diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
index 994642f3bce..2181fcd9b83 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
- Parameter ist nicht festgelegt
- %1$s%2$s
+ Parameter is not set
+ %s%s
Wird geladen ...
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+ Show
+ Hide
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+ Scan QR Code
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- Aktualisieren
+ Refresh
Verbindung trennen
@@ -48,22 +48,22 @@
- Mehr erfahren
- Aktivieren
- Signieren
- Aktivierung
- Hol Dir Deine Schlüssel API
- Anmelden
- Lege ein Benutzerkonto an
- Jetzt anmelden
- Bitte versuche es noch einmal
- Teilen
- Übernehmen
- Setze Betrag
- Es muss mindestens %1$s enthalten und darf maximal %2$s Zeichen lang sein
- Die von Dir angegebenen Zahlen sind nicht richtig
+ Learn More
+ Activate
+ Sign
+ Activating
+ Get API Keys
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+ Set Amount
+ Can\'t be less than %1$s or more than %2$s
+ Wrong integer number
- N/A
+ n/a
Sync-Fehler. Versuchen Sie es erneut
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
- Passwort
- Passwort
+ Passphrase
+ Password
%s Wörter (empfohlen)
%s Wörter
@@ -132,10 +132,10 @@
Nicht standardmäßige Wiederherstellung
Diese Seite bietet einen speziellen Wallet-Wiederherstellungsmechanismus für Unstoppable-Benutzer, die ein nicht standardmäßiges Wallet haben. Im Allgemeinen könnten solche Wallets in der Unstoppable-Version 0.27–0.28 mit einer nicht-englischen mnemonischen Wortliste und/oder einem Sonderzeichen in der Wallet-Passphrase (d. h. einem diakritischen Symbol) erstellt worden sein.
\n\nWenn Sie ein betroffener Benutzer sind, wird Ihr Wallet-Guthaben nach der Wiederherstellung eines solchen Wallets in Version 0.29 oder höher als 0 angezeigt.Auf dieser Seite können Sie den Zugriff auf Ihre nicht standardmäßige Brieftasche wiederherstellen. Nach der Wiederherstellung wird empfohlen, eine neue Brieftasche zu erstellen (die standardkonform ist) und Gelder dorthin zu verschieben.
- (durchschnitt)
+ (recommended)
Ungültiger Schlüssel
Coins auswählen
- Alle
+ All
Zcash Geburtstagshöhe
@@ -147,24 +147,24 @@
Vorhandene Wallet
Hat Transaktionen
Die erste Synchronisation mit der Blockchain kann viel Internet-Verkehr verbrauchen.
- Wähle CEX
- Wähle eine Centralized Exchange, mit der Du Dich verbinden möchtest.
- Bitte gib Deine API-Schlüssel (API Keys and Secrets) ein, damit Du eine direkte Verknüpfung zu Deiner Kryptowährungs-Exchange erstellen kannst.
- API-Schlüssel
- Geheimer Schlüssel
+ Select CEX
+ Select the centralized exchange to which you want to connect.
+ Please provide the API Keys and API Secret to link your exchange.
+ API Key
+ Secret Key
- MKap
+ MCap
Höchste Obergrenze
Niedrigste Obergrenze
@@ -173,117 +173,117 @@
Höchster Preis
Niedrigster Preis
Sortieren nach
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TVL in DeFi
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Alle anzeigen
- Powered by CoinGeko API
+ Powered By CoinGeko API
Powered by Horizontal API
- Powered by DefiLlama API
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+ Powered By DefiLlama API
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- Die folgenden Signale basieren auf den Bollinger-Bändern und dem RSI-technischen Preisindikator über etwa die letzten 30 Tage. Diese Signale sind algorithmisch und können sich häufig ändern.
- Hohe Zuversicht in Preisanstieg.
- Voraussichtlicher Preisanstieg in naher Zukunft.
- Kein klarer Trend, der Markt befindet sich im Gleichgewicht.
- Voraussichtlicher Preisanstieg in naher Zukunft.
- Hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit für Preissenkungen.
- Erhöhtes Risikoniveau, erfordert Vorsicht.
- Denken Sie immer daran, das Risikomanagement anzuwenden und beachten Sie, dass dies keine finanzielle Beratung ist.
- Aktivieren
+ Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently.
+ High confidence in price increase.
+ Likely price increase in near future.
+ No clear trend, market is in equilibrium.
+ Likely price decrease in near future.
+ High probability of price decrease.
+ Elevated risk level, requires caution.
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ Turn on
Top 100
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Top 300
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Top Blockchain-Plattformen
Führende Blockchain-Plattformen durch den kumulativen Markt von Projekten, die auf der Spitze.
Protocols: %s
- %s Ökosystem
- Marktkapitalisierung aller Protokolle auf der %s Kette
+ %s Ecosystem
+ Market cap of all protocols on the %s chain
- Diagramm
+ Chart
Total Cap
- BTC-Dominanz in Prozent
- 24 Std. Vol.
- DeFi MK
- TVL in DeFi
- ETF Inflow
- Gesamtmarktwert aller Kryptowährungen.
+ BTC Dominance
+ 24h Vol.
+ DeFi Cap
+ Total market value of all cryptocurrencies.
The historical change in ratio between the market cap of Bitcoin to the rest of the cryptocurrency markets. \n\nTypically, when Bitcoin dominance trending higher the rest of the crypto market trends down and vice versa.
- Das 24h Handelsvolumen des Krypto-Marktes.
- Die historische Änderung des täglichen Handelsvolumens für %s
- Gesamter Marktwert von DeFi-Projekten.
- Gesamtwert gesperrt (TVL) in DeFi.
- Filtern nach Kette
+ The 24h trading volume of the crypto market.
+ The historical change in daily aggregate trading volume for %s
+ Total market value of DeFi projects.
+ Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi.
+ Filter by chain
- Diese Münze wird noch nicht unterstützt
+ This coin is not supported yet
This project doesn’t have a coin
- Gesamtnettonzufluss
- Der Nettogeldzufluss eines ETFs entspricht seinen Geldeingängen abzüglich der Abflüsse.
- Höchste Vermögenswerte
- Niedrigste Vermögenswerte
- Zufluss
- Abfluss
- Alle
- Gesamte Netto-Assets
+ Total Net Inflow
+ The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows.
+ Highest Assets
+ Lowest Assets
+ Inflow
+ Outflow
+ All
+ Total Net Assets
- Keine Ergebnisse gefunden
+ No results found
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+ Browse categories
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+ Trading Volume
Handelsvolumen (24h)
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- Preisänderung
- 24 Stunden
- Mitternacht UTC
+ Price Period
+ Trading Signals
+ Price Change
+ 24 Hours
+ Midnight UTC
Übertraf BTC
Übertraf ETH
Übertraf BNB
- Preis nahe an ATH
- Preis nahe zum ATL
- Listé sur les principales bourses
- Gutes CEX-Volume
- Gesamtbewertung ist Gut oder Ausgezeichnet
- Gutes DEX-Volume
- Gesamtbewertung ist Gut oder Ausgezeichnet
- Bonne distribution
- Gesamtbewertung ist Gut oder Ausgezeichnet
- Stark Kaufen
- Kaufen
+ Price Close To ATH
+ Price Close To ATL
+ Listed on Top Exchanges
+ Good CEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good DEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good Distribution
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
- Stark Verkaufen
- Verkaufen
- Riskant
- Gewinner
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Risky
+ Gainers
Top 100
Top 250
Top 500
@@ -314,31 +314,31 @@
10B - 100B
100B - 500B
> 500B
- 1 Tag
- 1 Woche
- 2 Wochen
- 1 Monate
- 3 Monate
- 6 Monate
- 1 Jahr
- Manuell
- Gewinner
- Verlierer
- Höchste Obergrenze
- Niedrigste Obergrenze
+ 1 Day
+ 1 Week
+ 2 Weeks
+ 1 Month
+ 3 Months
+ 6 Months
+ 1 Year
+ Manual
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ Highest Cap
+ Lowest Cap
%s Markets
- Mehrkettig
+ Multi-Chain
- Abheben
+ Withdraw
- Tauschen
- Anfordern
+ Swap
+ Deposit
- %1$s pro %2$s
+ %s pro %s
bis %s
Transaktionen werden gesucht…
@@ -353,36 +353,37 @@
Blöcke herunterladen
Scanne Blöcke
Sie haben noch keine installierten Wallets.\nErstellen Sie eine neue Wallet oder stellen Sie eine vorhandene wieder her
- Sie haben keine Coins zu diesem Wallet hinzugefügt.
+ You haven\'t added any coins to this wallet.
Diese Wallet-Adresse hat keinen Kontostand
- Sie haben keine Assets zu senden.
- Du hast keine Vermögenswerte zum Tauschen.
- Netzwerk
+ You have no assets to send.
+ You have no assets to swap.
+ Network
- Wählen Sie das Netzwerk aus, um eine Adresse zu erhalten.
- Ihre Adresse für %s
- Beobachtungsadresse von %s
- Wählen Sie ein Format für die Angabe einer Adresse, die empfangen werden soll.
- Adressformatierung
- Das Cash Address Format wird bevorzugt für den Erhalt von Bitcoin Cash (BCH) aufgrund seiner verbesserten Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Kompatibilität bevorzugt. Beide Adressformate können jedoch unabhängig vom Adressformat des Absenders austauschbar genutzt werden, um BCH zu empfangen.
- Das Native SegWit Format wird in Bitcoin bevorzugt für einen verbesserten Durchsatz und mehr Sicherheit. Alle Adressformate (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) können unabhängig vom Adressformat des Absenders zum Empfang von BTC verwendet werden ermöglicht nahtlose Transaktionen über verschiedene Münztypen.
- Konto
- Nicht aktiv
- Betrag
- Setze Betrag
- Adresstyp
- Gesperrt
- Übertragung
+ Choose network to get an address to receive.
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Watch address of %s
+ Choose a format for providing an address to receive.
+ Address Format
+ The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender\'s address format.
+ The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender\'s address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types.
+ Account
+ Not active
+ Amount
+ Set Amount
+ Address type
+ Locked
+ Processing
+ Broadcasting
Memo (Tag)
- Kann nicht erkennen
- Diese Adresse ist die Adresse des überwachten Kontos
- Benötigte Memo (Tag) bereitstellen und nur Netzwerk-kompatible Token senden. Andere gehen verloren.
- Verwendete Adressen
- %s Adressen werden aus Datenschutz- und Sicherheitsgründen geändert. Unten finden Sie eine Liste der verwendeten Adressen in diesem Wallet.
- Empfängeraddressen
- Wechselgeldadressen
- Name der Coin
- Suchen
+ Can\'t recognize
+ This address is the address of the watched account
+ Provide required Memo (Tag) and send only network-compatible tokens. Others will be lost.
+ Used Addresses
+ %s addresses change for privacy and security. Below a list of used addresses in this wallet.
+ Receive Addresses
+ Change Addresses
+ Coin Name
+ Search
Nicht genügend Guthaben
@@ -395,24 +396,28 @@
TimeLock funktioniert nur beim Senden an BIP44 Adressen (ab 1)
- UTxO-Experten-Modus
- Wähle UTxO manuell aus, um das Guthaben im Guthaben auszugeben
- Senden an
- Ändern
- Ersetzen durch Gebühr
- Diese Option ermöglicht es Ihnen, eine festsitzende Transaktion erneut zu senden, indem Sie die Höhe der Gebühr erhöhen.
- Aktiviert
- Deaktiviert
+ UTxO Expert Mode
+ Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance
+ Send To
+ Change
+ Replace by Fee
+ This option allows you to resend a stuck transaction by increasing the amount of the fee.
+ Enabled
+ Disabled
+ Available Balance
+ Unsellect All
+ Sellect All
Sie Senden
- Eigene
+ Own
Geschätzte Zeit:
+ Action
\u2713 Gesendet
Erlaubnis nötig, um die Kamera zu verwalten
Bitte erteilen Sie der Kamera Genehmigung
@@ -438,13 +443,13 @@
1 Jahr
Wird gesendet
- Transaktionsgebühren für %1$s (%2$s) in %3$s bezahlt. Du brauchst %4$s.
+ Transaktionsgebühren für %s (%s) in %s bezahlt. Du brauchst %s.
Warnung! Gefahr des Festklemmens
- Gebührenfehler
- Die Gebühr ist zu niedrig.
+ Fee Error
+ Fee Rate is too low.
Die Transaktion kann festklemmen oder fehlschlagen
- Gebührenfehler
- Die Verbindung zum Server wurde unterbrochen. Um fortzufahren, richten Sie die Gebühren manuell mit den Daten der Site ein.
+ Fee Error
+ The connection to the server has been lost. To proceed, set up the fees manually using the data on the site.
Transaktion Nonce
@@ -458,15 +463,15 @@
Die maximal erwartete Gesamtgebühr für die jeweilige Transaktion. In der Regel ist die tatsächliche Transaktionsgebühr niedriger.
Max Gebühr
Die geschätzte Transaktionsgebühr, die für diese Transaktion gezahlt werden soll berechnet anhand des Gaslimits, der maximalen Gebührenrate und der unten angegebenen Maximalpriorität. Die tatsächlich gezahlte Gebühr ist in der Regel niedriger.
- Netzwerkgebühr
- Einschätzung der Kosten für den Versand einer angegebenen Transaktion im Netzwerk.
+ Network Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network.
Die Transaktionskomplexität wird in Einheiten mit dem Namen \"Gas\" gemessen, die je nach ausgeführten intelligenten Verträgen variieren. Das Gaslimit ist das geschätzte Höchstgas, das benötigt wird, um es auszuführen. Das tatsächliche Gas wird normalerweise niedriger sein.
Die Gebühr für Transaktionen im Netzwerk wird in Gaseinheiten gemessen. Der Gaspreis ist der Betrag, den ein Nutzer für eine Einheit Gas auszugeben bereit ist. Wenn das Netzwerk ausgelastet ist, sind die Gaspreise hoch, und niedrig, wenn es nicht genutzt wird. Ein unzureichender Gaspreis ist oft ein Grund dafür, dass eine Transaktion über einen längeren Zeitraum aussteht.
Das Netzwerkprotokoll bestimmt den Basispreis pro Gas für jeden Block, sogenannte Basisgebühren. Sie variiert je nach Netzwerkauslastung von Block zu Block. Sie kann im nächsten Block um nicht mehr als 12,5% steigen oder sinken, was die Gebühren berechenbarer macht. Der hier angezeigte Wert ist die Basisgebühr des aktuellen Blocks.
- Max Gebühr (Gwei)
+ Max Fee Rate
Dies ist der maximale Gesamtpreis pro Gas, den der Nutzer zu zahlen bereit ist. Es muss den Basistarif des Netzwerks und den maximalen Prioritätstarif abdecken. Der hier angezeigte Wert wird anhand einer Schätzung der Basisgebühr des nächsten Blocks plus der vom Nutzer gewählten Maximalgebührengebühr vorgeschlagen. Der tatsächlich gezahlte Gebührensatz ist normalerweise niedriger. Wenn diese Einstellung niedriger als die aktuelle Basisgebühr ist, wird die gezahlte Gebühr begrenzt aber führt zu längeren Wartezeiten für die Bestätigung der Transaktion oder sogar zu einer festgefahrenen Transaktion.
- Max Prioritätsgebühr (Gwei)
+ Max Priority Fee
Benutzer zahlen Prioritätsgebühren, um eine Transaktion schneller zu bestätigen. Sie werden manchmal als Tipps bezeichnet. Die maximale Prioritätsgebühr ist der maximale Zusatzpreis pro Gas, den der Nutzer zusätzlich zur Basisgebühr zahlen möchte. Der hier angezeigte Wert wird basierend auf vorausgesagten Netzwerkbedingungen vorgeschlagen. Die tatsächliche Prioritätsgebühr wird normalerweise niedriger sein. Die Einstellung auf Null kann zu einer langen Wartezeit führen, bis die Transaktion bestätigt wird, , da er am Ende der Warteschlange aller Benutzer platziert ist.
Die Transaktion kann eine Zeit lang ausstehend bleiben oder ganz fehlschlagen.
@@ -487,21 +492,27 @@
Typischerweise sollte diese Gebührenspanne ausreichen, um eine Transaktion innerhalb von Minuten/Stunde für Bitcoin und innerhalb von Minuten für Ethereum zu verarbeiten.
Bei Transaktionen, deren Priorität wichtig ist, empfehlen wir, den hohen Gebührenwert zu verwenden. Es wird erwartet, dass eine Transaktion innerhalb von 10 Minuten für Bitcoin und innerhalb von 1-2 Minuten für Ethereum abgeschlossen wird.
- Gebühr
- Die geschätzten Kosten für den Versand einer Transaktion im Netzwerk (ohne Energie-, Bandbreiten- und Aktivierungsgebühren)
- Aktivierungsgebühr
- Diese Adresse ist nicht aktiv. Die Übertragung von TRX- oder TRC-10-Token an eine inaktive Account-Adresse wird das Konto aktivieren.
- Verbrauchte Ressourcen
- Bandbreite ist die Einheit, die die Größe der in der Blockchain-Datenbank gespeicherten Transaktionsbytes misst. Je größer die Transaktion, desto mehr Ressourcen werden verbraucht.\n\nEnergie ist die Einheit, die die Anzahl der Berechnungen misst, die von der virtuellen TRON-Maschine benötigt werden, um bestimmte Operationen im TRON-Netzwerk durchzuführen.\n\nDa intelligente Vertragsabschlüsse die Verwendung von Rechnerressourcen erfordern, muss für jeden Smart Contract eine Energiegebühr bezahlt werden.
+ Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network. (Without excluding Energy, Bandwidth and Activating Fee)
+ Activation Fee
+ This address is not active. Transferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account.
+ Resources Consumed
+ Bandwidth is the unit that measures the size of the transaction bytes stored in the blockchain database. The larger the transaction, the more bandwidth resources will be consumed.\n\nEnergy is the unit that measures the amount of computation required by the TRON virtual machine to perform specific operations on the TRON network.\n\nSince smart contract transactions require computing resources to execute, each smart contract transaction requires to pay for the energy fee.
- Diese Adresse ist nicht aktiv
- (nicht aktiv)
- Keine aktive Adresse
- Neu erstellte Konten in der TRON-Blockchain sind inaktiv und können nicht abgefragt oder untersucht werden. Sie müssen aktiviert werden.\n\nDie Übertragung von TRX- oder TRC-10-Token an eine inaktive Konto-Adresse wird das Konto aktivieren. Zur Aktivierung eines neuen Kontos auf der Tron-Kette ist eine Gebühr von 1 TRX erforderlich
- TRX kann nicht auf sich selbst übertragen werden
- Kann 0 %s nicht übertragen
- Konto nicht aktiv
- Neue TRON-Wallets erfordern eine Einzahlung von mindestens 1 TRX, um aktiv zu werden. Inaktive Wallets können Token halten und empfangen, korrigieren jedoch keine Guthaben, bis sie aktiviert sind.
+ This address is not active
+ (not active)
+ Not Active Address
+ Newly created accounts on the TRON blockchain are inactive and cannot be queried or explored. They need to be activated.\n\nTransferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account. Activating a new account on the Tron chain requires a fee of 1 TRX
+ Cannot transfer TRX to yourself
+ Cannot transfer 0 %s
+ Account Not Active
+ New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated.
+ New Connection
+ Invalid URL Address
+ Unnamed
+ Wallet
+ Choose a Wallet
@@ -528,15 +539,15 @@
Bitte signieren Sie eine Nachricht zur Authentifizierung
Sie müssen eine Wallet erstellen oder importieren bevor Sie WalletConnect verwenden können
- Sichern Sie diese Brieftasche durch Erstellen einer Kopie ihrer Wiederherstellungs-Phrase. Es wird benötigt, um auf die Brieftasche zuzugreifen, wenn Ihr Telefon verloren geht, gestohlen, kaputt usw.
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
Diese Funktion funktioniert nicht mit den Watch Only Wallets, Sie müssen zu einem wiederhergestellten oder erstellten Wallet wechseln
Nicht unterstützte Blockchain
Kein passendes Konto
Kein passendes evm Kit
- Nicht unterstützte Ketten: %s
- Nicht unterstützte Methoden: %s
- Nicht unterstützte Ereignisse: %s
+ Unsupported chains: %s
+ Unsupported methods: %s
+ Unsupported events: %s
Anforderungsfehler nicht gefunden
Du hast keine verbundenen Dapps
Ausstehende Anfragen
@@ -544,15 +555,15 @@
- Wallet-Version 1.0
- Wallet-Version 2.0
+ Version 1.0
+ Version 2.0
Ich vertraue
Die Unterschrift dieser Nachricht kann gefährlich sein. Diese Signatur könnte möglicherweise jede Operation im Namen Ihres Kontos ausführen einschließlich der vollen Kontrolle über Ihr Konto und alle seine Assets an die anfragende Website. Signieren Sie diese Nachricht nur, wenn Sie wissen, was Sie tun oder vertrauen Sie der anfragenden Website.
Ihr aktueller Wallet-Typ %s unterstützt WalletConnect nicht
Unbekannte dApp
- Währungspaare
+ Pairings
Paired dApps
Alle löschen
Möchten Sie alle gepaart dApss löschen?
@@ -574,10 +585,10 @@
Überprüfen Sie Ihr Guthaben und vergewissern Sie sich, dass genügend %s zur Deckung der Gebühr vorhanden sind. Oder versuchen Sie, die Kursdifferenz zu erhöhen und versuchen Sie es erneut. Wird in 3 Sekunden erneut versucht…
Überlegen Sie, ob Sie einige %s auf dem Guthaben belassen wollen, um für zukünftige Transaktionen bezahlen zu können.
- Unerwarteter Fehler: %s
+ Unexpected error: %s
- Bester Preis
+ Best Price
Sie bezahlen
Sie erhalten
@@ -585,34 +596,34 @@
Verfügbares Guthaben
- Verfügbares Guthaben
+ Available Balance
- Die Differenz zwischen dem Marktpreis und dem erwarteten Abrechnungspreis ist zu hoch.
- Wichtig! Du bekommst einen extrem ungünstigen Preis. Dies ist auf die extrem niedrige Liquidität zurückzuführen.
+ Unstoppable has disabled swap action for this trade because you\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.\nIf you still want to swap please use %s website instead.
+ Important! You\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.
Garantierter Betrag
Geschätzte Gebühren
Max Gebühr
- Preisabweichung
- Empfänger
- Keine Anbieter
- Keine Angebote
+ Slippage
+ Recipient
+ No Providers
+ No Quote
Ungenügendes Guthaben
- Saldo N/A
+ Balance n/a
Diese Token sind nicht tauschbar
Dieser Service erlaubt keine Verpackung/Auspackung. Verwenden Sie stattdessen 1inch.
Hohe Preisauswirkung
- Token nicht aktiviert
- Wallet wird synchronisiert
- Wallet nicht synchronisiert
+ Token Not Enabled
+ Wallet is Syncing
+ Wallet Not Synced
- Token auswählen
- Token auswählen
- Betrag eingeben
- Entsperren
- Entsperrung...
+ Select Token In
+ Select Token Out
+ Enter Amount
+ Unlock
+ Unlocking...
@@ -622,19 +633,19 @@
Maximal bezahlt
Garantierter Betrag
Betrieben durch
- Anbieter
- Anbieter
+ Provider
+ Providers
Provider tauschen
- (Min.)
+ (min)
- Münze
- Route nicht gefunden
- Sie bezahlen
- Sie erhalten
- Bestätigen
- Angebot abgelaufen
- Abrufen des endgültigen Angebots
+ Coin
+ Route not found
+ You Pay
+ You Get
+ Confirm
+ Quote expired
+ Fetching final quote
@@ -673,10 +684,10 @@
Sie genehmigen
Du widerrufen
- Zugriff entsperren
- Zugriff auf den folgenden Betrag gewähren
- Einer Smart Contract die Berechtigung zum Token-Handel in Ihrem Namen erteilen, wobei der erlaubte Betrag angegeben wird. Es hat keine Auswirkungen auf Ihr Guthaben, verursacht jedoch eine geringe Gebühr für die Genehmigung.\n\nDas Vorabgenehmigen eines höheren Betrags für zukünftige Trades ist kosteneffizienter im Vergleich zu Genehmigungen auf Abruf.
- Unbegrenzt
+ Unlock Access
+ Allow access to the following amount
+ Grant permission to a smart contract for token trading on your behalf, specifying the allowed amount. No impact on your balance, but incurs a small fee for approval.\n\nPre-approving a higher amount for future trades is cost-effective compared to on-demand approvals.
+ Unlimited
Der Betrag, den ein Austausch im Namen des Benutzers ausgeben kann, wenn Token Swaps ausgeführt werden. Bevor eine tatsächliche Swap-Transaktion durchgeführt werden kann, ist eine vorherige Transaktion erforderlich, die ausreichende Zertifikate festlegt.
@@ -695,43 +706,45 @@
Sie haben noch keine offenen oder früheren Transaktionen
Bitte warten bis die Synchronisation abgeschlossen ist.
- Erhalten
+ Received
In Bearbeitung
- Gesendet
+ Sent
- Bestätigt
+ Approved
Externe Anrufe
+ Contract Deploy
an %s
von %s
- unbegrenzt %s
- unbegrenzt
+ unlimited %s
+ unlimited
- Nach Blockchain filtern
- Münze
- Kontakte
+ Blockchain
+ Coin
+ Contacts
Alle Blockchains
Alle Coins
- Alle Kontakte
+ All Contacts
Coins auswählen
- Blockchain auswählen
+ Choose Blockchain
Unbekannte Transaktion
+ Ton Transaction
Transaktion kann nicht analysiert werden
- Filtern
- Verdächtige tx ausblenden
- Das Verstecken eingehender Transaktionen mit dem Staub in Stablecoins löst teilweise die Adressenvergiftungsprobleme.
- Das Filtern nach Kontakten funktioniert an den folgenden Blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimismus, Tron, Ton und ZCash. Unten sind die passenden Kontakte
- Sie haben keine passenden Kontakte
+ Filter
+ Hide suspicious tx
+ Hiding incoming transactions with the dust amount in stablecoins, this partially solves the address poisoning attack problems.
+ Filtering by contacts works on the following blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton and ZCash. Below are the suitable contacts
+ You don\'t have any suitable contacts
@@ -760,17 +773,17 @@
Du hast gezahlt
Sie erhalten
Du bekommst
- Sie Senden
- Erhalten
- Gesendet
- Bestätigt
+ You Sent
+ Received
+ Sent
+ Approved
Nochmal senden
Genehmigung widerrufen
- Diese Transaktion ist verdächtig und könnte ein Betrug sein. \nBitte kopieren Sie keine Adressen aus dieser Transaktion.
- Diese Aktion wird versuchen, die vorherige Transaktion zu ungültig zu machen, indem sie sie mit einer höheren Gebühr erneut sendet.
+ This transaction is suspicious and can be a scam.\nPlease do not copy any addresses from this transaction.
+ This action will attempt to invalidate the previous transaction by resending it with a higher fee.
In Bearbeitung
@@ -785,16 +798,18 @@
Transaktion abbrechen
Transaktion bereits im Block
- Ersetzte Transaktionen
- Gebühr (Sat)
- Gebühr zu niedrig
- RBF(Ersetzen durch Gebühr) nicht aktiviert
- Nicht möglich zu ersetzen
+ Replaced Transactions
+ Fee (Sat)
+ Fee Too Low
+ RBF not enabled
+ Unable to replace
Der Absender hat diese Geldmittel mit einer Ausgabesperre versehen, die am %s abläuft.\n\nKeine Sorge, die empfangenen Bitcoins gehören bereits Ihnen, aber bis zum Ablauf der Sperrfrist können Sie diese nicht im Bitcoin-Netzwerk ausgeben.
- Der Sender hat dieses Guthaben mit einer Ausgabesperre versehen, die zu dem angezeigten Datum abläuft.\n\nKeine Sorge, die erhaltenen Bitcoin sind bereits Ihre. Die Bitcoins sind nur zeitweise gesperrt, so dass Sie sie erst nach Ablauf der Sperrzeit im Bitcoin-Netzwerk ausgeben können.
- Übertragung
- Die Transaktion, die diesen Betrag hält, wurde übertragen, aber noch nicht vom Netzwerk akzeptiert.
+ The sender sent these funds with a spending lock that will expire on the shown date. \n\nNo worries, the received Bitcoins are already yours, but until the lock period expires you cannot spend them on the Bitcoin network.
+ Broadcast
+ The transaction holding this amount is broadcasted but not yet accepted by the network.
+ Processing amount
+ Transactions with this amount still syncing. And when they are confirmed, these tokens will be available for spending
Double-Spend-Risiko! Es gibt eine weitere Transaktion auf der Blockchain, die versucht, die in dieser Transaktion verwendeten Inputs auszugeben. Nur eine Transaktion wird vom Netzwerk akzeptiert
Dieser Tx
@@ -824,81 +839,82 @@
Bewerten Sie uns
- via Telegramm
- per e-Mail
- Auto-Sperren
- Sei unaufhaltsam
- Lernen Sie Kryptographie über exklusive Videos. Lernen Sie uns informell kennen. Sei der Erste, der Dinge sieht, an denen wir arbeiten.
- Persönlicher Support
- Geben Sie Ihren Telegram-Kontonamen ein, um einen persönlichen Support-Chat mit unserem Team zu starten. Wir werden uns mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen und anfangen, an Ihrem Problem zu arbeiten, sobald wir es sehen.
- Sie haben bereits einen privaten Chat angefordert, finden Sie ihn auf Telegram
- Konto
- \@Benutzername
- Angefragt
- Anforderung
- Neue Zahlungsaufforderung
- Anfrage fehlgeschlagen
- Telegram öffnen
- Gemeinsam können wir mit Ihrer Unterstützung diese App noch besser machen!
- Spenden
- %s Spenden
- Spenden mit
- Spendenadresse
- Adressen
- Oder wählen Sie eine Münze zum Spenden
- Sofort
- 1 Minute
- 5 Minuten
- 15 Minuten
- 30 Minuten
- 1 Stunde
+ via Telegram
+ via E-mail
+ Auto-Lock
+ Be Unstoppable
+ Learn and master crypto via exclusive videos. Get to know us informally. Be the first to see things we work on.
+ Personal Support
+ Enter your Telegram account name to start a personal support chat with our team. We\'ll get back to you and start working on your problem as soon as we see it.
+ You\'ve already requested a private chat, find it on Telegram
+ Account
+ \@username
+ Requested
+ Request
+ New Request
+ Request failed
+ Open Telegram
+ Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!
+ Donate
+ Get your tokens
+ Donate %s
+ Donate with
+ Donation Address
+ Addresses
+ Or select a coin to donate
+ Immediate
+ 1 minute
+ 5 minutes
+ 15 minutes
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
- Saldokonvertierung
- Saldo Wert
+ Balance Conversion
+ Balance Value
Das Ändern des Symbols schließt die Anwendung
- Märkte ausblenden
- Schaltflächen ausblenden
- Diese Konfiguration verbirgt die Senden-, Empfangs- und Swap-Schaltflächen auf der Registerkarte „Salden“.
- Auto-Ausblenden ausgleichen
- Bei jedem Öffnen der App wird der Saldo automatisch ausgeblendet, unabhängig von den vorherigen Einstellungen.
- Preisänderung %
- Münzwert
- Fiat-Wert
+ Hide Markets
+ Hide Buttons
+ This configuration hides the Send, Receive, and Swap buttons on Balance tab.
+ Balance Auto Hide
+ Automatically hides balance each time the app is opened, regardless of previous preferences.
+ Price Change %
+ Coin Value
+ Fiat Value
Über die App
Das ist neu
- App-Version
+ App Version
Blockchain Einstellungen
- Backup-Manager
- Backup wiederherstellen
- Neue Sicherung erstellen
- Backup-Datei
+ Backup Manager
+ Restore Backup
+ Create New Backup
+ Backup File
- Wiederherstellen
- Liste der Inhalte in der Backup-Datei.
- Warnung
- Ersetzen
- Diese Aktion wird Ihre lokalen Zahlungskontakte überschreiben.
- Sicherung erforderlich
- Watch-Adresse
- Merkliste
- Eigener RPC
- App-Einstellungen
- Sprache, Währung, Erscheinung ...
+ Restore
+ List of contents in the backup file.
+ Warning
+ Replace
+ This action will overwrite your local payment contacts.
+ Backup required
+ Watch Wallets
+ Watchlist
+ Custom RPC
+ App Settings
+ Language, Currency, Appearance …
- Unstoppable sammelt keine persönlichen Daten, die Ihre privaten Informationen offen legen, z.B. Münzsalden oder Adressen. Während wir einige UI-Nutzungsstatistiken sammeln, dient es allein dazu, unsere Benutzer- und App-Nutzungstrends zu verstehen. Dies kann deaktiviert werden, wenn Sie es wünschen.
- Die Brieftasche sammelt keine persönlichen Daten.
- Es gibt keine Benutzerkonten oder Datenbanken, die Benutzerdaten speichern.
- Wenn erlaubt, teilt die Brieftasche App-Nutzungsgewohnheiten mit dem unaufhaltsamen Team. Dies ist zu verstehen, welche Funktionen von unseren Benutzern verwendet werden (oder nicht). Als datenschutzorientierte App brauchen wir eine Möglichkeit, unsere Bemühungen zu bewerten, und ohne dies haben wir keine Ahnung, ob die von uns erstellten Funktionen genutzt werden oder nicht.
- UI-Daten teilen
+ Unstoppable doesn\'t collect personal data that expose your private information i.e. coin balances or addresses. While we gather some UI usage statistics, it\'s solely for understanding our user base and app usage trends. That can be disabled if you wish.
+ The wallet does not gather any personal data.
+ There are no user accounts or databases storing user data.
+ If allowed the wallet will share app usage habits with Unstoppable team. This is to understand which features are being used (or not) by our users. Being a privacy focused app we need some way to evaluate our efforts and without this we have no idea whether the features we built are being used or not.
+ Share UI data
@@ -913,30 +929,30 @@
RPC-Quelle mit dieser URL existiert bereits
Die eingegebene URL ist ungültig. Gültige URL muss eines der folgenden Schemata haben: http, https, ws, wss
- Nach dem Ändern der Quelle muss die Brieftasche sich selbst synchronisieren.
- Wählen Sie die Datenquelle für die Wiederherstellung des Wallets mit Transaktionen aus.
+ After changing source the wallet will have to resync itself.
+ Choose the source Unstoppable app should use for synchronizing wallet(s).
- Transaktionseingänge / -ausgänge
+ Transaction Inputs / Outputs
Machen Sie Ihre BTC, LTC und BCH Transaktionen schwieriger nachvollziehbar, indem Sie die Transaktionsstruktur verändern.
- Die meisten Bitcoin-Transaktionen sowie Transaktionen in Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin-Cash, Dash, und Litecoin erzeugen zwei Ausgänge. Die eine Ausgabe ist der Betrag, der an den Empfänger geht, die andere ist die Umstellausgabe, die an den Absender zurückgegeben wird. Die Art und Weise, wie die meisten Brieftaschen Transaktionen erstellen, macht es für einen Dritten leicht zu verstehen, welche der Ausgaben an den Empfänger gingen und welcher der Änderungsbetrag an den Absender zurückgegeben wurde. Da die an den Absender zurückgegebene Ausgabe später bei zukünftigen Transaktionen verwendet wird, zeigt sich eine Verbindung zwischen diesen beiden Transaktionen.
-\n\nDie unaufhaltsame Brieftasche implementiert Maßnahmen, um es jemandem zu erschweren, herauszufinden, welche Ausgabe wohin geht.
-\n\nEs stehen zwei Optionen für unaufhaltsame Benutzer zur Verfügung:
-\n\n1. Shuffle: Die Reihenfolge der Transaktionsausgänge wird bei jeder Transaktion zufällig ermittelt. Manchmal kann Veränderung die erste Ausgabe sein, manchmal kann es die zweite sein. Wenn ein Benutzer dem Entwickler der App vertraut, erachte dies als empfohlene Option.
-\n\n2. Deterministisch: Es gibt einen allgemein vereinbarten Standard für die Bestellung von Transaktionsausgängen (bekannt als BIP69). In Open-Source-Brieftaschen stellt dieser Standard sicher, dass Wallet-Benutzer nicht darauf vertrauen müssen, wie Entwickler der App die Reihenfolge der Ausgaben implementieren. Da dieser Standard neu ist, haben noch nicht viele Brieftaschen ihn implementiert. Infolgedessen ist es einigermaßen möglich, auf der Blockchain zu sehen, ob eine Transaktion von einer Brieftasche gesendet wurde, die diesen Standard verwendet hat oder nicht.
+ Most Bitcoin transactions, as well as transactions in alike cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin Cash, Dash, and Litecoin, generate two outputs. One output is the amount that goes to the receiver and the other is the change output that is returned to the sender. The way most wallets construct transactions makes it easy for a third party to understand which of the outputs went to the receiving party and which one was the change amount returned to the sender. As the output returned to the sender is later used in future transactions, a connection between these two transactions becomes apparent.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet implements measures to make it harder for someone to figure out which output goes where.
+\n\nThere are two options available to Unstoppable users:
+\n\n1. Shuffle: The order of transaction outputs is randomized on every transaction. Sometimes change can be the first output, sometimes it can be the second. If a user trusts the developer of the app, then consider this a recommended option.
+\n\n2. Deterministic: There is a commonly agreed standard for ordering transaction outputs (known as BIP69). In open-source wallets, that standard ensures wallet users do not need to trust how developers of the app implement the ordering of the outputs. As this standard is new, not many wallets have implemented it yet. As a result, it\'s somewhat possible to see on the blockchain whether a transaction was sent from a wallet that uses that standard or not.
- Biometrie-Authentifizierung
+ Biometrics
Durch die Aktivierung der Biometrie-Authentifizierung kann die Sicherheit Ihres Geräts im Verhältnis zum einfachen PIN-Sperrcode potenziell geschwächt werden.
- Code
- Code deaktivieren
+ Enable Passcode
+ Disable Passcode
Code bearbeiten
- Duress Modus setzen
- Duress Code bearbeiten
- Duress Code deaktivieren
- Ein spezialisierter Modus, der entworfen wurde, um ausgewählte Brieftaschen unter Zwang zu schützen.
+ Set Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Disable Duress Passcode
+ A specialized mode designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion.
Wallets verwalten
Diese Aktion wird das Unstoppable Wallet neu starten.
Vollständig anonymisieren Sie Ihr Internet während Sie diese App verwenden. Beachten Sie, dass in einigen Fällen die WalletConnect-Funktion für DeFi-Apps sehr langsam oder gar nicht funktionieren kann.
@@ -947,29 +963,31 @@
Lexikographische Indizierung
Blockchair API
- Schnell, privat, zentralisiert
- API + Blockchain
- Nach Blockchain filtern
- Langsam, privat.
- Duress Code
- Code für Duress Modus festlegen
- Duress Code bearbeiten
- Neues Code für Duress Modus eingeben
- Duress-Modus
- In diesem Modus können Benutzer mehrere Entsperr-App-Passcodes einrichten, bei denen ein gewünschter Passcode nur bestimmte Wallets anzeigt. Entwickelt um ausgewählte Brieftaschen vor Zwang oder Bedrohungen zu schützen.
- Biometrie-Authentifizierung
- Mit der biometrischen Authentifizierung wird der Duress-Modus freigeschaltet. Sie können die biometrische Authentifizierung für Bequemlichkeit deaktivieren.
- Code deaktivieren
- Das Deaktivieren des Code im Hauptmodus wird den Duress Modus automatisch zurücksetzen.
- Codeänderung
- Das Ändern des Code im Duress Modus ändert auch den aktuellen Code für diesen Modus.
- Wallets auswählen
- Wählen Sie die Wallets, die im Duress Modus angezeigt werden.
+ Very Fast
+ Fast
+ Blockchain
+ Slow. Highest Privacy.
+ Duress Passcode
+ Set a passcode for Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Enter new passcode for Duress Mode
+ Duress Mode
+ This mode allows user to setup multiple unlock app passcodes where a desired passcode shows only specified wallets. Designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion or threats.
+ Biometrics
+ The Biometric Authentication feature will work to unlock the Duress Mode. You can disable Biometric Authentication for convenience.
+ Passcode Disabling
+ Disabling the passcode in the main mode will automatically reset the duress mode.
+ Passcode Change
+ Changing the passcode in the Duress Mode will also change the current PIN code for that mode.
+ Select Wallets
+ Select the wallets that will be displayed in duress mode.
- Die unaufhaltsame Brieftasche ist für diejenigen gedacht, die Kryptowährungen auf private und unabhängige Weise investieren und speichern möchten.\n\nEs ist eine nicht-Custodial, Peer-to-Peer-Wallet, bei der nur der Benutzer die Kontrolle über das Guthaben hat. Es sammelt keine Daten und hält den Benutzer unabhängig, indem er das Guthaben des Benutzers nicht an eine bestimmte Wallet-App sperrt.\n\nDie unaufhaltsame Brieftasche ist vollständig Open-Source und jeder kann bestätigen, dass die App genau so funktioniert, wie sie es vorgibt.
+ The Unstoppable wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.
+\n\nIt\'s a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn\'t collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user\'s funds to a specific wallet app.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to.
Sicheres Backup der Wiederherstellungsausdrücke für jede Wallet. Dies ist die einzige Möglichkeit, den Zugriff auf Gelder zurückzugewinnen, wenn die App nicht funktioniert.
Die Wallet-Wiederherstellungs-Phrasen werden während des Setups zufällig auf dem Gerät generiert und werden an anderer Stelle nicht gespeichert.
Das Deaktivieren der PIN (Code) auf dem Smartphone löscht alle Brieftaschen aus der App. Wiederherstellungs-Phrasen werden benötigt, um den Zugriff auf Gelder wiederherzustellen.
@@ -979,7 +997,7 @@
Sei unaufhaltsam
- Kontaktiere uns
+ Contact Us
Legen Sie Warnungen für Preisänderungen von Coins fest, die Sie sehen möchten\n\nSie werden benachrichtigt, wenn die Preisänderung der letzten 24 Stunden den ausgewählten Grenzwert überschreitet.\n\nPreistrend-Warnung warnt vor einer Trendänderung für 1 Woche (kurzfristig), für 6 Monate (langfristig).
Die Benachrichtigungen für das Unstoppable Wallet sind ausgeschaltet. Sie müssen die Benachrichtigungen einschalten und eine Aktualisierung im Hintergrund erlauben, um Benachrichtigungen bei Preisänderungn zu erhalten.
@@ -1022,24 +1040,24 @@
E-Mail-Adresse kopiert
Zur Merkliste hinzugefügt
Zum Wallet hinzugefügt
- Aus dem Wallet entfernt
+ Removed from Wallet
Bereits im Wallet enthalten
Aus Merkliste entfernt
- Warten auf Synchronisation
+ Wait for synchronization
Name, Code oder Vertragsadresse
Token hinzufügen
Keine Ergebnisse gefunden. Versuchen Sie, den Token manuell hinzuzufügen, wenn Sie die Adresse des Smart Contracts kennen.
- Es gibt 4 gängige Adressformate %1$s Brieftaschen zum Empfang eingehender Zahlungen:
+ There are 4 common address formats %1$s wallets can use to receive incoming payments:
-\n- BIP-44 (älter)
+\n- BIP-44 (older)
\n- BIP-49
-\n- BIP-84 (empfohlen)
-\n- BIP-86 (neueste)
+\n- BIP-84 (recommended)
+\n- BIP-86 (newest)
-\nWährend unaufhaltsame Brieftasche alle 4 von ihnen unterstützt, empfiehlt es sich, eine %2$s Brieftasche im BIP-84 Format zu verwenden. Die Brieftaschen in diesem Format zahlen die niedrigsten Gebühren beim Senden von %3$s -Transaktionen.
+\nWhile Unstoppable wallet supports all 4 of them it recommends to use a %2$s wallet operating in BIP-84 format. The wallets operating in this format get to pay lowest fees when sending %3$s transactions.
Es gibt 2 Adressformate Bitcoin Cash Wallets zum Empfang eingehender Zahlungen:\n\n- TYPE 0 (älter)\n- TYPE 145 (neuer)\n\nWährend unaufhaltsame Brieftaschen beide unterstützt, empfiehlt es sich, ein Bitcoin Cash Wallet im TYPE 145 Format zu verwenden.
@@ -1055,35 +1073,35 @@
- aus Datei
- Aus Backup-Datei importieren.
- von Wiederherstellungsphrase
- Importieren Sie mithilfe der Wiederherstellungsphrase oder des privaten Schlüssels.
- von Exchange Wallet
- Verbinden Sie sich mit einer Brieftasche bei zentralisiertem Austausch.
- Watch-Adresse
- Beobachtung der EVM-Kette sowie der BTC-, LTC- und DASH-Adressen
- Ungültige Json-Datei
- Diese Datei ist kein gültiges Backup der Brieftasche oder die Datei wurde beschädigt und kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden.
- Wählen Sie eine weitere Datei aus
+ from File
+ Import a backup file from your local folder.
+ from Recovery Phrase
+ Import using recovery phrase or private key.
+ from Exchange Wallet
+ Connect to a wallet on centralized exchange.
+ Watch Address
+ Observing mode of EVM-Chain and BTC, LTC, DASH addresses
+ Invalid Json File
+ This file is not a valid backup of the wallet, or the file has been corrupted and cannot be restored.
+ Select Another File
- Passwort eingeben
- Geben Sie das Sicherungspasswort ein, um Ihre Brieftasche zu importieren.
- Ungültiges Passwort
- Passwort sichern
- Adresse oder Domäne
+ Enter Password
+ Enter the backup password to import your wallet.
+ Invalid Password
+ Backup Password
+ Enter Your EVM, TRON, TON or Public Address (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash) or Account xPubKey.
Blockchain auswählen
Coins auswählen
- Adressformat wird nicht unterstützt
+ Address format is not supported
- Manuelle Sicherung
- Lokale Sicherung
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
Phrase anzeigen
- Wallet entfernen
+ Unlink Wallet
Sicherung erforderlich
Sie müssen %1$s sichern, bevor Sie %2$s empfangen können.
Damit wird das Wallet von diesem Gerät gelöscht.
@@ -1097,7 +1115,7 @@
Wallet für Schnellwechsel auswählen
Möchten Sie die Beobachtung dieser Wallet-Adresse beenden?
- Sie müssen %1$s sichern
+ You need to backup %1$s
wechselt automatisch
@@ -1107,7 +1125,7 @@
Die Wiederherstellungsphrasen, die als nächstes gezeigt werden, sind die einzige Möglichkeit, Ihr Guthaben wiederherzustellen, falls Ihr Mobiltelefon jemals verloren geht, gestohlen wird, kaputt geht usw.\n\nStellen Sie sicher, dass niemand Ihren Bildschirm beobachtet.
- Passwort
+ Passphrase
Privater Schlüssel
@@ -1119,24 +1137,24 @@
Nicht kopieren
Dieser Schlüssel ist für alle EVM-kompatiblen Blockchains.\n\nAls Sicherheitsmaßnahme empfehlen wir, keine Kopieraktion auf dem privaten Schlüssel zu verwenden.
- Wallet sichern
- Sichern Sie diese Brieftasche durch Erstellen einer Kopie ihrer Wiederherstellungs-Phrase. Es wird benötigt, um auf die Brieftasche zuzugreifen, wenn Ihr Telefon verloren geht, gestohlen, kaputt usw.
+ Backup Recovery Phrase
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
- Manuelle Sicherung
- Lokale Sicherung
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
- Füllen Sie eine der Wallet-Sicherungsoptionen aus, um mit der Wallet zu beginnen.
- Es wird empfohlen, eine manuelle Sicherung für jede Wallet zu haben.
+ Complete one of the wallet backup options to start using the wallet.
+ It\'s recommended to have a manual backup for each wallet.
- Lokale Sicherung
- Speichern und sichern
- Passwort festlegen
- Sicherung gespeichert
- Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen enthalten, darunter ein Großbuchstabe, ein Kleinbuchstabe, eine Zahl und ein Symbol.
- Dieses Passwort wird verwendet, um die Sicherungsdatei Ihrer Brieftasche zu verschlüsseln. Wenn es verloren geht oder vergessen wird, kann es nicht wiederhergestellt oder zurückgesetzt werden.
- Legen Sie ein Passwort fest, um das Entsperren zu ermöglichen. Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang sein und einen Kleinbuchstaben, einen Großbuchstaben, eine Zahl und ein Sonderzeichen enthalten.
- Speichergeräte wie Festplatten, USB-Laufwerke und Smartphone-Speicher sind alle anfällig für Datenverlust aufgrund von physischen Schäden, Diebstahl oder anderen unvorhergesehenen Umständen.
- Ich verstehe, dass ein Diebstahl oder eine Beschädigung eines Sicherungsgeräts zum Verlust des Sicherungskopfes an eine entsprechende Brieftasche führen wird.
+ Local Backup
+ Save and Backup
+ Set Password
+ Backup Saved
+ At least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one symbol.
+ This password is used to encrypt backup file of your wallet. It can\'t be recovered or reset if lost or forgotten.
+ Set unlock password for your backup. It must consist of at least 8 symbols and include at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number and a special character.
+ Storage devices i.e. hard drives, USB drives , storage on smartphone etc. are all vulnerable to loss due to physical damage, theft or other unforeseen circumstances.
+ I understand that theft or damage of a backup device will result in loss of a backup to a respective wallet.
Schreibe diese Wörter in die richtige Reihenfolge und halte sie an einem sicheren Ort
@@ -1202,7 +1220,7 @@
Token hinzufügen
- Name der Coin
+ Coin Name
@@ -1211,15 +1229,15 @@
Token auswählen
- Nach Blockchain filtern
+ Blockchain
Dieser Token befindet sich bereits in der Coin-Verwaltungsliste
Ungültige Vertragsadresse
- Ungültiges BEP2-Symbol
+ Invalid BEP2 symbol
BEP2-Symbol nicht gefunden
Vertragsadresse in %s Blockchain nicht gefunden
- Wählen Sie das Adressformat für den Empfang von Zahlungen. Ein korrektes Format sollte bei der Wiederherstellung einer bestehenden Brieftasche gewählt werden.
+ Select address format for receiving payments. A correct format should be chosen when restoring an existing wallet.
@@ -1247,286 +1265,286 @@
Coin Info
- Analytik
+ Analytics
- Heute
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+ 7D
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+ 1Y
+ 2Y
+ 5Y
- Handelsvolumen
- Hauptinhaber
- Die Anzahl der Token, die von den Top 10 Wallets gehalten werden. Qualitätsprojekte haben typischerweise einen weithin verteilten Token.
- Prüfungen
- Keine Audit-Berichte
+ Trading Volume
+ Major Holders
+ The number of tokens held by the top 10 wallets. Quality projects typically have a widely distributed token.
+ Audits
+ No audit reports
Angetrieben von Defiyield.app
- Probleme: %d
- Anlegerdaten
+ Issues: %d
+ Investor Data
- Unterstützt von Bitcointreasuries.net
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- Investierte Gelder
+ Powered by Bitcointreasuries.net
+ Reports
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- Zentralisiert
- Dezentralisiert
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+ Centralized
+ Decentralized
- Prüfungen
+ Audits
24h Range
- Info
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+ About
+ Overview
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Coin Type
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Retweeted %s
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+ Replying to %s
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+ Market Cap
Diluted MCap
- Im Kreis
- Gesamtmenge
+ In Circulation
+ Total Supply
MCap / TVL Ratio
- Das Verhältnis der Markenkappe des Projekts über dessen TVL.
+ The ratio of the project token\'s market cap over its TVL.
- Keine Daten
- Keine Daten verfügbar
+ No Data
+ No data available
Zum Wallet hinzugefügt
In Wallet
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- 1 Woche
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- Startdatum
- Gesamtwert gesperrt
- TVL Rang
- Die Rangliste unter anderen Protokollen basiert auf dem TVL-Wert in USD.
+ 1 Week
+ 1 Month
+ Read More
+ Read Less
+ Show More
+ Show Less
+ Inception Date
+ Total Value Locked
+ TVL Rank
+ The ranking among other protocols is based on the TVL value in USD terms.
MCap / TVL Ratio
- Das Verhältnis der Markenkappe des Projekts über dessen TVL.
+ The ratio of the project token\'s market cap over its TVL.
Capital is deposited into the platform in the form of loan collateral or liquidity pool.
%s Contract
BEP2 Symbol
Top Wallets
- Das obige Diagramm zeigt die \%% aller in Umlauf befindlichen Token, die an den Top 10 Wallets gehalten werden. Je niedriger die \%% ist, desto mehr ist die Münze verteilt.
- in Top 10 Halter
- Gesamteinhaber: %s
- Blei
- Erhalten Sie Zugriff auf erweiterte Wallet-Funktionen, indem Sie unaufhaltsame NFTs gedrückt halten.
+ The chart above shows the \%% of all tokens in circulation held by the top 10 wallets. The lower the \%% the more distributed the coin is.
+ in Top 10 Holders
+ Total Holders: %s
+ Lead
+ Get access to advanced wallet features by holding Unstoppable NFTs.
[%s]\nnicht gefunden
- Indikatoren
- Gleitende Durchschnitte
- Oszillatoren
- Die EMA, SMA und WMA sind bewegliche Durchschnittswerte, die in der technischen Analyse verwendet werden:\n\nEMA betont die aktuellen Preise für schnellere Reaktionen.\nSMA ermittelt die durchschnittlichen Preisdaten für eine allgemeine Trendansicht.\nWMA ausgewogen Empfindlichkeit und Rauschreduzierung durch lineares Gewichten der letzten Daten.
- Der Relative Strength Index (RSI) ist ein Momentum-Oszillator, der die Geschwindigkeit und Veränderung des Preises misst und überkaufte (über 70) oder überverkaufte (unter 30) Marktbedingungen identifiziert. Er kann auch Preisumkehrungen durch Divergenzen erkennen.
- Der Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) ist ein Momentum-Indikator, der das Verhältnis zwischen zwei EMAs (Exponentiell Gleitenden Durchschnitten) des Preises eines Wertpapiers verfolgt. Er signalisiert Kauf- oder Verkaufsmöglichkeiten, wenn die MACD-Linie (12-Perioden-EMA minus 26-Perioden-EMA) den 9-Perioden-EMA, bekannt als Signal-Linie, kreuzt.
- Unzureichende Daten
- Es gibt nicht genügend Datenpunkte, um den EMA 1-Indikator anzuzeigen. Bitte passen Sie die Zeitspanne an, um eine Ansicht der bewegten Durchschnittslinie zu generieren. Nicht genügend Punkt, um EMA 1 anzuzeigen.
- Typ
- Zeitraum
- RSI-Länge
- Schnelle Länge
- Langsame Länge
- Signal glättet
- Indikatoren nur für unaufhaltsame Wallet-Premium-Nutzer verfügbar.
- Dies ist eine von KI generierte Beschreibung, basierend auf dem bereitgestellten Referenzmaterial für die angegebene Kryptowährung. Sie kann Fehler enthalten.
- Verifiziert
- Alle
- Gesamthandelsvolumen für das Token an führenden zentralen Börsen über einen Zeitraum von 30 Tagen.
- Diagramm, das die Schwankungen im täglichen Handelsvolumen des Tokens an führenden zentralisierten Börsen über einen Zeitraum von 1 Jahr zeigt.
- Die Rangfolge des Tokens basiert auf dem Handelsvolumen an führenden zentralisierten Börsen über einen Zeitraum von 30 Tagen.
- Liste aller Token, sortiert nach Handelsvolumen auf zentralisierten Börsen über Intervalle von 24 Stunden / 7 Tagen / 1 Monat.
- Gesamthandelsvolumen für das Token an führenden dezentralen Börsen über 30 Tage.
- Diagramm, das die Schwankungen im täglichen Handelsvolumen des Tokens an führenden dezentralen Börsen über einen Zeitraum von 1 Jahr zeigt.
- Rang des Tokens basierend auf dem Handelsvolumen an führenden dezentralen Börsen über einen Zeitraum von 30 Tagen.
- Liste aller Token, sortiert nach Handelsvolumen auf dezentralen Börsen über Intervalle von 24 Stunden / 7 Tagen / 1 Monat.
- Verfolgte DEXes (Dezentrale Börsen):
- Gesamte derzeit verfügbare Liquidität für den Token an führenden dezentralen Börsen.
- Diagramm, das die Schwankungen in der verfügbaren Liquidität für den Token an führenden dezentralen Börsen über einen Zeitraum von 1 Jahr zeigt.
- Liste aller Tokens basierend auf der verfügbaren Liquidität für das Token an führenden dezentralen Börsen.
- Verfolgte DEXes (Dezentrale Börsen):
- Gesamtzahl der einzigartigen täglichen aktiven Adressen rund um die Uhr.
- Diagramm, das die Schwankungen in der Anzahl der täglich aktiven Adressen über einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr zeigt.
- Gesamtzahl der eindeutigen Blockchain-Adressen, die über einen Zeitraum von 30 Tagen mit einem Token handeln.
- Die Rangfolge des Tokens basiert auf der Anzahl der aktiven Wallets, die in einem Zeitraum von 30 Tagen mit dem Token handeln.
- Liste aller Tokens basierend auf der Anzahl täglicher aktiver Adressen, die mit dem Token über 24h / 7D / 1M Intervalle handeln.
- Gesamtzahl der einzigartigen Blockchain-Transaktionen mit Token über einen Zeitraum von 30 Tagen.
- Diagramm, das die Schwankungen in der Anzahl der Transaktionen über einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr zeigt.
- Der Rang des Tokens basiert auf der Anzahl der Transaktionen innerhalb des 30-Tage-Zeitraums des Tokens.
- Liste aller Token, sortiert nach der Anzahl der Transaktionen mit dem Token über Intervalle von 24 Stunden, 7 Tagen und einem Monat.
- Die Gesamtzahl der Token, die über die Blockchain über den Zeitraum von 30 Tagen übertragen wurden.
- Gesamtzahl der einzigartigen Adressen, die den Token auf verschiedenen Blockchains halten.
- Die Top 10 Wallets, die den Token auf jeder Blockchain halten.
- Verfolgte Blockchains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon
- Überwachte Blockchains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon.
- Diagramm mit Variation Total-Value-gesperrt in intelligenten Verträgen über 1 Jahr.
- Tokens Rang basiert auf dem aktuellen Total-Wert-gesperrt.
- Liste aller Token basierend auf dem aktuellen Total-Wert gesperrt.
- Market Cap / TVL Verhältnis für das Projekt.
- Insgesamt erwirtschaftete Einnahmen für die Tokeninhaber über einen Zeitraum von 30 Tagen. In der Regel werden Gebühren von Tokenverbrennern oder durch einen Tokenverbrennungsmechanismus erhoben.
- Tokens Rang basiert auf den Einnahmen, die über einen Zeitraum von 30 Tagen für Tokensticker erzielt wurden.
- Liste aller Tokens basierend auf den Einnahmen für Token Stakers über 24h / 7D / 1M Intervallen.
- Zusammenfassung: Dies ist eine allgemeine Übersicht über die technischen Daten eines Vermögenswerts, unter Berücksichtigung einer Vielzahl von technischen Indikatoren und Zeitrahmen. Sie bietet einen Konsensansatz (Kaufen, Verkaufen oder Neutral) basierend auf diesen Indikatoren.
- Gleitende Durchschnitte (MA): Dies sind häufig verwendete technische Indikatoren, die Preisdaten glätten, um einen trendfolgenden Indikator zu erstellen. Sie zeigen den Durchschnittspreis über einen bestimmten Zeitraum. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von MAs:\n\nEinfacher gleitender Durchschnitt (SMA): Dieser berechnet den Durchschnitt eines ausgewählten Preisspektrums, in der Regel Schlusskurse, durch die Anzahl der Perioden in diesem Bereich.\n\nExponentieller gleitender Durchschnitt (EMA): Dieser gibt neueren Preisen mehr Gewicht und reagiert daher schneller auf aktuelle Preisänderungen.
- Oszillatoren: Dies sind technische Indikatoren, die im Laufe der Zeit innerhalb eines Bandes (über und unter einer Mittellinie oder zwischen festgelegten Niveaus) schwanken. Sie sind dazu gedacht, überkaufte und überverkaufte Bedingungen auf einem Markt zu identifizieren. Hier sind einige gängige Oszillatoren:\n\nRelative Strength Index (RSI): Dieser misst die Geschwindigkeit und Veränderung von Preisbewegungen. Er wird üblicherweise verwendet, um überkaufte oder überverkaufte Zustände zu identifizieren.\n\nMoving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): Dieser wird verwendet, um potenzielle Kauf- und Verkaufssignale zu identifizieren. Er löst technische Signale aus, wenn er über (zum Kaufen) oder unter (zum Verkaufen) seiner Signallinie kreuzt.
- Dieses Projekt hat keine analytischen Daten
- CEX-Volume
- CEX Volumenrang
- Token, sortiert nach Handelsvolumen für den Token auf zentralisierten Börsen.
- DEX-Volume
- DEX-Volumenrang
- Token, sortiert nach Handelsvolumen für den Token auf dezentralen Börsen.
- DEX-Liquidität
- DEX Liquiditätsrang
- Token, sortiert nach verfügbarer Liquidität auf dezentralen Börsen.
- Täglich aktive Adressen
- Aktive Adressen Rang
- Die Tokens werden nach einer Reihe von eindeutigen Adressen eingestuft, die mit dem Token verknüpft sind.
- Transaktionsanzahl
- Rang nach Transaktionsanzahl
- Token werden nach der Anzahl von Transaktionen auf einer Blockchain eingestuft.
- Halter
- Projekt TVL
+ Indicators
+ Moving Averages
+ Oscillators
+ The EMA, SMA, and WMA are moving averages used in technical analysis:\n\nEMA emphasizes recent prices for quicker reactions.\nSMA averages price data for a general trend view.\nWMA balances sensitivity and noise reduction by linearly weighting recent data.
+ The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures price speed and change, identifying overbought (above 70) or oversold (below 30) market conditions. It can also detect price reversals through divergences.
+ The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a momentum indicator that tracks the relationship between two EMAs of a security\'s price. It signals buying or selling opportunities when the MACD line (12-period EMA minus 26-period EMA) crosses the 9-period EMA, known as the signal line.
+ Insufficient Data
+ There are not enough data points to display the EMA 1 indicator. Please adjust the time period to generate a view of the moving average line.Not enough point to display EMA 1.
+ Type
+ Period
+ RSI Length
+ Fast Length
+ Slow Length
+ Signal Smoothing
+ Indicators available only for Unstoppable Wallet premium users.
+ This is an AI-generated description based on the provided reference material for the given cryptocurrency. It may contain errors.
+ Verified
+ All
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on centralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading decentralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on decentralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ DEXes that are being tracked:
+ Total currently available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ Chart showing variation in available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ DEXes that are being tracked:
+ Total number of unique daily active addresses over 24-hour period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily active address count over 1 year period.
+ Total number of unique blockchain addresses transacting with token over 30-day period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of active wallets transacting with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of daily active addresses transacting with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total number of unique blockchain transactions with token over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in transaction count over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of transactions with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of transactions with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ The total number of tokens transferred over the blockchain over the 30 day period.
+ Total number of unique addresses holding the token on various blockchains.
+ Top 10 wallets holding the token on each blockchain.
+ Tracked blockchains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon
+ Total-Value-Locked (or Assets Under Management) in the project\'s smart contracts.
+ Chart showing variation Total-Value-Locked in project\'s smart contracts over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ Market Cap / TVL ratio for the project.
+ Total revenue generated for the token holders over 30-day period. Typically, fees are collected by token stakers or though a token burn mechanism.
+ Token\'s rank is based on the revenue generated over a 30-day period for token stakers.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the revenue generated for token stakers over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Summary: This is a general overview of an asset\'s technicals, considering a variety of technical indicators and timeframes. It provides a consensus viewpoint (Buy, Sell, or Neutral) based on these indicators.
+ Moving Averages (MA): These are commonly used technical indicators that smooth out price data to create a trend-following indicator. They show the average price over a specific time period. There are several types of MAs:\n\nSimple Moving Average (SMA): This calculates the average of a selected range of prices, usually closing prices, by the number of periods in that range.\n\nExponential Moving Average (EMA): This gives more weight to recent prices, thereby responding more quickly to recent price changes.
+ Oscillators: These are technical indicators that fluctuate over time within a band (above and below a center line, or between set levels). They are designed to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in a market. Here are some common oscillators:\n\nRelative Strength Index (RSI): This measures the speed and change of price movements. It is usually used to identify overbought or oversold conditions.\n\nMoving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): This is used to identify potential buy and sell signals. It triggers technical signals when it crosses above (to buy) or below (to sell) its signal line.
+ This project has no analytical data
+ CEX Volume
+ CEX Volume Rank
+ Tokens ranked by trading volume for the token on centralized exchanges.
+ DEX Volume
+ DEX Volume Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by trading volume for the token on decentralized exchanges.
+ DEX Liquidity
+ DEX Liquidity Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ Daily Active Addresses
+ Active Addresses Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by a number of unique addresses transacting with the token.
+ Transaction Count
+ Tx Count Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by number of transactions on a blockchain.
+ Holders
+ Project TVL
Project TVL (Total value Locked)
- M.Kap / TVL-Verhältnis
- Projekteinnahmen
- Projektgebühr
- Projekt-Umsatzrang
- Projektgebührenrang
- Halter Rang
- Token werden nach Einnahmen klassifiziert, die über Mechanismen wie Stapel- oder Tokenbrennen für Inhaber generiert werden.
- Token werden nach den von den jeweiligen Projekten generierten Gebühren eingestuft. Die Art und Weise, wie Gebühren gesammelt werden, variiert von Projekt zu Projekt.
- Platziere Tokens nach eindeutigen Adressen, die sie auf mehreren Blockchains halten.
- Andere Daten
- Berichte
- Finanzierung
- Prüfungen
- letzte 30d
- aktuell
- Rang
- 30-Tage Rang
- 30-Tage Einzigartige Adressen
- 30-Tage Lautstärke
- Gesamtpunktzahl
- Ausgezeichnet
- Gut
- Faire
- Arm
- Die Gesamtbewertung basiert auf dem durchschnittlichen täglichen Handelsvolumen an zentralisierten Börsen in den letzten 7 Tagen.
- Die Gesamtpunktzahl basiert auf dem durchschnittlichen täglichen Handelsvolumen an dezentralen Börsen in den letzten 7 Tagen.
- Die Gesamtzahl basiert auf der verfügbaren Liquidität bei dezentralen Börsen.
- Die Gesamtpunktzahl basiert auf den durchschnittlichen täglichen aktiven Adressen der letzten 7 Tage.
- Die Gesamtpunktzahl basiert auf dem gesperrten Gesamtwert (verwaltete Assets) auf dem Projekt, das durch den angegebenen Token repräsentiert wird.
- Die Gesamtpunktzahl basiert auf der durchschnittlichen täglichen Transaktionsanzahl der letzten 7 Tage.
- Die Gesamtpunktzahl richtet sich nach der Gesamtzahl der Adressen mit dem jeweiligen Token.
- Technische Indikatoren
- Info
- Zeitraum auswählen
- 30 Minuten
- 1 Stunde
- 4 Stunden
- 8 Stunden
- 1 Tag
- 1 Woche
- 1 Monat
- Stark Kaufen
- Stark Verkaufen
- Verkaufen
- Kaufen
+ M.Cap / TVL Ratio
+ Project Revenue
+ Project Fee
+ Project Revenue Rank
+ Project Fee Rank
+ Holders Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by revenue generated for holders via mechanisms i.e. staking or token burns.
+ Tokens are ranked according to fees generated by respective projects. The way fees are collected varies from project to project.
+ Ranking tokens by unique addresses holding them on multiple blockchains.
+ Other Data
+ Reports
+ Funding
+ Audits
+ last 30d
+ current
+ Rank
+ 30-Day Rank
+ 30-Day Unique Addresses
+ 30-Day Volume
+ Overall Score
+ Excellent
+ Good
+ Fair
+ Poor
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on centralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on decentralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily active addresses over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total value locked (assets under management) on the project represented by the given token.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily transaction count over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total number of addresses holding the respective tokens.
+ Technical Indicators
+ Details
+ Select Period
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
+ 4 hours
+ 8 hours
+ 1 day
+ 1 week
+ 1 month
+ Strong Buy
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Buy
- Keine Daten
- Analyse von Smart Contracts
- Hochrisiko-Positionen
- Mittlere Risiko-Positionen
- Riskant
- Aufmerksamkeit erforderlich
+ No Data
+ Smart Contract Analysis
+ High Risk Items
+ Medium Risk Items
+ Risky
+ Attention Required
Powered by De.Fi
- %d Elemente
- Technische Indikatoren
- Denken Sie immer daran, das Risikomanagement anzuwenden und beachten Sie, dass dies keine finanzielle Beratung ist.
- überkauft
- überverkauft
- nach unten
- nach oben
- Die Handlungen mit dem Vermögenswert sind riskant.
- Beginnt von %s
- Das Asset befindet sich außerhalb des Bollinger Bandkanals und %s.
- RSI = %1$s, dies deutet auch darauf hin, dass das Asset %2$s ist.
- Es könnte eine starke %swärtsbewegung geben, daher ist es besser, auf eine Rückkehr des Assetpreises in den Kanal zu warten.
- das Asset war %s, aber jetzt ist es wieder in den Bollinger-Bänder-Kanal zurückgekehrt. Dies deutet auf eine mögliche Trendumkehr hin.
- In der Zwischenzeit beträgt der RSI %1$s, was immer noch darauf hindeutet, dass es %2$s ist.
- Dies könnte ein sehr starkes Signal sein, um in den Markt einzusteigen. Bedenken Sie jedoch, dass es nach der Rückkehr in den Kanal mehrere Versuche einer %swärtsbewegung geben kann, daher vergessen Sie nicht das Risikomanagement.
- Inzwischen beträgt der RSI %s, was ebenfalls auf eine Trendumkehr hinweist (der RSI hat die Grenze von 70\%% überschritten).
- Der Preis kehrt auf neutrale Niveaus zurück, jedoch besteht immer noch Potenzial für Aufwärtsbewegungen. Beachten Sie jedoch, dass RSI = 50 und die Mitte der Bollinger-Bänder starke Widerstände und mögliche Trendumkehrpunkte sind. Vergessen Sie nicht das Risikomanagement.
- RSI = $s bestätigt ebenfalls das Fehlen eines starken Trends.
- das Asset befand sich in der überkauften/überverkauften Zone, aber momentan hat der Preis wieder den Bollinger-Band-Kanal in der neutralen Zone erreicht. Der RSI beträgt %s, was auch das Fehlen eines starken Trends bestätigt. Insgesamt bewegt sich der Assetpreis also in Richtung Durchschnittsbildung und weitere Bewegungen sind in jede Richtung möglich.
- Im Allgemeinen bewegt sich der Preis des Vermögenswerts in Richtung Mittelwert, und weitere Bewegungen in jede Richtung sind möglich.
- Bitte beachten Sie:
- oben
- unten
- wachstum
- verringern
- EMA 200. Bestimmt die allgemeine Stimmung und den Trend. Der tägliche Preis des Vermögenswerts liegt %1$s der EMA (%2$s). Dies bedeutet, dass der Vermögenswert global für %3$s eingestellt ist.
- oben
- unten
- MACD. Bewertet die Stärke des Trends unter Berücksichtigung der durchschnittlichen Preisänderung. Der tägliche Wert des Histogramms beträgt %1$s (%2$s). Der Preis des Vermögenswerts könnte sich global %3$s bewegen.
- Technische Indikatoren
- Wir verwenden die Bollinger-Bänder + RSI-Strategie, um Handelssignale zu bestimmen. Alle Berechnungen basieren auf täglichen Kerzenleuchtern und geben Ratschläge für eine moderat langfristige Strategie. Die Essenz der Strategie besteht darin, dass der Asset-Preis ein Extrem erreichen sollte, indem er aus dem Bollinger-Bänder-Kanal ausbricht, und der RSI sollte sich in der überkauften/überverkauften Zone befinden. Nachdem der Preis zum Kanal zurückkehrt, besteht eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass der Preis zu den Mittelwerten zurückkehrt oder versucht, den Kanal von der anderen Seite zu durchbrechen. Beachten Sie, dass die Strategie während starker Marktbewegungen mehrere falsche Signale geben kann, bevor ein korrektes Signal erscheint.\n\nBitte denken Sie daran, dass es sehr wichtig ist, Risikomanagement beim Handel anzuwenden und daran zu denken, Verluste zu begrenzen, wenn sich die Marktsituation ändert!
- Details anzeigen
- Details ausblenden
- Stark Kaufen
- Kaufen
+ %d Items
+ Trading Assistant
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ overbought
+ oversold
+ down
+ up
+ The actions with the asset are risky.
+ Starting from the %s
+ The asset is outside the Bollinger Band channel and %s.
+ RSI = %1$s, This also indicates that the asset is %2$s.
+ There might be a strong %sward movement, so it\'s better to wait for the asset price to return to the channel.
+ the asset was %s, but now it has returned to the Bollinger Band channel. This indicates a possible trend reversal.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %1$s, which still indicates that it is %2$s.
+ This could be a very strong signal to enter the market. Keep in mind that there may be several attempts of %sward movement after returning to the channel, so do not forget about risk management.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %s, which also indicates a trend reversal (RSI crossed the boundary at 70\%%).
+ The price is returning to neutral levels, however, there is still potential for upward movement. Keep in mind that RSI = 50 and the middle of the Bollinger Bands are strong resistances and possible trend reversal points. Do not forget about risk management.
+ RSI = $s also confirms the absence of a strong trend.
+ the asset was in the overbought/oversold zone, but at the moment the price has returned to the Bollinger Band channel in the neutral zone. The RSI is %s also confirms the absence of a strong trend, so overall the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ In general, the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ Please note:
+ above
+ below
+ growth
+ decrease
+ EMA 200. Determines the overall sentiment and trend. The daily price of the asset is located %1$s the EMA (%2$s). This means that globally the asset is set for %3$s.
+ above
+ below
+ MACD. Assesses the strength of the trend considering the average price change. The daily value of the histogram is %1$s (%2$s). The price of the asset globally may move %3$s.
+ Technical Indicators
+ We use the Bollinger Bands + RSI strategy to determine trading signals. All calculations are based on daily candlesticks and provide advice for a moderately long term. The essence of the strategy is that the asset price should reach an extreme, breaking out of the Bollinger Bands channel, and the RSI should be in the overbought/oversold zone. After the price returns to the channel, there is a high probability of the price returning to the mean values or attempting to break the channel from the other side. Note that the strategy may give several false signals during strong market movements before a correct signal appears.\n\nPlease remember that it is very important to apply risk management to trading and remember to cut losses if the market situation changes!
+ Show Details
+ Hide Details
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
- Verkaufen
- Stark Verkaufen
- Riskant
- Token-Detektoren
- Allgemeine Detektoren
- Probleme %d
- Aktivieren
+ Sell
+ Strong Sell
+ Risky
+ Token Detectors
+ General Detectors
+ Issues %d
+ Activate
- Adresse
- zu signierende Nachricht
- Du musst diese Nachricht unterschreiben, um dein Abonnement zu aktivieren.
- Ihre Wallet-Adresse hat kein Abonnement für Premium-Funktionen, Sie müssen sie kaufen, um das Abonnement zu aktivieren.
- Premium-Funktionen
- Analyse der Kryptowährung
- Greifen Sie auf umfassende Markt- und On-Kettenstatistiken zu jedem Token.
- Preis-Trend-Indikatoren
- Entdecke hochgelobte Token, die auf technischen Analyseindikatoren basieren.
- Persönlicher Support
- Kontaktieren Sie unser Team direkt über Telegram für persönliche Hilfe.
- Premium erhalten
- Ich habe bereits Premium
+ Address
+ Message to Sign
+ You need to sign this message to activate your subscription.
+ Your wallet address does not have a subscription to premium features, you need to purchase it to activate the subscription.
+ Premium Features
+ Cryptocurrency Analytics
+ Access comprehensive market and on-chain stats about each token.
+ Price Trend Indicators
+ Discover uptrending tokens based on technical analysis indicators.
+ Personal Support
+ Contact our team directly over Telegram for personal assistance.
+ Get Premium
+ I already have Premium
Durchschnitt 7D
Durchschnitt 30D
Letzter Verkauf
@@ -1555,18 +1573,18 @@
Token ID
- Nach Blockchain filtern
+ Blockchain
Unterstützt von OpenSea API
Top NFT Collections
- Führen von NFT-Sammlungen durch Handelsvolumen.
+ Leading NFT collections by trading volume.
- Übersicht
+ Overview
- Ganzzeitiger Durchschnitt
- %d Elemente
+ All-time Average
+ %d Items
Heutige Verkäufer
%s NFT
~%s pro NFT
@@ -1580,7 +1598,7 @@
Gebot eingegeben
Gebot zurückgezogen
- Überweisung
+ Transfer
Angebot eingegeben
@@ -1589,12 +1607,12 @@
- Gewinner
- Verlierer
- Nachrichten
- %dd. vor
- Vor %d St
- Vor %d Min
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ News
+ %dd. ago
+ %dh. ago
+ %dm. ago
@@ -1602,21 +1620,21 @@
Der Fehlertext wird in die Zwischenablage kopiert, falls Sie den Fehler melden möchten.
