accInfo.setCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.FirmwareRevision, cameraConfig.firmwareRevision || version) + } + + const motionSensor = accessory.getService(this.api.hap.Service.MotionSensor) + const doorbell = accessory.getService(this.api.hap.Service.Doorbell) + const doorbellTrigger = accessory.getServiceById(this.api.hap.Service.Switch, 'DoorbellTrigger') + const motionTrigger = accessory.getServiceById(this.api.hap.Service.Switch, 'MotionTrigger') + const doorbellSwitch = accessory.getServiceById(this.api.hap.Service.StatelessProgrammableSwitch, 'DoorbellSwitch') + + if (motionSensor) { + accessory.removeService(motionSensor) + } + if (doorbell) { + accessory.removeService(doorbell) + } + if (doorbellTrigger) { + accessory.removeService(doorbellTrigger) + } + if (motionTrigger) { + accessory.removeService(motionTrigger) + } + if (doorbellSwitch) { + accessory.removeService(doorbellSwitch) + } + + const delegate = new StreamingDelegate(this.log, cameraConfig, this.api, this.api.hap, accessory, this.config.videoProcessor) + + accessory.configureController(delegate.controller) + + if (cameraConfig.videoConfig?.prebuffer) { + this.log.debug('Start prebuffering...', cameraConfig.name) + if (delegate.recordingDelegate) { + delegate.recordingDelegate.startPreBuffer() + } + } + + // add motion sensor after accessory.configureController. Secure Video creates it own linked motion service + if (cameraConfig.motion) { + this.log.debug('add motion stuff', cameraConfig.name) + const motionSensor = new this.api.hap.Service.MotionSensor(cameraConfig.name) + + if (!accessory.getService(this.api.hap.Service.MotionSensor)) { + accessory.addService(motionSensor) + } else { + this.log.debug('found motion sensor service', cameraConfig.name) + } + if (cameraConfig.switches) { + const motionTrigger = new this.api.hap.Service.Switch(`${cameraConfig.name} Motion Trigger`, 'MotionTrigger') + motionTrigger + .getCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.On) + .on(CharacteristicEventTypes.SET, (state: CharacteristicValue, callback: CharacteristicSetCallback) => { + this.motionHandler(accessory, state as boolean, 1) + callback() + }) + accessory.addService(motionTrigger) + } + } + + // add doorbell after accessory.configureController. Secure Video creates it own linked doorbell service + if (cameraConfig.doorbell) { + const doorbell = new this.api.hap.Service.Doorbell(`${cameraConfig.name} Doorbell`) + if (!accessory.getService(this.api.hap.Service.Doorbell)) { + accessory.addService(doorbell) + } else { + this.log.debug('found doorbell sensor service', cameraConfig.name) + } + if (cameraConfig.switches) { + const doorbellTrigger = new this.api.hap.Service.Switch(`${cameraConfig.name} Doorbell Trigger`, 'DoorbellTrigger') + doorbellTrigger + .getCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.On) + .on(CharacteristicEventTypes.SET, (state: CharacteristicValue, callback: CharacteristicSetCallback) => { + this.doorbellHandler(accessory, state as boolean) + callback() + }) + accessory.addService(doorbellTrigger) + } + } + /* + for (let rtp of delegate.controller.streamManagements) { + this.log.debug("StreamMngt: "+rtp.getService().getCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.Active).value.toString()); + } + this.log.debug("recMngt:"+ accessory.getService(this.api.hap.Service.CameraRecordingManagement).getCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.Active).value.toString()); +*/ + if (this.config.mqtt) { + if (cameraConfig.mqtt) { + if (cameraConfig.mqtt.motionTopic) { + this.addMqttAction(cameraConfig.mqtt.motionTopic, cameraConfig.mqtt.motionMessage || cameraConfig.name!, { accessory, active: true, doorbell: false }) + } + if (cameraConfig.mqtt.motionResetTopic) { + this.addMqttAction(cameraConfig.mqtt.motionResetTopic, cameraConfig.mqtt.motionResetMessage || cameraConfig.name!, { accessory, active: false, doorbell: false }) + } + if (cameraConfig.mqtt.doorbellTopic) { + this.addMqttAction(cameraConfig.mqtt.doorbellTopic, cameraConfig.mqtt.doorbellMessage || cameraConfig.name!, { accessory, active: true, doorbell: true }) + } + } + } + } + + configureAccessory(accessory: PlatformAccessory): void { + this.log.info('Configuring cached bridged accessory...', accessory.displayName) + + const cameraConfig = this.cameraConfigs.get(accessory.UUID) + + if (cameraConfig) { + this.setupAccessory(accessory, cameraConfig) + } + + this.cachedAccessories.push(accessory) + } + + private doorbellHandler(accessory: PlatformAccessory, active = true): AutomationReturn { + const doorbell = accessory.getService(this.api.hap.Service.Doorbell) + if (doorbell) { + this.log.debug(`Switch doorbell ${active ? 'on.' : 'off.'}`, accessory.displayName) + const timeout = this.doorbellTimers.get(accessory.UUID) + if (timeout) { + clearTimeout(timeout) + this.doorbellTimers.delete(accessory.UUID) + } + const doorbellTrigger = accessory.getServiceById(this.api.hap.Service.Switch, 'DoorbellTrigger') + if (active) { + doorbell.updateCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.ProgrammableSwitchEvent, this.api.hap.Characteristic.ProgrammableSwitchEvent.SINGLE_PRESS) + if (doorbellTrigger) { + doorbellTrigger.updateCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.On, true) + let timeoutConfig = this.cameraConfigs.get(accessory.UUID)?.motionTimeout + timeoutConfig = timeoutConfig && timeoutConfig > 0 ? timeoutConfig : 1 + const timer = setTimeout(() => { + this.log.debug('Doorbell handler timeout.', accessory.displayName) + this.doorbellTimers.delete(accessory.UUID) + doorbellTrigger.updateCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.On, false) + }, timeoutConfig * 1000) + this.doorbellTimers.set(accessory.UUID, timer) + } + return { + error: false, + message: 'Doorbell switched on.', + } + } else { + if (doorbellTrigger) { + doorbellTrigger.updateCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.On, false) + } + return { + error: false, + message: 'Doorbell switched off.', + } + } + } else { + return { + error: true, + message: 'Doorbell is not enabled for this camera.', + } + } + } + + private motionHandler(accessory: PlatformAccessory, active = true, minimumTimeout = 0): AutomationReturn { + const motionSensor = accessory.getService(this.api.hap.Service.MotionSensor) + if (motionSensor) { + this.log.debug(`Switch motion detect ${active ? 'on.' : 'off.'}`, accessory.displayName) + const timeout = this.motionTimers.get(accessory.UUID) + if (timeout) { + clearTimeout(timeout) + this.motionTimers.delete(accessory.UUID) + } + const motionTrigger = accessory.getServiceById(this.api.hap.Service.Switch, 'MotionTrigger') + const config = this.cameraConfigs.get(accessory.UUID) + if (active) { + motionSensor.updateCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.MotionDetected, true) + if (motionTrigger) { + motionTrigger.updateCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.On, true) + } + if (!timeout && config?.motionDoorbell) { + this.doorbellHandler(accessory, true) + } + let timeoutConfig = config?.motionTimeout ?? 1 + if (timeoutConfig < minimumTimeout) { + timeoutConfig = minimumTimeout + } + if (timeoutConfig > 0) { + const timer = setTimeout(() => { + this.log.debug('Motion handler timeout.', accessory.displayName) + this.motionTimers.delete(accessory.UUID) + motionSensor.updateCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.MotionDetected, false) + if (motionTrigger) { + motionTrigger.updateCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.On, false) + } + }, timeoutConfig * 1000) + this.motionTimers.set(accessory.UUID, timer) + } + return { + error: false, + message: 'Motion switched on.', + cooldownActive: !!timeout, + } + } else { + motionSensor.updateCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.MotionDetected, false) + if (motionTrigger) { + motionTrigger.updateCharacteristic(this.api.hap.Characteristic.On, false) + } + if (config?.motionDoorbell) { + this.doorbellHandler(accessory, false) + } + return { + error: false, + message: 'Motion switched off.', + } + } + } else { + return { + error: true, + message: 'Motion is not enabled for this camera.', + } + } + } + + private httpHandler(fullpath: string, name: string): AutomationReturn { + const accessory = this.accessories.find((curAcc: PlatformAccessory) => { + return curAcc.displayName === name + }) + if (accessory) { + const path = fullpath.split('/').filter(value => value.length > 0) + switch (path[0]) { + case 'motion': + return this.motionHandler(accessory, path[1] !