An object detailing the Passenger Information
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
PassengerReference | string | Unique reference of the passenger | |
PassengerType | DgPassengerType | ||
FirstName | string | Ancillaries attached to the itinerary and their prices | [optional] |
LastName | string | Ancillaries attached to the itinerary and their prices | [optional] |
DateOfBirth | DateOnly | The birth date in ISO Local Date format | [optional] |
Gender | Gender | [optional] | |
PassportNumber | string | The passport number of the passenger | [optional] |
PassportCountryIssuance | string | The country of issuance of the passenger's passport | [optional] |
PassportIssuanceDate | DateOnly | The date of issuance of the passenger's passport | [optional] |
PassportExpirationDate | DateOnly | The passport expiration date of the passenger | [optional] |
Nationality | string | The nationality of the passenger (country code) | [optional] |