- UNSTOPPABLES beitreten
Folge Uns
- Gesperrt
+ Locked
Pro Users
Unstoppable Pass
- Zusätzliche Token Info
- Um diese Daten zu aktivieren, solltest du Bronze-Level UW NFTs “Coin Info+”\n\nerwerben:
- DEX-Volume und Rang
- DEX Liquiditätsrang
+ Additional Token Info
+ To enable this data you should get bronze level UW NFTs “Coin Info+”\n\nAlso you get access to data below:
+ DEX Volume and Rank
+ DEX Liquidity and Rank
Active Addresses
- Transaktionsanzahl
- Transaktionsvolumen
- Authentifizieren...
+ Transaction Count
+ Transaction Volume
+ Authenticating...
Coming Soon
- Aktivieren
+ Activate
Activate the Pass
Mountain Yak - Go borderless. Will show you important market data, analytical tools, useful charts based on on-chain data that will help give you a clear view of projects
@@ -1636,26 +1654,26 @@
\n\nBitte beachten Sie, wenn Sie PIN auf dem OS ausgeschaltete haben, wurden die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Safe Storage Ihres Telefons für vorher gespeicherte Daten ungültig. Sie müssen Ihre Wallet-Schlüssel wiederherstellen, um an Ihr Wallet zu gelangen.
Diese App benötigt die PIN Ihres Mobiltelefons, um sensible Daten aus Ihrer Wallet im sicheren Speicher des Android-Systems und nicht in der App selbst zu speichern.
- Entsperren
+ Unlock
- Code eingeben
+ Enter Passcode
Code eingeben oder später erneut versuchen
Biometrische Auth. deaktiviert
Deaktiviert bis: %s
- Verbleibende Versuche: %s
- Normal
- Zufällig
+ Attempts left: %s
+ Regular
+ Random
- Code festlegen
+ Create Passcode
Dein Code wird verwendet werden, um deinen Wallet zu entsperren und Geld schicken
Code stimmt nicht überein. Bitte noch einmal versuchen.
Beim Speichern Ihren Code ist leider ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen es erneut.
- Passcode zum Aktivieren von Biometrien festlegen
- Code zum Aktivieren des Duress Modus festlegen
- Dieser Code wird bereits verwendet.
+ Set a passcode to enable Biometrics
+ Set a passcode to enable Duress Mode
+ This passcode is already being used.
Code bearbeiten
Aktuelle Code
@@ -1688,39 +1706,39 @@
Diese Adresse wird bereits für %s verwendet
Dieser Name existiert bereits
- Verbunden
+ Connected
- Coins auswählen
- Netzwerk auswählen
- Wählen Sie ein Netzwerk aus und erhalten Sie eine Adresse zum Einzahlen.
- Name oder Code
- Auftragen %s
- Adresse kopieren
- Adresse teilen
- Netzwerk
- Ihre Adresse für %s
- Senden Sie nur %s an diese Adresse. Das Senden anderer Arten von Tokens an diese Adresse führt zu ihrem ultimativen Verlust.
- Memo (Tag) ist erforderlich oder Sie verlieren Ihre Münzen.\n\nSenden Sie nur %s an diese Adresse. Das Senden anderer Arten von Tokens an diese Adresse führt zu ihrem endgültigen Verlust.
- Wichtig
- Sowohl eine Memo (Tag) als auch die Adresse werden benötigt, um sicherzustellen, dass Vermögenswerte empfangen werden. Andernfalls gehen Ihre Gelder verloren.
- Verbindung zum API-Schlüssel fehlgeschlagen
+ Choose Coin
+ Choose Network
+ Choose a network and get an address to deposit.
+ Name or code
+ Deposit %s
+ Copy Address
+ Share Address
+ Network
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Send only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Memo (tag) is required, or your will lose your coins.\n\nSend only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Important
+ Both a memo (tag) and the address are needed to ensure that assets are received. Otherwise your funds will be lost.
+ Failed to connect your API Key
- %s senden
- Netzwerk
- Gebühr aus Betrag
- Gebühr
- Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Netzwerk mit der Auszahlungsadresse übereinstimmt und die Einzahlungsplattform sie unterstützt, oder es können Vermögenswerte verloren gehen.
- Sicherheitsüberprüfung
- Bestätigungscode
- Google Authenticator-Code
- Nochmal senden
+ Send %s
+ Network
+ Fee from amount
+ Fee
+ Ensure the network matches the withdrawal address and the deposit platform supports it, or assets may be lost.
+ Security Verification
+ Verification Code
+ Google Authenticator Code
+ Resend
%s sec
- Gib den Bestätigungscode ein, der an deine E-Mail gesendet wurde.
- Geben Sie den Code aus Ihrer Google Authenticator App ein.
- Abheben
- Erfolgreich
- Nicht genügend verfügbares Guthaben
- Der Mindestbetrag, den du abheben kannst, ist %s
- Der maximale Betrag, den du abheben kannst, ist %s
- Fehler bei Auszahlung
+ Enter verification code sent to your email.
+ Enter code from your Google Authenticator App.
+ Withdraw
+ Success
+ Not enough available Balance
+ The minimum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ The maximum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ Withdraw Failed
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1dd2cdd559a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1750 @@
+ Parameter is not set
+ %1$s%2$s
+ Cancel
+ Copy
+ Close
+ Loading...
+ Restart
+ Show
+ Hide
+ Cancel
+ Next
+ Enable
+ Disable
+ Scan QR Code
+ Close
+ OK
+ Done
+ Retry
+ Change
+ Add
+ Approve
+ Confirm
+ Refresh
+ Connect
+ Reject
+ Disconnect
+ Start
+ Create
+ Advanced
+ Import
+ Watch Address
+ Reset
+ Reconnect
+ I Understand
+ Switch
+ Remove
+ Save
+ I Agree
+ Continue
+ Send
+ Search
+ Back
+ Copy
+ Browser
+ Delete
+ Learn More
+ Activate
+ Sign
+ Activating
+ Get API Keys
+ Log In
+ Sign Up
+ Submit
+ Try Again
+ Share
+ Apply
+ Set Amount
+ Can\'t be less than %1$s or more than %2$s
+ Wrong integer number
+ Error
+ n/a
+ Any
+ Sync error. Try Again
+ Percent
+ Keyboard
+ Note
+ This wallet seems to use a non-standard character in its recovery phrase and/or a passphrase. If you do not see a balance or transactions please read below for details.\n\nCLICK TO GET MORE INFO
+ This is a non-standard wallet. \n\nCLICK TO GET MORE INFO
+ Be Unstoppable
+ Unchain Assets
+ Don\'t lock yourself in and don\'t let others do that to you.
+ Go Borderless
+ Bypass conditional barriers and access markets globally.
+ Stay Private
+ Do not leak your private and financial data to the world.
+ I Understand
+ Privacy Settings
+ Advanced
+ Recovery Phrase
+ Word List
+ Passphrase
+ Password
+ Confirm
+ %s words (recommended)
+ %s words
+ Confirm
+ Passphrase cannot be empty
+ Please use only supported symbols: \ _ # @ | % ]]>
+ Passphrase confirmation does not match
+ Passphrases add additional security layer for wallets. To restore such wallet a user required both a recovery phrase as well as a passphrase.\n\nPassphrases also make it easy for users to have many multi-coin wallets using a single mnemonic but different passwords.
+ English
+ Japanese
+ Korean
+ Spanish
+ Chinese (Simplified)
+ Chinese (Traditional)
+ French
+ Italian
+ Czech
+ Portuguese
+ GM!
+ Enjoying Unstoppable? Share feedback and ideas to take it further.
+ Rate It
+ Not now
+ Advanced
+ Enter your wallet recovery phrase (aka mnemonic) which consists of 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words and may include additional alphanumeric password.
+ Incorrect Key
+ Wrong words count. It must be between 12 or 24 words. You entered: %d
+ Passphrase cannot be empty
+ Invalid Checksum
+ Enter the passphrase you used when creating this recovery phrase. Restoring an existing wallet with a new passphrase will generate a brand new wallet.
+ Choose Blockchains
+ Key
+ Import By
+ Import By
+ Recovery Phrase
+ Private Key
+ Enter EVM Private Key, BIP32 Root Key or Account Extended Private Key
+ Enter Recovery Phrase
+ Non-Standard Import
+ This page provides a special wallet restore mechanism to Unstoppable users who have a non-standard wallet. Such wallets might have been created in Unstoppable version 0.27 - 0.28 using a non-English recovery phrase and/or a special character in the wallet passphrase (i.e. diacritic symbol).\n\nIf you\'re an affected user then your wallet balance will be shown 0 after restoring such wallet in version 0.29 or above. This page will enable you to restore access to your non-standard wallet. Once restored you\'re recommended to create a new wallet (which will be standard compliant) and move funds there.
+ (recommended)
+ Invalid Key
+ Choose Coins
+ All
+ Birthday Height
+ ZCash
+ Zcash Birthday Height
+ Enter wallet\'s birthday height for faster synchronization.
+ 000000000 (optional)
+ Restore as New
+ New Wallet
+ Doesn\'t have any transactions
+ Existing Wallet
+ Has transactions
+ The initial synchronization with the blockchain can consume a lot of internet traffic.
+ Select CEX
+ Select the centralized exchange to which you want to connect.
+ Please provide the API Keys and API Secret to link your exchange.
+ API Key
+ Secret Key
+ Check…
+ MCap
+ Vol
+ Price
+ Markets
+ Search
+ Highest Cap
+ Lowest Cap
+ Highest Volume
+ Lowest Volume
+ Highest Price
+ Lowest Price
+ Sort by
+ Total M.Cap
+ BTC Dominance
+ 24h Volume
+ TVL in DeFi
+ DeFi Cap
+ See All
+ Powered By CoinGeko API
+ Powered By Horizontal API
+ Powered By DefiLlama API
+ Overview
+ News
+ Coins
+ Platforms
+ Pairs
+ Sectors
+ Watchlist
+ Your watchlist is empty.
+ Top Coins
+ Top Coins by market cap rank
+ Signals
+ Volume
+ Market Cap
+ Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently.
+ High confidence in price increase.
+ Likely price increase in near future.
+ No clear trend, market is in equilibrium.
+ Likely price decrease in near future.
+ High probability of price decrease.
+ Elevated risk level, requires caution.
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ Turn on
+ Top 100
+ Top 200
+ Top 300
+ Top 500
+ Top Market Pairs
+ Top trading pairs by volume in every exchanges
+ Top Market Pairs
+ Top Sectors
+ Sectors
+ Top Platforms
+ Top Blockchain Platforms
+ Leading blockchain platforms by cumulative market of projects built on top.
+ Protocols: %s
+ %s Ecosystem
+ Market cap of all protocols on the %s chain
+ Chart
+ Total Cap
+ BTC Dominance
+ 24h Vol.
+ DeFi Cap
+ Total market value of all cryptocurrencies.
+ The historical change in ratio between the market cap of Bitcoin to the rest of the cryptocurrency markets. \n\nTypically, when Bitcoin dominance is trending higher, the rest of the crypto market trends downwards and vice versa.
+ The 24h trading volume of the crypto market.
+ The historical change in daily aggregate trading volume for %s
+ Total market value of DeFi projects.
+ Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi.
+ Filter by chain
+ All
+ This coin is not supported yet
+ This project doesn\'t have a coin
+ Total Net Inflow
+ The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows.
+ Highest Assets
+ Lowest Assets
+ Inflow
+ Outflow
+ All
+ Total Net Assets
+ No results found
+ Filters
+ Results
+ Search
+ Browse categories
+ Choose Set
+ Market Cap
+ Trading Volume
+ Trading Volume (24h)
+ Price Period
+ Trading Signals
+ Price Change
+ 24 Hours
+ Midnight UTC
+ Blockchains
+ Outperformed BTC
+ Outperformed ETH
+ Outperformed BNB
+ Price Close To ATH
+ Price Close To ATL
+ Listed on Top Exchanges
+ Good CEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good DEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good Distribution
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Risky
+ Gainers
+ Top 100
+ Top 250
+ Top 500
+ Top 1000
+ Top 1500
+ Show Results
+ Show Results: %d
+ < 5M
+ 5M - 20M
+ 20M - 100M
+ 100M - 1B
+ 1B - 5B
+ > 5B
+ < 10M
+ 10M - 40M
+ 40M - 200M
+ 200M - 2B
+ 2B - 10B
+ > 10B
+ < 50M
+ 50M - 200M
+ 200M - 1B
+ 1B - 10B
+ 10B - 50B
+ > 50B
+ < 500M
+ 500M - 2B
+ 10B - 100B
+ 100B - 500B
+ > 500B
+ 1 Day
+ 1 Week
+ 2 Weeks
+ 1 Month
+ 3 Months
+ 6 Months
+ 1 Year
+ Manual
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ Highest Cap
+ Lowest Cap
+ %s Markets
+ Multi-Chain
+ Withdraw
+ Balance
+ Send
+ Swap
+ Deposit
+ Receive
+ Address
+ %1$s per %2$s
+ until %s
+ Syncing…
+ Searching transactions…
+ %s tx
+ Syncing… %s%%
+ Disabled coin %s
+ Balance
+ Sort by
+ Name
+ Price Change
+ hidden
+ Downloading Blocks
+ Scanning Blocks
+ You don\'t have any installed wallets yet.\nCreate a new wallet or restore an existing one
+ You haven\'t added any coins to this wallet.
+ This wallet address doesn\'t have any balance
+ You have no assets to send.
+ You have no assets to swap.
+ Network
+ Format
+ Choose network to get an address to receive.
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Watch address of %s
+ Choose a format for providing an address to receive.
+ Address Format
+ The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender\'s address format.
+ The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender\'s address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types.
+ Account
+ Not active
+ Amount
+ Set Amount
+ Address type
+ Locked
+ Processing
+ Broadcasting
+ Memo (Tag)
+ Can\'t recognize
+ This address is the address of the watched account
+ Provide required Memo (Tag) and send only network-compatible tokens. Others will be lost.
+ Used Addresses
+ %s addresses change for privacy and security. Below a list of used addresses in this wallet.
+ Receive Addresses
+ Change Addresses
+ Coin Name
+ Search
+ Send
+ Not Enough Balance
+ Send %s
+ Address or Domain
+ Fee
+ Blockchains require users to pay network fees when sending transactions. The fees are higher when a lot of transactions are taking place on the network.
+ Paste
+ Max
+ Advanced
+ TimeLock works only for sending to BIP44 addresses (starting with 1)
+ UTxO Expert Mode
+ Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance
+ Send To
+ Change
+ Replace by Fee
+ This option allows you to resend a stuck transaction by increasing the amount of the fee.
+ Enabled
+ Disabled
+ Available Balance
+ Unsellect All
+ Sellect All
+ Confirm
+ Domain
+ You Send
+ Amount
+ To
+ Own
+ Method
+ Receiver
+ Duration
+ Send
+ Action
+ \u2713 Sent
+ Camera permission
+ Please grant the camera permission
+ No camera permission
+ Access to your camera for this app was denied, you can go to settings and allow access
+ Go to Settings
+ Incorrect Address
+ Time locking works only when sending to payment addresses starting with 1... (aka BIP44 addresses)
+ Balance %s
+ Min. amount %s
+ Max. amount %s
+ Min. required remainder %s
+ Unstoppable doesn\'t support payments to a transparent address
+ Sending to yourself is not supported
+ Available Balance
+ Transaction Speed
+ Fee
+ Next
+ Off
+ 1 hour
+ 1 month
+ 6 months
+ 1 year
+ Sending
+ Fee Rate
+ Transaction fees for %1$s (%2$s) paid in %3$s. You need %4$s.
+ Warning! Risk of getting stuck
+ Fee Error
+ Fee Rate is too low.
+ The transaction may get stuck or fail
+ Fee Error
+ The connection to the server has been lost. To proceed, set up the fees manually using the data on the site.
+ Advanced
+ Transaction Nonce
+ The nonce is a unique integer value for a transaction within the user\'s wallet. It normally increments with each submitted transaction and does not need changing. Advanced users can set it equal to a nonce of a pending transaction in order to cancel and replace that transaction, as long as the new transaction has a sufficiently higher fee to prevent the old one from being confirmed instead (for example, they may want to speed up its confirmation, or to change transaction parameters entirely). When multiple pending transactions have the same nonce, only one gets confirmed, typically the one with the highest fee.
+ Used Nonce
+ An executed transaction with this nonce already exists.
+ Fee Settings
+ Reset
+ Max Fee
+ The maximum expected total fee for the given transaction. Typically, the actual transaction fee is going to be lower.
+ Max Fee
+ The maximum estimated transaction fee to be paid for this transaction, computed based on the gas limit, max fee rate and max priority fee values below. The actual fee paid will normally be lower.
+ Network Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network.
+ Transaction complexity is measured in units called \"gas\". It varies depending on the smart contract being executed. The Gas Limit is the estimated maximum gas needed to execute it. The actual gas used will normally be lower.
+ The fee for transacting on the network is measured in gas units. Gas Price is the amount a user is willing to spend per unit of gas. When the network is busy, gas prices are high, and low when it\'s idle. An insufficient gas price is often a reason for a transaction to remain pending for an extended period.
+ Base Fee
+ The network protocol determines the base price per gas for each block, called base fee rate. It varies according to the network utilization level from block to block. It can increase or decrease by no more than 12.5% in the next block, making fees more predictable. The value shown here is the current block\'s base fee rate.
+ Max Fee Rate
+ This is the maximum total price per gas the user is willing to pay. It must cover the network\'s base fee rate and max priority fee rate. The value shown here is suggested based on an estimate of the next block\'s base fee rate plus the max priority fee rate chosen by the user. The actual fee rate paid will normally be lower. Setting this lower than the current base fee rate will limit the fee paid, but will result in longer waiting times for the transaction to be confirmed, or even in a stuck transaction.
+ Max Priority Fee
+ Users pay priority fees to incentivize a transaction to be confirmed more quickly. They are sometimes called tips. The max priority fee rate is the maximum additional price per gas the user is willing to pay on top of the base fee rate. The value shown here is suggested based on predicted network conditions. The actual priority fee will normally be lower. Setting this to zero may result in a long waiting time for transaction to be confirmed, as it is placed at the end of the pending transactions queue from all users.
+ Risky
+ The transaction may remain pending for a while or fail entirely.
+ Risky
+ To ensure speedy execution of the transaction the max fee rate (subtracted max. miner tip) should be higher than current base fee rate. If not transaction may remain pending until condition is met.
+ Fee Too High
+ The set transaction fee is higher than necessary for processing this transaction now.
+ I Understand
+ Fee Rate (SAT/BYTE)
+ Here is the recommended value for hitting the next 2 blocks
+ Blockchains require users to pay network fees when sending transactions. The fees are higher when a lot of transactions are taking place on the network.
+ \n\nThe Unstoppable wallet estimates fee based on the current blockchain activity and recommends the optimal value in order for the transaction to be processed within reasonable amount of time.
+ \n\nThe recommended fee rate shown as the amount of satoshi user needs to pay for a single byte of the transaction. Thus, the total fee depends on the total size of the transaction which is measured in bytes.
+ \n\nUsers may use provided controls to increase or decrease the fee rate value. The change in fee rate changes the total fee for the transaction the user will pay.
+ \n\nSetting fee rate below recommended value may result in a transaction being held as pending for hours, or being rejected. The lower the value, the longer it will take for the transaction to confirm. For transactions where priority is important, we recommend setting higher fee rate.
+ Transaction Speed
+ Both Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains require users to pay network fees when sending transactions. The fees are higher when a lot of transactions are taking place on the network and lower when the blockchain is less busy.
+ Low
+ Selecting a value from this range may result in a transaction being held as pending for hours, or being rejected. The lower the value, the longer it will take for the transaction to confirm.
+ Recommended
+ Typically, the recommended fee value should be sufficient for a transaction to be processed within minutes or an hour for Bitcoin and within minutes for Ethereum.
+ High
+ For transactions where priority is important, we recommend using the high fee value. It\'s expected to be sufficient for a transaction to be completed within 10 minutes for Bitcoin and within 1-2 minutes for Ethereum.
+ Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network. (Without excluding Energy, Bandwidth and Activating Fee)
+ Activation Fee
+ This address is not active. Transferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account.
+ Resources Consumed
+ Bandwidth is the unit that measures the size of the transaction bytes stored in the blockchain database. The larger the transaction, the more bandwidth resources will be consumed.\n\nEnergy is the unit that measures the amount of computation required by the TRON virtual machine to perform specific operations on the TRON network.\n\nSince smart contract transactions require computing resources to execute, each smart contract transaction requires to pay for the energy fee.
+ This address is not active
+ (not active)
+ Not Active Address
+ Newly created accounts on the TRON blockchain are inactive and cannot be queried or explored. They need to be activated.\n\nTransferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account. Activating a new account on the Tron chain requires a fee of 1 TRX
+ Cannot transfer TRX to yourself
+ Cannot transfer 0 %s
+ Account Not Active
+ New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated.
+ New Connection
+ Invalid URL Address
+ Unnamed
+ Wallet
+ Choose a Wallet
+ Request
+ Send
+ Approve
+ Swap
+ Contract Call
+ Status
+ Signed Transactions
+ By clicking connect, you allow this app to view your public address. This is important security step to protect your data from potential phishing risks.
+ You can go to the browser. Do not close this page while interacting in the browser.
+ Failed to establish connection. Try reconnecting again.
+ Invalid URL Address
+ WalletConnect v2 is not supported
+ Requirement
+ Alert
+ Offline
+ Online
+ Connecting…
+ New Connection
+ Disconnecting
+ Sign Request
+ Domain
+ Message to sign
+ Please sign a message to authenticate
+ Sign
+ You need to create or import a wallet before you can use WalletConnect
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
+ This feature does not work with the watch only wallets, you need to switch to a restored or created wallet
+ Unsupported Blockchain
+ No suitable account
+ No suitable evm kit
+ Data parsing error
+ Unsupported chains: %s
+ Unsupported methods: %s
+ Unsupported events: %s
+ Request not found error
+ You don\’t have any connected dapps
+ Pending Requests
+ Active Wallet
+ Address
+ Network
+ Input
+ Version 1.0
+ Version 2.0
+ I trust
+ Note
+ Signing this message can be dangerous. This signature could potentially perform any operation on behalf of your account, including giving full control of your account and all of its assets to the requesting site. Sign this message only if you know what you are doing or fully trust the requesting site.
+ You current wallet type %s does not support WalletConnect
+ Unnamed
+ Unknown dApp
+ Pairings
+ Paired dApps
+ Delete All
+ Do you want to delete all paired dApss?
+ Delete
+ Delete All Pairs
+ Unsupported Request
+ Unsupported
+ This request format is not supported by the wallet
+ Warning
+ Error
+ Insufficient Balance
+ The transaction requires %s for sending
+ The current %s balance is below the amount required to process this transaction, including the transaction fee.
+ Low Fee
+ The set transaction fee amount is insufficient for processing this transaction now.
+ Insufficient Liquidity
+ Likely there is not enough liquidity available to process this trade. Try lowering the amount.
+ Estimation Error
+ Check balance to ensure there is enough %s to cover fee. Or try increasing price slippage amount and try again. Will auto-retry in 3 sec…
+ Consider leaving some %s on balance to be able to pay for future transactions.
+ Unexpected error: %s
+ Swap
+ Best Price
+ You Pay
+ You Get
+ Select
+ Available balance
+ Allowance
+ Price
+ Available Balance
+ Sell Price
+ Buy Price
+ Price Impact
+ Unstoppable has disabled swap action for this trade because you\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.\nIf you still want to swap please use %s website instead.
+ Important! You\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.
+ Guaranteed Amount
+ Estimated Fee
+ Max Fee
+ Fee
+ Slippage
+ Recipient
+ No Providers
+ No Quote
+ Insufficient balance
+ Balance n/a
+ Can\'t swap these tokens
+ This service doesn\'t allow wrapping/unwrapping. Use 1inch instead.
+ High price impact
+ Token Not Enabled
+ Wallet is Syncing
+ Wallet Not Synced
+ Next
+ Select Token In
+ Select Token Out
+ Enter Amount
+ Unlock
+ Unlocking...
+ Revoke
+ Revoking...
+ Approve
+ Approving
+ Swapping
+ Quoting
+ Maximum Amount
+ Guaranteed Amount
+ Powered by
+ Provider
+ Providers
+ Swap Provider
+ (est)
+ (min)
+ (max)
+ Coin
+ Route not found
+ You Pay
+ You Get
+ Confirm
+ Quote expired
+ Fetching final quote
+ Swap Settings
+ Service
+ Slippage Tolerance
+ Your transaction will revert if the price changes unfavorably by more than this percentage
+ Transaction Deadline
+ Your transaction will revert if it is pending for more than this long.
+ Recipient Address
+ After the exchange operation, the amount will be transferred to the specified address
+ Apply
+ %s min
+ Address or domain
+ Zero Deadline
+ Zero Slippage
+ Your transaction is likely to fail.
+ Slippage Tolerance can’t be more than %s%%
+ Invalid address
+ Invalid %s address
+ Invalid Slippage
+ Invalid Deadline
+ Your transaction may be frontrun
+ Confirmation
+ Guaranteed
+ Maximum
+ Estimated
+ Swap Approve
+ You can exchange %s, or you need to revoke and approve the new amount
+ Revoke
+ Revoking
+ Approve
+ You should grant permission to a smart contract to swap given token on your behalf. This permission sets amount that can be used by a smart contract. It doesn\'t affect your balance but requires a small fee to execute approval transaction. \n\nWhile it may be done on demand before each trade, it\'s cheaper to approve higher amount in advance for future trades.
+ You already have an allowance for this amount
+ Spender
+ You Approve
+ You Revoke
+ Unlock Access
+ Allow access to the following amount
+ Grant permission to a smart contract for token trading on your behalf, specifying the allowed amount. No impact on your balance, but incurs a small fee for approval.\n\nPre-approving a higher amount for future trades is cost-effective compared to on-demand approvals.
+ Unlimited
+ Allowance
+ The amount an exchange can spend on a user\’s behalf when executing token swaps. A proceeding transaction setting sufficient allowance is required before an actual swap transaction can take place.
+ Price Impact
+ The expected price deviation from a shown price, typically increases with the swap amount.
+ Guaranteed Amount
+ Maximum Spend
+ Receive %s
+ Share
+ Your Address
+ Address
+ Transactions
+ You don\’t have any pending or past transactions yet
+ Please wait for the sync to finish.
+ Pending
+ Received
+ Completed
+ Processing
+ Sent
+ Burned
+ Minted
+ Approved
+ Swapped
+ Failed
+ Contract Call
+ External Call
+ Contract Creation
+ Contract Deploy
+ to %s
+ from %s
+ unlimited %s
+ unlimited
+ All
+ Blockchain
+ Coin
+ Contacts
+ All Blockchains
+ All Coins
+ All Contacts
+ Choose Coin
+ Choose Blockchain
+ Received
+ Sent
+ Swaps
+ Approvals
+ Unknown Transaction
+ Ton Transaction
+ Transaction can not be parsed
+ Multiple
+ Filter
+ Hide suspicious tx
+ Hiding incoming transactions with the dust amount in stablecoins, this partially solves the address poisoning attack problems.
+ Filtering by contacts works on the following blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton and ZCash. Below are the suitable contacts
+ You don\'t have any suitable contacts
+ Transaction
+ Transaction Info
+ Swap Approval
+ Status
+ Confirmed
+ Date
+ ID
+ Service
+ Raw Transaction
+ Contact Name
+ To
+ From
+ Spender
+ Locked until %s
+ Unlocked at %s
+ Recipient
+ Historical Rate
+ Fee
+ Fee (est.)
+ The transaction is sent to own address
+ Double Spend Risk!
+ View on %s
+ Price
+ You Pay
+ You Paid
+ You Get
+ You Got
+ You Sent
+ Received
+ Sent
+ Approved
+ Resend
+ Revoke Approval
+ Options
+ Speed Up
+ Cancel
+ This transaction is suspicious and can be a scam.\nPlease do not copy any addresses from this transaction.
+ This action will attempt to invalidate the previous transaction by resending it with a higher fee.
+ Pending
+ Processing
+ Completed
+ Failed
+ The transaction has not been confirmed on the blockchain yet. Transactions sent with a recommended or higher fee setting are generally processed within a few minutes. Transactions sent with a low fee may remain pending for a few hours or even days, and can even be rejected. Note that status of an individual transaction in Unstoppable wallet interface typically updated with a short delay.
+ The transaction has been already included in the blockchain but has not reached permanent finality. At this point, it\'s safe to consider the transaction as completed for smaller payments. For larger payments, it\'s recommended to wait until the transaction status changes to completed.
+ Transaction is completed and considered permanent and irreversible.
+ The transaction did not get processed and no value transfer took place. Depending on the fail reason, some failed transactions may consume transaction fees. Transactions that were replaced or cancelled by another transaction do not consume transaction fees and will also appear sa failed. The Unstoppable app is unable to show the reason for failed transactions, but users are able to look it up themselves on a public block explorer i.e. etherscan.io.
+ Speed Up
+ Resend
+ Cancel
+ Cancel Transaction
+ Transaction already in block
+ Replaced Transactions
+ Fee (Sat)
+ Fee Too Low
+ RBF not enabled
+ Unable to replace
+ The sender sent these funds with a spending lock that will expire on %s.\n\nNo worries, the received Bitcoins are already yours, but until the lock period expires you can not spend them on the Bitcoin network.
+ The sender sent these funds with a spending lock that will expire on the shown date. \n\nNo worries, the received Bitcoins are already yours, but until the lock period expires you cannot spend them on the Bitcoin network.
+ Broadcast
+ The transaction holding this amount is broadcasted but not yet accepted by the network.
+ Processing amount
+ Transactions with this amount still syncing. And when they are confirmed, these tokens will be available for spending
+ Double Spend
+ Double Spend Risk! There is another transaction on the blockchain that is trying to spend inputs used in this transaction. Only one transaction will be accepted by the network
+ This Tx
+ Conflicting Tx
+ Academy
+ Page not found
+ Base Currency
+ Disclaimer
+ The exchange rate data is provided by a third party service - Coingecko.com.\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet app doesn\'t guarantee these values are always correct and matches market data. The chance for inconsistency is higher if you select any base currency other than %s.
+ I Understand
+ Settings
+ Security
+ Notifications
+ Experimental
+ Base Currency
+ Language
+ Theme
+ Terms
+ Privacy
+ Tell Friends
+ App Status
+ Rate Us
+ Launch Screen
+ Appearance
+ via Telegram
+ via E-mail
+ Auto-Lock
+ Be Unstoppable
+ Learn and master crypto via exclusive videos. Get to know us informally. Be the first to see things we work on.
+ Personal Support
+ Enter your Telegram account name to start a personal support chat with our team. We\'ll get back to you and start working on your problem as soon as we see it.
+ You\'ve already requested a private chat, find it on Telegram
+ Account
+ \@username
+ Requested
+ Request
+ New Request
+ Request failed
+ Open Telegram
+ Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!
+ Donate
+ Get your tokens
+ Donate %s
+ Donate with
+ Donation Address
+ Addresses
+ Or select a coin to donate
+ Immediate
+ 1 minute
+ 5 minutes
+ 15 minutes
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
+ Balance Conversion
+ Balance Value
+ Changing icon will close application
+ Hide Markets
+ Hide Buttons
+ This configuration hides the Send, Receive, and Swap buttons on Balance tab.
+ Balance Auto Hide
+ Automatically hides balance each time the app is opened, regardless of previous preferences.
+ Price Change %
+ Coin Value
+ Fiat Value
+ About App
+ Website
+ What\'s New
+ App Version
+ Blockchain Settings
+ Backup Manager
+ Restore Backup
+ Create New Backup
+ Backup File
+ Restore
+ List of contents in the backup file.
+ Warning
+ Replace
+ This action will overwrite your local payment contacts.
+ Backup required
+ Watch Wallets
+ Watchlist
+ Custom RPC
+ App Settings
+ Language, Currency, Appearance …
+ Unstoppable doesn\'t collect personal data that expose your private information i.e. coin balances or addresses. While we gather some UI usage statistics, it\'s solely for understanding our user base and app usage trends. That can be disabled if you wish.
+ The wallet does not gather any personal data.
+ There are no user accounts or databases storing user data.
+ If allowed the wallet will share app usage habits with Unstoppable team. This is to understand which features are being used (or not) by our users. Being a privacy focused app we need some way to evaluate our efforts and without this we have no idea whether the features we built are being used or not.
+ Share UI data
+ Add New
+ Added
+ Sync Mode
+ RPC Url
+ Add RPC Source
+ Name
+ Basic Auth(optional)
+ RPC Source with this url already exists
+ Entered url is invalid. Valid url must have one of the following schemes: https, wss
+ After changing source the wallet will have to resync itself.
+ Choose the source Unstoppable app should use for synchronizing wallet(s).
+ Inputs/Outputs
+ Transaction Settings
+ Transaction Inputs / Outputs
+ Make your BTC, LTC, BCH transactions harder to trace by changing the way transactions are structured.
+ Most Bitcoin transactions, as well as transactions in alike cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin Cash, Dash, and Litecoin, generate two outputs. One output is the amount that goes to the receiver and the other is the change output that is returned to the sender. The way most wallets construct transactions makes it easy for a third party to understand which of the outputs went to the receiving party and which one was the change amount returned to the sender. As the output returned to the sender is later used in future transactions, a connection between these two transactions becomes apparent.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet implements measures to make it harder for someone to figure out which output goes where.
+\n\nThere are two options available to Unstoppable users:
+\n\n1. Shuffle: The order of transaction outputs is randomized on every transaction. Sometimes change can be the first output, sometimes it can be the second. If a user trusts the developer of the app, then consider this a recommended option.
+\n\n2. Deterministic: There is a commonly agreed standard for ordering transaction outputs (known as BIP69). In open-source wallets, that standard ensures wallet users do not need to trust how developers of the app implement the ordering of the outputs. As this standard is new, not many wallets have implemented it yet. As a result, it\'s somewhat possible to see on the blockchain whether a transaction was sent from a wallet that uses that standard or not.
+ Info
+ Privacy
+ Biometrics
+ Enabling Biometric Authentication may potentially weaken the security of your device when compared to plain PIN lock code.
+ Enable Passcode
+ Disable Passcode
+ Edit Passcode
+ Set Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Disable Duress Passcode
+ A specialized mode designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion.
+ Manage Wallets
+ This action will restart Unstoppable Wallet.
+ Fully anonymize your internet while using this app. Note, in some cases WalletConnect feature for DeFi apps may be very slow or not work at all.
+ The notifications for the Unstoppable Wallet app are disabled. You need to turn on Notifications and allow background app refresh in order to be able to receive price change alerts.
+ Shuffle
+ Random Indexing
+ Deterministic
+ Deterministic BIP69
+ Lexicographical Indexing
+ Blockchair API
+ Very Fast
+ Fast
+ Blockchain
+ Slow. Highest Privacy.
+ Duress Passcode
+ Set a passcode for Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Enter new passcode for Duress Mode
+ Duress Mode
+ This mode allows user to setup multiple unlock app passcodes where a desired passcode shows only specified wallets. Designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion or threats.
+ Biometrics
+ The Biometric Authentication feature will work to unlock the Duress Mode. You can disable Biometric Authentication for convenience.
+ Passcode Disabling
+ Disabling the passcode in the main mode will automatically reset the duress mode.
+ Passcode Change
+ Changing the passcode in the Duress Mode will also change the current PIN code for that mode.
+ Select Wallets
+ Select the wallets that will be displayed in duress mode.
+ The Unstoppable wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.
+\n\nIt\'s a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn\'t collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user\'s funds to a specific wallet app.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to.
+ Securely backup recovery phrases for each wallet. It\'s the only way to regain access to funds if the app malfunctions.
+ The wallet recovery phrases are randomly generated on the device during setup and are not stored elsewhere.
+ Disabling unlock PIN (code) on the smartphone deletes all wallets from the app. Recovery phrases will be needed to restore access to funds.
+ Jailbreaking (rooting), using outdated OS, and installing apps from unknown sources may endanger the safety of funds.
+ There may be undiscovered software issues in the code powering this app which may cause the app to malfunction.
+ Share
+ Be Unstoppable
+ Contact Us
+ Set price change alerts for the coins you would like to watch.\n\nYou will be alerted when the change in price for the last 24 hours exceeds the selected threshold.\n\nPrice Trend Alert warns of a trend change for the short 1 week, for the long 6 month.
+ The notifications for Unstoppable Wallet app are disabled. You need to turn them on in order to be able to receive price change alerts.
+ Turn on in Settings
+ Off
+ Reset All
+ Push Notification
+ Notifications
+ %1$s price: Up %2$s%% ⬆️
+ %1$s price: Down %2$s%% ⬇️
+ %s trend: Up 📈
+ %s trend: Down 📉
+ Price Change 24h
+ Trend Change
+ Short Term 7D
+ Short
+ Long Term 6M
+ Long
+ Auto
+ Balance
+ Market Overview
+ Watchlist
+ Theme
+ Dark
+ Light
+ System
+ Receiver requires non-empty memo in transfer transaction
+ Requires the memo to contain only digits
+ No Internet
+ Copied
+ Created
+ Imported
+ Address Added
+ Done
+ Verified
+ Email address copied
+ Added To Watchlist
+ Added To Wallet
+ Removed from Wallet
+ Already added to wallet
+ Removed from Watchlist
+ Removed
+ Wait for synchronization
+ Coin Manager
+ Name, code or contract address
+ Add Token
+ No results found. Try to add token manually if you know its smart contract address.
+ There are 4 common address formats %1$s wallets can use to receive incoming payments:
+\n- BIP-44 (older)
+\n- BIP-49
+\n- BIP-84 (recommended)
+\n- BIP-86 (newest)
+\nWhile Unstoppable wallet supports all 4 of them it recommends to use a %2$s wallet operating in BIP-84 format. The wallets operating in this format get to pay lowest fees when sending %3$s transactions.
+ There are 2 address formats Bitcoin Cash wallets can use to receive incoming payments:
+\n- TYPE0 (older)
+\n- TYPE145 (newer)
+\nWhile Unstoppable wallet supports both of them it recommends to use a Bitcoin Cash wallet operating in TYPE145 format.
+ Experimental
+ The features below are experimental and should be used with caution. While we have thoroughly tested these features using our own crypto funds, we cannot guarantee they will work as expected in all possible cases.
+ This enables you to send Bitcoins that cannot be spent until a specified date. \n\nThe receiver of such transactions should use the Unstoppable wallet app version 0.10 or newer, with the BIP44 address format for Bitcoin. \n\nOnly the Unstoppable wallet can correctly identify such transactions on the Bitcoin network, as well as enable the receiver to spend those Bitcoins after the lock period expires. \n\nIf you’re a HODLer, you may use this feature to force yourself into hodling your Bitcoins by sending such transactions to yourself. \n\nBeing an experimental feature, the maximum amount per transaction is limited to 0.5 BTC.
+ This option activates Ethereum\'s Goerli testnet only for GoerliETH token and adds it to the coin manager.\n\nIt only affects GoerliETH token while all other EVM and Ethereum tokens operate over mainnet. In other words, only transactions in GoerliETH go through Goerli testnet, while all other EVM token transfers including ETH go through mainnet.
+ Manage Wallets
+ New Wallet
+ Import Wallet
+ Watch Wallet
+ from File
+ Import a backup file from your local folder.
+ from Recovery Phrase
+ Import using recovery phrase or private key.
+ from Exchange Wallet
+ Connect to a wallet on centralized exchange.
+ Watch Address
+ Observing mode of EVM-Chain and BTC, LTC, DASH addresses
+ Invalid Json File
+ This file is not a valid backup of the wallet, or the file has been corrupted and cannot be restored.
+ Select Another File
+ Enter Password
+ Enter the backup password to import your wallet.
+ Invalid Password
+ Backup Password
+ Enter Your EVM, TRON, TON or Public Address (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash) or Account xPubKey.
+ Watch
+ Choose Blockchains
+ Choose Coins
+ Address format is not supported
+ Name
+ Save
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
+ Show Phrase
+ Network Settings
+ Unlink Wallet
+ Backup Required
+ You need to backup %1$s before you may receive %2$s.
+ This action will delete the selected wallet from this device.
+ If you didn\'t backup the private key for this wallet, you will lose access to your funds.
+ Migration Required
+ %s Birthday Height
+ %s words
+ %s words with passphrase
+ Switch Wallet
+ Wallets
+ Watch Wallets
+ Select wallet for quick switch
+ Do you want to stop watching this wallet address?
+ You need to backup %1$s
+ Network Settings
+ switches automatically
+ MainNet HTTP network uses the links listed below and switches automatically.
+ Please do not select Testnet options unless you understand what that is and how it works.\n\nTestnet is a parallel blockchain for testing purposes with its own currency. If someone sends a regular payment to your Testnet address, it will be lost.
+ Key
+ The recovery phrases that will be shown next is the only way to restore your funds if your phone is ever lost, stolen, broken, etc.\n\nMake sure no one is watching your screen.
+ Show
+ Passphrase
+ Close
+ Recovery Phrase
+ Private Key
+ Public Keys
+ Warning
+ Risk of Private Key copy
+ As a security measure we recommend not to use copy action on private key.
+ I will risk it
+ Don\'t copy
+ This key is for all EVM-compatible blockchains.\n\nAs a security measure we recommend not to use copy action on private key.
+ Backup Recovery Phrase
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
+ Backup
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
+ Later
+ Complete one of the wallet backup options to start using the wallet.
+ It\'s recommended to have a manual backup for each wallet.
+ Local Backup
+ Save and Backup
+ Set Password
+ Backup Saved
+ At least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one symbol.
+ This password is used to encrypt backup file of your wallet. It can\'t be recovered or reset if lost or forgotten.
+ Set unlock password for your backup. It must consist of at least 8 symbols and include at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number and a special character.
+ Storage devices i.e. hard drives, USB drives , storage on smartphone etc. are all vulnerable to loss due to physical damage, theft or other unforeseen circumstances.
+ I understand that theft or damage of a backup device will result in loss of a backup to a respective wallet.
+ Recovery Phrase
+ Write these words down in the correct order and keep them in a safe place
+ Tap to show recovery phrase
+ Verify
+ Risk of Copying
+ EVM Private Key
+ This key is for all EVM-compatible blockchains. Do not share it with anyone.
+ Tap to show private key
+ BIP32 Root Key
+ Tap to show private key
+ To do
+ Private Keys
+ EVM Private Key
+ Grants full control over EVM based crypto i.e Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain etc. within respective wallet.
+ Grants full control over the assets on the respective wallet.
+ Account Extended Private Key
+ Grants full control over Bitcoin and other UTXO based crypto i.e. Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash etc. within respective wallet.
+ Never share this key with anyone. Unstoppable Wallet support team will never ask for it.
+ Public Keys
+ EVM Address
+ Allows read-only monitoring of wallets holding assets on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and other EVM based blockchains.
+ Allows read-only monitoring of wallets holding Bitcoin and other UTXO based crypto (i.e Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash etc.).
+ Verify
+ Select requested words from your wallet recovery phrase
+ Backup
+ The recovery phrases that will be shown next is the only way to restore your funds if your phone is ever lost, stolen, broken, etc.\n\nMake sure no one is watching your screen.
+ Backup
+ Enter the recovery phrases in the correct order to confirm
+ Entered words are empty or invalid
+ Empty word
+ Invalid word
+ Empty passphrase
+ Invalid passphrase
+ Delete Wallet
+ This action will delete the %s Wallet from the device.
+ Delete from Phone
+ Stop Watching
+ You need to set up %1$s wallet to be able to send or receive %2$s.\n\nUse the Create button below to set up a new %3$s wallet, or the Restore button to import an existing one.\n\nYou will be able to use this wallet for: %4$s.
+ Create
+ Restore
+ Choose Blockchain
+ Adding Token
+ ERC20 Tokens
+ BEP20 Tokens
+ BEP2 Tokens
+ Enable Token
+ Enable all %s coins that have any balance
+ Enabling
+ Enabled %d coins
+ Did not find any new tokens with balance
+ Enable
+ Add Token
+ Coin Name
+ Symbol
+ Coin Code
+ Decimals
+ …
+ Contract Address
+ Choose Token
+ Blockchain
+ This token is already in the Coin Manager list
+ Invalid contract address
+ Invalid BEP2 symbol
+ BEP2 symbol not found
+ Contract address not found in %s blockchain
+ Address Format
+ Select address format for receiving payments. A correct format should be chosen when restoring an existing wallet.
+ Native
+ Coin Type
+ This token exists on multiple blockchains.
+ Restore Source
+ After this change the wallet will have to resync itself with the %s blockchain.
+ Communication
+ Common before 2018
+ Common after 2018
+ Connection
+ Enable Tor
+ Disable Tor
+ Internet
+ Starting Tor...
+ Error starting Tor !
+ Connecting Tor…
+ Connected
+ Failed to Connect Tor
+ Disconnected
+ Tor is active
+ Activating TOR will reset Ethereum blockchain connection back to Infura.
+ Coin Info
+ Price
+ Markets
+ Analytics
+ Tweets
+ 1D
+ 7D
+ 1M
+ 2W
+ 3M
+ 6M
+ 1Y
+ 2Y
+ 5Y
+ All
+ Markets
+ Trading Volume
+ Major Holders
+ The number of tokens held by the top 10 wallets. Quality projects typically have a widely distributed token.
+ Audits
+ No audit reports
+ Powered by Defiyield.app
+ Issues: %d
+ Investor Data
+ Filters
+ Powered by Bitcointreasuries.net
+ Reports
+ Funds Invested
+ Privacy
+ Low
+ Medium
+ High
+ Issuance
+ Centralized
+ Decentralized
+ Confiscation-resistance
+ Censorship-resistance
+ Audits
+ 24h Range
+ About
+ Overview
+ Category
+ Categories
+ Contracts
+ Blockchains
+ BIPs
+ Coin Types
+ Links
+ Guide
+ Website
+ Whitepaper
+ No twitter available
+ No tweets yet
+ Quoted %s
+ Retweeted %s
+ Replying to %s
+ See on Twitter
+ Market Cap
+ Diluted MCap
+ In Circulation
+ Total Supply
+ K
+ M
+ B
+ T
+ Q
+ MCap / TVL Ratio
+ The ratio of the project token\'s market cap over its TVL.
+ Vol
+ No Data
+ No data available
+ Add To Wallet
+ In Wallet
+ Favorite
+ Unfavorite
+ 1 Week
+ 1 Month
+ Read More
+ Read Less
+ Show More
+ Show Less
+ Inception Date
+ Total Value Locked
+ TVL Rank
+ The ranking among other protocols is based on the TVL value in USD terms.
+ M.cap / TVL ratio
+ The ratio of the project token\'s market cap over its TVL.
+ Capital deposited into the platform in the form of loan collateral or liquidity pool.
+ %s Contract
+ BEP2 Symbol
+ Top Wallets
+ The chart above shows the \%% of all tokens in circulation held by the top 10 wallets. The lower the \%% the more distributed the coin is.
+ in Top 10 Holders
+ Total Holders: %s
+ Lead
+ Get access to advanced wallet features by holding Unstoppable NFTs.
+ [%s]\nNot found
+ Indicators
+ Moving Averages
+ Oscillators
+ The EMA, SMA, and WMA are moving averages used in technical analysis:\n\nEMA emphasizes recent prices for quicker reactions.\nSMA averages price data for a general trend view.\nWMA balances sensitivity and noise reduction by linearly weighting recent data.
+ The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures price speed and change, identifying overbought (above 70) or oversold (below 30) market conditions. It can also detect price reversals through divergences.
+ The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a momentum indicator that tracks the relationship between two EMAs of a security\'s price. It signals buying or selling opportunities when the MACD line (12-period EMA minus 26-period EMA) crosses the 9-period EMA, known as the signal line.
+ Insufficient Data
+ There are not enough data points to display the EMA 1 indicator. Please adjust the time period to generate a view of the moving average line.Not enough point to display EMA 1.
+ Type
+ Period
+ RSI Length
+ Fast Length
+ Slow Length
+ Signal Smoothing
+ Indicators available only for Unstoppable Wallet premium users.
+ This is an AI-generated description based on the provided reference material for the given cryptocurrency. It may contain errors.
+ Verified
+ All
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on centralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading decentralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on decentralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ DEXes that are being tracked:
+ Total currently available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ Chart showing variation in available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ DEXes that are being tracked:
+ Total number of unique daily active addresses over 24-hour period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily active address count over 1 year period.
+ Total number of unique blockchain addresses transacting with token over 30-day period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of active wallets transacting with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of daily active addresses transacting with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total number of unique blockchain transactions with token over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in transaction count over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of transactions with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of transactions with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ The total number of tokens transferred over the blockchain over the 30 day period.
+ Total number of unique addresses holding the token on various blockchains.
+ Top 10 wallets holding the token on each blockchain.
+ Tracked blockchains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon
+ Total-Value-Locked (or Assets Under Management) in the project\'s smart contracts.
+ Chart showing variation Total-Value-Locked in project\'s smart contracts over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ Market Cap / TVL ratio for the project.
+ Total revenue generated for the token holders over 30-day period. Typically, fees are collected by token stakers or though a token burn mechanism.
+ Token\'s rank is based on the revenue generated over a 30-day period for token stakers.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the revenue generated for token stakers over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Summary: This is a general overview of an asset\'s technicals, considering a variety of technical indicators and timeframes. It provides a consensus viewpoint (Buy, Sell, or Neutral) based on these indicators.
+ Moving Averages (MA): These are commonly used technical indicators that smooth out price data to create a trend-following indicator. They show the average price over a specific time period. There are several types of MAs:\n\nSimple Moving Average (SMA): This calculates the average of a selected range of prices, usually closing prices, by the number of periods in that range.\n\nExponential Moving Average (EMA): This gives more weight to recent prices, thereby responding more quickly to recent price changes.
+ Oscillators: These are technical indicators that fluctuate over time within a band (above and below a center line, or between set levels). They are designed to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in a market. Here are some common oscillators:\n\nRelative Strength Index (RSI): This measures the speed and change of price movements. It is usually used to identify overbought or oversold conditions.\n\nMoving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): This is used to identify potential buy and sell signals. It triggers technical signals when it crosses above (to buy) or below (to sell) its signal line.
+ This project has no analytical data
+ CEX Volume
+ CEX Volume Rank
+ Tokens ranked by trading volume for the token on centralized exchanges.
+ DEX Volume
+ DEX Volume Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by trading volume for the token on decentralized exchanges.
+ DEX Liquidity
+ DEX Liquidity Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ Daily Active Addresses
+ Active Addresses Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by a number of unique addresses transacting with the token.
+ Transaction Count
+ Tx Count Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by number of transactions on a blockchain.
+ Holders
+ Project TVL
+ Project TVL (Total Value Locked)
+ M.Cap / TVL Ratio
+ Project Revenue
+ Project Fee
+ Project Revenue Rank
+ Project Fee Rank
+ Holders Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by revenue generated for holders via mechanisms i.e. staking or token burns.
+ Tokens are ranked according to fees generated by respective projects. The way fees are collected varies from project to project.
+ Ranking tokens by unique addresses holding them on multiple blockchains.
+ Other Data
+ Reports
+ Funding
+ Audits
+ last 30d
+ current
+ Rank
+ 30-Day Rank
+ 30-Day Unique Addresses
+ 30-Day Volume
+ Overall Score
+ Excellent
+ Good
+ Fair
+ Poor
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on centralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on decentralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily active addresses over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total value locked (assets under management) on the project represented by the given token.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily transaction count over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total number of addresses holding the respective tokens.
+ Technical Indicators
+ Details
+ Select Period
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
+ 4 hours
+ 8 hours
+ 1 day
+ 1 week
+ 1 month
+ Strong Buy
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ No Data
+ Smart Contract Analysis
+ High Risk Items
+ Medium Risk Items
+ Risky
+ Attention Required
+ Powered by De.Fi
+ %d Items
+ Trading Assistant
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ overbought
+ oversold
+ down
+ up
+ The actions with the asset are risky.
+ Starting from the %s
+ The asset is outside the Bollinger Band channel and %s.
+ RSI = %1$s, This also indicates that the asset is %2$s.
+ There might be a strong %sward movement, so it\'s better to wait for the asset price to return to the channel.
+ the asset was %s, but now it has returned to the Bollinger Band channel. This indicates a possible trend reversal.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %1$s, which still indicates that it is %2$s.
+ This could be a very strong signal to enter the market. Keep in mind that there may be several attempts of %sward movement after returning to the channel, so do not forget about risk management.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %s, which also indicates a trend reversal (RSI crossed the boundary at 70\%%).
+ The price is returning to neutral levels, however, there is still potential for upward movement. Keep in mind that RSI = 50 and the middle of the Bollinger Bands are strong resistances and possible trend reversal points. Do not forget about risk management.
+ RSI = $s also confirms the absence of a strong trend.
+ the asset was in the overbought/oversold zone, but at the moment the price has returned to the Bollinger Band channel in the neutral zone. The RSI is %s also confirms the absence of a strong trend, so overall the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ In general, the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ Please note:
+ above
+ below
+ growth
+ decrease
+ EMA 200. Determines the overall sentiment and trend. The daily price of the asset is located %1$s the EMA (%2$s). This means that globally the asset is set for %3$s.
+ above
+ below
+ MACD. Assesses the strength of the trend considering the average price change. The daily value of the histogram is %1$s (%2$s). The price of the asset globally may move %3$s.
+ Technical Indicators
+ We use the Bollinger Bands + RSI strategy to determine trading signals. All calculations are based on daily candlesticks and provide advice for a moderately long term. The essence of the strategy is that the asset price should reach an extreme, breaking out of the Bollinger Bands channel, and the RSI should be in the overbought/oversold zone. After the price returns to the channel, there is a high probability of the price returning to the mean values or attempting to break the channel from the other side. Note that the strategy may give several false signals during strong market movements before a correct signal appears.\n\nPlease remember that it is very important to apply risk management to trading and remember to cut losses if the market situation changes!
+ Show Details
+ Hide Details
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Sell
+ Strong Sell
+ Risky
+ Token Detectors
+ General Detectors
+ Issues %d
+ Activate
+ Wallet
+ Address
+ Message to Sign
+ You need to sign this message to activate your subscription.
+ Your wallet address does not have a subscription to premium features, you need to purchase it to activate the subscription.
+ Premium Features
+ Cryptocurrency Analytics
+ Access comprehensive market and on-chain stats about each token.
+ Price Trend Indicators
+ Discover uptrending tokens based on technical analysis indicators.
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+ Contact our team directly over Telegram for personal assistance.
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+ 7D avg.
+ 30D avg.
+ Last Sale
+ On Sale
+ On Auction
+ until %s
+ You don\'t have an NFT in your wallet
+ Price Mode
+ Overview
+ Activity
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+ Owned Count
+ Purchase Price
+ 7D Average
+ 30D Average
+ Floor Price
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+ Top Bid
+ Minimum Bid
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+ Properties
+ Description
+ Details
+ Links
+ Contract Address
+ Token ID
+ Token Standard
+ Blockchain
+ Website
+ Powered by OpenSea API
+ Top NFT Collections
+ Leading NFT collections by trading volume.
+ Overview
+ Items
+ Activity
+ Owners
+ All-time Average
+ %d Items
+ Today\'s Sellers
+ %s NFT
+ ~%s per NFT
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+ Sale
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+ Bid Entered
+ Bid Withdrawn
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+ Offer Entered
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+ Mint
+ Unknown
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ News
+ %dd. ago
+ %dh. ago
+ %dm. ago
+ Sync Error
+ Retry
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+ The error text will be copied to your clipboard should you decide to report it.
+ Follow Us
+ Locked
+ Pro Users
+ Unstoppable Pass
+ Additional Token Info
+ To enable this data you should get bronze level UW NFTs “Coin Info+”\n\nAlso you get access to data below:
+ DEX Volume and Rank
+ DEX Liquidity and Rank
+ Active Addresses
+ Transaction Count
+ Transaction Volume
+ Authenticating...
+ Coming Soon
+ Activate
+ Activate the Pass
+ Mountain Yak - Go borderless. Will show you important market data, analytical tools, useful charts based on on-chain data that will help give you a clear view of projects
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+ No item activity yet
+ To make sure that this widget works properly, you should enable Autostart.
+ Android Keystore Error
+ The encrypted data holding your wallet was recently invalidated because your Android lock screen was changed
+ Warning
+ It looks like your device uses a non-default keyboard. Unstoppable recommends selecting default keyboard on your device as third party keyboards can potentially collect and expose users\' input data. \n\nClick \'Skip\' button if you would like to keep using your preferred keyboard.
+ The Unstoppable team recommends running app only on non-rooted (not jailbroken) phones.\n\nPlease note when you use a rooted device the app can no longer guarantee the safety of your cryptocurrency from malicious software.
+ Phone PIN
+ This app requires that phone has the passcode (screen lock) enabled.\n\n You may enable it in Android settings.\n\nPlease note that when you disabled the PIN on the OS level the security measures in safe storage of your phonе made the previously stored data invalid. You will need to Restore your wallet keys to get back to your wallet.
+ This app requires your phone\'s PIN in order to keep sensitive data from your wallet in Android\'s secure storage and not in the app itself.
+ Unlock
+ Passcode
+ Enter Passcode
+ Incorrect
+ Biometrics Scanner
+ Enter passcode or try again later
+ Biometric auth. disabled
+ Disabled until: %s
+ Attempts left: %s
+ Regular
+ Random
+ Create Passcode
+ Your passcode will be used to unlock your wallet
+ Confirm
+ Passcode did not match. Try again.
+ Error occurred while saving your passcode. Please, try again.
+ Set a passcode to enable Biometrics
+ Set a passcode to enable Duress Mode
+ This passcode is already being used.
+ Edit Passcode
+ Current Passcode
+ New Passcode
+ Biometrics Scanner
+ Contacts
+ Backup Contacts
+ Restore Contacts
+ This action will completely overwrite your contacts and delete your existing contact list. Do you want to replace your contact list?
+ Addresses: %s
+ New Contact
+ Add New Contact
+ Name
+ Add Address
+ Create New Contact
+ Add to Existing Contact
+ Replace
+ Selected contact already has an address on %1$s. This action will replace the address %2$s with %3$s?
+ Address or Domain
+ Delete Contact
+ Are you sure you want to delete this contact?
+ Delete Address
+ Are you sure you want to delete this address?
+ Discard Changes
+ Keep Editing
+ Are you sure you want to discard these new changes?
+ You do not have an added contact
+ More
+ This address is already used for %s
+ The name already exists
+ Connected
+ Choose Coin
+ Choose Network
+ Choose a network and get an address to deposit.
+ Name or code
+ Deposit %s
+ Copy Address
+ Share Address
+ Network
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Send only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Memo (tag) is required, or your will lose your coins.\n\nSend only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Important
+ Both a memo (tag) and the address are needed to ensure that assets are received. Otherwise your funds will be lost.
+ Failed to connect your API Key
+ Send %s
+ Network
+ Fee from amount
+ Fee
+ Ensure the network matches the withdrawal address and the deposit platform supports it, or assets may be lost.
+ Security Verification
+ Verification Code
+ Google Authenticator Code
+ Resend
+ %s sec
+ Enter verification code sent to your email.
+ Enter code from your Google Authenticator App.
+ Withdraw
+ Success
+ Not enough available Balance
+ The minimum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ The maximum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ Withdraw Failed
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
index cc222354518..5f897bbc364 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
- Parámetro no establecido
- %1$s%2$s
+ Parameter is not set
+ %s%s
- Mostrar
- Ocultar
+ Show
+ Hide
- Escanee el código QR
+ Scan QR Code
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- Actualizar
+ Refresh
@@ -48,25 +48,25 @@
- Aprender más
- Activar
- Firma
- Activando
- Obtener claves API
- Iniciar sesión
- Regístrate
- Enviar
- Inténtalo de nuevo
- Compartir
- Aplicar
- Asignar cantidad
- No puede ser menor que %1$s o mayor que %2$s
- Número entero incorrecto
+ Learn More
+ Activate
+ Sign
+ Activating
+ Get API Keys
+ Log In
+ Sign Up
+ Submit
+ Try Again
+ Share
+ Apply
+ Set Amount
+ Can\'t be less than %1$s or more than %2$s
+ Wrong integer number
- N/A
+ n/a
Error de sincronización. Inténtalo de nuevo
- Porcentaje
+ Percent
Este monedero parece usar un carácter no estándar en tu lista de palabras secretas y/o una frase de contraseña. Si no logras ver un saldo o transacciones, continua leyenda para obtener más detalles.\n\nHAGA CLIC PARA OBTENER MÁS INFORMACIÓN
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
Frase de Recuperación
Lista de palabras
Frase de contraseña
- Contraseña
+ Password
%s palabras (recomendado)
%s palabras
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@
Introduzca 12, 15, 18, 21 o 24 palabras
Restauración no estándar
Esta página proporciona un mecanismo especial de restauración de monedero para usuarios de Unstoppable que tienen un monedero no estándar. Por lo general, dichos monederos se podrían haber creado en la versión 0.27 - 0.28 de Unstoppable utilizando una lista de palabras mnemotécnicas que no están en inglés y/o un carácter especial en la frase de contraseña del monedero (es decir, un símbolo diacrítico).\n\nSi es un usuario afectado, el saldo de su billetera se mostrará en 0 después de restaurar dicha billetera en la versión 0.29 o superior. Esta página te permitirá restaurar el acceso a tu monedero no estándar. Una vez restaurado, se recomienda crear un nuevo monedero (que cumplirá con los estándares) y mover todos los fondos allí.
- (promedio)
+ (recommended)
Clave no válida
Elegir monedas
- Todo
+ All
Altura de Cumpleaños
Altura Zcash cumpleaños
@@ -146,11 +146,11 @@
Cartera existente
Tiene transacciones
La sincronización inicial con el blockchain puede consumir mucho tráfico de Internet.
- Seleccionar CEX
- Seleccione el intercambio centralizado al que desea conectar.
- Por favor, proporcione las claves API y el secreto API para vincular su intercambio.
- Clave API
- Clave secreta
+ Select CEX
+ Select the centralized exchange to which you want to connect.
+ Please provide the API Keys and API Secret to link your exchange.
+ API Key
+ Secret Key
@@ -159,12 +159,12 @@
Capitalización Mayor
Capitalización Menor
Mayor Volumen
@@ -172,48 +172,48 @@
Precio más Alto
Precio más bajo
Ordenar por
- Cap. de mdo. total.
+ Total M.Cap
Dominio de BTC
Volumen de 24 horas
TVL en DeFi
Cap. DeFi
Ver Todos
- Desarrollado por CoinGeko API
+ Powered By CoinGeko API
Desarrollado por API horizontal
- Desarrollado por DefiLama API
+ Powered By DefiLlama API
- Monedas
- Plataformas
- Pares
- Sectores
+ Coins
+ Platforms
+ Pairs
+ Sectors
Lista de Seguimiento
Tu Watchlist está vacía.
- Monedas Top
+ Top Coins
Mejores monedas por rango de límite de mercado
- Señales
+ Signals
- Cap. de Mercado
+ Market Cap
- Las señales a continuación se basan en los indicadores técnicos de precio Bollinger Bands y RSI durante aproximadamente los últimos 30 días. Estas señales son algorítmicas y pueden cambiar con frecuencia.
- Alta confianza en aumento del precio.
- Probable aumento del precio en el futuro cercano.
- No hay una tendencia clara, el mercado está en equilibrio.
- Probable disminución del precio en el futuro cercano.
- Alta probabilidad de disminución del precio.
- Nivel de riesgo elevado, requiere precaución.
- Recuerda siempre aplicar gestión de riesgos, y ten en cuenta que esto no es un consejo financiero.
- Activar
+ Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently.
+ High confidence in price increase.
+ Likely price increase in near future.
+ No clear trend, market is in equilibrium.
+ Likely price decrease in near future.
+ High probability of price decrease.
+ Elevated risk level, requires caution.
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ Turn on
Top 100
Top 200
Top 300
Top 500
- Mejores pares de mercado
- Mejores pares de trading por volumen en cada bolsa
+ Top Market Pairs
+ Top trading pairs by volume in every exchanges
- Mejores pares de mercado
+ Top Market Pairs
Mejores Sectores
- Sectores
+ Sectors
Plataformas Superiores
Plataformas Top Blockchain
@@ -223,15 +223,15 @@
Límite de mercado de todos los protocolos en la cadena %s
- Capitalización Total
- Dominio de BTC
- Vol. de 24h
+ Total Cap
+ BTC Dominance
+ 24h Vol.
Cap. DeFi
- TVL en DeFi
- Entrada ETF
Valor total del mercado de todas las criptomonedas.
El cambio histórico en la relación entre el límite de mercado de Bitcoin y el resto de los mercados de criptomonedas. \n\nPor lo general, cuando el dominio de Bitcoin tiende a ser más alto, el resto de las tendencias del mercado de criptomonedas disminuye y viceversa.
- El volumen de operaciones 24h del mercado de criptomonedas.
+ The 24h trading volume of the crypto market.
El cambio histórico en el volumen de operaciones diarias acumuladas por %s
Valor total del mercado de proyectos DeFi.
Valor total bloqueado (TVL) en DeFi.
@@ -240,14 +240,14 @@
Esta moneda no es compatible todavía
Este proyecto no tiene una moneda
- Ingreso Neto Total
- El ingreso neto de un ETF es igual a sus entradas de efectivo menos las salidas.
- Mayores Activos
- Activos Más Bajos
- Ingreso
- Salida
- Todo
- Activos Netos Totales
+ Total Net Inflow
+ The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows.
+ Highest Assets
+ Lowest Assets
+ Inflow
+ Outflow
+ All
+ Total Net Assets
No se han encontrado resultados
@@ -259,30 +259,30 @@
Volumen de Comercio
Volumen de comercio (24h)
Período de Precio
- Señales de Trading
+ Trading Signals
Cambio de Precio
- 24 Horas
- Medianoche UTC
+ 24 Hours
+ Midnight UTC
BTC superado
ETH superado
BNB superado
Precio cercano a ATH
Precio cercano a ATL
- Listado en las principales bolsas
- Buen volumen en CEX
- La puntuación general es Buena o Excelente
- Buen volumen en DEX
- La puntuación general es Buena o Excelente
- Buena Distribución
- La puntuación general es Buena o Excelente
- Compra fuerte
- Comprar
+ Listed on Top Exchanges
+ Good CEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good DEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good Distribution
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
- Vender fuerte
- Vender
- Arriesgado
- Ganadores
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Risky
+ Gainers
Top 100
Top 250
Top 500
@@ -317,27 +317,27 @@
1 Semana
2 Semanas
1 Mes
- 3 Meses
+ 3 Months
6 Meses
1 Año
- Ganadores
- Perdedores
- Capitalización Mayor
- Capitalización Menor
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ Highest Cap
+ Lowest Cap
%s Mercados
Cadena múltiple
- Retirar
+ Withdraw
- Permutar
- Recibir
+ Swap
+ Deposit
- %1$s por %2$s
+ %s por %s
hasta %s
Sincronizando ...
Buscando transacciones…
@@ -352,36 +352,37 @@
Descargando bloques
Bloques de escaneo
Aún no tiene ninguna cartera instalada.\nCrear una nueva cartera o restaurar una existente
- No has añadido ninguna moneda a esta cartera.
+ You haven\'t added any coins to this wallet.
Esta dirección de billetera no tiene saldo
- No tiene activos para enviar.
- No tiene activos para intercambiar.
- La red
- Formatear
- Elija una red y obtenga una dirección a recibir.
- Tu dirección para depositar %s
- Ver dirección de %s
- Elija un formato para proporcionar una dirección a recibir.
- Formato de Dirección
- El formato de Dirección de Efectivo es preferido para recibir Bitcoin Cash (BCH) debido a su mejor experiencia de usuario y compatibilidad. Sin embargo, ambos formatos de dirección se pueden utilizar de forma intercambiable para recibir BCH, independientemente del formato de dirección del remitente.
- El formato de SegWit nativo es preferido en Bitcoin para un mejor rendimiento y seguridad. Todos los formatos de dirección (Tapproot, SegWit, Legacy) pueden utilizarse de forma intercambiable para recibir BTC independientemente del formato de dirección del remitente, habilitando transacciones perfectas en diferentes tipos de moneda.
- Cuenta
- No activo
- Importe
- Asignar cantidad
- Tipo de dirección
- Bloqueado
- Transmisión
- Memo (Etiqueta)
- No se puede reconocer
- Esta dirección es la dirección de la cuenta observada
- Proporcionar memo requerido (Tag) y enviar sólo tokens compatibles con la red. Otros se perderán.
- Direcciones Utilizadas
- %s direcciones cambian por privacidad y seguridad. A continuación, una lista de las direcciones utilizadas en esta billetera.
- Direcciones para recibir
- Cambiar direcciones
- Nombre de moneda
- Buscar
+ You have no assets to send.
+ You have no assets to swap.
+ Network
+ Format
+ Choose network to get an address to receive.
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Watch address of %s
+ Choose a format for providing an address to receive.
+ Address Format
+ The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender\'s address format.
+ The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender\'s address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types.
+ Account
+ Not active
+ Amount
+ Set Amount
+ Address type
+ Locked
+ Processing
+ Broadcasting
+ Memo (Tag)
+ Can\'t recognize
+ This address is the address of the watched account
+ Provide required Memo (Tag) and send only network-compatible tokens. Others will be lost.
+ Used Addresses
+ %s addresses change for privacy and security. Below a list of used addresses in this wallet.
+ Receive Addresses
+ Change Addresses
+ Coin Name
+ Search
Saldo insuficiente
@@ -394,24 +395,28 @@
TimeLock sólo funciona para enviar a direcciones BIP44 (comenzando con 1)
- Modo experto UTxO
- Seleccione manualmente UTxO para gastar los fondos en el saldo
- Enviar a
- Cambiar
- Reemplazar por tarifa
- Esta opción le permite volver a enviar una transacción bloqueada aumentando la cantidad de la tarifa.
- Activado
- Desabilitado
+ UTxO Expert Mode
+ Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance
+ Send To
+ Change
+ Replace by Fee
+ This option allows you to resend a stuck transaction by increasing the amount of the fee.
+ Enabled
+ Disabled
+ Available Balance
+ Unsellect All
+ Sellect All
Usted envía
- Propio
+ Own
Tiempo estimado:
+ Action
\u2713 Enviado
Permisos de cámara
Por favor, autorice acceso a la camara
@@ -437,13 +442,13 @@
1 año
Tasa de comisión
- Las comisiones de transacción para %1$s (%2$s) pagado en %3$s. Es necesario %4$s.
+ Las comisiones de transacción para %s (%s) pagado en %s. Es necesario %s.
¡Advertencia! Riesgo de atascarse
- Error de tarifa
- La tarifa es demasiado baja.
+ Fee Error
+ Fee Rate is too low.
La transacción puede quedarse atascada o fallar
- Error de tarifa
- Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor. Para continuar, configure las comisiones manualmente utilizando los datos del sitio.
+ Fee Error
+ The connection to the server has been lost. To proceed, set up the fees manually using the data on the site.
Transacción Nonce
@@ -457,16 +462,16 @@
La tarifa máxima total esperada para la transacción dada. Por lo general, la tarifa real de transacción va a ser menor.
Comisión Máx.
La cuota máxima estimada de transacción a pagar por esta transacción, calculado en base al límite de gas, tasa máxima de comisión y valores máximos de tarifa de prioridad debajo. La tarifa real pagada normalmente será menor.
- Cuota de transferencia
- El coste estimado del envío de una transacción en la red.
+ Network Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network.
La complejidad de la transacción se mide en unidades llamadas \"gas\". El límite de gas es el máximo estimado de gas necesario para ejecutarlo. El gas utilizado será normalmente más bajo.
La tarifa por transacción en la red se mide en unidades de gas. El precio del gas es la cantidad que un usuario está dispuesto a gastar por unidad de gas. Cuando la red se encuentra ocupada, los precios del gas son altos y bajos cuando está inactiva. Un precio insuficiente del gas es a menudo una razón para que una transacción permanezca pendiente durante un período prolongado.
Tarifa Base
El protocolo de red determina el precio base por gas para cada bloque, llamada tarifa base. Varía en función del nivel de utilización de la red de bloque a bloque. Puede aumentar o disminuir no más del 12,5% en el próximo bloque, haciendo que las comisiones sean más predecibles. El valor que se muestra aquí es la tarifa base del bloque actual.
- Tarifa Máxima de Tarifa (Gwei)
- Este es el precio total máximo por gas que el usuario está dispuesto a pagar. Debe cubrir la tarifa base de la red y la tarifa máxima de prioridad. El valor mostrado aquí se sugiere basado en una estimación de la tasa de comisión base del próximo bloque más la tasa de prioridad máxima elegida por el usuario. La tarifa real pagada normalmente será más baja. Establecer esto más bajo que la tarifa base actual limitará la comisión pagada, pero resultará en tiempos de espera más largos para que la transacción sea confirmada, o incluso en una transacción estancada.
- Tarifa Máxima de prioridad (Gwei)
- Los usuarios pagan tarifas prioritarias para compensar una transacción para ser confirmada más rápidamente. A veces se les llaman consejos. La tarifa máxima de prioridad es el precio máximo adicional por gas que el usuario está dispuesto a pagar además de la tarifa base. El valor que se muestra aquí es sugerido en función de las condiciones predecibles de la red. La tarifa de prioridad real normalmente será menor. Establecer esto a cero puede resultar en un largo tiempo de espera para que la transacción sea confirmada, ya que se coloca al final de la cola de transacciones pendientes de todos los usuarios.
+ Max Fee Rate
+ This is the maximum total price per gas the user is willing to pay. It must cover the network\'s base fee rate and max priority fee rate. The value shown here is suggested based on an estimate of the next block\'s base fee rate plus the max priority fee rate chosen by the user. The actual fee rate paid will normally be lower. Setting this lower than the current base fee rate will limit the fee paid, but will result in longer waiting times for the transaction to be confirmed, or even in a stuck transaction.
+ Max Priority Fee
+ Users pay priority fees to incentivize a transaction to be confirmed more quickly. They are sometimes called tips. The max priority fee rate is the maximum additional price per gas the user is willing to pay on top of the base fee rate. The value shown here is suggested based on predicted network conditions. The actual priority fee will normally be lower. Setting this to zero may result in a long waiting time for transaction to be confirmed, as it is placed at the end of the pending transactions queue from all users.
La transacción puede permanecer pendiente por un tiempo o fallar por completo.
@@ -476,7 +481,11 @@
Tarifa de tarifa (SAT/BYTE)
Este es el valor recomendado para golpear los siguientes 2 bloques
- Las cadenas de bloques requieren que los usuarios paguen tarifas de red al enviar transacciones. Las tarifas son más altas cuando hay muchas transacciones ocurriendo en la red.\n\nLa cartera %@ estima la tarifa basándose en la actividad actual de la cadena de bloques y recomienda el valor óptimo para que la transacción sea procesada en un tiempo razonable.\n\nLa tarifa recomendada se muestra como la cantidad de satoshis que el usuario necesita pagar por un solo byte de la transacción. Por lo tanto, la tarifa total depende del tamaño total de la transacción, que se mide en bytes.\n\nLos usuarios pueden usar los controles proporcionados para aumentar o disminuir el valor de la tarifa. El cambio en la tarifa modifica la tarifa total que el usuario pagará por la transacción.\n\nEstablecer una tarifa por debajo del valor recomendado puede resultar en que la transacción se mantenga en espera durante horas o sea rechazada. Cuanto más bajo sea el valor, más tiempo tardará en confirmarse la transacción. Para transacciones donde la prioridad es importante, recomendamos establecer una tarifa más alta.
+ Blockchains require users to pay network fees when sending transactions. The fees are higher when a lot of transactions are taking place on the network.
+ \n\nThe Unstoppable wallet estimates fee based on the current blockchain activity and recommends the optimal value in order for the transaction to be processed within reasonable amount of time.
+ \n\nThe recommended fee rate shown as the amount of satoshi user needs to pay for a single byte of the transaction. Thus, the total fee depends on the total size of the transaction which is measured in bytes.
+ \n\nUsers may use provided controls to increase or decrease the fee rate value. The change in fee rate changes the total fee for the transaction the user will pay.
+ \n\nSetting fee rate below recommended value may result in a transaction being held as pending for hours, or being rejected. The lower the value, the longer it will take for the transaction to confirm. For transactions where priority is important, we recommend setting higher fee rate.
Velocidad de transacción
Las blockchain de Bitcoin como las de Ethereum requieren que los usuarios paguen comisiones de red al enviar transacciones. Las comisiones son más altas cuando muchas transacciones están teniendo lugar en la red y más bajas cuando el blockchain está menos ocupado.