== 'reset') + break + case 'doorbell': + return this.doorbellHandler(accessory) + break + default: + return { + error: true, + message: `First directory level must be "motion" or "doorbell", got "${path[0]}".`, + } + } + } else { + return { + error: true, + message: `Camera "${name}" not found.`, + } + } + } + + didFinishLaunching(): void { + for (const [uuid, cameraConfig] of this.cameraConfigs) { + const name = cameraConfig.name || `Camera ${this.cameraConfigs.size + 1}` + const cachedAccessory = this.cachedAccessories.find((curAcc: PlatformAccessory) => curAcc.UUID === uuid) + if (!cachedAccessory) { + const accessory = new this.api.platformAccessory(name, uuid) + this.log.info('Configuring bridged accessory...', accessory.displayName) + this.setupAccessory(accessory, cameraConfig) + this.api.publishExternalAccessories(PLUGIN_NAME, [accessory]) + this.accessories.push(accessory) + } else { + this.accessories.push(cachedAccessory) + } + } + + if (this.config.mqtt) { + const portmqtt = this.config.portmqtt || '1883' + this.log.info('Setting up MQTT connection...') + const client = mqtt.connect(`${(this.config.tlsmqtt ? 'mqtts://' : 'mqtt://') + this.config.mqtt}:${portmqtt}`, { + username: this.config.usermqtt, + password: this.config.passmqtt, + }) + client.on('connect', () => { + this.log.info('MQTT connected.') + for (const [topic] of this.mqttActions) { + this.log.debug(`Subscribing to MQTT topic: ${topic}`) + client.subscribe(topic) + } + }) + client.on('message', (topic: string, message: Buffer) => { + const messageMap = this.mqttActions.get(topic) + if (messageMap) { + const actionArray = messageMap.get(message.toString()) + if (actionArray) { + for (const action of actionArray) { + if (action.doorbell) { + this.doorbellHandler(action.accessory, action.active) + } else { + this.motionHandler(action.accessory, action.active) + } + } + } + } + }) + } + if (this.config.porthttp) { + this.log.info(`Setting up ${this.config.localhttp ? 'localhost-only ' : '' + }HTTP server on port ${this.config.porthttp}...`) + const server = http.createServer() + const hostname = this.config.localhttp ? 'localhost' : undefined + server.listen(this.config.porthttp, hostname) + server.on('request', (request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse) => { + let results: AutomationReturn = { + error: true, + message: 'Malformed URL.', + } + if (request.url) { + const spliturl = request.url.split('?') + if (spliturl.length === 2) { + const name = decodeURIComponent(spliturl[1]).split('=')[0] + results = this.httpHandler(spliturl[0], name) + } + } + response.writeHead(results.error ? 500 : 200) + response.write(JSON.stringify(results)) + response.end() + }) + } + + this.cachedAccessories.forEach((accessory: PlatformAccessory) => { + const cameraConfig = this.cameraConfigs.get(accessory.UUID) + if (!cameraConfig) { + this.log.info('Removing bridged accessory...', accessory.displayName) + this.api.unregisterPlatformAccessories(PLUGIN_NAME, PLATFORM_NAME, [accessory]) + } + }) + } +} diff --git a/src/prebuffer.ts b/src/prebuffer.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43fe298e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/prebuffer.ts @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +import type { Server } from 'node:net' + +import type { Logger } from './logger.js' +import type { MP4Atom } from './settings.js' + +import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer' +import { spawn } from 'node:child_process' +import EventEmitter from 'node:events' +import { createServer } from 'node:net' +import { env } from 'node:process' + +import { listenServer, parseFragmentedMP4 } from './recordingDelegate.js' +import { PrebufferFmp4, Mp4Session, defaultPrebufferDuration } from './settings.js' + +export let prebufferSession: Mp4Session + +export class PreBuffer { + prebufferFmp4: Array = [] + events = new EventEmitter() + released = false + ftyp!: MP4Atom + moov!: MP4Atom + idrInterval = 0 + prevIdr = 0 + + private readonly log: Logger + private readonly ffmpegInput: string + private readonly cameraName: string + private readonly ffmpegPath: string + // private process: ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams; + + constructor(log: Logger, ffmpegInput: string, cameraName: string, videoProcessor: string) { + this.log = log + this.ffmpegInput = ffmpegInput + this.cameraName = cameraName + this.ffmpegPath = videoProcessor + } + + async startPreBuffer(): Promise { + if (prebufferSession) { + return prebufferSession + } + this.log.debug('start prebuffer', this.cameraName) + // eslint-disable-next-line unused-imports/no-unused-vars + const acodec = [ + '-acodec', + 'copy', + ] + + const vcodec = [ + '-vcodec', + 'copy', + ] + + const fmp4OutputServer: Server = createServer(async (socket) => { + fmp4OutputServer.close() + const parser = parseFragmentedMP4(socket) + for await (const atom of parser) { + const now = Date.now() + if (!this.ftyp) { + this.ftyp = atom + } else if (!this.moov) { + this.moov = atom + } else { + if (atom.type === 'mdat') { + if (this.prevIdr) { + this.idrInterval = now - this.prevIdr + } + this.prevIdr = now + } + + this.prebufferFmp4.push({ + atom, + time: now, + }) + } + + while (this.prebufferFmp4.length && this.prebufferFmp4[0].time < now - defaultPrebufferDuration) { + this.prebufferFmp4.shift() + } + + this.events.emit('atom', atom) + } + }) + const fmp4Port = await listenServer(fmp4OutputServer, this.log) + + const ffmpegOutput = [ + '-f', + 'mp4', + // ...acodec, + ...vcodec, + '-movflags', + 'frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof', + `tcp://${fmp4Port}`, + ] + + const args: Array = [] + args.push(...this.ffmpegInput.split(' ')) + args.push(...ffmpegOutput) + + this.log.info(`${this.ffmpegPath} ${args.join(' ')}`, this.cameraName) + + const debug = false + + const stdioValue = debug ? 'pipe' : 'ignore' + const cp = spawn(this.ffmpegPath, args, { env, stdio: stdioValue }) + + if (debug) { + cp.stdout?.on('data', data => this.log.debug(data.toString(), this.cameraName)) + cp.stderr?.on('data', data => this.log.debug(data.toString(), this.cameraName)) + } + + prebufferSession = { server: fmp4OutputServer, process: cp } + + return prebufferSession + } + + async getVideo(requestedPrebuffer: number): Promise> { + const server = createServer((socket) => { + server.close() + + const writeAtom = (atom: MP4Atom): void => { + socket.write(Buffer.concat([atom.header, atom.data])) + } + + let cleanup: () => void = (): void => { + this.log.info('prebuffer request ended', this.cameraName) + this.events.removeListener('atom', writeAtom) + this.events.removeListener('killed', cleanup) + socket.removeAllListeners() + socket.destroy() + } + + if (this.ftyp) { + writeAtom(this.ftyp) + } + if (this.moov) { + writeAtom(this.moov) + } + const now = Date.now() + let needMoof = true + for (const prebuffer of this.prebufferFmp4) { + if (prebuffer.time < now - requestedPrebuffer) { + continue + } + if (needMoof && prebuffer.atom.type !== 'moof') { + continue + } + needMoof = false + // console.log('writing prebuffer atom', prebuffer.atom); + writeAtom(prebuffer.atom) + } + + this.events.on('atom', writeAtom) + + cleanup = (): void => { + this.log.info('prebuffer request ended', this.cameraName) + this.events.removeListener('atom', writeAtom) + this.events.removeListener('killed', cleanup) + socket.removeAllListeners() + socket.destroy() + } + + this.events.once('killed', cleanup) + socket.once('end', cleanup) + socket.once('close', cleanup) + socket.once('error', cleanup) + }) + + setTimeout(() => server.close(), 30000) + + const port = await listenServer(server, this.log) + + const ffmpegInput: Array = [ + '-f', + 'mp4', + '-i', + `tcp://${port}`, + ] + + return ffmpegInput + } +} diff --git a/src/recordingDelegate.ts b/src/recordingDelegate.