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Hopper Hotel Price Freeze SDK for iOS

NOTE: This version of the SDK is under development.

This repo contains the HCHotelsPriceFreeze framework which can be added to your iOS project via CocoaPods or manually.

CocoaPods Installation

  1. Install CocoaPods on your Mac
  2. Open Terminal
  3. In Terminal navigate to your Xcode project root directory, where your .xcodeproj file lives, and type: pod init
  4. Open the newly created Podfile
  5. In the Podfile below the line use_frameworks! add: pod 'HCHotelsPriceFreezeSDK'
  6. Save your Podfile
  7. In Terminal in your Xcode project root directory type: pod install for Intel machines, or arch -x86_64 pod install for Apple Silicon machines
  8. Close any open Xcode windows and open up the newly created .xcworkspace file
  9. Where you'd like to use the SDK in the Xcode project type import HCHotelsPriceFreeze at the top of your Swift file.

If you're having issues installing CocoaPods, or for a more detailed walkthrough of installing CocoaPods, check out this Stack Overflow post.

Manual Installation

  1. Download this repo
  2. Unzip the zip file
  3. Drag the HCHotelsPriceFreeze.xcframework into your Xcode project

CocoaPods Update Process

  1. Open Terminal
  2. In Terminal navigate to your Xcode project root directory
  3. In Terminal run pod update HCHotelsPriceFreezeSDK


NOTE: This version of the SDK is under development.

Below is a summary of usage, see each class and method for additional documentation.


Access the SDK using an ObservedObject and call configure() before making requests.

import HCHotelsPriceFreeze
import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @ObservedObject var sdk = HCHotelsPriceFreezeSDK.shared
    init() {
        sdk.configure(with: "your_hopper_token",
                      environmentType: .staging)
    var body: some View {
        HCPriceFreezeButtonWrapper(roomDetails: roomDetails,
                                   purchaseCallback: { } )
        { offer, onClick in
            Button("Freeze Price") { } // This is your SwiftUI Button

Displaying Price Freeze Buttons

Let's say you have a SwiftUI Button that represents your Price Freeze button:

// Within your SwiftUI View
Button("Price Freeze") { } // This is your SwiftUI Button

You can wrap your button with HCPriceFreezeButtonWrapper:

// Within your SwiftUI View
HCPriceFreezeButtonWrapper(roomDetails: roomDetails,
                           purchaseCallback: {})
{ offer, onClick in
    Button("Price Freeze") { } // This is your SwiftUI Button

The PriceFreezeButtonWrapper will handle fetching, caching, expiring, managing offer state, and will provide you with the current HCPriceFreezeOffer to render how you wish.

The HCPriceFreezeOffer will be in one of a few possible states:

  • loading
  • available
  • unavailable
  • error

You can use this status to decide how/if to render your button, for example if you only want to render it when there is an available offer:

// Within your SwiftUI View
HCPriceFreezeButtonWrapper(roomDetails: roomDetails,
                           purchaseCallback: {})
{ offer, onClick in
    if offer.state == .available {
        Button("Price Freeze") { } // This is your SwiftUI Button

The wrapper will always and first provide the currently known HCPriceFreezeOffer state, and then again anytime the offer state changes.

If an offer for this room has not yet been calculated, the HCPriceFreezeOffer will have a loading HCPriceFreezeOfferState. As soon as an HCPriceFreezeOffer is calculated the wrapper will provide the updated HCPriceFreezeOffer, for example an offer in the available HCPriceFreezeOfferState.

If the offer has already been determined, you will have access to the calculated HCPriceFreezeOffer.

Preloading Offers

To calculate offers for rooms ahead of time, use the following method:

sdk.cacheOffers(for: rooms) // Where `rooms` is an array of `HCRoomDetails` to preload

This will start calculating the offers in the background so the PriceFreezeButtonWrapper will have a result immediately or sooner.

Observing Offers States

To observe the offer state for a given room ahead of time, use the following method:

sdk.subscribeTo(roomDetails: roomDetails) {  // Where `roomroomDetails` is  of `HCRoomDetails` which you would like to observe
    newState in
        switch newState {
            case .loading:
                print("Offer for room is being calculated")
            case .available:
                print("Offer for room is now available")
            case .unavailable:
                print("No offer is available for room")
            case .error(let error):
                print("Error encountered for room  Error: \(error)")

To cancel the subscription to all the subscribed rooms using above method, use the following method:


Purchasing Price Freezes

To start the purchase flow for an offer, invoke the onClick function provided:

// Within your SwiftUI View
HCPriceFreezeButtonWrapper(roomDetails: roomDetails,
                           purchaseCallback: {})
{ offer, onClick in
    if offer.state == .available {
        Button("Price Freeze") { onClick() } // This is your SwiftUI Button

This will trigger the purchase flow to be launched for the user.

Observing Price Freeze Purchase Results

The HCPriceFreezeButtonWrapper accepts a purchaseCallback which allows you to take action depending on the outcome of the purchase flow.

HCPriceFreezeButtonWrapper(roomDetails: roomDetails,
                           purchaseCallback: { purchaseResult in
                            switch purchaseResult {
                                case .purchased(let offer): // The user purchased the PF
                                    print("Price Freeze Purchased!")
                                    print("Offer ID: \(")
                                    print("Offer Conditions: \(offer.conditions)")
                                    print("Offer frozenPrice: \(offer.conditions.frozenPrice)")
                                    print("Offer cap: \(offer.conditions.cap)")
                                case .cancelled(let offer, let whileLoading): // The user exited the purchase flow without purchasing
                                    print("Price Freeze purchase flow cancelled")
                                    print("while it was loading: \(whileLoading)")
                                    print("Offer ID: \(")
                                default: // Other purchaseResult outcomes
                                    print("Error/Invalid purchaseResult: \(purchaseResult)")
{ offer, onClick in
    if offer.state == .available {
        Button("Price Freeze") { } // This is your SwiftUI Button


  1. Xcode 14 has a known issue when running code that utilizes WKWebViews. You may notice an Xcode warning, displayed as a purple exclamation point, when interacting with the price freeze purchase microsite. The warning will state Security: This method should not be called on the main thread as it may lead to UI unresponsiveness. (Apple's Developer Technical Support addressed the issue)[] and outlined steps to confirm the warning can be ignored, as we can here.


Version 0.1.34 (08-29-23)

  • Added AccommodationType as a new optional parameter for Room

Version 0.1.11 (04-27-23)

  • Set session lifetime to 4 hours

Version 0.1.10 (04-26-23)

  • Open all microsite links in-app

Version 0.1.9 (04-20-23)

  • Change internal management of Price Freeze Offers to address fetching errors and loading errors

Version 0.1.7 (04-19-23)

  • Change isRefundable field on HCRoom to required

Version 0.1.6 (04-18-23)

  • Added version number to internal logging

Version 0.1.5 (04-17-23)

  • E2E tests added
  • Fixed bug that prevented hotel image from displaying on microsite
  • Fixed bug that fired internal analytics event early

Version 0.1.3 (04-07-23)

  • Initial functional draft
  • Session management added
  • Changed offer storage logic
  • Logging added
  • Debouncing added

Version 0.0.6 (03-08-23)

  • Initial implementation stub, a mockup of the SDK's interface