@@ -486,21 +495,27 @@
Normalmente, el valor de tarifa recomendado debería ser suficiente para que la transacción sea procesada entre un minuto/hora para Bitcoin y dentro de minutos para Ethereum.
Para las transacciones en las que la prioridad sea importante, recomendamos utilizar el valor de una tarifa mayor. Se espera que la selección de un ajuste de una tarifa mayor sea suficiente para que la transacción se complete dentro de 10 minutos para Bitcoin y dentro de unos minutos para Ethereum.
- Comisión
- El coste estimado del envío de una transacción en la red. (sin excluir Energía, Ancho de Banda y Tarifa Activa)
- Tarifa de activación
- Esta dirección no está activa. Transferir tokens TRX o TRC-10 a una dirección de cuenta inactiva activará la cuenta.
- Recursos consumidos
- El bandwidth es la unidad que mide el tamaño de los bytes de transacción almacenados en la base de datos de la cadena de bloques. Cuanto más grande sea la transacción, más recursos de ancho de banda se consumirán.\n\nEnerge es la unidad que mide la cantidad de computación requerida por la máquina virtual TRON para realizar operaciones específicas en la red TRON.\n\nDado que las transacciones de contratos inteligentes requieren recursos informáticos para ejecutarse, cada transacción de contrato inteligente debe pagar la tarifa de energy.
+ Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network. (Without excluding Energy, Bandwidth and Activating Fee)
+ Activation Fee
+ This address is not active. Transferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account.
+ Resources Consumed
+ Bandwidth is the unit that measures the size of the transaction bytes stored in the blockchain database. The larger the transaction, the more bandwidth resources will be consumed.\n\nEnergy is the unit that measures the amount of computation required by the TRON virtual machine to perform specific operations on the TRON network.\n\nSince smart contract transactions require computing resources to execute, each smart contract transaction requires to pay for the energy fee.
- Esta dirección no está activa
- (no activo)
- Dirección no activa
- Las cuentas recién creadas en la cadena de bloques TRON están inactivas y no se pueden consultar ni explorar. Necesitan ser activadas.\n\nPara activar una cuenta inactiva, transfiera tokens TRX o TRC-10 a su dirección. Para activar una nueva cuenta en la cadena Tron, se requiere una cuota de 1 TRX
- No se puede transferir TRX a ti mismo
- No se puede transferir 0 %s
- Cuenta No Activa
- Las nuevas billeteras TRON requieren un depósito de al menos 1 TRX para activarse. Las billeteras inactivas pueden mantener y recibir tokens, pero no corregirán los saldos hasta que se activen.
+ This address is not active
+ (not active)
+ Not Active Address
+ Newly created accounts on the TRON blockchain are inactive and cannot be queried or explored. They need to be activated.\n\nTransferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account. Activating a new account on the Tron chain requires a fee of 1 TRX
+ Cannot transfer TRX to yourself
+ Cannot transfer 0 %s
+ Account Not Active
+ New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated.
+ New Connection
+ Invalid URL Address
+ Unnamed
+ Wallet
+ Choose a Wallet
@@ -527,15 +542,15 @@
Por favor, firma un mensaje para autentificarte
Necesita crear o importar una cartera antes de poder usar WalletConnect
- Copia de seguridad de esta cartera creando una copia de su frase de recuperación. Será necesario para acceder al monedero si su teléfono está perdido, robado, roto, etc.
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
Esta característica no funciona con los monederos \"watch-only\", necesita cambiar a un monedero restaurado o creado
Blockchain no soportado
No hay cuenta adecuada
No hay kit de evm adecuado
Error de análisis de datos
- Cadenas no compatibles: %s
- Métodos no soportados: %s
- Eventos no soportados: %s
+ Unsupported chains: %s
+ Unsupported methods: %s
+ Unsupported events: %s
Petición no encontrada error
No tienes ninguna dapps conectadas
Solicitudes Pendientes
@@ -573,10 +588,10 @@
Error de estimación
¡Error! Comprueba el saldo y asegúrate de que hay suficientes %s para cubrir la comisión. O intente aumentar la cantidad del deslizamiento del precio e intente de nuevo. Volverá a intentarlo en 3 segundos...
Considere dejar algún %s en el saldo para poder pagar futuras transacciones.
- Error inesperado: %s
+ Unexpected error: %s
- Mejor Precio
+ Best Price
Usted paga
@@ -584,56 +599,56 @@
Saldo disponible
Permiso de acceso
- Saldo disponible
+ Available Balance
Precio de venta
Precio de Compra
Impacto en el precio
- La diferencia entre el precio de mercado y el precio esperado de liquidación es demasiado alta.
- ¡Importante! Has obtenido un precio extremadamente desfavorable debido a la baja liquidez del mercado.
+ Unstoppable has disabled swap action for this trade because you\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.\nIf you still want to swap please use %s website instead.
+ Important! You\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.
Cantidad Garantizada
Tasa Estimada
Comisión Máx.
- Deslizamiento
- Destinatario
- No hay proveedores
- Sin ofertas
+ Slippage
+ Recipient
+ No Providers
+ No Quote
Saldo insuficiente
- Saldo N/A
+ Balance n/a
No se pueden permutar estos tokens
Este servicio no permite envolver/desenvolver. Usa 1inch.
Impacto de precio alto
- Token no habilitado
- La cartera está sincronizando
- Cartera no sincronizada
+ Token Not Enabled
+ Wallet is Syncing
+ Wallet Not Synced
- Seleccionar Token de Entrada
- Seleccionar Token de Salida
- Introducir cantidad
- Desbloquear
- Desbloqueando...
+ Select Token In
+ Select Token Out
+ Enter Amount
+ Unlock
+ Unlocking...
- Cotización
+ Quoting
Máximo Pagado
Cantidad Garantizada
Desarrollado por
- Proveedor
- Proveedores
+ Provider
+ Providers
Proveedor de intercambio
- Ruta no localizada
- Usted paga
- Obtienes
- Confirmar
- Cotización expirada
- Recuperando la comilla final
+ Route not found
+ You Pay
+ You Get
+ Confirm
+ Quote expired
+ Fetching final quote
Ajustes de intercambio
@@ -672,10 +687,10 @@
- Desbloquear Acceso
- Permitir el acceso al siguiente monto
- Conceder permiso a un contrato inteligente para el comercio de tokens en su nombre, especificando el monto permitido. No impacta en su saldo, pero incurre en una pequeña tarifa por la aprobación.\n\nLa preaprobación de un monto mayor para futuros intercambios es más rentable en comparación con las aprobaciones bajo demanda.
- Ilimitado
+ Unlock Access
+ Allow access to the following amount
+ Grant permission to a smart contract for token trading on your behalf, specifying the allowed amount. No impact on your balance, but incurs a small fee for approval.\n\nPre-approving a higher amount for future trades is cost-effective compared to on-demand approvals.
+ Unlimited
Permiso de acceso
La cantidad que un intercambio puede gastar en nombre del usuario al ejecutar swaps de token. Se requiere un permiso suficiente para establecer una transacción anterior antes de que pueda tener lugar una transacción de intercambio real.
@@ -694,43 +709,45 @@
Todavía no tienes transacciones pendientes o pasadas
Por favor, espere a que termine la sincronización.
- Recibido
+ Received
- Enviado
+ Sent
- Aprobar
- Cambiado
+ Approved
+ Swapped
Llamada de Contrato
Llamada externa
Creación de Contrato
+ Contract Deploy
a %s
desde %s
- %s ilimitado
- ilimitado
+ unlimited %s
+ unlimited
- Filtrar por blockchain
- Moneda
- Contactos
+ Blockchain
+ Coin
+ Contacts
Todos los bloqueos
- Todos los contactos
+ All Contacts
Elegir moneda
- Elegir Blockchain
+ Choose Blockchain
Transacción desconocida
+ Ton Transaction
La transacción no se puede analizar
- Filtro
- Ocultar Transacciones Sospechosas
- Ocultando transacciones entrantes con montos mínimos en stablecoins, esto resuelve parcialmente los problemas de ataques de envenenamiento de direcciones.
- El filtrado de contactos es compatible con las siguientes blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Poligono, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optism, Tron, Ton y ZCash. Debajo están los contactos adecuados
- No tienes ninguna persona agendada
+ Filter
+ Hide suspicious tx
+ Hiding incoming transactions with the dust amount in stablecoins, this partially solves the address poisoning attack problems.
+ Filtering by contacts works on the following blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton and ZCash. Below are the suitable contacts
+ You don\'t have any suitable contacts
Información de la transacción
@@ -759,17 +776,17 @@
Has pagado
- Usted envía
- Recibido
- Enviado
- Aprobar
+ You Sent
+ Received
+ Sent
+ Approved
Revocar aprobación
- Esta transacción es sospechosa y podría ser una estafa. \nPor favor, no copies ninguna dirección de esta transacción.
- Esta acción intentará invalidar la transacción anterior reenviándola con una tarifa más alta.
+ This transaction is suspicious and can be a scam.\nPlease do not copy any addresses from this transaction.
+ This action will attempt to invalidate the previous transaction by resending it with a higher fee.
@@ -784,16 +801,18 @@
Cancelar la transacción
La transacción ya está en bloque
- Transacciones Reemplazadas
- Tarifa (Sat)
- Tarifa Demasiado Baja
- RBF (Reemplazar por tarifa) no habilitado
- No se puede reemplazar
+ Replaced Transactions
+ Fee (Sat)
+ Fee Too Low
+ RBF not enabled
+ Unable to replace
El remitente envió estos fondos con un bloqueo del gasto que expirará %s.\n\nNo te preocupes, los Bitcoins recibidos ya son tuyos, pero hasta que el período de bloqueo expire, no puedes gastarlos en la red Bitcoin.
- El remitente envió estos fondos con un bloqueo del gasto que expirará en la fecha mostrada.\n\nNo te preocupes, los Bitcoins recibidos ya son tuyos, pero hasta que el período de bloqueo expire, no puedes gastarlos en la red Bitcoin.
- Transmitir
- La transacción que contiene esta cantidad ha sido transmitida pero aún no ha sido aceptada por la red.
+ The sender sent these funds with a spending lock that will expire on the shown date. \n\nNo worries, the received Bitcoins are already yours, but until the lock period expires you cannot spend them on the Bitcoin network.
+ Broadcast
+ The transaction holding this amount is broadcasted but not yet accepted by the network.
+ Processing amount
+ Transactions with this amount still syncing. And when they are confirmed, these tokens will be available for spending
Doble gasto
¡Riesgo de doble gasto! Hay otra transacción en blockchain que intenta gastar entradas usadas en esta transacción. Solo una transacción será aceptada por la red
Esta Tx
@@ -823,81 +842,82 @@
Pantalla de lanzamiento
- vía Telegram
- vía E-mail
- Bloqueo automático
+ via Telegram
+ via E-mail
+ Auto-Lock
Be Unstoppable
- Aprende y domina criptografía a través de vídeos exclusivos. Conozca informalmente. Sé el primero en ver las cosas en las que trabajamos.
- Soporte personal
- Introduzca su nombre de cuenta de Telegram para iniciar un chat de asistencia personal con nuestro equipo. Nos pondremos en contacto contigo y comenzaremos a trabajar en tu problema tan pronto como lo veamos.
- Ya has solicitado un chat privado, encuentra en Telegram
- Cuenta
+ Learn and master crypto via exclusive videos. Get to know us informally. Be the first to see things we work on.
+ Personal Support
+ Enter your Telegram account name to start a personal support chat with our team. We\'ll get back to you and start working on your problem as soon as we see it.
+ You\'ve already requested a private chat, find it on Telegram
+ Account
- Solicitado
- Pedido
- Nueva requisición
- Error en la solicitud
- Abrir Telegram
- ¡Junto con tu apoyo, podemos hacer esta aplicación aún mejor!
- Donar
- Donar %s
- Donar con
- Dirección de donación
- Dirección
- O selecciona una moneda para donar
- Inmediato
- 1 minuto
- 5 minutos
- 15 minutos
- 30 minutos
- 1 hora
+ Requested
+ Request
+ New Request
+ Request failed
+ Open Telegram
+ Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!
+ Donate
+ Get your tokens
+ Donate %s
+ Donate with
+ Donation Address
+ Addresses
+ Or select a coin to donate
+ Immediate
+ 1 minute
+ 5 minutes
+ 15 minutes
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
- Conversión de balance
- Valor de Saldo
+ Balance Conversion
+ Balance Value
Cambiar icono cerrará la aplicación
- Ocultar Mercados
- Ocultar Botones
- Esta configuración oculta los botones Enviar, Recibir e Intercambiar en la pestaña Balance.
- Saldo Auto Ocultar
- Oculta automáticamente el balance cada vez que se abre la aplicación, independientemente de las preferencias anteriores.
- Cambio de Precio %
+ Hide Markets
+ Hide Buttons
+ This configuration hides the Send, Receive, and Swap buttons on Balance tab.
+ Balance Auto Hide
+ Automatically hides balance each time the app is opened, regardless of previous preferences.
+ Price Change %
Valor de la moneda
Valor Fiat
Sobre la aplicacion
Sitio Web
Qué novedades hay
- Versión de la Aplicación
+ App Version
Configuración de Blockchain
- Gestor de copias de seguridad
- Restaurar copia de seguridad
- Crear nueva copia de seguridad
- Copia de seguridad
- Restaurar
- Lista de contenidos en el archivo de copia de seguridad.
- Aviso
- Reemplazar
- Esta acción sobrescribirá sus contactos de pago locales.
- Copia de seguridad requerida
- Ver Monedero
- Lista de Seguimiento
- RPC personalizado
- Ajustes de app
- Idioma, moneda, Apariencia …
+ Backup Manager
+ Restore Backup
+ Create New Backup
+ Backup File
+ Restore
+ List of contents in the backup file.
+ Warning
+ Replace
+ This action will overwrite your local payment contacts.
+ Backup required
+ Watch Wallets
+ Watchlist
+ Custom RPC
+ App Settings
+ Language, Currency, Appearance …
- Unstoppable no recopila datos personales que exponen su información privada, es decir, saldos de monedas o direcciones. Mientras recopilamos algunas estadísticas de uso de la interfaz de usuario, es sólo para entender nuestras tendencias de uso de la base de usuarios y de la aplicación. Esto puede desactivarse si lo desea.
- La cartera no recoge ningún dato personal.
- No hay cuentas de usuario o bases de datos almacenando datos de usuario.
- Si se permite el monedero compartirá los hábitos de uso de la aplicación con el equipo imparable. Esto es para entender qué características están siendo utilizadas (o no) por nuestros usuarios. Siendo una aplicación enfocada a la privacidad, necesitamos alguna forma de evaluar nuestros esfuerzos y sin esto no tenemos ni idea de si las características que construimos están siendo usadas o no.
- Compartir datos de UI
+ Unstoppable doesn\'t collect personal data that expose your private information i.e. coin balances or addresses. While we gather some UI usage statistics, it\'s solely for understanding our user base and app usage trends. That can be disabled if you wish.
+ The wallet does not gather any personal data.
+ There are no user accounts or databases storing user data.
+ If allowed the wallet will share app usage habits with Unstoppable team. This is to understand which features are being used (or not) by our users. Being a privacy focused app we need some way to evaluate our efforts and without this we have no idea whether the features we built are being used or not.
+ Share UI data
@@ -912,8 +932,8 @@
La fuente RPC con esta url ya existe
La url introducida no es válida. La url válida debe tener uno de los siguientes esquemas: http, https, ws, wss
- Después de cambiar la fuente, el monedero tendrá que resinc sí mismo.
- Elige la fuente que la aplicación Unstoppable debería usar para sincronizar la(s) cartera(s).
+ After changing source the wallet will have to resync itself.
+ Choose the source Unstoppable app should use for synchronizing wallet(s).
Ajustes de la transacción
Entradas / salidas de transacciones
@@ -923,15 +943,15 @@
- Autenticación biométrica
+ Biometrics
Habilitar la Autenticación Biométrica puede debilitar potencialmente la seguridad de su dispositivo, en comparación al PIN de bloqueo clásico.
- Código
- Desactivar bloqueo con código
+ Enable Passcode
+ Disable Passcode
Editar el código
- Establecer modo de Duración
- Editar contraseña de Duración
- Desactivar Duress Passcode
- Un modo especializado diseñado para mantener las billeteras seleccionadas a salvo bajo coacción.
+ Set Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Disable Duress Passcode
+ A specialized mode designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion.
Gestionar monederos
Esta acción reiniciará el monedero Unstoppable.
Anonimiza completamente tu internet mientras usas esta aplicación. Tenga en cuenta que en algunos casos la función WalletConnect para aplicaciones DeFi puede ser muy lenta o no funcionar.
@@ -941,30 +961,32 @@
Bip69 determinista
Indexación Lexicográfica
- API de Blockchair
- Rápido, Privado, Centralizado
- API + Blockchain
- Filtrar por blockchain
- Lento, sin privado.
- Durar contraseña
- Establecer un código de acceso para el modo Duress
- Editar contraseña de Duración
- Introduzca una nueva contraseña para el modo Duress
- Modo Duración
- Este modo permite a los usuarios configurar múltiples códigos de acceso de la aplicación de desbloqueo donde un código de acceso deseado sólo muestra las carteras especificadas. Diseñado para mantener seguros las carteras seleccionadas bajo coerción o amenazas.
- Autenticación biométrica
- La función de Autenticación Biométrica funcionará para desbloquear el Modo Duración. Puede desactivar la Autenticación Biométrica para mayor comodidad.
- Desactivando contraseña
- Deshabilitar el código de acceso en el modo principal restablecerá automáticamente el modo Duración.
- Cambiar contraseña
- Cambiar el código de acceso en el modo Duress también cambiará el código de acceso actual para ese modo.
- Seleccionar carteras
- Seleccione las carteras que se mostrarán en Modo Duración.
+ Blockchair API
+ Very Fast
+ Fast
+ Blockchain
+ Slow. Highest Privacy.
+ Duress Passcode
+ Set a passcode for Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Enter new passcode for Duress Mode
+ Duress Mode
+ This mode allows user to setup multiple unlock app passcodes where a desired passcode shows only specified wallets. Designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion or threats.
+ Biometrics
+ The Biometric Authentication feature will work to unlock the Duress Mode. You can disable Biometric Authentication for convenience.
+ Passcode Disabling
+ Disabling the passcode in the main mode will automatically reset the duress mode.
+ Passcode Change
+ Changing the passcode in the Duress Mode will also change the current PIN code for that mode.
+ Select Wallets
+ Select the wallets that will be displayed in duress mode.
- La cartera imparable está construida para aquellos que buscan invertir y almacenar criptomonedas de forma privada e independiente.\n\nEs un monedero peer-to-peer no custodial, donde solo el usuario tiene control sobre los fondos. No recopila ningún dato y mantiene al usuario independiente al no bloquear los fondos del usuario a una aplicación de cartera específica.\n\nEl monedero imparable es completamente de código abierto y cualquiera puede confirmar que la aplicación funciona exactamente como afirma.
+ The Unstoppable wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.
+\n\nIt\'s a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn\'t collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user\'s funds to a specific wallet app.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to.
Copia de seguridad frases de recuperación para cada cartera. Es la única manera de recuperar el acceso a los fondos si la aplicación no funciona correctamente.
Las frases de recuperación del monedero se generan aleatoriamente en el dispositivo durante la instalación y no se almacenan en ningún otro lugar.
Desactivar el PIN de desbloqueo (código) en el smartphone elimina todas las carteras de la aplicación. Se necesitarán frases de recuperación para restaurar el acceso a los fondos.
@@ -974,7 +996,7 @@
Be Unstoppable
- Contáctenos
+ Contact Us
Establece alertas de variación de precio para las monedas que te gustaría ver\n\nSe te alertará cuando la variación de precio de las últimas 24 horas supere el umbral seleccionado.\n\n La Alerta de Tendencia de Precio advierte de un cambio de tendencia para el corto plazo de 1 semana, y para el largo plazo de 6 meses.
Las notificaciones para la aplicación del Monedero Unstoppable están desactivadas. Necesita activarlas para poder recibir alertas de cambio de precios.
@@ -1017,24 +1039,24 @@
Dirección de correo electrónico copiada
Añadido a tu Lista de Seguimiento
Agregar a Wallet
- Eliminado del monedero
+ Removed from Wallet
Ya se ha añadido al monedero
Eliminado de la Lista de Seguimiento
- Esperar sincronización
+ Wait for synchronization
Gestor de monedas
Nombre, código o dirección del contrato
Añadir Token
No se han encontrado resultados. Intente añadir un token manualmente si conoce su dirección de contrato inteligente.
- Hay 4 formatos de dirección comunes de monederos %1$s que pueden usar para recibir pagos entrantes:
+ There are 4 common address formats %1$s wallets can use to receive incoming payments:
-\n- BIP-44 (más antiguo)
+\n- BIP-44 (older)
\n- BIP-49
-\n- BIP-84 (recomendado)
-\n- BIP-86 (más reciente)
+\n- BIP-84 (recommended)
+\n- BIP-86 (newest)
-\nMientras que el monedero imparable soporta todos los 4 de ellos recomienda usar un monedero %2$s que opere en formato BIP-84. Las billeteras que operan en este formato pueden pagar las comisiones más bajas al enviar transacciones %3$s.
+\nWhile Unstoppable wallet supports all 4 of them it recommends to use a %2$s wallet operating in BIP-84 format. The wallets operating in this format get to pay lowest fees when sending %3$s transactions.
Hay 2 formatos de dirección de las carteras Bitcoin Cash pueden usar para recibir pagos entrantes:\n\n- TYPE 0 (más antiguo)\n- TYPE 145 (más reciente)\n\nMientras que el monedero imparable soporta ambos se recomienda usar un monedero Bitcoin Cash que funcione en formato TYPE 145.
@@ -1048,37 +1070,37 @@
Restaurar desde
- Ver Monedero
+ Ver Dirección
- Desde archivo
- Importar desde un archivo de copia de seguridad.
- de Frase de Recuperación
- Importe utilizando la frase de recuperación o la clave privada.
- de Exchange Wallet
- Conectar a una cartera en un intercambio centralizado.
- Ver Dirección
- Modo observatorio de EVM-Chain y BTC, LTC, direcciones DASH
- Archivo Json inválido
- Este archivo no es una copia de seguridad válida de la cartera, o bien ha sido dañado y no se puede restaurar.
- Seleccione otro archivo
+ from File
+ Import a backup file from your local folder.
+ from Recovery Phrase
+ Import using recovery phrase or private key.
+ from Exchange Wallet
+ Connect to a wallet on centralized exchange.
+ Watch Address
+ Observing mode of EVM-Chain and BTC, LTC, DASH addresses
+ Invalid Json File
+ This file is not a valid backup of the wallet, or the file has been corrupted and cannot be restored.
+ Select Another File
- Introduzca contraseña
- Introduzca la contraseña de copia de seguridad para importar su cartera.
- Contraseña no válida
- Copiar contraseña
- Dominio o dirección
+ Enter Password
+ Enter the backup password to import your wallet.
+ Invalid Password
+ Backup Password
+ Enter Your EVM, TRON, TON or Public Address (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash) or Account xPubKey.
Elegir Blockchain
Elegir monedas
- El formato de dirección no está soportado
+ Address format is not supported
- Copia de seguridad manual
- Copia de seguridad local
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
Mostrar Frase
Configuración de Red
- Desvincular cartera
+ Unlink Wallet
Se requiere una copia de seg
Necesita una Copia de seguridad %1$s antes de poder recibir %2$s.
Esta acción eliminará los monederos de este dispositivo.
@@ -1092,7 +1114,7 @@
Ver Dirección
Seleccionar Monedero para cambiar rápidamente
¿Quieres dejar de ver esta dirección de billetera?
- Necesitas hacer una copia de seguridad %1$s
+ You need to backup %1$s
Configuración de Red
cambiar automáticamente
@@ -1114,24 +1136,24 @@
No copiar
Esta clave es para todas las blockchains compatibles con EVM.\n\nComo una medida de seguridad recomendamos no utilizar la acción de copia en la clave privada.
- Backup del Monedero
- Copia de seguridad de esta cartera creando una copia de su frase de recuperación. Será necesario para acceder al monedero si su teléfono está perdido, robado, roto, etc.
+ Backup Recovery Phrase
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
Copia de seguridad
- Copia de seguridad manual
- Copia de seguridad local
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
Más tarde
- Completa una de las opciones de copia de seguridad de la cartera para empezar a utilizarla.
- Se recomienda tener una copia de seguridad manual para cada cartera.
+ Complete one of the wallet backup options to start using the wallet.
+ It\'s recommended to have a manual backup for each wallet.
- Copia de seguridad local
- Guardar y hacer una copia de seguridad
- Establecer contraseña
- Guardado de seguridad
- Al menos 8 caracteres, incluyendo una letra mayúscula, una letra minúscula, un número y un símbolo.
- Esta contraseña se utiliza para cifrar el archivo de copia de seguridad de su cartera. No se puede recuperar o reiniciar si se pierde u olvida.
- Establezca la contraseña de desbloqueo para su copia de seguridad. La contraseña debe contener al menos 8 caracteres, incluyendo una letra minúscula, una letra mayúscula, un número y un carácter especial.
- Los dispositivos de almacenamiento, como los discos duros, los discos USB y el almacenamiento en smartphones, son todos vulnerables a pérdidas debido a daños físicos, robos u otras circunstancias imprevisibles.
- Entiendo que el robo o daño de un dispositivo de copia de seguridad resultará en la pérdida de una copia de seguridad a una cartera respectiva.
+ Local Backup
+ Save and Backup
+ Set Password
+ Backup Saved
+ At least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one symbol.
+ This password is used to encrypt backup file of your wallet. It can\'t be recovered or reset if lost or forgotten.
+ Set unlock password for your backup. It must consist of at least 8 symbols and include at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number and a special character.
+ Storage devices i.e. hard drives, USB drives , storage on smartphone etc. are all vulnerable to loss due to physical damage, theft or other unforeseen circumstances.
+ I understand that theft or damage of a backup device will result in loss of a backup to a respective wallet.
Frase de Recuperación
Escriba estas palabras en el orden correcto y guárdelas en un lugar seguro
@@ -1146,7 +1168,7 @@
BIP32 Root Key
Toca para mostrar la clave privada
- Para hacer
+ To do
Claves privadas
Clave Privada EVM
@@ -1206,7 +1228,7 @@
Dirección del contrato
Elegir token
- Filtrar por blockchain
+ Blockchain
Este token ya está en la lista del gestor de monedas
Dirección del contrato inválida
Invalid BEP2 symbol
@@ -1214,7 +1236,7 @@
Dirección del contrato no encontrada en la cadena de bloques %s
Formato de dirección
- Seleccione el formato de dirección para recibir pagos. Debe elegirse un formato correcto cuando se restaure una cartera existente.
+ Select address format for receiving payments. A correct format should be chosen when restoring an existing wallet.
Tipo de moneda
@@ -1253,7 +1275,7 @@
- 5A
+ 5Y
Volumen de Comercio
@@ -1280,7 +1302,7 @@
Rango de 24h
Acerca de
- Resumen
+ Overview
@@ -1306,7 +1328,7 @@
- Capitalización de Mercado / Proporción TVL
+ MCap / TVL Ratio
La proporción del tope de mercado de la ficha de proyecto sobre su TVL.
No hay datos
@@ -1331,96 +1353,96 @@
Contrato de %s
Símbolo BEP2
Mejores Monederos
- La tabla anterior muestra el \%% de todos los tokens en circulación sostenidos por los 10 mejores monederos. Cuanto más bajo sea el \%% más distribuida está la moneda.
+ The chart above shows the \%% of all tokens in circulation held by the top 10 wallets. The lower the \%% the more distributed the coin is.
en los 10 mejores poseedores
Total de tenedores: %s
Obtén acceso a funciones avanzadas de cartera manteniendo NFT imparables.
[%s]\nNo encontrado
- Indicadores
- Medias móviles
- Osciladores
- La EMA, el SMA y la WMA son promedios móviles usados en el análisis técnico:\n\nEMA enfatiza los precios recientes para reacciones más rápidas.\nSMA promedia los datos de precios para una vista general de tendencia.\nWMA equilibra la sensibilidad y la reducción de ruido por ponderación lineal de datos recientes.
- El Índice de Fuerza Relativa (RSI) es un oscilador de impulso que mide la velocidad de los precios y el cambio, identificando la sobrecompra (superior a 70) o la sobreventa (inferior a 30) condiciones del mercado. También puede detectar revertidos de precios a través de divergentes.
- La Divergencia de la Conversión Media (MACD) es un indicador de impulso que rastrea la relación entre dos EMA de un precio de seguridad. Enseña la compra o venta de oportunidades cuando la línea MACD (12 períodos EMA menos 26 período EMA) cruza la EMA de 9 periodos, conocida como la línea de señal.
- Datos Insuficientes
- No hay suficientes puntos de datos para mostrar el indicador EMA 1. Por favor, ajuste el período de tiempo para generar una vista de la línea media de movimiento. No hay suficiente punto para mostrar EMA 1.
- Tipo
+ Indicators
+ Moving Averages
+ Oscillators
+ The EMA, SMA, and WMA are moving averages used in technical analysis:\n\nEMA emphasizes recent prices for quicker reactions.\nSMA averages price data for a general trend view.\nWMA balances sensitivity and noise reduction by linearly weighting recent data.
+ The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures price speed and change, identifying overbought (above 70) or oversold (below 30) market conditions. It can also detect price reversals through divergences.
+ The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a momentum indicator that tracks the relationship between two EMAs of a security\'s price. It signals buying or selling opportunities when the MACD line (12-period EMA minus 26-period EMA) crosses the 9-period EMA, known as the signal line.
+ Insufficient Data
+ There are not enough data points to display the EMA 1 indicator. Please adjust the time period to generate a view of the moving average line.Not enough point to display EMA 1.
+ Type
- Longitud RSI
- Longitud rápida
- Longitud lenta
- Suavizado de señal
- Indicadores disponibles sólo para usuarios premium de Wallet imparables.
- Esta es una descripción generada por IA basada en el material de referencia proporcionado para la criptomoneda dada. Puede contener errores.
- Verificado
- Todo
- Volumen total de la ficha en los principales intercambios centralizados a lo largo de un período de 30 días.
- Gráfico que muestra la variación en el volumen diario de comercio del token en los principales exchanges centralizados durante un período de 1 año.
- El rango de Token se basa en el volumen de operaciones en los principales intercambios centralizados a lo largo de un período de 30 días.
- Lista de todos los tokens clasificados según el volumen de comercio en exchanges centralizados en intervalos de 24H / 7D / 1M.
- Volumen total de la ficha en los principales intercambios descentralizados a lo largo de 30 días.
- Gráfico que muestra variación en el volumen de operaciones diarias para la ficha de los principales intercambios descentralizados en un período de 1 año.
- El rango de Token se basa en el volumen de negociación de los principales intercambios descentralizados durante un período de 30 días.
- Lista de todos los tokens clasificados en base al volumen de negociación de intercambios descentralizados sobre intervalos 24H / 7D / 1M.
+ RSI Length
+ Fast Length
+ Slow Length
+ Signal Smoothing
+ Indicators available only for Unstoppable Wallet premium users.
+ This is an AI-generated description based on the provided reference material for the given cryptocurrency. It may contain errors.
+ Verified
+ All
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on centralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading decentralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on decentralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
DEXes que están siendo seguidos:
- Liquidez total actualmente disponible para el token en los principales exchanges descentralizados.
- Gráfico que muestra la variación en la liquidez disponible para el token en los principales exchanges descentralizados durante un período de 1 año.
- Lista de todos los tokens clasificados según la liquidez disponible del token en los principales exchanges descentralizados.
+ Total currently available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ Chart showing variation in available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
DEXes que están siendo seguidos:
- Número total de direcciones diarias únicas activas durante el período de 24 horas.
- Gráfico que muestra la variación en el recuento diario de direcciones activas durante un período de 1 año.
- Número total de direcciones únicas de blockchain que realizan transacciones con el token durante un período de 30 días.
- El rango del token se basa en el número de carteras activas que realizan transacciones con el token en un período de 30 días.
- Lista de todos los tokens clasificados según el número de direcciones activas diarias que realizan transacciones con el token en intervalos de 24h / 7D / 1M.
- Número total de transacciones únicas de la cadena de bloques con token a lo largo de un período de 30 días.
- Gráfico que muestra la variación en el número de transacciones durante un período de 1 año.
- El rango de token se basa en el número de transacciones con el período de 30 días de token.
- Lista de todos los tokens clasificados según el número de transacciones con el token en intervalos de 24h / 7D / 1M.
- El número total de tokens transferidos a través de la blockchain durante el período de 30 días.
- Número total de direcciones únicas que poseen el token en varios blockchains.
- Los 10 principales monederos que poseen el token en cada blockchain.
+ Total number of unique daily active addresses over 24-hour period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily active address count over 1 year period.
+ Total number of unique blockchain addresses transacting with token over 30-day period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of active wallets transacting with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of daily active addresses transacting with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total number of unique blockchain transactions with token over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in transaction count over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of transactions with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of transactions with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ The total number of tokens transferred over the blockchain over the 30 day period.
+ Total number of unique addresses holding the token on various blockchains.
+ Top 10 wallets holding the token on each blockchain.
Blockchains seguidos: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optismo, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polígono
- Total-Valor-Bloqueado (o Activos bajo administración) en los contratos inteligentes del proyecto.
- Gráfico que muestra la variación del Valor Total Bloqueado en los contratos inteligentes del proyecto durante un período de 1 año.
- El rango de la ficha se basa en el valor total actual bloqueado.
- Lista de todos los tokens clasificados en base al Valor Total Bloqueado actual.
- Relación de límite de mercado / TVL para el proyecto.
- Los ingresos totales generados para los titulares de fichas en un período de 30 días. Por lo general, las tasas son recaudadas por los interesados en fichas o a pesar de un mecanismo de quemado de fichas.
- El rango de fichas se basa en los ingresos generados durante 30 días para los jugadores de fichas.
- Lista de todos los tokens clasificados en base a los ingresos generados para los jugadores de tokens más de 24h / 7D / 1M intervalos.
- Resumen: Esta es una visión general de los técnicos de un activo, considerando una variedad de indicadores técnicos y plazos. Proporciona un punto de vista de consenso (Compra, Venta o Neutral) basado en estos indicadores.
- Promedio de movimiento (MA): Estos son indicadores técnicos comúnmente utilizados que suavizan los datos de precios para crear un indicador que sigue la tendencia. Ellos muestran el precio medio en un período de tiempo determinado. Hay varios tipos de EMg:\n\nMedia simple de movimiento (SMA): Esto calcula el promedio de un rango de precios seleccionado. por lo general cerrando los precios, por el número de períodos en ese rango.\n\nMedia de movimiento exponencial (EMA): Esto da más peso a los precios recientes, respondiendo así más rápidamente a los cambios recientes de precios.
- Osciladores: son indicadores técnicos que fluctúan con el tiempo dentro de una banda (por encima y por debajo de una línea central o entre niveles establecidos). Están diseñados para ayudar a identificar condiciones de sobrecompra y sobreventa en un mercado. Aquí hay algunos osciladores comunes:\n\nÍndice de Fuerza Relativa (RSI): esto mide la velocidad y el cambio de los movimientos de precios. Por lo general, se utiliza para identificar condiciones de sobrecompra o sobreventa.\n\nConvergencia y Divergencia de Medias Móviles (MACD): se utiliza para identificar posibles señales de compra y venta. Dispara señales técnicas cuando cruza por encima (para comprar) o por debajo (para vender) de su línea de señal.
+ Total-Value-Locked (or Assets Under Management) in the project\'s smart contracts.
+ Chart showing variation Total-Value-Locked in project\'s smart contracts over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ Market Cap / TVL ratio for the project.
+ Total revenue generated for the token holders over 30-day period. Typically, fees are collected by token stakers or though a token burn mechanism.
+ Token\'s rank is based on the revenue generated over a 30-day period for token stakers.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the revenue generated for token stakers over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Summary: This is a general overview of an asset\'s technicals, considering a variety of technical indicators and timeframes. It provides a consensus viewpoint (Buy, Sell, or Neutral) based on these indicators.
+ Moving Averages (MA): These are commonly used technical indicators that smooth out price data to create a trend-following indicator. They show the average price over a specific time period. There are several types of MAs:\n\nSimple Moving Average (SMA): This calculates the average of a selected range of prices, usually closing prices, by the number of periods in that range.\n\nExponential Moving Average (EMA): This gives more weight to recent prices, thereby responding more quickly to recent price changes.
+ Oscillators: These are technical indicators that fluctuate over time within a band (above and below a center line, or between set levels). They are designed to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in a market. Here are some common oscillators:\n\nRelative Strength Index (RSI): This measures the speed and change of price movements. It is usually used to identify overbought or oversold conditions.\n\nMoving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): This is used to identify potential buy and sell signals. It triggers technical signals when it crosses above (to buy) or below (to sell) its signal line.
Este proyecto no tiene datos analíticos
Volumen CEX
Rango de Volumen CEX
- Tokens clasificados por volumen de comercio del token en exchanges centralizados.
+ Tokens ranked by trading volume for the token on centralized exchanges.
Volumen DEX
Rango de Volumen DEX
- Tokens clasificados por volumen de negociación para el token en los intercambios descentralizados.
+ Tokens are ranked by trading volume for the token on decentralized exchanges.
Liquidez DEX
Rango de liquidez DEX
- Tokens clasificados por liquidez disponible en los intercambios descentralizados.
+ Tokens are ranked by available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
Direcciones activas diarias
Rango de direcciones activas
- Tokens clasificados por el número de direcciones únicas que transaccionan con el token.
+ Tokens are ranked by a number of unique addresses transacting with the token.
Número de transacciones
Rango de conteo Tx
- Tokens clasificados por el número de transacciones en una cadena de bloques.
+ Tokens are ranked by number of transactions on a blockchain.
Proyecto TVL
Proyecto TVL (Valor Total bloqueado)
M.Cap / TVL Ratio
Ingresos del Proyecto
- Tarifa del proyecto
+ Project Fee
Rango de Ingresos del Proyecto
- Rango de tarifa del proyecto
- Rango de tenedores
- Las fichas clasificadas por los ingresos generados para los titulares a través de mecanismos como estocar o quemar fichas.
- Las fichas se clasifican de acuerdo a las tarifas generadas por los proyectos respectivos. La forma en que se cobran los honorarios varía de un proyecto a otro.
- Clasificación de tokens por direcciones únicas que los poseen en múltiples blockchains.
+ Project Fee Rank
+ Holders Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by revenue generated for holders via mechanisms i.e. staking or token burns.
+ Tokens are ranked according to fees generated by respective projects. The way fees are collected varies from project to project.
+ Ranking tokens by unique addresses holding them on multiple blockchains.
Otros Datos
@@ -1431,97 +1453,97 @@
Rango de 30 días
Direcciones únicas de 30 días
Volumen de 30 días
- Puntuación general
- Excelente
- Bueno
- Justo
- Pobre
- El puntaje general se basa en el volumen diario promedio de las operaciones centralizadas en los últimos 7 días.
- El puntaje general se basa en el volumen diario promedio de las operaciones de los mercados descentralizados en los últimos 7 días.
- La puntuación general se basa en la liquidez total disponible en los intercambios descentralizados.
- La puntuación general se basa en la media diaria de las direcciones activas en los últimos 7 días.
- La puntuación general se basa en el valor total bloqueado (activos bajo administración) en el proyecto representado por el token dado.
- La puntuación general se basa en el promedio diario de las transacciones durante los últimos 7 días.
- La puntuación general se basa en el número total de direcciones que mantienen sus respectivos token.
- Indicadores técnicos
- Detalles
- Seleccionar Periodo
- 30 minutos
- 1 hora
- 4 horas
- 8 horas
- 1 día
- 1 semana
- 1 mes
- Compra fuerte
- Vender fuerte
- Vender
- Comprar
+ Overall Score
+ Excellent
+ Good
+ Fair
+ Poor
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on centralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on decentralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily active addresses over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total value locked (assets under management) on the project represented by the given token.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily transaction count over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total number of addresses holding the respective tokens.
+ Technical Indicators
+ Details
+ Select Period
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
+ 4 hours
+ 8 hours
+ 1 day
+ 1 week
+ 1 month
+ Strong Buy
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Buy
- No hay datos
- Análisis de contratos inteligente
- Elementos de Alto Riesgo
- Elementos de Riesgo Medio
- Arriesgado
- Atención Requerida
- Desarrollado por De.Fi
- %d Artículos
- Indicadores técnicos
- Recuerda siempre aplicar gestión de riesgos, y ten en cuenta que esto no es un consejo financiero.
- sobrecomprado
- sobrevendido
- abajo
- abajo
- Las acciones con el activo son riesgosas.
- Comenzando desde el %s
- El activo está fuera del canal de bandas de Bollinger y %s.
- RSI = %1$s. Esto también indica que el activo está %2$s.
- Podría haber un fuerte movimiento hacia %s, por lo que es mejor esperar a que el precio del activo regrese al canal.
- el activo estaba %s, pero ahora ha regresado al canal de Bandas de Bollinger. Esto indica una posible reversión de la tendencia.
- Mientras tanto, el RSI es %1$s, lo que aún indica que está %2$s.
- Este podría ser una señal muy fuerte para ingresar al mercado. Ten en cuenta que puede haber varios intentos de movimiento hacia %s después de regresar al canal, así que no olvides el manejo del riesgo.
- Mientras tanto, el RSI es %s, lo que también indica una reversión de la tendencia (el RSI cruzó el límite del 70\%%).
- El precio está volviendo a niveles neutrales; sin embargo, aún existe potencial para movimientos hacia arriba. Ten en cuenta que RSI = 50 y el centro de las Bandas de Bollinger son resistencias fuertes y posibles puntos de reversión de la tendencia. No olvides el manejo del riesgo.
- RSI = $s también confirma la ausencia de una tendencia fuerte.
- el activo estaba en la zona de sobrecompra/sobreventa, pero en este momento el precio ha regresado al canal de las Bandas de Bollinger en la zona neutral. El RSI es %s, lo que también confirma la ausencia de una tendencia fuerte, por lo que en general el precio del activo se está moviendo hacia la media y es posible un movimiento adicional en cualquier dirección.
- En general, el precio del activo se está moviendo hacia la media y es posible que se produzca un movimiento en cualquier dirección.
- Por favor, toma nota:
- arriba
- abajo
- crecimiento
- disminución
- EMA 200. Determina el sentimiento y la tendencia general. El precio diario del activo se encuentra %1$s la EMA (%2$s). Esto significa que globalmente el activo está configurado para %3$s.
- arriba
- abajo
- MACD. Evalúa la fuerza de la tendencia considerando el cambio promedio de precio. El valor diario del histograma es %1$s (%2$s). El precio del activo a nivel global puede moverse %3$s.
- Indicadores técnicos
- Utilizamos la estrategia de Bollinger Bands + RSI para determinar señales de trading. Todos los cálculos se basan en velas diarias y proporcionan consejos para un término moderadamente largo. La esencia de la estrategia es que el precio del activo debe alcanzar un extremo, saliendo del canal de las Bandas de Bollinger, y el RSI debe estar en la zona de sobrecompra/sobreventa. Después de que el precio regrese al canal, hay una alta probabilidad de que el precio regrese a los valores medios o intente romper el canal desde el otro lado. Ten en cuenta que la estrategia puede dar varias señales falsas durante movimientos fuertes del mercado antes de que aparezca una señal correcta.\n\n¡Recuerda que es muy importante aplicar la gestión del riesgo al trading y recordar cortar pérdidas si la situación del mercado cambia!
- Mostrar Detalles
- Ocultar Detalles
- Compra fuerte
- Comprar
+ No Data
+ Smart Contract Analysis
+ High Risk Items
+ Medium Risk Items
+ Risky
+ Attention Required
+ Powered by De.Fi
+ %d Items
+ Trading Assistant
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ overbought
+ oversold
+ down
+ up
+ The actions with the asset are risky.
+ Starting from the %s
+ The asset is outside the Bollinger Band channel and %s.
+ RSI = %1$s, This also indicates that the asset is %2$s.
+ There might be a strong %sward movement, so it\'s better to wait for the asset price to return to the channel.
+ the asset was %s, but now it has returned to the Bollinger Band channel. This indicates a possible trend reversal.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %1$s, which still indicates that it is %2$s.
+ This could be a very strong signal to enter the market. Keep in mind that there may be several attempts of %sward movement after returning to the channel, so do not forget about risk management.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %s, which also indicates a trend reversal (RSI crossed the boundary at 70\%%).
+ The price is returning to neutral levels, however, there is still potential for upward movement. Keep in mind that RSI = 50 and the middle of the Bollinger Bands are strong resistances and possible trend reversal points. Do not forget about risk management.
+ RSI = $s also confirms the absence of a strong trend.
+ the asset was in the overbought/oversold zone, but at the moment the price has returned to the Bollinger Band channel in the neutral zone. The RSI is %s also confirms the absence of a strong trend, so overall the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ In general, the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ Please note:
+ above
+ below
+ growth
+ decrease
+ EMA 200. Determines the overall sentiment and trend. The daily price of the asset is located %1$s the EMA (%2$s). This means that globally the asset is set for %3$s.
+ above
+ below
+ MACD. Assesses the strength of the trend considering the average price change. The daily value of the histogram is %1$s (%2$s). The price of the asset globally may move %3$s.
+ Technical Indicators
+ We use the Bollinger Bands + RSI strategy to determine trading signals. All calculations are based on daily candlesticks and provide advice for a moderately long term. The essence of the strategy is that the asset price should reach an extreme, breaking out of the Bollinger Bands channel, and the RSI should be in the overbought/oversold zone. After the price returns to the channel, there is a high probability of the price returning to the mean values or attempting to break the channel from the other side. Note that the strategy may give several false signals during strong market movements before a correct signal appears.\n\nPlease remember that it is very important to apply risk management to trading and remember to cut losses if the market situation changes!
+ Show Details
+ Hide Details
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
- Vender
- Vender fuerte
- Arriesgado
- Detectores de Tokens
- Detectores Generales
- Problemas %d
- Activar
- Monedero
- Dirección
- Mensaje a firmar
- Necesitas firmar este mensaje para activar tu suscripción.
- Su dirección de cartera no tiene una suscripción a funciones premium, necesita comprarla para activar la suscripción.
- Características Premium
- Análisis de criptomonedas
- Acceda a estadísticas completas del mercado y de la cadena sobre cada token.
- Indicadores de tendencia de precios
- Descubra tokens ascendentes basados en indicadores de análisis técnicos.
- Soporte personal
- Póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo directamente a través de Telegram para obtener asistencia personal.
- Hazte usuario Premium
- Ya tengo Premium
+ Sell
+ Strong Sell
+ Risky
+ Token Detectors
+ General Detectors
+ Issues %d
+ Activate
+ Wallet
+ Address
+ Message to Sign
+ You need to sign this message to activate your subscription.
+ Your wallet address does not have a subscription to premium features, you need to purchase it to activate the subscription.
+ Premium Features
+ Cryptocurrency Analytics
+ Access comprehensive market and on-chain stats about each token.
+ Price Trend Indicators
+ Discover uptrending tokens based on technical analysis indicators.
+ Personal Support
+ Contact our team directly over Telegram for personal assistance.
+ Get Premium
+ I already have Premium
Promedio 7D.
Promedio 30D.
Última venta
@@ -1550,7 +1572,7 @@
Dirección del contrato
ID del token
Token estándar
- Filtrar por blockchain
+ Blockchain
Sitio Web
Desarrollado por OpenSea API
Mejores colecciones NFT
@@ -1584,8 +1606,8 @@
- Ganadores
- Perdedores
+ Gainers
+ Losers
Hace %d dias
Hace %d hora
@@ -1597,7 +1619,7 @@
El texto de error se copiará al portapapeles si decides reportarlo.
Usuario Pro
@@ -1629,26 +1651,26 @@
Esta aplicación require que el teléfono tenga el código de acceso (bloqueo de pantalla) habilitado.\n\nLo puedes habilitar en los ajustes de Android.\n\nTome en cuenta que cuando desahabilita el PIN en el nivel OS, las medidas de seguridad en el alacenamiento seguro de su teléfono hace que la información previamente almacenada no sea válida. Usted necesita restaurar las claves de sus monederos para poder volver a su monedero.
Esta aplicación requiere el PIN de tu teléfono para mantener datos sensibles de tu monedero en el almacenamiento seguro de Android y no en la propia aplicación.
- Desbloquear
+ Unlock
Código de acceso
- Introducir código
+ Enter Passcode
Escáner biométrico
Introduzca el código de acceso o vuelva a intentarlo más tarde
Autenticación biométrica desactivada
Inhabilitado hasta: %s
- Intentos restantes: %s
- Normal
- Aleatorio
+ Attempts left: %s
+ Regular
+ Random
- Establezca una contraseña
+ Create Passcode
Su código servirá para abrir su monedero y enviar dinero
El código no coincide. Inténtelo de nuevo.
Se ha producido un error al intentar guardar su código. Inténtelo de nuevo.
- Establecer un código de acceso para habilitar Biometrics
- Establecer un código de acceso para activar el modo Duración
- Este código de acceso ya está siendo usado.
+ Set a passcode to enable Biometrics
+ Set a passcode to enable Duress Mode
+ This passcode is already being used.
Editar el código
Código Actual
@@ -1681,39 +1703,39 @@
Esta dirección ya está en uso para %s
El nombre ya existe
- Conectado
+ Connected
- Elegir moneda
- Elija Red
- Elija una red y obtenga una dirección para depositar.
- Nombre o código
- Depositar %s
- Copiar la dirección
- Compartir Dirección
- La red
- Tu dirección para depositar %s
- Enviar sólo %s a esta dirección. Enviar otros tipos de tokens a esta dirección dará como resultado su pérdida definitiva.
- Se requiere memo (etiqueta) o perderá sus monedas.\n\nEnviar solo %s a esta dirección. Enviar otros tipos de tokens a esta dirección resultará en su pérdida final.
- Importante
- Tanto un memo (etiqueta) como la dirección son necesarios para asegurar que los activos sean recibidos. De lo contrario sus fondos se perderán.
- Error al conectar tu Clave API
+ Choose Coin
+ Choose Network
+ Choose a network and get an address to deposit.
+ Name or code
+ Deposit %s
+ Copy Address
+ Share Address
+ Network
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Send only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Memo (tag) is required, or your will lose your coins.\n\nSend only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Important
+ Both a memo (tag) and the address are needed to ensure that assets are received. Otherwise your funds will be lost.
+ Failed to connect your API Key
- Enviar %s
- La red
- Comisión por importe
- Comisión
- Asegúrese de que la red coincide con la dirección de retiro y la plataforma de depósito la apoya, o los activos pueden perderse.
- Verificación de seguridad
- Código de verificación
- Código de Google Authenticator
- Reenviar
- %s seg
- El código de verificación se ha enviado a tu correo.
- Introduce el código de tu aplicación de Google Authenticator.
- Retirar
- Completado
- Saldo insuficiente disponible
- La cantidad mínima que puedes retirar es %s
- La cantidad máxima que puedes retirar es %s
- Fallo al retirar
+ Send %s
+ Network
+ Fee from amount
+ Fee
+ Ensure the network matches the withdrawal address and the deposit platform supports it, or assets may be lost.
+ Security Verification
+ Verification Code
+ Google Authenticator Code
+ Resend
+ %s sec
+ Enter verification code sent to your email.
+ Enter code from your Google Authenticator App.
+ Withdraw
+ Success
+ Not enough available Balance
+ The minimum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ The maximum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ Withdraw Failed
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml
index e439e846ca4..8d6f8408998 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml
@@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
+ Parameter is not set
+ %s%s
درحال بارگذاری...
راه اندازی مجدد
- نمایش
+ Show
+ Hide
فعال کردن
+ Scan QR Code
انجام شد
@@ -20,11 +25,13 @@
اضافه کردن
+ Refresh
وصل شدن
رد کردن
قطع ارتباط
به وجود آوردن
+ Advanced
مشاهده آدرس
تنظیم مجدد
@@ -36,16 +43,36 @@
+ Search
+ Back
- نشانه
- درخواست دادن
+ Browser
+ Delete
+ Learn More
+ Activate
+ Sign
+ Activating
+ Get API Keys
+ Log In
+ Sign Up
+ Submit
+ Try Again
+ Share
+ Apply
+ Set Amount
+ Can\'t be less than %1$s or more than %2$s
+ Wrong integer number
+ n/a
خطای همگام سازی دوباره امتحان کنید
صفحه کلید
+ This wallet seems to use a non-standard character in its recovery phrase and/or a passphrase. If you do not see a balance or transactions please read below for details.\n\nCLICK TO GET MORE INFO
+ This is a non-standard wallet. \n\nCLICK TO GET MORE INFO
+ Be Unstoppable
آزاد کردن دارایی ها
خود را قفل نکنید و اجازه نده دیگران این کار را با شما بکنند.
بدون مرز شوید
@@ -57,12 +84,19 @@
تنظیمات حریم خصوصی
+ Advanced
+ Recovery Phrase
+ Word List
عبارت عبور
+ Password
+ %s words (recommended)
%s کلمه
رمز عبور نمی تواند خالی باشد
+ Please use only supported symbols: \ _ # @ | % ]]>
تأیید عبارت عبور مطابقت ندارد
+ Passphrases add additional security layer for wallets. To restore such wallet a user required both a recovery phrase as well as a passphrase.\n\nPassphrases also make it easy for users to have many multi-coin wallets using a single mnemonic but different passwords.
@@ -75,61 +109,239 @@
کشور چک
+ GM!
آیا از کارکردن با توقف ناپذیر لذت می برید؟ نظرات و ایده های خود را برای پیشبرد بیشتر با ما به اشتراک بگذارید.
امتیاز بدهید
الان نه
+ Advanced
+ Enter your wallet recovery phrase (aka mnemonic) which consists of 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words and may include additional alphanumeric password.
کلید نادرست
تعداد کلمات اشتباه. باید بین ۱۲ تا ۱۴ کلمه باشد. شما وارد کردید: %d
رمز عبور نمی تواند خالی باشد
Checksum نامعتبر است
+ Enter the passphrase you used when creating this recovery phrase. Restoring an existing wallet with a new passphrase will generate a brand new wallet.
انتخاب زنجیره های بلوکی
Restore By
+ Recovery Phrase
+ Private Key
+ Enter EVM Private Key, BIP32 Root Key or Account Extended Private Key
Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words
Non-Standard Restore
+ This page provides a special wallet restore mechanism to Unstoppable users who have a non-standard wallet. Such wallets might have been created in Unstoppable version 0.27 - 0.28 using a non-English recovery phrase and/or a special character in the wallet passphrase (i.e. diacritic symbol).\n\nIf you\'re an affected user then your wallet balance will be shown 0 after restoring such wallet in version 0.29 or above. This page will enable you to restore access to your non-standard wallet. Once restored you\'re recommended to create a new wallet (which will be standard compliant) and move funds there.
+ (recommended)
+ Invalid Key
سکه ها را انتخاب کنید
+ All
قد تولد
+ Zcash Birthday Height
+ Enter wallet\'s birthday height for faster synchronization.
+ 000000000 (optional)
+ Restore as New
کیف پول جدید
+ Doesn\'t have any transactions
+ Existing Wallet
+ Has transactions
+ The initial synchronization with the blockchain can consume a lot of internet traffic.
+ Select CEX
+ Select the centralized exchange to which you want to connect.
+ Please provide the API Keys and API Secret to link your exchange.
+ API Key
+ Secret Key
+ MCap
+ Vol
+ Markets
+ Search
+ Highest Cap
+ Lowest Cap
+ Highest Volume
+ Lowest Volume
+ Highest Price
+ Lowest Price
مرتب کردن بر اساس
+ Total M.Cap
+ BTC Dominance
۲۴ ساعته
+ TVL in DeFi
+ DeFi Cap
+ Powered By CoinGeko API
+ Powered By Horizontal API
+ Powered By DefiLlama API
نمای کلی
+ Coins
+ Platforms
+ Pairs
+ Sectors
+ Watchlist
فهرست تماشا شما خالی است.
+ Top Coins
+ Top Coins by market cap rank
+ Signals
+ Volume
+ Market Cap
+ Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently.
+ High confidence in price increase.
+ Likely price increase in near future.
+ No clear trend, market is in equilibrium.
+ Likely price decrease in near future.
+ High probability of price decrease.
+ Elevated risk level, requires caution.
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ Turn on
+ Top 100
+ Top 200
+ Top 300
+ Top 500
+ Top Market Pairs
+ Top trading pairs by volume in every exchanges
+ Top Market Pairs
+ Top Sectors
+ Sectors
+ Top Platforms
+ Top Blockchain Platforms
+ Leading blockchain platforms by cumulative market of projects built on top.
+ Protocols: %s
Ecosystem %s
+ Market cap of all protocols on the %s chain
+ Total Cap
+ BTC Dominance
+ 24h Vol.
+ DeFi Cap
+ Total market value of all cryptocurrencies.
The historical change in ratio between the market cap of Bitcoin to the rest of the cryptocurrency markets. \n\nTypically, when Bitcoin dominance trending higher the rest of the crypto market trends down and vice versa.
+ The 24h trading volume of the crypto market.
+ The historical change in daily aggregate trading volume for %s
+ Total market value of DeFi projects.
+ Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi.
+ Filter by chain
+ All
+ This coin is not supported yet
+ This project doesn\'t have a coin
+ Total Net Inflow
+ The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows.
+ Highest Assets
+ Lowest Assets
+ Inflow
+ Outflow
+ All
+ Total Net Assets
- پرمخاطره
+ No results found
+ Filters
+ Results
+ Search
+ Browse categories
+ Choose Set
+ Market Cap
+ Trading Volume
+ Trading Volume (24h)
+ Price Period
+ Trading Signals
+ Price Change
+ 24 Hours
+ Midnight UTC
+ Blockchains
+ Outperformed BTC
+ Outperformed ETH
+ Outperformed BNB
+ Price Close To ATH
+ Price Close To ATL
+ Listed on Top Exchanges
+ Good CEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good DEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good Distribution
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Risky
+ Gainers
+ Top 100
+ Top 250
+ Top 500
+ Top 1000
+ Top 1500
+ Show Results
+ Show Results: %d
+ < 5M
+ 5M - 20M
+ 20M - 100M
+ 100M - 1B
+ 1B - 5B
+ > 5B
+ < 10M
+ 10M - 40M
+ 40M - 200M
+ 200M - 2B
+ 2B - 10B
+ > 10B
+ < 50M
+ 50M - 200M
+ 200M - 1B
+ 1B - 10B
+ 10B - 50B
+ > 50B
+ < 500M
+ 500M - 2B
+ 10B - 100B
+ 100B - 500B
+ > 500B
+ 3 Months
+ Manual
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ Highest Cap
+ Lowest Cap
Markets %s
+ Multi-Chain
+ Withdraw
+ Swap
+ Deposit
- %1$sدر هر%2$s
+ %sدر هر%s
تا %s
در جستجوی تراکنش ها…
+ %s tx
همزمانی... %%%s
سکه %s غیرفعال شد
مانده حساب
@@ -137,32 +349,82 @@
تغییر قیمت
+ Downloading Blocks
+ Scanning Blocks
+ You don\'t have any installed wallets yet.\nCreate a new wallet or restore an existing one
+ You haven\'t added any coins to this wallet.
این آدرس کیف پول موجودی ندارد
- نام سکه
+ You have no assets to send.
+ You have no assets to swap.
+ Network
+ Format
+ Choose network to get an address to receive.
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Watch address of %s
+ Choose a format for providing an address to receive.
+ Address Format
+ The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender\'s address format.
+ The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender\'s address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types.
+ Account
+ Not active
+ Amount
+ Set Amount
+ Address type
+ Locked
+ Processing
+ Broadcasting
+ Memo (Tag)
+ Can\'t recognize
+ This address is the address of the watched account
+ Provide required Memo (Tag) and send only network-compatible tokens. Others will be lost.
+ Used Addresses
+ %s addresses change for privacy and security. Below a list of used addresses in this wallet.
+ Receive Addresses
+ Change Addresses
+ Coin Name
+ Search
+ Not Enough Balance
ارسال %s
آدرس یا دامنه
+ Blockchains require users to pay network fees when sending transactions. The fees are higher when a lot of transactions are taking place on the network.
- تغییر
+ Advanced
+ TimeLock works only for sending to BIP44 addresses (starting with 1)
+ UTxO Expert Mode
+ Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance
+ Send To
+ Change
+ Replace by Fee
+ This option allows you to resend a stuck transaction by increasing the amount of the fee.
+ Enabled
+ Disabled
+ Available Balance
+ Unsellect All
+ Sellect All
شما فرستادید
+ Own
برآورد زمان:
+ Action
\u2713 ارسال شد
مجوز دوربین
لطفا مجوز دسترسی به دوربین را تایید کنید
اجازه دسترسی به دوربین وجود ندارد
+ Access to your camera for this app was denied, you can go to settings and allow access
برو به تنظیمات
آدرس اشتباه
+ Time locking works only when sending to payment addresses starting with 1... (aka BIP44 addresses)
مانده حساب %s
حداقل مقدار %s
حداقل مقدار %s
@@ -182,17 +444,48 @@
نرخ هزينه
هزینه تراکنش برای %s (%s) پرداخت شده در %s. شما نیاز دارید %s.
هشدار! خطر گیر افتادن
+ Fee Error
+ Fee Rate is too low.
تراکنش ممکن است گیر کند یا موفقیت آمیز نباشد
+ Fee Error
+ The connection to the server has been lost. To proceed, set up the fees manually using the data on the site.
+ Advanced
+ Transaction Nonce
+ The nonce is a unique integer value for a transaction within the user\'s wallet. It normally increments with each submitted transaction and does not need changing. Advanced users can set it equal to a nonce of a pending transaction in order to cancel and replace that transaction, as long as the new transaction has a sufficiently higher fee to prevent the old one from being confirmed instead (for example, they may want to speed up its confirmation, or to change transaction parameters entirely). When multiple pending transactions have the same nonce, only one gets confirmed, typically the one with the highest fee.
+ Used Nonce
+ An executed transaction with this nonce already exists.
تنظیمات قیمت
تنظیم مجدد
+ Max Fee
+ The maximum expected total fee for the given transaction. Typically, the actual transaction fee is going to be lower.
+ Max Fee
+ The maximum estimated transaction fee to be paid for this transaction, computed based on the gas limit, max fee rate and max priority fee values below. The actual fee paid will normally be lower.
+ Network Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network.
+ Transaction complexity is measured in units called \"gas\". It varies depending on the smart contract being executed. The Gas Limit is the estimated maximum gas needed to execute it. The actual gas used will normally be lower.
کارمزد تراکنش در شبکه بر حسب واحد گاز سنجیده می شود. قیمت گاز مبلغی است که کاربر مایل است برای هر واحد گاز هزینه کند. وقتی شبکه شلوغ است، قیمت گاز بالاست و وقتی خلوت است پایین. قیمت ناکافی گاز اغلب دلیلی برای معلق ماندن یک معامله برای مدت طولانی است.
+ Base Fee
+ The network protocol determines the base price per gas for each block, called base fee rate. It varies according to the network utilization level from block to block. It can increase or decrease by no more than 12.5% in the next block, making fees more predictable. The value shown here is the current block\'s base fee rate.
+ Max Fee Rate
+ This is the maximum total price per gas the user is willing to pay. It must cover the network\'s base fee rate and max priority fee rate. The value shown here is suggested based on an estimate of the next block\'s base fee rate plus the max priority fee rate chosen by the user. The actual fee rate paid will normally be lower. Setting this lower than the current base fee rate will limit the fee paid, but will result in longer waiting times for the transaction to be confirmed, or even in a stuck transaction.
+ Max Priority Fee
+ Users pay priority fees to incentivize a transaction to be confirmed more quickly. They are sometimes called tips. The max priority fee rate is the maximum additional price per gas the user is willing to pay on top of the base fee rate. The value shown here is suggested based on predicted network conditions. The actual priority fee will normally be lower. Setting this to zero may result in a long waiting time for transaction to be confirmed, as it is placed at the end of the pending transactions queue from all users.
+ The transaction may remain pending for a while or fail entirely.
+ To ensure speedy execution of the transaction the max fee rate (subtracted max. miner tip) should be higher than current base fee rate. If not transaction may remain pending until condition is met.
هزینه خیلی بالا
کارمزد تراکنش تعیینشده در حال حاضر بیشتر از نیاز برای پردازش این تراکنش است.
می فهمم
+ Fee Rate (SAT/BYTE)
+ Here is the recommended value for hitting the next 2 blocks
+ Blockchains require users to pay network fees when sending transactions. The fees are higher when a lot of transactions are taking place on the network.
+ \n\nThe Unstoppable wallet estimates fee based on the current blockchain activity and recommends the optimal value in order for the transaction to be processed within reasonable amount of time.
+ \n\nThe recommended fee rate shown as the amount of satoshi user needs to pay for a single byte of the transaction. Thus, the total fee depends on the total size of the transaction which is measured in bytes.
+ \n\nUsers may use provided controls to increase or decrease the fee rate value. The change in fee rate changes the total fee for the transaction the user will pay.
+ \n\nSetting fee rate below recommended value may result in a transaction being held as pending for hours, or being rejected. The lower the value, the longer it will take for the transaction to confirm. For transactions where priority is important, we recommend setting higher fee rate.
سرعت تراکنش
هر دو بلاک چین بیت کوین و اتریوم کاربران را ملزم به پرداخت هزینه های شبکه هنگام ارسال تراکنش ها می کنند. زمانی که تراکنشهای زیادی در شبکه انجام میشود، کارمزدها بیشتر و زمانی که بلاک چین شلوغتر است، کمتر است.
@@ -202,8 +495,27 @@
به طور معمول ، این دامنه کارمزد باید کافی باشد تا تراکنش طی چند دقیقه/ساعت برای بیت کوین و در عرض چند دقیقه برای اتریوم پردازش شود.
برای تراکنش هایی که اولویت مهم است، استفاده از ارزش کارمزد بالا را توصیه می کنیم. انتظار می رود که یک تراکنش در عرض 10 دقیقه برای بیت کوین و در عرض 1 تا 2 دقیقه برای اتریوم کافی باشد.
- هزينه
+ Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network. (Without excluding Energy, Bandwidth and Activating Fee)
+ Activation Fee
+ This address is not active. Transferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account.
+ Resources Consumed
+ Bandwidth is the unit that measures the size of the transaction bytes stored in the blockchain database. The larger the transaction, the more bandwidth resources will be consumed.\n\nEnergy is the unit that measures the amount of computation required by the TRON virtual machine to perform specific operations on the TRON network.\n\nSince smart contract transactions require computing resources to execute, each smart contract transaction requires to pay for the energy fee.
+ This address is not active
+ (not active)
+ Not Active Address
+ Newly created accounts on the TRON blockchain are inactive and cannot be queried or explored. They need to be activated.\n\nTransferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account. Activating a new account on the Tron chain requires a fee of 1 TRX
+ Cannot transfer TRX to yourself
+ Cannot transfer 0 %s
+ Account Not Active
+ New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated.
+ New Connection
+ Invalid URL Address
+ Unnamed
+ Wallet
+ Choose a Wallet
@@ -216,6 +528,7 @@
می توانید به مرورگر بروید. هنگام کار با مرورگر، این صفحه را نبندید.
برقراری ارتباط ناموفق بود. دوباره سعی کنید وصل شوید.
آدرس URL نامعتبر است
+ WalletConnect v2 is not supported
پیش نیاز
@@ -228,10 +541,16 @@
پیام برای امضا
لطفا برای احراز هویت پیامی را امضا کنید
+ You need to create or import a wallet before you can use WalletConnect
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
این ویژگی با کیفپولهای فقط مشاهده کار نمیکند، شما باید به یک کیف پول بازیابی یا ایجاد شده تغییر دهید
+ Unsupported Blockchain
حساب مناسبی وجود ندارد
بدون کیت evm مناسب
خطای تجزیه داده ها
+ Unsupported chains: %s
+ Unsupported methods: %s
+ Unsupported events: %s
خطای درخواست یافت نشد
شما هیچ برنامه متصل ندارید
درخواست های معلق
@@ -241,7 +560,21 @@
نسخه 1.0
نسخه 2.0
+ I trust
+ Signing this message can be dangerous. This signature could potentially perform any operation on behalf of your account, including giving full control of your account and all of its assets to the requesting site. Sign this message only if you know what you are doing or fully trust the requesting site.
+ You current wallet type %s does not support WalletConnect
+ Unnamed
+ Unknown dApp
+ Pairings
+ Paired dApps
+ Delete All
+ Do you want to delete all paired dApss?
+ Delete
+ Delete All Pairs
+ Unsupported Request
+ Unsupported
+ This request format is not supported by the wallet
@@ -255,41 +588,69 @@
تخمین خطا
تعادل را بررسی کنید تا مطمئن شوید %s کافی برای پوشش هزینه وجود دارد. یا سعی کنید مقدار لغزش قیمت را افزایش دهید و دوباره امتحان کنید. در عرض 3 ثانیه مجدداً خودکار انجام می شود…
برخی از %s را در مانده حساب باقی بگذارید تا بتوانید برای تراکنشهای آینده از آن استفاده کنید.
+ Unexpected error: %s
+ Best Price
شما می پردازید
شما دریافت می کنید
+ Available balance
کمک هزینه
- موجودی در دسترس
+ Available Balance
قیمت فروش
خرید قیمت
تأثیر قیمت
- تفاوت بین قیمت بازار و قیمت مانده حساب مورد انتظار بسیار زیاد است.
+ Unstoppable has disabled swap action for this trade because you\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.\nIf you still want to swap please use %s website instead.
+ Important! You\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.
مقدار تضمین شده
هزینه تخمینی
حداکثر هزینه
- گیرنده
+ Slippage
+ Recipient
+ No Providers
+ No Quote
موجودی ناکافی
+ Balance n/a
نمی توان این نشانه ها را عوض کر
+ This service doesn\'t allow wrapping/unwrapping. Use 1inch instead.
تأثیر بالای قیمت
+ Token Not Enabled
+ Wallet is Syncing
+ Wallet Not Synced
+ Select Token In
+ Select Token Out
+ Enter Amount
+ Unlock
+ Unlocking...
+ Revoking...
+ Approving
در حال جابجایی
+ Quoting
بیشترین مقدار
مقدار تضمین شده
قدرت گرفته از
+ Provider
+ Providers
+ Swap Provider
- شما می پردازید
- شما دریافت می کنید
- تاييد
+ Coin
+ Route not found
+ You Pay
+ You Get
+ Confirm
+ Quote expired
+ Fetching final quote
+ Swap Settings
تحمل لغزش
در صورت تغییر نامطلوب قیمت بیش از این درصد، معامله شما برگردانده خواهد شد
@@ -305,6 +666,7 @@
تراکنش شما احتمالاً ناموفق است.
تحمل لغزش نمی تواند بیشتر باشد از %s%%
آدرس نامعتبر
+ Invalid %s address
لغزش نامعتبر
مهلت نامعتبر
معامله شما می تواند پیشرو باشد
@@ -315,16 +677,25 @@
تخمین زده شده
تایید کنید
+ You can exchange %s, or you need to revoke and approve the new amount
+ Revoking
شما باید به یک قرارداد هوشمند اجازه بدهید که به تعویض رمز داده شده از طرف شما اقدام کند. این مجوز مبلغی را تعیین می کند که می تواند در یک قرارداد هوشمند استفاده شود. این باقیمانده موجودی شما را تحت تأثیر قرار نمی دهد اما برای تأیید معامله به هزینه کمی نیاز دارد. \n\nاگرچه ممکن است قبل از هر معامله بر اساس تقاضا انجام شود ، تصویب مبلغ بالاتر برای ما در معاملات آینده ارزان تر است.
شما از قبل مبلغی را برای این مستمری در نظر گرفته اید
خرج کننده
شما تایید کردید
+ You Revoke
+ Unlock Access
+ Allow access to the following amount
+ Grant permission to a smart contract for token trading on your behalf, specifying the allowed amount. No impact on your balance, but incurs a small fee for approval.\n\nPre-approving a higher amount for future trades is cost-effective compared to on-demand approvals.
+ Unlimited
+ The amount an exchange can spend on a user\’s behalf when executing token swaps. A proceeding transaction setting sufficient allowance is required before an actual swap transaction can take place.
تأثیر قیمت
+ The expected price deviation from a shown price, typically increases with the swap amount.
مبلغ تضمین شده
حداکثر هزینه
@@ -338,24 +709,45 @@
شما هيچ گونه معاملات يا قرارداد نداريد تا هنوز
لطفا منتظر بمانید تا همگام سازی تمام شود.
در حالت معلق
- دريافت شد
+ Received
انجام شد
- ارسال شد
+ Sent
+ Burned
+ Minted
+ Approved
+ Swapped
تماس قرارداد
+ External Call
ایجاد قرارداد
+ Contract Deploy
به %s
از %s
+ unlimited %s
+ unlimited
+ Blockchain
+ Coin
+ Contacts
+ All Blockchains
+ All Coins
+ All Contacts
سکه را انتخاب کنید
- انتخاب زنجیره بلوکی
+ Choose Blockchain
دريافت شد
ارسال شد
تایید ها
معامله ناشناخته
+ Ton Transaction
+ Transaction can not be parsed
+ Filter
+ Hide suspicious tx
+ Hiding incoming transactions with the dust amount in stablecoins, this partially solves the address poisoning attack problems.
+ Filtering by contacts works on the following blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton and ZCash. Below are the suitable contacts
+ You don\'t have any suitable contacts
اطلاعات تراکنش
@@ -366,6 +758,7 @@
تراکنش خام
+ Contact Name
خرج کننده
@@ -383,13 +776,17 @@
شما پرداخت کردید
شما دریافت می کنید
شما دریافت می کنید
- دريافت شد
- ارسال شد
+ You Sent
+ Received
+ Sent
+ Approved
ارسال مجدد
لغو تصویب
گزينه ها
افزایش سرعت
+ This transaction is suspicious and can be a scam.\nPlease do not copy any addresses from this transaction.
+ This action will attempt to invalidate the previous transaction by resending it with a higher fee.
در حالت انتظار
انجام شد
@@ -404,8 +801,18 @@
لغو تراکنش
تراکنش در حال حاضر در بلاک است
+ Replaced Transactions
+ Fee (Sat)
+ Fee Too Low
+ RBF not enabled
+ Unable to replace
فرستنده این مبالغ را با یک قفل هزینه ارسال می کند که در %sمنقضی می شود. \n\n نگران نباشید، بیت کوین دریافتی در حال حاضر متعلق به شماست اما تا پایان دوره قفل شما نمی توانید آن را در شبکه بیت کوین هزینه کنید.
+ The sender sent these funds with a spending lock that will expire on the shown date. \n\nNo worries, the received Bitcoins are already yours, but until the lock period expires you cannot spend them on the Bitcoin network.
+ Broadcast
+ The transaction holding this amount is broadcasted but not yet accepted by the network.
+ Processing amount
+ Transactions with this amount still syncing. And when they are confirmed, these tokens will be available for spending
دو برابر هزینه کردن
خطر دو برابر هزینه کردن! تراکنش دیگری در زنجیره بلوکی وجود دارد که سعی می کنید ورودی های استفاده شده در این تراکنش را استفاده کند. فقط یک تراکنش توسط شبکه پذیرفته خواهد شد
این Tx
@@ -422,6 +829,7 @@
می فهمم
+ Security
اطلاعیه ها
ارز مرجع
@@ -434,48 +842,165 @@
به ما امتیاز بدهید
صفحه شروع
- درخواست
- ۱ ساعت
+ via Telegram
+ via E-mail
+ Auto-Lock
+ Be Unstoppable
+ Learn and master crypto via exclusive videos. Get to know us informally. Be the first to see things we work on.
+ Personal Support
+ Enter your Telegram account name to start a personal support chat with our team. We\'ll get back to you and start working on your problem as soon as we see it.
+ You\'ve already requested a private chat, find it on Telegram
+ Account
+ \@username
+ Requested
+ Request
+ New Request
+ Request failed
+ Open Telegram
+ Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!
+ Donate
+ Get your tokens
+ Donate %s
+ Donate with
+ Donation Address
+ Addresses
+ Or select a coin to donate
+ Immediate
+ 1 minute
+ 5 minutes
+ 15 minutes
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
صفحه راه اندازی
نماد برنامه
+ Balance Conversion
+ Balance Value
+ Changing icon will close application
+ Hide Markets
+ Hide Buttons
+ This configuration hides the Send, Receive, and Swap buttons on Balance tab.
+ Balance Auto Hide
+ Automatically hides balance each time the app is opened, regardless of previous preferences.