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30d15401 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/recordingDelegate.ts @@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ +import type { ChildProcess } from 'node:child_process' +import type { Server } from 'node:net' +import type { Readable } from 'node:stream' + +import type { API, CameraController, CameraRecordingConfiguration, CameraRecordingDelegate, HAP, HDSProtocolSpecificErrorReason, RecordingPacket } from 'homebridge' + +import type { VideoConfig } from './settings.js' +import type { Logger } from './logger.js' +import type { Mp4Session } from './settings.js' + +import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer' +import { spawn } from 'node:child_process' +import { once } from 'node:events' +import { createServer } from 'node:net' +import { env } from 'node:process' + +import { APIEvent, AudioRecordingCodecType, H264Level, H264Profile } from 'homebridge' + +import { PreBuffer } from './prebuffer.js' + +import { MP4Atom, FFMpegFragmentedMP4Session, PREBUFFER_LENGTH, ffmpegPathString } from './settings.js' + +export async function listenServer(server: Server, log: Logger): Promise { + let isListening = false + while (!isListening) { + const port = 10000 + Math.round(Math.random() * 30000) + server.listen(port) + try { + await once(server, 'listening') + isListening = true + const address = server.address() + if (address && typeof address === 'object' && 'port' in address) { + return address.port + } + throw new Error('Failed to get server address') + } catch (e: any) { + log.error('Error while listening to the server:', e) + } + } + // Add a return statement to ensure the function always returns a number + return 0 +} + +export async function readLength(readable: Readable, length: number): Promise { + if (!length) { + return Buffer.alloc(0) + } + + { + const ret = readable.read(length) + if (ret) { + return ret + } + } + + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const r = (): void => { + const ret = readable.read(length) + if (ret) { + // eslint-disable-next-line ts/no-use-before-define + cleanup() + resolve(ret) + } + } + + const e = (): void => { + // eslint-disable-next-line ts/no-use-before-define + cleanup() + reject(new Error(`stream ended during read for minimum ${length} bytes`)) + } + + const cleanup = (): void => { + readable.removeListener('readable', r) + readable.removeListener('end', e) + } + + readable.on('readable', r) + readable.on('end', e) + }) +} + +export async function* parseFragmentedMP4(readable: Readable): AsyncGenerator { + while (true) { + const header = await readLength(readable, 8) + const length = header.readInt32BE(0) - 8 + const type = header.slice(4).toString() + const data = await readLength(readable, length) + + yield { + header, + length, + type, + data, + } + } +} + +export class RecordingDelegate implements CameraRecordingDelegate { + updateRecordingActive(active: boolean): Promise { + this.log.info(`Recording active status changed to: ${active}`, this.cameraName) + return Promise.resolve() + } + + updateRecordingConfiguration(): Promise { + this.log.info('Recording configuration updated', this.cameraName) + return Promise.resolve() + } + + async *handleRecordingStreamRequest(streamId: number): AsyncGenerator { + this.log.info(`Recording stream request received for stream ID: ${streamId}`, this.cameraName) + // Implement the logic to handle the recording stream request here + // For now, just yield an empty RecordingPacket + yield {} as RecordingPacket + } + + closeRecordingStream(streamId: number, reason: HDSProtocolSpecificErrorReason | undefined): void { + this.log.info(`Recording stream closed for stream ID: ${streamId}, reason: ${reason}`, this.cameraName) + } + + private readonly hap: HAP + private readonly log: Logger + private readonly cameraName: string + private readonly videoConfig?: VideoConfig + private process!: ChildProcess + + private readonly videoProcessor: string + readonly controller?: CameraController + private preBufferSession?: Mp4Session + private preBuffer?: PreBuffer + + constructor(log: Logger, cameraName: string, videoConfig: VideoConfig, api: API, hap: HAP, videoProcessor?: string) { + this.log = log + this.hap = hap + this.cameraName = cameraName + this.videoProcessor = videoProcessor || ffmpegPathString || 'ffmpeg' + + api.on(APIEvent.SHUTDOWN, () => { + if (this.preBufferSession) { + this.preBufferSession.process?.kill() + this.preBufferSession.server?.close() + } + }) + } + + async startPreBuffer(): Promise { + this.log.info(`start prebuffer ${this.cameraName}, prebuffer: ${this.videoConfig?.prebuffer}`) + if (this.videoConfig?.prebuffer) { + // looks like the setupAcessory() is called multiple times during startup. Ensure that Prebuffer runs only once + if (!this.preBuffer) { + this.preBuffer = new PreBuffer(this.log, this.videoConfig.source ?? '', this.cameraName, this.videoProcessor) + if (!this.preBufferSession) { + this.preBufferSession = await this.preBuffer.startPreBuffer() + } + } + } + } + + async * handleFragmentsRequests(configuration: CameraRecordingConfiguration): AsyncGenerator { + this.log.debug('video fragments requested', this.cameraName) + + const iframeIntervalSeconds = 4 + + const audioArgs: Array = [ + '-acodec', + 'libfdk_aac', + ...(configuration.audioCodec.type === AudioRecordingCodecType.AAC_LC + ? ['-profile:a', 'aac_low'] + : ['-profile:a', 'aac_eld']), + '-ar', + `${configuration.audioCodec.samplerate}k`, + '-b:a', + `${configuration.audioCodec.bitrate}k`, + '-ac', + `${configuration.audioCodec.audioChannels}`, + ] + + const profile = configuration.videoCodec.parameters.profile === H264Profile.HIGH + ? 'high' + : configuration.videoCodec.parameters.profile === H264Profile.MAIN ? 'main' : 'baseline' + + const level = configuration.videoCodec.parameters.level === H264Level.LEVEL4_0 + ? '4.0' + : configuration.videoCodec.parameters.level === H264Level.LEVEL3_2 ? '3.2' : '3.1' + + const videoArgs: Array = [ + '-an', + '-sn', + '-dn', + '-codec:v', + 'libx264', + '-pix_fmt', + 'yuv420p', + + '-profile:v', + profile, + '-level:v', + level, + '-b:v', + `${configuration.videoCodec.parameters.bitRate}k`, + '-force_key_frames', + `expr:eq(t,n_forced*${iframeIntervalSeconds})`, + '-r', + configuration.videoCodec.resolution[2].toString(), + ] + + const ffmpegInput: Array = [] + + if (this.videoConfig?.prebuffer) { + const input: Array = this.preBuffer ? await this.preBuffer.getVideo(configuration.mediaContainerConfiguration.fragmentLength ?? PREBUFFER_LENGTH) : [] + ffmpegInput.push(...input) + } else { + ffmpegInput.push(...