+ Price Change %
ارزش سکه
ارزش فیات
درباره برنامه
وب سایت پروژه
تغییرات جدید
+ App Version
+ Blockchain Settings
- غیره
- هشدار
+ Backup Manager
+ Restore Backup
+ Create New Backup
+ Backup File
+ Restore
+ List of contents in the backup file.
+ Warning
+ Replace
+ This action will overwrite your local payment contacts.
+ Backup required
+ Watch Wallets
+ Watchlist
+ Custom RPC
+ App Settings
+ Language, Currency, Appearance …
+ Unstoppable doesn\'t collect personal data that expose your private information i.e. coin balances or addresses. While we gather some UI usage statistics, it\'s solely for understanding our user base and app usage trends. That can be disabled if you wish.
+ The wallet does not gather any personal data.
+ There are no user accounts or databases storing user data.
+ If allowed the wallet will share app usage habits with Unstoppable team. This is to understand which features are being used (or not) by our users. Being a privacy focused app we need some way to evaluate our efforts and without this we have no idea whether the features we built are being used or not.
+ Share UI data
+ Add New
+ Added
حالت همگام سازی
+ RPC Url
+ Add RPC Source
+ Basic Auth(optional)
+ RPC Source with this url already exists
+ Entered url is invalid. Valid url must have one of the following schemes: https, wss
+ After changing source the wallet will have to resync itself.
+ Choose the source Unstoppable app should use for synchronizing wallet(s).
+ Inputs/Outputs
+ Transaction Settings
+ Transaction Inputs / Outputs
با تغییر در نحوه ساخت تراکنش ها، ردیابی تراکنش های BTC, LTC, BCH را دشوارتر کنید.
+ Most Bitcoin transactions, as well as transactions in alike cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin Cash, Dash, and Litecoin, generate two outputs. One output is the amount that goes to the receiver and the other is the change output that is returned to the sender. The way most wallets construct transactions makes it easy for a third party to understand which of the outputs went to the receiving party and which one was the change amount returned to the sender. As the output returned to the sender is later used in future transactions, a connection between these two transactions becomes apparent.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet implements measures to make it harder for someone to figure out which output goes where.
+\n\nThere are two options available to Unstoppable users:
+\n\n1. Shuffle: The order of transaction outputs is randomized on every transaction. Sometimes change can be the first output, sometimes it can be the second. If a user trusts the developer of the app, then consider this a recommended option.
+\n\n2. Deterministic: There is a commonly agreed standard for ordering transaction outputs (known as BIP69). In open-source wallets, that standard ensures wallet users do not need to trust how developers of the app implement the ordering of the outputs. As this standard is new, not many wallets have implemented it yet. As a result, it\'s somewhat possible to see on the blockchain whether a transaction was sent from a wallet that uses that standard or not.
حریم خصوصی
- احراز هویت بیومتریک
+ Biometrics
فعال کردن تأیید هویت بیومتریک به طور بالقوه می تواند امنیت دستگاه شما را در مقایسه با کد قفل پین ساده تضعیف کند.
- رمز عبور
+ Enable Passcode
+ Disable Passcode
تغییر رمزعبور
+ Set Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Disable Duress Passcode
+ A specialized mode designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion.
مدیریت کیف پول ها
این اقدام کیف پول غیر قابل توقف را مجدداً راه اندازی می کند.
+ Fully anonymize your internet while using this app. Note, in some cases WalletConnect feature for DeFi apps may be very slow or not work at all.
+ The notifications for the Unstoppable Wallet app are disabled. You need to turn on Notifications and allow background app refresh in order to be able to receive price change alerts.
مخلوط کردن
فهرست بندی تصادفی
+ Deterministic
BIP69 قطعی
فهرست بندی فهرستشناختی
- احراز هویت بیومتریک
+ Blockchair API
+ Very Fast
+ Fast
+ Blockchain
+ Slow. Highest Privacy.
+ Duress Passcode
+ Set a passcode for Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Enter new passcode for Duress Mode
+ Duress Mode
+ This mode allows user to setup multiple unlock app passcodes where a desired passcode shows only specified wallets. Designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion or threats.
+ Biometrics
+ The Biometric Authentication feature will work to unlock the Duress Mode. You can disable Biometric Authentication for convenience.
+ Passcode Disabling
+ Disabling the passcode in the main mode will automatically reset the duress mode.
+ Passcode Change
+ Changing the passcode in the Duress Mode will also change the current PIN code for that mode.
+ Select Wallets
+ Select the wallets that will be displayed in duress mode.
+ The Unstoppable wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.
+\n\nIt\'s a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn\'t collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user\'s funds to a specific wallet app.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to.
+ Securely backup recovery phrases for each wallet. It\'s the only way to regain access to funds if the app malfunctions.
+ The wallet recovery phrases are randomly generated on the device during setup and are not stored elsewhere.
+ Disabling unlock PIN (code) on the smartphone deletes all wallets from the app. Recovery phrases will be needed to restore access to funds.
+ Jailbreaking (rooting), using outdated OS, and installing apps from unknown sources may endanger the safety of funds.
+ There may be undiscovered software issues in the code powering this app which may cause the app to malfunction.
به اشتراك گذاشتن
+ Be Unstoppable
+ Contact Us
هشدارهای تغییر قیمت برای سکه هایی که می خواهید ببینید را تنظیم کنید. \n\n وقتی تغییر قیمت در ۲۴ ساعت گذشته از آستانه انتخاب شده بیشتر شود به شما هشدار داده می شود.\n\nهشدار روند قیمت برای مدت کوتاه ۱ هفته و برای مدت طولانی ۶ ماه تغییر روند هشدار می دهد.
اطلاعیه ها برای برنامه کیف پول غیر قابل توقف غیرفعال هستند. برای اینکه بتوانید هشدارهای تغییر قیمت را دریافت کنید ، باید آنها را فعال کنید.
@@ -514,40 +1039,82 @@
نشانی افزوده شد
انجام شد
+ Verified
آدرس ایمیل کپی شد
به فهرست تماشا افزوده شد
+ Added To Wallet
+ Removed from Wallet
+ Already added to wallet
از فهرست تماشا برداشته شد
+ Removed
+ Wait for synchronization
مدیر سكه
+ Name, code or contract address
اضافه کردن نشان
نتیجه ای پیدا نشد. اگر آدرس قرارداد هوشمند آن را میدانید، سعی کنید توکن را به صورت دستی اضافه کنید.
+ There are 4 common address formats %1$s wallets can use to receive incoming payments:
+\n- BIP-44 (older)
+\n- BIP-49
+\n- BIP-84 (recommended)
+\n- BIP-86 (newest)
+\nWhile Unstoppable wallet supports all 4 of them it recommends to use a %2$s wallet operating in BIP-84 format. The wallets operating in this format get to pay lowest fees when sending %3$s transactions.
+ There are 2 address formats Bitcoin Cash wallets can use to receive incoming payments:
+\n- TYPE0 (older)
+\n- TYPE145 (newer)
+\nWhile Unstoppable wallet supports both of them it recommends to use a Bitcoin Cash wallet operating in TYPE145 format.
ویژگی های زیر تجربی است و باید با احتیاط استفاده شود. در حالی که ما این ویژگی ها را با استفاده از وجوه رمزنگاری شده خودمان به طور آزمایشی آزمایش کرده ایم ، اما نمی توانیم تضمین کنیم که آنها مطابق آنچه انتظار می رود عمل کنند.
شما را قادر می سازد بیت کوین هایی ارسال کنید که تا تاریخ مشخص نمی توان هزینه کرد. \n\n گیرنده چنین معامله ای باید از کیف پول غیرقابل توقف استفاده کند. \n\nفقط کیف پول غیر قابل توقف می تواند چنین تراکنش هایی را به صورت صحیح در شبکه بیت کوین شناسایی کند و همچنین گیرنده را قادر به خرج کردن آن بیت کوین ها پس از پایان دوره قفل کند. \n\n اگر شما نگهدارنده هستید ، ممکن است از این ویژگی استفاده کنید تا با ارسال چنین معامله ای به خودتان ، خود را مجبور به هک کردن بیت کوین های خود کنید. \n\n با استفاده از یک ویژگی آزمایشی ، حداکثر مقدار هر تراکنش به 0.5 BTC محدود شده است.
+ This option activates Ethereum\'s Goerli testnet only for GoerliETH token and adds it to the coin manager.\n\nIt only affects GoerliETH token while all other EVM and Ethereum tokens operate over mainnet. In other words, only transactions in GoerliETH go through Goerli testnet, while all other EVM token transfers including ETH go through mainnet.
مدیریت کیف پول ها
به وجود آوردن
مشاهده آدرس
- مشاهده آدرس
+ from File
+ Import a backup file from your local folder.
+ from Recovery Phrase
+ Import using recovery phrase or private key.
+ from Exchange Wallet
+ Connect to a wallet on centralized exchange.
+ Watch Address
+ Observing mode of EVM-Chain and BTC, LTC, DASH addresses
+ Invalid Json File
+ This file is not a valid backup of the wallet, or the file has been corrupted and cannot be restored.
+ Select Another File
- آدرس یا دامنه
+ Enter Password
+ Enter the backup password to import your wallet.
+ Invalid Password
+ Backup Password
+ Enter Your EVM, TRON, TON or Public Address (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash) or Account xPubKey.
انتخاب زنجیره های بلوکی
سکه ها را انتخاب کنید
+ Address format is not supported
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
نمایش عبارت
تنظیمات شبکه
+ Unlink Wallet
تهیه نسخه پشتیبان لازم است
قبل از دریافت بودجه %2$s، باید از کیف پول%1$s نسخه پشتیبان تهیه کنید.
این عمل کیف پول را از این دستگاه پاک خواهد کرد.
اگر از کلید خصوصی این کیف پول نسخه پشتیبان تهیه نکرده اید، دسترسی به بودجه خود را از دست خواهید داد.
+ Migration Required
%s قد تولد
%s کلمه
%s کلمه با عبارت عبور
@@ -555,6 +1122,8 @@
کیف پول ها
مشاهده آدرس
کیف پول را برای تعویض سریع انتخاب کنید
+ Do you want to stop watching this wallet address?
+ You need to backup %1$s
تنظیمات شبکه
سوئیچ به طور خودکار
@@ -573,21 +1142,55 @@
خطر کپی کلید خصوصی
به عنوان یک اقدام امنیتی، توصیه می کنیم از عملکرد کپی در کلید خصوصی استفاده نکنید.
من آن را به خطر می اندازم
+ Don\'t copy
+ This key is for all EVM-compatible blockchains.\n\nAs a security measure we recommend not to use copy action on private key.
- Backup Wallet
- Backup this wallet by creating a copy of its recovery phrase. It will be required in order to access the wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken etc.
+ Backup Recovery Phrase
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
+ Complete one of the wallet backup options to start using the wallet.
+ It\'s recommended to have a manual backup for each wallet.
+ Local Backup
+ Save and Backup
+ Set Password
+ Backup Saved
+ At least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one symbol.
+ This password is used to encrypt backup file of your wallet. It can\'t be recovered or reset if lost or forgotten.
+ Set unlock password for your backup. It must consist of at least 8 symbols and include at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number and a special character.
+ Storage devices i.e. hard drives, USB drives , storage on smartphone etc. are all vulnerable to loss due to physical damage, theft or other unforeseen circumstances.
+ I understand that theft or damage of a backup device will result in loss of a backup to a respective wallet.
عبارت بازیابی
+ Write these words down in the correct order and keep them in a safe place
+ Tap to show recovery phrase
+ Risk of Copying
+ EVM Private Key
+ This key is for all EVM-compatible blockchains. Do not share it with anyone.
+ Tap to show private key
+ BIP32 Root Key
+ Tap to show private key
+ To do
+ Private Keys
+ EVM Private Key
+ Grants full control over EVM based crypto i.e Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain etc. within respective wallet.
+ Grants full control over the assets on the respective wallet.
+ Account Extended Private Key
+ Grants full control over Bitcoin and other UTXO based crypto i.e. Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash etc. within respective wallet.
+ Never share this key with anyone. Unstoppable Wallet support team will never ask for it.
کلیدهای عمومی
+ EVM Address
+ Allows read-only monitoring of wallets holding assets on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and other EVM based blockchains.
+ Allows read-only monitoring of wallets holding Bitcoin and other UTXO based crypto (i.e Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash etc.).
کلمات درخواستی را از عبارت بازیابی کیف پول خود انتخاب کنید
@@ -627,11 +1230,22 @@
اضافه کردن نشان
نام سکه
+ Coin Code
+ …
انواع سکه
آدرس قرارداد
+ Choose Token
+ Blockchain
+ This token is already in the Coin Manager list
+ Invalid contract address
+ Invalid BEP2 symbol
+ BEP2 symbol not found
+ Contract address not found in %s blockchain
ساختار آدرس
+ Select address format for receiving payments. A correct format should be chosen when restoring an existing wallet.
نوع سکه
@@ -649,28 +1263,296 @@
درحال راه اندازی Tor...
خطا در راه اندازی Tor!
+ Connecting Tor…
ارتباط برقرار شد
+ Failed to Connect Tor
ارتباط قطع شد
+ Tor is active
با فعال کردن TOR، اتصال Ethereum زنجیره بلوکی به Infura بازمی گردد.
+ Coin Info
+ Markets
+ Analytics
+ Tweets
+ 1D
+ 7D
+ 1M
+ 2W
+ 3M
+ 6M
+ 1Y
+ 2Y
+ 5Y
+ All
+ Markets
+ Trading Volume
+ Major Holders
+ The number of tokens held by the top 10 wallets. Quality projects typically have a widely distributed token.
+ Audits
+ No audit reports
+ Powered by Defiyield.app
+ Issues: %d
+ Investor Data
+ Filters
+ Powered by Bitcointreasuries.net
+ Reports
+ Funds Invested
حریم خصوصی
+ Medium
- نمای کلی
+ Issuance
+ Centralized
+ Decentralized
+ Confiscation-resistance
+ Censorship-resistance
+ Audits
+ 24h Range
+ About
+ Overview
+ Category
+ Categories
+ Contracts
+ Blockchains
+ BIPs
+ Coin Types
+ Links
+ Guide
وب سایت پروژه
+ Whitepaper
+ No twitter available
هنوز توییتی وجود ندارد
+ Quoted %s
+ Retweeted %s
+ Replying to %s
+ See on Twitter
+ Market Cap
+ Diluted MCap
+ In Circulation
+ Total Supply
+ K
+ M
+ B
+ T
+ Q
M.cap / TVL ratio
+ The ratio of the project token\'s market cap over its TVL.
+ Vol
+ No Data
+ No data available
Added To Wallet
+ In Wallet
+ Favorite
+ Unfavorite
- جزئیات
- ۱ ساعت
- ۱ ماه
- پرمخاطره
- %d مورد
- پرمخاطره
- آدرس
+ Read More
+ Read Less
+ Show More
+ Show Less
+ Inception Date
+ Total Value Locked
+ TVL Rank
+ The ranking among other protocols is based on the TVL value in USD terms.
+ M.cap / TVL ratio
+ The ratio of the project token\'s market cap over its TVL.
+ Capital deposited into the platform in the form of loan collateral or liquidity pool.
+ %s Contract
+ BEP2 Symbol
+ Top Wallets
+ The chart above shows the \%% of all tokens in circulation held by the top 10 wallets. The lower the \%% the more distributed the coin is.
+ in Top 10 Holders
+ Total Holders: %s
+ Lead
+ Get access to advanced wallet features by holding Unstoppable NFTs.
+ [%s]\nNot found
+ Indicators
+ Moving Averages
+ Oscillators
+ The EMA, SMA, and WMA are moving averages used in technical analysis:\n\nEMA emphasizes recent prices for quicker reactions.\nSMA averages price data for a general trend view.\nWMA balances sensitivity and noise reduction by linearly weighting recent data.
+ The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures price speed and change, identifying overbought (above 70) or oversold (below 30) market conditions. It can also detect price reversals through divergences.
+ The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a momentum indicator that tracks the relationship between two EMAs of a security\'s price. It signals buying or selling opportunities when the MACD line (12-period EMA minus 26-period EMA) crosses the 9-period EMA, known as the signal line.
+ Insufficient Data
+ There are not enough data points to display the EMA 1 indicator. Please adjust the time period to generate a view of the moving average line.Not enough point to display EMA 1.
+ Type
+ Period
+ RSI Length
+ Fast Length
+ Slow Length
+ Signal Smoothing
+ Indicators available only for Unstoppable Wallet premium users.
+ This is an AI-generated description based on the provided reference material for the given cryptocurrency. It may contain errors.
+ Verified
+ All
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on centralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading decentralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on decentralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ DEXes that are being tracked:
+ Total currently available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ Chart showing variation in available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ DEXes that are being tracked:
+ Total number of unique daily active addresses over 24-hour period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily active address count over 1 year period.
+ Total number of unique blockchain addresses transacting with token over 30-day period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of active wallets transacting with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of daily active addresses transacting with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total number of unique blockchain transactions with token over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in transaction count over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of transactions with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of transactions with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ The total number of tokens transferred over the blockchain over the 30 day period.
+ Total number of unique addresses holding the token on various blockchains.
+ Top 10 wallets holding the token on each blockchain.
+ Tracked blockchains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon
+ Total-Value-Locked (or Assets Under Management) in the project\'s smart contracts.
+ Chart showing variation Total-Value-Locked in project\'s smart contracts over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ Market Cap / TVL ratio for the project.
+ Total revenue generated for the token holders over 30-day period. Typically, fees are collected by token stakers or though a token burn mechanism.
+ Token\'s rank is based on the revenue generated over a 30-day period for token stakers.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the revenue generated for token stakers over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Summary: This is a general overview of an asset\'s technicals, considering a variety of technical indicators and timeframes. It provides a consensus viewpoint (Buy, Sell, or Neutral) based on these indicators.
+ Moving Averages (MA): These are commonly used technical indicators that smooth out price data to create a trend-following indicator. They show the average price over a specific time period. There are several types of MAs:\n\nSimple Moving Average (SMA): This calculates the average of a selected range of prices, usually closing prices, by the number of periods in that range.\n\nExponential Moving Average (EMA): This gives more weight to recent prices, thereby responding more quickly to recent price changes.
+ Oscillators: These are technical indicators that fluctuate over time within a band (above and below a center line, or between set levels). They are designed to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in a market. Here are some common oscillators:\n\nRelative Strength Index (RSI): This measures the speed and change of price movements. It is usually used to identify overbought or oversold conditions.\n\nMoving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): This is used to identify potential buy and sell signals. It triggers technical signals when it crosses above (to buy) or below (to sell) its signal line.
+ This project has no analytical data
+ CEX Volume
+ CEX Volume Rank
+ Tokens ranked by trading volume for the token on centralized exchanges.
+ DEX Volume
+ DEX Volume Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by trading volume for the token on decentralized exchanges.
+ DEX Liquidity
+ DEX Liquidity Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ Daily Active Addresses
+ Active Addresses Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by a number of unique addresses transacting with the token.
+ Transaction Count
+ Tx Count Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by number of transactions on a blockchain.
+ Holders
+ Project TVL
+ Project TVL (Total Value Locked)
+ M.Cap / TVL Ratio
+ Project Revenue
+ Project Fee
+ Project Revenue Rank
+ Project Fee Rank
+ Holders Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by revenue generated for holders via mechanisms i.e. staking or token burns.
+ Tokens are ranked according to fees generated by respective projects. The way fees are collected varies from project to project.
+ Ranking tokens by unique addresses holding them on multiple blockchains.
+ Other Data
+ Reports
+ Funding
+ Audits
+ last 30d
+ current
+ Rank
+ 30-Day Rank
+ 30-Day Unique Addresses
+ 30-Day Volume
+ Overall Score
+ Excellent
+ Good
+ Fair
+ Poor
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on centralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on decentralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily active addresses over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total value locked (assets under management) on the project represented by the given token.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily transaction count over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total number of addresses holding the respective tokens.
+ Technical Indicators
+ Details
+ Select Period
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
+ 4 hours
+ 8 hours
+ 1 day
+ 1 week
+ 1 month
+ Strong Buy
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ No Data
+ Smart Contract Analysis
+ High Risk Items
+ Medium Risk Items
+ Risky
+ Attention Required
+ Powered by De.Fi
+ %d Items
+ Trading Assistant
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ overbought
+ oversold
+ down
+ up
+ The actions with the asset are risky.
+ Starting from the %s
+ The asset is outside the Bollinger Band channel and %s.
+ RSI = %1$s, This also indicates that the asset is %2$s.
+ There might be a strong %sward movement, so it\'s better to wait for the asset price to return to the channel.
+ the asset was %s, but now it has returned to the Bollinger Band channel. This indicates a possible trend reversal.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %1$s, which still indicates that it is %2$s.
+ This could be a very strong signal to enter the market. Keep in mind that there may be several attempts of %sward movement after returning to the channel, so do not forget about risk management.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %s, which also indicates a trend reversal (RSI crossed the boundary at 70\%%).
+ The price is returning to neutral levels, however, there is still potential for upward movement. Keep in mind that RSI = 50 and the middle of the Bollinger Bands are strong resistances and possible trend reversal points. Do not forget about risk management.
+ RSI = $s also confirms the absence of a strong trend.
+ the asset was in the overbought/oversold zone, but at the moment the price has returned to the Bollinger Band channel in the neutral zone. The RSI is %s also confirms the absence of a strong trend, so overall the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ In general, the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ Please note:
+ above
+ below
+ growth
+ decrease
+ EMA 200. Determines the overall sentiment and trend. The daily price of the asset is located %1$s the EMA (%2$s). This means that globally the asset is set for %3$s.
+ above
+ below
+ MACD. Assesses the strength of the trend considering the average price change. The daily value of the histogram is %1$s (%2$s). The price of the asset globally may move %3$s.
+ Technical Indicators
+ We use the Bollinger Bands + RSI strategy to determine trading signals. All calculations are based on daily candlesticks and provide advice for a moderately long term. The essence of the strategy is that the asset price should reach an extreme, breaking out of the Bollinger Bands channel, and the RSI should be in the overbought/oversold zone. After the price returns to the channel, there is a high probability of the price returning to the mean values or attempting to break the channel from the other side. Note that the strategy may give several false signals during strong market movements before a correct signal appears.\n\nPlease remember that it is very important to apply risk management to trading and remember to cut losses if the market situation changes!
+ Show Details
+ Hide Details
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Sell
+ Strong Sell
+ Risky
+ Token Detectors
+ General Detectors
+ Issues %d
+ Activate
+ Wallet
+ Address
+ Message to Sign
+ You need to sign this message to activate your subscription.
+ Your wallet address does not have a subscription to premium features, you need to purchase it to activate the subscription.
+ Premium Features
+ Cryptocurrency Analytics
+ Access comprehensive market and on-chain stats about each token.
+ Price Trend Indicators
+ Discover uptrending tokens based on technical analysis indicators.
+ Personal Support
+ Contact our team directly over Telegram for personal assistance.
+ Get Premium
+ I already have Premium
7 دی اوت
30 دی اوت
آخرین فروش
@@ -711,6 +1593,11 @@
میانگین تمام دوران
%d مورد
+ Today\'s Sellers
+ %s NFT
+ ~%s per NFT
+ Royalty
+ Inception Date
نوع رویداد را انتخاب کنید
@@ -720,12 +1607,16 @@
پیشنهاد وارد شد
مناقصه پس گرفته شد
+ Offer Entered
شخصی سازی
+ Bulk Cancel
+ Gainers
+ Losers
%dدقيقه پيش
@@ -737,31 +1628,58 @@
در صورت تصمیم به گزارش آن ، متن خطا در کلیپ بورد شما کپی خواهد شد.
ما را دنبال کنید
+ Locked
+ Pro Users
غیرقابل توقف %s
+ Additional Token Info
+ To enable this data you should get bronze level UW NFTs “Coin Info+”\n\nAlso you get access to data below:
+ DEX Volume and Rank
+ DEX Liquidity and Rank
+ Active Addresses
+ Transaction Count
+ Transaction Volume
+ Authenticating...
+ Coming Soon
+ Activate
+ Activate the Pass
+ Mountain Yak - Go borderless. Will show you important market data, analytical tools, useful charts based on on-chain data that will help give you a clear view of projects
انتخاب نوع
+ No item activity yet
+ To make sure that this widget works properly, you should enable Autostart.
خطای کلید اصلی اندروید
داده رمزگذاری شده که کیف پول شما را نگه داشته است اخیراً باطل نشده است زیرا صفحه قفل اندروید شما تغییر کرده است
+ It looks like your device uses a non-default keyboard. Unstoppable recommends selecting default keyboard on your device as third party keyboards can potentially collect and expose users\' input data. \n\nClick \'Skip\' button if you would like to keep using your preferred keyboard.
+ The Unstoppable team recommends running app only on non-rooted (not jailbroken) phones.\n\nPlease note when you use a rooted device the app can no longer guarantee the safety of your cryptocurrency from malicious software.
كد تلفن
این برنامه نیاز دارد که تلفن دارای رمز عبور (قفل صفحه) باشد.\n\n شما می توانید آن را در تنظیمات اندروید فعال کنید.\n\nلطفاً توجه داشته باشید که هنگامی که PIN یا کد را در سطح OS یا سیستم عامل غیرفعال کردید ، اقدامات امنیتی در ذخیره ایمن ایجاد شده در تلفن شما ، اطلاعاتی که قبلا ذخیره شده است را نامعتبر می کند. برای بازگشت به کیف پول خود، باید کلیدهای کیف پول خود را بازیابی کنید.
این برنامه برای حفظ اطلاعات حساس از کیف پول شما در حافظه امن اندروید و نه در خود برنامه به PIN یا رمز تلفن شما نیاز دارد.
+ Unlock
کد عبور
+ Enter Passcode
اسکنر بیومتریک
کد عبور را وارد کنید یا بعدا دوباره امتحان کنید
بیومتریک auth. غیرفعال شد
معلول تا: %s
+ Attempts left: %s
+ Regular
+ Random
- تنظیم یک گذرواژه
+ Create Passcode
از کد عبور شما برای باز کردن کیف پول و ارسال پول استفاده می شود
کد عبور مطابقت نداشت. دوباره امتحان کنید.
هنگام ذخیره کد عبور شما خطایی روی داد. لطفا دوباره تلاش کنید.
+ Set a passcode to enable Biometrics
+ Set a passcode to enable Duress Mode
+ This passcode is already being used.
تغییر رمزعبور
رمز عبور فعلي
@@ -769,15 +1687,64 @@
اسکنر بیومتریک
+ Contacts
+ Backup Contacts
+ Restore Contacts
+ This action will completely overwrite your contacts and delete your existing contact list. Do you want to replace your contact list?
+ Addresses: %s
+ New Contact
+ Add New Contact
+ Add Address
+ Create New Contact
+ Add to Existing Contact
+ Replace
+ Selected contact already has an address on %1$s. This action will replace the address %2$s with %3$s?
آدرس یا دامنه
- ارتباط برقرار شد
+ Delete Contact
+ Are you sure you want to delete this contact?
+ Delete Address
+ Are you sure you want to delete this address?
+ Discard Changes
+ Keep Editing
+ Are you sure you want to discard these new changes?
+ You do not have an added contact
+ More
+ This address is already used for %s
+ The name already exists
+ Connected
- سکه را انتخاب کنید
- خالص
+ Choose Coin
+ Choose Network
+ Choose a network and get an address to deposit.
+ Name or code
+ Deposit %s
+ Copy Address
+ Share Address
+ Network
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Send only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Memo (tag) is required, or your will lose your coins.\n\nSend only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Important
+ Both a memo (tag) and the address are needed to ensure that assets are received. Otherwise your funds will be lost.
+ Failed to connect your API Key
- ارسال %s
- خالص
- هزينه
- ارسال مجدد
+ Send %s
+ Network
+ Fee from amount
+ Fee
+ Ensure the network matches the withdrawal address and the deposit platform supports it, or assets may be lost.
+ Security Verification
+ Verification Code
+ Google Authenticator Code
+ Resend
+ %s sec
+ Enter verification code sent to your email.
+ Enter code from your Google Authenticator App.
+ Withdraw
+ Success
+ Not enough available Balance
+ The minimum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ The maximum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ Withdraw Failed
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index f0b631ab8c8..cb3bc3ee0dc 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
- Le paramètre n\'est pas défini
- %1$s%2$s
+ Parameter is not set
+ %s%s
Chargement en cours...
- Afficher
- Masquer
+ Show
+ Hide
- QR Code à scanner
+ Scan QR Code
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- Actualiser
+ Refresh
@@ -48,20 +48,20 @@
- En savoir plus
- Activer
- Signer
- Activation
- Récupérez vos Clés API
- Connexion
- S\'Inscrire
- Je me connecte
- Veuillez Réessayer
- Partager
- Appliquer
- Définir le montant
- Il doit contenir au moins %1$s et faire un maximum de %2$s caractères
- Les chiffres que vous avez fournis sont incorrects
+ Learn More
+ Activate
+ Sign
+ Activating
+ Get API Keys
+ Log In
+ Sign Up
+ Submit
+ Try Again
+ Share
+ Apply
+ Set Amount
+ Can\'t be less than %1$s or more than %2$s
+ Wrong integer number
N\'importe lequel
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
Phrase de récupération
Listes de mots
Phrase d\'authentification
- Mot de passe
+ Password
%s mots (recommandé)
%s mots
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@
Entrez 12, 15, 18, 21 ou 24 mots
Restauration non-standard
Sur cette page, vous trouverez un mécanisme spécial de restauration de portefeuille pour les utilisateurs d\'Unstoppable dont le portefeuille n\'est pas standard. En général, de tels portefeuilles ont été créés dans la version 0.27 - 0.28 d\'Unstoppable en utilisant une liste de mots mnémoniques non-anglais et/ou un caractère spécial dans la phrase de passe du portefeuille (c\'est-à-dire un symbole diacritique).\n\nSi vous êtes un utilisateur concerné, le solde de votre portefeuille sera affiché à 0 après la restauration de ce portefeuille dans la version 0.29 ou supérieure. Grâce à cette page, vous pourrez restaurer l\'accès à votre portefeuille non-standard. Une fois la restauration effectuée, il est conseillé de créer un nouveau portefeuille (qui sera conforme aux normes) et d\'y transférer vos fonds.
- (recommandé)
+ (recommended)
Clé invalide
Crypto Monnaie
- Tout
+ All
Hauteur de l\'anniversaire
Hauteur de l\'anniversaire de Zcash
@@ -146,11 +146,11 @@
Portefeuille existant
A des transactions
La synchronisation initiale avec la blockchain peut consommer beaucoup de trafic Internet.
- Essayez CEX
- Sélectionnez l\'exchange centralisé auquel vous voulez vous connecter.
- Veuillez renseigner vos clés API (API Keys and Secrets) pour pouvoir vous connecter à votre exchange de cryptomonnaies.
- Clé API
- Code Secret
+ Select CEX
+ Select the centralized exchange to which you want to connect.
+ Please provide the API Keys and API Secret to link your exchange.
+ API Key
+ Secret Key
@@ -159,12 +159,12 @@
Cap. marché la plus forte
Cap. marché la plus basse
Volume le plus élevé
@@ -172,48 +172,48 @@
Prix le plus élevé
Prix le plus bas
Trier par
- Cap Totale
- Pourcentage de Dominance du BTC
+ Total M.Cap
+ BTC Dominance
Volume des dernières 24h
TVL en DeFi
Cap DeFi
Tout Afficher
- Propulsé par l\'API CoinGeko
+ Powered By CoinGeko API
Propulsé par API Horizontale
- Propulsé par l\'API DefiLlama
+ Powered By DefiLlama API
- Pièces
- Platformes
- Paires
- Secteurs
+ Coins
+ Platforms
+ Pairs
+ Sectors
Liste de suivi
Votre liste de suivi est vide.
Top des coins
Top des coins par cap de marché
- Signaux
+ Signals
- Cap. marché
+ Market Cap
- Les signaux ci-dessous sont basés sur les indicateurs techniques de prix Bollinger Bands et RSI sur environ les 30 derniers jours. Ces signaux sont algorithmiques et peuvent changer fréquemment.
- Haute confiance dans l\'augmentation des prix.
- Probable augmentation du prix dans un futur proche.
- Aucune tendance claire, le marché est en équilibre.
- Probable diminution du prix dans un futur proche.
- Probabilité élevée de diminution du prix.
- Niveau de risque élevé, nécessite de la prudence.
- N\'oubliez pas d\'appliquer une gestion des risques, et notez que ceci n\'est pas un conseil financier.
- Activer
+ Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently.
+ High confidence in price increase.
+ Likely price increase in near future.
+ No clear trend, market is in equilibrium.
+ Likely price decrease in near future.
+ High probability of price decrease.
+ Elevated risk level, requires caution.
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ Turn on
Top 100
Top 200
Top 300
Top 500
- Principaux paires de marché
- Principales paires de trading par volume sur chaque bourse
+ Top Market Pairs
+ Top trading pairs by volume in every exchanges
- Principaux paires de marché
+ Top Market Pairs
Meilleurs secteurs
- Secteurs
+ Sectors
Meilleures plateformes
Meilleures plateformes blockchain
@@ -223,15 +223,15 @@
Capitalisation boursière de tous les protocoles de la chaîne %s
- Cap totale
- Pourcentage de Dominance du BTC
- Vol. 24h
+ Total Cap
+ BTC Dominance
+ 24h Vol.
Cap DeFi
- TVL en DeFi
- Entrées d\'ETF
Valeur de marché totale de toutes les cryptomonnaies.
Le changement historique du ratio entre la capitalisation boursière du Bitcoin et le reste des marchés de cryptomonnaies. \n\nGénéralement, lorsque la domination du Bitcoin tend à la hausse, le reste du marché des cryptomonnaies a une tendance à la baisse et vice versa.
- Le volume de trading de 24h du marché des cryptomonnaies.
+ The 24h trading volume of the crypto market.
La variation historique du volume d\'échange quotidien agrégé pour %s
Valeur de marché totale des projets DeFi.
Valeur totale verrouillée (TVL) dans DeFi.
@@ -240,14 +240,14 @@
Cette pièce n\'est pas encore prise en charge
Ce projet n\'a pas de pièce de monnaie
- Flux net total
- Le flux net entrant d\'un ETF est égal à ses entrées de trésorerie moins ses sorties.
- Actifs les plus élevés
- Les actifs les moins élevés
- Flux entrant
- Flux sortant
- Tout
- Total des actifs nets
+ Total Net Inflow
+ The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows.
+ Highest Assets
+ Lowest Assets
+ Inflow
+ Outflow
+ All
+ Total Net Assets
Aucun résultat
@@ -259,30 +259,30 @@
Volume de trading
Volume de négociation (24h)
Période de prix
- Signaux de trading
+ Trading Signals
Variation de prix
- 24 Heures
- Minuit UTC
+ 24 Hours
+ Midnight UTC
A surpassé BTC
A surpassé ETH
A surpassé BNB
Prix proche d\'ATH
Prix proche d\'ATL
- Listé sur les meilleures bourses
- Bon volume CEX
- Le score global est bon ou excellent
- Bon volume DEX
- Le score global est bon ou excellent
- Bonne distribution
- Le score global est bon ou excellent
- Achat fort
- Acheter
- Neutre
- Vente forte
- Vendre
- Risqué
- Gagnants
+ Listed on Top Exchanges
+ Good CEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good DEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good Distribution
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Risky
+ Gainers
Top 100
Top 250
Top 500
@@ -296,19 +296,19 @@
100M - 1G
1G - 5G
> 5G
- < Unité de temps M10
- Unités de temps : M10 - M40
- Unités de temps : M40 - M200
+ < 10M
+ 10M - 40M
+ 40M - 200M
200M - 2G
2G - 10G
> 10G
- < Unité de temps M50
- Unités de temps : M50 - M200
+ < 50M
+ 50M - 200M
200M - 1G
1G - 10G
10G - 50G
> 50G
- < Unité de temps M500
+ < 500M
200M - 2G
10G - 100G
100G - 500G
@@ -317,31 +317,31 @@
1 Semaine
2 Semaines
1 Mois
- 3 Mois
+ 3 Months
6 Mois
1 An
- Manuel
- Gagnants
- Perdants
- Cap. marché la plus forte
- Cap. marché la plus basse
+ Manual
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ Highest Cap
+ Lowest Cap
%s Marchés
- Retraits
+ Withdraw
- Echanger
- Dépôts
+ Swap
+ Deposit
%1$s par %2$s
jusqu\'à: %s
Recherche des transactions…
- %s TX
+ %s tx
Synchronisation... %s%%
Pièce %s désactivée
@@ -352,36 +352,37 @@
Téléchargement des blocs
Blocs de numérisation
Vous n\'avez pas encore de portefeuilles installés.\nCréez un nouveau portefeuille ou restaurez un portefeuille existant
- Vous n\'avez ajouté aucune pièce à ce portefeuille.
+ You haven\'t added any coins to this wallet.
Cette adresse de portefeuille n\'a pas de solde
- Vous n\'avez pas d\'actifs à envoyer.
- Vous n\'avez pas d\'actifs à échanger.
- Réseau
- Formater
- Choisissez le réseau pour recevoir une adresse.
- Votre adresse pour le dépôt %s
- Adresse de la montre de %s
- Choisissez un format pour fournir une adresse à recevoir.
- Format de l\'adresse
- Le format d\'adresse en espèces est préféré pour recevoir Bitcoin Cash (BCH) en raison de son expérience utilisateur améliorée et de sa compatibilité. Cependant, les deux formats d\'adresse peuvent être utilisés de façon interchangeable pour recevoir le BCH, quel que soit le format de l\'adresse de l\'expéditeur.
- Le format Native SegWit est préféré dans Bitcoin pour améliorer le débit et la sécurité. Tous les formats d\'adresse (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) peuvent être utilisés de manière interchangeable pour recevoir BTC quel que soit le format d\'adresse de l\'expéditeur, permettant des transactions transparentes entre différents types de pièces.
- Compte
- Non actif
- Montant
- Définir le montant
- Type d\'adresse
- Verrouillé
- Diffusion
- Mémo (Tag)
- Impossible de reconnaître
- Cette adresse est l\'adresse du compte surveillé
- Fournissez le Mémo requis (Tag) et envoyez uniquement des jetons compatibles avec le réseau. D\'autres seront perdus.
- Adresses utilisées
- %s adresses changent pour des raisons de confidentialité et de sécurité. Ci-dessous, une liste des adresses utilisées dans ce portefeuille.
- Adresses de réception
- Adresses de changement
- Nom de la pièce
- Chercher
+ You have no assets to send.
+ You have no assets to swap.
+ Network
+ Format
+ Choose network to get an address to receive.
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Watch address of %s
+ Choose a format for providing an address to receive.
+ Address Format
+ The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender\'s address format.
+ The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender\'s address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types.
+ Account
+ Not active
+ Amount
+ Set Amount
+ Address type
+ Locked
+ Processing
+ Broadcasting
+ Memo (Tag)
+ Can\'t recognize
+ This address is the address of the watched account
+ Provide required Memo (Tag) and send only network-compatible tokens. Others will be lost.
+ Used Addresses
+ %s addresses change for privacy and security. Below a list of used addresses in this wallet.
+ Receive Addresses
+ Change Addresses
+ Coin Name
+ Search
Solde insuffisant
@@ -391,27 +392,31 @@
Les blockchains requièrent que les usagers paient des frais de réseau lorsqu\'ils envoient des transactions. Ces frais sont plus élevés lorsque de nombreuses transactions empruntent le réseau.
- Montant maximal
+ Max
Le TimeLock ne fonctionne que pour les envois vers les adresses du BIP44 (commençant par 1)
- Mode Expert UTxO
- Sélectionnez manuellement UTxO pour dépenser les fonds dans la balance
- Envoyer à
- Changer
- Remplacer par frais
- Ce choix vous permet de renvoyer une transaction bloquée en augmentant le montant des frais.
- Activé
- Désactivé
+ UTxO Expert Mode
+ Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance
+ Send To
+ Change
+ Replace by Fee
+ This option allows you to resend a stuck transaction by increasing the amount of the fee.
+ Enabled
+ Disabled
+ Available Balance
+ Unsellect All
+ Sellect All
Vous envoyez
- Propriétaire
+ Own
+ Action
\u2713 Envoyé
Besoin d\'un accès à la caméra
Veuillez autoriser l\'accès à l\'appareil photo
@@ -439,11 +444,11 @@
Taux de frais
Frais de transaction pour %1$s (%2$s) payé en %3$s. Il est nécessaire %4$s.
Attention ! Risque de blocage
- Frais erronés
- Le taux de frais est trop faible.
+ Fee Error
+ Fee Rate is too low.
La transaction risque d\'être bloquée ou d\'échouer
- Frais erronés
- La connexion au serveur a été perdue. Pour continuer, configurez les frais manuellement en utilisant les données sur le site.
+ Fee Error
+ The connection to the server has been lost. To proceed, set up the fees manually using the data on the site.
Nonce de transaction
@@ -457,16 +462,16 @@
Les frais totaux maximums escomptés pour la transaction donnée. En règle générale, les frais réels de la transaction sont inférieurs à ce montant.
Frais Max
Le montant maximum estimé des frais à payer pour cette transaction, calculé sur la base des valeurs de limite de gas, de taux de frais maximum et de frais de priorité maximum ci-dessous. Les frais réels payés sont généralement inférieurs.
- Frais de réseau
- Le coût d\'une opération de paiement donnée, tel que mesuré de prime abord sur le réseau.
+ Network Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network.
La complexité des transactions est mesurée en unités appelées \"gas\". Elles varient en fonction du contrat intelligent en cours d\'exécution. La limite de gas est le volume maximum estimé de gas nécessaire pour son exécution. Le volume de gaz réellement utilisé est généralement inférieur.
Les frais pour effectuer des transactions sur le réseau sont mesurés en unités de gas. Le prix du gas est le montant qu\'un utilisateur est prêt à dépenser par unité de gas. Le prix du gas est élevé lorsque le réseau est encombré, et faible lorsqu\'il est inactif. Souvent, une transaction reste en suspens pendant une période prolongée si le montant du gas est insuffisant.
Frais de base
- Le protocole réseau détermine le prix de base par gaz pour chaque bloc, appelé tarif de base. Il varie selon le niveau d\'utilisation du réseau de bloc en bloc. Il peut augmenter ou diminuer de 12,5 % au maximum dans le prochain bloc, ce qui rend les frais plus prévisibles. La valeur affichée ici est le taux de frais de base du bloc actuel.
- Taux de frais max (Gwei)
- Cela correspond au montant maximal du prix auquel l\'utilisateur achète le gaz. Ce prix doit couvrir le taux minimal des frais de transaction du réseau, il doit aussi devenir la priorité avec laquelle une transaction sera traitée. L\'origine de l\'estimation de la valeur, indiquée ici, se trouve dans une analyse, selon laquelle la valeur serait calculée en ajoutant le taux minimal des frais de transaction du bloc successif à la priorité de l\'utilisateur avec la quelle une transaction sera traitée. Le taux actuel des frais de transaction à payer, sera revu à la baisse et ajusté automatiquement. La fixation du taux du prix en dessous du taux plancher actuel, serait, d\'une part, un soulagement parce qu\'elle limiterait les frais à payer, d\'autre part, il faut compter avec un temps de confirmation moyen plus long des transactions, voire un blocage de la transaction.
- Frais de priorité max (Gwei)
- Les utilisateurs paient des frais de priorité pour encourager une transaction à être confirmée plus rapidement. Ils sont parfois appelés conseils. Le taux de frais de priorité max est le prix supplémentaire maximum par gaz que l\'utilisateur est prêt à payer en plus du taux de frais de base. La valeur montrée ici est suggérée en fonction des conditions de réseau prévues. Les frais de priorité réels seront normalement inférieurs. Le fait de le définir à zéro peut entraîner un long délai d\'attente pour la confirmation de la transaction, car il est placé à la fin de la file d\'attente des transactions en attente de tous les utilisateurs.
+ The network protocol determines the base price per gas for each block, called base fee rate. It varies according to the network utilization level from block to block. It can increase or decrease by no more than 12.5% in the next block, making fees more predictable. The value shown here is the current block\'s base fee rate.
+ Max Fee Rate
+ This is the maximum total price per gas the user is willing to pay. It must cover the network\'s base fee rate and max priority fee rate. The value shown here is suggested based on an estimate of the next block\'s base fee rate plus the max priority fee rate chosen by the user. The actual fee rate paid will normally be lower. Setting this lower than the current base fee rate will limit the fee paid, but will result in longer waiting times for the transaction to be confirmed, or even in a stuck transaction.
+ Max Priority Fee
+ Users pay priority fees to incentivize a transaction to be confirmed more quickly. They are sometimes called tips. The max priority fee rate is the maximum additional price per gas the user is willing to pay on top of the base fee rate. The value shown here is suggested based on predicted network conditions. The actual priority fee will normally be lower. Setting this to zero may result in a long waiting time for transaction to be confirmed, as it is placed at the end of the pending transactions queue from all users.
La transaction risque de rester en attente pendant un certain temps ou d\'échouer complètement.
@@ -486,21 +491,27 @@
Généralement, cette fourchette de frais devrait être suffisante pour que la transaction soit traitée en quelques minutes/heure pour Bitcoin et en quelques minutes pour Ethereum.
Pour les transactions où la priorité est importante, nous vous recommandons d\'utiliser la valeur élevée des frais. Cela devrait suffire pour qu\'une transaction soit effectuée dans les 10 minutes pour Bitcoin et dans les 1-2 minutes pour Ethereum.
- Frais
- Le coût estimé pour envoyer une transaction donnée sur le réseau (sans exclure les coûts d\'énergie, de bande passante et d\'activation)
- Frais d\'activation
- Cette adresse n\'est pas active. Le transfert de jetons TRX ou TRC-10 vers une adresse de compte inactive activera le compte.
- Ressources consommées
- La bande passante est l\'unité qui mesure la taille des octets de transaction stockés dans la base de données blockchain. Plus la transaction est grande, plus la bande passante sera consommée.\n\nL\'énergie est l\'unité qui mesure le montant de calcul requis par la machine virtuelle TRON pour effectuer des opérations spécifiques sur le réseau TRON.\n\nÉtant donné que les transactions de contrats intelligents nécessitent des ressources informatiques pour être exécutées, chaque transaction de contrat intelligent nécessite le paiement de frais d\'énergie.
+ Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network. (Without excluding Energy, Bandwidth and Activating Fee)
+ Activation Fee
+ This address is not active. Transferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account.
+ Resources Consumed
+ Bandwidth is the unit that measures the size of the transaction bytes stored in the blockchain database. The larger the transaction, the more bandwidth resources will be consumed.\n\nEnergy is the unit that measures the amount of computation required by the TRON virtual machine to perform specific operations on the TRON network.\n\nSince smart contract transactions require computing resources to execute, each smart contract transaction requires to pay for the energy fee.
- Cette adresse n\'est pas active
- (non actif)
- Adresse non-active
- Les comptes récemment créés sur la blockchain TRON sont inactifs et ne peuvent pas être interrogés ou explorés. Ils doivent être activés.\n\nLe transfert de jetons TRX ou TRC-10 vers une adresse de compte inactive activera le compte. Pour activer un nouveau compte sur la chaîne Tron, des frais de 1 TRX sont nécessaires
- Impossible de transférer des TRX à vous-même
- Impossible de transférer 0 %s
- Compte non actif
- Les nouveaux portefeuilles TRON nécessitent un dépôt d\'au moins 1 TRX pour devenir actifs. Les portefeuilles inactifs peuvent recevoir et détenir des jetons, mais les soldes ne seront pas corrigés tant qu\'ils ne seront pas activés.
+ This address is not active
+ (not active)
+ Not Active Address
+ Newly created accounts on the TRON blockchain are inactive and cannot be queried or explored. They need to be activated.\n\nTransferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account. Activating a new account on the Tron chain requires a fee of 1 TRX
+ Cannot transfer TRX to yourself
+ Cannot transfer 0 %s
+ Account Not Active
+ New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated.
+ New Connection
+ Invalid URL Address
+ Unnamed
+ Wallet
+ Choose a Wallet
@@ -527,15 +538,15 @@
Veuillez signer un message pour vous authentifier
Vous devez créer ou importer un portefeuille avant de pouvoir utiliser WalletConnect
- Sauvegarder ce portefeuille en créant une copie de sa phrase de récupération. Il sera nécessaire pour accéder au portefeuille si votre téléphone est perdu, volé, cassé, etc.
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
Cette fonctionnalité ne peut être utilisée avec les portefeuilles de type watching only. Vous devez basculer vers un portefeuille restauré ou en créer un
Blockchain non pris en charge
Aucun compte approprié
Aucun kit evm approprié
Erreur d\'analyse des données
- Chaînes non prises en charge : %s
- Méthodes non prises en charge : %s
- Événements non pris en charge : %s
+ Unsupported chains: %s
+ Unsupported methods: %s
+ Unsupported events: %s
Erreur de requête non trouvée
Vous n\'avez aucune dapp connectée
Demandes en attente
@@ -551,7 +562,7 @@
Votre type de portefeuille actuel %s ne prend pas en charge WalletConnect
DApp inconnu
- Paires de Devises
+ Pairings
Paired dApps
Tout Supprimer
Voulez-vous supprimer tous les dApss appariés ?
@@ -573,10 +584,10 @@
Erreur d\'estimation
Vérifiez le solde pour vous assurer qu\'il y a suffisamment de %s pour couvrir les frais. Vous pouvez également tenter d\'augmenter le montant du glissement de prix et réessayer. Nouvelle tentative automatique dans 3 secondes…
Pensez à laisser quelques %s sur le solde pour payer de futures transactions.
- Erreur inattendue : %s
+ Unexpected error: %s
- Meilleur prix
+ Best Price
Vous payez
Vous recevez
@@ -584,56 +595,56 @@
Solde disponible
- Solde disponible
+ Available Balance
Prix de vente
Prix d\'achat
Impact prix
- La différence entre le prix du marché et le prix de règlement prévu est trop élevée.
- Important ! Vous avez reçu un prix extrêmement défavorable en raison d\'une liquidité extrêmement faible.
+ Unstoppable has disabled swap action for this trade because you\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.\nIf you still want to swap please use %s website instead.
+ Important! You\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.
Montant garanti
Frais estimés
Frais Max
- Glissement
- Destinataire
- Aucun fournisseur
- No Quotes
+ Slippage
+ Recipient
+ No Providers
+ No Quote
Solde insuffisant
- Solde N/A
+ Balance n/a
Impossible d\'échanger ces tokens
Ce service n\'autorise pas l\'emballage/déballage. Utilisez 1inch à la place.
Impact élevé sur les prix
- Token non activés
- Le portefeuille est en cours de synchronisation
- Portefeuille non synchronisé
+ Token Not Enabled
+ Wallet is Syncing
+ Wallet Not Synced
- Sélectionner le token
- Sélectionner le token
- Entrez le montant
- Déverrouiller
- Déverrouillage...
+ Select Token In
+ Select Token Out
+ Enter Amount
+ Unlock
+ Unlocking...
Révocation en cours...
- Swapping de Crypto
- Quotation
+ Swapping
+ Quoting
Montant maximum payé
Montant garanti
Propulsé par
- Service
- Service
+ Provider
+ Providers
Fournisseur swap
- (montant minimal)
+ (min)
- Pièce
- Route inconnue
- Vous payez
- Vous recevez
- Confirmer
- Devis expiré
- Récupération du devis final
+ Coin
+ Route not found
+ You Pay
+ You Get
+ Confirm
+ Quote expired
+ Fetching final quote
Paramètres de swap
@@ -656,7 +667,7 @@
Date limite invalide
Votre transaction peut être frontrun
- Valider
+ Confirmation
@@ -672,10 +683,10 @@
Vous approuvez
Vous révoquez
- Accès déverrouillé
- Autoriser l\'accès au montant suivant
- Accorder l\'autorisation à un contrat intelligent pour effectuer des échanges de jetons en votre nom, en spécifiant le montant autorisé. Cela n\'affecte pas votre solde, mais entraîne de petits frais pour l\'approbation.\n\nPréapprouver un montant plus élevé pour les transactions futures est plus rentable que d\'approuver à la demande.
- Illimité
+ Unlock Access
+ Allow access to the following amount
+ Grant permission to a smart contract for token trading on your behalf, specifying the allowed amount. No impact on your balance, but incurs a small fee for approval.\n\nPre-approving a higher amount for future trades is cost-effective compared to on-demand approvals.
+ Unlimited
Le montant qu\'un échange peut dépenser pour le compte de l\'utilisateur lors de l\'exécution de swaps de jetons. Une provision suffisante est requise avant de pouvoir effectuer une opération d\'échange réelle.
@@ -689,55 +700,57 @@
Votre address
- Virements
+ Transactions
Vous n\'avez encore aucune transaction en cours ou passée
Veuillez attendre la fin de la synchronisation.
En attente
- Reçue
+ Received
Traitement en cours
- Envoyée
- Brûlure
- Mint
- Approuvé
- Échangé
+ Sent
+ Burned
+ Minted
+ Approved
+ Swapped
Appel de contrat
Appel externe
Création du contrat
+ Contract Deploy
a %s
de %s
- %s illimité
- illimité
+ unlimited %s
+ unlimited
- Filtrer par blockchain
- Pièce
+ Blockchain
+ Coin
Toutes les blockchains
Toutes les pièces
- Tous les contacts
+ All Contacts
Choisir la pièce
- Choisir la blockchain
+ Choose Blockchain
Transaction inconnue
+ Ton Transaction
La transaction ne peut pas être analysée
- Multiples
- Filtre
- Masquer les transactions suspectes
- Masquer les transactions entrantes avec des montants infimes en stablecoins, cela résout partiellement les problèmes d\'attaques de poisoning d\'adresse.
- Filtrer par contacts fonctionne sur les blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton et ZCash. Ci-dessous sont les contacts appropriés
- Vous n\'avez aucun contact adapté
+ Multiple
+ Filter
+ Hide suspicious tx
+ Hiding incoming transactions with the dust amount in stablecoins, this partially solves the address poisoning attack problems.
+ Filtering by contacts works on the following blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton and ZCash. Below are the suitable contacts
+ You don\'t have any suitable contacts
- Opération
+ Transaction
Informations sur la transaction
Validation du remplacement
- Date du Virement
+ Date
Transaction brute
@@ -759,17 +772,17 @@
Vous avez payé
Vous recevez
Vous avez reçu
- Vous avez envoyé
- Reçue
- Envoyée
- Approuvé
+ You Sent
+ Received
+ Sent
+ Approved
Révoquer l\'approbation
- Cette transaction est suspecte et peut être une arnaque. \nVeuillez ne copier aucune adresse de cette transaction.
- Cette action tentera d\'annuler la transaction précédente en la renvoyant avec des frais plus élevés.
+ This transaction is suspicious and can be a scam.\nPlease do not copy any addresses from this transaction.
+ This action will attempt to invalidate the previous transaction by resending it with a higher fee.
En attente
Traitement en cours
@@ -784,16 +797,18 @@
Annuler la transaction
Transaction déjà dans le block
- Transactions remplacées
- Frais (Sat)
- Frais trop bas
- RBF(Remplacer par frais) non activé
- Impossible de remplacer
+ Replaced Transactions
+ Fee (Sat)
+ Fee Too Low
+ RBF not enabled
+ Unable to replace
L\'expéditeur a envoyé ces fonds avec un verrouillage des dépenses qui expirera sur le %s.\n\n Pas d\'inquiétude, les Bitcoins reçus sont déjà à vous mais jusqu\'à l\'expiration de la période de verrouillage, vous ne pouvez pas les dépenser sur le réseau Bitcoin.
- L\'expéditeur a envoyé ces fonds avec un délai prédéfini qui se terminera à la date indiquée.\n\nPas de soucis, les Bitcoins reçues sont déjà à vous mais vous devez attendre l\'expiration de la période de verrouillage pour les dépenser sur le réseau Bitcoin.
- Diffuser
- La transaction contenant ce montant a été diffusée mais n\'a pas encore été acceptée par le réseau.
+ The sender sent these funds with a spending lock that will expire on the shown date. \n\nNo worries, the received Bitcoins are already yours, but until the lock period expires you cannot spend them on the Bitcoin network.
+ Broadcast
+ The transaction holding this amount is broadcasted but not yet accepted by the network.
+ Processing amount
+ Transactions with this amount still syncing. And when they are confirmed, these tokens will be available for spending
Double dépense
Risque de double dépense ! Il y a une autre transaction sur la blockchain qui essaie de dépenser les intrants utilisés dans cette transaction. Une seule transaction sera acceptée par le réseau
Cette Tx
@@ -811,7 +826,7 @@
Centre de Sécurité
- Mise en Place de Notifications
+ Notifications
Devise de Base
@@ -823,81 +838,82 @@
Écran de démarrage
- par Telegram
- par e-mail
- Verrouillage automatique
- Soyez Unstoppable
- Apprenez et maîtrisez les crypto-monnaies grâce à des vidéos exclusives. Faites connaissance avec nous de manière informelle. Soyez les premiers à voir les projets sur lesquels nous travaillons.
- Assistance Personnelle
- Entrez le nom de votre compte Telegram pour commencer une conversation de soutien personnelle avec notre équipe. Nous reviendrons vers vous et commencerons à travailler sur votre problème dès que nous le verrons.
- Vous avez déjà demandé une conversation privée, la trouver sur Telegram
- Compte
+ via Telegram
+ via E-mail
+ Auto-Lock
+ Be Unstoppable
+ Learn and master crypto via exclusive videos. Get to know us informally. Be the first to see things we work on.
+ Personal Support
+ Enter your Telegram account name to start a personal support chat with our team. We\'ll get back to you and start working on your problem as soon as we see it.
+ You\'ve already requested a private chat, find it on Telegram
+ Account
- Demandé
- Requête
- Nouvelle demande
- La requête a échoué
- Ouvrir Telegram
- Ensemble, avec votre soutien, nous pouvons encore améliorer cette application!
- Faire un don
+ Requested
+ Request
+ New Request
+ Request failed
+ Open Telegram
+ Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!
+ Donate
+ Get your tokens
Donate %s
- Donnez avec
- Adresse du don
- Adresses
- Ou sélectionnez une pièce à faire un don
- Immédiat
+ Donate with
+ Donation Address
+ Addresses
+ Or select a coin to donate
+ Immediate
1 minute
- 5 minutes
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 1 heure
+ 5 minutes
+ 15 minutes
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
- Conversion du solde
- Valeur du solde
+ Balance Conversion
+ Balance Value
La modification de l\'icône fermera l\'application
- Masquer les marchés
- Masquer les boutons
- Cette configuration masque les boutons Envoyer, Recevoir et Permuter dans l\'onglet Balance.
- Masquer le Solde Automatiquement
- Masque automatiquement le solde à chaque ouverture de l\'application, indépendamment des préférences précédentes.
- Variation de prix %
+ Hide Markets
+ Hide Buttons
+ This configuration hides the Send, Receive, and Swap buttons on Balance tab.
+ Balance Auto Hide
+ Automatically hides balance each time the app is opened, regardless of previous preferences.
+ Price Change %
Valeur de la pièce
Valeur Fiat
À propos de l\'application
Site Web
- Version de l\'application
+ App Version
Paramètres de la Blockchain
- Gestionnaire de sauvegarde
- Restaurer la sauvegarde
- Créer une nouvelle sauvegarde
- Fichier de sauvegarde
+ Backup Manager
+ Restore Backup
+ Create New Backup
+ Backup File
- Restaurer
- Liste des contenus dans le fichier de sauvegarde.
- Attention
- Remplacer
- Cette action écrasera vos contacts de paiement locaux.
- Sauvegarde requise
- Regarder les portefeuilles
- Liste de suivi
- RPC personnalisé
- Paramètres de l\'application
- Langue, Devise, Apparence ...
+ Restore
+ List of contents in the backup file.
+ Warning
+ Replace
+ This action will overwrite your local payment contacts.
+ Backup required
+ Watch Wallets
+ Watchlist
+ Custom RPC
+ App Settings
+ Language, Currency, Appearance …
- Unstoppable ne collecte pas de données personnelles exposant vos informations privées, telles que les soldes de coins ou les adresses. Bien que nous recueillions certaines statistiques d\'utilisation de l\'interface utilisateur, cela sert uniquement à comprendre notre base d\'utilisateurs et les tendances d\'utilisation de l\'application. Cela peut être désactivé si vous le souhaitez.
- Le portefeuille ne recueille aucune donnée personnelle.
- Il n\'y a pas de comptes utilisateurs ni de bases de données stockant les données des utilisateurs.
- Si autorisé, le portefeuille partagera les habitudes d\'utilisation de l\'application avec l\'équipe d\'Unstoppable. Cela permet de comprendre quelles fonctionnalités sont utilisées (ou non) par nos utilisateurs. Étant une application axée sur la confidentialité, nous avons besoin d\'une manière d\'évaluer nos efforts, et sans cela, nous n\'avons aucune idée si les fonctionnalités que nous avons développées sont utilisées ou non.
- Partager les données UI
+ Unstoppable doesn\'t collect personal data that expose your private information i.e. coin balances or addresses. While we gather some UI usage statistics, it\'s solely for understanding our user base and app usage trends. That can be disabled if you wish.
+ The wallet does not gather any personal data.
+ There are no user accounts or databases storing user data.
+ If allowed the wallet will share app usage habits with Unstoppable team. This is to understand which features are being used (or not) by our users. Being a privacy focused app we need some way to evaluate our efforts and without this we have no idea whether the features we built are being used or not.
+ Share UI data
@@ -912,8 +928,8 @@
La source RPC avec cette url existe déjà
L\'url saisie n\'est pas valide. L\'url valide doit avoir un des schémas suivants : http, https, ws, wss
- Après avoir changé de source, le portefeuille devra se resynchroniser lui-même.
- Sélectionnez la source de données pour restaurer le portefeuille avec les transactions.
+ After changing source the wallet will have to resync itself.
+ Choose the source Unstoppable app should use for synchronizing wallet(s).
Paramètres de transaction
Entrées / Sorties de transaction
@@ -923,15 +939,15 @@
- Authentification biométrique
+ Biometrics
L\'activation de l\'authentification biométrique peut potentiellement affaiblir la sécurité de votre appareil par rapport à un simple code de verrouillage PIN.
- Code
- Désactiver le code d\'accès
+ Enable Passcode
+ Disable Passcode
Modifier le code
- Activer le Mode Duress
- Modifier le code de détresse
- Désactiver le mot de passe de détresse
- Un mode spécialisé conçu pour protéger les portefeuilles sélectionnés en cas de contrainte.
+ Set Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Disable Duress Passcode
+ A specialized mode designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion.
Gérer les portefeuilles
Cette opération va redémarrer Unstoppable Wallet.
Anonymisez complètement votre connexion Internet lorsque vous utilisez cette application. Remarque : dans certains cas, la fonction WalletConnect pour les applications DeFi peut être très lente ou ne pas fonctionner du tout.
@@ -942,29 +958,31 @@
Indexation lexicographique
Blockchair API
- Rapide, Privé, Centralisé
- API + Blockchain
- Filtrer par blockchain
- Ralentissement, privé.
- Code Duress
- Définir un code d\'accès pour le mode Duress
- Modifier le code de détresse
- Entrez le nouveau mot de passe pour le mode Duress
- Mode de Duress
- Ce mode permet à l\'utilisateur de configurer plusieurs codes d\'accès d\'application de déverrouillage où un code d\'accès désiré n\'affiche que les portefeuilles spécifiés. Conçu pour garder les portefeuilles sélectionnés en sécurité sous la contrainte ou les menaces.
- Authentification biométrique
- La fonction d\'authentification biométrique fonctionnera pour déverrouiller le mode Duresse. Vous pouvez désactiver l\'authentification biométrique pour plus de commodité.
- Désactivation du code d\'accès
- La désactivation du mot de passe en mode principal réinitialisera automatiquement le Mode Duresse.
- Changement de mot de passe
- La modification du code d\'accès en mode Duress modifiera également le code d\'accès actuel pour ce mode.
- Sélectionnez les portefeuilles
- Sélectionnez les portefeuilles qui seront affichés en mode Duresse.
+ Very Fast
+ Fast
+ Blockchain
+ Slow. Highest Privacy.
+ Duress Passcode
+ Set a passcode for Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Enter new passcode for Duress Mode
+ Duress Mode
+ This mode allows user to setup multiple unlock app passcodes where a desired passcode shows only specified wallets. Designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion or threats.
+ Biometrics
+ The Biometric Authentication feature will work to unlock the Duress Mode. You can disable Biometric Authentication for convenience.
+ Passcode Disabling
+ Disabling the passcode in the main mode will automatically reset the duress mode.
+ Passcode Change
+ Changing the passcode in the Duress Mode will also change the current PIN code for that mode.
+ Select Wallets
+ Select the wallets that will be displayed in duress mode.
- Le portefeuille Unstoppable est conçu pour ceux qui cherchent à investir et à stocker des cryptomonnaies de manière privée et indépendante.\n\nC\'est un portefeuille non-dépositaire, peer-to-peer où seul l\'utilisateur a le contrôle sur les fonds. Il ne collecte aucune donnée et garde l\'utilisateur indépendant en ne verrouillant pas les fonds de l\'utilisateur sur une application spécifique de portefeuille.\n\nLe portefeuille Unstoppable est entièrement open-source et tout le monde peut confirmer que l\'application fonctionne exactement comme il le prétend.
+ The Unstoppable wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.
+\n\nIt\'s a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn\'t collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user\'s funds to a specific wallet app.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to.
Sauvegarde sécurisée des phrases de récupération pour chaque portefeuille. C\'est le seul moyen de récupérer l\'accès aux fonds si l\'application ne fonctionne pas.
Les phrases de récupération du portefeuille sont générées aléatoirement sur l\'appareil lors de l\'installation et ne sont pas stockées ailleurs.
La désactivation du code PIN (code) sur le smartphone supprime tous les portefeuilles de l\'application. Des phrases de récupération seront nécessaires pour restaurer l\'accès aux fonds.
@@ -974,7 +992,7 @@
Soyez Unstoppable
- Contactez-nous
+ Contact Us
Définissez des alertes de changement de prix pour les pièces que vous souhaitez surveiller.\n\nVous serez alerté lorsque le changement de prix des dernières 24 heures dépassera le seuil sélectionné.\n\nL\'alerte de tendance de prix vous avertit d\'un changement de tendance pour le court terme à 1 semaine, pour le long terme à 6 mois.
Les notifications pour l\'application Unstoppable Wallet sont désactivées. Vous devez les activer pour pouvoir recevoir des alertes de changement de prix.
@@ -982,7 +1000,7 @@
Tout réinitialiser
Notification push
- Mise en Place de Notifications
+ Notifications
%1$s prix : Hausse %2$s%% ⬆️
%1$s prix : Baisse %2$s%% ⬇️
%s tendance : Hausse 📈
@@ -1017,26 +1035,24 @@
Adresse email copiée
Ajouter à la liste de suivi
Ajouté au portefeuille
- Supprimé du portefeuille
+ Removed from Wallet
Déjà ajouté au portefeuille
Retirer de la liste de suivi
- Attendez la synchronisation
+ Wait for synchronization
Crypto Monnaie
Nom, code ou adresse du contrat
Ajouter le token
Aucun résultat trouvé. Essayez d\'ajouter le token manuellement si vous connaissez son adresse de contrat intelligent.
- Il y a 4 formats d\'adresses communes que les portefeuilles %1$s peuvent utiliser pour recevoir des paiements entrants :
+ There are 4 common address formats %1$s wallets can use to receive incoming payments:
-\n- BIP-44 (ancien)
+\n- BIP-44 (older)
\n- BIP-49
-\n- BIP-84 (recommandé)
-\n- BIP-86 (nouveau)
+\n- BIP-84 (recommended)
+\n- BIP-86 (newest)
-\nAlors que le portefeuille Unstoppable prend en charge tous les 4 d\'entre eux, il recommande d\'utiliser un portefeuille %2$s fonctionnant au format BIP-84. Les portefeuilles fonctionnant dans ce format peuvent payer les frais les plus bas lors de l\'envoi de transactions %3$s.
+\nWhile Unstoppable wallet supports all 4 of them it recommends to use a %2$s wallet operating in BIP-84 format. The wallets operating in this format get to pay lowest fees when sending %3$s transactions.
Les portefeuilles Bitcoin Cash peuvent utiliser deux formats d\'adresse pour recevoir les paiements entrants : \n\n- TYPE 0 (plus ancien)\n- TYPE 145 (plus récent)\n\n. Bien que le portefeuille Unstoppable soit compatible avec les deux formats, l\'utilisation d\'un portefeuille Bitcoin Cash utilisant le format TYPE 145 est recommandée.
@@ -1052,35 +1068,35 @@
Adresse à suivre
- À partir du fichier
- Importer depuis un fichier de sauvegarde.
- Voir la phase de récupération
- Importer à l\'aide de la phrase de récupération ou de la clé privée.
- depuis Exchange Wallet
- Connectez-vous à un portefeuille en échange centralisé.
- Adresse à suivre
- Comment observer les adresses EVM-Chain, BTC, LTC et DASH
- Fichier Json invalide
- Ce fichier n\'est pas une sauvegarde valide du portefeuille, ou bien il a été corrompu et ne peut pas être restauré.
- Sélectionnez un autre fichier
+ from File
+ Import a backup file from your local folder.
+ from Recovery Phrase
+ Import using recovery phrase or private key.
+ from Exchange Wallet
+ Connect to a wallet on centralized exchange.
+ Watch Address
+ Observing mode of EVM-Chain and BTC, LTC, DASH addresses
+ Invalid Json File
+ This file is not a valid backup of the wallet, or the file has been corrupted and cannot be restored.
+ Select Another File
- Entrez le mot de passe
- Entrez le mot de passe de sauvegarde pour importer votre portefeuille.
- Mot de passe invalide
- Mot de passe de sauvegarde
- Adresse ou domaine
+ Enter Password
+ Enter the backup password to import your wallet.
+ Invalid Password
+ Backup Password
+ Enter Your EVM, TRON, TON or Public Address (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash) or Account xPubKey.
Choisir la blockchain
Crypto Monnaie
- Le format de l\'adresse n\'est pas pris en charge
+ Address format is not supported
- Sauvegarde manuelle
- Sauvegarde locale
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
Afficher la phrase
Paramètres réseau
- Délier le portefeuille
+ Unlink Wallet
Sauvegarde requise
Vous devez sauvegarder %1$s avant de recevoir %2$s.
L\'action va supprimer ce portefeuille de l\'appareil.
@@ -1094,7 +1110,7 @@
Adresse à suivre
Sélectionnez le portefeuille pour un changement rapide
Voulez-vous arrêter de surveiller cette adresse de portefeuille ?
- Vous devez sauvegarder %1$s
+ You need to backup %1$s
Paramètres réseau
bacsule automatiquement
@@ -1116,24 +1132,24 @@
Ne pas copier
Cette clé est pour toutes les blockchains compatibles EVM.\n\nEn tant que mesure de sécurité, nous vous recommandons de ne pas utiliser l\'action de copie sur la clé privée.
- Sauvegarder le portefeuille
- Sauvegarder ce portefeuille en créant une copie de sa phrase de récupération. Il sera nécessaire pour accéder au portefeuille si votre téléphone est perdu, volé, cassé, etc.
+ Backup Recovery Phrase
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
- Sauvegarde manuelle
- Sauvegarde locale
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
Plus tard
- Pour commencer à utiliser le portefeuille, veuillez choisir l\'une des options de sauvegarde disponibles.
- Il est recommandé de faire une sauvegarde manuelle pour chaque portefeuille.
+ Complete one of the wallet backup options to start using the wallet.
+ It\'s recommended to have a manual backup for each wallet.
- Sauvegarde locale
- Enregistrez une copie de sauvegarde
- Créer un mot de passe
- Sauvegarde enregistrée
- Votre mot de passe doit contenir au moins 8 caractères, y compris une lettre majuscule, une lettre minuscule, un chiffre et un symbole.
- Ce mot de passe est utilisé pour chiffrer le fichier de sauvegarde de votre portefeuille. Si vous le perdez ou l\'oubliez, il ne pourra pas être récupéré ou réinitialisé.
- Définissez le mot de passe de déverrouillage de votre sauvegarde. Il doit contenir au moins 8 symboles, y compris une lettre minuscule, une lettre majuscule, un chiffre et un caractère spécial.
- Les dispositifs de stockage tels que les disques durs, les disques USB et le stockage sur smartphone sont tous vulnérables aux pertes dues à des dommages physiques, des vols ou d\'autres circonstances imprévues.
- Je comprends que la perte ou l\'endommagement d\'un périphérique de sauvegarde entraînera la perte des données de sauvegarde correspondantes.
+ Local Backup
+ Save and Backup
+ Set Password
+ Backup Saved
+ At least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one symbol.
+ This password is used to encrypt backup file of your wallet. It can\'t be recovered or reset if lost or forgotten.
+ Set unlock password for your backup. It must consist of at least 8 symbols and include at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number and a special character.
+ Storage devices i.e. hard drives, USB drives , storage on smartphone etc. are all vulnerable to loss due to physical damage, theft or other unforeseen circumstances.
+ I understand that theft or damage of a backup device will result in loss of a backup to a respective wallet.
Phrase de récupération
Écrivez ces mots dans le bon ordre et conservez-les dans un endroit sûr
@@ -1148,7 +1164,7 @@
BIP32 Root Key
Appuyez pour afficher la clé privée
- À faire
+ To do
Clés privées
Clé privée EVM
@@ -1208,7 +1224,7 @@
Adresse du contrat
Choisir les jetons
- Filtrer par blockchain
+ Blockchain
Ce token figure déjà sur la liste du gestionnaire des pièces
Adresse du contrat invalide
Invalid BEP2 symbol
@@ -1216,7 +1232,7 @@
Adresse du contrat introuvable dans la blockchain %s
Format de l\'adresse
- Sélectionnez le format d\'adresse pour la réception des paiements. Un format correct doit être choisi lors de la restauration d\'un portefeuille existant.
+ Select address format for receiving payments. A correct format should be chosen when restoring an existing wallet.
Type de pièce
@@ -1247,7 +1263,7 @@
- 1J
+ 1D
@@ -1255,7 +1271,7 @@
- 5A
+ 5Y
Volume de trading
@@ -1264,7 +1280,7 @@
Aucun rapport d\'audit
Propulsé par Defiyield.app
- Problèmes : %d
+ Issues: %d
Données de l\'investisseur
Propulsé par Bitcointreasuries.net
@@ -1282,7 +1298,7 @@
Plage de 24h
À propos de
- Synthèse
+ Overview
@@ -1333,96 +1349,96 @@
%s Contrat
Symbole BEP2
Meilleurs portefeuilles
- Le graphique ci-dessus montre la \%% de tous les jetons en circulation détenus par les 10 premiers portefeuilles. Plus le \%% est bas, plus la pièce est distribuée.
+ The chart above shows the \%% of all tokens in circulation held by the top 10 wallets. The lower the \%% the more distributed the coin is.
dans les 10 premiers détenteurs
Nombre total de détenteurs : %s
En tête
Accédez aux fonctionnalités avancées du portefeuilleen maintenant des NFT non stoppables.
[%s]\nNon trouvé
- Indicateurs
- Moyennes mobiles
- Oscillateurs
- L\'EMA, SMA et WMA sont des moyennes mobiles utilisées dans l\'analyse technique :\n\nEMA souligne les prix récents pour des réactions plus rapides.\nSMA affiche en moyenne les données de prix pour une vue de tendance générale.\nWMA balance la sensibilité et la réduction du bruit en pondération linéaire des données récentes.
- L\'indice de force relative (indice de force relative) est un oscillateur d\'élan qui mesure la vitesse et le changement des prix, l\'identification des surachetés (au-dessus de 70) ou les surachats (sous les 30 conditions du marché). Il peut également détecter des retours de prix par des divergences.
- Le MACD (Moving Average Average Convergence Divergence MACD) est un indicateur d\'élan qui suit la relation entre deux EMA du prix d\'un titre. Il signale l\'achat ou la vente d\'opportunités lorsque la ligne MACD (EMA moins 12 périodes de l\'EMA) traverse l\'EMA de 9 périodes, connue sous le nom de ligne de signal.
- Données insuffisantes
- Il n\'y a pas assez de points de données pour afficher l\'indicateur EMA 1. Veuillez ajuster la période de temps pour générer une vue de la ligne moyenne mobile. Pas assez de point pour afficher EMA 1.
+ Indicators
+ Moving Averages
+ Oscillators
+ The EMA, SMA, and WMA are moving averages used in technical analysis:\n\nEMA emphasizes recent prices for quicker reactions.\nSMA averages price data for a general trend view.\nWMA balances sensitivity and noise reduction by linearly weighting recent data.
+ The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures price speed and change, identifying overbought (above 70) or oversold (below 30) market conditions. It can also detect price reversals through divergences.
+ The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a momentum indicator that tracks the relationship between two EMAs of a security\'s price. It signals buying or selling opportunities when the MACD line (12-period EMA minus 26-period EMA) crosses the 9-period EMA, known as the signal line.