(this.videoConfig?.source ?? '').split(' ')) + } + + this.log.debug('Start recording...', this.cameraName) + + const session = await this.startFFMPegFragmetedMP4Session(this.videoProcessor, ffmpegInput, audioArgs, videoArgs) + this.log.info('Recording started', this.cameraName) + + const { socket, cp, generator } = session + let pending: Array = [] + let filebuffer: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(0) + try { + for await (const box of generator) { + const { header, type, length, data } = box + + pending.push(header, data) + + if (type === 'moov' || type === 'mdat') { + const fragment = Buffer.concat(pending) + filebuffer = Buffer.concat([filebuffer, Buffer.concat(pending)]) + pending = [] + yield fragment + } + this.log.debug(`mp4 box type ${type} and lenght: ${length}`, this.cameraName) + } + } catch (e) { + this.log.info(`Recoding completed. ${e}`, this.cameraName) + /* + const homedir = require('os').homedir(); + const path = require('path'); + const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(homedir+path.sep+Date.now()+'_video.mp4'); + writeStream.write(filebuffer); + writeStream.end(); + */ + } finally { + socket.destroy() + cp.kill() + // this.server.close; + } + } + + async startFFMPegFragmetedMP4Session(ffmpegPath: string, ffmpegInput: Array, audioOutputArgs: Array, videoOutputArgs: Array): Promise { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + const server = createServer((socket) => { + server.close() + async function* generator(): AsyncGenerator { + while (true) { + const header = await readLength(socket, 8) + const length = header.readInt32BE(0) - 8 + const type = header.slice(4).toString() + const data = await readLength(socket, length) + + yield { + header, + length, + type, + data, + } + } + } + const cp = this.process + resolve({ + socket, + cp, + generator: generator(), + }) + }) + + listenServer(server, this.log).then((serverPort) => { + const args: Array = [] + + args.push(...ffmpegInput) + + // args.push(...audioOutputArgs); + + args.push('-f', 'mp4') + args.push(...videoOutputArgs) + args.push('-fflags', '+genpts', '-reset_timestamps', '1') + args.push( + '-movflags', + 'frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof', + `tcp://${serverPort}`, + ) + + this.log.debug(`${ffmpegPath} ${args.join(' ')}`, this.cameraName) + + const debug = false + + const stdioValue = debug ? 'pipe' : 'ignore' + this.process = spawn(ffmpegPath, args, { env, stdio: stdioValue }) + const cp = this.process + + if (debug) { + if (cp.stdout) { + cp.stdout.on('data', (data: Buffer) => this.log.debug(data.toString(), this.cameraName)) + } + if (cp.stderr) { + cp.stderr.on('data', (data: Buffer) => this.log.debug(data.toString(), this.cameraName)) + } + } + }) + }) + } +} diff --git a/src/settings.test.ts b/src/settings.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bb9b5e81 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/settings.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +import { describe, it, expect, vi } from 'vitest'; +import { getVersion } from './settings.js'; +import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; + +vi.mock('fs'); + +describe('getVersion', () => { + it('should return the version from package.json', () => { + const mockVersion = '1.0.0'; + const mockPackageJson = JSON.stringify({ version: mockVersion }); + + vi.mocked(readFileSync).mockReturnValue(mockPackageJson); + + const version = getVersion(); + expect(version).toBe(mockVersion); + }); + + it('should throw an error if package.json is invalid', () => { + vi.mocked(readFileSync).mockReturnValue('invalid json'); + + expect(() => getVersion()).toThrow(SyntaxError); + }); +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/settings.ts b/src/settings.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e2c462f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/settings.ts @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +import type { ChildProcess } from 'child_process'; +import type { PlatformAccessory, PlatformIdentifier, PlatformName, SRTPCryptoSuites } from 'homebridge'; +import type { Server, Socket } from 'net'; +import { defaultFfmpegPath } from '@homebridge/camera-utils' +import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; +import { Type } from 'pick-port'; + +export const PLUGIN_NAME = '@homebridge-plugins/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg'; + +export const PLATFORM_NAME = 'Camera-ffmpeg'; + +export const ffmpegPathString = defaultFfmpegPath as unknown as string + +export const defaultPrebufferDuration = 15000 + +export const PREBUFFER_LENGTH = 4000 +export const FRAGMENTS_LENGTH = 4000 + +export interface MqttAction { + accessory: PlatformAccessory + active: boolean + doorbell: boolean +} +export interface AutomationReturn { + error: boolean + message: string + cooldownActive?: boolean +} +export interface FfmpegPlatformConfig { + platform: PlatformName | PlatformIdentifier + name?: string + videoProcessor?: string + mqtt?: string + portmqtt?: number + tlsmqtt?: boolean + usermqtt?: string + passmqtt?: string + porthttp?: number + localhttp?: boolean + cameras?: Array +} + +export interface CameraConfig { + name?: string + manufacturer?: string + model?: string + serialNumber?: string + firmwareRevision?: string + motion?: boolean + doorbell?: boolean + switches?: boolean + motionTimeout?: number + motionDoorbell?: boolean + mqtt?: MqttCameraConfig + videoConfig?: VideoConfig +} + +export interface VideoConfig { + source?: string + stillImageSource?: string + returnAudioTarget?: string + maxStreams?: number + maxWidth?: number + maxHeight?: number + maxFPS?: number + maxBitrate?: number + forceMax?: boolean + vcodec?: string + packetSize?: number + videoFilter?: string + encoderOptions?: string + mapvideo?: string + mapaudio?: string + audio?: boolean + debug?: boolean + debugReturn?: boolean + recording?: boolean + prebuffer?: boolean +} + +export interface MqttCameraConfig { + motionTopic?: string + motionMessage?: string + motionResetTopic?: string + motionResetMessage?: string + doorbellTopic?: string + doorbellMessage?: string +} +export interface FfmpegProgress { + frame: number + fps: number + stream_q: number + bitrate: number + total_size: number + out_time_us: number + out_time: string + dup_frames: number + drop_frames: number + speed: number + progress: string +} +export interface PrebufferFmp4 { + atom: MP4Atom + time: number +} + +export interface Mp4Session { + server: Server + process: ChildProcess +} + +export interface SessionInfo { + address: string // address of the HAP controller + ipv6: boolean + + videoPort: number + videoReturnPort: number + videoCryptoSuite: SRTPCryptoSuites // should be saved if multiple suites are supported + videoSRTP: Buffer // key and salt concatenated + videoSSRC: number // rtp synchronisation source + + audioPort: number + audioReturnPort: number + audioCryptoSuite: SRTPCryptoSuites + audioSRTP: Buffer + audioSSRC: number + } + + export interface ResolutionInfo { + width: number + height: number + videoFilter?: string + snapFilter?: string + resizeFilter?: string + } + + export interface MP4Atom { + header: Buffer + length: number + type: string + data: Buffer + } + + export interface FFMpegFragmentedMP4Session { + socket: Socket + cp: ChildProcess + generator: AsyncGenerator + } + + export interface PickPortOptions { + type: Type; + ip?: string; + minPort?: number; + maxPort?: number; + reserveTimeout?: number; +} + +export function getVersion() { + const json = JSON.parse( + readFileSync( + new URL('../package.json', import.meta.url), + 'utf-8' + ) + ) + const version = json.version + return version +} diff --git a/src/streamingDelegate.ts b/src/streamingDelegate.ts index 93f6727d..91b00733 100644 --- a/src/streamingDelegate.ts +++ b/src/streamingDelegate.ts @@ -1,96 +1,85 @@ -import { - API, - APIEvent, - AudioStreamingCodecType, - AudioStreamingSamplerate, - CameraController, - CameraControllerOptions, - CameraStreamingDelegate, - HAP, - PrepareStreamCallback, - PrepareStreamRequest, - PrepareStreamResponse, - SnapshotRequest, - SnapshotRequestCallback, - SRTPCryptoSuites, - StartStreamRequest, - StreamingRequest, - StreamRequestCallback, - StreamRequestTypes, - VideoInfo -} from 'homebridge'; -import { spawn } from 'child_process'; -import { createSocket, Socket } from 'dgram'; -import ffmpegPath from 'ffmpeg-for-homebridge'; -import pickPort, { pickPortOptions } from 'pick-port'; -import { CameraConfig, VideoConfig } from './configTypes'; -import { FfmpegProcess } from './ffmpeg'; -import { Logger } from './logger'; - -type SessionInfo = { - address: string; // address of the HAP controller - ipv6: boolean; - - videoPort: number; - videoReturnPort: number; - videoCryptoSuite: SRTPCryptoSuites; // should be saved if multiple suites are supported - videoSRTP: Buffer; // key and salt concatenated - videoSSRC: number; // rtp synchronisation source - - audioPort: number; - audioReturnPort: number; - audioCryptoSuite: SRTPCryptoSuites; - audioSRTP: Buffer; - audioSSRC: number; -}; - -type ResolutionInfo = { - width: number; - height: number; - videoFilter?: string; - snapFilter?: string; - resizeFilter?: string; -}; - -type ActiveSession = { - mainProcess?: FfmpegProcess; - returnProcess?: FfmpegProcess; - timeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; - socket?: Socket; -}; +import type { API, AudioRecordingCodec, CameraController, CameraControllerOptions, CameraStreamingDelegate, HAP, PlatformAccessory, PrepareStreamCallback, PrepareStreamRequest, PrepareStreamResponse, SnapshotRequest, SnapshotRequestCallback, StartStreamRequest, StreamingRequest, StreamRequestCallback, VideoInfo } from 'homebridge' + +import { PickPortOptions, CameraConfig, ResolutionInfo, SessionInfo, VideoConfig, FRAGMENTS_LENGTH, PREBUFFER_LENGTH } from './settings.js' +import type { Logger } from './logger.js' + +import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer' +import { spawn } from 'node:child_process' +import { createSocket, Socket } from 'node:dgram' +import { env } from 'node:process' + +import { defaultFfmpegPath } from '@homebridge/camera-utils' +import { APIEvent, AudioRecordingCodecType, AudioRecordingSamplerate, AudioStreamingCodecType, AudioStreamingSamplerate, StreamRequestTypes } from 'homebridge' +import { pickPort } from 'pick-port' + +import { FfmpegProcess } from './ffmpeg.js' +import { RecordingDelegate } from './recordingDelegate.js' + +export interface ActiveSession { + mainProcess?: FfmpegProcess + returnProcess?: FfmpegProcess + timeout?: NodeJS.Timeout + socket?: Socket +} export class StreamingDelegate implements CameraStreamingDelegate { - private readonly hap: HAP; - private readonly log: Logger; - private readonly cameraName: string; - private readonly unbridge: boolean; - private readonly videoConfig: VideoConfig; - private readonly videoProcessor: string; - readonly controller: CameraController; - private snapshotPromise?: Promise; + private readonly hap: HAP + private readonly log: Logger + private readonly cameraName: string + private readonly videoConfig!: VideoConfig + private readonly videoProcessor: string + readonly controller: CameraController + private snapshotPromise?: Promise + private readonly api: API + private recording: boolean + private prebuffer: boolean + recordingDelegate: RecordingDelegate | null = null // keep track of sessions - pendingSessions: Map = new Map(); - ongoingSessions: Map = new Map(); - timeouts: Map = new Map(); + pendingSessions: Map = new Map() + ongoingSessions: Map = new Map() + timeouts: Map = new Map() - constructor(log: Logger, cameraConfig: CameraConfig, api: API, hap: HAP, videoProcessor?: string) { // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types - this.log = log; - this.hap = hap; + constructor(log: Logger, cameraConfig: CameraConfig, api: API, hap: HAP, accessory: PlatformAccessory, videoProcessor?: string) { + this.log = log + this.hap = hap + this.api = api - this.cameraName = cameraConfig.name!; - this.unbridge = cameraConfig.unbridge ?? false; - this.videoConfig = cameraConfig.videoConfig!; - this.videoProcessor = videoProcessor || ffmpegPath || 'ffmpeg'; + this.cameraName = cameraConfig.name! + this.videoConfig = cameraConfig.videoConfig ?? {} + this.videoProcessor = videoProcessor || defaultFfmpegPath as unknown as string || 'ffmpeg' + this.recording = cameraConfig.videoConfig?.recording ?? false + this.prebuffer = this.recording && (cameraConfig.videoConfig?.prebuffer ?? false) + + this.log.debug(this.recording ? 'Recording on' : 'recording off') + this.log.debug(this.prebuffer ? 'Prebuffering on' : 'prebuffering off') api.on(APIEvent.SHUTDOWN, () => { for (const session in this.ongoingSessions) { - this.stopStream(session); + this.stopStream(session) + } + }) + + const recordingCodecs: AudioRecordingCodec[] = [] + + const samplerate: AudioRecordingSamplerate[] = [] + for (const sr of [AudioRecordingSamplerate.KHZ_32]) { + samplerate.push(sr) + } + + for (const type of [AudioRecordingCodecType.AAC_LC]) { + const entry: AudioRecordingCodec = { + type, + bitrateMode: 0, + samplerate, + audioChannels: 1, } - }); + recordingCodecs.push(entry) + } + this.recordingDelegate = this.recording ? new RecordingDelegate(this.log, this.cameraName, this.videoConfig, this.api, this.hap, this.videoProcessor) : null const options: CameraControllerOptions = { - cameraStreamCount: this.videoConfig.maxStreams || 2, // HomeKit requires at least 2 streams, but 1 is also just fine + cameraStreamCount: this.videoConfig.maxStreams ?? 2, // HomeKit requires at least 2 streams, but 1 is also just fine delegate: this, streamingOptions: { supportedCryptoSuites: [hap.SRTPCryptoSuites.AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80], @@ -106,201 +95,228 @@ export class StreamingDelegate implements CameraStreamingDelegate { [1280, 720, 30], [1280, 960, 30], [1920, 1080, 30], - [1600, 1200, 30] + [1600, 1200, 30], ], codec: { profiles: [hap.H264Profile.BASELINE, hap.H264Profile.MAIN, hap.H264Profile.HIGH], - levels: [hap.H264Level.LEVEL3_1, hap.H264Level.LEVEL3_2, hap.H264Level.LEVEL4_0] - } + levels: [hap.H264Level.LEVEL3_1, hap.H264Level.LEVEL3_2, hap.H264Level.LEVEL4_0], + }, }, audio: { twoWayAudio: !!this.videoConfig.returnAudioTarget, codecs: [ { type: AudioStreamingCodecType.AAC_ELD, - samplerate: AudioStreamingSamplerate.KHZ_16 - /*type: AudioStreamingCodecType.OPUS, - samplerate: AudioStreamingSamplerate.KHZ_24*/ - } - ] - } - } - }; - - this.controller = new hap.CameraController(options); + samplerate: AudioStreamingSamplerate.KHZ_16, + /* type: AudioStreamingCodecType.OPUS, + samplerate: AudioStreamingSamplerate.KHZ_24 */ + }, + ], + }, + }, + recording: /*! this.recording ? undefined : */ { + options: { + prebufferLength: PREBUFFER_LENGTH, + overrideEventTriggerOptions: [hap.EventTriggerOption.MOTION, hap.EventTriggerOption.DOORBELL], + mediaContainerConfiguration: [{ + type: 0, + fragmentLength: FRAGMENTS_LENGTH, + }], + video: { + type: hap.VideoCodecType.H264, + parameters: { + levels: [hap.H264Level.LEVEL3_1, hap.H264Level.LEVEL3_2, hap.H264Level.LEVEL4_0], + profiles: [hap.H264Profile.BASELINE, hap.H264Profile.MAIN, hap.H264Profile.HIGH], + }, + resolutions: [ + [320, 180, 30], + [320, 240, 15], // Apple Watch requires this configuration + [320, 240, 30], + [480, 270, 30], + [480, 360, 30], + [640, 360, 30], + [640, 480, 30], + [1280, 720, 30], + [1280, 960, 30], + [1920, 1080, 30], + [1600, 1200, 30], + ], + }, + audio: { + codecs: recordingCodecs, + + }, + }, + delegate: this.recordingDelegate!, + }, + } + this.controller = new hap.CameraController(options) + // if(this.prebuffer) this.recordingDelegate.startPreBuffer(); } private determineResolution(request: SnapshotRequest | VideoInfo, isSnapshot: boolean): ResolutionInfo { const resInfo: ResolutionInfo = { width: request.width, - height: request.height - }; + height: request.height, + } if (!isSnapshot) { - if (this.videoConfig.maxWidth !== undefined && - (this.videoConfig.forceMax || request.width > this.videoConfig.maxWidth)) { - resInfo.width = this.videoConfig.maxWidth; + if (this.videoConfig.maxWidth !== undefined + && (this.videoConfig.forceMax || request.width > this.videoConfig.maxWidth)) { + resInfo.width = this.videoConfig.maxWidth } - if (this.videoConfig.maxHeight !== undefined && - (this.videoConfig.forceMax || request.height > this.videoConfig.maxHeight)) { - resInfo.height = this.videoConfig.maxHeight; + if (this.videoConfig.maxHeight !