+ Insufficient Data
+ There are not enough data points to display the EMA 1 indicator. Please adjust the time period to generate a view of the moving average line.Not enough point to display EMA 1.
- Période
- Longueur RSI
- Longueur rapide
- Longueur lente
- Lissage du signal
- Indicateurs disponibles uniquement pour les utilisateurs Premium Unstoppable Wallet.
- Ceci est une description générée par intelligence artificielle basée sur le matériel de référence fourni pour la cryptomonnaie donnée. Elle peut contenir des erreurs.
- Vérifié
- Tout
- Volume total des échanges pour le jeton sur les principales plateformes d\'échange centralisées au cours d\'une période de 30 jours.
- Graphique montrant la variation du volume quotidien de trading du jeton sur les principales plateformes d\'échange centralisées sur une période d\'un an.
- Classement du jeton en fonction du volume de négociation sur les principales bourses centralisées au cours d\'une période de 30 jours.
- Liste de tous les jetons classés en fonction du volume de négociation sur les bourses centralisées au cours des intervalles de 24H, 7D et 1M
+ Period
+ RSI Length
+ Fast Length
+ Slow Length
+ Signal Smoothing
+ Indicators available only for Unstoppable Wallet premium users.
+ This is an AI-generated description based on the provided reference material for the given cryptocurrency. It may contain errors.
+ Verified
+ All
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on centralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
Total trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
- Votre demande a été traduite en français comme demandé. Si vous avez besoin d\'autres traductions ou d\'informations supplémentaires, n\'hésitez pas à demander.
- Classement du jeton en fonction du volume de négociation sur les principales bourses décentralisées au cours d\'une période de 30 jours.
- Liste de tous les jetons classés en fonction du volume de négociation sur les bourses décentralisées sur des intervalles de 24H / 7D / 1M.
- DEXes qui sont suivis :
- Total de liquidités actuellement disponibles pour le jeton sur les principales bourses décentralisées.
- Graphique montrant une variation de la liquidité disponible pour le jeton sur les principales bourses décentralisées sur une période de 1 an.
- Liste de tous les jetons classés en fonction de la liquidité disponible pour le jeton sur les principaux échanges décentralisés.
- DEXes qui sont suivis :
- Nombre total d\'adresses actives quotidiennes uniques sur une période de 24 heures.
- Graphique montrant des variations dans le nombre quotidien d\'adresses actives sur une période de 1 an.
- Nombre total d\'adresses blockchain uniques transitant avec un jeton sur une période de 30 jours.
- Le rang du jeton est basé sur le nombre de portefeuilles actifs opérant avec le jeton de période de 30 jours.
- Liste de tous les jetons classés en fonction du nombre d\'adresses actives quotidiennes transitant avec le jeton sur les intervalles 24h / 7D / 1M.
- Nombre total de transactions blockchain uniques sur une période de 30 jours.
- Graphique montrant la variation du nombre de transactions sur une période de 1 an.
- Rang du jeton basé sur le nombre de transactions avec le jeton de période de 30 jours.
- Liste de tous les jetons classés en fonction du nombre de transactions avec le jeton sur les intervalles 24h / 7D / 1M.
- Le nombre total de jetons transférés sur la blockchain sur la période de 30 jours.
- Nombre total d\'adresses uniques détenant le jeton sur différentes blockchains.
- Top 10 des portefeuilles détenant le jeton sur chaque blockchain.
- Blockchains suivies : Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon
- Total-Value-Locked (ou Acsets Under Management) dans les contrats intelligents du projet.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading decentralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on decentralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ DEXes that are being tracked:
+ Total currently available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ Chart showing variation in available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ DEXes that are being tracked:
+ Total number of unique daily active addresses over 24-hour period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily active address count over 1 year period.
+ Total number of unique blockchain addresses transacting with token over 30-day period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of active wallets transacting with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of daily active addresses transacting with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total number of unique blockchain transactions with token over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in transaction count over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of transactions with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of transactions with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ The total number of tokens transferred over the blockchain over the 30 day period.
+ Total number of unique addresses holding the token on various blockchains.
+ Top 10 wallets holding the token on each blockchain.
+ Tracked blockchains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon
+ Total-Value-Locked (or Assets Under Management) in the project\'s smart contracts.
Graphique montrant la variation valeur totale verrouillée dans les contrats intelligents du projet sur une période de 1 an.
- Rang du token en fonction de la valeur totale verrouillée actuelle.
+ Token\'s rank is based on current Total-Value-Locked.
Liste de tous les tokens classés en fonction de la valeur totale verrouillée.
Rapport entre la capitalisation du marché et la TVL du projet.
Total des revenus générés pour les détenteurs de tokens sur une période de 30 jours. Généralement, les frais sont perçus par les détenteurs de tokens ou bien par le biais d\'un mécanisme de brûlage de tokens.
- Classement du token basé sur les revenus générés sur une période de 30 jours pour les stakers de token.
+ Token\'s rank is based on the revenue generated over a 30-day period for token stakers.
Liste de tous les tokens classés en fonction des revenus générés pour les stakers de tokens sur des intervalles de 24h / 7J / 1M.
- Résumé: This is a general overview of an asset technicals, considering a variety of technical indicators and timeframes. Il fournit un point de vue consensuel (Acheter, Vendre ou Neutre) basé sur ces indicateurs.
- Moyennes mobiles (MA) : Ce sont des indicateurs techniques couramment utilisés pour lisser les données de prix afin de créer un indicateur de suivi de tendance. Ils montrent le prix moyen sur une période de temps spécifique. Il existe plusieurs types de MA :\n\nMoyenne mobile simple (SMA) : Cela calcule la moyenne d\'une plage de prix sélectionnée, généralement les prix de clôture, par le nombre de périodes dans cette plage.\n\nMoyenne mobile exponentielle (EMA) : Cela donne plus de poids aux prix récents, répondant ainsi plus rapidement aux changements de prix récents.
- Oscillateurs: Ce sont des indicateurs techniques qui fluctuent dans le temps à l\'intérieur d\'une bande (au-dessus et en dessous d\'une ligne centrale, ou entre des niveaux définis). Ils sont conçus pour aider à identifier les conditions de surachat et de survente sur un marché. Voici quelques oscillateurs courants:\n\nIndice de force relative (RSI): Cela mesure la vitesse et le changement des mouvements de prix. Il est généralement utilisé pour identifier les conditions de surachat ou de survente.\n\nConvergence divergence de moyennes mobiles (MACD): Cela est utilisé pour identifier les signaux d\'achat et de vente potentiels. Il déclenche des signaux techniques lorsqu\'il croise au-dessus (pour acheter) ou en dessous (pour vendre) de sa ligne de signal.
+ Summary: This is a general overview of an asset\'s technicals, considering a variety of technical indicators and timeframes. It provides a consensus viewpoint (Buy, Sell, or Neutral) based on these indicators.
+ Moving Averages (MA): These are commonly used technical indicators that smooth out price data to create a trend-following indicator. They show the average price over a specific time period. There are several types of MAs:\n\nSimple Moving Average (SMA): This calculates the average of a selected range of prices, usually closing prices, by the number of periods in that range.\n\nExponential Moving Average (EMA): This gives more weight to recent prices, thereby responding more quickly to recent price changes.
+ Oscillators: These are technical indicators that fluctuate over time within a band (above and below a center line, or between set levels). They are designed to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in a market. Here are some common oscillators:\n\nRelative Strength Index (RSI): This measures the speed and change of price movements. It is usually used to identify overbought or oversold conditions.\n\nMoving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): This is used to identify potential buy and sell signals. It triggers technical signals when it crosses above (to buy) or below (to sell) its signal line.
Ce projet n\'a pas de données d\'analyse
Volume CEX
Rang de volume CEX
Les tokens classés en fonction du volume de trading du token sur les exchanges centralisés.
Volume DEX
Rang de volume DEX
- Les tokens classés en fonction du volume de trading du token sur les exchanges décentralisés.
+ Tokens are ranked by trading volume for the token on decentralized exchanges.
Liquidité DEX
Classement de liquidité DEX
- Les tokens classés par liquidité disponible sur les exchanges décentralisés.
+ Tokens are ranked by available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
Adresses actives quotidiennes
Classement des adresses actives
- Tokens classés par nombre d\'adresses uniques effectuant des transactions avec le token.
+ Tokens are ranked by a number of unique addresses transacting with the token.
Nombre de transactions
Classement par nombre de tr.
- Tokens classés en fonction du nombre de transactions sur une blockchain.
+ Tokens are ranked by number of transactions on a blockchain.
- Projet TVL
+ Project TVL
Projet TVL (valeur totale verrouillée)
M.Cap / TVL Ratio
Revenus du projet
- Frais de projet
+ Project Fee
Classement en fonction des revenus du projet
- Rang des frais du projet
- Classement des porteurs
- Tokens classés en fonction des revenus générés pour les détenteurs via des mécanismes i.e. staking ou token burns.
- Les jetons sont classés en fonction des frais générés par les projets respectifs. La manière dont les frais sont perçus varie selon les projets.
- Classement des jetons selon les adresses uniques qui les détiennent sur plusieurs chaînes de blocs.
+ Project Fee Rank
+ Holders Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by revenue generated for holders via mechanisms i.e. staking or token burns.
+ Tokens are ranked according to fees generated by respective projects. The way fees are collected varies from project to project.
+ Ranking tokens by unique addresses holding them on multiple blockchains.
Autres données
@@ -1433,97 +1449,97 @@
Classement sur 30 jours
Adresses uniques de 30 jours
Volume sur 30 jours
- Sous total
+ Overall Score
- Bon
- Équitable
- Mauvais
- Le score global est basé sur le volume de négociation quotidien moyen sur les bourses centralisées au cours des 7 derniers jours.
- Le score global est basé sur le volume de négociation quotidien moyen sur les bourses décentralisées au cours des 7 derniers jours.
- Le score global est basé sur la liquidité totale disponible sur les échanges décentralisés.
- Le score global est basé sur la moyenne quotidienne des adresses actives au cours des 7 derniers jours.
- Le score global est basé sur la valeur totale verrouillée (actifs sous gestion) sur le projet représenté par le jeton donné.
- Le score global est basé sur le nombre moyen quotidien de transactions sur les 7 derniers jours.
- Le score global est basé sur le nombre total d\'adresses détenant le jeton respectif.
- Indicateurs techniques
- Détailles
- Sélectionnez la période
- 30 minutes
- 1 heure
- 4 heures
- 8 heures
- 1 jour
- 1 semaine
- 1 mois
- Achat fort
- Vente forte
- Vendre
- Acheter
- Neutre
- Pas de données
- Analyse des contrats intelligents
- Éléments à haut risque
- Éléments à risque moyen
- Risqué
- Attention Requise
- Propulsé par De.Fi
- %d éléments
- Indicateurs techniques
- N\'oubliez pas d\'appliquer une gestion des risques, et notez que ceci n\'est pas un conseil financier.
- suracheté
- sursoldé
- moins
- plus
- Les actions liées à l\'actif comportent des risques.
- À partir du %s
- L\'actif est en dehors du canal de bandes de Bollinger et %s.
- RSI = %1$s, Cela indique également que l\'actif est %2$s.
- Il pourrait y avoir un mouvement %s fort, il est donc préférable d\'attendre que le prix de l\'actif revienne au canal.
- l\'actif était %s, mais maintenant il est revenu au canal de bandes de Bollinger. Cela indique une possible inversion de tendance.
- Pendant ce temps, le RSI est %1$s, ce qui indique toujours qu\'il est %2$s.
- Cela pourrait être un signal très fort pour entrer sur le marché. Gardez à l\'esprit qu\'il peut y avoir plusieurs tentatives de mouvement %s après le retour au canal, donc n\'oubliez pas la gestion des risques.
- Pendant ce temps, le RSI est %s, ce qui indique également un renversement de tendance (le RSI a franchi la limite à 70\%%).
- Le prix revient à des niveaux neutres, cependant, il existe encore un potentiel de mouvement à la hausse. Gardez à l\'esprit que le RSI = 50 et le milieu des bandes de Bollinger sont des résistances fortes et des points possibles de renversement de tendance. N\'oubliez pas la gestion des risques.
- Le RSI = $s confirme également l\'absence d\'une forte tendance.
- L\'actif se trouvait dans la zone de surachat/survente, mais pour le moment, le prix est revenu dans le canal de Bandes de Bollinger dans la zone neutre. Le RSI est %s, ce qui confirme également l\'absence d\'une forte tendance, donc dans l\'ensemble, le prix de l\'actif se rapproche de la moyenne et un mouvement ultérieur est possible dans n\'importe quelle direction.
- En général, le prix de l\'actif se rapproche de la moyenne et un mouvement ultérieur est possible dans n\'importe quelle direction.
- Veuillez noter:
- au-dessus
- en dessous
- croissance
- diminution
- EMA 200. Détermine le sentiment et la tendance généraux. Le prix quotidien de l\'actif est situé %1$s le EMA (%2$s). Cela signifie que globalement, l\'actif est configuré pour %3$s.
- au-dessus
- en dessous
- MACD. Évalue la force de la tendance en tenant compte de la variation moyenne des prix. La valeur quotidienne de l\'histogramme est %1$s (%2$s). Le prix de l\'actif peut globalement se déplacer %3$s.
- Indicateurs techniques
- Nous utilisons la stratégie des Bandes de Bollinger + RSI pour déterminer les signaux de trading. Toutes les calculs sont basés sur des chandeliers quotidiens et fournissent des conseils pour un terme modérément long. L\'essence de la stratégie est que le prix de l\'actif doit atteindre un niveau extrême, en sortant du canal des Bandes de Bollinger, et le RSI doit être dans la zone de surachat/survente. Après que le prix revienne dans le canal, il y a une forte probabilité que le prix revienne vers les valeurs moyennes ou tente de casser le canal de l\'autre côté. Notez que la stratégie peut donner plusieurs faux signaux lors de mouvements de marché forts avant qu\'un signal correct n\'apparaisse.\n\nVeuillez vous rappeler qu\'il est très important d\'appliquer une gestion des risques au trading et de couper les pertes si la situation du marché change!
- Afficher les détails
- Masquer les détails
- Achat fort
- Acheter
- Neutre
- Vendre
- Vente forte
- Risqué
- Détection de token
- Détection générale
- Problèmes %d
- Activer
- Portefeuille
- Adresse
- Message à signer
- Vous devez signer ce message pour activer votre abonnement.
- L\'adresse de votre portefeuille n\'a pas d\'abonnement aux fonctionnalités premium, vous devez l\'acheter pour activer l\'abonnement.
- Fonctionnalités Premium
- Analyse des cryptomonnaies
- Accédez aux statistiques complètes du marché et de la chaîne sur chaque jeton.
- Indicateurs de tendance des prix
- Découvrez les jetons à la mode basés sur des indicateurs d\'analyse technique.
- Assistance Personnelle
- Communiquez avec notre équipe directement sur Telegram pour obtenir une assistance personnelle.
- Devenez Premium
- J\'ai déjà Premium
+ Good
+ Fair
+ Poor
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on centralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on decentralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily active addresses over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total value locked (assets under management) on the project represented by the given token.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily transaction count over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total number of addresses holding the respective tokens.
+ Technical Indicators
+ Details
+ Select Period
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
+ 4 hours
+ 8 hours
+ 1 day
+ 1 week
+ 1 month
+ Strong Buy
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ No Data
+ Smart Contract Analysis
+ High Risk Items
+ Medium Risk Items
+ Risky
+ Attention Required
+ Powered by De.Fi
+ %d Items
+ Trading Assistant
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ overbought
+ oversold
+ down
+ up
+ The actions with the asset are risky.
+ Starting from the %s
+ The asset is outside the Bollinger Band channel and %s.
+ RSI = %1$s, This also indicates that the asset is %2$s.
+ There might be a strong %sward movement, so it\'s better to wait for the asset price to return to the channel.
+ the asset was %s, but now it has returned to the Bollinger Band channel. This indicates a possible trend reversal.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %1$s, which still indicates that it is %2$s.
+ This could be a very strong signal to enter the market. Keep in mind that there may be several attempts of %sward movement after returning to the channel, so do not forget about risk management.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %s, which also indicates a trend reversal (RSI crossed the boundary at 70\%%).
+ The price is returning to neutral levels, however, there is still potential for upward movement. Keep in mind that RSI = 50 and the middle of the Bollinger Bands are strong resistances and possible trend reversal points. Do not forget about risk management.
+ RSI = $s also confirms the absence of a strong trend.
+ the asset was in the overbought/oversold zone, but at the moment the price has returned to the Bollinger Band channel in the neutral zone. The RSI is %s also confirms the absence of a strong trend, so overall the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ In general, the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ Please note:
+ above
+ below
+ growth
+ decrease
+ EMA 200. Determines the overall sentiment and trend. The daily price of the asset is located %1$s the EMA (%2$s). This means that globally the asset is set for %3$s.
+ above
+ below
+ MACD. Assesses the strength of the trend considering the average price change. The daily value of the histogram is %1$s (%2$s). The price of the asset globally may move %3$s.
+ Technical Indicators
+ We use the Bollinger Bands + RSI strategy to determine trading signals. All calculations are based on daily candlesticks and provide advice for a moderately long term. The essence of the strategy is that the asset price should reach an extreme, breaking out of the Bollinger Bands channel, and the RSI should be in the overbought/oversold zone. After the price returns to the channel, there is a high probability of the price returning to the mean values or attempting to break the channel from the other side. Note that the strategy may give several false signals during strong market movements before a correct signal appears.\n\nPlease remember that it is very important to apply risk management to trading and remember to cut losses if the market situation changes!
+ Show Details
+ Hide Details
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Sell
+ Strong Sell
+ Risky
+ Token Detectors
+ General Detectors
+ Issues %d
+ Activate
+ Wallet
+ Address
+ Message to Sign
+ You need to sign this message to activate your subscription.
+ Your wallet address does not have a subscription to premium features, you need to purchase it to activate the subscription.
+ Premium Features
+ Cryptocurrency Analytics
+ Access comprehensive market and on-chain stats about each token.
+ Price Trend Indicators
+ Discover uptrending tokens based on technical analysis indicators.
+ Personal Support
+ Contact our team directly over Telegram for personal assistance.
+ Get Premium
+ I already have Premium
Moy. 7D
Moy. 30D
Dernière vente
@@ -1552,7 +1568,7 @@
Adresse du contrat
Identifiant du token
Standard du token
- Filtrer par blockchain
+ Blockchain
Site Web
Propulsé par OpenSea API
Top des collections NFT
@@ -1586,8 +1602,8 @@
- Gagnants
- Perdants
+ Gainers
+ Losers
Il y a %dd.
il y a %dh.
@@ -1599,7 +1615,7 @@
Le texte de l\'erreur sera copié dans votre presse-papiers si vous décidez de le signaler.
Utilisateur Pro
@@ -1631,26 +1647,26 @@
Cette application nécessite qu\'un code secret soit activé sur le téléphone (verrouillage de l\'écran). \n\nVous pouvez activer cette fonction dans les paramètres Android. \n\nVeuillez noter que lorsque vous avez désactivé le code PIN au niveau du système d\'exploitation, les mesures de sécurité stockées sur votre téléphone ont rendu invalide les données précédemment stockées. Vous devrez Restaurer vos clés de porte-monnaie pour revenir à votre porte-monnaie.
Cette application nécessite le code PIN de votre téléphone afin de conserver les données confidentielles de votre porte-monnaie dans le stockage sécurisé d\'Android et non dans l\'application elle-même.
- Déverrouiller
+ Unlock
- Entrez le code d\'accès
+ Enter Passcode
Scanner biométrique
Entrez le code d\'accès ou réessayez plus tard
Autorisation biométrique désactivée
Désactivé jusqu\'à: %s
- Tentatives restantes : %s
- Standard
- Aléatoire
+ Attempts left: %s
+ Regular
+ Random
- Définir le code d\'accès
+ Create Passcode
Votre code secret sera utilisé pour déverrouiller votre porte-monnaie et envoyer de l’argent
Le code ne correspond pas. Réessayez.
Une erreur est apparue lors de l\'enregistrement de votre code. Veuillez réessayer.
- Définir un code d\'accès pour activer la biométrie
- Définir un mot de passe pour activer le mode Duress
- Ce mot de passe est déjà utilisé.
+ Set a passcode to enable Biometrics
+ Set a passcode to enable Duress Mode
+ This passcode is already being used.
Modifier le code
Le code actuel
@@ -1683,39 +1699,39 @@
Cette adresse est déjà utilisée pour %s
Le nom a été utilisé
- Connecté
+ Connected
- Choisir la pièce
- Choisir un réseau
- Choisissez un réseau et obtenez une adresse à déposer.
- Nom ou code
- Dépôt %s
- Copier l\'adresse
- Partager l\'adresse
- Réseau
- Votre adresse pour le dépôt %s
- Envoyer seulement %s à cette adresse. Envoyer d\'autres types de jetons à cette adresse entraînera leur perte ultime.
- Mémo (tag) est requis ou vous perdrez vos pièces.\n\nEnvoyer seulement %s à cette adresse. Envoyer d\'autres types de jetons à cette adresse entraînera leur perte ultime.
+ Choose Coin
+ Choose Network
+ Choose a network and get an address to deposit.
+ Name or code
+ Deposit %s
+ Copy Address
+ Share Address
+ Network
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Send only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Memo (tag) is required, or your will lose your coins.\n\nSend only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
- A la fois un mémo (tag) et l\'adresse sont nécessaires pour s\'assurer que les actifs sont reçus. Sinon, vos fonds seront perdus.
- Impossible de connecter votre clé API
+ Both a memo (tag) and the address are needed to ensure that assets are received. Otherwise your funds will be lost.
+ Failed to connect your API Key
- Envoyer %s
- Réseau
- Frais du montant
- Frais
- Assurez-vous que le réseau correspond à l\'adresse de retrait et que la plateforme de dépôt le supporte, ou que les actifs peuvent être perdus.
- Vérification de la sécurité
- Code de vérification
- Code Google Authenticator
- Réenvoyer
+ Send %s
+ Network
+ Fee from amount
+ Fee
+ Ensure the network matches the withdrawal address and the deposit platform supports it, or assets may be lost.
+ Security Verification
+ Verification Code
+ Google Authenticator Code
+ Resend
%s sec
- Entrez le code de vérification envoyé à votre adresse e-mail.
- Entrez le code de votre application Google Authenticator.
- Retraits
- Effectué
- Solde disponible insuffisant
- Le montant minimum que vous pouvez retirer est %s
- Le montant maximum que vous pouvez retirer est %s
- Échec du retrait
+ Enter verification code sent to your email.
+ Enter code from your Google Authenticator App.
+ Withdraw
+ Success
+ Not enough available Balance
+ The minimum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ The maximum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ Withdraw Failed
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
index d68049e12d4..ec508d92fae 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
- 매개 변수가 설정되지 않았습니다
- %1$s%2$s
+ Parameter is not set
+ %s%s
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동기화 오류입니다. 다시 시도하십시오
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
복구 문구
단어 목록
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%s 단어 (권장)
%s 단어
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@
12, 15, 18, 21 또는 24단어 입력
비표준 복원
이 페이지는 비표준 지갑을 가지고 있는 Unstoppable 사용자를 위한 특별한 지갑 복원 메커니즘을 제공합니다. 일반적으로 이러한 지갑은 Unstoppable 버전 0.27 - 0.28에서 영어가 아닌 니모닉 단어 목록 및/또는 지갑 암호의 특수 문자(예: 분음 부호)를 사용하여 생성되었을 수 있습니다.\n\n영향을 받는 사용자인 경우 버전 0.29로 업데이트하면 지갑 잔액이 0으로 표시됩니다. 이 페이지에서는 비표준 지갑에 대한 액세스를 복원할 수 있습니다. 복원되면 새 지갑(표준 준수)을 만들고 그곳으로 자금을 옮기는 것이 좋습니다.
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코인 선택하기
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생일 신장
Zcash 생일 높이
@@ -146,198 +146,198 @@
기존 지갑
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블록체인과의 초기 동기화는 많은 인터넷 트래픽을 소비할 수 있습니다.
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- 아래 신호는 대략 최근 30일 동안의 볼린저 밴드와 RSI 기술적 가격 지표를 기반으로 합니다. 이러한 신호는 알고리즘에 기반하며 자주 변경될 수 있습니다.
- 가격 상승에 대한 높은 신뢰도.
- 가까운 미래에 가능성 있는 가격 상승.
- 명확한 트렌드가 없으며, 시장은 균형 상태에 있습니다.
- 가까운 미래에 가능성 있는 가격 하락.
- 가격 하락의 높은 확률.
- 고위험 수준, 주의가 필요합니다.
- 언제나 위험 관리를 적용하는 것을 기억하세요. 이것은 금융 조언이 아님을 유의하세요.
- 켜다
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- 각 거래소에서 거래량 상위 페어
+ Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently.
+ High confidence in price increase.
+ Likely price increase in near future.
+ No clear trend, market is in equilibrium.
+ Likely price decrease in near future.
+ High probability of price decrease.
+ Elevated risk level, requires caution.
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
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Leading blockchain platforms by the cumulative market of projects built on top.
- 프로토콜: %s
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- %s 체인상의 모든 프로토콜의 시가총액
+ Protocols: %s
+ %s Ecosystem
+ Market cap of all protocols on the %s chain
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- ETF 유입액
- 모든 암호화폐의 총 시장 가치\" or \"모든 가상 화폐의 총 시장 가치.
+ Chart
+ Total Cap
+ BTC Dominance
+ 24h Vol.
+ DeFi Cap
+ Total market value of all cryptocurrencies.
The historical change in ratio between the market cap of Bitcoin to the rest of the cryptocurrency markets. \n\nTypically, when Bitcoin dominance trending higher the rest of the crypto market trends down and vice versa.
- 암호화폐 시장의 24시간 거래량\" or \"가상 화폐 시장의 24시간 거래량.
- %s의 일일 종합 거래량에서의 역사적인 변화
- 디파이 프로젝트의 총 시장 가치.
- 디파이 (DeFi)에서의 총 예치 가치 (TVL).
- 체인별 필터링
+ The 24h trading volume of the crypto market.
+ The historical change in daily aggregate trading volume for %s
+ Total market value of DeFi projects.
+ Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi.
+ Filter by chain
- 이 코인은 아직 지원되지 않습니다.
+ This coin is not supported yet
This project doesn’t have a coin
- 총 순유입액
- ETF의 순유입액은 현금 유입에서 유출을 뺀 것과 같습니다.
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+ Total Net Inflow
+ The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows.
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+ Show Results
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< 10
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+ Swap
+ Deposit
- %1$s 당 %2$s
+ %s 당 %s
%s 까지
거래 검색 중...
@@ -352,36 +352,37 @@
블록 다운로드
스캐닝 블록
아직 지갑이 없습니다
- 이 지갑에 코인을 넣지 않았습니다.
+ You haven\'t added any coins to this wallet.
이 지갑 주소에는 잔액이 없습니다
- 자산을 보낼 수 없습니다.
- 자산을 교환할 수 없습니다.
- 회로망
- 형식
- 네트워크를 선택하고 입금할 주소를 받으세요.
- 입금 주소: %s
- %s의 시계 주소
- 주소를 입력받기 위한 형식을 선택하세요.
- 주소 형식
- 향상된 사용자 경험과 호환성으로 인해 비트코인 캐시(BCH)를 수신하는 데 현금 주소 형식이 선호됩니다. 그러나 두 주소 형식은 보낸 사람의 주소 형식에 관계없이 BCH를 수신하는 데 상호 교환적으로 사용될 수 있습니다.
- 향상된 처리량과 보안을 위해 Bitcoin에서는 기본 SegWit 형식이 선호됩니다. 모든 주소 형식(Taproot, SegWit, Legacy)을 사용하여 보낸 사람의 주소 형식에 관계없이 BTC를 수신할 수 있으므로 다양한 코인 유형에 걸쳐 원활한 거래가 가능합니다.
- 계정
- 비활성화됨
- 금액
- 금액 설정
- 주소 유형
- 잠김
- 방송
- 메모 (태그)
- 인식할 수 없음
- 이 주소는 관찰 중인 계정의 주소입니다
- 필요한 메모 (태그)를 제공하고 호환되는 네트워크 토큰만 보내십시오. 그렇지 않으면 소멸됩니다.
- 사용된 주소들
- %s 주소는 개인 정보 보호와 보안을 위해 변경됩니다. 이 지갑에서 사용된 주소 목록은 아래와 같습니다.
- 받는 주소들
- 거스름돈 주소
- 코인 이름
- 검색
+ You have no assets to send.
+ You have no assets to swap.
+ Network
+ Format
+ Choose network to get an address to receive.
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Watch address of %s
+ Choose a format for providing an address to receive.
+ Address Format
+ The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender\'s address format.
+ The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender\'s address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types.
+ Account
+ Not active
+ Amount
+ Set Amount
+ Address type
+ Locked
+ Processing
+ Broadcasting
+ Memo (Tag)
+ Can\'t recognize
+ This address is the address of the watched account
+ Provide required Memo (Tag) and send only network-compatible tokens. Others will be lost.
+ Used Addresses
+ %s addresses change for privacy and security. Below a list of used addresses in this wallet.
+ Receive Addresses
+ Change Addresses
+ Coin Name
+ Search
잔고 부족
@@ -389,29 +390,33 @@
전송 %s
주소 또는 도메인
- 블록체인은 사용자가 거래를 보낼 때 네트워크 수수료를 지불해야 합니다. 이 수수료는 네트워크에서 많은 거래가 발생할 때 더 높아집니다.
+ Blockchains require users to pay network fees when sending transactions. The fees are higher when a lot of transactions are taking place on the network.
TimeLock은 BIP44 주소(1부터 시작)로 전송하는 경우에만 작동합니다.
- UTxO 전문가 모드
- 잔액에서 자금을 사용하기 위해 수동으로 UTxO를 선택하세요.
- 보내기
- 변경하기
- 수수료로 대체
- 이 옵션을 통해 거래가 멈춘 상태에서 수수료를 증가시켜 거래를 다시 보낼 수 있습니다.
- 활성화
- 비활성화됨
+ UTxO Expert Mode
+ Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance
+ Send To
+ Change
+ Replace by Fee
+ This option allows you to resend a stuck transaction by increasing the amount of the fee.
+ Enabled
+ Disabled
+ Available Balance
+ Unsellect All
+ Sellect All
- 아군
+ Own
받는 사람
예상 소요시간:
+ Action
\u2713 보냄
카메라 접근 권한
카메라 권한을 허용하십시오
@@ -437,17 +442,17 @@
1 년
- %1$s (%2$s) 에 대한 거래 수수료는 %3$s로 지불되었습니다. 귀하는 %4$s가 필요합니다.
+ %s (%s) 에 대한 거래 수수료는 %s로 지불되었습니다. 귀하는 %s가 필요합니다.
경고! 갇힐 위험
- 수수료 오류
- 요금이 너무 낮습니다.
+ Fee Error
+ Fee Rate is too low.
트랜잭션이 중단되거나 실패할 수 있습니다
- 수수료 오류
- 서버와의 연결이 끊어졌습니다. 보내려면 사이트의 데이터를 사용하여 수수료를 수동으로 설정하십시오.
+ Fee Error
+ The connection to the server has been lost. To proceed, set up the fees manually using the data on the site.
트랜잭션 Nonce
- Nonce(논스)는 사용자 지갑 내에서 거래마다 고유한 정수값입니다. 보통 각 제출된 거래마다 증가하며 변경할 필요가 없습니다. 고급 사용자는 새 거래가 충분히 높은 수수료로 설정되어 이전 거래가 대신 확인되지 않도록 하기 위해 보류 중인 거래의 논스 값을 설정할 수 있습니다. (예를 들어, 거래 확인을 가속화하거나 거래 매개변수를 완전히 변경하려는 경우). 여러 보류 중인 거래가 동일한 논스를 가지면 일반적으로 가장 높은 수수료를 가진 거래만 확인됩니다.
+ The nonce is a unique integer value for a transaction within the user\'s wallet. It normally increments with each submitted transaction and does not need changing. Advanced users can set it equal to a nonce of a pending transaction in order to cancel and replace that transaction, as long as the new transaction has a sufficiently higher fee to prevent the old one from being confirmed instead (for example, they may want to speed up its confirmation, or to change transaction parameters entirely). When multiple pending transactions have the same nonce, only one gets confirmed, typically the one with the highest fee.
중고 Nonce
이 nonce를 사용하여 실행된 트랜잭션이 이미 존재합니다.
@@ -456,25 +461,25 @@
최대 수수료
주어진 거래에 대한 최대 예상 총 수수료입니다. 일반적으로 실제 거래 수수료는 더 낮습니다.
최대 수수료
- 이 거래에 대한 지불 예상 최대 거래 수수료는 아래의 가스 제한, 최대 수수료율 및 최대 우선수수료 값에 기반하여 계산됩니다. 일반적으로 실제로 지불되는 수수료는 더 낮을 것입니다.
- 네트워크 수수료
- 네트워크에서 주어진 거래를 보내는 데 예상되는 비용.
- 거래 복잡성은 \'가스\'라고 불리는 단위로 측정됩니다. 이는 실행되는 스마트 계약에 따라 다릅니다. 가스 한도는 해당 거래를 실행하는 데 필요한 최대 가스를 예상한 값입니다. 실제로 사용된 가스는 일반적으로 더 낮을 것입니다.
+ The maximum estimated transaction fee to be paid for this transaction, computed based on the gas limit, max fee rate and max priority fee values below. The actual fee paid will normally be lower.
+ Network Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network.
+ Transaction complexity is measured in units called \"gas\". It varies depending on the smart contract being executed. The Gas Limit is the estimated maximum gas needed to execute it. The actual gas used will normally be lower.
네트워크 거래 수수료는 가스 단위로 측정됩니다. 가스 가격은 사용자가 가스 단위당 지출할 의향이 있는 금액입니다. 네트워크가 사용 중일 때는 가스 가격이 높고 유휴 상태일 때는 가스 가격이 낮습니다. 가스 가격이 충분하지 않아 거래가 장기간 보류 상태로 남아 있는 경우가 많습니다.
기본 수수료
- 네트워크 프로토콜은 각 블록마다 가스당 기본 가격을 결정하며, 이를 \'기본 수수료율\'이라고 합니다. 이는 블록마다 네트워크 이용률에 따라 다양하게 변할 수 있습니다. 다음 블록에서 최대 12.5%까지 증가 또는 감소할 수 있으므로 수수료를 더 예측 가능하게 만듭니다. 여기에 표시된 값은 현재 블록의 기본 수수료율입니다.
- 최대 수수료율
- 이것은 사용자가 지불하려는 가스당 최대 총 가격입니다. 이것은 네트워크의 기본 수수료율과 최대 우선순위 수수료율을 포함해야 합니다. 여기에 표시된 값은 사용자가 선택한 다음 블록의 기본 수수료율과 최대 우선순위 수수료율을 기반으로 추천된 것입니다. 실제로 지불되는 수수료율은 일반적으로 더 낮을 것입니다. 현재 기본 수수료율보다 낮게 설정하면 수수료 지불이 제한될 수 있지만, 거래가 확인되기까지 더 긴 대기 시간이나 막힌 거래가 발생할 수 있습니다.
- 최대 우선 가스비
- 사용자는 거래가 더 빨리 확인되도록 하는 동기를 위해 우선수수료를 지불합니다. 이를 때로는 팁이라고도 부릅니다. 최대 우선수수료율은 사용자가 기본 수수료율 위에 추가로 지불할 수 있는 최대 가스당 가격입니다. 여기에 표시된 값은 예측된 네트워크 상황을 기반으로 제안됩니다. 실제 우선수수료는 일반적으로 더 낮을 것입니다. 이 값을 0으로 설정하면 거래가 확인되기까지 긴 대기 시간이 발생할 수 있으며, 모든 사용자의 대기 중인 거래 대기열의 끝에 배치됩니다.
+ The network protocol determines the base price per gas for each block, called base fee rate. It varies according to the network utilization level from block to block. It can increase or decrease by no more than 12.5% in the next block, making fees more predictable. The value shown here is the current block\'s base fee rate.
+ Max Fee Rate
+ This is the maximum total price per gas the user is willing to pay. It must cover the network\'s base fee rate and max priority fee rate. The value shown here is suggested based on an estimate of the next block\'s base fee rate plus the max priority fee rate chosen by the user. The actual fee rate paid will normally be lower. Setting this lower than the current base fee rate will limit the fee paid, but will result in longer waiting times for the transaction to be confirmed, or even in a stuck transaction.
+ Max Priority Fee
+ Users pay priority fees to incentivize a transaction to be confirmed more quickly. They are sometimes called tips. The max priority fee rate is the maximum additional price per gas the user is willing to pay on top of the base fee rate. The value shown here is suggested based on predicted network conditions. The actual priority fee will normally be lower. Setting this to zero may result in a long waiting time for transaction to be confirmed, as it is placed at the end of the pending transactions queue from all users.
트랜잭션이 잠시 동안 보류 상태로 유지되거나 완전히 실패할 수 있습니다.
- 거래가 신속하게 실행되도록 하려면 최대 수수료율(최대 마이너 팁을 뺀 값)이 현재 기본 수수료율보다 높아야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 거래가 조건이 충족될 때까지 대기 상태로 남을 수 있습니다.
+ To ensure speedy execution of the transaction the max fee rate (subtracted max. miner tip) should be higher than current base fee rate. If not transaction may remain pending until condition is met.
수수료가 너무 높음
설정된 거래 수수료가 지금 이 거래를 처리하는 데 필요한 것보다 높습니다.
- 수수료율 (SAT/BYTE)
+ Fee Rate (SAT/BYTE)
다음 2 블록 타격에 대한 권장 값은 다음과 같습니다.
Blockchains require users to pay network fees when sending transactions. The fees are higher when a lot of transactions are taking place on the network.
\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet estimates fee based on the current blockchain activity and recommends the optimal value in order for the transaction to be processed within a reasonable amount of time.
@@ -490,21 +495,27 @@
일반적으로 권장 수수료 값은 비트코인의 경우 분/시간 이내, 이더리움의 경우 몇 분 이내로 거래를 처리하기에 충분해야 합니다.
우선 순위가 중요한 거래의 경우 높은 수수료 값을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 비트코인의 경우 10분 이내, 이더리움의 경우 1~2분 이내에 거래가 완료될 것으로 예상됩니다.
- 수수료
- 네트워크에서 거래하는 데 드는 예상 비용입니다. (energy, bandwidth 및 활성화 수수료 제외)
- 활성화 수수료
- 이 주소는 활성화되지 않았습니다. 비활성화된 계정 주소로 TRX 또는 TRC-10 토큰을 전송하면 계정이 활성화됩니다
- 소모된 자원
- Bandwidth 은 블록체인 데이터베이스에 저장된 트랜잭션 바이트 크기를 측정하는 단위입니다. 거래가 클수록 대역폭 자원이 더 많이 사용됩니다.\n\nEnergy 는 TRON 가상 머신이 TRON 네트워크에서 특정 작업을 수행하기 위해 필요한 계산 양을 측정하는 단위입니다. \n\n스마트 계약 트랜잭션은 실행에 계산 자원이 필요하기 때문에 각 스마트 계약 트랜잭션에는 energy 수수료를 지불해야합니다.
+ Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network. (Without excluding Energy, Bandwidth and Activating Fee)
+ Activation Fee
+ This address is not active. Transferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account.
+ Resources Consumed
+ Bandwidth is the unit that measures the size of the transaction bytes stored in the blockchain database. The larger the transaction, the more bandwidth resources will be consumed.\n\nEnergy is the unit that measures the amount of computation required by the TRON virtual machine to perform specific operations on the TRON network.\n\nSince smart contract transactions require computing resources to execute, each smart contract transaction requires to pay for the energy fee.
- 이 주소는 활성화되어 있지 않습니다
- (비활성화됨)
- 비활성 주소
- TRON 블록체인에 새로 생성된 계정은 비활성화되어 있어서 조회하거나 탐색할 수 없습니다. 이 계정은 활성화되어야 합니다.\n\n비활성화된 계정 주소로 TRX 또는 TRC-10 토큰을 전송하면 계정이 활성화됩니다. 새로운 TRON 체인 계정을 활성화하려면 1 TRX의 수수료가 필요합니다.
- TRX를 자신에게 전송할 수 없습니다
- 0 %s을(를) 전송할 수 없습니다.
- 계정이 활성화되지 않음
- 새로운 TRON 지갑은 활성화되기 위해 최소 1 TRX의 입금이 필요합니다. 비활성 지갑은 토큰을 보유하고 받을 수는 있지만, 활성화될 때까지 잔액이 정확히 표시되지 않습니다.
+ This address is not active
+ (not active)
+ Not Active Address
+ Newly created accounts on the TRON blockchain are inactive and cannot be queried or explored. They need to be activated.\n\nTransferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account. Activating a new account on the Tron chain requires a fee of 1 TRX
+ Cannot transfer TRX to yourself
+ Cannot transfer 0 %s
+ Account Not Active
+ New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated.
+ New Connection
+ Invalid URL Address
+ Unnamed
+ Wallet
+ Choose a Wallet
@@ -517,7 +528,7 @@
브라우저로 이동하십시오. 브라우저에서 상호 작용하는 동안에는 이 페이지를 닫지 마십시오.
연결을 설정하지 못했습니다. 다시 연결해 보세요.
잘못된 주소
- WalletConnect v2는 지원되지 않습니다
+ WalletConnect v2 is not supported
요구 사항
@@ -531,15 +542,15 @@
인증을 위해 메시지에 서명하십시오
WalletConnect를 사용하려면 먼저 지갑을 생성하거나 가져와야 합니다
- 복구 문구의 복사본을 생성하여 이 지갑을 백업하십시오. 휴대폰 분실, 도난, 파손 등의 경우 지갑에 액세스하기 위해 필요합니다.
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
이 기능은 시계 전용 지갑에서는 작동하지 않으므로 복원 또는 생성된 지갑으로 전환해야 합니다
- 지원되지 않는 블록체인입니다
+ Unsupported Blockchain
적합한 계정이 없습니다.
적합한 evm 키트가 없습니다.
데이터 파싱 오류
- 지원되지 않는 체인: %s
- 지원되지 않는 메서드: %s
- 지원되지 않는 이벤트: %s
+ Unsupported chains: %s
+ Unsupported methods: %s
+ Unsupported events: %s
요청을 찾을 수 없음 오류
연결된 dapp이 없습니다.
보류 중인 요청
@@ -577,10 +588,10 @@
추정 오류
잔액을 확인하여 수수료를 충당하기에 충분한 %s이 있는지 확인하십시오. 또는 가격 슬리피지 금액을 늘리고 다시 시도하십시오. 3초 후에 자동 재시도합니다
향후 거래에 대해 지불할 수 있도록 일부 %s를 잔액으로 남겨두는 것이 좋습니다.
- 예기치 못한 오류: %s
+ Unexpected error: %s
- 최상의 가격
+ Best Price
@@ -588,56 +599,56 @@
사용 가능한 잔액
- 사용 가능한 잔액
+ Available Balance
매도 가격
구매 가격
가격 영향
- 시장 가격과 예상 결제 가격의 차이가 너무 큽니다.
- 중요한 사항입니다! 매우 불리한 가격을 받고 있습니다. 이는 유동성이 극도로 낮기 때문입니다.
+ Unstoppable has disabled swap action for this trade because you\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.\nIf you still want to swap please use %s website instead.
+ Important! You\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.
보증 금액
예상 수수료
최대 수수료
- 미끄러짐
- 수령인
- 제공자 없음
- 제안이 없습니다
+ Slippage
+ Recipient
+ No Providers
+ No Quote
잔액이 부족합니다
- 균형 N/A
+ Balance n/a
이 토큰을 스왑할 수 없습니다
이 서비스는 래핑/언래핑을 허용하지 않습니다. 대신 1inch 를 사용하십시오.
높은 가격 영향
- 토큰 활성화되지 않음
- 지갑 동기화 중
- 지갑이 동기화되지 않음
+ Token Not Enabled
+ Wallet is Syncing
+ Wallet Not Synced
- 토큰 인 선택
- 토큰 아웃 선택
- 금액 입력
- 잠금 해제
- 잠금 해제...
+ Select Token In
+ Select Token Out
+ Enter Amount
+ Unlock
+ Unlocking...
승인 중
- 견적
+ Quoting
최대 지불액
보증 금액
- 공급처
- 제공자
+ Provider
+ Providers
공급자 스왑
- 경로 찾을 수 없음
- 지불하기
- 얻기
- 확인
- 견적이 만료되었습니다
- 최종 견적을 가져오는 중
+ Route not found
+ You Pay
+ You Get
+ Confirm
+ Quote expired
+ Fetching final quote
스왑 설정
@@ -676,10 +687,10 @@
당신은 취소
- 액세스 잠금 해제
- 다음 금액에 대한 액세스 허용
- 스마트 계약에 토큰 거래 권한을 부여하여 지정된 허용 금액을 설정합니다. 귀하의 잔액에 영향을 주지 않지만 승인을 위한 소액 수수료가 발생합니다. \n\n미래 거래를 위해 미리 더 높은 금액을 승인하는 것은 요청에 따른 승인보다 비용 효율적입니다.
- 무제한
+ Unlock Access
+ Allow access to the following amount
+ Grant permission to a smart contract for token trading on your behalf, specifying the allowed amount. No impact on your balance, but incurs a small fee for approval.\n\nPre-approving a higher amount for future trades is cost-effective compared to on-demand approvals.
+ Unlimited
토큰 스왑을 실행할 때 거래소가 사용자를 대신하여 지출할 수 있는 금액. 실제 스왑 거래가 발생하기 전에 선행 거래 설정 충분한 여유가 필요합니다.
@@ -698,43 +709,45 @@
당신은 아직 보류 중 또는 과거에 완료된 거래가 없습니다
동기화가 끝날 때까지 기다려 주십시오.
보류 중
- 수령됨
+ Received
처리 중
- 전송됨
- 번
- 민트
- 승인됨
- 스왑됨
+ Sent
+ Burned
+ Minted
+ Approved
+ Swapped
계약 콜
외부 콜
계약 생성
+ Contract Deploy
- 무제한 %s
- 무제한
+ unlimited %s
+ unlimited
- 블록체인으로 필터링
- 코인
- 연락처
+ Blockchain
+ Coin
+ Contacts
모든 블록체인
- 모든 연락처
+ All Contacts
코인 선택
- 블록체인 선택
+ Choose Blockchain
알 수 없는 트랜잭션
+ Ton Transaction
트랜잭션을 구문 분석할 수 없습니다
- 필터
- 의심스러운 거래 숨기기
- Dust 양의 안정화된 암호화폐를 사용하여 수신 거래를 숨기면 주소 독성 공격 문제의 일부를 해결할 수 있습니다.
- 다음 블록체인에서 연락처 필터링이 작동합니다: 이더리움, BNB 스마트 체인, 폴리곤, 아발란체, 그노시스, 팬텀, 아비트럼, 옵티미즘, 트론, 톤, 그리고 지캐시. 아래에 적합한 연락처가 나열되어 있습니다.
- 적합한 연락처가 없습니다
+ Filter
+ Hide suspicious tx
+ Hiding incoming transactions with the dust amount in stablecoins, this partially solves the address poisoning attack problems.
+ Filtering by contacts works on the following blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton and ZCash. Below are the suitable contacts
+ You don\'t have any suitable contacts
거래 정보
@@ -763,17 +776,17 @@
지불한 금액
받았던 금액
- 보냄
- 수령됨
- 전송됨
- 승인됨
+ You Sent
+ Received
+ Sent
+ Approved
승인 취소
- 이 거래는 의심스럽고 사기일 수 있습니다. \n이 거래에서 주소를 복사하지 마십시오.
- 이 작업은 이전 거래를 무효화하고 더 높은 수수료로 다시 전송하려고 시도합니다.
+ This transaction is suspicious and can be a scam.\nPlease do not copy any addresses from this transaction.
+ This action will attempt to invalidate the previous transaction by resending it with a higher fee.
보류 중
처리 중
@@ -788,16 +801,18 @@
트랜잭션 취소
이미 차단된 거래
- 대체된 거래
- 수수료 (Sat)
- 수수료가 너무 낮음
- RBF(수수료 변경)가 활성화되지 않았습니다
- 교체할 수 없음
+ Replaced Transactions
+ Fee (Sat)
+ Fee Too Low
+ RBF not enabled
+ Unable to replace
발송자께서 이 자금을 %s에 만료되는 지출 잠금으로 보냈습니다. \n\n걱정하지 마십시오, 수신된 비트코인은 이미 귀하의 것 이지만 잠금 기간이 만료될 때까지 비트코인 네트워크에서 사용하실 수 없습니다.
- 발송자는 이러한 자금들을 표시된 날짜에 만료가 되는 잠금 지출과 함께 보냈습니다.\n\n걱정 하지마십시오, 수신된 비트코인은 이미 귀하의 것입니다 하지만 잠금 기간이 만료될때 까지 비트코인 네트워크에서 사용하실 수 없습니다.
- 방송
- 이 금액을 보유한 거래는 방송되었지만 아직 네트워크에서 수락되지 않았습니다.
+ The sender sent these funds with a spending lock that will expire on the shown date. \n\nNo worries, the received Bitcoins are already yours, but until the lock period expires you cannot spend them on the Bitcoin network.
+ Broadcast
+ The transaction holding this amount is broadcasted but not yet accepted by the network.
+ Processing amount
+ Transactions with this amount still syncing. And when they are confirmed, these tokens will be available for spending
이중 지출
이중 지출 위험! 블록 체인에 있는 거래에 지출된 정보를 사용하려는 또 다른 거래가 있습니다. 네트워크는 하나의 거래만 수용합니다
이 Tx
@@ -827,81 +842,82 @@
앱 평가
시작 화면
- 텔레그램을 통해
- 이메일로
- 자동 잠금
+ via Telegram
+ via E-mail
+ Auto-Lock
Be Unstoppable
- 독점 비디오로 암호화폐를 배우고 정복하세요. 비공식적으로 우리를 알아가세요. 우리가 작업하는 것들을 가장 먼저 보실 수 있습니다.
- 개인 지원
- Telegram 계정 이름을 입력하여 저희 팀과 개인 지원 채팅을 시작하세요. 문제가 확인되는 즉시 연락을 드리고 문제 해결을 시작하겠습니다.
- 이미 비공개 채팅을 요청하셨습니다. Telegram에서 찾아보세요.
- 계정
+ Learn and master crypto via exclusive videos. Get to know us informally. Be the first to see things we work on.
+ Personal Support
+ Enter your Telegram account name to start a personal support chat with our team. We\'ll get back to you and start working on your problem as soon as we see it.
+ You\'ve already requested a private chat, find it on Telegram
+ Account
- 신청 완료
- 요청
- 요청
- 요청 실패
- 오픈 텔레그램
- 함께, 여러분의 지원으로 우리는 이 앱을 더 좋게 만들 수 있습니다!
- 후원하기
- 기부하기 %s
- 기부하기
- 기부 주소
- 구애
- 기부할 코인을 선택하세요
- 즉시
- 1분
- 5분
- 15분
- 30분
- 1시간
+ Requested
+ Request
+ New Request
+ Request failed
+ Open Telegram
+ Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!
+ Donate
+ Get your tokens
+ Donate %s
+ Donate with
+ Donation Address
+ Addresses
+ Or select a coin to donate
+ Immediate
+ 1 minute
+ 5 minutes
+ 15 minutes
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
탭 설정
- 마켓 탭
- 잔고 탭
시작 화면
앱 아이콘
- 잔액 변환
- 균형 가치
+ Balance Conversion
+ Balance Value
아이콘을 변경하면 애플리케이션이 종료됩니다.
- 마켓 숨기기
- 숨김 버튼
- 이 설정은 잔고 탭에서 보내기, 받기 및 스왑 버튼을 숨깁니다.
- 밸런스 자동 숨기기
- 앱이 열릴 때마다 잔고를 자동으로 숨깁니다. 이전 설정에 관계없이 적용됩니다.
- 가격 변경 %
+ Hide Markets
+ Hide Buttons
+ This configuration hides the Send, Receive, and Swap buttons on Balance tab.
+ Balance Auto Hide
+ Automatically hides balance each time the app is opened, regardless of previous preferences.
+ Price Change %
코인 가치
법정 가치
앱 정보
새로운 기능
- 앱버전
+ App Version
블록 체인 설정
- 백업 관리자
- 백업 복원
- 새로운 백업 생성
- 백업 파일
- 지갑
- 기타
- 복구
- 백업 파일의 내용 목록
- 경고
- 위젯 변경
- 이 작업을 수행하면 현지 결제 연락처가 덮어쓰여집니다.
- 백업이 필요합니다
- 관찰 주소
- 관심목록
- 사용자 지정 RPC
- 앱 설정
- 언어, 통화, 외관...
+ Backup Manager
+ Restore Backup
+ Create New Backup
+ Backup File
+ Restore
+ List of contents in the backup file.
+ Warning
+ Replace
+ This action will overwrite your local payment contacts.
+ Backup required
+ Watch Wallets
+ Watchlist
+ Custom RPC
+ App Settings
+ Language, Currency, Appearance …
- Unstoppable 는 코인 잔액이나 주소와 같은 개인 정보를 노출하는 개인 데이터를 수집하지 않습니다. UI 사용 통계를 수집하긴 하지만, 이는 사용자 기반 및 앱 사용 트렌드를 이해하기 위한 것입니다. 원하신다면 비활성화할 수 있습니다.
- 이 지갑은 개인 데이터를 수집하지 않습니다.
- 사용자 계정이나 사용자 데이터를 저장하는 데이터베이스가 없습니다.
- 허용된 경우, 지갑은 앱 사용 습관을 Unstoppable 팀과 공유할 것입니다. 이는 사용자가 어떤 기능을 사용하고 있는지 (또는 사용하지 않는지) 이해하기 위한 것입니다. 개인 정보 보호를 중시하는 앱이지만, 우리의 노력을 평가할 방법이 필요합니다. 이를 통해 만든 기능이 사용되고 있는지 여부를 알 수 없기 때문입니다.
- UI 데이터 공유
+ Unstoppable doesn\'t collect personal data that expose your private information i.e. coin balances or addresses. While we gather some UI usage statistics, it\'s solely for understanding our user base and app usage trends. That can be disabled if you wish.
+ The wallet does not gather any personal data.
+ There are no user accounts or databases storing user data.
+ If allowed the wallet will share app usage habits with Unstoppable team. This is to understand which features are being used (or not) by our users. Being a privacy focused app we need some way to evaluate our efforts and without this we have no idea whether the features we built are being used or not.
+ Share UI data
@@ -916,30 +932,30 @@
이 URL이 있는 RPC 소스가 이미 존재합니다.
입력한 URL이 잘못되었습니다. 유효한 URL은 http, https, ws, wss 스키마 중 하나여야 합니다.
- 소스를 변경한 후에는 지갑이 자체적으로 다시 동기화해야 합니다.
- 매매거래로 지갑을 복원 할 데이터 소스를 선택하세요.
+ After changing source the wallet will have to resync itself.
+ Choose the source Unstoppable app should use for synchronizing wallet(s).
거래 설정
트랜잭션 입력/출력
거래 구조를 변경하여 BTC, LTC, BCH 거래를 추적하기 어렵게 만드십시오.
- 대부분의 비트코인 거래는 물론 비트코인 캐시, 대시 및 라이트코인을 포함한 유사한 암호화폐의 거래는 두 가지 출력을 생성합니다. 하나의 출력은 수신자에게 가는 금액이고 다른 하나는 발신자에게 반환되는 변경 출력입니다. 대부분의 지갑이 트랜잭션을 구성하는 방식을 통해 제3자는 출력 중 어느 것이 수신 당사자에게 갔고 어느 것이 발신자에게 반환된 변경 금액인지 쉽게 이해할 수 있습니다. 발신자에게 반환된 출력은 나중에 미래의 거래에 사용되기 때문에 이 두 거래 사이의 연결이 분명해집니다.
-\n\nUnstoppable 지갑은 누군가가 어떤 출력이 어디로 가는지 알아내기 어렵게 하는 조치를 구현합니다.
-\n\n 멈출 수 없는 사용자가 사용할 수 있는 두 가지 옵션:
-\n\n1. 셔플: 트랜잭션 출력 순서는 모든 트랜잭션에서 무작위로 지정됩니다. 때로는 변화가 첫 번째 출력이 될 수도 있고 때로는 두 번째 출력이 될 수도 있습니다. 사용자가 앱 개발자를 신뢰한다면 이것을 권장 옵션으로 고려하십시오.
-\n\n2. 결정적: 트랜잭션 출력 주문에 대해 일반적으로 합의된 표준이 있습니다(BIP69로 알려짐). 오픈 소스 지갑에서 이 표준은 지갑 사용자가 앱 개발자가 출력 순서를 구현하는 방법을 신뢰할 필요가 없도록 합니다. 이 표준은 새롭기 때문에 아직 많은 지갑에서 구현하지 않았습니다. 결과적으로 해당 표준을 사용하는 지갑에서 트랜잭션이 전송되었는지 여부를 블록체인에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
+ Most Bitcoin transactions, as well as transactions in alike cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin Cash, Dash, and Litecoin, generate two outputs. One output is the amount that goes to the receiver and the other is the change output that is returned to the sender. The way most wallets construct transactions makes it easy for a third party to understand which of the outputs went to the receiving party and which one was the change amount returned to the sender. As the output returned to the sender is later used in future transactions, a connection between these two transactions becomes apparent.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet implements measures to make it harder for someone to figure out which output goes where.
+\n\nThere are two options available to Unstoppable users:
+\n\n1. Shuffle: The order of transaction outputs is randomized on every transaction. Sometimes change can be the first output, sometimes it can be the second. If a user trusts the developer of the app, then consider this a recommended option.
+\n\n2. Deterministic: There is a commonly agreed standard for ordering transaction outputs (known as BIP69). In open-source wallets, that standard ensures wallet users do not need to trust how developers of the app implement the ordering of the outputs. As this standard is new, not many wallets have implemented it yet. As a result, it\'s somewhat possible to see on the blockchain whether a transaction was sent from a wallet that uses that standard or not.
- 생체정보 인증
+ Biometrics
생체정보 인증은 PIN 잠금 코드에 비해 장치의 보안을 약화시킬 가능성이 더 큽니다.
- 비밀번호
- 비밀번호 비활성화
+ Enable Passcode
+ Disable Passcode
비밀번호 변경
- 긴급 상황 모드 설정
- 긴급 상황 비밀번호 편집
- 협박 비밀번호를 비활성화합니다.
- 강요 상황에서 선택한 지갑을 안전하게 보관하기 위해 디자인된 특별한 모드입니다.
+ Set Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Disable Duress Passcode
+ A specialized mode designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion.
지갑 관리하기
이 작업을 수행하면 Unstoppable Wallet 이 다시 시작됩니다.
이 앱을 사용하는 동안 인터넷을 완전히 익명화하십시오. 경우에 따라 DeFi 앱용 WalletConnect 기능이 매우 느리거나 전혀 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.
@@ -950,29 +966,31 @@
Deterministic Bip69
사전 색인 작성
Blockchair API
- 빠르고 비공개, 중앙집중화
- API + Blockchain
- 블록체인으로 필터링
- 느리지만 개인 정보 보호
- 긴급 상황 비밀번호
- 긴급 상황 모드용 비밀번호를 설정하세요
- 긴급 상황 비밀번호 편집
- 긴급 상황 모드용 새 비밀번호를 입력하세요
- 긴급 상황 모드
- 이 모드는 사용자가 여러 언락 앱 비밀번호를 설정하도록 허용하며, 원하는 비밀번호는 지정된 지갑만 표시합니다. 강요나 위협에도 선택한 지갑을 안전하게 보관하기 위해 디자인되었습니다.
- 노트
- 생체정보 인증
- 생체 인증 기능은 위급 상황 모드를 해제하는 데 사용됩니다. 편의를 위해 생체 인증을 비활성화할 수 있습니다.
- 비밀번호 비활성화
- 기본 모드에서 비밀번호를 비활성화하면 긴급 상황 모드가 자동으로 재설정됩니다.
- 비밀번호 변경
- 긴급 상황 모드에서 비밀번호를 변경하면 해당 모드의 현재 비밀번호도 변경됩니다.
- 지갑 선택
- 긴급 상황 모드에서 표시할 지갑을 선택하세요.
- 지갑
- 관찰 주소
+ Very Fast
+ Fast
+ Blockchain
+ Slow. Highest Privacy.
+ Duress Passcode
+ Set a passcode for Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Enter new passcode for Duress Mode
+ Duress Mode
+ This mode allows user to setup multiple unlock app passcodes where a desired passcode shows only specified wallets. Designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion or threats.
+ Biometrics
+ The Biometric Authentication feature will work to unlock the Duress Mode. You can disable Biometric Authentication for convenience.
+ Passcode Disabling
+ Disabling the passcode in the main mode will automatically reset the duress mode.
+ Passcode Change
+ Changing the passcode in the Duress Mode will also change the current PIN code for that mode.
+ Select Wallets
+ Select the wallets that will be displayed in duress mode.
- Unstoppable 지갑은 개인적이고 독립적인 방식으로 암호화폐를 투자하고 저장하려는 사람들을 위해 만들어졌습니다.\n\n사용자만 자금을 제어할 수 있는 비 보관 P2P 지갑입니다. 데이터를 수집하지 않으며 사용자의 자금을 특정 지갑 앱에 잠그지 않음으로써 사용자를 독립적으로 유지합니다.\n\n언스톱퍼블 지갑은 완전히 오픈 소스이며 누구나 앱이 주장하는 대로 정확하게 작동하는지 확인할 수 있습니다.
+ The Unstoppable wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.
+\n\nIt\'s a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn\'t collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user\'s funds to a specific wallet app.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to.
지갑별 복구 문구를 안전하게 백업합니다. 앱이 오작동하는 경우 자금에 다시 액세스할 수 있는 유일한 방법입니다.
지갑 복구 문구는 설정 중에 장치에서 임의로 생성되며 다른 곳에 저장되지 않습니다.
스마트폰에서 잠금 해제 PIN(코드)을 비활성화하면 앱에서 모든 지갑이 삭제됩니다. 자금에 대한 액세스를 복원하려면 복구 문구가 필요합니다.
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Be Unstoppable
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+ Contact Us
보고 싶은 코인에 대한 가격 변경 알림 설정\n\n최근 24시간 동안의 가격 변동이 선택된 임계값을 초과할 경우 알림 메시지가 표시됨\n\n가격 동향 알림은 짧은 1주일, 긴 6개월 동안의 동향 변화에 대해 알려줍니다.
Unstoppable 지갑 앱을 위한 알림이 불가능합니다. 귀하께서는 가격 변동 알림을 받으시려면 앱을 켜놓는걸 필요로 합니다.
@@ -1025,24 +1043,24 @@
이메일 주소 복사됨
관심목록에 추가되었습니다
지갑에 추가됨
- 지갑에서 제거됨
+ Removed from Wallet
이미 지갑에 추가됨
관심목록에서 제거
- 동기화 대기 중
+ Wait for synchronization
코인 매니저
이름, 코드 또는 계약 주소
토큰 추가
검색 결과가 없습니다. 스마트 계약 주소를 알고 있는 경우 토큰을 수동으로 추가해 보십시오.
- %1$s 지갑이 입금을 받는 데 사용할 수 있는 4가지 일반적인 주소 형식이 있습니다.
+ There are 4 common address formats %1$s wallets can use to receive incoming payments:
-\n- BIP44(이전)
-\n- BIP49
-\n- BIP84 (추천)
-\n- BIP 86 (최신)
+\n- BIP-44 (older)
+\n- BIP-49
+\n- BIP-84 (recommended)
+\n- BIP-86 (newest)
-\nUnstoppable 지갑은 4가지 모두를 지원하지만 BIP-84 형식으로 작동하는 %2$s 지갑을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 이 형식으로 작동하는 지갑은 %3$s 거래를 보낼 때 가장 낮은 수수료를 지불합니다.
+\nWhile Unstoppable wallet supports all 4 of them it recommends to use a %2$s wallet operating in BIP-84 format. The wallets operating in this format get to pay lowest fees when sending %3$s transactions.
비트코인 캐시 지갑이 수신 지불을 받는 데 사용할 수 있는 2가지 주소 형식이 있습니다.\n\n- 유형 0(이전)\n- 유형 145(최신)\n\nUnstoppable 지갑은 두 가지를 모두 지원하지만 비트코인 캐시를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. TYPE 145 형식으로 작동하는 지갑.
계약 주소
@@ -1058,35 +1076,35 @@
다음에서 복원하기
주소 관찰
- 파일에서
- 백업 파일에서 가져오기.
- 복구 문구에서
- 이 문구는 복구 문구 또는 개인 키를 사용하여 가져올 수 있습니다.
- 거래소 지갑에서
- 중앙집중형 거래소의 지갑에 연결하세요.
- 주소 관찰
- 이더리움 가상머신 체인(EVM-Chain)과 BTC, LTC, DASH 주소들의 관찰 모드입니다
- 잘못된 Json 파일입니다.
- 이 파일은 지갑의 유효한 백업이 아니거나 파일이 손상되어 복원할 수 없습니다.
- 다른 파일 선택
+ from File
+ Import a backup file from your local folder.
+ from Recovery Phrase
+ Import using recovery phrase or private key.
+ from Exchange Wallet
+ Connect to a wallet on centralized exchange.
+ Watch Address
+ Observing mode of EVM-Chain and BTC, LTC, DASH addresses
+ Invalid Json File
+ This file is not a valid backup of the wallet, or the file has been corrupted and cannot be restored.
+ Select Another File
- 암호를 입력하세요
- 백업 비밀번호를 입력하면 지갑을 가져올 수 있습니다.
- 유효하지 않은 암호
- 백업 비밀번호
- 주소 또는 도메인
+ Enter Password
+ Enter the backup password to import your wallet.
+ Invalid Password
+ Backup Password
+ Enter Your EVM, TRON, TON or Public Address (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash) or Account xPubKey.
블록체인 선택
코인 선택하기
- 주소 형식은 지원되지 않습니다
+ Address format is not supported
- 수동으로 백업합니다
- 로컬 백업
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
문구 표시
네트워크 설정
- 지갑 연결 해제
+ Unlink Wallet
백업이 필요합니다
%2$s를 받기 전에 %1$s를 백업해야 합니다.
장치에서 이 지갑을 삭제합니다.
@@ -1100,7 +1118,7 @@
관찰 주소
빠른 전환을 위한 지갑 선택
이 지갑 주소 보기를 중지하시겠습니까?
- 백업해야 합니다: %1$s을(를)
+ You need to backup %1$s
네트워크 설정
자동으로 전환
@@ -1122,24 +1140,24 @@
복사 금지
이 키는 모든 EVM 호환 블록체인용입니다.\n\n보안 조치로 개인 키에 복사 작업을 사용하지 않는 것이 좋습니다.
- 백업용 지갑
- 복구 문구의 복사본을 생성하여 이 지갑을 백업하십시오. 휴대폰 분실, 도난, 파손 등의 경우 지갑에 액세스하기 위해 필요합니다.
+ Backup Recovery Phrase
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
- 수동으로 백업합니다
- 로컬 백업
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
- 지갑 사용을 시작하려면 지갑 백업 옵션 중 하나를 완료하세요.
- 각 지갑에 대해 수동 백업을 하는 것이 좋습니다.
+ Complete one of the wallet backup options to start using the wallet.
+ It\'s recommended to have a manual backup for each wallet.
- 로컬 백업
- 저장 및 백업
- 암호를 설정하세요.
- 백업이 저장되었습니다
- 대문자 1개, 소문자 1개, 숫자 1개, 기호 1개를 포함하여 8자 이상.
- 이 암호는 지갑의 백업 파일을 암호화하는 데 사용됩니다. 암호를 분실하거나 잊어버리면 복구하거나 재설정할 수 없습니다.
- 백업에 대한 잠금 해제 암호를 설정하십시오. 최소 8개의 기호로 구성되어야 하며 소문자, 대문자, 숫자 및 특수 문자가 하나 이상 포함되어야 합니다.
- 하드 드라이브, USB 드라이브, 스마트폰 저장소 등의 저장 장치는 물리적인 손상, 도난 또는 예기치 않은 사건으로 인해 모두 손실의 위험이 있습니다.
- 백업 장치의 도난 또는 손상은 해당 지갑의 백업을 손실할 수 있음을 이해합니다.
+ Local Backup
+ Save and Backup
+ Set Password
+ Backup Saved
+ At least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one symbol.
+ This password is used to encrypt backup file of your wallet. It can\'t be recovered or reset if lost or forgotten.
+ Set unlock password for your backup. It must consist of at least 8 symbols and include at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number and a special character.
+ Storage devices i.e. hard drives, USB drives , storage on smartphone etc. are all vulnerable to loss due to physical damage, theft or other unforeseen circumstances.
+ I understand that theft or damage of a backup device will result in loss of a backup to a respective wallet.
복구 문구
이 단어들을 올바른 순서로 기록하고 안전한 장소에 보관하십시오
@@ -1154,7 +1172,7 @@
BIP32 Root Key
개인 키 보기
- 할 일
+ To do
개인 암호
EVM 개인 키
@@ -1214,7 +1232,7 @@
이미 추가됨
계약 주소
토큰 선택
- 블록 체인
+ Blockchain
이 토큰은 이미 코인 매니저 리스트에 있습니다.
잘못된 계약 주소
잘못된 BEP2 기호
@@ -1222,11 +1240,11 @@
%s 블록체인에서 계약 주소를 찾을 수 없습니다.
주소 형식
- 지불을 받기 위한 주소 형식을 선택하십시오. 기존 지갑을 복원할 때 올바른 형식을 선택해야 합니다.
+ Select address format for receiving payments. A correct format should be chosen when restoring an existing wallet.
코인 유형
- 이 토큰은 여러 블록체인에 존재합니다.
+ This token exists on multiple blockchains.
매개 변수 복원
이 변경 후에 지갑은 %s 블록체인과 다시 동기화 되어야합니다.
@@ -1249,284 +1267,284 @@
코인 정보
- 시장
- 분석
- 트윗
- 오늘
- 1하루
- 7일
- 1개월
- 2주
- 3개월
- 6개월
- 1년
- 2년
- 5년
+ Markets
+ Analytics
+ Tweets
+ 1D
+ 7D
+ 1M
+ 2W
+ 3M
+ 6M
+ 1Y
+ 2Y
+ 5Y
- 시장
- 거래량
- 주요 보유자
- 상위 10개 지갑이 보유한 토큰 수. 질 좋은 프로젝트는 일반적으로 널리 분산된 토큰을 가지고 있습니다.
- 감사
- 감사 보고서 없음
- Defiyield.app 에 의해 구동됩니다
- 문제점: %d
- 투자자 데이터
- 필터
- Bitcointreasuries.net 에 의해 구동됩니다
- 보고서
- 투자된 자금
+ Markets
+ Trading Volume
+ Major Holders
+ The number of tokens held by the top 10 wallets. Quality projects typically have a widely distributed token.
+ Audits
+ No audit reports
+ Powered by Defiyield.app
+ Issues: %d
+ Investor Data
+ Filters
+ Powered by Bitcointreasuries.net
+ Reports
+ Funds Invested
- 보통
+ Medium
- 발행
- 중앙화
- 탈중앙화된
- 몰수 저항성
- 검열 저항성
- 감사
- 24시간 범위
- 에 대해
- 개요
- 카테고리
- 카테고리들
- 계약
- 블록체인
+ Issuance
+ Centralized
+ Decentralized
+ Confiscation-resistance
+ Censorship-resistance
+ Audits
+ 24h Range
+ About
+ Overview
+ Category
+ Categories
+ Contracts
+ Blockchains
- 코인 유형
- 링크
- 가이드
+ Coin Types
+ Links
+ Guide
- 백서
- 트위터 사용 불가
+ Whitepaper
+ No twitter available
아직 트윗이 없습니다
- 인용됨 %s
- 리트윗됨 %s
- 답글 작성함 %s
- 트위터에서 확인하세요
+ Quoted %s
+ Retweeted %s
+ Replying to %s
+ See on Twitter
- 희석화 시가 총액
- 유통 중
- 총 공급량
- 천
- 백만
- 십억
- 일조
- 천조
- 시가총액 / TVL 비율
- 프로젝트 토큰의 시가총액과 TVL(Total Value Locked, 총 예치 가치)의 비율.
- 거래량
- 데이터 없음
- 데이터 없음
+ Diluted MCap
+ In Circulation
+ Total Supply
+ K
+ M
+ B
+ T
+ Q
+ MCap / TVL Ratio
+ The ratio of the project token\'s market cap over its TVL.
+ Vol
+ No Data
+ No data available
지갑에 추가됨
- 즐겨찾기
- 즐겨찾기 해제
- 1 일주
- 1개월
- 더 읽기
- 덜 읽기
- 더 보기
- 적게 보이기
- 창립일
- 총 예치 가치
- TVL 순위
- 다른 프로토콜들 중 순위는 미국 달러로 환산한 TVL(총 예치 가치) 값에 기반합니다.
+ Favorite
+ Unfavorite
+ 1 Week
+ 1 Month
+ Read More
+ Read Less
+ Show More
+ Show Less
+ Inception Date
+ Total Value Locked
+ TVL Rank
+ The ranking among other protocols is based on the TVL value in USD terms.
MCap / TVL Ratio
- 프로젝트 토큰의 시가총액과 TVL(Total Value Locked, 총 예치 가치)의 비율.
+ The ratio of the project token\'s market cap over its TVL.
Capital is deposited into the platform in the form of loan collateral or liquidity pool.
- %s 계약
- BEP2 심볼
- 상위 지갑들
- 위의 차트는 상위 10개 지갑이 보유한 유통 중인 모든 토큰의 \%%를 보여줍니다. \%%가 낮을수록 코인이 더 많이 분산됩니다.
- 상위 10 소유주 중
- 총 소유주: %s
- 리드
+ %s Contract
+ BEP2 Symbol
+ Top Wallets
+ The chart above shows the \%% of all tokens in circulation held by the top 10 wallets. The lower the \%% the more distributed the coin is.
+ in Top 10 Holders
+ Total Holders: %s
+ Lead
Get access to advanced wallet features by holding Unstoppable NFTs.
- [%s]\n검색 결과가 없습니다
- 지표
- 이동 평균
- 오실레이터
- EMA, SMA 및 WMA는 기술 분석에서 사용되는 이동 평균 지표입니다:\n\nEMA는 더 빠른 반응을 위해 최근 가격을 강조합니다.\nSMA는 일반적인 추세를 파악하기 위해 가격 데이터를 평균화합니다.\nWMA는 최근 데이터에 선형 가중치를 두어 민감도와 잡음 감소를 균형잡히게 조절합니다.
- 상대 강도 지수(RSI)는 가격 속도와 변화를 측정하는 모멘텀 오실레이터로, 과매수(70 이상) 또는 과매도(30 이하) 시장 상황을 식별합니다. 또한, 가격 역전을 발산을 통해 감지할 수도 있습니다.
- 이동평균수렴확산 (MACD)은 보안 가격의 두 EMA 간의 관계를 추적하는 모멘텀 지표입니다. MACD 라인 (12 기간 EMA에서 26 기간 EMA를 뺀 값)이 신호선으로 알려진 9 기간 EMA를 크로스할 때 매수 또는 매도 기회를 신호합니다.
- 데이터 부족
- EMA 1 지표를 표시하기에 충분한 데이터 포인트가 없습니다. 이동 평균선을 생성하기 위해 시간 기간을 조정해 주세요. EMA 1을 표시하기에 충분한 포인트가 없습니다.
- 유형
- 기간
- RSI 기간
- 빠른 길이
- 느린 길이
- 신호 평활화
- 지표는 Unstoppable Wallet 프리미엄 사용자만 이용할 수 있습니다.
- 이것은 주어진 암호화폐에 대한 참고 자료를 기반으로 한 AI 생성된 설명입니다. 오류가 포함될 수 있습니다.
- 검증됨
- 확인
- 모든
- 주요 중앙화 거래소에서의 토큰의 30일 동안의 총 거래량.
- 주요 중앙화 거래소에서의 토큰의 1년 동안 일일 거래량 변동을 보여주는 차트.
- 토큰의 순위는 지난 30일간 주요 중앙집중식 거래소에서의 거래량을 기반으로 합니다.
- 24시간 / 7일 / 1개월 간격으로 중앙화 거래소에서의 거래량을 기반으로 순위가 매겨진 모든 토큰의 목록.
- 주요 탈중앙화 거래소에서의 토큰의 30일 동안의 총 거래량.
- 1년 동안 주요 탈중앙화 거래소에서의 토큰의 일일 거래량 변동을 보여주는 차트.
- 주요 탈중앙화 거래소에서 30일 동안의 거래량을 기반으로 한 토큰의 순위.
- 24시간 / 7일 / 1개월 간격으로 탈중앙화 거래소에서 거래량을 기반으로 한 모든 토큰의 순위 목록.
- 추적 중인 DEX:
- 주요 탈중앙화 거래소에서 해당 토큰의 현재 사용 가능한 유동성 총액.
- 주요 탈중앙화 거래소에서의 해당 토큰의 1년 동안 사용 가능한 유동성 변동을 보여주는 차트.
- 주요 탈중앙화 거래소에서의 해당 토큰의 사용 가능한 유동성을 기준으로 순위 매겨진 모든 토큰의 목록.
- 추적 중인 DEX:
- 24시간 동안의 고유 일일 활성 주소 총 수.
- 1년 동안 일일 활성 주소 수의 변동을 보여주는 차트.
- 30일 기간 동안 토큰과 거래한 고유한 블록체인 주소의 총 수.
- 토큰의 순위는 30일 기간 동안 토큰과 거래한 활성 지갑 수를 기준으로 합니다.
- 24시간 / 7일 / 1개월 간격으로 토큰과 거래하는 일일 활성 주소 수를 기반으로 순위가 매겨진 모든 토큰의 목록.
- 30일 기간 동안 토큰과 이루어진 고유한 블록체인 거래의 총 수.
- 1년 동안의 거래 수 변동을 보여주는 차트.
- 토큰의 순위는 30일 동안의 토큰 거래 수를 기준으로 합니다.
- 24시간 / 7일 / 1개월 간격으로 토큰과의 거래 수를 기반으로 순위가 매겨진 모든 토큰의 목록.
- 30일 기간 동안 블록체인을 통해 이전된 토큰의 총 수.
- 다양한 블록체인에서 토큰을 보유한 고유 주소의 총 수.
- 각 블록체인에서 토큰을 보유한 상위 10개 지갑.
- 추적되는 블록체인: 이더리움, 바이낸스 스마트 체인, 옵티미즘, 아비트럼, 셀로, 크로노스, 아발란체, 팬텀, 폴리곤
- 프로젝트의 스마트 계약에 있는 총 예치 가치(또는 자산 관리하에 있는 자산).
- 1년 동안 프로젝트의 스마트 계약에서의 총 예치 가치(Total-Value-Locked) 변동을 보여주는 차트.
- 토큰의 순위는 현재 총 예치 가치를 기준으로 합니다.
- 현재 총 예치 가치(Total-Value-Locked)를 기반으로 순위가 매겨진 모든 토큰의 목록.
- 프로젝트의 시가총액 / TVL 비율.
- 30일 기간 동안 토큰 홀더들을 위해 생성된 총 수익. 일반적으로, 수수료는 토큰 스테이커들에 의해 수집되거나 토큰 소각 메커니즘을 통해 발생합니다.
- 토큰의 순위는 30일 기간 동안 토큰 스테이커들을 위해 생성된 수익을 기준으로 합니다.
- 24시간 / 7일 / 1개월 간격으로 토큰 스테이커들을 위해 생성된 수익을 기준으로 순위가 매겨진 모든 토큰의 목록.
- 요약: 이것은 다양한 기술적 지표와 시간대를 고려하여 자산의 기술적 특성을 일반적으로 개요합니다. 이러한 지표를 기반으로 한 공통된 견해 (매수, 매도 또는 중립)를 제공합니다.
- 이동평균 (MA): 이것들은 추세를 따르는 지표를 만들기 위해 가격 데이터를 평활하게 하는 데 사용되는 일반적인 기술 지표입니다. 이것들은 특정 시간 기간 동안의 평균 가격을 보여줍니다. 다양한 종류의 이동평균이 있습니다:\n\n단순 이동평균 (SMA): 이것은 선택한 가격 범위, 보통 종가, 내의 기간 수로 평균을 계산합니다.\n\n지수 이동평균 (EMA): 이것은 최근 가격에 더 많은 가중치를 부여하여 최근 가격 변동에 더 빨리 반응합니다.
- 오실레이터(Oscillators): 이것들은 일정한 범위 내에서 시간에 따라 변동하는 기술 지표로 (중심선 위 및 아래 또는 설정된 수준 사이에서), 시장에서 과매수 및 과매도 상태를 식별하는 데 도움을 주도록 설계되었습니다. 여기 일반적인 오실레이터 중 일부가 있습니다:\n\n상대강도지수 (RSI): 이것은 가격 움직임의 속도와 변화를 측정합니다. 주로 과매수 또는 과매도 상태를 식별하는 데 사용됩니다.\n\n이동평균수렴확산 (MACD): 이것은 잠재적인 매수 및 매도 신호를 식별하는 데 사용됩니다. MACD는 신호선을 크로스할 때 (매수) 또는 (매도) 아래로 크로스할 때 기술적 신호를 생성합니다.
- 이 프로젝트에는 분석 데이터가 없습니다.
- CEX 거래량
- CEX 거래량 순위
- 중앙화 거래소에서의 토큰 거래량을 기준으로 순위가 매겨진 토큰들.
- DEX 거래량
- DEX 거래량 순위
- 탈중앙화 거래소에서의 토큰 거래량을 기준으로 순위가 매겨진 토큰들.
- DEX 유동성
- DEX 유동성 순위
- 탈중앙화 거래소에서 사용 가능한 유동성을 기준으로 한 토큰들의 순위.
- 일일 활성 주소
- 활성 주소 순위
- 토큰과 거래하는 고유 주소의 수에 따라 순위가 매겨진 토큰들.
- 트랜잭션 수
- 거래 수 순위
- 토큰은 블록체인에서의 거래 수에 따라 순위가 매겨집니다.
- 소유주
- 프로젝트 TVL
- 프로젝트 TVL (총 예치 가치)
- 시가총액 / TVL 비율
- 프로젝트 수익
- 프로젝트 수수료
- 프로젝트 수익 순위
- 프로젝트 수수료 순위
- 소유주 순위
- 토큰은 홀더들을 위해 생성된 수익을 기준으로 순위가 매겨집니다. 이 수익은 스테이킹이나 토큰 소각과 같은 메커니즘을 통해 발생합니다.
- 토큰은 각 프로젝트에서 발생하는 수수료를 기준으로 순위가 매겨집니다. 수수료 수집 방식은 프로젝트마다 다릅니다.
- 여러 블록체인에서 그들을 보유한 고유 주소에 의해 토큰을 순위 매김.
- 기타 데이터
- 보고서
- 자금 조달
- 감사
- 지난 30일
- 현재
- 순위
- 30일 순위
- 30일 동안의 고유 주소
- 30일 거래량
- 전체 점수
- 우수
- 양호
- 적정
- 불량
- 종합 점수는 지난 7일 동안 중앙화 거래소에서의 평균 일일 거래량을 기반으로 합니다.
- 종합 점수는 지난 7일 동안 탈중앙화 거래소에서의 평균 일일 거래량을 기반으로 합니다.
- 전반적인 점수는 탈중앙화 거래소에서 사용 가능한 총 유동성을 기반으로 합니다.
- 종합 점수는 지난 7일 동안의 평균 일일 활성 주소를 기반으로 합니다.
- 종합 점수는 주어진 토큰을 통해 표현된 프로젝트의 총 예치 가치 (자산 관리 대상)를 기반으로 합니다.
- 종합 점수는 지난 7일 동안의 평균 일일 거래 횟수를 기반으로 합니다.
- 전반적인 점수는 각 토큰을 보유한 주소의 총 수를 기반으로 합니다.
- 기술적 지표
- 상세 정보
- 기간 선택
- 30분
- 1시간
- 4 시간
- 8 시간
- 1일
- 1주일
- 1 개월
- 강한 매수
- 강한 매도
- 매도
- 매수
- 보통
- 데이터 없음
- 스마트 계약 분석
- 고위험 품목
- 중위험 품목
- 위험
- 주의 필요
- De.Fi에 의해 구동됨
- %d 아이템
- 기술적 지표
- 언제나 위험 관리를 적용하는 것을 기억하세요. 이것은 금융 조언이 아님을 유의하세요.
- 과매수
- 과매도
- 아래로
- 위로
- 해당 자산과 관련된 행동은 위험합니다.
- %s부터 시작합니다
- 자산이 볼린저 밴드 채널 밖에 있으며 %s입니다.
- RSI = %1$s, 이는 자산이 %2$s임을 나타냅니다.
- 강한 %s 방향 움직임이 있을 수 있으므로 자산 가격이 채널로 돌아오기를 기다리는 것이 좋습니다.
- 자산이 %s이었지만 이제 볼린저 밴드 채널로 돌아왔습니다. 이는 추세 반전의 가능성을 나타냅니다.
- 한편, RSI는 %1$s이며, 여전히 %2$s임을 나타냅니다.
- 이는 시장에 진입하기 위한 매우 강력한 신호일 수 있습니다. 채널로 돌아온 후 여러 번의 %s 방향 움직임이 있을 수 있으므로, 리스크 관리에 유의하시기 바랍니다.
- 한편, RSI는 %s이며, 이는 추세 반전을 나타냅니다 (RSI가 경계선을 넘었습니다. 70\%%에서).
- 가격이 중립 수준으로 돌아가고 있지만, 여전히 상승 가능성이 있습니다. RSI = 50과 볼린저 밴드의 중간은 강한 저항선이자 추세 반전 지점일 수 있다는 점을 기억하십시오. 리스크 관리에 유의하시기 바랍니다.
- RSI = $s도 강한 추세의 부재를 확인합니다.
- 해당 자산은 과매수/과매도 구간에 있었지만, 현재 가격은 중립 구간의 볼린저 밴드 채널로 복귀했습니다. RSI가 %s이며 강한 추세의 부재를 확인합니다. 따라서 전반적으로 자산 가격은 평균화되며 더 이상의 이동은 어느 방향으로든 가능합니다.
- 일반적으로, 자산 가격은 평균화로 향하고 더 이상의 움직임은 어느 방향으로든 가능합니다.
- 주의하세요:
- 위
- 아래
- 성장
- 감소
- EMA 200. 전반적인 센티먼트와 트렌드를 결정합니다. 자산의 일일 가격은 EMA(%1$s)에 %2$s 위치합니다. 이는 전반적으로 자산이 %3$s으로 설정되어 있음을 의미합니다.
- 위
- 아래
- MACD. 평균 가격 변화를 고려하여 추세의 강도를 평가합니다. 히스토그램의 일일 값은 %1$s입니다 (%2$s). 전반적으로 자산의 가격이 %3$s 움직일 수 있습니다.
- 기술적 지표
- 우리는 볼린저 밴드 + RSI 전략을 사용하여 거래 신호를 결정합니다. 모든 계산은 일일 양봉을 기반으로 하며, 중장기적인 조언을 제공합니다. 이 전략의 본질은 자산 가격이 극단에 도달하여 볼린저 밴드 채널을 벗어나야 하며, RSI가 과매수/과매도 구간에 있어야 한다는 것입니다. 가격이 채널로 복귀한 후, 가격이 평균값으로 복귀하거나 다른 측면에서 채널을 뚫으려는 높은 확률이 있습니다. 강한 시장 움직임 중에는 올바른 신호가 나타나기 전에 여러 가질 수도 있음을 유의하십시오.\n\n거래에 위험 관리를 적용하는 것이 매우 중요하며, 시장 상황이 변할 경우 손실을 줄이는 것을 기억하세요!
- 세부 정보 보기
- 세부 사항 숨기기
- 강한 매수
- 매수
- 보통
- 매도
- 강한 매도
- 위험
- 토큰 탐지기
- 일반 탐지기
- 문제점 %d
- 활성화
- 지갑
- 주소
- 서명할 메시지
- 귀하는 구독을 활성화하려면 이 메시지에 서명해야 합니다.
- 귀하의 월렛 주소는 프리미엄 기능을 구독하지 않았습니다. 구독을 활성화하려면 구매해야 합니다.
+ [%s]\nNot found
+ Indicators
+ Moving Averages
+ Oscillators
+ The EMA, SMA, and WMA are moving averages used in technical analysis:\n\nEMA emphasizes recent prices for quicker reactions.\nSMA averages price data for a general trend view.\nWMA balances sensitivity and noise reduction by linearly weighting recent data.
+ The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures price speed and change, identifying overbought (above 70) or oversold (below 30) market conditions. It can also detect price reversals through divergences.
+ The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a momentum indicator that tracks the relationship between two EMAs of a security\'s price. It signals buying or selling opportunities when the MACD line (12-period EMA minus 26-period EMA) crosses the 9-period EMA, known as the signal line.
+ Insufficient Data
+ There are not enough data points to display the EMA 1 indicator. Please adjust the time period to generate a view of the moving average line.Not enough point to display EMA 1.
+ Type
+ Period
+ RSI Length
+ Fast Length
+ Slow Length
+ Signal Smoothing
+ Indicators available only for Unstoppable Wallet premium users.
+ This is an AI-generated description based on the provided reference material for the given cryptocurrency. It may contain errors.
+ Verified
+ All
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on centralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading decentralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on decentralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ DEXes that are being tracked:
+ Total currently available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ Chart showing variation in available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ DEXes that are being tracked:
+ Total number of unique daily active addresses over 24-hour period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily active address count over 1 year period.
+ Total number of unique blockchain addresses transacting with token over 30-day period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of active wallets transacting with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of daily active addresses transacting with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total number of unique blockchain transactions with token over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in transaction count over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of transactions with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of transactions with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ The total number of tokens transferred over the blockchain over the 30 day period.
+ Total number of unique addresses holding the token on various blockchains.
+ Top 10 wallets holding the token on each blockchain.
+ Tracked blockchains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon
+ Total-Value-Locked (or Assets Under Management) in the project\'s smart contracts.
+ Chart showing variation Total-Value-Locked in project\'s smart contracts over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ Market Cap / TVL ratio for the project.
+ Total revenue generated for the token holders over 30-day period. Typically, fees are collected by token stakers or though a token burn mechanism.
+ Token\'s rank is based on the revenue generated over a 30-day period for token stakers.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the revenue generated for token stakers over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Summary: This is a general overview of an asset\'s technicals, considering a variety of technical indicators and timeframes. It provides a consensus viewpoint (Buy, Sell, or Neutral) based on these indicators.
+ Moving Averages (MA): These are commonly used technical indicators that smooth out price data to create a trend-following indicator. They show the average price over a specific time period. There are several types of MAs:\n\nSimple Moving Average (SMA): This calculates the average of a selected range of prices, usually closing prices, by the number of periods in that range.\n\nExponential Moving Average (EMA): This gives more weight to recent prices, thereby responding more quickly to recent price changes.
+ Oscillators: These are technical indicators that fluctuate over time within a band (above and below a center line, or between set levels). They are designed to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in a market. Here are some common oscillators:\n\nRelative Strength Index (RSI): This measures the speed and change of price movements. It is usually used to identify overbought or oversold conditions.\n\nMoving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): This is used to identify potential buy and sell signals. It triggers technical signals when it crosses above (to buy) or below (to sell) its signal line.
+ This project has no analytical data
+ CEX Volume
+ CEX Volume Rank
+ Tokens ranked by trading volume for the token on centralized exchanges.
+ DEX Volume
+ DEX Volume Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by trading volume for the token on decentralized exchanges.
+ DEX Liquidity
+ DEX Liquidity Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ Daily Active Addresses
+ Active Addresses Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by a number of unique addresses transacting with the token.
+ Transaction Count
+ Tx Count Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by number of transactions on a blockchain.
+ Holders
+ Project TVL
+ Project TVL (Total Value Locked)
+ M.Cap / TVL Ratio
+ Project Revenue
+ Project Fee
+ Project Revenue Rank
+ Project Fee Rank
+ Holders Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by revenue generated for holders via mechanisms i.e. staking or token burns.
+ Tokens are ranked according to fees generated by respective projects. The way fees are collected varies from project to project.
+ Ranking tokens by unique addresses holding them on multiple blockchains.
+ Other Data
+ Reports
+ Funding
+ Audits
+ last 30d
+ current
+ Rank
+ 30-Day Rank
+ 30-Day Unique Addresses
+ 30-Day Volume
+ Overall Score
+ Excellent
+ Good
+ Fair
+ Poor
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on centralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on decentralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily active addresses over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total value locked (assets under management) on the project represented by the given token.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily transaction count over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total number of addresses holding the respective tokens.
+ Technical Indicators
+ Details
+ Select Period
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
+ 4 hours
+ 8 hours
+ 1 day
+ 1 week
+ 1 month
+ Strong Buy
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ No Data
+ Smart Contract Analysis
+ High Risk Items
+ Medium Risk Items
+ Risky
+ Attention Required
+ Powered by De.Fi
+ %d Items
+ Trading Assistant
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ overbought
+ oversold
+ down
+ up
+ The actions with the asset are risky.
+ Starting from the %s
+ The asset is outside the Bollinger Band channel and %s.
+ RSI = %1$s, This also indicates that the asset is %2$s.
+ There might be a strong %sward movement, so it\'s better to wait for the asset price to return to the channel.
+ the asset was %s, but now it has returned to the Bollinger Band channel. This indicates a possible trend reversal.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %1$s, which still indicates that it is %2$s.
+ This could be a very strong signal to enter the market. Keep in mind that there may be several attempts of %sward movement after returning to the channel, so do not forget about risk management.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %s, which also indicates a trend reversal (RSI crossed the boundary at 70\%%).
+ The price is returning to neutral levels, however, there is still potential for upward movement. Keep in mind that RSI = 50 and the middle of the Bollinger Bands are strong resistances and possible trend reversal points. Do not forget about risk management.
+ RSI = $s also confirms the absence of a strong trend.
+ the asset was in the overbought/oversold zone, but at the moment the price has returned to the Bollinger Band channel in the neutral zone. The RSI is %s also confirms the absence of a strong trend, so overall the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ In general, the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ Please note:
+ above
+ below
+ growth
+ decrease
+ EMA 200. Determines the overall sentiment and trend. The daily price of the asset is located %1$s the EMA (%2$s). This means that globally the asset is set for %3$s.
+ above
+ below
+ MACD. Assesses the strength of the trend considering the average price change. The daily value of the histogram is %1$s (%2$s). The price of the asset globally may move %3$s.
+ Technical Indicators
+ We use the Bollinger Bands + RSI strategy to determine trading signals. All calculations are based on daily candlesticks and provide advice for a moderately long term. The essence of the strategy is that the asset price should reach an extreme, breaking out of the Bollinger Bands channel, and the RSI should be in the overbought/oversold zone. After the price returns to the channel, there is a high probability of the price returning to the mean values or attempting to break the channel from the other side. Note that the strategy may give several false signals during strong market movements before a correct signal appears.\n\nPlease remember that it is very important to apply risk management to trading and remember to cut losses if the market situation changes!
+ Show Details
+ Hide Details
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Sell
+ Strong Sell
+ Risky
+ Token Detectors
+ General Detectors
+ Issues %d
+ Activate
+ Wallet
+ Address
+ Message to Sign
+ You need to sign this message to activate your subscription.
+ Your wallet address does not have a subscription to premium features, you need to purchase it to activate the subscription.
Premium Features
Cryptocurrency Analytics
Access comprehensive market and on-chain stats about each token.
Price Trend Indicators
Discover uptrending tokens based on technical analysis indicators.
- 개인 지원
+ Personal Support
Contact our team directly over Telegram for personal assistance.
Get Premium
I already have Premium
@@ -1561,8 +1579,8 @@
블록 체인
OpenSea API 제공
- 주요 NFT 컬렉션
- 거래량에 따른 주요 NFT 컬렉션.
+ Top NFT Collections
+ Leading NFT collections by trading volume.
@@ -1592,12 +1610,12 @@
알 수 없음
- 이득자
- 해자
- 뉴스
- %d일 전에
- %d시간 전에
- %d분 전에
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ News
+ %dd. ago
+ %dh. ago
+ %dm. ago
동기화 오류
@@ -1607,26 +1625,25 @@
- 잠김
+ Locked
Pro Users
Unstoppable 패스
- 추가 토큰 정보
- 이 데이터를 활성화하려면 브론즈 레벨 UW NFTs \'Coin Info+\'를 획득해야 합니다.
-\n\n또한 아래의 데이터에 액세스할 수 있습니다:
- DEX 거래량 및 순위
- DEX 유동성 및 순위
- 활성 주소
- 트랜잭션 수
+ Additional Token Info
+ To enable this data you should get bronze level UW NFTs “Coin Info+”\n\nAlso you get access to data below:
+ DEX Volume and Rank
+ DEX Liquidity and Rank
+ Active Addresses
+ Transaction Count
트랜잭션 거래량
- 인증 중...
+ Authenticating...
추후 공개
- 패스 활성화
+ Activate the Pass
Mountain Yak - 경계 없이 사용. 중요한 시장 데이터, 분석 도구, 온체인 데이터를 기반으로 하는 유용한 차트를 보여줌으로써 프로젝트를 명확하게 볼 수 있습니다.
유형 선택
아직 항목 활동이 없습니다
- 이 위젯이 올바르게 작동하려면 Autostart를 활성화해야 합니다.
+ To make sure that this widget works properly, you should enable Autostart.
안드로이드 키 저장소 에러
안드로이드 잠금 화면이 변경 되어 지갑을 보유한 암호화된 데이터가 최근에 무효화되었습니다.
@@ -1638,26 +1655,26 @@
이 앱을 사용하시려면 휴대 전화에 비밀번호 (잠금 화면) 이 활성화 되어야 합니다. \n\n안드로이드 설정에서 활성화 하도록 설정 할 수 있습니다.\n\nOS 수준에서 PIN 번호를 비활성화 하시게 되면 안전한 저장에 대한 보안 조치로 인해 이전에 저장된 데이터가 유효하지 않게 되는 것을 명심하세요. 귀하께서는 지갑으로 돌아가시려면 지갑 암호를 복원해야 합니다.
이 앱은 앱 자체가 아닌 안드로이드의 안전한 저장소에 지갑의 중요한 데이터를 유지하려면 휴대 전화의 PIN 번호가 필요합니다.
- 잠금 해제
+ Unlock
- 비밀번호 입력
+ Enter Passcode
생체정보 스캐너
비밀번호를 입력하거나 나중에 다시 시도하십시오
생체정보 인증 비활성화
~때까지 사용 안 함: %s
- 남은 시도 횟수: %s
- 보통
- 랜덤
+ Attempts left: %s
+ Regular
+ Random
- 암호 설정
+ Create Passcode
너의 비밀번호는 너의 지갑을 열어주고 돈을 보내는데 사용될 것입니다.
비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다. 다시 시도하세요.
당신의 비밀번호를 저장하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도하세요.
- 생체인식을 활성화하려면 비밀번호를 설정해주세요.
- 긴급 상황 모드를 활성화하려면 비밀번호를 설정하세요.
- 이 비밀번호는 이미 사용 중입니다.
+ Set a passcode to enable Biometrics
+ Set a passcode to enable Duress Mode
+ This passcode is already being used.
비밀번호 변경
현재 비밀번호
@@ -1690,39 +1707,39 @@
이 주소는 이미 %s에 사용되었습니다
해당 이름은 이미 존재합니다
- 연결됨
+ Connected
- 코인 선택
- 네트워크 선택하기
- 네트워크를 선택하고 입금할 주소를 받으세요.
- 이름 또는 코드
- 침전 %s
- 주소 복사
- 주소 공유
- 회로망
- 입금 주소: %s
- 이 주소로는 %s만 보내주세요. 다른 종류의 토큰을 이 주소로 보내면 최종적으로 손실이 발생합니다.
- 메모(태그)가 필요합니다. 그렇지 않으면 코인을 잃게 됩니다.\n\n이 주소로 %s만 보내세요. 다른 유형의 토큰을 이 주소로 보내면 궁극적으로 손실이 발생합니다.
- 중요
- 자산을 수령하기 위해서는 메모(태그)와 주소 모두가 필요합니다. 그렇지 않으면 자금이 손실될 수 있습니다.
- API 키 연결 실패
+ Choose Coin
+ Choose Network
+ Choose a network and get an address to deposit.
+ Name or code
+ Deposit %s
+ Copy Address
+ Share Address
+ Network
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Send only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Memo (tag) is required, or your will lose your coins.\n\nSend only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Important
+ Both a memo (tag) and the address are needed to ensure that assets are received. Otherwise your funds will be lost.
+ Failed to connect your API Key
- 전송 %s
- 회로망
- 금액에 대한 수수료
- 수수료
- 출금 주소와 입금 플랫폼이 일치하는지 확인하고 지원하는 자산이어야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 자산이 손실될 수 있습니다.
- 보안 확인
- 인증 코드
- 구글 OTP
- 재전송
- %s초
- 인증 코드를 이메일로 보냈습니다.
- Google OTP 앱에서 코드를 입력하세요.
- 빼다
- 성공
- 잔액이 충분하지 않습니다
- 최소 인출 금액은 %s입니다.
- 최대 인출 가능액은 %s입니다.
- 출금 실패
+ Send %s
+ Network
+ Fee from amount
+ Fee
+ Ensure the network matches the withdrawal address and the deposit platform supports it, or assets may be lost.
+ Security Verification
+ Verification Code
+ Google Authenticator Code
+ Resend
+ %s sec
+ Enter verification code sent to your email.
+ Enter code from your Google Authenticator App.
+ Withdraw
+ Success
+ Not enough available Balance
+ The minimum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ The maximum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ Withdraw Failed
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
index 7ea0d916c29..45305686ef6 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ Refresh
@@ -57,10 +58,12 @@
Try Again
+ Apply
+ Set Amount
Can\'t be less than %1$s or more than %2$s
Wrong integer number
- N/A
+ n/a
Erro de sincronização. Tente novamente
@@ -128,8 +131,10 @@
Insira 12, 15, 18, 21 ou 24 palavras
Restauração Não-Padrão
Esta página fornece um mecanismo especial de restauração de carteira para usuários do Unstoppable que possuem uma carteira fora do padrão. Essas carteiras podem ter sido criadas na versão Unstoppable 0.27 - 0.28 usando uma frase de recuperação diferente do inglês e/ou um caractere especial na senha da carteira (ou seja, símbolo diacrítico).\n\nSe você for um usuário afetado, o saldo da sua carteira será ser mostrado 0 após restaurar tal carteira na versão 0.29 ou superior. Esta página permitirá que você restaure o acesso à sua carteira não padrão. Uma vez restaurado, é recomendável criar uma nova carteira (que será compatível com o padrão) e mover fundos para lá.
+ (recommended)
Chave Inválida
Escolher Moedas
+ All
Altura de aniversário
Birthday Height
@@ -154,9 +159,12 @@
Maior capitalização
Menor capitalização
Maior volume
@@ -164,7 +172,7 @@
Maior preço
Menor preço
Organizar por
- Valor total de mercado
+ Total M.Cap
Dominação BTC
Volume em 24h
TVL no DeFi
@@ -175,12 +183,37 @@
Powered By DefiLlama API
Visão Geral
+ Coins
+ Platforms
+ Pairs
+ Sectors
Seu catálogo está vazio.
Top Moedas
Top moedas por classificação de capitalização de mercado
+ Signals
+ Volume
+ Market Cap
+ Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently.
+ High confidence in price increase.
+ Likely price increase in near future.
+ No clear trend, market is in equilibrium.
+ Likely price decrease in near future.
+ High probability of price decrease.
+ Elevated risk level, requires caution.
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ Turn on
+ Top 100
+ Top 200
+ Top 300
+ Top 500
+ Top Market Pairs
+ Top trading pairs by volume in every exchanges
+ Top Market Pairs
Principais Setores
+ Sectors
Melhores Plataformas
Principais Plataformas de Blockchain
@@ -190,11 +223,12 @@
Valor de mercado de todos procolos na cadeia %s
- Valor total de mercado
- Dominação Bitcoin
- Volume em 24h
+ Total Cap
+ BTC Dominance
+ 24h Vol.
Mercado de DeFi
- TVL no DeFi
Valor total de mercado de todas as criptomoedas.
A mudança histórica na relação entre o capital de mercado do Bitcoin e o resto dos mercados de criptomoedas. \n\nNormalmente, quando o domínio do Bitcoin está tendendo à alta, o resto das tendências do mercado cripto para baixo e vice-versa.
The 24h trading volume of the crypto market.
@@ -205,6 +239,15 @@
Esta moeda não é suportada ainda
Esse projeto não tem uma moeda
+ Total Net Inflow
+ The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows.
+ Highest Assets
+ Lowest Assets
+ Inflow
+ Outflow
+ All
+ Total Net Assets
Nenhum resultado encontrado
@@ -216,13 +259,30 @@
Volume de Operações
Volume de Operações (24h)
Período de Preço
+ Trading Signals
Mudança de Preço
+ 24 Hours
+ Midnight UTC
BTC superado
ETH superado
BNB superado
Preço próximo a ATH
Preço próximo a ATL
+ Listed on Top Exchanges
+ Good CEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good DEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good Distribution
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Risky
+ Gainers
Top 100
Top 250
Top 500
@@ -257,9 +317,14 @@
1 Semana
2 Semanas
1 Meses
+ 3 Months
6 Meses
1 Ano
- 24h
+ Manual
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ Highest Cap
+ Lowest Cap
%s Mercados
@@ -287,7 +352,7 @@
Baixando Blocos
Verificando Blocos
Você ainda não tem nenhuma carteira instalada.\nCrie uma nova carteira ou restaure uma já existente
- Você não tem moedas adicionadas.\nAdicione as moedas que você usará
+ You haven\'t added any coins to this wallet.
Este endereço da carteira não tem nenhum saldo
You have no assets to send.
You have no assets to swap.
@@ -302,7 +367,22 @@
The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender\'s address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types.
Not active
+ Amount
+ Set Amount
+ Address type
+ Processing
+ Broadcasting
+ Memo (Tag)
+ Can\'t recognize
+ This address is the address of the watched account
+ Provide required Memo (Tag) and send only network-compatible tokens. Others will be lost.
+ Used Addresses
+ %s addresses change for privacy and security. Below a list of used addresses in this wallet.
+ Receive Addresses
+ Change Addresses
+ Coin Name
+ Search
Saldo insuficiente
@@ -315,15 +395,28 @@
TimeLock funciona apenas para enviar para endereços BIP44 (começando com 1)
+ UTxO Expert Mode
+ Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance
+ Send To
+ Change
+ Replace by Fee
+ This option allows you to resend a stuck transaction by increasing the amount of the fee.
+ Enabled
+ Disabled
+ Available Balance
+ Unsellect All
+ Sellect All
+ Own
+ Action
\u2713 Enviado
Permissão da câmera
Por favor, permita acesso à câmera
@@ -375,9 +468,9 @@
A taxa para transação na rede é medida em unidades de gás. O preço do gás é a quantidade que um usuário está disposto a gastar por unidade de gás. Quando a rede está ocupada, os preços do gás são altos e baixos quando está inativa. Um preço de gás insuficiente é frequentemente uma razão para que uma transação permaneça pendente por um período prolongado.
Taxa Base
O protocolo de rede determina o preço base por gas para cada bloco, a taxa base. Varia de acordo com o nível de utilização da rede de bloco para bloco. Ele pode aumentar ou diminuir em não mais do que 12,5% no próximo bloco, tornando as taxas mais previsíveis. O valor mostrado aqui é a taxa base de taxa atual do bloco.
- Taxa máxima de taxa (Gwei)
+ Max Fee Rate
Este é o preço total máximo por gas que o usuário está disposto a pagar. Ela deve cobrir a taxa base da rede e a taxa máxima de prioridade. O valor mostrado aqui é sugerido com base em uma estimativa da taxa base do próximo bloco mais a taxa máxima de prioridade escolhida pelo usuário. A taxa real paga normalmente será menor. Definir isso mais baixo que a taxa base atual irá limitar a taxa paga, mas resultará em períodos de espera mais longos para que a transação seja confirmada, ou até mesmo em uma transação travada.
- Taxa máxima de prioridade (Gwei)
+ Max Priority Fee
Os usuários pagam taxas de prioridade para incentivar uma transação a ser confirmada mais rapidamente. Às vezes são chamados de dicas. A taxa máxima de prioridade é o preço adicional máximo por gás que o usuário está disposto a pagar acima da taxa base. O valor mostrado aqui é sugerido com base nas condições previstas de rede. A taxa de prioridade real normalmente será menor. Definir como zero pode resultar em um longo tempo de espera para que a transação seja confirmada, como é colocado no final da fila de transações pendentes de todos os usuários.
A transação pode permanecer pendente por um tempo ou falhar completamente.
@@ -405,7 +498,7 @@
The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network. (Without excluding Energy, Bandwidth and Activating Fee)
Activation Fee
- Transferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account.
+ This address is not active. Transferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account.
Resources Consumed
Bandwidth is the unit that measures the size of the transaction bytes stored in the blockchain database. The larger the transaction, the more bandwidth resources will be consumed.\n\nEnergy is the unit that measures the amount of computation required by the TRON virtual machine to perform specific operations on the TRON network.\n\nSince smart contract transactions require computing resources to execute, each smart contract transaction requires to pay for the energy fee.
@@ -415,6 +508,14 @@
Newly created accounts on the TRON blockchain are inactive and cannot be queried or explored. They need to be activated.\n\nTransferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account. Activating a new account on the Tron chain requires a fee of 1 TRX
Cannot transfer TRX to yourself
Cannot transfer 0 %s
+ Account Not Active
+ New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated.
+ New Connection
+ Invalid URL Address
+ Unnamed
+ Wallet
+ Choose a Wallet
@@ -447,6 +548,9 @@
Sem conta adequada
Nenhum kit evm adequado
Erro de análise de dados
+ Unsupported chains: %s
+ Unsupported methods: %s
+ Unsupported events: %s
Pedido não encontrado erro
Você não tem nenhum Dapps conectado
Solicitações Pendentes
@@ -487,6 +591,7 @@
Unexpected error: %s
+ Best Price
Você Paga
Você recebe
@@ -494,6 +599,7 @@
Saldo disponível
+ Available Balance
Preço de Venda
Preço de Compra
Impacto de preço
@@ -503,25 +609,46 @@
Taxa estimada
Taxa máxima
+ Slippage
+ Recipient
+ No Providers
+ No Quote
Saldo insuficiente
- Saldo N/A
+ Balance n/a
Não é possível trocar esses tokens
Este serviço não permite a embalagem/desagregação. Use 1inch em vez disso.
Alto impacto no preço
+ Token Not Enabled
+ Wallet is Syncing
+ Wallet Not Synced
+ Select Token In
+ Select Token Out
+ Enter Amount
+ Unlock
+ Unlocking...
+ Quoting
Quantia Máxima
Valor garantido
Fornecido por
+ Provider
+ Providers
Swap Service
+ Route not found
+ You Pay
+ You Get
+ Confirm
+ Quote expired
+ Fetching final quote
Configurações de troca
@@ -559,6 +686,11 @@
Você concorda
Você revoga
+ Unlock Access
+ Allow access to the following amount
+ Grant permission to a smart contract for token trading on your behalf, specifying the allowed amount. No impact on your balance, but incurs a small fee for approval.\n\nPre-approving a higher amount for future trades is cost-effective compared to on-demand approvals.
+ Unlimited
O montante que uma exchange pode gastar em nome do usuário na execução de trocas simbólicas. É necessária uma margem suficiente para que uma transação de troca efetiva possa ocorrer.
@@ -577,33 +709,45 @@
Você ainda não tem nenhuma transação pendente ou anterior
Por favor, aguarde a sincronização concluir.
- Receber
+ Received
- Enviar
- Queimar
- Mint
- Aprovar
- Trocar
+ Sent
+ Burned
+ Minted
+ Approved
+ Swapped
Chamada de Contrato
Ligação Externa
Criação de contrato
+ Contract Deploy
para %s
de %s
- ilimitado %s
+ unlimited %s
+ unlimited
- Filtrar por blockchain
+ Blockchain
+ Coin
+ Contacts
Todas Blockchains
Todas as moedas
+ All Contacts
Escolher Moedas
+ Choose Blockchain
Transação Desconhecida
+ Ton Transaction
Transação não pôde ser analisada
+ Filter
+ Hide suspicious tx
+ Hiding incoming transactions with the dust amount in stablecoins, this partially solves the address poisoning attack problems.
+ Filtering by contacts works on the following blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton and ZCash. Below are the suitable contacts
+ You don\'t have any suitable contacts
Informações sobre a transação
@@ -632,11 +776,17 @@
Você Paga
Você recebe
Você Tem
+ You Sent
+ Received
+ Sent
+ Approved
Enviar novamente
Revogar Aprovação
+ This transaction is suspicious and can be a scam.\nPlease do not copy any addresses from this transaction.
+ This action will attempt to invalidate the previous transaction by resending it with a higher fee.
@@ -651,9 +801,18 @@
Cancelar transação
A transação já foi confirmada
+ Replaced Transactions
+ Fee (Sat)
+ Fee Too Low
+ RBF not enabled
+ Unable to replace
O remetente enviou esses fundos com um bloqueio de gastos que expirará em %s.\n\nNão se preocupe, os Bitcoins recebidos já são seus, mas até que o período de bloqueio expire, você não poderá gastá-los na rede Bitcoin.
The sender sent these funds with a spending lock that will expire on the shown date. \n\nNo worries, the received Bitcoins are already yours, but until the lock period expires you cannot spend them on the Bitcoin network.
+ Broadcast
+ The transaction holding this amount is broadcasted but not yet accepted by the network.
+ Processing amount
+ Transactions with this amount still syncing. And when they are confirmed, these tokens will be available for spending
Gasto Duplo
Risco de Gasto Duplo! Existe outra transação na Blockchain que está tentando gastar entradas usadas nesta transação. Apenas uma transação será aceita pela rede
Esta Tx
@@ -686,6 +845,8 @@
via Telegram
via E-mail
+ Be Unstoppable
+ Learn and master crypto via exclusive videos. Get to know us informally. Be the first to see things we work on.
Personal Support
Enter your Telegram account name to start a personal support chat with our team. We\'ll get back to you and start working on your problem as soon as we see it.
You\'ve already requested a private chat, find it on Telegram
@@ -698,10 +859,12 @@
Open Telegram
Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!
+ Get your tokens
Donate %s
Donate with
- Get Address
+ Donation Address
+ Or select a coin to donate
1 minute
5 minutes
@@ -710,19 +873,25 @@
1 hour
+ Balance Conversion
+ Balance Value
Alterar o ícone fechará o aplicativo
- Guia de Mercados
+ Hide Markets
+ Hide Buttons
+ This configuration hides the Send, Receive, and Swap buttons on Balance tab.
Balance Auto Hide
Automatically hides balance each time the app is opened, regardless of previous preferences.
+ Price Change %
Valor da Moeda
Valor Fiat
Sobre o App
O que há de novo
+ App Version
Configurações da Blockchain
@@ -744,11 +913,11 @@
App Settings
Language, Currency, Appearance …
- A Unstoppable não coleta dados nem usa ferramentas analíticas que possam expor dados sobre seus usuários. A carteira foi projetada para garantir um alto nível de privacidade para seus usuários.
- Os dados do usuário sempre permanecem em seu dispositivo.
- A carteira não coleta nenhum dado sobre os usuários.
- A carteira não coleta nenhum dado sobre os usuários.
- Não há nenhuma conta de usuário ou banco de dados mantendo os dados do usuário em algum lugar.
+ Unstoppable doesn\'t collect personal data that expose your private information i.e. coin balances or addresses. While we gather some UI usage statistics, it\'s solely for understanding our user base and app usage trends. That can be disabled if you wish.
+ The wallet does not gather any personal data.
+ There are no user accounts or databases storing user data.
+ If allowed the wallet will share app usage habits with Unstoppable team. This is to understand which features are being used (or not) by our users. Being a privacy focused app we need some way to evaluate our efforts and without this we have no idea whether the features we built are being used or not.
+ Share UI data
@@ -763,8 +932,8 @@
Fonte RPC com esta url já existe
Url inserida é inválida. URL válida deve ter um dos seguintes esquemas: http, https, ws, wss
- Após alterar a fonte de restauração, a carteira terá que ressincronizar-se com a blockchain do Bitcoin.
- Selecione uma fonte de dados para restauração de carteira. Restaurar da blockchain leva consideravelmente mais tempo.
+ After changing source the wallet will have to resync itself.
+ Choose the source Unstoppable app should use for synchronizing wallet(s).
Configurações de transação
Entradas / Saídas de Transação
@@ -792,8 +961,11 @@
Bip69 Determinístico
Indexação Lexicográfica
- Da Blockchain
- Mais Privado
+ Blockchair API
+ Very Fast
+ Fast
+ Blockchain
+ Slow. Highest Privacy.
Duress Passcode
Set a passcode for Duress Mode
Edit Duress Passcode
@@ -812,10 +984,9 @@
- A carteira Unstoppable foi criada para quem deseja investir e armazenar criptomoedas de maneira privada e independente.
-\n\nÉ uma carteira peer-to-peer sem custódia, onde apenas o usuário tem controle sobre os fundos. A carteira não coleta nenhum dado e mantém o usuário independente ao não bloquear os fundos do mesmo em um aplicativo de carteira específico.
-\n\nA carteira Unstoppable é totalmente de código aberto e qualquer pessoa pode confirmar se o aplicativo funciona exatamente como afirma.
-\n\nConstruímos a Unstoppable para nós mesmos, pois as outras soluções disponíveis não estavam à altura. Tanto do ponto de vista da engenharia quanto da usabilidade, acreditamos que esta carteira está significativamente à frente dos produtos alternativos.
+ The Unstoppable wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.
+\n\nIt\'s a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn\'t collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user\'s funds to a specific wallet app.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to.
Frases de recuperação de backup seguros para cada carteira. É a única maneira de recuperar o acesso a fundos se o aplicativo não funcionar.
As frases de recuperação de carteira são geradas aleatoriamente no dispositivo durante a configuração e não são armazenadas em outro lugar.
Desabilitando o PIN (código) no smartphone exclui todas as carteiras do aplicativo. As frases de recuperação serão necessárias para restaurar o acesso aos fundos.
@@ -907,7 +1078,7 @@
Ver Endereço
from File
- Import from a backup file.
+ Import a backup file from your local folder.
from Recovery Phrase
Import using recovery phrase or private key.
from Exchange Wallet
@@ -922,10 +1093,11 @@
Enter the backup password to import your wallet.
Invalid Password
Backup Password
- Endereço ou Domínio
+ Enter Your EVM, TRON, TON or Public Address (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash) or Account xPubKey.
Escolha as Blockchains
Escolher Moedas
+ Address format is not supported
@@ -1001,6 +1173,7 @@
BIP32 Root Key
Toque para mostrar a chave privada
+ To do
Chave Privada
Chave Privada EVM
@@ -1068,7 +1241,7 @@
Endereço do contrato não encontrado em %s blockchain
Formato do Endereço
- Selecione o formato do endereço para a moeda. Prossiga com a opção recomendada se não tiver certeza. Um formato correto deve ser escolhido quando restaurar uma carteira existente.
+ Select address format for receiving payments. A correct format should be chosen when restoring an existing wallet.
Tipo de moeda
@@ -1099,7 +1272,7 @@
- 24H
+ 1D
@@ -1107,6 +1280,7 @@
+ 5Y
Volume de Operações
@@ -1206,6 +1380,9 @@
Signal Smoothing
Indicators available only for Unstoppable Wallet premium users.
This is an AI-generated description based on the provided reference material for the given cryptocurrency. It may contain errors.
+ Verified
+ All
Total trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
Gráfico mostrando a variação no volume diário de negociação do token nas principais corretoras centralizadas durante um período de 1 ano.
Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
@@ -1302,12 +1479,61 @@
8 hours
1 day
1 week
+ 1 month
Strong Buy
Strong Sell
No Data
+ Smart Contract Analysis
+ High Risk Items
+ Medium Risk Items
+ Risky
+ Attention Required
+ Powered by De.Fi
+ %d Items
+ Trading Assistant
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ overbought
+ oversold
+ down
+ up
+ The actions with the asset are risky.
+ Starting from the %s
+ The asset is outside the Bollinger Band channel and %s.
+ RSI = %1$s, This also indicates that the asset is %2$s.
+ There might be a strong %sward movement, so it\'s better to wait for the asset price to return to the channel.
+ the asset was %s, but now it has returned to the Bollinger Band channel. This indicates a possible trend reversal.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %1$s, which still indicates that it is %2$s.
+ This could be a very strong signal to enter the market. Keep in mind that there may be several attempts of %sward movement after returning to the channel, so do not forget about risk management.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %s, which also indicates a trend reversal (RSI crossed the boundary at 70\%%).
+ The price is returning to neutral levels, however, there is still potential for upward movement. Keep in mind that RSI = 50 and the middle of the Bollinger Bands are strong resistances and possible trend reversal points. Do not forget about risk management.
+ RSI = $s also confirms the absence of a strong trend.
+ the asset was in the overbought/oversold zone, but at the moment the price has returned to the Bollinger Band channel in the neutral zone. The RSI is %s also confirms the absence of a strong trend, so overall the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ In general, the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ Please note:
+ above
+ below
+ growth
+ decrease
+ EMA 200. Determines the overall sentiment and trend. The daily price of the asset is located %1$s the EMA (%2$s). This means that globally the asset is set for %3$s.
+ above
+ below
+ MACD. Assesses the strength of the trend considering the average price change. The daily value of the histogram is %1$s (%2$s). The price of the asset globally may move %3$s.
+ Technical Indicators
+ We use the Bollinger Bands + RSI strategy to determine trading signals. All calculations are based on daily candlesticks and provide advice for a moderately long term. The essence of the strategy is that the asset price should reach an extreme, breaking out of the Bollinger Bands channel, and the RSI should be in the overbought/oversold zone. After the price returns to the channel, there is a high probability of the price returning to the mean values or attempting to break the channel from the other side. Note that the strategy may give several false signals during strong market movements before a correct signal appears.\n\nPlease remember that it is very important to apply risk management to trading and remember to cut losses if the market situation changes!
+ Show Details
+ Hide Details
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Sell
+ Strong Sell
+ Risky
+ Token Detectors
+ General Detectors
+ Issues %d
@@ -1385,8 +1611,8 @@
- Maiores Altas
- Maiores Quedas
+ Gainers
+ Losers
%dd atrás
%dh atrás
@@ -1398,6 +1624,7 @@
O texto de erro será copiado para a área de transferência caso você decida reportá-lo.
Siga a gente
Usuários Pro
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
index e9b9e7963a9..b0f3b2f0e7f 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
- Не задан параметр
+ Parameter is not set
- Показать
- Скрыть
+ Show
+ Hide
- Сканировать QR-код
+ Scan QR Code
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- Обновить
+ Refresh
@@ -48,22 +48,22 @@
- Узнать больше
- Активировать
- Подписать
- Активация
- Получить API ключ
- Войти
- Регистрация
- Подтвердить
- Попробовать ещё раз
- Поделиться
- Применить
- Установить сумму
- Не может быть меньше %1$s или более чем %2$s
- Неверное целое число
+ Learn More
+ Activate
+ Sign
+ Activating
+ Get API Keys
+ Log In
+ Sign Up
+ Submit
+ Try Again
+ Share
+ Apply
+ Set Amount
+ Can\'t be less than %1$s or more than %2$s
+ Wrong integer number
- Нет данных
+ n/a
Ошибка синхронизации. Повторите попытку
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
Фраза восстановления
Список слов
Кодовая фраза
- Пароль
+ Password
%s слов (рекомендуется)
%s слов
@@ -133,26 +133,26 @@
Нестандартный импорт
На этой странице представлен специальный механизм восстановления кошелька для пользователей Unstoppable с нестандартным кошельком. Как правило, такие кошельки могли быть созданы в версиях Unstoppable 0.27–0.28 с использованием неанглоязычного списка мнемонических слов и/или специального символа в парольной фразе кошелька (например, диакритического знака).
\n\nЕсли вы являетесь затронутым пользователем, то баланс вашего кошелька будет отображаться как 0 после восстановления такого кошелька в версии 0.29 или выше.Эта страница позволит вам восстановить доступ к вашему нестандартному кошельку. После восстановления рекомендуется создать новый кошелек (который будет соответствовать стандарту) и перевести туда средства.
- (рекомендовано)
+ (recommended)
Неверный ключ
Выберите токены
- Все
+ All
Блок создания
Блок создания Zcash
Введите блок создания кошелька для ускорения синхронизации.
000000000 (необязательно)
Восстановить как новый
- Новый кошелек
+ Создать кошелек
Нет транзакций
Существующий кошелек
Есть транзакции
Первоначальная синхронизация с блокчейном может потреблять много интернет-трафика.
- Выберите CEX
- Выберите централизованный обмен, к которому вы хотите подключиться.
- Пожалуйста, предоставьте ключ API и секрет API, чтобы связать вашу биржу.
- API ключ
- Секретный ключ
+ Select CEX
+ Select the centralized exchange to which you want to connect.
+ Please provide the API Keys and API Secret to link your exchange.
+ API Key
+ Secret Key
@@ -161,12 +161,12 @@
- Недавние
Наивысшей кап.
Наименьшей кап.
Наивысшему обьему
@@ -174,48 +174,48 @@
Самая высокая цена
Самая низкая цена
Сортировать по
- Общая капитализация
+ Total M.Cap
Доминирование BTC
Объем торгов (24ч)
TVL в DeFi
Капитализация DeFi
Посмотреть всё
- Работает на CoinGeko API
+ Powered By CoinGeko API
Работает на Horizontal API
- Работает на DefiLlama API
+ Powered By DefiLlama API
- Монеты
- Платформы
- Пары
- Секторы
+ Coins
+ Platforms
+ Pairs
+ Sectors
Список избранного пуст.
Топ токены
Топ токенов по рыночной капитализации
- Сигналы
- Объем
- Рын. капитализация
+ Signals
+ Volume
+ Market Cap
- Нижеследующие сигналы основаны на технических индикаторах ценового диапазона Боллинджера и RSI за последние приблизительно 30 дней. Эти сигналы алгоритмические и могут часто изменяться.
- Высокая уверенность в повышении цен.
- Вероятное увеличение цены в ближайшем будущем.
- Нет чёткого тренда, рынок находится в равновесии.
- Вероятное снижение цен в ближайшем будущем.
- Высокая вероятность снижения цены.
- Повышенный уровень риска, требует осторожности.
- Всегда помните о применении управления рисками, и обратите внимание, что это не финансовый совет.
- Включить
- Топ 100
- Топ 200
- Топ 300
- Топ 500
- Лучшие рыночные пары
- Лучшие торговые пары по объему на каждой бирже
+ Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently.
+ High confidence in price increase.
+ Likely price increase in near future.
+ No clear trend, market is in equilibrium.
+ Likely price decrease in near future.
+ High probability of price decrease.
+ Elevated risk level, requires caution.
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ Turn on
+ Top 100
+ Top 200
+ Top 300
+ Top 500
+ Top Market Pairs
+ Top trading pairs by volume in every exchanges
- Лучшие рыночные пары
+ Top Market Pairs
Лучшие секторы
- Секторы
+ Sectors
Лучшие платформы
Лучшие блокчейн-платформы
@@ -225,15 +225,15 @@
Капитализация рынка всех протоколов на блокчейне %s
- Общая капитализация
- Доминирование BTC
- Объём
+ Total Cap
+ BTC Dominance
+ 24h Vol.
Капитализация DeFi
- TVL в DeFi
- ETF приток
Общая рыночная стоимость всех криптовалют.
Историческое изменение соотношения рыночной капитализации биткойнов к остальным криптовалютным рынкам. \n\nОбычно, в этом случае биткойны доминируют над остальными тенденциями криптовалютного рынка наоборот.
- 24-часовой объем крипторынка.
+ The 24h trading volume of the crypto market.
Историческое изменение усредненного ежедневного объема торговли для %s
Общая рыночная стоимость проектов DeFi.
Всего заблокировано (TVL) в DeFi.
@@ -242,14 +242,14 @@
Этот токен еще не поддерживается
У этого проекта нет токена
- Общий чистый приток
- Чистый приток (net inflow) ETF равен разнице между поступлениями и оттоками наличных средств.
- Наивысшие активы
- Наименьшие активы
- Приток
- Расход
- Все
- Всего чистых активов
+ Total Net Inflow
+ The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows.
+ Highest Assets
+ Lowest Assets
+ Inflow
+ Outflow
+ All
+ Total Net Assets
Ничего не найдено
@@ -261,30 +261,30 @@
Объем торговли
Объем торговли (24ч)
Ценовой период
- Торговые сигналы
+ Trading Signals
Изменение цены
- 24 Часа
- Полночь по UTC
+ 24 Hours
+ Midnight UTC
Обошел BTC
Обошел ETH
Обошел BNB
Цена Близка к ATH
Цена Близка к ATL
- Размещены на ведущих биржах
- Хороший объем CEX
- Общая оценка хорошая или отличная
- Хороший объем DEX
- Общая оценка хорошая или отличная
- Хорошее распределение
- Общая оценка хорошая или отличная
- Активно покупать
- Покупать
- Нейтрально
- Активно продавать
- Продавать
- Риски
- Показывают рост
+ Listed on Top Exchanges
+ Good CEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good DEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good Distribution
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Risky
+ Gainers
Топ 100
Топ 250
Топ 500
@@ -319,27 +319,27 @@
1 Неделя
2 Недели
1 Месяц
- 3 Месяца
+ 3 Months
6 Месяцев
1 Год
- Вручную
- Показывают рост
- Теряют в цене
- Наивысшей кап.
- Наименьшей кап.
+ Manual
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ Highest Cap
+ Lowest Cap
%s Рынки
- Вывод средств
+ Withdraw
- Обменять
- Получить
+ Swap
+ Deposit
- %1$s за %2$s
+ %s за %s
до %s
Поиск транзакций...
@@ -354,36 +354,37 @@
Загрузка блоков
Сканирование блоков
У вас пока нет установленных кошельков.\nСоздайте новый кошелек или восстановите существующий кошелек
- Вы еще не добавили токены в этот кошелек.
+ You haven\'t added any coins to this wallet.
У кошелька с этим адресом нет баланса
- У вас нет активов для отправки.
- У вас нет активов для обмена.
- Сеть
- Формат
- Выберите сеть для получения адреса.
- Ваш адрес для депозита %s
- Отслеживаемый адрес %s
- Выберите формат для предоставления адреса для получения.
- Формат адреса
- Формат Cash Address предпочтителен для получения Bitcoin Cash (BCH) из-за улучшенного пользовательского опыта и совместимости. Однако, оба формата адреса могут использоваться взаимозаменяемо для получения BCH, независимо от формата адреса отправителя.
- Формат Native SegWit предпочтителен в Биткойне для повышения пропускной способности и безопасности. Все форматы адресов (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) могут использоваться взаимозаменяемо для получения BTC независимо от формата адреса отправителя, что обеспечивает бесперебойные транзакции между различными типами монет.
- Аккаунт
- Не активен
- Сумма
- Установить сумму
- Тип адреса
- Заблокировано
- Трансляция
- Memo(Tag)
- Не удалось распознать
- Этот адрес является адресом наблюдаемого аккаунта
- Укажите необходимое мемо (тэг) и отправьте только токены, совместимые с сетью. Другие токены будут потеряны.
- Использованные адреса
- %s адресов изменены для повышения конфиденциальности и безопасности. Ниже приведен список использованных адресов в этом кошельке.
- Адреса для получения
- Адрес-сдача
- Название токена
- Поиск
+ You have no assets to send.
+ You have no assets to swap.
+ Network
+ Format
+ Choose network to get an address to receive.
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Watch address of %s
+ Choose a format for providing an address to receive.
+ Address Format
+ The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender\'s address format.
+ The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender\'s address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types.
+ Account
+ Not active
+ Amount
+ Set Amount
+ Address type
+ Locked
+ Processing
+ Broadcasting
+ Memo (Tag)
+ Can\'t recognize
+ This address is the address of the watched account
+ Provide required Memo (Tag) and send only network-compatible tokens. Others will be lost.
+ Used Addresses
+ %s addresses change for privacy and security. Below a list of used addresses in this wallet.
+ Receive Addresses
+ Change Addresses
+ Coin Name
+ Search
Недостаточно средств
@@ -396,24 +397,28 @@
Доп. настройки
TimeLock работает только для отправки на адреса BIP44 (начинаются с 1)
- Режим эксперта UTxO
- Вручную выбрать UTxO для траты средств
- Отправить
- Изменить
- Изменить комиссию
- Эта опция позволяет повторно отправить застрявшую транзакцию, увеличивая сумму комиссии.
- Вкл.
- Выкл.
+ UTxO Expert Mode
+ Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance
+ Send To
+ Change
+ Replace by Fee
+ This option allows you to resend a stuck transaction by increasing the amount of the fee.
+ Enabled
+ Disabled
+ Available Balance
+ Unsellect All
+ Sellect All
Вы отправляете
- Свой
+ Own
+ Action
\u2713 Отправлено
Разрешение камеры
Пожалуйста, дайте разрешение на доступ к камере
@@ -439,13 +444,13 @@
1 год
- Комиссии за транзакцию %1$s (%2$s) взимаются в %3$s. Вам нужно %4$s.
+ Комиссии за транзакцию %s (%s) взимаются в %s. Вам нужно %s.
Внимание! Транзакция может застрять в сети
- Ошибка комиссии
- Ставка комиссии слишком низкая.
+ Fee Error
+ Fee Rate is too low.
Транзакция может застрять в сети или будет отклонена
- Ошибка комиссии
- Подключение к серверу было потеряно. Чтобы продолжить, настройте комиссию вручную, используя данные на сайте.
+ Fee Error
+ The connection to the server has been lost. To proceed, set up the fees manually using the data on the site.
Доп. настройки
Nonce транзакции
@@ -459,20 +464,20 @@
Максимальная ожидаемая общая комиссия за данную транзакцию. Обычно, фактическая комиссия будет меньше.
Макс. комиссия
Максимальная предполагаемая комиссия за транзакцию, которая будет уплачена за данную транзакцию, рассчитанная на основе значений лимита газа, максимальной ставки комиссии и максимальной приоритетной комиссии, указанных ниже. Фактический размер комиссии обычно ниже.
- Комиссия сети
- Ориентировочная стоимость отправки данной транзакции по сети.
+ Network Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network.
Единица сложности транзакций - газ, она варьирует в зависимости от выполняемого смарт-контракта. Лимит газа - это предполагаемый максимальный размер газа, необходимый для выполнения смарт-контракта. Обычно используется меньшее количество газа.
Комиссия за сетевую транзакцию измеряется в единицах газа. Цена газа – это сумма, которую пользователь готов заплатить за единицу газа. Когда сеть занята, цены на газ повышаются, а во время простоя они наоборот снижаются. Слишком низкая цена газа зачастую является основанием для длительного сохранения отложенного статуса транзакции.
Базовая комиссия
Сетевой протокол определяет базовую стоимость газа для каждого блока, которая называется базовая ставка комиссии. Он варьирует в зависимости от уровня загрузки сети от блока к блоку. В следующем блоке он может увеличиться или уменьшиться не более чем на 12.5%, что делает взимаемый тариф более предсказуемым. Здесь отражена базовая ставка комиссии текущего блока.
- Макс. ставка комиссии (Gwei)
+ Max Fee Rate
Это максимальная общая цена газа, которую пользователь готов заплатить. Она должна покрывать базовую тарифную ставку сети и максимальный приоритетный тариф. Указанное здесь значение предлагается на основе оценки суммы базовой тарифной ставки следующего блока и максимального приоритетного тарифа, выбранного пользователем. Фактический размер платёжного тарифа обычно меньше. Снижение настройки текущего базового тарифа ограничит оплачиваемую сумму тарифа, но приведет к удлинению периода ожидания подтверждения транзакции или даже к ее подвисанию.
- Макс. приоритетная комиссия (Gwei)
+ Max Priority Fee
Пользователи платят приоритетную комиссию, в целях ускорения процесса подтверждения транзакции. Иногда эти тарифы называются чаевыми. Максимальный размер приоритетного сбора - это максимальная дополнительная цена за газ, которую пользователь готов оплатить поверх базовой ставки комиссии. Приведенная здесь стоимость определяется исходя из прогнозируемых сетевых условий. Фактический размер приоритетного тарифа будет меньше. Обнуление этого тарифа может привести к удлинению периода ожидания подтверждения транзакции ввиду её размещения в конце очереди незавершенных транзакций ото всех пользователей.
Обработка транзакции может отложиться на некоторое время, или транзакцию могут полностью отклонить.
- Для обеспечения быстрого выполнения транзакции максимальная ставка вознаграждения (вычитаются максимальные чаевые для майнера) должна быть выше текущей базовой ставки вознаграждения. В противном случае транзакция может оставаться на рассмотрении до тех пор, пока не будет выполнено условие.
+ To ensure speedy execution of the transaction the max fee rate (subtracted max. miner tip) should be higher than current base fee rate. If not transaction may remain pending until condition is met.
Слишком высокая комиссия
Установленная комиссия за транзакцию больше чем требуется для обработки этой транзакции.
Я понимаю
@@ -488,21 +493,27 @@
Обычно для этого диапазона комиссий характерна обработка транзакций в течение нескольких минут/часа для Bitcoin и в течение нескольких минут для Ethereum.
В случае с приоритетными транзакциями лучше всего использовать настройку высокой комиссии. При выборе этой настройки транзакция Bitcoin будет обработана в течение 10 минут, ну а обработка транзакции Ethereum займет всего лишь 1-2 минуты.
- Комиссия
- Ориентировочные затраты на отправку данной транзакции по сети (без учёта energy, Bandwidth и комиссии за активацию) предполагаются
- Комиссия за активацию
- Этот адрес не активен. Перевод TRX или токенов TRC-10 на неактивный адрес активирует аккаунт.
- Расходуемые ресурсы
- Bandwidth - это единица, которая измеряет размер байт транзакции, хранящихся в базе данных блокчейна. Чем больше транзакция, тем больше bandwidth будет потребляться.\n\nEnergy — это единица, измеряющая количество вычислений, требуемых виртуальной машиной TRON для выполнения конкретных операций в сети TRON.\n\nПоскольку транзакции смарт-контракта требуют выполнения вычислительных ресурсов, каждая сделка по контракту требует оплаты energy комиссии.
+ Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network. (Without excluding Energy, Bandwidth and Activating Fee)
+ Activation Fee
+ This address is not active. Transferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account.
+ Resources Consumed
+ Bandwidth is the unit that measures the size of the transaction bytes stored in the blockchain database. The larger the transaction, the more bandwidth resources will be consumed.\n\nEnergy is the unit that measures the amount of computation required by the TRON virtual machine to perform specific operations on the TRON network.\n\nSince smart contract transactions require computing resources to execute, each smart contract transaction requires to pay for the energy fee.
- Этот адрес не активен
- (не активен)
- Неактивный адрес
- Недавно созданные учетные записи в блокчейне TRON неактивны и не могут быть запрошены или изучены. Они должны быть активированы.\n\nАктивация новой учетной записи в цепочке Tron требует комиссию в размере 1 TRX. Для активации достаточно просто перевести токены TRX или TRC-10 на неактивный адрес аккаунта
- Невозможно отправить TRX самому себе
- Невозможно отправить 0 %s
- Аккаунт не активен
- Новым кошелькам TRON требуется депозит как минимум 1 TRX для активации. Неактивные кошельки могут принимать и хранить токены, но не будут корректировать балансы до момента активации.
+ This address is not active
+ (not active)
+ Not Active Address
+ Newly created accounts on the TRON blockchain are inactive and cannot be queried or explored. They need to be activated.\n\nTransferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account. Activating a new account on the Tron chain requires a fee of 1 TRX
+ Cannot transfer TRX to yourself
+ Cannot transfer 0 %s
+ Account Not Active
+ New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated.
+ New Connection
+ Invalid URL Address
+ Unnamed
+ Wallet
+ Choose a Wallet
@@ -529,15 +540,15 @@
Пожалуйста, подпишите сообщение для аутентификации
Вам нужно создать или импортировать кошелек перед использованием WalletConnect
- Сделайте резервную копию этого кошелька, создав копию его фразы восстановления. Это будет необходимо для доступа к кошельку, если ваш телефон утерян, украден, повреждён и т.д.
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
Эта функция не доступна для кошельков для просмотра, вам нужно выбрать восстановленный или созданный кошелек
Неподдерживаемый блокчейн
Нет подходящей учетной записи
Нет подходящего evm kit
Ошибка разбора данных
- Неподдерживаемые чейны: %s
- Неподдерживаемые методы: %s
- Неподдерживаемые события: %s
+ Unsupported chains: %s
+ Unsupported methods: %s
+ Unsupported events: %s
Запрос не найден
У вас нет подключенных dapps
Ожидающие запросы
@@ -575,10 +586,10 @@
Ошибка оценки
Проверьте баланс и убедитесь, что на нем достаточно %s для покрытия комиссии. Или попробуйте увеличить предел скольжения цены и повторите попытку снова. Следующая попытка через 3 секунды…
Вы можете оставить некоторую сумму в размере %s на балансе, чтобы оплачивать будущие транзакции.
- Непредвиденная ошибка: %s
+ Unexpected error: %s
- Лучшая цена
+ Best Price
Вы платите
Вы получите
@@ -586,56 +597,56 @@
Доступный баланс
- Доступный баланс
+ Available Balance
Цена продажи
Цена покупки
Отклонение от рын. цены
- Разница между рыночной ценой и ожидаемой расчетной ценой слишком высока.
- Важно! Вы получаете чрезвычайно неблагоприятную цену. Это связано с крайне низкой ликвидностью.
+ Unstoppable has disabled swap action for this trade because you\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.\nIf you still want to swap please use %s website instead.
+ Important! You\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.
Гарантированная сумма
Предполагаемая комиссия
Макс. комиссия
- Отклонение от курса
- Получатель
- Нет провайдеров
- Нет предложений
+ Slippage
+ Recipient
+ No Providers
+ No Quote
Недостаточный баланс
- Баланс N/А
+ Balance n/a
Невозможно обменять эти токены
Эта служба не позволяет wrapping/unwrapping. Вместо этого используйте 1inch.
Высокое отклонение цены
- Токен не включен
- Синхронизация кошелька
- Кошелек не синхронизирован
+ Token Not Enabled
+ Wallet is Syncing
+ Wallet Not Synced
- Выберите токен для обмена
- Выберите токен для получения
- Введите сумму
- Разблокировать
- Разблокировка...
+ Select Token In
+ Select Token Out
+ Enter Amount
+ Unlock
+ Unlocking...
- Котировка
+ Quoting
Макс. сумма
Гарантированная сумма
При поддержке
- Провайдер
- Провайдеры
+ Provider
+ Providers
Смена провайдера
- Маршрут не найден
- Вы платите
- Вы получите
- Подтвердить
- Котировка истекла
- Получение котировки
+ Route not found
+ You Pay
+ You Get
+ Confirm
+ Quote expired
+ Fetching final quote
Настройки обмена
@@ -674,10 +685,10 @@
Вы разрешаете
Вы отменяете
- Разблокировать доступ
- Разрешить доступ к следующей сумме
- Предоставьте разрешение смарт-контракту на торговлю токенами от вашего имени, указав разрешенную сумму. Это не влияет на ваш баланс, но влечет за собой небольшую комиссию за разрешение.\n\nПредварительное разрешение более высокой суммы для будущих сделок экономически выгоднее по сравнению с разрешением по запросу.
- Неограниченно
+ Unlock Access
+ Allow access to the following amount
+ Grant permission to a smart contract for token trading on your behalf, specifying the allowed amount. No impact on your balance, but incurs a small fee for approval.\n\nPre-approving a higher amount for future trades is cost-effective compared to on-demand approvals.
+ Unlimited
Сумма, которую exchange может потратить от имени пользователя при выполнении обмена токенов. Действующая транзакция, устанавливающая достаточный уровень допустимости, необходима для того, чтобы транзакция обмена была осуществлена.
@@ -696,43 +707,45 @@
У вас ещё нет незавершенных или прошлых транзакций
Пожалуйста, дождитесь завершение синхронизации.
В обработке
- Получено
+ Received
В процессе
- Отправлено
- Сжечь
- Минт
- Разрешено
- Обмен выполнен
+ Sent
+ Burned
+ Minted
+ Approved
+ Swapped
Не удалось
Вызов контракта
Внешний вызов
Создание контракта
+ Contract Deploy
кому %s
от %s
- безлимитный %s
- безлимитный
+ unlimited %s
+ unlimited
- Фильтр по блокчейну
- Монета
- Контакты
+ Blockchain
+ Coin
+ Contacts
Все блокчейны
Все токены
- Все контакты
+ All Contacts
Выберите токен
- Выбрать блокчейн
+ Choose Blockchain
Неизвестная транзакция
+ Ton Transaction
Транзакция не может быть обработана
- Фильтр
- Скрыть подозрительные транзакции
- Скрытие входящих транзакций с незначительной суммой в стабильных монетах частично решает проблемы атаки на загрязнение адреса.
- Фильтрация по контактам работает на блокчейнах: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton и ZCash. Ниже приведены подходящие контакты
- У вас нет подходящих контактов
+ Filter
+ Hide suspicious tx
+ Hiding incoming transactions with the dust amount in stablecoins, this partially solves the address poisoning attack problems.
+ Filtering by contacts works on the following blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton and ZCash. Below are the suitable contacts
+ You don\'t have any suitable contacts
Детали транзакции
@@ -740,7 +753,7 @@
- ID Транзакции
+ ID
Неподтвержденная транзакция
Имя контакта
@@ -761,17 +774,17 @@
Вы заплатили
Вы получите
Вы получили
- Вы отправили
- Получено
- Отправлено
- Разрешено
+ You Sent
+ Received
+ Sent
+ Approved
Отправить повторно
Отозвать потверждение
- Эта транзакция подозрительна и может быть мошенничеством. \nПожалуйста, не копируйте никакие адреса из этой транзакции.
- Это действие попытается аннулировать предыдущую транзакцию, переотправив ее с более высокой комиссией.
+ This transaction is suspicious and can be a scam.\nPlease do not copy any addresses from this transaction.
+ This action will attempt to invalidate the previous transaction by resending it with a higher fee.
В ожидании
В процессе
@@ -786,16 +799,18 @@
Отменить транзакцию
Транзакция уже в блоке
- Замененные транзакции
- Комиссия (Sat)
- Комиссия слишком низкая
- RBF (Replace-By-Fee) не активирован
- Не удается заменить
+ Replaced Transactions
+ Fee (Sat)
+ Fee Too Low
+ RBF not enabled
+ Unable to replace
Эти средства были отправлены с временной блокировкой, которая истекает %s.\n\nНе волнуйтесь, полученные биткойны уже ваши, но до истечения периода блокировки, вы не сможете потратить их.
- Эти средства были отправлены с временной блокировкой, которая истекает в указанную дату.\n\nНе волнуйтесь, полученные биткойны уже ваши, но до истечения периода блокировки, вы не сможете их потратить в сети Bitcoin.
- Передача
- Транзакция, содержащая эту сумму, транслирована, но еще не принята сетью.
+ The sender sent these funds with a spending lock that will expire on the shown date. \n\nNo worries, the received Bitcoins are already yours, but until the lock period expires you cannot spend them on the Bitcoin network.
+ Broadcast
+ The transaction holding this amount is broadcasted but not yet accepted by the network.
+ Processing amount
+ Transactions with this amount still syncing. And when they are confirmed, these tokens will be available for spending
Двойная трата
Риск двойной траты! Существует другая транзакция в блокчейне, которая пытается использовать входные данные, используемые в этой транзакции. Только одна транзакция будет принята сетью
Эта транзакция
@@ -822,84 +837,85 @@
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- Вы уже запросили приватный чат, найдите его в Telegram
- Аккаунт
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+ Enter your Telegram account name to start a personal support chat with our team. We\'ll get back to you and start working on your problem as soon as we see it.
+ You\'ve already requested a private chat, find it on Telegram
+ Account
- Запрошено
- Запрос
- Новый запрос
- Ошибка запроса
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- Поддержи нас
- Пожертвовать %s
- Поддержи нас
- Получить адрес
- Адреса
- Или выберите монету для пожертвования
- Немедленно
- 1 минута
- 5 минут
- 15 минут
- 30 минут
- 1 час
+ Requested
+ Request
+ New Request
+ Request failed
+ Open Telegram
+ Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!
+ Donate
+ Get your tokens
+ Donate %s
+ Donate with
+ Donation Address
+ Addresses
+ Or select a coin to donate
+ Immediate
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+ 5 minutes
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+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
- Конвертация баланса
- Значение баланса
+ Balance Conversion
+ Balance Value
Изменение значка закроет приложение
- Скрыть рынки
- Скрыть кнопки
- Эта конфигурация скрывает кнопки Отправить, Получить и Обмен на вкладке баланса.
- Автоскрытие баланса
- Автоматически скрывает баланс при открытии приложения, независимо от предыдущих настроек.
- Изменение цены %
+ Hide Markets
+ Hide Buttons
+ This configuration hides the Send, Receive, and Swap buttons on Balance tab.
+ Balance Auto Hide
+ Automatically hides balance each time the app is opened, regardless of previous preferences.
+ Price Change %
Токен значение
Фиатное значение
О приложении
Что нового
- Версия приложения
+ App Version
Настройки блокчейна
- Резерв.копирование
- Восстановить резерв. копию
- Создать новую резерв. копию
- Файл резервной копии
- Восстановить
- Список содержимого в файле резервной копии.
- Внимание
- Заменить
- Это действие перезапишет ваши локальные контакты.
- Необходима резерв. копия
- Просмотр кошелька
- Избранное
- Пользовательские RPC
- Настройки приложения
- Язык, валюта, внешний вид
+ Backup Manager
+ Restore Backup
+ Create New Backup
+ Backup File
+ Restore
+ List of contents in the backup file.
+ Warning
+ Replace
+ This action will overwrite your local payment contacts.
+ Backup required
+ Watch Wallets
+ Watchlist
+ Custom RPC
+ App Settings
+ Language, Currency, Appearance …
- Unstoppable не собирает персональные данные, которые могут раскрывать вашу частную информацию, такую как балансы монет или адреса. Мы собираем некоторую статистику использования интерфейса исключительно для понимания нашей пользовательской базы и тенденций использования приложения. Эта функция может быть отключена по вашему желанию.
- Кошелек не собирает личные данные.
- Здесь нет пользовательских аккаунтов или баз данных для хранения данных пользователей.
- Если разрешено, кошелек будет делиться с командой Unstoppable информацией о привычках использования приложения. Это необходимо для понимания, какие функции используются (или нет) нашими пользователями. В качестве приложения, ориентированного на конфиденциальность, нам нужен способ оценить наши усилия, и без этого мы не сможем определить, используются ли построенные нами функции или нет.
- Поделиться данными UI
+ Unstoppable doesn\'t collect personal data that expose your private information i.e. coin balances or addresses. While we gather some UI usage statistics, it\'s solely for understanding our user base and app usage trends. That can be disabled if you wish.
+ The wallet does not gather any personal data.
+ There are no user accounts or databases storing user data.
+ If allowed the wallet will share app usage habits with Unstoppable team. This is to understand which features are being used (or not) by our users. Being a privacy focused app we need some way to evaluate our efforts and without this we have no idea whether the features we built are being used or not.
+ Share UI data
@@ -914,8 +930,8 @@
RPC Источник с таким url уже существует
Введенный url неверен. Допустимый url должен иметь одну из следующих схем: http, https, ws, wss
- После изменения источника восстановления, кошелек должен будет повторно синхронизироваться с блокчейном.
- Выберите источник данных для восстановления кошелька. Восстановление из блокчейна занимает значительно больше времени.
+ After changing source the wallet will have to resync itself.
+ Choose the source Unstoppable app should use for synchronizing wallet(s).
Настройки транзакций
Вводы / выводы транзакций
@@ -925,48 +941,50 @@
- Биометрическая аутентификация
+ Biometrics
Активация биометрической аутентификации может потенциально ослабить безопасность вашего устройства по сравнению с простым PIN-кодом.
- Код доступа
- Отключить код доступа
+ Enable Passcode
+ Disable Passcode
Изменить код
- Установить режим Duress
- Изменить Duress код
- Отключить Duress код
- Специализированный режим, разработанный для обеспечения безопасности выбранных кошельков в условиях принуждения.
+ Set Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Disable Duress Passcode
+ A specialized mode designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion.
Управление кошельками
Это действие перезапустит Unstoppable Кошелек.
Во время использования этого приложения полностью анонимизировать ваш интернет. Обратите внимание, что в некоторых случаях функция WalletConnect для DeFi приложений может быть очень медленной или вообще не работать.
Уведомления для приложения Unstoppable Wallet отключены. Чтобы получать уведомления об изменении цен, вам нужно включить уведомления и разрешить запуск приложения в фоновом режиме.
Случайное индексирование
- Детерминированный
+ Deterministic
Deterministic Bip69
Лексикографическая индексация
Blockchair API
- Быстрый, Конфиденциальный, Централизованный
- API + Блокчейн
- Блокчейн
- Медленно, приватно
- Duress код
- Установите код для режима Duress
- Изменить Duress код
- Введите новый код для режима Duress
- Режим Duress
- Этот режим позволяет пользователю установить несколько паролей для разблокировки приложения, при этом заданный пароль отображает только определенные кошельки. Создан для обеспечения безопасности выбранных кошельков в случае принуждения или угроз.