== undefined + && (this.videoConfig.forceMax || request.height > this.videoConfig.maxHeight)) { + resInfo.height = this.videoConfig.maxHeight } } - const filters: Array = this.videoConfig.videoFilter?.split(',') || []; - const noneFilter = filters.indexOf('none'); + const filters: Array = this.videoConfig.videoFilter?.split(',') || [] + const noneFilter = filters.indexOf('none') if (noneFilter >= 0) { - filters.splice(noneFilter, 1); + filters.splice(noneFilter, 1) } - resInfo.snapFilter = filters.join(','); + resInfo.snapFilter = filters.join(',') if ((noneFilter < 0) && (resInfo.width > 0 || resInfo.height > 0)) { - resInfo.resizeFilter = 'scale=' + (resInfo.width > 0 ? '\'min(' + resInfo.width + ',iw)\'' : 'iw') + ':' + - (resInfo.height > 0 ? '\'min(' + resInfo.height + ',ih)\'' : 'ih') + - ':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease'; - filters.push(resInfo.resizeFilter); - filters.push('scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2'); // Force to fit encoder restrictions + resInfo.resizeFilter = `scale=${resInfo.width > 0 ? `'min(${resInfo.width},iw)'` : 'iw'}:${resInfo.height > 0 ? `'min(${resInfo.height},ih)'` : 'ih' + }:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease` + filters.push(resInfo.resizeFilter) + filters.push('scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2') // Force to fit encoder restrictions } if (filters.length > 0) { - resInfo.videoFilter = filters.join(','); + resInfo.videoFilter = filters.join(',') } - return resInfo; + return resInfo } fetchSnapshot(snapFilter?: string): Promise { this.snapshotPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - const startTime = Date.now(); - const ffmpegArgs = (this.videoConfig.stillImageSource || this.videoConfig.source!) + // Still - ' -frames:v 1' + - (snapFilter ? ' -filter:v ' + snapFilter : '') + - ' -f image2 -' + - ' -hide_banner' + - ' -loglevel error'; - - this.log.debug('Snapshot command: ' + this.videoProcessor + ' ' + ffmpegArgs, this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug); - const ffmpeg = spawn(this.videoProcessor, ffmpegArgs.split(/\s+/), { env: process.env }); - - let snapshotBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0); + const startTime = Date.now() + const ffmpegArgs = `${this.videoConfig.stillImageSource || this.videoConfig.source! // Still + } -frames:v 1${snapFilter ? ` -filter:v ${snapFilter}` : '' + } -f image2 -` + + ` -hide_banner` + + ` -loglevel error` + + this.log.debug(`Snapshot command: ${this.videoProcessor} ${ffmpegArgs}`, this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug) + const ffmpeg = spawn(this.videoProcessor, ffmpegArgs.split(/\s+/), { env }) + + let snapshotBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0) ffmpeg.stdout.on('data', (data) => { - snapshotBuffer = Buffer.concat([snapshotBuffer, data]); - }); + snapshotBuffer = Buffer.concat([snapshotBuffer, data]) + }) ffmpeg.on('error', (error: Error) => { - reject('FFmpeg process creation failed: ' + error.message); - }); + reject(new Error(`FFmpeg process creation failed: ${error.message}`)) + }) ffmpeg.stderr.on('data', (data) => { data.toString().split('\n').forEach((line: string) => { if (this.videoConfig.debug && line.length > 0) { // For now only write anything out when debug is set - this.log.error(line, this.cameraName + '] [Snapshot'); + this.log.error(line, `${this.cameraName}] [Snapshot`) } - }); - }); + }) + }) ffmpeg.on('close', () => { if (snapshotBuffer.length > 0) { - resolve(snapshotBuffer); + resolve(snapshotBuffer) } else { - reject('Failed to fetch snapshot.'); + reject(new Error('Failed to fetch snapshot.')) } setTimeout(() => { - this.snapshotPromise = undefined; - }, 3 * 1000); // Expire cached snapshot after 3 seconds + this.snapshotPromise = undefined + }, 3 * 1000) // Expire cached snapshot after 3 seconds - const runtime = (Date.now() - startTime) / 1000; - let message = 'Fetching snapshot took ' + runtime + ' seconds.'; + const runtime = (Date.now() - startTime) / 1000 + let message = `Fetching snapshot took ${runtime} seconds.` if (runtime < 5) { - this.log.debug(message, this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug); + this.log.debug(message, this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug) } else { - if (!this.unbridge) { - message += ' It is highly recommended you switch to unbridge mode.'; - } if (runtime < 22) { - this.log.warn(message, this.cameraName); + this.log.warn(message, this.cameraName) } else { - message += ' The request has timed out and the snapshot has not been refreshed in HomeKit.'; - this.log.error(message, this.cameraName); + message += ' The request has timed out and the snapshot has not been refreshed in HomeKit.' + this.log.error(message, this.cameraName) } } - }); - }); - return this.snapshotPromise; + }) + }) + return this.snapshotPromise } resizeSnapshot(snapshot: Buffer, resizeFilter?: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - const ffmpegArgs = '-i pipe:' + // Resize - ' -frames:v 1' + - (resizeFilter ? ' -filter:v ' + resizeFilter : '') + - ' -f image2 -'; + const ffmpegArgs = `-i pipe:` // Resize + + ` -frames:v 1${resizeFilter ? ` -filter:v ${resizeFilter}` : '' + } -f image2 -` - this.log.debug('Resize command: ' + this.videoProcessor + ' ' + ffmpegArgs, this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug); - const ffmpeg = spawn(this.videoProcessor, ffmpegArgs.split(/\s+/), { env: process.env }); + this.log.debug(`Resize command: ${this.videoProcessor} ${ffmpegArgs}`, this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug) + const ffmpeg = spawn(this.videoProcessor, ffmpegArgs.split(/\s+/), { env }) - let resizeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0); + let resizeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0) ffmpeg.stdout.on('data', (data) => { - resizeBuffer = Buffer.concat([resizeBuffer, data]); - }); + resizeBuffer = Buffer.concat([resizeBuffer, data]) + }) ffmpeg.on('error', (error: Error) => { - reject('FFmpeg process creation failed: ' + error.message); - }); + reject(new Error(`FFmpeg process creation failed: ${error.message}`)) + }) ffmpeg.on('close', () => { - resolve(resizeBuffer); - }); - ffmpeg.stdin.end(snapshot); - }); + resolve(resizeBuffer) + }) + ffmpeg.stdin.end(snapshot) + }) } async handleSnapshotRequest(request: SnapshotRequest, callback: SnapshotRequestCallback): Promise { - const resolution = this.determineResolution(request, true); + const resolution = this.determineResolution(request, true) try { - const cachedSnapshot = !!this.snapshotPromise; + const cachedSnapshot = !!this.snapshotPromise - this.log.debug('Snapshot requested: ' + request.width + ' x ' + request.height, - this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug); + this.log.debug(`Snapshot requested: ${request.width} x ${request.height}`, this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug) - const snapshot = await (this.snapshotPromise || this.fetchSnapshot(resolution.snapFilter)); + const snapshot = await (this.snapshotPromise || this.fetchSnapshot(resolution.snapFilter)) - this.log.debug('Sending snapshot: ' + (resolution.width > 0 ? resolution.width : 'native') + ' x ' + - (resolution.height > 0 ? resolution.height : 'native') + - (cachedSnapshot ? ' (cached)' : ''), this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug); + this.log.debug(`Sending snapshot: ${resolution.width > 0 ? resolution.width : 'native'} x ${resolution.height > 0 ? resolution.height : 'native' + }${cachedSnapshot ? ' (cached)' : ''}`, this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug) - const resized = await this.resizeSnapshot(snapshot, resolution.resizeFilter); - callback(undefined, resized); + const resized = await this.resizeSnapshot(snapshot, resolution.resizeFilter) + callback(undefined, resized) } catch (err) { - this.log.error(err as string, this.cameraName); - callback(); + this.log.error(err as string, this.cameraName) + callback(err as Error) } } async prepareStream(request: PrepareStreamRequest, callback: PrepareStreamCallback): Promise { - const ipv6 = request.addressVersion === 'ipv6'; + const ipv6 = request.addressVersion === 'ipv6' - const options: pickPortOptions = { + const options: PickPortOptions = { type: 'udp', ip: ipv6 ? '::' : '', - reserveTimeout: 15 - }; - const videoReturnPort = await pickPort(options); - const videoSSRC = this.hap.CameraController.generateSynchronisationSource(); - const audioReturnPort = await pickPort(options); - const audioSSRC = this.hap.CameraController.generateSynchronisationSource(); + reserveTimeout: 15, + } + const videoReturnPort = await pickPort(options) + const videoSSRC = this.hap.CameraController.generateSynchronisationSource() + const audioReturnPort = await pickPort(options) + const audioSSRC = this.hap.CameraController.generateSynchronisationSource() const sessionInfo: SessionInfo = { address: request.targetAddress, - ipv6: ipv6, + ipv6, videoPort: request.video.port, - videoReturnPort: videoReturnPort, + videoReturnPort, videoCryptoSuite: request.video.srtpCryptoSuite, videoSRTP: Buffer.concat([request.video.srtp_key, request.video.srtp_salt]), - videoSSRC: videoSSRC, + videoSSRC, audioPort: request.audio.port, - audioReturnPort: audioReturnPort, + audioReturnPort, audioCryptoSuite: request.audio.srtpCryptoSuite, audioSRTP: Buffer.concat([request.audio.srtp_key, request.audio.srtp_salt]), - audioSSRC: audioSSRC - }; + audioSSRC, + } const response: PrepareStreamResponse = { video: { @@ -308,209 +324,203 @@ export class StreamingDelegate implements CameraStreamingDelegate { ssrc: videoSSRC, srtp_key: request.video.srtp_key, - srtp_salt: request.video.srtp_salt + srtp_salt: request.video.srtp_salt, }, audio: { port: audioReturnPort, ssrc: audioSSRC, srtp_key: request.audio.srtp_key, - srtp_salt: request.audio.srtp_salt - } - }; + srtp_salt: request.audio.srtp_salt, + }, + } - this.pendingSessions.set(request.sessionID, sessionInfo); - callback(undefined, response); + this.pendingSessions.set(request.sessionID, sessionInfo) + callback(undefined, response) } - private startStream(request: StartStreamRequest, callback: StreamRequestCallback): void{ - const sessionInfo = this.pendingSessions.get(request.sessionID); + private startStream(request: StartStreamRequest, callback: StreamRequestCallback): void { + const sessionInfo = this.pendingSessions.get(request.sessionID) if (sessionInfo) { - const vcodec = this.videoConfig.vcodec || 'libx264'; - const mtu = this.videoConfig.packetSize || 1316; // request.video.mtu is not used - let encoderOptions = this.videoConfig.encoderOptions; + const vcodec = this.videoConfig.vcodec || 'libx264' + const mtu = this.videoConfig.packetSize || 1316 // request.video.mtu is not used + let encoderOptions = this.videoConfig.encoderOptions if (!encoderOptions && vcodec === 'libx264') { - encoderOptions = '-preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency'; + encoderOptions = '-preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency' } - const resolution = this.determineResolution(request.video, false); + const resolution = this.determineResolution(request.video, false) - let fps = (this.videoConfig.maxFPS !== undefined && - (this.videoConfig.forceMax || request.video.fps > this.videoConfig.maxFPS)) ? - this.videoConfig.maxFPS : request.video.fps; - let videoBitrate = (this.videoConfig.maxBitrate !== undefined && - (this.videoConfig.forceMax || request.video.max_bit_rate > this.videoConfig.maxBitrate)) ? - this.videoConfig.maxBitrate : request.video.max_bit_rate; + let fps = (this.videoConfig.maxFPS !== undefined + && (this.videoConfig.forceMax || request.video.fps > this.videoConfig.maxFPS)) + ? this.videoConfig.maxFPS + : request.video.fps + let videoBitrate = (this.videoConfig.maxBitrate !== undefined + && (this.videoConfig.forceMax || request.video.max_bit_rate > this.videoConfig.maxBitrate)) + ? this.videoConfig.maxBitrate + : request.video.max_bit_rate if (vcodec === 'copy') { - resolution.width = 0; - resolution.height = 0; - resolution.videoFilter = undefined; - fps = 0; - videoBitrate = 0; + resolution.width = 0 + resolution.height = 0 + resolution.videoFilter = undefined + fps = 0 + videoBitrate = 0 } - this.log.debug('Video stream requested: ' + request.video.width + ' x ' + request.video.height + ', ' + - request.video.fps + ' fps, ' + request.video.max_bit_rate + ' kbps', this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug); - this.log.info('Starting video stream: ' + (resolution.width > 0 ? resolution.width : 'native') + ' x ' + - (resolution.height > 0 ? resolution.height : 'native') + ', ' + (fps > 0 ? fps : 'native') + - ' fps, ' + (videoBitrate > 0 ? videoBitrate : '???') + ' kbps' + - (this.videoConfig.audio ? (' (' + request.audio.codec + ')') : ''), this.cameraName); - - let ffmpegArgs = this.videoConfig.source!; - - ffmpegArgs += // Video - (this.videoConfig.mapvideo ? ' -map ' + this.videoConfig.mapvideo : ' -an -sn -dn') + - ' -codec:v ' + vcodec + - ' -pix_fmt yuv420p' + - ' -color_range mpeg' + - (fps > 0 ? ' -r ' + fps : '') + - ' -f rawvideo' + - (encoderOptions ? ' ' + encoderOptions : '') + - (resolution.videoFilter ? ' -filter:v ' + resolution.videoFilter : '') + - (videoBitrate > 0 ? ' -b:v ' + videoBitrate + 'k' : '') + - ' -payload_type ' + request.video.pt; - - ffmpegArgs += // Video Stream - ' -ssrc ' + sessionInfo.videoSSRC + - ' -f rtp' + - ' -srtp_out_suite AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80' + - ' -srtp_out_params ' + sessionInfo.videoSRTP.toString('base64') + - ' srtp://' + sessionInfo.address + ':' + sessionInfo.videoPort + - '?rtcpport=' + sessionInfo.videoPort + '&pkt_size=' + mtu; + this.log.debug(`Video stream requested: ${request.video.width} x ${request.video.height}, ${request.video.fps} fps, ${request.video.max_bit_rate} kbps`, this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug) + this.log.info(`Starting video stream: ${resolution.width > 0 ? resolution.width : 'native'} x ${resolution.height > 0 ? resolution.height : 'native'}, ${fps > 0 ? fps : 'native' + } fps, ${videoBitrate > 0 ? videoBitrate : '???'} kbps${this.videoConfig.audio ? (` (${request.audio.codec})`) : ''}`, this.cameraName) + + let ffmpegArgs = this.videoConfig.source! + + ffmpegArgs // Video + += `${this.videoConfig.mapvideo ? ` -map ${this.videoConfig.mapvideo}` : ' -an -sn -dn' + } -codec:v ${vcodec + } -pix_fmt yuv420p` + + ` -color_range mpeg${fps > 0 ? ` -r ${fps}` : '' + } -f rawvideo${encoderOptions ? ` ${encoderOptions}` : '' + }${resolution.videoFilter ? ` -filter:v ${resolution.videoFilter}` : '' + }${videoBitrate > 0 ? ` -b:v ${videoBitrate}k` : '' + } -payload_type ${request.video.pt}` + + ffmpegArgs // Video Stream + += ` -ssrc ${sessionInfo.videoSSRC + } -f rtp` + + ` -srtp_out_suite AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80` + + ` -srtp_out_params ${sessionInfo.videoSRTP.toString('base64') + } srtp://${sessionInfo.address}:${sessionInfo.videoPort + }?rtcpport=${sessionInfo.videoPort}&pkt_size=${mtu}` if (this.videoConfig.audio) { if (request.audio.codec === AudioStreamingCodecType.OPUS || request.audio.codec === AudioStreamingCodecType.AAC_ELD) { - ffmpegArgs += // Audio - (this.videoConfig.mapaudio ? ' -map ' + this.videoConfig.mapaudio : ' -vn -sn -dn') + - (request.audio.codec === AudioStreamingCodecType.OPUS ? - ' -codec:a libopus' + - ' -application lowdelay' : - ' -codec:a libfdk_aac' + - ' -profile:a aac_eld') + - ' -flags +global_header' + - ' -f null' + - ' -ar ' + request.audio.sample_rate + 'k' + - ' -b:a ' + request.audio.max_bit_rate + 'k' + - ' -ac ' + request.audio.channel + - ' -payload_type ' + request.audio.pt; - - ffmpegArgs += // Audio Stream - ' -ssrc ' + sessionInfo.audioSSRC + - ' -f rtp' + - ' -srtp_out_suite AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80' + - ' -srtp_out_params ' + sessionInfo.audioSRTP.toString('base64') + - ' srtp://' + sessionInfo.address + ':' + sessionInfo.audioPort + - '?rtcpport=' + sessionInfo.audioPort + '&pkt_size=188'; + ffmpegArgs // Audio + += `${(this.videoConfig.mapaudio ? ` -map ${this.videoConfig.mapaudio}` : ' -vn -sn -dn') + + (request.audio.codec === AudioStreamingCodecType.OPUS + ? ' -codec:a libopus' + + ' -application lowdelay' + : ' -codec:a libfdk_aac' + + ' -profile:a aac_eld') + } -flags +global_header` + + ` -f null` + + ` -ar ${request.audio.sample_rate}k` + + ` -b:a ${request.audio.max_bit_rate}k` + + ` -ac ${request.audio.channel + } -payload_type ${request.audio.pt}` + + ffmpegArgs // Audio Stream + += ` -ssrc ${sessionInfo.audioSSRC + } -f rtp` + + ` -srtp_out_suite AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80` + + ` -srtp_out_params ${sessionInfo.audioSRTP.toString('base64') + } srtp://${sessionInfo.address}:${sessionInfo.audioPort + }?rtcpport=${sessionInfo.audioPort}&pkt_size=188` } else { - this.log.error('Unsupported audio codec requested: ' + request.audio.codec, this.cameraName); + this.log.error(`Unsupported audio codec requested: ${request.audio.codec}`, this.cameraName) } } - ffmpegArgs += ' -loglevel level' + (this.videoConfig.debug ? '+verbose' : '') + - ' -progress pipe:1'; + ffmpegArgs += ` -loglevel level${this.videoConfig.debug ? '+verbose' : '' + } -progress pipe:1` - const activeSession: ActiveSession = {}; + const activeSession: ActiveSession = {} - activeSession.socket = createSocket(sessionInfo.ipv6 ? 