- Биометрическая аутентификация
- Функция биометрической аутентификации будет работать для разблокировки режима Duress Mode. Для удобства можно отключить биометрическую аутентификацию.
- Отключение кода доступа
- Отключение пароля в основном режиме автоматически сбросит режим Duress.
- Изменить код доступа
- Изменение кода в режиме Duress также изменит текущий код для этого режима.
- Выберите кошельки
- Выберите кошельки, которые будут отображаться в режиме Duress.
+ Very Fast
+ Fast
+ Blockchain
+ Slow. Highest Privacy.
+ Duress Passcode
+ Set a passcode for Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Enter new passcode for Duress Mode
+ Duress Mode
+ This mode allows user to setup multiple unlock app passcodes where a desired passcode shows only specified wallets. Designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion or threats.
+ Biometrics
+ The Biometric Authentication feature will work to unlock the Duress Mode. You can disable Biometric Authentication for convenience.
+ Passcode Disabling
+ Disabling the passcode in the main mode will automatically reset the duress mode.
+ Passcode Change
+ Changing the passcode in the Duress Mode will also change the current PIN code for that mode.
+ Select Wallets
+ Select the wallets that will be displayed in duress mode.
- Кошелек Unstoppable создан для тех, кто хочет инвестировать и хранить криптовалюты частным и независимым образом.\n\nЭто одноранговый кошелек, где только пользователь имеет контроль над средствами. Он не собирает никаких данных и обеспечивает независимость пользователя, не привязывая средства пользователя к определенному приложению.\n\nКошелек Unstoppable имеет полностью открытый исходный код, и любой может подтвердить, что приложение работает именно так, как заявлено.
+ The Unstoppable wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.
+\n\nIt\'s a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn\'t collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user\'s funds to a specific wallet app.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to.
Безопасное резервное копирование фраз для каждого кошелька. Это единственный способ восстановить доступ к средствам, если приложение не работает.
Фразы восстановления кошелька генерируются случайным образом на устройстве во время установки и не хранятся в другом месте.
Отключение PIN-кода разблокировки на смартфоне удаляет все кошельки из приложения. Для восстановления доступа к средствам потребуется восстановление фраз.
@@ -974,9 +992,9 @@
В процессе работы кода могут возникнуть проблемы с программным обеспечением, что может привести к сбоям приложения.
- Продолжить
+ Be Unstoppable
- Свяжитесь с нами
+ Contact Us
Установите уведомления об изменении курса отслеживаемых вами монет.\n\nВы получите уведомление, когда изменение курса за последние 24 часа превысит выбранный порог.\n\n Уведомление о тенденции цен предупреждает об изменениях в движении цен в краткосрочной перспективе (1 неделя), и долгосрочной перспективе (6 месяцев).
Уведомления для приложения Unstoppable Кошелек отключены. Вам нужно включить уведомления и разрешить фоновое обновление для приложения, чтобы иметь возможность получать уведомления о смене цен.
@@ -1019,28 +1037,28 @@
Адрес электронной почты скопирован
Добавлено в избранное
Добавлено в кошелек
- Удалено из кошелька
+ Removed from Wallet
Уже добавлено в кошелек
Удалить из избранного
- Дождитесь синхронизации
+ Wait for synchronization
Название, код или адрес контракта
Добавить токен
Ничего не найдено. Попробуйте добавить токен вручную, если вы знаете его адрес смарт-контракта.
- Существует 4 распространенных формата адресов %1$s кошельков для получения входящих платежей:
+ There are 4 common address formats %1$s wallets can use to receive incoming payments:
-\n- BIP-44 (более старый)
-\n- BIP-49
-\n- BIP-84 (рекомендованный)
-\n- BIP-86 (самый новый)
+\n- BIP-44 (older)
+\n- BIP-49
+\n- BIP-84 (recommended)
+\n- BIP-86 (newest)
-\nХотя кошелек Unstoppable поддерживает все три формата, рекомендуется использовать %2$s кошелек, работающий в формате BIP84. Кошельки, работающие в этом формате, платят наименьшую комиссию при отправке %3$s транзакций.
+\nWhile Unstoppable wallet supports all 4 of them it recommends to use a %2$s wallet operating in BIP-84 format. The wallets operating in this format get to pay lowest fees when sending %3$s transactions.
Существует 2 формата адресов, которые кошельки Bitcoin Cash могут использовать для приема входящих платежей:\n\n- TYPE 0 (более старый)\n- TYPE 145 (более новый)\n\nХотя кошелек Unstoppable поддерживает оба формата, рекомендуется использовать кошелек Bitcoin Cash, работающий в формате TYPE 145.
- Экспериментальные функции
+ Функции
Функции ниже являются экспериментальными. Несмотря на то, что мы детально их протестировали, используя наши собственные криптосредства, мы не можем гарантировать, что они всегда будут работать так, как предусмотрено.
Позволяет отправлять биткойны, которые могут быть потрачены только после указанной даты.\n\nПолучатель такой транзакции должен использовать версию 0.10 приложения Unstoppable Wallet или же более новую версию с форматом адреса BIP44 для Bitcoin.\n\nТолько кошелек Unstoppable может правильно распознать и обработать такие транзакции в сети Bitcoin, и позволить получателю тратить эти биткойны по истечении периода блокировки.\n\nЕсли вы HODLer (долгосрочный инвестор), то вы можете использовать эту функцию для удержания своих биткойнов, отправив их себе. \n\nТак как это экспериментальная функция, максимальная сумма транзакции ограничена 0,5 BTC.
@@ -1048,40 +1066,40 @@
Эта опция активирует тестовую сеть Goerli Ethereum только для токена GoerliETH и добавит его в менеджер монет.\n\nЭто действие влияет только на токен GoerliETH, в то время как все остальные токены EVM и Ethereum работают в основной сети. Другими словами, только транзакции в GoerliETH проходят через тестовую сеть Goerli, в то время как все остальные передачи токенов EVM, включая ETH, проходят через основную сеть.
- Новый кошелек
+ Создать
Импорт кошелька
Просмотр кошелька
- Резервный файл
- Импорт из файла резервной копии.
- Фраза восстановления
- Импорт с помощью фразы восстановления или приватного ключа.
- с exchange кошелька
- Подключиться к кошельку на централизованной бирже.
- Просмотр кошелька
- Режим наблюдения EVM-цепи и BTC, LTC, DASH адресов
- Недопустимый Json файл
- Этот файл не является действительной резервной копией кошелька, либо же он был поврежден и не может быть восстановлен.
- Выберите другой файл
+ from File
+ Import a backup file from your local folder.
+ from Recovery Phrase
+ Import using recovery phrase or private key.
+ from Exchange Wallet
+ Connect to a wallet on centralized exchange.
+ Watch Address
+ Observing mode of EVM-Chain and BTC, LTC, DASH addresses
+ Invalid Json File
+ This file is not a valid backup of the wallet, or the file has been corrupted and cannot be restored.
+ Select Another File
- Введите пароль
- Введите пароль резервной копии для импорта вашего кошелька.
- Неверный пароль
- Пароль для резервной копии
- Адрес или домен
+ Enter Password
+ Enter the backup password to import your wallet.
+ Invalid Password
+ Backup Password
+ Enter Your EVM, TRON, TON or Public Address (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash) or Account xPubKey.
Выберите токены
- Формат адреса не поддерживается
+ Address format is not supported
- Ручное резервное \nкопирование
- Локальное резервное \nкопирование
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
Показать фразу
Настройки сети
- Отключить кошелек
- Необходима резервная копия
+ Unlink Wallet
+ Требуется резервная копия
Вам нужно сделать резервную копию %1$s перед получением %2$s.
Это действие удалит ваш кошелек с этого устройства.
Если вы не сделали резервную копию приватного ключа для этого кошелька, вы потеряете доступ к вашим средствам.
@@ -1094,7 +1112,7 @@
Просмотр кошелька
Выберите кошелек для быстрого переключения
Вы хотите приостановить просмотр этого адреса кошелька?
- Вам нужно сделать резервную копию %1$s
+ You need to backup %1$s
Настройки сети
переходит автоматически
@@ -1116,24 +1134,24 @@
Не копировать
Этот ключ для всех EVM-совместимых блокчейнов.\n\nВ качестве меры безопасности мы не рекомендуем использовать действие копирования на закрытом ключе.
- Резервная копия
- Сделайте резервную копию этого кошелька, создав копию его фразы восстановления. Это будет необходимо для доступа к кошельку, если ваш телефон утерян, украден, повреждён и т.д.
+ Backup Recovery Phrase
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
Резервная копия
- Ручное резервное копирование
- Локальная резерв. копия
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
- Выберите опцию резервного копирования кошелька и начните использовать его.
- Рекомендуется создать ручную резервную копию для каждого кошелька.
+ Complete one of the wallet backup options to start using the wallet.
+ It\'s recommended to have a manual backup for each wallet.
- Локальная резерв. копия
- Сохранить и создать резервную копию
- Установить пароль
- Резервная копия сохранена
- Не менее 8 символов, включая одну заглавную букву, одну строчную букву, одну цифру и один символ.
- Этот пароль используется для шифрования файла резервной копии вашего кошелька. Если он утерян или забыт, его нельзя будет восстановить или сбросить.
- Установите пароль разблокировки для своей резервной копии. Пароль должен содержать не менее 8 символов и включать как минимум одну строчную букву, заглавную букву, цифру и специальный символ.
- Устройства хранения, такие как жесткие диски, USB-накопители, накопители на смартфоне и т.д., все они подвержены потерям вследствие физических повреждений, кражи или других непредвиденных обстоятельств.
- Я понимаю, что кража или повреждение устройства резервного копирования приведет к потере резервной копии в соответствующем кошельке.
+ Local Backup
+ Save and Backup
+ Set Password
+ Backup Saved
+ At least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one symbol.
+ This password is used to encrypt backup file of your wallet. It can\'t be recovered or reset if lost or forgotten.
+ Set unlock password for your backup. It must consist of at least 8 symbols and include at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number and a special character.
+ Storage devices i.e. hard drives, USB drives , storage on smartphone etc. are all vulnerable to loss due to physical damage, theft or other unforeseen circumstances.
+ I understand that theft or damage of a backup device will result in loss of a backup to a respective wallet.
Фраза восстановления
Напишите эти слова в правильном порядке и храните их в безопасном месте
@@ -1148,13 +1166,13 @@
BIP32 Root Key
Нажмите, чтобы показать приватный ключ
- Выполнить
+ To do
Приватные ключи
Приватный ключ EVM
Предоставляет полный контроль над криптовалютами на базе EVM, т.е. Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain и т.д. в пределах соответствующего кошелька.
Предоставляет полный контроль над активами на соответствующем кошельке.
- Расширенный приватный ключ аккаунта
+ Account Extended Private Key
Предоставляет полный контроль над Bitcoin и другими криптовалютами на базе UTXO, такими как Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash и т.д. в пределах соответствующего кошелька.
Никогда ни с кем не делитесь вашей фразой восстановления. Команда Unstoppable никогда не запросит вашу фразу восстановления.
@@ -1208,7 +1226,7 @@
Адрес контракта
Выберите токен
- Фильтр по блокчейну
+ Blockchain
Этот токен уже есть в списке
Неверный адрес контракта
Неверный символ BEP2
@@ -1216,7 +1234,7 @@
Адрес контракта не найден в %s блокчейне
Формат адреса
- Выберите формат адреса для получения средств. Правильный формат должен быть выбран при восстановлении существующего кошелька.
+ Select address format for receiving payments. A correct format should be chosen when restoring an existing wallet.
Тип токена
@@ -1247,7 +1265,7 @@
- 1Д
+ 1D
@@ -1255,7 +1273,7 @@
- 5Г
+ 5Y
Объем торговли
@@ -1282,7 +1300,7 @@
Диапазон за 24 ч
О проекте
- Обзор
+ Overview
@@ -1333,38 +1351,38 @@
%s Контракт
Символ BEP2
Топ Кошельки
- На приведенной выше диаграмме показано \%% всех находящихся в обращении токенов, принадлежащих 10 ведущим кошелькам. Чем меньше \%%, тем больше распределена монета.
+ The chart above shows the \%% of all tokens in circulation held by the top 10 wallets. The lower the \%% the more distributed the coin is.
в топ-10 держателей
Всего держателей: %s
Получите доступ к расширенным функциям Unstoppable Кошелька.
[%s]\nне найден
- Индикаторы
- Скользящие средние
- Осцилляторы
- В EMA, SMA и WMA используются средние значения для технического анализа:\n\nEMA подчеркивает последние цены для более быстрых реакций.\nСредние цены SMA для общего представления тренда.\nЧувствительность и шумовое снижение ВМА путем линейного взвешивания последних данных.
- Индекс относительной силы (RSI) - это колебатель импульса, который измеряет скорость и изменения цен, определяющий перекупленные (более 70) или перепродаваемые (менее 30) рыночные условия. Она также может обнаружить изменения цен через расхождения.
- Дивергенция Moving Average Convergence (MACD) — индикатор динамики, который отслеживает отношения между двумя ЭРА ценой безопасности. Это сигнализирует о возможности покупки или продажи, когда линия MACD (12-ти периодная EMA минус 26-ти периодов EMA) пересекает девять периодов EMA, известную как сигнальная линия.
- Недостаточно данных
- Недостаточно точек данных для отображения индикатора EMA 1. Пожалуйста, измените период времени, чтобы сгенерировать вид линии скользящего среднего значения. Недостаточно точек для отображения EMA 1.
- Тип
- Период
- Длина RSI
- Быстрая длина
- Медленная длина
- Сглаживание сигнала
- Индикаторы доступны только для премиум-пользователей Unstoppable кошелька.
- Это описание, сгенерированное искусственным интеллектом на основе предоставленного справочного материала для данной криптовалюты. Оно может содержать ошибки.
- Подтверждено
- Подтверждено
- Все
- Общий объем торгов по токену на ведущих централизованных биржах за 30-дневный период.
+ Indicators
+ Moving Averages
+ Oscillators
+ The EMA, SMA, and WMA are moving averages used in technical analysis:\n\nEMA emphasizes recent prices for quicker reactions.\nSMA averages price data for a general trend view.\nWMA balances sensitivity and noise reduction by linearly weighting recent data.
+ The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures price speed and change, identifying overbought (above 70) or oversold (below 30) market conditions. It can also detect price reversals through divergences.
+ The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a momentum indicator that tracks the relationship between two EMAs of a security\'s price. It signals buying or selling opportunities when the MACD line (12-period EMA minus 26-period EMA) crosses the 9-period EMA, known as the signal line.
+ Insufficient Data
+ There are not enough data points to display the EMA 1 indicator. Please adjust the time period to generate a view of the moving average line.Not enough point to display EMA 1.
+ Type
+ Period
+ RSI Length
+ Fast Length
+ Slow Length
+ Signal Smoothing
+ Indicators available only for Unstoppable Wallet premium users.
+ This is an AI-generated description based on the provided reference material for the given cryptocurrency. It may contain errors.
+ Verified
+ All
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
График, показывающий колебания дневного объема торговли токеном на ведущих централизованных биржах за 1 год.
- Рейтинг токена основан на объеме торговли на ведущих централизованных биржах за 30-дневный период.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
Список всех токенов, ранжированных по объему торговли на децентрализованных биржах за 24ч/7дн/1мес.
Общий объем торгов по токену на ведущих децентрализованных биржах за 30-дневный период.
График, показывающий колебания дневного объема торговли токеном на ведущих децентрализованных биржах за 1 год.
- Рейтинг токена основан на объеме торговли на ведущих децентрализованных биржах за 30-дневный период.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading decentralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
Список всех токенов, ранжированных по объему торговли на децентрализованных биржах за 24ч/7дн/1мес.
Отслеживаемые DEX биржи:
Общая ликвидность, доступная в настоящий момент для токена на ведущих децентрализованных биржах.
@@ -1376,7 +1394,7 @@
Общее количество уникальных адресов блокчейна, с которых проводились транзакции с токеном за 30 дней.
Рейтинг токена основан на количестве активных кошельков, используемых для транзакций с токеном за 30-дневный период.
Список всех токенов, ранжированных по ежедневному количеству активных адресов транзакций с токеном с интервалом 24ч. / 7 дн. / 1 мес.
- Общее количество уникальных транзакций блокчейна с токеном более 30 дней.
+ Total number of unique blockchain transactions with token over a 30-day period.
График, отражающий колебания количества транзакций за 1 год.
Рейтинг токена основан на количестве транзакций с токеном за 30-дневный период.
Список всех токенов, ранжированных на основе количества транзакций с интервалом 24ч / 7D / 1М.
@@ -1386,43 +1404,43 @@
Отслеживаемые блокчейны: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon
TVL (или активы под управлением) в проектных смарт-контрактах.
График, отражающий колебания TVL в проектных смарт-контрактах за период, превышающий 1 год.
- Рейтинг токена по текущему TVL.
+ Token\'s rank is based on current Total-Value-Locked.
Список всех токенов, ранжированных по текущему TVL.
Соотношение рыночной капитализации/TVL в рамках проекта.
Общая прибыль, полученная владельцами токенов за 30-дневный период. Как правило, плата взимается стейкерами токенов или посредством сжигания токенов.
- Рейтинг токена основан на доходе, полученном стейкерами токенов за 30-дневный период.
+ Token\'s rank is based on the revenue generated over a 30-day period for token stakers.
Список всех токенов, ранжированных на основе пассивного дохода стейкеров токенов с интервалом 24ч. / 7 дн. / 1 мес.
- Общая оценка: Это общий обзор технических средств актива с учетом различных технических показателей и временных рамок. Он обеспечивает консенсусную точку зрения (купить, продать или нейтраль) на основе этих показателей.
- Скользящие средние (MA): Это обычно используемые технические индикаторы, позволяющие сгладить данные о ценах для создания индикатора следующего тренда. Они показывают среднюю цену за определенный период времени. Существует несколько типов MAs:\n\nSimple Moving среднее значение (SMA): Это вычисляет среднее значение выбранного диапазона цен, обычно закрывают цены, по количеству периодов в этом диапазоне.\n\nЭкспоненциальное скользящее среднее (EMA): Это даёт больше веса для последних цен, тем самым реагируя быстрее на последние изменения цен.
- Осцилляторы: Это технические индикаторы, которые колеблются со временем в диапазоне (выше и ниже центральной линии или между заданными уровнями). Они предназначены для идентификации перекупленных и перепродаваемых условий на рынке. Вот несколько распространенных осцилляторов:\n\nИндекс относительной силы (RSI): Это измеряет скорость и изменение движений цен. Обычно он используется для идентификации перекупленных или перепроданных условий.\n\nДвижение среднего сближения (MACD): Используется для выявления потенциальных сигналов на покупку и продажу. Она запускает технические сигналы, когда она пересекает линии сигнала выше (покупать) или ниже (продавать).
+ Summary: This is a general overview of an asset\'s technicals, considering a variety of technical indicators and timeframes. It provides a consensus viewpoint (Buy, Sell, or Neutral) based on these indicators.
+ Moving Averages (MA): These are commonly used technical indicators that smooth out price data to create a trend-following indicator. They show the average price over a specific time period. There are several types of MAs:\n\nSimple Moving Average (SMA): This calculates the average of a selected range of prices, usually closing prices, by the number of periods in that range.\n\nExponential Moving Average (EMA): This gives more weight to recent prices, thereby responding more quickly to recent price changes.
+ Oscillators: These are technical indicators that fluctuate over time within a band (above and below a center line, or between set levels). They are designed to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in a market. Here are some common oscillators:\n\nRelative Strength Index (RSI): This measures the speed and change of price movements. It is usually used to identify overbought or oversold conditions.\n\nMoving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): This is used to identify potential buy and sell signals. It triggers technical signals when it crosses above (to buy) or below (to sell) its signal line.
Этот проект не имеет аналитических данных
Объем CEX
Рейтинг объема CEX
Торговый объем токена на централизованных биржах.
Объем DEX
Рейтинг объема DEX
- Торговый объем токена на децентрализованных биржах.
+ Tokens are ranked by trading volume for the token on decentralized exchanges.
Ликвидность DEX
Рейтинг ликвидности DEX
- Рейтинг токенов основан по доступной ликвидности на децентрализованных биржах.
+ Tokens are ranked by available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
Ежедневные активные адреса
Рейтинг активных адресов
- Список токенов, ранжированных по количеству уникальных адресов транзакций с токеном.
+ Tokens are ranked by a number of unique addresses transacting with the token.
Количество транзакций
Рейтинг кол-ва транзакций
- Токены ранжируются по количеству транзакций в блокчейне.
+ Tokens are ranked by number of transactions on a blockchain.
Проект TVL
Проект TVL (совокупная сумма средств заблокирована)
Рын.кап / Соотношение TVL
Доходы по проекту
- Комиссия проекта
+ Project Fee
Рейтинг доходов
- Рейтинг оплаты за проект
- Рейтинг держателей
- Токены ранжируются по пассивному доходу владельцев, получаемому через стекинг или сжигание токенов.
- Токены ранжируются в соответствии с платами, полученными в рамках соответствующих проектов.
- Рейтинг токенов по уникальным адресам, содержащим их в нескольких блокчейнах.
+ Project Fee Rank
+ Holders Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by revenue generated for holders via mechanisms i.e. staking or token burns.
+ Tokens are ranked according to fees generated by respective projects. The way fees are collected varies from project to project.
+ Ranking tokens by unique addresses holding them on multiple blockchains.
Другие данные
@@ -1433,97 +1451,97 @@
Рейтинг на 30д
Уникальные адреса за 30 дней
Объем за 30д
- Общий балл
- Отлично
- Хорошо
- Приемлемо
- Плохо
- Общий балл основан на средневзвешенном объеме торговли за последние 7 дней на централизованных биржах.
- Общий балл основан на среднем ежедневном объеме торговли на децентрализованных биржах за последние 7 дней.
- Общий балл основан на общей доступной ликвидности на децентрализованных биржах.
- Общий балл основан на среднедневных активных адресах за последние 7 дней.
- Общая балл основан на общей закрытой стоимости (активы, находящиеся в ведении управления) на проекте, представленном данным токеном.
- Общий счет основан на среднем подсчете ежедневных транзакций за последние 7 дней.
- Общий балл основан на общем количестве адресов, содержащих соответствующий токен.
- Технические индикаторы
- Детали
- Выберите период
- 30 минут
- 1 час
- 4 часа
- 8 часов
- 1 день
- 1 неделя
- 1 месяц
- Активно покупать
- Активно продавать
- Продавать
- Покупать
- Нейтрально
- Нет данных
- Анализ смарт-контрактов
- Предметы высокого риска
- Элементы среднего риска
- Риски
- Требуется внимание
- При поддержке De.Fi
- %d Элементов
- Технические индикаторы
- Всегда помните о применении управления рисками, и обратите внимание, что это не финансовый совет.
- перекупленный
- перепроданный
- вниз
- вверх
- Действия с активом опасны.
- Начиная с %s
- Актив находится за границей канала Bollinger Band и %s.
- RSI = %1$s, что также говорит о том, что актив %2$s.
- Возможно сильное движение %s, поэтому лучше дождаться возвращения цены актива в канал.
- актив был %s, но сейчас вернулся в канал Bollinger Band. Это говорит о возможной смене треда.
- При этом RSI = %1$s, что все еще говорит о том, что он %2$s.
- Это может являться очень сильным сигналом для входа в рынок. Учитывайте, что возможны несколько попыток движения %s после возвращения в канал, поэтому не забывайте о риск менеджменте.
- При этом RSI = %s, что тоже говорит об развороте тренда (RSI пересек границу в 70\%%).
- Цена возвращается к нейтральным показателям, однако есть еще потенциал движения вверх. Учитывайте, что RSI = 50 и середина Bollinger Bands являются довольно сильными сопротивлениями и возможными точками разворота тренда. Не забывайте про риск менеджмент.
- RSI = $s также подтверждает отсутствие сильного тренда.
- актив находился в зоне перекупленности/перепроданности, однако в текущий момент цена вернулась в канал Bollinger Band в нейтральную зону. RSI = %s также подтверждает отсутствие сильного тренда, поэтому в целом цена актива стремится к усреднению и дальнейшее движение возможно в любую сторону.
- В целом цена актива стремится к усреднению и дальнейшее движение возможно в любую сторону.
- Пожалуйста, обратите внимание:
- выше
- ниже
- рост
- уменьшение
- EMA 200. Определяет общий настрой и тренд. Суточная цена актива находится %1$s от EMA (%2$s). Это означает, что глобально актив настроен на %3$s.
- выше
- ниже
- MACD. Оценивает силу тренда, учитывая среднее изменение цены. Ежедневное значение гистограммы составляет %1$s (%2$s). Цена актива в глобальном масштабе может измениться на %3$s.
- Технические индикаторы
- Мы используем стратегию Bollinger Bands + RSI для определения сигналов торговли. Все расчеты основаны на ежедневных свечах и предоставляют рекомендации на среднесрочный период. Суть стратегии заключается в том, что цена актива должна достичь экстремума, выбиваясь из канала Bollinger Bands, а RSI должен находиться в зоне перекупленности/перепроданности. После того как цена возвращается в канал, существует высокая вероятность того, что цена вернется к средним значениям или попытается пробить канал с другой стороны. Обратите внимание, что стратегия может давать несколько ложных сигналов во время сильных рыночных движений, прежде чем появится правильный сигнал.\n\nПожалуйста, помните, что очень важно применять управление рисками при торговле и помнить о сокращении убытков, если ситуация на рынке изменится!
- Показать детали
- Скрыть детали
- Активно покупать
- Покупать
- Нейтрально
- Продавать
- Активно продавать
- Риски
- Детекторы токенов
- Общие детекторы
- Проблемы %d
- Активировать
- Кошелек
- Адрес
- Сообщение для подписи
- Вам нужно подписать это сообщение, чтобы активировать вашу подписку.
- Адрес вашего кошелька не имеет подписки на премиум-функции. Вам нужно его приобрести, чтобы активировать подписку.
- Премиум-функции
- Анализ криптовалют
- Доступ к рыночной статистике и статистике по каждому токену.
- Индикаторы тренд цен
- Откройте для себя актуальные токены на основе показателей технического анализа.
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- Получите премиум
- У меня уже есть премиум
+ Overall Score
+ Excellent
+ Good
+ Fair
+ Poor
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on centralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on decentralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily active addresses over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total value locked (assets under management) on the project represented by the given token.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily transaction count over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total number of addresses holding the respective tokens.
+ Technical Indicators
+ Details
+ Select Period
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
+ 4 hours
+ 8 hours
+ 1 day
+ 1 week
+ 1 month
+ Strong Buy
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ No Data
+ Smart Contract Analysis
+ High Risk Items
+ Medium Risk Items
+ Risky
+ Attention Required
+ Powered by De.Fi
+ %d Items
+ Trading Assistant
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ overbought
+ oversold
+ down
+ up
+ The actions with the asset are risky.
+ Starting from the %s
+ The asset is outside the Bollinger Band channel and %s.
+ RSI = %1$s, This also indicates that the asset is %2$s.
+ There might be a strong %sward movement, so it\'s better to wait for the asset price to return to the channel.
+ the asset was %s, but now it has returned to the Bollinger Band channel. This indicates a possible trend reversal.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %1$s, which still indicates that it is %2$s.
+ This could be a very strong signal to enter the market. Keep in mind that there may be several attempts of %sward movement after returning to the channel, so do not forget about risk management.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %s, which also indicates a trend reversal (RSI crossed the boundary at 70\%%).
+ The price is returning to neutral levels, however, there is still potential for upward movement. Keep in mind that RSI = 50 and the middle of the Bollinger Bands are strong resistances and possible trend reversal points. Do not forget about risk management.
+ RSI = $s also confirms the absence of a strong trend.
+ the asset was in the overbought/oversold zone, but at the moment the price has returned to the Bollinger Band channel in the neutral zone. The RSI is %s also confirms the absence of a strong trend, so overall the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ In general, the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ Please note:
+ above
+ below
+ growth
+ decrease
+ EMA 200. Determines the overall sentiment and trend. The daily price of the asset is located %1$s the EMA (%2$s). This means that globally the asset is set for %3$s.
+ above
+ below
+ MACD. Assesses the strength of the trend considering the average price change. The daily value of the histogram is %1$s (%2$s). The price of the asset globally may move %3$s.
+ Technical Indicators
+ We use the Bollinger Bands + RSI strategy to determine trading signals. All calculations are based on daily candlesticks and provide advice for a moderately long term. The essence of the strategy is that the asset price should reach an extreme, breaking out of the Bollinger Bands channel, and the RSI should be in the overbought/oversold zone. After the price returns to the channel, there is a high probability of the price returning to the mean values or attempting to break the channel from the other side. Note that the strategy may give several false signals during strong market movements before a correct signal appears.\n\nPlease remember that it is very important to apply risk management to trading and remember to cut losses if the market situation changes!
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+ Hide Details
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
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+ Strong Sell
+ Risky
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30Д сред.
Последняя продажа
@@ -1586,8 +1604,8 @@
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- Теряют в цене
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+ Losers
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%dч назад
@@ -1599,7 +1617,7 @@
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- Be Unstoppable
Мы в соцсетях
@@ -1631,26 +1649,26 @@
Это приложение требует, чтобы на телефоне был включен пароль (экран блокировки).\n\nВы можете включить его в настройках Android.\n\nПожалуйста, обратите внимание, что после того, как вы отключили PIN-код на уровне ОС, в безопасном хранилище вашего телефона ранее сохраненные данные стали недействительными. Поэтому Вам нужно восстановить ключи, чтобы вернуться к вашему кошельку.
Это приложение требует PIN-код вашего телефона, чтобы сохранить конфиденциальные данные вашего кошелька в безопасном хранилище Android, а не в самом приложении.
- Разблокировать
+ Unlock
Код доступа
- Введите код доступа
+ Enter Passcode
Биометрический сканер
Введите код доступа или повторите попытку позже
Биометрическая аутентификация отключена
Отключено до: %s
- Осталось попыток: %s
- Стандартный
- Случайный
+ Attempts left: %s
+ Regular
+ Random
- Установить код доступа
+ Create Passcode
Код доступа будет использоваться для разблокировки вашего кошелька
Код не совпадает. Попробуйте еще раз.
При сохранении вашего кода произошла ошибка. Повторите попытку.
- Установить секретный код для включения биометрических данных
- Установите код для включения режима Duress
- Этот пароль уже используется.
+ Set a passcode to enable Biometrics
+ Set a passcode to enable Duress Mode
+ This passcode is already being used.
Изменить код
Текущий код
@@ -1683,39 +1701,39 @@
Этот адрес уже используется для %s
Такое имя уже существует
- Подключен
+ Connected
- Выберите токен
- Выберите сеть
- Выберите сеть и получите адрес для пополнения.
- Имя или код
- Депозит %s
- Копировать адрес
- Поделиться адресом
- Сеть
- Ваш адрес для депозита %s
- Отправка только %s на этот адрес. Отправка других типов токенов на этот адрес приведет к их окончательной потере.
- Memo(tag) обязателен, иначе вы потеряете свои средства.\n\nОтправляйте только %s на этот адрес. Отправка других типов токенов на этот адрес приведет к их окончательной потере.
- Важно
- Для получения активов необходимы memo(tag) и адрес. В противном случае Ваши средства будут утеряны.
- Не удалось подключиться к твоему API ключу
+ Choose Coin
+ Choose Network
+ Choose a network and get an address to deposit.
+ Name or code
+ Deposit %s
+ Copy Address
+ Share Address
+ Network
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Send only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Memo (tag) is required, or your will lose your coins.\n\nSend only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Important
+ Both a memo (tag) and the address are needed to ensure that assets are received. Otherwise your funds will be lost.
+ Failed to connect your API Key
- Отправить %s
- Сеть
- Комиссия от суммы
- Комиссия
- Убедитесь, что сеть совпадает с адресом снятия, а платформа депозита поддерживает его, или активы могут быть потеряны.
- Проверка безопасности
- Код верификации
- Код Google Authenticator
- Отправить повторно
- %s сек
- Введите код подтверждения, отправленный на вашу эл. почту.
- Введите код из приложения Google Authenticator.
- Вывод средств
- Успешно
- Недостаточно доступных средств
- Мин. сумма, которую вы можете вывести - %s
- Макс.сумма вывода: %s
- Вывод средств не выполнен
+ Send %s
+ Network
+ Fee from amount
+ Fee
+ Ensure the network matches the withdrawal address and the deposit platform supports it, or assets may be lost.
+ Security Verification
+ Verification Code
+ Google Authenticator Code
+ Resend
+ %s sec
+ Enter verification code sent to your email.
+ Enter code from your Google Authenticator App.
+ Withdraw
+ Success
+ Not enough available Balance
+ The minimum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ The maximum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ Withdraw Failed
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
index f5a51812f7f..26b5d9091be 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
- Parametre ayarlanmadı
- %1$s%2$s
+ Parameter is not set
+ %s%s
Yeniden başlat
- Göster
- Gizle
+ Show
+ Hide
- QR Kod Okuma
+ Scan QR Code
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- Yenile
+ Refresh
Bağlantıyı Kes
@@ -48,22 +48,22 @@
- Daha fazla bilgi edin
+ Learn More
- kaydol
+ Sign
- API Anahtarı alın
- Giriş yapmak
- Üye olmak
- Onayla
- Tekrar deneyin
- Paylaş
- Uygula
- Miktarı Ayarla
- %1$s\'den küçük veya %2$s\'den büyük olamaz
- Hatalı tam sayı numarası
+ Get API Keys
+ Log In
+ Sign Up
+ Submit
+ Try Again
+ Share
+ Apply
+ Set Amount
+ Can\'t be less than %1$s or more than %2$s
+ Wrong integer number
- N/A
+ n/a
Senkronizasyon hatası. Tekrar deneyin
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
Kurtarma cümlesi
Kelime Listesi
- Şifre
+ Password
%s kelimeler (Tavsiye edilen)
%s kelime
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@
12, 15, 18, 21 veya 24 kelime girin
Standart Olmayan Geri Yükleme
Bu sayfa, standart olmayan bir cüzdanı olan Unstoppable kullanıcıları için özel geri yükleme mekanizması sağlar. Genel olarak, bu tür cüzdanlar, İngilizce olmayan bir anımsatma kelimeleri listesi ve/veya cüzdan şifresinde özel bir karakter (yani aksan simgesi) kullanılarak Unstoppable 0.27 - 0.28 sürümünde oluşturulmuş olabilir.\n\n Bu durumdan etkilenen bir kullanıcıysanız, 0.29 sürümüne güncelledikten sonra cüzdan bakiyeniz 0 olarak görüntülenir. Bu sayfa, standart olmayan cüzdanınıza erişimi geri yüklemenizi sağlayacaktır. Geri yüklendikten sonra, yeni bir cüzdan oluşturmanız (standartlarla uyumlu) ve paranızı oraya taşımanız önerilir.
- (ortalama)
+ (recommended)
Geçersiz Anahtar
Kripto Parayı Seç
- Hepsi
+ All
Oluşturulma Günü Üst Sınırı
Oluşturulma Günü Üst Sınırı
@@ -146,150 +146,150 @@
Mevcut Cuzdan
Işlemler Mevcut
Blok zinciri ile ilk senkronizasyon, çok fazla internet trafiği tüketebilir.
- CEX\'i seçin
- Bağlanmak istediğiniz merkezi santrali seçin.
- Lütfen değiş tokuşunuzu bağlamak için API Anahtarlarını ve API Sırrını sağlayın.
- API Anahtarı
- Gizli Anahtar
+ Select CEX
+ Select the centralized exchange to which you want to connect.
+ Please provide the API Keys and API Secret to link your exchange.
+ API Key
+ Secret Key
Kontrol etme…
P. Değeri
- Marketler
+ Markets
- En Yüksek
- En Düşük
- En Yüksek HacIm
- En Düşük HacIm
- En Yüksek Fiyat
- En Düşük Fiyat
- Sıralama şekli
- Total Cap
- BTC Hakimiyeti
- 24 saat hacim
+ Highest Cap
+ Lowest Cap
+ Highest Volume
+ Lowest Volume
+ Highest Price
+ Lowest Price
+ Sort by
+ Total M.Cap
+ BTC Dominance
+ 24h Volume
TVL in DeFi
DeFi Cap
- Hepsini Gör
- CoinGecko API İle Güçlendirildi
- Horizontal API Tarafından Desteklenmektedir
- DefiLlama API İle Güçlendirildi
- İzleme
- Haberler
- Coin\'ler
- Platformlar
- Çiftler
- Sektörler
- İzleme Listesi
- İzleme listeniz boş.
- En iyi Coinler
- P. Değerine Göre En Iyi Coinler
- Sinyaller
- Hacim
- Piyasa Değeri
+ See All
+ Powered By CoinGeko API
+ Powered By Horizontal API
+ Powered By DefiLlama API
+ Overview
+ News
+ Coins
+ Platforms
+ Pairs
+ Sectors
+ Watchlist
+ Your watchlist is empty.
+ Top Coins
+ Top Coins by market cap rank
+ Signals
+ Volume
+ Market Cap
- Aşağıdaki sinyaller yaklaşık olarak son 30 gün boyunca Bollinger Bantları ve RSI teknik fiyat göstergelerine dayanmaktadır. Bu sinyaller algoritmiktir ve sık sık değişebilir.
- Fiyat artışında yüksek güven.
- Yakın gelecekte muhtemel fiyat artışı.
- Net bir trend yok, piyasa denge durumunda.
- Yakın gelecekte muhtemel fiyat düşüşü.
- Fiyatın yüksek olasılıkla düşeceği.
- Yüksek risk seviyesi, dikkat gerektirir.
- Her zaman risk yönetimini uygulamayı unutmayın ve bu finansal tavsiye değildir.
- Aç
+ Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently.
+ High confidence in price increase.
+ Likely price increase in near future.
+ No clear trend, market is in equilibrium.
+ Likely price decrease in near future.
+ High probability of price decrease.
+ Elevated risk level, requires caution.
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ Turn on
Top 100
Top 200
Top 300
Top 500
- En İyi Piyasa Çiftleri
- Her borsada hacme göre en üstte olan işlem çiftleri
+ Top Market Pairs
+ Top trading pairs by volume in every exchanges
- En İyi Piyasa Çiftleri
- En İyi Sektörler
- Sektörler
+ Top Market Pairs
+ Top Sectors
+ Sectors
- En İyi Platformlar
- En İyi Blok Zinciri Platformları
+ Top Platforms
+ Top Blockchain Platforms
Leading blockchain platforms by the cumulative market of projects built on top.
Protocols: %s
- %s Ekosistemi
- %s zincirindeki tüm protokollerin piyasa değeri
+ %s Ecosystem
+ Market cap of all protocols on the %s chain
- Toplam Piyasa Değeri
- BTC Hakimiyeti
- 24s Hacim
+ Total Cap
+ BTC Dominance
+ 24h Vol.
DeFi Cap
- TVL in DeFi
- ETF Girişi
- Tüm kripto paraların toplam piyasa değeri.
+ Total market value of all cryptocurrencies.
The historical change in ratio between the market cap of Bitcoin to the rest of the cryptocurrency markets. \n\nTypically, when Bitcoin dominance trending higher the rest of the crypto market trends down and vice versa.
- Kripto piyasa 24 saatlik işlem hacmi.
- %s için günlük toplam işlem hacmindeki tarihsel değişiklik
- DeFi projelerinin toplam piyasa değeri.
- DeFi\'deki Toplam Kilit Değer (TVL).
- Zincir ile filtrele
+ The 24h trading volume of the crypto market.
+ The historical change in daily aggregate trading volume for %s
+ Total market value of DeFi projects.
+ Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi.
+ Filter by chain
- Bu kripto para henüz desteklenmiyor
+ This coin is not supported yet
This project doesn’t have a coin
- Toplam Net Giriş
- Bir ETF\'nin net girişi, nakit girişlerinin çıkışlardan çıkarılmasıyla eşittir.
- En Yüksek Varlıklar
- En Düşük Varlıklar
- Giriş
- Çıkış
- Hepsi
- Toplam Net Varlıklar
+ Total Net Inflow
+ The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows.
+ Highest Assets
+ Lowest Assets
+ Inflow
+ Outflow
+ All
+ Total Net Assets
- Sonuç bulunamadı
- Filtreler
- Sonuçlar
+ No results found
+ Filters
+ Results
Browse Categories
- Set Seç
- Piyasa Değeri
- İşlem Hacmi
- İşlem Hacmi (24 saat)
- Fiyat Periyodu
- Ticaret Sinyalleri
- Fiyat Değişimi
- 24 Saat
- Gece Yarısı UTC
+ Choose Set
+ Market Cap
+ Trading Volume
+ Trading Volume (24h)
+ Price Period
+ Trading Signals
+ Price Change
+ 24 Hours
+ Midnight UTC
- BTC\'yi Geride Bıraktı
- ETH\'yi Geride Bıraktı
- BNB\'yi Geride Bıraktı
- ATH\'ye Yakın Fiyat
- ATL\'ye Yakın Fiyat
- En İyi Borsalarda Listelenmiş
- İyi CEX Hacmi
- Genel Puan iyi veya mükemmel
- İyi DEX Hacmi
- Genel Puan iyi veya mükemmel
- İyi Dağılım
- Genel Puan iyi veya mükemmel
- Kuvvetli Al
- Al
- Tarafsız
- Kuvvetli Satış
- Sat
- Riskli
- Kazanlar
+ Outperformed BTC
+ Outperformed ETH
+ Outperformed BNB
+ Price Close To ATH
+ Price Close To ATL
+ Listed on Top Exchanges
+ Good CEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good DEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good Distribution
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Risky
+ Gainers
Top 100
Top 250
Top 500
Top 1000
Top 1500
- Sonuçları Göster
- Sonuçları Göster: %d
+ Show Results
+ Show Results: %d
< 5M
5M - 20M
20M - 100M
@@ -313,31 +313,31 @@
10B - 100B
100B - 500B
> 500B
- 1 Gün
- 1 Hafta
- 2 Hafta
- 1 Ay
- 3 Ay
- 6 Ay
- 1 Yıl
- Manuel
- Kazanlar
- Kaybedenler
- En Yüksek
- En Düşük
+ 1 Day
+ 1 Week
+ 2 Weeks
+ 1 Month
+ 3 Months
+ 6 Months
+ 1 Year
+ Manual
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ Highest Cap
+ Lowest Cap
%s Markets
- Hesaptan Çek
+ Withdraw
- Takas
- Al
+ Swap
+ Deposit
- %1$s için %2$s
+ %s = 1 %s
%s kadar
İşlemler aranıyor ...
@@ -352,36 +352,37 @@
Blokları İndirme
Tarama Blokları
Henüz cüzdan yok
- Bu cüzdana hiç jeton eklemediniz.
+ You haven\'t added any coins to this wallet.
Bu cüzdan adresinde bakiye bulunmuyor
- Gönderilecek öğeniz yok.
- Takas edilecek varlığınız yok.
- Ağ
- Biçim
- Bir ağ seçin ve para yatırmak için bir adres alın.
- %s yatırmak için adresiniz
- %s adresini izle
- Adresinizi almak için bir adres biçimi seçin.
- Adres Formatı
- Geliştirilmiş kullanıcı deneyimi ve uyumluluğu nedeniyle Bitcoin Cash (BCH) almak için Nakit Adresi formatı tercih edilmektedir. Ancak gönderenin adres formatı ne olursa olsun, BCH\'yi almak için her iki adres formatı da birbirinin yerine kullanılabilir.
- Bitcoin\'de daha iyi bir verimlilik ve güvenlik için yerel SegWit formatı tercih edilir. Tüm adres formatları (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy), gönderenin adres formatına bakılmaksızın BTC almak için birbirinin yerine kullanılabilir ve farklı para birimlerinde kesintisiz işlemlere olanak tanır.
- Hesap
- Aktif değil
- Tutar
- Miktarı Ayarla
- Adres tipi
- Kilitli
- Yayınlama
+ You have no assets to send.
+ You have no assets to swap.
+ Network
+ Format
+ Choose network to get an address to receive.
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Watch address of %s
+ Choose a format for providing an address to receive.
+ Address Format
+ The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender\'s address format.
+ The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender\'s address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types.
+ Account
+ Not active
+ Amount
+ Set Amount
+ Address type
+ Locked
+ Processing
+ Broadcasting
Memo (Tag)
- Tanıyamıyorum
- Bu adres izlenen hesabın adresidir
- Gerekli Memo (Etiket) sağlayın ve yalnızca ağ uyumlu jetonları gönderin. Diğerleri kaybolur.
- Kullanılan Adresler
- %s adresi gizlilik ve güvenlik nedeniyle değişiyor. Bu cüzdanın kullanılan adreslerinin bir listesi aşağıda verilmiştir.
- Alıcının adresi
- Değişiklik Adresleri
- Kripto Para Adı
- Ara
+ Can\'t recognize
+ This address is the address of the watched account
+ Provide required Memo (Tag) and send only network-compatible tokens. Others will be lost.
+ Used Addresses
+ %s addresses change for privacy and security. Below a list of used addresses in this wallet.
+ Receive Addresses
+ Change Addresses
+ Coin Name
+ Search
Yetersiz bakiye
@@ -394,24 +395,28 @@
İleri düzey
TimeLock yalnızca BIP44 adreslerine (1 ile başlar) göndermek için çalışır
- UTxO Uzman Modu
- Bakiyedeki fonları harcamak için UTxO\'yu manuel olarak seçin
- Göndermek için
- Değiştir
- Ücretle Değiştir
- Bu seçenek, takılı kalmış bir işlemi ücret miktarını artırarak yeniden göndermenizi sağlar.
- Etkinleştirildi
- Etkisizleştirildi
+ UTxO Expert Mode
+ Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance
+ Send To
+ Change
+ Replace by Fee
+ This option allows you to resend a stuck transaction by increasing the amount of the fee.
+ Enabled
+ Disabled
+ Available Balance
+ Unsellect All
+ Sellect All
- Kendi
+ Own
Tahmini süre:
+ Action
\u2713 Gönderilen
Kamera izni bulunmamaktadır
Lütfen kamere erişim izni verin
@@ -437,13 +442,13 @@
1 yıl
Ücret oranı
- %1$s (%2$s) için ișlem ücreti %3$s hesabından ödenir. Asgari %4$s gerekiyor.
+ %s (%s) için ișlem ücreti %s hesabından ödenir. Asgari %s gerekiyor.
Uyarı! Takılma riski
- Ücret Hatası
- Ücret Oranı çok düşük.
+ Fee Error
+ Fee Rate is too low.
İşlem takılabilir veya başarısız olabilir
- Ücret Hatası
- Sunucuyla bağlantı kesildi. Göndermek için sitedeki verileri kullanarak komisyonları manuel olarak ayarlayın.
+ Fee Error
+ The connection to the server has been lost. To proceed, set up the fees manually using the data on the site.
İleri düzey
İşlem Nonce
@@ -457,15 +462,15 @@
Verilen işlem için beklenen maksimum toplam ücret. Genellikle, gerçek işlem ücreti daha düşük olur.
Maks. Ücret
Bu işlem için ödenecek maksimum tahmini işlem ücreti, aşağıdaki gaz limiti, maksimum ücret oranı ve maksimum öncelik ücreti değerlerine göre hesaplanır. Ödenen gerçek ücret normalde daha düşük olacaktır.
- Ağ Ücreti
- Ağda belirli bir işlemi göndermenin tahmini maliyeti.
+ Network Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network.
İşlem karmaşıklığı \"gaz\" adı verilen birimlerle ölçülür. Yürütülen akıllı sözleşmeye bağlı olarak değişir. Gaz Limiti, onu yürütmek için gereken tahmini maksimum gazdır. Kullanılan gerçek gaz normalde daha düşük olacaktır.
Ağ üzerinde işlem yapmanın ücreti gaz birimleri cinsinden ölçülür. Gaz Fiyatı, bir kullanıcının bir işlemi gerçekleştirmek için ödemeye razı olduğu tutardır. Ağ yoğun olduğunda gaz fiyatları yüksek ve boşta olduğunda düşüktür. Gaz fiyatının yetersiz olması, genellikle bir işlemin uzun süre beklemede kalmasının bir nedenidir.
Baz Ücret
Ağ protokolü, her blok için gaz başına taban fiyatı belirler ve buna baz ücret oranı denir. Bloktan bloğa ağ kullanım seviyesine göre değişir. Bir sonraki blokta% 12,5\'ten fazla artamaz veya azalabilir ve bu da ücretleri daha öngörülebilir hale getirir. Burada gösterilen değer, geçerli bloğun temel ücret oranıdır.
- Maks. Ücret Oranı (Gwei)
+ Max Fee Rate
Bu, kullanıcının ödemek istediği gaz başına maksimum toplam fiyattır. Ağın temel ücret oranını ve maksimum öncelik ücreti oranını kapsamalıdır. Burada gösterilen değer, bir sonraki bloğun taban ücret oranının tahmini artı kullanıcı tarafından seçilen maksimum öncelik ücreti oranına göre önerilir. Ödenen gerçek ücret oranı normalde daha düşük olacaktır. Bunu mevcut taban ücret oranından daha düşük bir değere ayarlamak, ödenen ücreti sınırlayacaktır, ancak işlemin onaylanması için daha uzun bekleme sürelerine, hatta sıkışmış bir işlemde bile sonuçlanacaktır.
- Maks. Öncelik Ücreti (Gwei)
+ Max Priority Fee
Kullanıcılar, bir işlemin daha hızlı onaylanmasını teşvik etmek için öncelik ücretleri öderler. Bazen tips denir. Maksimum öncelik ücreti oranı, kullanıcının taban ücret oranının üzerine ödemek istediği gaz başına maksimum ek fiyattır. Burada gösterilen değer, tahmin edilen ağ koşullarına göre önerilir. Gerçek öncelik ücreti normalde daha düşük olacaktır. Bunu sıfıra ayarlamak, tüm kullanıcılardan bekleyen işlemler kuyruğunun sonuna yerleştirildiğinden, işlemin onaylanması için uzun bir bekleme süresine neden olabilir.
İşlem bir süre beklemede kalabilir veya tamamen başarısız olabilir.
@@ -490,21 +495,27 @@
Genellikle bu ücret, işlemin Bitcoin için dakikalar/saatler içinde ve Ethereum için dakikalar içinde işleme alınması için yeterli olacaktır.
Önceliğin önemli olduğu işlemler için yüksek ücret değeri kullanmanızı öneririz. Bir işlemin Bitcoin için 10 dakika, Ethereum için 1-2 dakika içerisinde tamamlanması için yeterli olacaktır.
- Masraf
- Ağda belirli bir işlemi göndermenin tahmini maliyeti. (Enerji, Bant Genişliği ve Aktivasyon Ücreti hariç)
- Aktivasyon ücreti
- Bu adres aktif değil. TRX veya TRC-10 jetonlarını aktif olmayan bir hesap adresine transfer etmek, hesabı aktif hale getirecektir.
- Tüketilen Kaynaklar
- Band Width, blockchain veritabanında saklanan işlem baytlarının boyutunu ölçen birimdir. İşlem ne kadar büyük olursa, o kadar fazla bant genişliği kaynağı tüketilir.\n\nEnergy, TRON sanal makinesinin TRON ağında belirli işlemleri gerçekleştirmek için ihtiyaç duyduğu hesaplama miktarını ölçen birimdir.\n\nAkıllı sözleşmeden beri işlemlerin yürütülmesi için bilgi işlem kaynakları gerekir, her akıllı sözleşme işleminin energy ücretini ödemesi gerekir.
+ Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network. (Without excluding Energy, Bandwidth and Activating Fee)
+ Activation Fee
+ This address is not active. Transferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account.
+ Resources Consumed
+ Bandwidth is the unit that measures the size of the transaction bytes stored in the blockchain database. The larger the transaction, the more bandwidth resources will be consumed.\n\nEnergy is the unit that measures the amount of computation required by the TRON virtual machine to perform specific operations on the TRON network.\n\nSince smart contract transactions require computing resources to execute, each smart contract transaction requires to pay for the energy fee.
- Bu adres aktif değil
- (aktif değil)
- Aktif Adres Değil
- TRON blok zincirinde yeni oluşturulan hesaplar etkin değildir ve sorgulanamaz veya araştırılamaz. Etkinleştirilmeleri gerekiyor.\n\nTRX veya TRC-10 jetonlarını etkin olmayan bir hesap adresine aktarmak, hesabı etkinleştirir. Tron zincirinde yeni bir hesabın etkinleştirilmesi 1 TRX ücret gerektirir
- TRX kendinize aktarılamıyor
- 0 %s aktarılamıyor
- Hesap aktif değil
- Yeni TRON cüzdanları aktif hale gelmek için en az 1 TRX yatırılmasını gerektirir. Aktif olmayan cüzdanlar, tokenları alabilir ve saklayabilir, ancak etkinleştirilene kadar bakiyeleri güncellemez.
+ This address is not active
+ (not active)
+ Not Active Address
+ Newly created accounts on the TRON blockchain are inactive and cannot be queried or explored. They need to be activated.\n\nTransferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account. Activating a new account on the Tron chain requires a fee of 1 TRX
+ Cannot transfer TRX to yourself
+ Cannot transfer 0 %s
+ Account Not Active
+ New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated.
+ New Connection
+ Invalid URL Address
+ Unnamed
+ Wallet
+ Choose a Wallet
@@ -531,15 +542,15 @@
Lütfen doğrulamak için bir mesajı imzalayın
WalletConnect\'i kullanmadan önce bir cüzdan oluşturmanız veya içe aktarmanız gerekir
- Kurtarma ifadesinin bir kopyasını oluşturarak bu cüzdanı yedekleyin. Telefonunuzun kaybolması, çalınması, kırılması vb. durumlarda cüzdana erişmek için gerekli olacaktır.
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
Bu özellik salt izlenir cüzdanlarda çalışmaz, geri yüklediğiniz veya oluşturduğunuz bir cüzdana geçmeniz gerekiyor
Desteklenmeyen Blockchain
Uygun hesap yok
Uygun evm kiti yok
Veri ayrıştırma hatası
- Desteklenmeyen zincirler: %s
- Desteklenmeyen yöntemler: %s
- Desteklenmeyen olaylar: %s
+ Unsupported chains: %s
+ Unsupported methods: %s
+ Unsupported events: %s
İstek bulunamadı hatası
Bağlı dapp\'niz yok
bekleyen istekler
@@ -555,8 +566,8 @@
Mevcut cüzdan türünüz %s WalletConnect\'i desteklemiyor
Bilinmeyen dApp
- Eşleştirme
- Eşleştirilmiş dApps
+ Pairings
+ Paired dApps
Hepsini Sil
Eşleştirilmiş tüm dAps\'leri silmek istiyor musunuz?
@@ -577,10 +588,10 @@
Tahmin Hatası
Bakiyeyi kontrol edin ve ücreti karşılayacak kadar %s olduğundan emin olun. Veya fiyat kayma miktarını artırın ve tekrar deneyin. 3 saniye sonra otomatik olarak tekrar denenecektir…
Gelecekteki işlemler için ödeme yapabilmek için bakiyenizde biraz %s bırakmayı göz önünde bulundurun.
- Beklenmeyen hata: %s
+ Unexpected error: %s
- En İyi Fiyat
+ Best Price
@@ -588,56 +599,56 @@
Kullanılabilir bakiye
- Mevcut Bakiye
+ Available Balance
Satış Fiyatı
Alış Fiyatı
Fiyat Etkisi
- Rayiç fiyat ile beklenen uzlaşma fiyatı arasındaki fark çok yüksek.
- Önemli! Son derece olumsuz bir fiyat alıyorsunuz. Bunun nedeni son derece düşük likiditedir.
+ Unstoppable has disabled swap action for this trade because you\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.\nIf you still want to swap please use %s website instead.
+ Important! You\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.
Garantili Tutar
Tahmini Ücret
Maksimum Ücret
- Kayma
- Alıcı
- Sağlayıcı Yok
- Teklif Yok
+ Slippage
+ Recipient
+ No Providers
+ No Quote
Yetersiz bakiye
- Bakiye N/A
+ Balance n/a
Bu token swap edilemez
Bu hizmet wrapping/unwrapping yapmaya izin vermiyor. Bunun yerine 1 inç kullanın.
Yüksek fiyat etkisi
- Jeton Etkin Değil
- Cüzdan senkronize ediliyor
- Cüzdan Senkronize Edilmedi
+ Token Not Enabled
+ Wallet is Syncing
+ Wallet Not Synced
- Giriş Tokeni Seç
- Çıkış Tokeni Seç
- Miktar Girin
- Kilidi Aç
- Kilidi Açılıyor...
+ Select Token In
+ Select Token Out
+ Enter Amount
+ Unlock
+ Unlocking...
İptal et
İptal ediliyor...
- Alıntı
+ Quoting
Maksimum Ödenen
Garantili Tutar
İle çalışır
- Sağlayıcı
- Sağlayıcılar
+ Provider
+ Providers
Swap Sağlayıcısı
- Rota bulunamadı
- Ödediğiniz
- Kazandığınız
- Onayla
- Alıntı süresi doldu
- Son teklifi alınıyor
+ Route not found
+ You Pay
+ You Get
+ Confirm
+ Quote expired
+ Fetching final quote
Swap Ayarları
@@ -676,10 +687,10 @@
Sen Onaylıyorsun
Sen iptal et
- Erişimi Aç
- Aşağıdaki miktar için erişime izin ver
- Akıllı bir sözleşmeye, adınıza token ticareti yapabilmesi için izin verin ve izin verilen miktarı belirtin. Bakiyenize herhangi bir etkisi olmaz, ancak onay için küçük bir ücret alınır.\n\nGelecekteki işlemler için daha yüksek bir miktarın önceden onaylanması, talep üzerine onaylara göre maliyet açısından daha avantajlıdır.
- Sınırsız
+ Unlock Access
+ Allow access to the following amount
+ Grant permission to a smart contract for token trading on your behalf, specifying the allowed amount. No impact on your balance, but incurs a small fee for approval.\n\nPre-approving a higher amount for future trades is cost-effective compared to on-demand approvals.
+ Unlimited
Bir borsanın, token takaslarını yürütürken kullanıcının adına harcayabileceği ödenek miktarı. Fiili bir takas işleminin gerçekleşmesinde yeterli ödenek gereklidir.
@@ -698,43 +709,45 @@
Henüz herhangi bir bekleyen veya geçmiş işlem yok
Lütfen güncellemenin bitmesini bekleyin.
Devam ediyor
- Alındı
+ Received
- Gönderildi
+ Sent
- Onayla
- Takas Edildi
+ Approved
+ Swapped
Sözleşme Çağrısı
Harici Çağrı
Sözleşme Oluşturma
+ Contract Deploy
%s kişisine
%s kişisinden
- sınırsız %s
- sınırsız
+ unlimited %s
+ unlimited
- Blok zincirine göre filtrele
+ Blockchain
- Kişiler
+ Contacts
Tüm Blok Zincirleri
Tüm paralar
- Tüm Kişiler
+ All Contacts
Kripto Parayı Seç
- Blockchain Seç
+ Choose Blockchain
Bilinmeyen İşlem
+ Ton Transaction
İşlem çözümlenemiyor
- Filtre
- Şüpheli İşlemleri Gizle
- Gelen işlemleri, stablecoin\'lerdeki toz miktarı ile gizlemek, adres zehirleme saldırısı sorunlarını kısmen çözer.
- İletişim filtrelemesi aşağıdaki blok zincirlerinde çalışır: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton ve ZCash. Aşağıda uygun iletişim bilgileri bulunmaktadır
- Uygun hiçbir iletişim bilginiz yok
+ Filter
+ Hide suspicious tx
+ Hiding incoming transactions with the dust amount in stablecoins, this partially solves the address poisoning attack problems.
+ Filtering by contacts works on the following blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton and ZCash. Below are the suitable contacts
+ You don\'t have any suitable contacts
Hesap işlemi
İşlem Bilgileri
@@ -763,17 +776,17 @@
Ödediğiniz Tutar
Aldığınız Tutar
- Gönderdiniz
- Alındı
- Gönderildi
- Onayla
+ You Sent
+ Received
+ Sent
+ Approved
Yeniden Gönder
Onayı İptal Et
- Bu işlem şüpheli ve dolandırıcılık olabilir. \nLütfen bu işlemden herhangi bir adres kopyalamayın.
- Bu işlem, önceki işlemi geçersiz kılmak için onu daha yüksek bir ücretle yeniden göndermeye çalışacaktır.
+ This transaction is suspicious and can be a scam.\nPlease do not copy any addresses from this transaction.
+ This action will attempt to invalidate the previous transaction by resending it with a higher fee.
Devam ediyor
@@ -788,16 +801,18 @@
İşlemi İptal Et
İşlem zaten blokta
- Değiştirilmiş İşlemler
- Ücret (Sat)
- Ücret Çok Düşük
- RBF (Ücretle Değiştir) etkin değil
- Değiştirilemiyor
+ Replaced Transactions
+ Fee (Sat)
+ Fee Too Low
+ RBF not enabled
+ Unable to replace
Gönderici bu fonları %s.\n\n tarihte sona erecek şekilde bir harcama kilidiyle gönderdi. Endişelenmeyin, alınan Bitcoin\'ler zaten sizindir ancak kilitleme süresi sona erene kadar bunları harcayamazsınız.
- Gönderici bu fonları belirtilen tarihte sona erecek şekilde bir harcama kilidiyle gönderdi.\n\nEndişelenmeyin, alınan Bitcoin\'ler zaten sizindir ancak kilitleme süresi sona erene kadar bunları Bitcoin ağında harcayamazsınız.
- Yayın
- Bu miktarı içeren işlem yayınlandı ancak henüz ağ tarafından kabul edilmedi.
+ The sender sent these funds with a spending lock that will expire on the shown date. \n\nNo worries, the received Bitcoins are already yours, but until the lock period expires you cannot spend them on the Bitcoin network.
+ Broadcast
+ The transaction holding this amount is broadcasted but not yet accepted by the network.
+ Processing amount
+ Transactions with this amount still syncing. And when they are confirmed, these tokens will be available for spending
Çifte Harcama
Çifte Harcama Riski! Blockchain\'de, bu işlemde kullanılan girdileri harcamaya çalışan başka bir işlem var. Ağ tarafından yalnızca bir işlem kabul edilecektir
Bu Tx
@@ -827,81 +842,82 @@
Bizi Değerlendirin
Başlangıç Ekranı
- Telegram aracılığıyla
- E-posta yoluyla
- Otomatik kilit
+ via Telegram
+ via E-mail
+ Auto-Lock
Be Unstoppable
- Özel videolar aracılığıyla kripto para birimini öğrenin ve ustalaşın. Bizi resmi olmayan bir şekilde tanıyın. Üzerinde çalıştığımız şeyleri ilk gören siz olun.
- Kişisel Destek
- Takımımızla kişisel destek sohbeti başlatmak için Telegram hesap adınızı girin. Sorununuzu gördüğümüzde hemen size geri dönecek ve çalışmaya başlayacağız.
- Zaten özel bir sohbet talep ettiniz, bunu Telegram\'da bulun
- Hesap
+ Learn and master crypto via exclusive videos. Get to know us informally. Be the first to see things we work on.
+ Personal Support
+ Enter your Telegram account name to start a personal support chat with our team. We\'ll get back to you and start working on your problem as soon as we see it.
+ You\'ve already requested a private chat, find it on Telegram
+ Account
- Talep Edildi
- İstek
- Yeni istek
- Talep Başarısız oldu
- Abrir Telegram
- Desteğinizle birlikte bu uygulamayı daha da iyi hale getirebiliriz!
- Bağış yapmak
- Bağış yapmak %s
- Bağış yapın
- Bağış Adresi
- Adresler
- Ya bağış yapmak için bir coin seçin
- Hemen
- 1 dakika
- 5 dakika
- 15 dakika
- 30 dakika
- 1 saat
+ Requested
+ Request
+ New Request
+ Request failed
+ Open Telegram
+ Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!
+ Donate
+ Get your tokens
+ Donate %s
+ Donate with
+ Donation Address
+ Addresses
+ Or select a coin to donate
+ Immediate
+ 1 minute
+ 5 minutes
+ 15 minutes
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
- Bakiye çevrimi
- Bakiye değeri
+ Balance Conversion
+ Balance Value
Simgeyi değiştirmek uygulamayı kapatır
- Piyasaları Gizle
- Düğmeleri Gizle
- Bu yapılandırma, Bakiye sekmesinde Gönder, Al ve Değiştir düğmelerini gizler.
- Denge Otomatik Gizleme
- Uygulama her açıldığında, önceki tercihlere bakılmaksızın bakiyeyi otomatik olarak gizler.
- Fiyat Değişimi %
+ Hide Markets
+ Hide Buttons
+ This configuration hides the Send, Receive, and Swap buttons on Balance tab.
+ Balance Auto Hide
+ Automatically hides balance each time the app is opened, regardless of previous preferences.
+ Price Change %
Para değeri
Fiat Değeri
Uygulama Hakkında
Web sitesi
Neler yeni
- Uygulama Sürümü
+ App Version
Blockchain Ayarları
- Yedekleme yöneticisi
- Yedeği Geri Yükle
- Yeni Yedek Oluştur
- Yedek Dosyası
- Geri Yükle
- Yedek dosyasındaki içeriklerin listesi.
- Uyarı
- Değiştir
- Bu işlem, aygıtta bulunan ödeme kişilerinizin üzerine yazılır.
- Yedekleme Gerekli
- Cüzdan İzle
- İzleme Listesi
- Özel RPC
- Uygulama Ayarları
- Dil, Para Birimi, Görünüm...
+ Backup Manager
+ Restore Backup
+ Create New Backup
+ Backup File
+ Restore
+ List of contents in the backup file.
+ Warning
+ Replace
+ This action will overwrite your local payment contacts.
+ Backup required
+ Watch Wallets
+ Watchlist
+ Custom RPC
+ App Settings
+ Language, Currency, Appearance …
- Unstoppable, coin bakiyelerinizi veya adreslerinizi açığa çıkaran kişisel verileri toplamaz. Biraz kullanıcı arayüzü kullanım istatistikleri topluyoruz, ancak bunlar yalnızca kullanıcı tabanımızı ve uygulama kullanım eğilimlerini anlamak içindir. İsterseniz bunu devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz.
- Cüzdan herhangi bir kişisel veri toplamaz.
- Kullanıcı hesapları veya kullanıcı verilerini depolayan veritabanları yoktur.
- İzin verilirse, cüzdan, Unstoppable ekibiyle uygulama kullanım alışkanlıklarını paylaşacak. Bu, kullanıcılarımızın hangi özellikleri kullandığını (veya kullanmadığını) anlamak için. Gizliliğe odaklanan bir uygulama olarak, çabalarımızı değerlendirmenin bir yolu olmalı ve bu olmadan, oluşturduğumuz özelliklerin kullanılıp kullanılmadığını bilmiyoruz.
- UI Verilerini Paylaş
+ Unstoppable doesn\'t collect personal data that expose your private information i.e. coin balances or addresses. While we gather some UI usage statistics, it\'s solely for understanding our user base and app usage trends. That can be disabled if you wish.
+ The wallet does not gather any personal data.
+ There are no user accounts or databases storing user data.
+ If allowed the wallet will share app usage habits with Unstoppable team. This is to understand which features are being used (or not) by our users. Being a privacy focused app we need some way to evaluate our efforts and without this we have no idea whether the features we built are being used or not.
+ Share UI data
@@ -916,8 +932,8 @@
Bu URL\'ye sahip RPC kaynak zaten var
Girilen Url geçersiz. Geçerli url aşağıdaki şemalardan birine sahip olmalıdır: http, https, ws, wss
- Kaynak değiştirdikten sonra cüzdanın kendini yeniden senkronize etmesi gerekecek.
- İşlemler yapılmış cüzdanı geri yüklemek için veri kaynağını seçin.
+ After changing source the wallet will have to resync itself.
+ Choose the source Unstoppable app should use for synchronizing wallet(s).
İşlem Ayarları
İşlem Girdileri / Çıktıları
@@ -927,15 +943,15 @@
- Biyometrik doğrulama
+ Biometrics
Biyometrik Kimlik Doğrulamanın etkinleştirilmesi, düz PIN kilit koduna kıyasla cihazınızın güvenliğini zayıflatabilir.
- Kod
- Şifre Kodunu Devre Dışı Bırak
+ Enable Passcode
+ Disable Passcode
Kod Değiştir
- Baskı Modunu Ayarla
- Duress Şifresini Düzenle
- Zorlama Şifresini Devre Dışı Bırak
- Seçilen cüzdanları zorlama altında güvende tutmak için tasarlanmış özel bir mod.
+ Set Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Disable Duress Passcode
+ A specialized mode designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion.
Cüzdanları yönet
Bu eylem, Unstoppable Cüzdan\'ı yeniden başlatacak.
Bu uygulamayı kullanırken internetinizi tamamen anonimleştirin. Bazı durumlarda DeFi uygulamaları için WalletConnect özelliğinin çok yavaş olabileceğini veya hiç çalışmayabileceğini unutmayın.
@@ -946,29 +962,31 @@
Lexicographical Dizinleme
Blockchair API
- Hızlı, Özel, Merkezileştirilmiş
- API + Blockchain
- Blok zincirine göre filtrele
- Yavaş, Özel.
- Duress Şifre Kodu
- Duress Modu için bir şifre kodu ayarlayın
- Duress Şifresini Düzenle
- Duress Modu için yeni şifreyi girin
- Duress Modu
- Bu mod, kullanıcıların sadece belirtilen cüzdanları gösteren istenen şifre kodlarıyla birden fazla uygulama kilidini ayarlamalarına olanak tanır. Seçilen cüzdanları zorlama veya tehditler altında güvende tutmak için tasarlanmıştır.
- Biyometrik doğrulama
- Biyometrik Kimlik Doğrulama özelliği Zorlama Modunun kilidini açmak için çalışacaktır. Kolaylık olması açısından Biyometrik Kimlik Doğrulamayı devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz.
- Şifre Kodu Devre Dışı Bırakma
- Ana modda şifre kodunu devre dışı bırakmak, Duress Modunu otomatik olarak sıfırlar.
- Şifre Kodu Değiştirme
- Duress Modunda şifre kodunu değiştirmek, o mod için mevcut şifre kodunu da değiştirir.
- Cüzdanları Seçin
- Duress Modunda gösterilecek cüzdanları seçin.
+ Very Fast
+ Fast
+ Blockchain
+ Slow. Highest Privacy.
+ Duress Passcode
+ Set a passcode for Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Enter new passcode for Duress Mode
+ Duress Mode
+ This mode allows user to setup multiple unlock app passcodes where a desired passcode shows only specified wallets. Designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion or threats.
+ Biometrics
+ The Biometric Authentication feature will work to unlock the Duress Mode. You can disable Biometric Authentication for convenience.
+ Passcode Disabling
+ Disabling the passcode in the main mode will automatically reset the duress mode.
+ Passcode Change
+ Changing the passcode in the Duress Mode will also change the current PIN code for that mode.
+ Select Wallets
+ Select the wallets that will be displayed in duress mode.
- Durdurulamaz cüzdan, kripto para birimlerine özel ve bağımsız bir şekilde yatırım yapmak ve depolamak isteyenler için tasarlanmıştır.\n\nBu, fonlar üzerinde yalnızca kullanıcının kontrolüne sahip olduğu, velayet gerektirmeyen, eşler arası bir cüzdandır. Herhangi bir veri toplamaz ve kullanıcının fonlarını belirli bir cüzdan uygulamasına kilitlemeyerek kullanıcıyı bağımsız tutar.\n\nDurdurulamaz cüzdan tamamen açık kaynaklıdır ve herkes uygulamanın tam olarak iddia ettiği gibi çalıştığını onaylayabilir.
+ The Unstoppable wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.
+\n\nIt\'s a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn\'t collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user\'s funds to a specific wallet app.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to.
Her cüzdan için kurtarma ifadelerini güvenli bir şekilde yedekleyin. Uygulama arızalanırsa fonlara yeniden erişmenin tek yolu budur.
Cüzdan kurtarma ifadeleri kurulum sırasında cihazda rastgele oluşturulur ve başka bir yerde saklanmaz.
Akıllı telefon kilit açma PIN\'ini devre dışı bırakmak, tüm cüzdanları uygulamadan siler. Fonlara yeniden erişim sağlamak için kurtarma ifadelerine ihtiyaç duyulacaktır.
@@ -978,7 +996,7 @@
Be Unstoppable
- Bizimle İletişime Geçin
+ Contact Us
İzlemek istediğiniz paralar için fiyat değişikliği uyarılarını ayarlayın\n\nSon 24 saatteki fiyat değişikliği seçilen eşiği aştığında uyarı alırsınız. \n\nFiyat Trendi Uyarısı, 6 ay boyunca, 1 haftalık kısa bir süre için bir trend değişikliği durumunu uyarır.
Unstoppable Cüzdan uygulaması için bildirimler devre dışı bırakıldı. Fiyat değişikliği uyarıları alabilmek için Bildirimler\'i açmanız ve arka plan uygulaması yenilemesine izin vermeniz gerekir.
@@ -1019,26 +1037,26 @@
E-posta adresi kopyalandı
- İzleme Listesine Eklendi
+ Added To Watchlist
Cüzdana Eklendi
- Cüzdandan Kaldırıldı
+ Removed from Wallet
Zaten cüzdana eklendi
- İzleme Listesinden Kaldır
+ Removed from Watchlist
- Senkronizasyonu bekleyin
+ Wait for synchronization
Ad, kod veya sözleşme adresi
Token Ekle
Hiçbir sonuç bulunamadı. Akıllı sözleşme adresini biliyorsanız tokeni manüel olarak eklemeyi deneyin.
- %1$s cüzdanının gelen ödemeleri almak için kullanabileceği 4 yaygın adres biçimi vardır:
+ There are 4 common address formats %1$s wallets can use to receive incoming payments:
-\n- BIP-44 (eski)
-\n- BİP-49
-\n- BIP-84 (önerilen)
-\n- BIP-86 (en yeni)
+\n- BIP-44 (older)
+\n- BIP-49
+\n- BIP-84 (recommended)
+\n- BIP-86 (newest)
-\nDurdurulamaz cüzdan 4 tanesini de desteklerken, BIP-84 formatında çalışan bir %2$s cüzdanı kullanmanızı önerir. Bu biçimde çalışan cüzdanlar, %3$s işlemi gönderirken en düşük ücreti öderler.
+\nWhile Unstoppable wallet supports all 4 of them it recommends to use a %2$s wallet operating in BIP-84 format. The wallets operating in this format get to pay lowest fees when sending %3$s transactions.
Bitcoin Cash cüzdanlarının gelen ödemeleri almak için kullanabileceği 2 adres formatı vardır:
\n- TYPE0 (eski)
@@ -1059,35 +1077,35 @@
Geri Yükle
Adresi İzle
- Dosyadan
- Bir yedek dosyadan içe aktar.
- Kurtarma İfadesinden
- Kurtarma ifadesini veya özel anahtarı kullanarak içe aktarın.
- Exchange Wallet\'tan
- Merkezi borsada bir cüzdana bağlanın.
- Adresi İzle
- EVM-Chain ve BTC, LTC, DASH adreslerinin gözlem modu
- Geçersiz Json Dosyası
- Bu dosya, cüzdanın geçerli bir yedeği değil veya dosya bozulmuş ve geri yüklenemez.
- Başka Bir Dosya Seçin
+ from File
+ Import a backup file from your local folder.
+ from Recovery Phrase
+ Import using recovery phrase or private key.
+ from Exchange Wallet
+ Connect to a wallet on centralized exchange.
+ Watch Address
+ Observing mode of EVM-Chain and BTC, LTC, DASH addresses
+ Invalid Json File
+ This file is not a valid backup of the wallet, or the file has been corrupted and cannot be restored.
+ Select Another File
- Parolanı Gir
- Cüzdanınızı içe aktarmak için yedek parolayı girin.
- Geçersiz şifre
- Yedek Şifre
- Adres veya Domain
+ Enter Password
+ Enter the backup password to import your wallet.
+ Invalid Password
+ Backup Password
+ Enter Your EVM, TRON, TON or Public Address (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash) or Account xPubKey.
Blok Zincirleri Seç
Kripto Parayı Seç
- Adres formatı desteklenmiyor
+ Address format is not supported
- Manuel Yedekleme
- Yerel Yedekleme
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
İfadeyi Göster
Ağ Ayarları
- Cüzdanın bağlantısını kaldır
+ Unlink Wallet
Yedekleme Gerekli
%1$s almadan önce %2$s anahtarlarınızı yedeklemeniz gerekiyor.
Bu işlem Cüzdanını bu cihazdan kaldıracak.
@@ -1101,7 +1119,7 @@
Adresi İzle
Hızlı değiştirme için cüzdan seçin
Bu cüzdan adresini izlemeyi bırakmak istiyor musunuz?