'udp6' : 'udp4'); + activeSession.socket = createSocket(sessionInfo.ipv6 ? 'udp6' : 'udp4') activeSession.socket.on('error', (err: Error) => { - this.log.error('Socket error: ' + err.message, this.cameraName); - this.stopStream(request.sessionID); - }); + this.log.error(`Socket error: ${err.message}`, this.cameraName) + this.stopStream(request.sessionID) + }) activeSession.socket.on('message', () => { if (activeSession.timeout) { - clearTimeout(activeSession.timeout); + clearTimeout(activeSession.timeout) } activeSession.timeout = setTimeout(() => { - this.log.info('Device appears to be inactive. Stopping stream.', this.cameraName); - this.controller.forceStopStreamingSession(request.sessionID); - this.stopStream(request.sessionID); - }, request.video.rtcp_interval * 5 * 1000); - }); - activeSession.socket.bind(sessionInfo.videoReturnPort); + this.log.info('Device appears to be inactive. Stopping stream.', this.cameraName) + this.controller.forceStopStreamingSession(request.sessionID) + this.stopStream(request.sessionID) + }, request.video.rtcp_interval * 5 * 1000) + }) + activeSession.socket.bind(sessionInfo.videoReturnPort) - activeSession.mainProcess = new FfmpegProcess(this.cameraName, request.sessionID, this.videoProcessor, - ffmpegArgs, this.log, this.videoConfig.debug, this, callback); + activeSession.mainProcess = new FfmpegProcess(this.cameraName, request.sessionID, this.videoProcessor, ffmpegArgs, this.log, this.videoConfig.debug, this, callback) if (this.videoConfig.returnAudioTarget) { - const ffmpegReturnArgs = - '-hide_banner' + - ' -protocol_whitelist pipe,udp,rtp,file,crypto' + - ' -f sdp' + - ' -c:a libfdk_aac' + - ' -i pipe:' + - ' ' + this.videoConfig.returnAudioTarget + - ' -loglevel level' + (this.videoConfig.debugReturn ? '+verbose' : ''); - - const ipVer = sessionInfo.ipv6 ? 'IP6' : 'IP4'; - - const sdpReturnAudio = - 'v=0\r\n' + - 'o=- 0 0 IN ' + ipVer + ' ' + sessionInfo.address + '\r\n' + - 's=Talk\r\n' + - 'c=IN ' + ipVer + ' ' + sessionInfo.address + '\r\n' + - 't=0 0\r\n' + - 'm=audio ' + sessionInfo.audioReturnPort + ' RTP/AVP 110\r\n' + - 'b=AS:24\r\n' + - 'a=rtpmap:110 MPEG4-GENERIC/16000/1\r\n' + - 'a=rtcp-mux\r\n' + // FFmpeg ignores this, but might as well - 'a=fmtp:110 ' + - 'profile-level-id=1;mode=AAC-hbr;sizelength=13;indexlength=3;indexdeltalength=3; ' + - 'config=F8F0212C00BC00\r\n' + - 'a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:' + sessionInfo.audioSRTP.toString('base64') + '\r\n'; - activeSession.returnProcess = new FfmpegProcess(this.cameraName + '] [Two-way', request.sessionID, - this.videoProcessor, ffmpegReturnArgs, this.log, this.videoConfig.debugReturn, this); - activeSession.returnProcess.stdin.end(sdpReturnAudio); + const ffmpegReturnArgs + = `-hide_banner` + + ` -protocol_whitelist pipe,udp,rtp,file,crypto` + + ` -f sdp` + + ` -c:a libfdk_aac` + + ` -i pipe:` + + ` ${this.videoConfig.returnAudioTarget + } -loglevel level${this.videoConfig.debugReturn ? '+verbose' : ''}` + + const ipVer = sessionInfo.ipv6 ? 'IP6' : 'IP4' + + const sdpReturnAudio + = `v=0\r\n` + + `o=- 0 0 IN ${ipVer} ${sessionInfo.address}\r\n` + + `s=Talk\r\n` + + `c=IN ${ipVer} ${sessionInfo.address}\r\n` + + `t=0 0\r\n` + + `m=audio ${sessionInfo.audioReturnPort} RTP/AVP 110\r\n` + + `b=AS:24\r\n` + + `a=rtpmap:110 MPEG4-GENERIC/16000/1\r\n` + + `a=rtcp-mux\r\n` // FFmpeg ignores this, but might as well + + `a=fmtp:110 ` + + `profile-level-id=1;mode=AAC-hbr;sizelength=13;indexlength=3;indexdeltalength=3; ` + + `config=F8F0212C00BC00\r\n` + + `a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:${sessionInfo.audioSRTP.toString('base64')}\r\n` + activeSession.returnProcess = new FfmpegProcess(`${this.cameraName}] [Two-way`, request.sessionID, this.videoProcessor, ffmpegReturnArgs, this.log, this.videoConfig.debugReturn, this) + activeSession.returnProcess.stdin.end(sdpReturnAudio) } - this.ongoingSessions.set(request.sessionID, activeSession); - this.pendingSessions.delete(request.sessionID); + this.ongoingSessions.set(request.sessionID, activeSession) + this.pendingSessions.delete(request.sessionID) } else { - this.log.error('Error finding session information.', this.cameraName); - callback(new Error('Error finding session information')); + this.log.error('Error finding session information.', this.cameraName) + callback(new Error('Error finding session information')) } } handleStreamRequest(request: StreamingRequest, callback: StreamRequestCallback): void { switch (request.type) { case StreamRequestTypes.START: - this.startStream(request, callback); - break; + this.startStream(request, callback) + break case StreamRequestTypes.RECONFIGURE: - this.log.debug('Received request to reconfigure: ' + request.video.width + ' x ' + request.video.height + ', ' + - request.video.fps + ' fps, ' + request.video.max_bit_rate + ' kbps (Ignored)', this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug); - callback(); - break; + this.log.debug(`Received request to reconfigure: ${request.video.width} x ${request.video.height}, ${request.video.fps} fps, ${request.video.max_bit_rate} kbps (Ignored)`, this.cameraName, this.videoConfig.debug) + callback() + break case StreamRequestTypes.STOP: - this.stopStream(request.sessionID); - callback(); - break; + this.stopStream(request.sessionID) + callback() + break } } public stopStream(sessionId: string): void { - const session = this.ongoingSessions.get(sessionId); + const session = this.ongoingSessions.get(sessionId) if (session) { if (session.timeout) { - clearTimeout(session.timeout); + clearTimeout(session.timeout) } try { - session.socket?.close(); + session.socket?.close() } catch (err) { - this.log.error('Error occurred closing socket: ' + err, this.cameraName); + this.log.error(`Error occurred closing socket: ${err}`, this.cameraName) } try { - session.mainProcess?.stop(); + session.mainProcess?.stop() } catch (err) { - this.log.error('Error occurred terminating main FFmpeg process: ' + err, this.cameraName); + this.log.error(`Error occurred terminating main FFmpeg process: ${err}`, this.cameraName) } try { - session.returnProcess?.stop(); + session.returnProcess?.stop() } catch (err) { - this.log.error('Error occurred terminating two-way FFmpeg process: ' + err, this.cameraName); + this.log.error(`Error occurred terminating two-way FFmpeg process: ${err}`, this.cameraName) } } - this.ongoingSessions.delete(sessionId); - this.log.info('Stopped video stream.', this.cameraName); + this.ongoingSessions.delete(sessionId) + this.log.info('Stopped video stream.', this.cameraName) } } diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json index 182f5dc3..415aee22 100644 --- a/tsconfig.json +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -1,25 +1,27 @@ { "compilerOptions": { - "target": "ES2018", - "module": "commonjs", + "target": "ES2022", "lib": [ - "ES2015", - "ES2016", - "ES2017", - "ES2018" + "DOM", + "ES2022" ], - "sourceMap": true, - "outDir": "dist", "rootDir": "src", - "allowJs": true, + "module": "ES2022", + "moduleResolution": "bundler", "strict": true, - "esModuleInterop": true, - "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, - "removeComments": true, + "noImplicitAny": false, "declaration": true, - "declarationMap": true + "declarationMap": true, + "outDir": "dist", + "sourceMap": true, + "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, + "esModuleInterop": true, + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true }, "include": [ - "./src/**/*" + "src" + ], + "exclude": [ + "**/*.spec.ts" ] }