- %1$s yedeğini almanız gerekiyor
+ You need to backup %1$s
Ağ Ayarları
otomatik olarak değişir
@@ -1123,24 +1141,24 @@
Bu anahtar, tüm EVM uyumlu blok zincirleri içindir.\n\nGüvenlik önlemi olarak, özel anahtar üzerinde kopyalama eyleminin kullanılmamasını öneririz.
- Cüzdanı yedekle
- Kurtarma ifadesinin bir kopyasını oluşturarak bu cüzdanı yedekleyin. Telefonunuzun kaybolması, çalınması, kırılması vb. durumlarda cüzdana erişmek için gerekli olacaktır.
+ Backup Recovery Phrase
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
- Manuel Yedekleme
- Yerel Yedekleme
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
- Cüzdanı kullanmaya başlamak için cüzdan yedekleme seçeneklerinden birini tamamlayın.
- Her cüzdan için manuel bir yedeğin olması önerilir.
+ Complete one of the wallet backup options to start using the wallet.
+ It\'s recommended to have a manual backup for each wallet.
- Yerel Yedekleme
- Kaydet ve Yedekle
- Şifre Ayarla
- Yedek Kaydedildi
- Bir büyük harf, bir küçük harf, bir rakam ve bir sembol dahil olmak üzere en az 8 karakter.
- Bu şifre, cüzdanınızın yedek dosyasını şifrelemek için kullanılır. Kaybolur veya unutulursa kurtarılamaz veya sıfırlanamaz.
- Yedeklemeniz için kilit açma parolasını ayarlayın. En az 8 sembolden oluşmalı ve en az bir küçük harf, büyük harf, sayı ve özel karakter içermelidir.
- Depolama cihazları, yani sabit sürücüler, USB sürücüler , akıllı telefondaki depolama vb. fiziksel hasar, hırsızlık veya diğer öngörülemeyen durumlar nedeniyle kayba karşı savunmasızdır.
- Bir yedekleme cihazının çalınmasının veya hasar görmesinin, ilgili cüzdanın yedeğinin kaybolmasına neden olacağını anlıyorum.
+ Local Backup
+ Save and Backup
+ Set Password
+ Backup Saved
+ At least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one symbol.
+ This password is used to encrypt backup file of your wallet. It can\'t be recovered or reset if lost or forgotten.
+ Set unlock password for your backup. It must consist of at least 8 symbols and include at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number and a special character.
+ Storage devices i.e. hard drives, USB drives , storage on smartphone etc. are all vulnerable to loss due to physical damage, theft or other unforeseen circumstances.
+ I understand that theft or damage of a backup device will result in loss of a backup to a respective wallet.
Kurtarma cümlesi
Bu kelimeleri doğru sırayla yazın ve güvenli bir yerde saklayın
@@ -1155,7 +1173,7 @@
BIP32 Root Key
Özel anahtarı göstermek için dokunun
- Yapılacak
+ To do
Gizli Anahtar
EVM Özel anahtar
@@ -1223,7 +1241,7 @@
Sözleşme adresi %s blockchain\'de bulunamadı
Adres Formatı
- Ödemeleri almak için adres biçimini seçin. Mevcut bir cüzdanı geri yüklerken doğru bir format seçilmelidir.
+ Select address format for receiving payments. A correct format should be chosen when restoring an existing wallet.
Coin Tipi
@@ -1248,287 +1266,287 @@
Tor aktif
TOR\'un etkinleştirilmesi Ethereum blockchain bağlantısını tekrar Infura\'ya sıfırlayacaktır.
- Koin Bilgisi
+ Coin Info
- Marketler
- Analitik
+ Markets
+ Analytics
- Bugün
- 1G
- 7G
- 1A
- 2H
- 3A
- 6A
+ 1D
+ 7D
+ 1M
+ 2W
+ 3M
+ 6M
- Marketler
- İşlem Hacmi
- Önemli Sahipler
- İlk 10 cüzdanda tutulan token sayısı. Kaliteli projeler genellikle geniş bir şekilde dağıtılmış tokene sahiptir.
- Denetimler
- Denetim raporu yok
- Defiyield.app tarafından desteklenmektedir
- Sorunlar: %d
- Yatırımcı Verileri
- Filtreler
- Bitcointreasuries.net tarafından desteklenmektedir
- Raporlar
- Yatırılan Fonlar
+ Markets
+ Trading Volume
+ Major Holders
+ The number of tokens held by the top 10 wallets. Quality projects typically have a widely distributed token.
+ Audits
+ No audit reports
+ Powered by Defiyield.app
+ Issues: %d
+ Investor Data
+ Filters
+ Powered by Bitcointreasuries.net
+ Reports
+ Funds Invested
- Ortadüzey
+ Medium
- Çıkarım
- Merkezi
- Merkezi olmayan
- El koyma direnci
- Sansür direnci
- Denetimler
- 24 Saatlik Aralık
- Hakkında
- İzleme
- Kategori
- Kategoriler
- Kişiler
+ Issuance
+ Centralized
+ Decentralized
+ Confiscation-resistance
+ Censorship-resistance
+ Audits
+ 24h Range
+ About
+ Overview
+ Category
+ Categories
+ Contracts
- Coin çeşitleri
- Bağlantılar
- Kılavuzu
+ Coin Types
+ Links
+ Guide
Web sitesi
- Twitter mevcut değil
+ No twitter available
Henüz tweet yok
- Alıntılandı%s
- Yeniden Tweetlendi%s
- Yanıtlanıyor%s
- Twitter\'da görün
- Piyasa Değeri
- Seyreltilmiş P. Değeri
- Dolaşımda
- Toplam arz
+ Quoted %s
+ Retweeted %s
+ Replying to %s
+ See on Twitter
+ Market Cap
+ Diluted MCap
+ In Circulation
+ Total Supply
MCap / TVL Ratio
- Proje tokenının piyasa değeri ile TVL\'si üzerinden oranı.
+ The ratio of the project token\'s market cap over its TVL.
- Veri Yok
- Veri yok
+ No Data
+ No data available
Cüzdana Ekle
- Favori
- Favori Olmayan
- 1 Hafta
- 1 Ay
- Daha Fazla Oku
- Daha Az Oku
+ Favorite
+ Unfavorite
+ 1 Week
+ 1 Month
+ Read More
+ Read Less
Daha Fazlası
- Daha Fazla Oku
- Başlangıç tarihi
- Kilitlenen Toplam Değer
+ Show Less
+ Inception Date
+ Total Value Locked
TVL Rank
- Diğer protokoller arasındaki sıralama, TVL değerinin USD cinsinden değerine dayanmaktadır.
+ The ranking among other protocols is based on the TVL value in USD terms.
MCap / TVL Ratio
- Proje tokenının piyasa değeri ile TVL\'si üzerinden oranı.
- Kredi teminatı veya likidite havuzu şeklinde platforma yatırılan sermaye.
+ The ratio of the project token\'s market cap over its TVL.
+ Capital deposited into the platform in the form of loan collateral or liquidity pool.
%s Contract
BEP2 Symbol
- En Üst Cüzdanlar
- Yukarıdaki grafik, ilk 10 cüzdan tarafından tutulan dolaşımdaki tüm tokenlerin \%%\'sini göstermektedir. \%% ne kadar düşük olursa, madeni para o kadar fazla dağıtılır.
+ Top Wallets
+ The chart above shows the \%% of all tokens in circulation held by the top 10 wallets. The lower the \%% the more distributed the coin is.
ilk 10 sahibinde
Toplam Sahip: %s
- Önderlik
+ Lead
Get access to advanced wallet features by holding Unstoppable NFTs.
- [%s]\nBulunamadı
- Göstergeler
- Hareketli Ortalamalar
- Osilatörler
- EMA, SMA ve WMA, teknik analizde kullanılan hareketli ortalamalardır:\n\nEMA, daha hızlı tepkiler için yakın dönem fiyatlarına vurgu yapar.\nSMA, genel bir trend görünümü için fiyat verilerini ortalayır.\nWMA, yakın dönem verilerini lineer olarak ağırlıklandırarak hassasiyeti ve gürültü azaltmayı dengelemektedir.
- Göreceli Güç Endeksi (RSI), fiyat hızını ve değişimini ölçen, aşırı alım (70 üzeri) veya aşırı satım (30 altı) piyasa koşullarını tanımlayan bir momentum osilatörüdür. Ayrıca fiyat ters dönüşlerini değişimler yoluyla tespit edebilir.
- Hareketli Ortalama Yakınsama Iraksama (MACD), bir güvenliğin fiyatının iki EMA\'sı arasındaki ilişkiyi izleyen bir momentum göstergesidir. MACD çizgisi (12 dönemlik EMA eksi 26 dönemlik EMA), sinyal çizgisi olarak bilinen 9 dönemlik EMA\'yı kestiğinde, alım veya satım fırsatlarını sinyalize eder.
- Yetersiz Veri
- EMA 1 göstergesini göstermek için yeterli veri noktası yok. Hareketli ortalama çizgisinin bir görünümünü oluşturmak için zaman dilimini ayarlayın. EMA 1\'i göstermek için yeterli nokta yok.
- Tür
- Periyot
- RSI Uzunluğu
- Hızlı Uzunluk
- Yavaş Uzunluk
- Sinyal Düzleştirme
- Göstergeler yalnızca Durdurulamaz Cüzdan premium kullanıcıları için mevcuttur.
- Bu, verilen kripto para birimi için sağlanan referans materyale dayanarak yapay zeka tarafından oluşturulmuş bir açıklamadır. Hatalar içerebilir.
- Onaylandı
- Hepsi
- Önde gelen merkezileştirilmiş borsalarda token için 30 günlük süre boyunca toplam işlem hacmi.
- Bir yıllık süre zarfında önde gelen merkezi olmayan borsalarda token için günlük işlem hacmindeki değişikliği gösteren grafik.
- Token\'ın sıralaması, önde gelen merkezileştirilmiş borsalarda 30 günlük süre boyunca işlem hacmine dayanmaktadır.
- 24 Saat / 7 Gün / 1 Ay aralıklarında merkezi borsalarda işlem hacmine göre sıralanan tüm tokenların listesi.
- Önde gelen merkezi olmayan borsalarda token için 30 günlük süre boyunca toplam işlem hacmi.
- Bir yıllık süre zarfında önde gelen merkezi olmayan borsalarda token için günlük işlem hacmindeki değişikliği gösteren grafik.
- 30 günlük süre içinde önde gelen merkezi olmayan borsalarda işlem hacmine göre token sıralaması.
- 24 saat / 7 gün / 1 ay aralıklarında, merkezi olmayan borsalardaki işlem hacmine göre sıralanan tüm tokenlerin listesi.
+ [%s]\nNot found
+ Indicators
+ Moving Averages
+ Oscillators
+ The EMA, SMA, and WMA are moving averages used in technical analysis:\n\nEMA emphasizes recent prices for quicker reactions.\nSMA averages price data for a general trend view.\nWMA balances sensitivity and noise reduction by linearly weighting recent data.
+ The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures price speed and change, identifying overbought (above 70) or oversold (below 30) market conditions. It can also detect price reversals through divergences.
+ The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a momentum indicator that tracks the relationship between two EMAs of a security\'s price. It signals buying or selling opportunities when the MACD line (12-period EMA minus 26-period EMA) crosses the 9-period EMA, known as the signal line.
+ Insufficient Data
+ There are not enough data points to display the EMA 1 indicator. Please adjust the time period to generate a view of the moving average line.Not enough point to display EMA 1.
+ Type
+ Period
+ RSI Length
+ Fast Length
+ Slow Length
+ Signal Smoothing
+ Indicators available only for Unstoppable Wallet premium users.
+ This is an AI-generated description based on the provided reference material for the given cryptocurrency. It may contain errors.
+ Verified
+ All
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on centralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading decentralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on decentralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
İzlenen DEX\'ler:
- Önde gelen merkezi olmayan borsalarda token için şu anda mevcut olan toplam likidite.
- Bir yıllık süre zarfında önde gelen merkezi olmayan borsalarda token için mevcut likiditedeki değişikliği gösteren grafik.
- Önde gelen merkezi olmayan borsalarda token için mevcut likiditeye göre sıralanan tüm tokenlerin listesi.
+ Total currently available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ Chart showing variation in available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
İzlenen DEX\'ler:
- 24 saatlik süre boyunca benzersiz günlük aktif adreslerin toplam sayısı.
- Bir yıllık süre zarfında günlük aktif adres sayısındaki değişimi gösteren grafik.
- 30 günlük süre boyunca token ile işlem yapan benzersiz blockchain adreslerinin toplam sayısı.
- Token\'ın sıralaması, 30 günlük süre boyunca token ile işlem yapan aktif cüzdan sayısına dayanmaktadır.
- 24 saat / 7 gün / 1 ay aralıklarında, token ile işlem yapan günlük aktif adreslerin sayısına göre sıralanan tüm tokenlerin listesi.
- 30 günlük süre boyunca token ile yapılan benzersiz blockchain işlemlerinin toplam sayısı.
- Bir yıllık süre zarfında işlem sayısındaki değişimi gösteren grafik.
- Token\'ın sıralaması, 30 günlük süre boyunca token ile yapılan işlem sayısına dayanmaktadır.
- 24 saat / 7 gün / 1 ay aralıklarında, token ile yapılan işlem sayısına göre sıralanan tüm tokenlerin listesi.
- 30 günlük süre boyunca blockchain üzerinden transfer edilen toplam token sayısı.
- Çeşitli blockchain\'lerde tokeni tutan benzersiz adreslerin toplam sayısı.
- Her blok zincirinde tokenı tutan en iyi 10 cüzdan.
+ Total number of unique daily active addresses over 24-hour period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily active address count over 1 year period.
+ Total number of unique blockchain addresses transacting with token over 30-day period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of active wallets transacting with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of daily active addresses transacting with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total number of unique blockchain transactions with token over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in transaction count over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of transactions with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of transactions with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ The total number of tokens transferred over the blockchain over the 30 day period.
+ Total number of unique addresses holding the token on various blockchains.
+ Top 10 wallets holding the token on each blockchain.
İzlenen blok zincirleri: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, İyimserlik, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon
- Projenin akıllı sözleşmelerinde Kilitlenen Toplam Değer (veya Yönetim Altındaki Varlıklar).
- Projenin akıllı sözleşmelerindeki Toplam Kilit Değerdeki değişimi gösteren 1 yıllık döneme ait grafik.
- Token\'ın sıralaması mevcut Toplam Kilitli Değer üzerine kuruludur.
- Mevcut Toplam Kilit Değere göre sıralanan tüm tokenların listesi.
- Proje için Piyasa Değeri / TVL oranı.
+ Total-Value-Locked (or Assets Under Management) in the project\'s smart contracts.
+ Chart showing variation Total-Value-Locked in project\'s smart contracts over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ Market Cap / TVL ratio for the project.
30 günlük süre boyunca token sahipleri için üretilen toplam gelir. Tipik olarak, ücretler token bahisçileri tarafından veya bir token yakma mekanizması aracılığıyla toplanır.
- Token\'ın sıralaması, token bahisçileri için 30 günlük süre boyunca elde edilen gelire dayanmaktadır.
+ Token\'s rank is based on the revenue generated over a 30-day period for token stakers.
Tüm belirteçlerin listesi, (24 saat / 7D / 1M aralıklarında) bahisçileri için üretilen gelire göre sıralanmıştır.
- Özet: Bu, bir varlığın teknikleri ile ilgili çeşitli teknik göstergeleri ve zaman dilimlerini göz önünde bulunduran genel bir bakıştır. Bu göstergelere dayalı olarak bir uzlaşı görüşü sunar (Al, Sat veya Tarafsız).
- Hareketli Ortalamalar (MA): Bunlar, eğilimi takip eden bir gösterge oluşturmak için fiyat verilerini düzleştiren yaygın olarak kullanılan teknik göstergelerdir. Belirli bir zaman dilimi içinde ortalama fiyatı gösterirler. Birden fazla MA türü bulunur:\n\nBasit Hareketli Ortalama (SMA): Bu, genellikle kapanış fiyatları gibi belirli bir fiyat aralığının ortalamasını, o aralıktaki dönem sayısına göre hesaplar.\n\nÜstel Hareketli Ortalama (EMA): Bu, daha yeni fiyatlara daha fazla ağırlık verir ve bu nedenle daha yeni fiyat değişikliklerine daha hızlı tepki verir.
- Osilatörler: Bunlar, zaman içinde bir bant içinde (bir merkez çizginin üstünde ve altında veya belirlenen seviyeler arasında) dalgalanan teknik göstergelerdir. Piyasada aşırı alım ve aşırı satım koşullarını belirlemeye yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmışlardır. İşte bazı yaygın osilatörler:\n\nGüç Endeksi (RSI - Relative Strength Index): Bu, fiyat hareketlerinin hızını ve değişimini ölçer. Genellikle aşırı alım veya aşırı satım koşullarını belirlemek için kullanılır.\n\nHareketli Ortalama Yakınsama Sapma (MACD - Moving Average Convergence Divergence): Bu, potansiyel alım ve satış sinyallerini belirlemek için kullanılır. Teknik sinyalleri tetiklerken sinyal çizgisinin üzerinden (alış) veya altından (satış) geçtiğinde çalışır.
- Bu projenin analitik verisi yoktur
- CEX Hacmi
+ Summary: This is a general overview of an asset\'s technicals, considering a variety of technical indicators and timeframes. It provides a consensus viewpoint (Buy, Sell, or Neutral) based on these indicators.
+ Moving Averages (MA): These are commonly used technical indicators that smooth out price data to create a trend-following indicator. They show the average price over a specific time period. There are several types of MAs:\n\nSimple Moving Average (SMA): This calculates the average of a selected range of prices, usually closing prices, by the number of periods in that range.\n\nExponential Moving Average (EMA): This gives more weight to recent prices, thereby responding more quickly to recent price changes.
+ Oscillators: These are technical indicators that fluctuate over time within a band (above and below a center line, or between set levels). They are designed to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in a market. Here are some common oscillators:\n\nRelative Strength Index (RSI): This measures the speed and change of price movements. It is usually used to identify overbought or oversold conditions.\n\nMoving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): This is used to identify potential buy and sell signals. It triggers technical signals when it crosses above (to buy) or below (to sell) its signal line.
+ This project has no analytical data
+ CEX Volume
CEX Hacim Sıralaması
- Merkezi borsalarda token için işlem hacmine göre sıralanan tokenlar.
- DEX Hacmi
+ Tokens ranked by trading volume for the token on centralized exchanges.
+ DEX Volume
DEX Hacim Sıralaması
- Merkezi olmayan borsalarda token için işlem hacmine göre sıralanan tokenlar.
- DEX Likiditesi
+ Tokens are ranked by trading volume for the token on decentralized exchanges.
+ DEX Liquidity
DEX Likidite Sıralaması
- Merkezi olmayan borsalarda mevcut likiditeye göre sıralanan tokenlar.
- Günlük Aktif Adresler
+ Tokens are ranked by available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ Daily Active Addresses
Aktif Adresler Sıralaması
- Token ile işlem yapan benzersiz adreslerin sayısına göre sıralanan tokenlar.
- İşlem Sayısı
+ Tokens are ranked by a number of unique addresses transacting with the token.
+ Transaction Count
İşlem Sayısı Sıralaması
- Tokenlar, bir blockchain üzerindeki işlem sayısına göre sıralanır.
- Sahipler
- Proje TVL
+ Tokens are ranked by number of transactions on a blockchain.
+ Holders
+ Project TVL
Proje TVL (Toplam Değer)
M.Cap / TVL Ratio
- Proje Geliri
- Proje Ücreti
+ Project Revenue
+ Project Fee
Proje Gelir Sıralaması
- Proje Ücret Sıralaması
- Sahipler Sıralaması
- Tokenlar, sahipler için mekanizmalar aracılığıyla oluşturulan gelire göre sıralanır, örneğin staking veya token yakma.
- Tokenlar, ilgili projeler tarafından üretilen ücretlere göre sıralanır. Ücretlerin toplanma şekli projeden projeye değişir.
- Birden fazla blockchain\'de bulunan benzersiz adresler tarafından tutulan tokenları sıralama.
- Diğer Veriler
- Raporlar
- Finansman
- Denetimler
- Son 30 gün
- mevcut
- Sıralama
- Son 30 Gün Sıralaması
- 30 Günlük Benzersiz Adresler
- Son 30 Gün Hacmi
- Genel Puan
- Mükemmel
- İyi
- Orta
- Zayıf
- Genel puan, son 7 gündeki merkezi borsalarda ortalama günlük işlem hacmine dayanmaktadır.
- Genel puan, son 7 gündeki merkezi olmayan borsalarda ortalama günlük işlem hacmine dayanmaktadır.
- Genel puan, merkezi olmayan borsalardaki toplam mevcut likiditeye dayanmaktadır.
- Genel puan, son 7 gündeki ortalama günlük aktif adres sayısına dayanmaktadır.
- Genel puan, verilen token tarafından temsil edilen projenin toplam değer kilitlenmesine (varlık yönetimi) dayanmaktadır.
- The overall score is based on the total value locked (assets under management) on the project represented by the given token.
- Genel puan, ilgili tokenı tutan adreslerin toplam sayısına dayanmaktadır.
- Teknik Göstergeleri
- Ayrıntılar
- Periyot Seç
- 30 dakika
- 1 saat
- 4 saat
- 8 saat
- 1 gün
- 1 hafta
- 1 ay
- Kuvvetli Al
- Kuvvetli Satış
- Sat
- Al
- Tarafsız
- Veri Yok
+ Project Fee Rank
+ Holders Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by revenue generated for holders via mechanisms i.e. staking or token burns.
+ Tokens are ranked according to fees generated by respective projects. The way fees are collected varies from project to project.
+ Ranking tokens by unique addresses holding them on multiple blockchains.
+ Other Data
+ Reports
+ Funding
+ Audits
+ last 30d
+ current
+ Rank
+ 30-Day Rank
+ 30-Day Unique Addresses
+ 30-Day Volume
+ Overall Score
+ Excellent
+ Good
+ Fair
+ Poor
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on centralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on decentralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily active addresses over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total value locked (assets under management) on the project represented by the given token.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily transaction count over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total number of addresses holding the respective tokens.
+ Technical Indicators
+ Details
+ Select Period
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
+ 4 hours
+ 8 hours
+ 1 day
+ 1 week
+ 1 month
+ Strong Buy
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ No Data
Smart Contract Analysis
- Yüksek Riskli Ögeler
- Orta Riskli Ögeler
- Riskli
- İlgilenmeniz Gerekiyor
- De.Fi tarafından desteklenmektedir
- %d adet
- Teknik Göstergeleri
- Her zaman risk yönetimini uygulamayı unutmayın ve bu finansal tavsiye değildir.
- aşırı alım
- aşırı satım
- aşağı
- yukarı
- Varlık ile yapılan işlemler risklidir.
- %s\'den başlayarak
- Varlık, Bollinger Band kanalı dışında ve %s.
- RSI = %1$s, Bu aynı zamanda varlığın %2$s olduğunu gösterir.
- Güçlü bir %s yönlü hareket olabilir, bu yüzden varlık fiyatının kanala dönmesini beklemek daha iyi olur.
- varlık %s idi, ancak şimdi Bollinger Band kanalına geri döndü. Bu, olası bir trend dönüşünü gösterir.
- Bu arada, RSI %1$s, hala %2$s olduğunu gösteriyor.
- Bu piyasaya giriş için çok güçlü bir sinyal olabilir. Kanala dönüşten sonra %s yönlü hareketin birkaç denemesi olabileceğini unutmayın, bu yüzden risk yönetimini unutmayın.
- Bu arada, RSI %s, bu da bir trend dönüşünü gösteriyor (RSI 70\%% sınırını geçti).
- Fiyat nötr seviyelere geri dönüyor, ancak hala yukarı yönlü hareket potansiyeli var. RSI = 50 ve Bollinger Bantlarının ortası güçlü dirençler ve olası trend dönüş noktalarıdır. Risk yönetimini unutmayın.
- RSI = $s ayrıca güçlü bir trendin olmadığını doğruluyor.
- varlık aşırı alım/aşırı satım bölgesindeydi, ancak şu anda fiyat nötr bölgedeki Bollinger Band kanalına geri döndü. RSI = %s ayrıca güçlü bir trendin olmadığını doğruluyor, bu nedenle genel olarak varlık fiyatı ortalama yapmaya doğru hareket ediyor ve daha fazla hareket herhangi bir yönde mümkün olabilir.
- Genel olarak, varlık fiyatı ortalama hareket ediyor ve daha fazla hareket herhangi bir yönde mümkün olabilir.
- Lütfen dikkate alın:
- yukarıda
- aşağıda
- büyüme
- azalış
- EMA 200. Genel duygu ve trendi belirler. Varlığın günlük fiyatı EMA (%1$s) \'nin %2$s\'den geçtiği yerde bulunuyor. Bu, genel olarak varlığın %3$s olduğu anlamına gelir.
- yukarıda
- aşağıda
- MACD. Ortalama fiyat değişimini dikkate alarak trendin gücünü değerlendirir. Histogramın günlük değeri %1$s (%2$s). Varlığın fiyatı genel olarak %3$s hareket edebilir.
- Teknik Göstergeleri
- Bollinger Bantları + RSI stratejisini kullanarak işlem sinyallerini belirliyoruz. Tüm hesaplamalar günlük mum grafiklerine dayanmakta ve ortalama uzun vadeli bir strateji için tavsiyeler sunmaktadır. Stratejinin özü, varlık fiyatının Bollinger Bantları kanalından çıkarak aşırı seviyelere ulaşması ve RSI\'nin aşırı alım/aşırı satım bölgesinde olması gerektiğidir. Fiyat kanala geri döndükten sonra, fiyatın ortalama değerlere geri dönme veya kanalı diğer taraftan kırmaya yönelik yüksek bir olasılığı vardır. Stratejinin güçlü piyasa hareketleri sırasında birkaç yanlış sinyal verebileceğini unutmayın, doğru bir sinyal ortaya çıkmadan önce.\n\nLütfen ticarette risk yönetimini uygulamanın çok önemli olduğunu ve piyasa durumu değişirse kayıpları kesmeyi unutmayın!
- Detayları Göster
- Detayları Gizle
- Kuvvetli Al
- Al
- Tarafsız
- Sat
- Kuvvetli Satış
- Riskli
- Token Tespit Ediciler
- Genel Tespit Ediciler
- Sorunlar: %d
+ High Risk Items
+ Medium Risk Items
+ Risky
+ Attention Required
+ Powered by De.Fi
+ %d Items
+ Trading Assistant
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ overbought
+ oversold
+ down
+ up
+ The actions with the asset are risky.
+ Starting from the %s
+ The asset is outside the Bollinger Band channel and %s.
+ RSI = %1$s, This also indicates that the asset is %2$s.
+ There might be a strong %sward movement, so it\'s better to wait for the asset price to return to the channel.
+ the asset was %s, but now it has returned to the Bollinger Band channel. This indicates a possible trend reversal.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %1$s, which still indicates that it is %2$s.
+ This could be a very strong signal to enter the market. Keep in mind that there may be several attempts of %sward movement after returning to the channel, so do not forget about risk management.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %s, which also indicates a trend reversal (RSI crossed the boundary at 70\%%).
+ The price is returning to neutral levels, however, there is still potential for upward movement. Keep in mind that RSI = 50 and the middle of the Bollinger Bands are strong resistances and possible trend reversal points. Do not forget about risk management.
+ RSI = $s also confirms the absence of a strong trend.
+ the asset was in the overbought/oversold zone, but at the moment the price has returned to the Bollinger Band channel in the neutral zone. The RSI is %s also confirms the absence of a strong trend, so overall the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ In general, the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ Please note:
+ above
+ below
+ growth
+ decrease
+ EMA 200. Determines the overall sentiment and trend. The daily price of the asset is located %1$s the EMA (%2$s). This means that globally the asset is set for %3$s.
+ above
+ below
+ MACD. Assesses the strength of the trend considering the average price change. The daily value of the histogram is %1$s (%2$s). The price of the asset globally may move %3$s.
+ Technical Indicators
+ We use the Bollinger Bands + RSI strategy to determine trading signals. All calculations are based on daily candlesticks and provide advice for a moderately long term. The essence of the strategy is that the asset price should reach an extreme, breaking out of the Bollinger Bands channel, and the RSI should be in the overbought/oversold zone. After the price returns to the channel, there is a high probability of the price returning to the mean values or attempting to break the channel from the other side. Note that the strategy may give several false signals during strong market movements before a correct signal appears.\n\nPlease remember that it is very important to apply risk management to trading and remember to cut losses if the market situation changes!
+ Show Details
+ Hide Details
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Sell
+ Strong Sell
+ Risky
+ Token Detectors
+ General Detectors
+ Issues %d
- Cüzdanı
- Adres
- İmza için mesaj
- Aboneliğinizi etkinleştirmek için bu mesajı imzalamanız gerekiyor.
- Cüzdan adresinizin premium özelliklere aboneliği yok, aboneliği etkinleştirmek için satın almanız gerekiyor.
- Premium Ayrıcalıkları
- Kripto Para Analitiği
- Her token hakkında kapsamlı piyasa ve zincir içi istatistiklere erişin.
- Fiyat Trend Göstergeleri
- Teknik analiz göstergelerine dayanarak yükselen tokenları keşfedin.
- Kişisel Destek
- Kişisel yardım için ekibimizle doğrudan Telegram üzerinden iletişime geçin.
+ Wallet
+ Address
+ Message to Sign
+ You need to sign this message to activate your subscription.
+ Your wallet address does not have a subscription to premium features, you need to purchase it to activate the subscription.
+ Premium Features
+ Cryptocurrency Analytics
+ Access comprehensive market and on-chain stats about each token.
+ Price Trend Indicators
+ Discover uptrending tokens based on technical analysis indicators.
+ Personal Support
+ Contact our team directly over Telegram for personal assistance.
Get Premium
I already have Premium
Ortalama 7G
@@ -1575,7 +1593,7 @@
%s NFT
NFT başına ~%s
- Başlangıç tarihi
+ Inception Date
Etkinlik Türü Seç
@@ -1593,12 +1611,12 @@
- Kazanlar
- Kaybedenler
- Haberler
- %dg önce
- %dsa önce
- %ddk önce
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ News
+ %dd. ago
+ %dh. ago
+ %dm. ago
Senk. hatası
Yeniden Dene
@@ -1606,9 +1624,9 @@
Şikayet Et
Bildirmeye karar verirseniz hata metni clipboardnıza kopyalanır.
Bizi Takip Et
- Kilitli
+ Locked
Pro Users
Unstoppable Pass
Additional Token Info
@@ -1616,7 +1634,7 @@
DEX Volume and Rank
DEX Liquidity and Rank
Active Addresses
- İşlem Sayısı
+ Transaction Count
Transaction Volume
Çok Yakında
@@ -1626,7 +1644,7 @@
Türü Seç
Henüz öğe etkinliği yok
- Bu widget\'ın düzgün çalışması için Otomatik Başlatmayı etkinleştirmelisiniz.
+ To make sure that this widget works properly, you should enable Autostart.
Android anahtar deposu hatası
Android cihazınızın kilidi değiştirildiğinden cüzdan bilginizi tutan şifreli dosya artık geçersiz
@@ -1638,26 +1656,26 @@
Bu uygulamayı kullanabilmeniz için telefonun Ekran Kilidi (Şifre/PİN) etkinleştirilmeli.\n\nAndroid Ayarlarından etkinleştirebilirsiniz.\n\nŞifreyi kaldırdığınızda, kullanılmakta olan güvenli bilgi deposu sistem tarafından kaldırılır. Cüzdanlarınızı gizli anahtar ile geri yüklemeniz gerekecek.
Bu uygulama, hassas bilgileri kendi deposunda tutmaktansa Android\'in güvenli deposunda tutmak için telefonun PİN\'ine ihtiyaç duyar.
- Kilidi Aç
+ Unlock
- Şifre Girin
+ Enter Passcode
Biyometri Tarayıcı
Parolayı girin veya daha sonra tekrar deneyin
Biyometrik kimlik. etkisizleştirildi
Engellendi: %s
- %s deneme kaldı
- Normal
- Rastgele
+ Attempts left: %s
+ Regular
+ Random
- Şifre belirle
+ Create Passcode
Şifre, programı açmak ve para göndermek için kullanılacak
Kod uyuşmadı. Tekrar deneyin.
Şifre kaydedilirken hata oluştu. Tekrar deneyin.
- Biyometriyi etkinleştirmek için bir şifre belirleyin
- Duress Modunu etkinleştirmek için bir şifre kodu ayarlayın
- Bu şifre zaten kullanılıyor.
+ Set a passcode to enable Biometrics
+ Set a passcode to enable Duress Mode
+ This passcode is already being used.
Kod Değiştir
Şimdiki Kod
@@ -1690,39 +1708,39 @@
Daha fazla
Bu adres %s için zaten kullanılıyor
Bu isim zaten mevcut
- Bağlandı
+ Connected
- Kripto Parayı Seç
- Ağ Seç
- Bir ağ seçin ve para yatırmak için bir adres alın.
- Ad veya Kod
- Depozito %s
- Adresi Kopyala
- Adresi paylaş
- Ağ
- %s yatırmak için adresiniz
- Bu adrese yalnızca %s gönderin. Bu adrese başka türden jetonların gönderilmesi nihai kayıplarına neden olacaktır.
- Not (etiket) gereklidir, aksi takdirde madeni paralarınızı kaybedersiniz.\n\nBu adrese yalnızca %s gönderin. Bu adrese başka türden jetonların gönderilmesi nihai kayıplarına neden olacaktır.
- Önemli
- Varlıkların alındığından emin olmak için hem not (etiket) hem de adres gereklidir. Aksi takdirde paranız kaybolacaktır.
- API Anahtarınız bağlanamadı
+ Choose Coin
+ Choose Network
+ Choose a network and get an address to deposit.
+ Name or code
+ Deposit %s
+ Copy Address
+ Share Address
+ Network
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Send only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Memo (tag) is required, or your will lose your coins.\n\nSend only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Important
+ Both a memo (tag) and the address are needed to ensure that assets are received. Otherwise your funds will be lost.
+ Failed to connect your API Key
- %s gönder
- Ağ
- Tutardan ücret
- Masraf
- Ağın para çekme adresiyle eşleştiğinden ve para yatırma platformunun bunu desteklediğinden emin olun, aksi takdirde varlıklar kaybolabilir.
- Güvenlik Doğrulaması
- Onay kodu
- Google Kimlik Doğrulama
- Yeniden Gönder
- %s sn
- E-postanıza gönderilen doğrulama kodunu girin.
- Google Authenticator Uygulamanızdan gelen kodu girin.
- Hesaptan Çek
- Başarılı
- Yeterli alan yok
- Çekebileceğiniz minimum miktar %s
- Çekebileceğiniz maksimum miktar %s
- Para çekme başarısız oldu
+ Send %s
+ Network
+ Fee from amount
+ Fee
+ Ensure the network matches the withdrawal address and the deposit platform supports it, or assets may be lost.
+ Security Verification
+ Verification Code
+ Google Authenticator Code
+ Resend
+ %s sec
+ Enter verification code sent to your email.
+ Enter code from your Google Authenticator App.
+ Withdraw
+ Success
+ Not enough available Balance
+ The minimum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ The maximum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ Withdraw Failed
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml
index b4e5b4dfdcc..96f0ac99368 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
- 参数未设置
- %1$s%2$s
+ Parameter is not set
+ %s%s
- 已发送
- 查看
- 隐藏
+ Show
+ Hide
- 扫描二维码
+ Scan QR Code
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- 刷新
+ Refresh
@@ -48,22 +48,22 @@
- 了解更多
- 激活
- 签名
- 正在激活
- 获取 API 密钥
- 登录
- 注册
- 提交
- 再试一次
- 分享
- 应用
- 设定金额
- 不能小于 %1$s 或大于 %2$s
- 错误的整数
+ Learn More
+ Activate
+ Sign
+ Activating
+ Get API Keys
+ Log In
+ Sign Up
+ Submit
+ Try Again
+ Share
+ Apply
+ Set Amount
+ Can\'t be less than %1$s or more than %2$s
+ Wrong integer number
- N/A
+ n/a
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
- 密码
+ Password
%s 个单词(推荐)
%s 个单词
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@
此页面为拥有非标准钱包的 Unstoppable 用户提供了一种特殊的钱包恢复机制。 通常,此类钱包可以在 Unstoppable 版本 0.27 - 0.28 中使用非英语助记词列表和/或钱包密码短语中的特殊字符(即变音符号)创建。\n\n如果您是受影响的用户,那么在 0.29 或更高版本中恢复此类钱包后,您的钱包余额将显示为 0。 此页面将使您能够恢复对非标准钱包的访问。 恢复后,建议您创建一个新钱包(符合标准)并将资金转移到那里。
- (平均)
+ (recommended)
- 所有
+ All
%s 生日高度
@@ -146,11 +146,11 @@
- 选择CEX
- 选择您想要连接的中央交易所。
- 请提供 API 密钥和 API 密钥链接您的交换。
- API 密钥
- 密钥
+ Select CEX
+ Select the centralized exchange to which you want to connect.
+ Please provide the API Keys and API Secret to link your exchange.
+ API Key
+ Secret Key
@@ -159,12 +159,12 @@
- 过去的
- 热门
- 初始化器
@@ -172,48 +172,48 @@
- 总市值
+ Total M.Cap
- 由 CoinGeko API 支持
+ Powered By CoinGeko API
- 由 DefiLlama API 提供
+ Powered By DefiLlama API
- 币
- 平台
- 配对标点
- 行业
+ Coins
+ Platforms
+ Pairs
+ Sectors
- 信号
+ Signals
- 市值
+ Market Cap
- 下面的信号是基于Bollinger Bands 和 RSI 技术价格指标的近似值。 最近30天。这些信号是算法,可以经常改变。
- 对价格上涨信心高.
- 在不久的将来可能的价格提高.
- 没有明确的趋势,市场处于平衡状态.
- 未来近期可能价格下跌.
- 价格下跌的高概率.
- 风险水平升高,需要谨慎.
- 请记住始终要进行风险管理,并注意这不是财务建议
- 打开
- 前100名
+ Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently.
+ High confidence in price increase.
+ Likely price increase in near future.
+ No clear trend, market is in equilibrium.
+ Likely price decrease in near future.
+ High probability of price decrease.
+ Elevated risk level, requires caution.
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ Turn on
+ Top 100
Top 200
Top 300
- 前500名
- 热门市场交易对
- 每个交易所的交易量最高的交易对
+ Top 500
+ Top Market Pairs
+ Top trading pairs by volume in every exchanges
- 热门市场交易对
+ Top Market Pairs
- 行业
+ Sectors
@@ -223,15 +223,15 @@
%s 链上所有协议的市场上限
- 总市值
- BTC市场占比
- 24小时交易量
+ Total Cap
+ BTC Dominance
+ 24h Vol.
- DeFi锁定
- ETF 输入
- 加密货币市场24小时交易量.
+ The 24h trading volume of the crypto market.
%s 每日交易量的历史变化
@@ -240,14 +240,14 @@
This project doesn’t have a coin
- 网络总流量
- ETF的净流入等于其现金流入减去流出
- 最高资产
- 最低资产
- 流入
- 外向流
- 所有
- 净资产总额
+ Total Net Inflow
+ The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows.
+ Highest Assets
+ Lowest Assets
+ Inflow
+ Outflow
+ All
+ Total Net Assets
@@ -259,30 +259,30 @@
交易量 (24h)
- 交易信号
+ Trading Signals
- 24 小时
- 午夜UTC
+ 24 Hours
+ Midnight UTC
- 列在顶级交易所上
- 良好的中心化交易所(CEX)交易量
- 总体得分是良好或优秀
- 良好的去中心化交易所(DEX)交易量
- 总体得分是良好或优秀
- 良好的分布
- 总体得分是良好或优秀
- 强烈建议买入
- 购买
- 中性
- 强烈建议卖出
- 出售
- 有风险
- 涨幅最大者
+ Listed on Top Exchanges
+ Good CEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good DEX Volume
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Good Distribution
+ Overall Score is Good or Excellent
+ Strong Buy
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Risky
+ Gainers
@@ -317,27 +317,27 @@
- 3月
+ 3 Months
- 手册
- 涨幅最大者
- 跌幅最大者
- 市值由高到低
- 市值由低到高
+ Manual
+ Gainers
+ Losers
+ Highest Cap
+ Lowest Cap
%s 市场
- 提取
+ Withdraw
- 掉期交易
- 接收
+ Swap
+ Deposit
- %1$s / %2$s
+ %s / %s
直到 %s
@@ -352,36 +352,37 @@
- 您还没有添加任何代币到此钱包中。
+ You haven\'t added any coins to this wallet.
- 您没有要发送的资产。
- 您目前没有可供交换的资产。
- 網絡
- 格式
- 选择要接收地址的网络。
- 您存放 %s 的地址
- 观看 %s 的地址
- 选择要接收的地址的格式。
- 地址格式
- 现金地址格式更适合接收比特币现金(BCH),因为它提高了用户体验和兼容性。 然而,无论发件人的地址格式如何,两种地址格式都可以互换地用于接收BCCH。
- 本机SegWit格式是比特币中为了改进输送和安全性而偏爱的。 所有地址格式 (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) 可以互换使用来接收BTC ,而不论发送者的地址格式。 启用跨越不同种类的无缝交易。
- 账户
- 不活动
- 金额
- 设定金额
- 地址类型
- 锁住
- 广播
+ You have no assets to send.
+ You have no assets to swap.
+ Network
+ Format
+ Choose network to get an address to receive.
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Watch address of %s
+ Choose a format for providing an address to receive.
+ Address Format
+ The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender\'s address format.
+ The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender\'s address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types.
+ Account
+ Not active
+ Amount
+ Set Amount
+ Address type
+ Locked
+ Processing
+ Broadcasting
Memo (Tag)
- 无法识别
- 该地址是被监视账户的地址
- 提供必需的备忘录(标签),并仅发送兼容网络的代币。其他将会丢失。
- 已使用地址
- %s 地址用于隐私和安全。以下是此钱包中已使用的地址列表。
- 接收地址
- 找零地址
- 代币图片
- 查询
+ Can\'t recognize
+ This address is the address of the watched account
+ Provide required Memo (Tag) and send only network-compatible tokens. Others will be lost.
+ Used Addresses
+ %s addresses change for privacy and security. Below a list of used addresses in this wallet.
+ Receive Addresses
+ Change Addresses
+ Coin Name
+ Search
@@ -394,24 +395,28 @@
- UTxO 专家模式
- 手动选择 UTxO 将资金花在余额中
- 发送至
- 更改
- 替换交易
- 此选项允许您通过增加手续费金额来重新发送卡住的交易。
- 已启用
- 已禁用
+ UTxO Expert Mode
+ Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance
+ Send To
+ Change
+ Replace by Fee
+ This option allows you to resend a stuck transaction by increasing the amount of the fee.
+ Enabled
+ Disabled
+ Available Balance
+ Unsellect All
+ Sellect All
- 自有
+ Own
+ Action
@@ -439,11 +444,11 @@
- 手续费错误
- 费用率太低。
+ Fee Error
+ Fee Rate is too low.
- 手续费错误
- 与服务器的连接已丢失。要继续,请手动使用网站上的数据设置费用。
+ Fee Error
+ The connection to the server has been lost. To proceed, set up the fees manually using the data on the site.
@@ -457,15 +462,15 @@
需为此交易支付的最高估计交易费用是根据以下燃料限制(gas limit)、最高费率和最高优先级费用价值计算得出。支付的实际费用通常会较低。
- 网络费
- 在网络上发送给定交易的估计费用。
+ Network Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network.
交易复杂度以被称为“gas”(燃料)的单位度量。它将根据被执行的智能合同而变化。Gas Limit(燃料限制)是执行它所需要的估计最大燃料。使用的实际燃料通常会较低。
网上交易费用将按燃料单位计量。燃料价格是用户愿意按单位消费的金额。 当网络忙碌时,燃料价格就高,空闲时价格就低。 燃料价格不足常常是交易被长期搁置的一个原因。
- 最大收费率(Gwei)
+ Max Fee Rate
- 最高优先费 (Gwei)
+ Max Priority Fee
@@ -486,21 +491,27 @@
- 费用
- 估算在网络上发送特定交易所需的成本,包括能源、带宽和激活费
- 激活费
- 此地址未激活。传输TRX或 TRC-10代币到非活动帐户地址将激活该帐户。
- 消耗的资源
- Bandwidth 是衡量存储在区块链数据库中的交易字节大小的单位。 交易越大,消耗的带宽资源就越多。\n\nEnergy 是衡量波场虚拟机在波场网络上执行特定操作所需计算量的单位。\n\n自智能合约 交易需要计算资源来执行,每笔智能合约交易都需要支付 energy费用。
+ Fee
+ The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network. (Without excluding Energy, Bandwidth and Activating Fee)
+ Activation Fee
+ This address is not active. Transferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account.
+ Resources Consumed
+ Bandwidth is the unit that measures the size of the transaction bytes stored in the blockchain database. The larger the transaction, the more bandwidth resources will be consumed.\n\nEnergy is the unit that measures the amount of computation required by the TRON virtual machine to perform specific operations on the TRON network.\n\nSince smart contract transactions require computing resources to execute, each smart contract transaction requires to pay for the energy fee.
- 此地址未激活
- (不活动)
- 未激活的地址
- 新创建的 TRON 区块链上的帐户是不活动的,无法查询或探索。它们需要激活。\n\n正在将TRX或 TRC-10令牌传输到一个不活动的帐户地址将激活该帐户。 激活Tron链上的一个新帐户需要1TRX
- 无法将 TRX 转移给自己
- 无法传输 0 %s
- 帐户未激活
- 新的TRON钱包需要至少1TRX的存款才能激活。 非活动钱包可以持有并接收代币,但在激活之前不会纠正余额。
+ This address is not active
+ (not active)
+ Not Active Address
+ Newly created accounts on the TRON blockchain are inactive and cannot be queried or explored. They need to be activated.\n\nTransferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account. Activating a new account on the Tron chain requires a fee of 1 TRX
+ Cannot transfer TRX to yourself
+ Cannot transfer 0 %s
+ Account Not Active
+ New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated.
+ New Connection
+ Invalid URL Address
+ Unnamed
+ Wallet
+ Choose a Wallet
@@ -527,15 +538,15 @@
您需要先创建或导入钱包才能使用 WaletConnect。
- 通过创建一个恢复短语来备份这个钱包。 如果您的手机丢失、被盗、损坏等等,将需要它来访问钱包。
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
没有合适的 evm 套件
- 不支持的链条: %s
- 不支持的方法: %s
- 不支持的事件: %s
+ Unsupported chains: %s
+ Unsupported methods: %s
+ Unsupported events: %s
@@ -551,8 +562,8 @@
您当前的钱包类型 %s 不支持 WalletConnect
未知的 dApp
- 货币对
- 已配对dApp
+ Pairings
+ Paired dApps
您想要删除所有配对的 dApps?
@@ -573,10 +584,10 @@
- 异常错误: %s
+ Unexpected error: %s
- 最优价格
+ Best Price
@@ -584,56 +595,56 @@
- 可用余额
+ Available Balance
- 市场价格与预期结算价格之间的差额太高。
- 重要提示!您正在以极其不利的价格进行交易。这是因为流动性非常低。
+ Unstoppable has disabled swap action for this trade because you\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.\nIf you still want to swap please use %s website instead.
+ Important! You\'re getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.
- 滑点
- 收款人
- 没有提供者
- 没有报价
+ Slippage
+ Recipient
+ No Providers
+ No Quote
- 余额 N/A
+ Balance n/a
- 代币未启用
- 正在同步钱包
- 钱包未同步
+ Token Not Enabled
+ Wallet is Syncing
+ Wallet Not Synced
- 选择代币输入
- 选择代币输出
- 输入金额
- 解锁
- 解锁...
+ Select Token In
+ Select Token Out
+ Enter Amount
+ Unlock
+ Unlocking...
- 引述
+ Quoting
- 供应商
- 服务提供商
+ Provider
+ Providers
- 路线未找到
- 您支付
- 您获得
- 确认
- 报价已过期
- 正在获取最终报价
+ Route not found
+ You Pay
+ You Get
+ Confirm
+ Quote expired
+ Fetching final quote
@@ -672,10 +683,10 @@
- 解锁访问
- 允许访问以下金额
- 授权智能合约代表您进行代币交易,并指定允许的金额。这不会影响您的余额,但需要支付少量费用以进行批准。\n\n预先批准较高金额用于未来交易比按需批准更具成本效益。
- 无限
+ Unlock Access
+ Allow access to the following amount
+ Grant permission to a smart contract for token trading on your behalf, specifying the allowed amount. No impact on your balance, but incurs a small fee for approval.\n\nPre-approving a higher amount for future trades is cost-effective compared to on-demand approvals.
+ Unlimited
当执行令牌交换时,交易所可以代表用户花费的金额。 在进行实际互换交易之前,需要先确定足够的备抵。
@@ -694,43 +705,45 @@
- 已收到
+ Received
- 已发送
- 燃烧
- 薄荷绿
- 批准
- 已交换
+ Sent
+ Burned
+ Minted
+ Approved
+ Swapped
+ Contract Deploy
- 无限%s
- 无限
+ unlimited %s
+ unlimited
- 按区块链过滤
- 硬币
- 联系人
+ Blockchain
+ Coin
+ Contacts
- 所有联系人
+ All Contacts
- 选择区块链
+ Choose Blockchain
+ Ton Transaction
- 筛选器
- 隐藏可疑Txs
- 隐藏到达的沙尘群交易,这部分解决了地址中毒攻击问题。
- 通过联系人过滤在以下区块链上起作用: Etherum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton和ZCash。 以下是合适的联系人
- 您没有任何合适的联系人
+ Filter
+ Hide suspicious tx
+ Hiding incoming transactions with the dust amount in stablecoins, this partially solves the address poisoning attack problems.
+ Filtering by contacts works on the following blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism, Tron, Ton and ZCash. Below are the suitable contacts
+ You don\'t have any suitable contacts
@@ -759,17 +772,17 @@
- 您已支出
- 已收到
- 已发送
- 批准
+ You Sent
+ Received
+ Sent
+ Approved
- 这笔交易存在可疑,可能是诈骗。\n请不要从这笔交易中复制任何地址。
- 此操作将尝试通过以更高的费用重新发送原始交易来使其失效。
+ This transaction is suspicious and can be a scam.\nPlease do not copy any addresses from this transaction.
+ This action will attempt to invalidate the previous transaction by resending it with a higher fee.
@@ -784,16 +797,18 @@
- 已替换的交易
- 手续费 (Sat)
- 费用过低
- RBF(替换交易) 未启用
- 无法替换
+ Replaced Transactions
+ Fee (Sat)
+ Fee Too Low
+ RBF not enabled
+ Unable to replace
- 汇款人通过将在所显示日期失效的消费锁定汇出这些资金。\n\n无需担心,收到的比特币已经属于您,但在锁定期限结束前,您无法在比特币网络上消费它们。
- 广播
- 此金额的交易已广播,但尚未被网络接受。
+ The sender sent these funds with a spending lock that will expire on the shown date. \n\nNo worries, the received Bitcoins are already yours, but until the lock period expires you cannot spend them on the Bitcoin network.
+ Broadcast
+ The transaction holding this amount is broadcasted but not yet accepted by the network.
+ Processing amount
+ Transactions with this amount still syncing. And when they are confirmed, these tokens will be available for spending
双重支付风险!区块链上还有另一笔交易试图支付这笔交易所使用的投入。 网络只接受一笔交易。
@@ -823,81 +838,82 @@
- 通过 Telegram
- 通过电子邮件
- 自动锁定
+ via Telegram
+ via E-mail
+ Auto-Lock
Be Unstoppable
- 通过独家视频学习和掌握加密。非正式地了解我们。成为第一个看看我们正在工作的事情。
- 个人支持
- 请输入您的 Telegram 帳號名稱,開始与我們的团队的個人支援聊天。 一旦我们看到这个问题,我们就会回到您的面前。
- 您已经请求了一个私聊,在Telegram 上找到它
- 账户
+ Learn and master crypto via exclusive videos. Get to know us informally. Be the first to see things we work on.
+ Personal Support
+ Enter your Telegram account name to start a personal support chat with our team. We\'ll get back to you and start working on your problem as soon as we see it.
+ You\'ve already requested a private chat, find it on Telegram
+ Account
- 已申请
- 请求
- 新建请求
- 请求失败
- 打开 Telegram
- 在你的支持下,我们可以使这个应用更好!
- 捐助
- 捐赠%s
- 捐赠方式
- 捐款地址
- 地址
- 或选择一种币进行捐赠
- 即时的
- 1 分钟
- 5 分钟
- 15 分钟
- 30 分钟
- 1 小时
+ Requested
+ Request
+ New Request
+ Request failed
+ Open Telegram
+ Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!
+ Donate
+ Get your tokens
+ Donate %s
+ Donate with
+ Donation Address
+ Addresses
+ Or select a coin to donate
+ Immediate
+ 1 minute
+ 5 minutes
+ 15 minutes
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
- 市场标签
- 余额标签
- 余额转换
- 余额值
+ Balance Conversion
+ Balance Value
- 隐藏市场
- 隐藏按钮
- 此配置隐藏平衡选项卡上的发送、接收和交换按钮。
- 自动隐藏余额
- 每次打开应用程序时自动隐藏平衡,不管先前的偏好设置。
- 价格变化 %
+ Hide Markets
+ Hide Buttons
+ This configuration hides the Send, Receive, and Swap buttons on Balance tab.
+ Balance Auto Hide
+ Automatically hides balance each time the app is opened, regardless of previous preferences.
+ Price Change %
- 应用程序版本
+ App Version
- 备份管理器
- 还原备份
- 创建新备份
- 备份文件
- 战利品
- 其他
- 恢复自
- 备份文件中的内容列表。
- 警告
- 替换
- 此操作将覆盖您的本地付款联系人。
- 必须备份
- 观察地址
- 关注
- 自定义 RPC
- 应用设置
- 语言、 货币、 外观 ...
+ Backup Manager
+ Restore Backup
+ Create New Backup
+ Backup File
+ Restore
+ List of contents in the backup file.
+ Warning
+ Replace
+ This action will overwrite your local payment contacts.
+ Backup required
+ Watch Wallets
+ Watchlist
+ Custom RPC
+ App Settings
+ Language, Currency, Appearance …
- Unstoppable 不收集暴露您私人信息的个人数据,例如币余额或地址。虽然我们收集了一些用户界面使用统计数据,但这仅用于了解我们的用户群和应用程序使用趋势。如果您希望,可以禁用此功能。
- 钱包没有收集任何个人数据。
- 我们没有用户账户或存储用户数据的数据库。
- 如果允许,钱包将与不可阻挡团队分享应用程序使用习惯。这是为了了解我们的用户正在使用哪些功能(或未使用)。作为一个关注隐私的应用程序,我们需要一种评估我们努力的方式,如果没有这个,我们就无法知道我们构建的功能是否被使用。
- 共享界面数据
+ Unstoppable doesn\'t collect personal data that expose your private information i.e. coin balances or addresses. While we gather some UI usage statistics, it\'s solely for understanding our user base and app usage trends. That can be disabled if you wish.
+ The wallet does not gather any personal data.
+ There are no user accounts or databases storing user data.
+ If allowed the wallet will share app usage habits with Unstoppable team. This is to understand which features are being used (or not) by our users. Being a privacy focused app we need some way to evaluate our efforts and without this we have no idea whether the features we built are being used or not.
+ Share UI data
@@ -912,26 +928,30 @@
此网址的 RPC 源已存在
输入的URL无效。有效网址必须具有以下方案之一: http,https,ws,wss
- 在更改源后,钱包将必须重新同步自己。
- 通过交易为恢复钱包选择数据源。
+ After changing source the wallet will have to resync itself.
+ Choose the source Unstoppable app should use for synchronizing wallet(s).
交易输入 / 输出
- 大多数比特币交易,以及比特币现金、Dash和莱特币等加密货币的交易,都会产生两种输出。一种输出是发送给接收者的数量,另一个是返回给发送者的找零输出。大多数钱包构造交易的方式使第三方很容易理解哪些输出发送给了接收方,哪些是返回给发送方的找零。当返回给发送方的输出稍后用于未来的交易时,这两个交易之间的连接就变得明显了。\n\nUnstoppable钱包实施了一些措施,让人们更难弄清楚哪些输出流向了哪里。\n\n对于Unstoppable用户有两种选项可用:\n\n1. 随机变换:每一交易的交易输出顺序均实现了随机化。有时候便令可能是第一个输出,有时可能是第二个。如果用户信任应用的开发者,那么可以考虑这一推荐选项。\n\n2. 确定性:有一个共同商定的交易输出顺序标准(称为BIP69)。在开源钱包中,该标准确保钱包用户不需要信任应用程序开发者如何实现输出顺序。由于这个标准非常新,还没有太多钱包对其进行了实现。因此,有可能可以看到在一个区块链上的一个交易是否是从使用或不使用该标准的钱包上发送。
+ Most Bitcoin transactions, as well as transactions in alike cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin Cash, Dash, and Litecoin, generate two outputs. One output is the amount that goes to the receiver and the other is the change output that is returned to the sender. The way most wallets construct transactions makes it easy for a third party to understand which of the outputs went to the receiving party and which one was the change amount returned to the sender. As the output returned to the sender is later used in future transactions, a connection between these two transactions becomes apparent.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet implements measures to make it harder for someone to figure out which output goes where.
+\n\nThere are two options available to Unstoppable users:
+\n\n1. Shuffle: The order of transaction outputs is randomized on every transaction. Sometimes change can be the first output, sometimes it can be the second. If a user trusts the developer of the app, then consider this a recommended option.
+\n\n2. Deterministic: There is a commonly agreed standard for ordering transaction outputs (known as BIP69). In open-source wallets, that standard ensures wallet users do not need to trust how developers of the app implement the ordering of the outputs. As this standard is new, not many wallets have implemented it yet. As a result, it\'s somewhat possible to see on the blockchain whether a transaction was sent from a wallet that uses that standard or not.
- 生物认证
+ Biometrics
- 启用密码
- 禁用密码
+ Enable Passcode
+ Disable Passcode
- 设置压力模式
- 编辑货币密码
- 禁用冒险密码
- 专用模式用于在胁迫下使选定的钱包安全。
+ Set Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Disable Duress Passcode
+ A specialized mode designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion.
@@ -942,29 +962,31 @@
Blockchair API
- 快速、私密、中心化
- API + Blockchain
- 按区块链过滤
- 慢,私密.
- 密码错误
- 设置口令模式密码
- 编辑货币密码
- 输入新的密码来复位模式
- 服用模式
- 此模式允许用户设置多个解锁应用密码,当需要的密码只显示指定的钱包。 设计用来使选定的钱包在胁迫或威胁下安全。
- 注意事项
- 生物认证
- 生物鉴别认证功能可以解锁时尚模式。您可以禁用生物鉴别认证以方便。
- 密码已禁用
- 在主模式下禁用密码将自动重置压力模式。
- 密码更改
- 更改时尚模式中的密码也会更改当前模式下的密码。
- 选择钱包
- 选择将显示在时尚模式中的钱包。
- 战利品
- 观看战利品
+ Very Fast
+ Fast
+ Blockchain
+ Slow. Highest Privacy.
+ Duress Passcode
+ Set a passcode for Duress Mode
+ Edit Duress Passcode
+ Enter new passcode for Duress Mode
+ Duress Mode
+ This mode allows user to setup multiple unlock app passcodes where a desired passcode shows only specified wallets. Designed to keep selected wallets safe under coercion or threats.
+ Biometrics
+ The Biometric Authentication feature will work to unlock the Duress Mode. You can disable Biometric Authentication for convenience.
+ Passcode Disabling
+ Disabling the passcode in the main mode will automatically reset the duress mode.
+ Passcode Change
+ Changing the passcode in the Duress Mode will also change the current PIN code for that mode.
+ Select Wallets
+ Select the wallets that will be displayed in duress mode.
- 不可阻挡的钱包是为那些寻求投资和以私人和独立方式存储加密货币的人建造的。\n\n它是一个非保管的、对等的钱包,在那里只有用户能够控制资金。 它不收集任何数据,并且通过不将用户的资金锁定到特定的钱包应用程序来保持用户独立。\n\n不可阻挡的钱包是完全开源的,任何人都可以确认应用程序正像它所声称的那样工作。
+ The Unstoppable wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.
+\n\nIt\'s a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn\'t collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user\'s funds to a specific wallet app.
+\n\nThe Unstoppable wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to.
在智能手机上禁用解锁 PIN (代码)会删除应用程序中的所有钱包。恢复资金访问将需要恢复短语。
@@ -974,7 +996,7 @@
Be Unstoppable
- 联系我们
+ Contact Us
@@ -1017,24 +1039,24 @@
- 已从钱包删除
+ Removed from Wallet
- 等待同步
+ Wait for synchronization
- 有四种常见的地址格式 %1$s 钱包可以用来接收收到的付款:
+ There are 4 common address formats %1$s wallets can use to receive incoming payments:
-\n- BIP-44 (老)
+\n- BIP-44 (older)
\n- BIP-49
-\n- BIP-84 (推荐)
-\n- BIP-86 (新建)
+\n- BIP-84 (recommended)
+\n- BIP-86 (newest)
-\n虽然无法阻挡的钱包支持他们中的所有4个,但它建议使用 BIP-84 格式操作的 %2$s 钱包。 以此格式操作的钱包在发送 %3$s 交易时可以支付最低费用。
+\nWhile Unstoppable wallet supports all 4 of them it recommends to use a %2$s wallet operating in BIP-84 format. The wallets operating in this format get to pay lowest fees when sending %3$s transactions.
有2种比特币现金钱包可用于接收应收款的常见地址格式:\n\n- TYPE 0(较旧)\n- TYPE 145(较新)\n\n虽然Unstoppable钱包支持全部两种格式,但是我们建议使用以TYPE 145格式运作的比特币现金钱包。
@@ -1050,35 +1072,35 @@
- 从文件
- 从备份文件导入.
- 恢复短语
- 使用恢复短语或私钥导入。
- 来自Exchange 钱包
- 在集中交易所上连接到钱包。
- 观察地址
- 观测 EVM-Chain、BTC、LTC 和 DASH 地址的模式
- 无效的 Json 文件
- 此文件不是钱包的有效备份,或者文件已损坏,无法恢复。
- Please choose another file.
+ from File
+ Import a backup file from your local folder.
+ from Recovery Phrase
+ Import using recovery phrase or private key.
+ from Exchange Wallet
+ Connect to a wallet on centralized exchange.
+ Watch Address
+ Observing mode of EVM-Chain and BTC, LTC, DASH addresses
+ Invalid Json File
+ This file is not a valid backup of the wallet, or the file has been corrupted and cannot be restored.
+ Select Another File
- 请输入密码
- 输入备份密码以导入您的钱包。
- 无效密码
- 备份密码
- 地址或域名
+ Enter Password
+ Enter the backup password to import your wallet.
+ Invalid Password
+ Backup Password
+ Enter Your EVM, TRON, TON or Public Address (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash) or Account xPubKey.
- 不支持的地址格式
+ Address format is not supported
- 进行手动备份
- 本地备份
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
- 取消链接钱包
+ Unlink Wallet
@@ -1092,7 +1114,7 @@
- 您需要备份 %1$s
+ You need to backup %1$s
@@ -1114,24 +1136,24 @@
- 备份钱包
- 通过创建一个恢复短语来备份这个钱包。 如果您的手机丢失、被盗、损坏等等,将需要它来访问钱包。
+ Backup Recovery Phrase
+ Create a backup copy of the recovery phrase and the associated password that will allow you to recover your wallet if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, etc.
- 进行手动备份
- 本地备份
+ Manual Backup
+ Local Backup
- 完成钱包备份选项之一以开始使用钱包。
- 建议为每个钱包提供手动备份。
+ Complete one of the wallet backup options to start using the wallet.
+ It\'s recommended to have a manual backup for each wallet.
- 本地备份
- 保存并备份
- 设置密码
- 备份已保存
- 密码需要至少8个字符,包括一个大写字母、一个小写字母、一个数字和一个符号。
- 此密码用于加密您的钱包备份文件。一旦丢失或遗忘,将无法恢复或重置。
- 为您的备份设置解锁密码。密码长度必须至少为8个字符,并且包含至少一个小写字母、大写字母、数字和特殊字符。
- 存储设备包括硬盘驱动器、USB驱动器以及智能手机上的存储等。由于有形损害、盗窃或其他无法预见的情况,所有人都容易遭受损失。
- 我的理解是,备份设备被盗或损坏将导致备份丢失,进而导致钱包丢失。
+ Local Backup
+ Save and Backup
+ Set Password
+ Backup Saved
+ At least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one symbol.
+ This password is used to encrypt backup file of your wallet. It can\'t be recovered or reset if lost or forgotten.
+ Set unlock password for your backup. It must consist of at least 8 symbols and include at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number and a special character.
+ Storage devices i.e. hard drives, USB drives , storage on smartphone etc. are all vulnerable to loss due to physical damage, theft or other unforeseen circumstances.
+ I understand that theft or damage of a backup device will result in loss of a backup to a respective wallet.
@@ -1146,7 +1168,7 @@
BIP32 Root Key
- 待办
+ To do
EVM 私钥
@@ -1206,15 +1228,15 @@
- 按区块链过滤
+ Blockchain
- 无效的 BEP2 符号
+ Invalid BEP2 symbol
找不到 BEP2 符号
在 %s 区块链中找不到合同地址
- 选择接收付款的地址格式。恢复现有钱包时应选择正确的格式。
+ Select address format for receiving payments. A correct format should be chosen when restoring an existing wallet.
@@ -1245,7 +1267,7 @@
- 1天
+ 1D
@@ -1253,7 +1275,7 @@
- 5年
+ 5Y
@@ -1280,7 +1302,7 @@
- 行情
+ Overview
@@ -1301,7 +1323,7 @@
- 千
+ K
@@ -1331,96 +1353,96 @@
%s 合约
BEP2 符号
- 上图显示了前 10 名钱包持有的所有流通代币的\%%。 \%% 越低,硬币的分布越广泛。
+ The chart above shows the \%% of all tokens in circulation held by the top 10 wallets. The lower the \%% the more distributed the coin is.
通过持有不可阻挡的 NFT 获取高级钱包功能。
- 指标
- 移动平均线
- 震荡指标
- 在技术分析中,EMA、SMA和WMA正在移动平均值:\n\nEMA强调最近的价格以便更快的反应。\n一般趋势视图的SMA平均价格数据。\nWMA 通过线性加权最近数据平衡敏感度和噪声减少.
- 相对力量指数(RSI)是一种衡量价格速度和变化的动力,能够识别出已经购买(超过70)或出售过量(低于30)市场条件。 它还能够通过差异发现价格逆转。
- 移动平均趋同差(MACD)是一个动态指标,它追踪两种证券价格的环境管理协议之间的关系。 它表明当MACD线(12期间EMA 减26期EMA)跨越9期EMA时即信号线时有机会购买或出售。
- 数据不足
- 没有足够的数据点显示EMA 1指标。 请调整时间段以生成移动平均行的视图。没有足够的点来显示EMA 1。
- 类型
- 句号
- RSI 长度
- 快速长度
- 慢长度
- 信号平滑化
- 指标仅适用于不可阻止的钱包高级用户。
- 这是一个基于给定的加密货币所提供的参考材料生成的 AI 描述。它可能包含错误。
- 验证
- 已验证
- 所有
- Total trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over 30-day period.
- 图表显示了过去一年内该代币在主要中心化交易所的日交易量变化。
- 代币的排名基于过去30天内在主要中心化交易所的交易量。
- 根据中心化交易所24小时/7天/1个月间隔的交易量排名的所有代币列表。
- 30天内最大的分散交易的交易总交易量。
- 图表显示了过去一年内该代币在主要去中心化交易所的日交易量变化。
- Token的等级基于30天内主要分散交易的交易量。
- 根据去中心化交易所24小时/7天/1个月间隔的交易量排名的所有代币列表。
+ Indicators
+ Moving Averages
+ Oscillators
+ The EMA, SMA, and WMA are moving averages used in technical analysis:\n\nEMA emphasizes recent prices for quicker reactions.\nSMA averages price data for a general trend view.\nWMA balances sensitivity and noise reduction by linearly weighting recent data.
+ The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures price speed and change, identifying overbought (above 70) or oversold (below 30) market conditions. It can also detect price reversals through divergences.
+ The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a momentum indicator that tracks the relationship between two EMAs of a security\'s price. It signals buying or selling opportunities when the MACD line (12-period EMA minus 26-period EMA) crosses the 9-period EMA, known as the signal line.
+ Insufficient Data
+ There are not enough data points to display the EMA 1 indicator. Please adjust the time period to generate a view of the moving average line.Not enough point to display EMA 1.
+ Type
+ Period
+ RSI Length
+ Fast Length
+ Slow Length
+ Signal Smoothing
+ Indicators available only for Unstoppable Wallet premium users.
+ This is an AI-generated description based on the provided reference material for the given cryptocurrency. It may contain errors.
+ Verified
+ All
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on centralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on trading volume on leading decentralized exchanges over a 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on decentralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals.
- 该代币在主要去中心化交易所当前可用的总流动性。
- 图表显示了过去一年内该代币在主要去中心化交易所可用流动性的变化。
- 根据在主要去中心化交易所的代币可用流动性排名的所有代币列表。
+ Total currently available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
+ Chart showing variation in available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges.
- 24小时内独特的每日活动地址总数。
- 图表显示了过去一年内每日活跃地址数量的变化。
- 过去30天内与代币进行交易的独特区块链地址的总数。
- 代币等级基于使用代币30天交易的有效钱包数量。
- 根据24小时/7天/1个月时间段内与代币进行交易的每日活跃地址数量排名的所有代币列表。
- Total number of unique blockchain transactions with tokens over a 30-day period.
- 显示1年周期的交易计数变化的图表。
- 基于30天周期与代币交易的数量的代币排名。
- 基于24时 / 7天 / 1月间隔的交易数量排名的所有代币的列表。
+ Total number of unique daily active addresses over 24-hour period.
+ Chart showing variation in daily active address count over 1 year period.
+ Total number of unique blockchain addresses transacting with token over 30-day period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of active wallets transacting with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of daily active addresses transacting with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Total number of unique blockchain transactions with token over a 30-day period.
+ Chart showing variation in transaction count over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank based on the number of transactions with the token 30-day period.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the number of transactions with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
List of all tokens ranked based on the number of transactions with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
- 在各种区块链上持有代币的唯一地址的总数。
- 在每一个区块链上持有代币的前10大钱包。
+ Total number of unique addresses holding the token on various blockchains.
+ Top 10 wallets holding the token on each blockchain.
- 项目智能合同中的总价值锁定(或正在管理中的资产)。
- 图表显示了过去一年内项目智能合约中锁定总价值的变化。
- 代币的排名基于当前的锁定总价值。
- 基于当前锁定总价值排名的所有代币的列表。
- 项目的市值/锁定总价值(TVL)比率。
- 在30天周期内为代币持有者生成的总收入。通常,费用由代币质押者或通过代币销毁机制收集。
- 基于在30天周期内为代币质押者生成的收入的代币排名。
- 基于在24时 / 7天 / 1月间隔内为代币质押者生成的收入排名的所有代币的列表。
- 概述:这是对资产技术手段的一般概述,考虑到各种技术指标和时间框架。 它根据这些指标提供了一个协商一致的观点(购买、出售或中立)。
- 移动平均值:这些是通用的技术指标,可使价格数据平滑使用,从而产生一个趋势跟踪指标。 它们显示了特定时期内的平均价格。 多个类型的MA:\n\n简单移动平均值(SMA):这个计算了选定的价格范围的平均值。 通常按该范围内的周期数结算价格。\n\n指数移动平均值(EMA):这使得对最近的价格更加权重,从而对最近的价格变化作出更快的反应。
- Oscillators:这些是技术指标,随着时间的推移在波段内(在中心线以下或在设定的层次之间)波动。 它们的目的是帮助查明市场上买卖过多和销售过剩的条件。 这里有一些常见的顾问:\n\n相对力量指数(RSI):这将衡量价格变动的速度和变化。 它通常被用来查明买入或卖出过多的情况。\n\n移动平均汇合差(MACD):用于识别潜在的买卖信号。 它在其信号线上方(购买)或下方(出售)时,会触发技术信号。
+ Total-Value-Locked (or Assets Under Management) in the project\'s smart contracts.
+ Chart showing variation Total-Value-Locked in project\'s smart contracts over 1 year period.
+ Token\'s rank is based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on current Total-Value-Locked.
+ Market Cap / TVL ratio for the project.
+ Total revenue generated for the token holders over 30-day period. Typically, fees are collected by token stakers or though a token burn mechanism.
+ Token\'s rank is based on the revenue generated over a 30-day period for token stakers.
+ List of all tokens ranked based on the revenue generated for token stakers over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals.
+ Summary: This is a general overview of an asset\'s technicals, considering a variety of technical indicators and timeframes. It provides a consensus viewpoint (Buy, Sell, or Neutral) based on these indicators.
+ Moving Averages (MA): These are commonly used technical indicators that smooth out price data to create a trend-following indicator. They show the average price over a specific time period. There are several types of MAs:\n\nSimple Moving Average (SMA): This calculates the average of a selected range of prices, usually closing prices, by the number of periods in that range.\n\nExponential Moving Average (EMA): This gives more weight to recent prices, thereby responding more quickly to recent price changes.
+ Oscillators: These are technical indicators that fluctuate over time within a band (above and below a center line, or between set levels). They are designed to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in a market. Here are some common oscillators:\n\nRelative Strength Index (RSI): This measures the speed and change of price movements. It is usually used to identify overbought or oversold conditions.\n\nMoving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): This is used to identify potential buy and sell signals. It triggers technical signals when it crosses above (to buy) or below (to sell) its signal line.
- CEX交易量排名
+ CEX Volume Rank
- 对去中心化交易所的代币按交易量排名的代币。
+ Tokens are ranked by trading volume for the token on decentralized exchanges.
- 对去中心化交易所上按可用流通性排名的代币。
+ Tokens are ranked by available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
- 按与代币交易的唯一地址的数量排名的代币。
+ Tokens are ranked by a number of unique addresses transacting with the token.
- 按区块链上交易的数量排名的代币。
+ Tokens are ranked by number of transactions on a blockchain.
市值 / TVL比率
- 项目费用
+ Project Fee
- 项目收费等级
- 股東排名
- 按通过如质押或代币销毁等机制为持有者生成的收入排名的代币。
- 按各项目产生的费用排列的代币。收取费用的方式因项目而异。
- 通过在多个区块链上持有它们的独特地址来排名令牌。
+ Project Fee Rank
+ Holders Rank
+ Tokens are ranked by revenue generated for holders via mechanisms i.e. staking or token burns.
+ Tokens are ranked according to fees generated by respective projects. The way fees are collected varies from project to project.
+ Ranking tokens by unique addresses holding them on multiple blockchains.
@@ -1431,97 +1453,97 @@
- 总体得分
- 极好的
- 好
- 公平的
- 差的
- 总的分数是根据过去7天中央交易所的平均每日交易量计算的。
- 总的分数是根据过去7天分散交易所的平均每日交易量计算的。
- 总分数是根据分散交易所的可用流动资金总额计算的。
- 总得分是根据过去7天中每日平均活动地址计算的。
- 总体分数是根据给定令牌所代表的项目的总值锁定(管理中的资产)计算的。
- 总的分数是根据过去7天的平均每日交易数计算的。
- 总的分数是根据持有相应代币的地址总数计算的。
- 技术指标
- 详细信息
- 选择时间段
- 30 分钟
- 1 小时
- 4 小时
- 8 小时
- 1天
- 1周
- 1月
- 强烈建议买入
- 强烈建议卖出
- 出售
- 购买
- 中性
- 无数据
- 智能合约分析
- 高风险项目
- 中等风险项目
- 有风险
- 需要注意
- 由 De.Fi 支持
- %d条新闻
- 技术指标
- 请记住始终要进行风险管理,并注意这不是财务建议
- 已购买过期的
- 超价
+ Overall Score
+ Excellent
+ Good
+ Fair
+ Poor
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on centralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on decentralized exchanges over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total available liquidity on decentralized exchanges.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily active addresses over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total value locked (assets under management) on the project represented by the given token.
+ The overall score is based on the average daily transaction count over the last 7 days.
+ The overall score is based on the total number of addresses holding the respective tokens.
+ Technical Indicators
+ Details
+ Select Period
+ 30 minutes
+ 1 hour
+ 4 hours
+ 8 hours
+ 1 day
+ 1 week
+ 1 month
+ Strong Buy
+ Strong Sell
+ Sell
+ Buy
+ Neutral
+ No Data
+ Smart Contract Analysis
+ High Risk Items
+ Medium Risk Items
+ Risky
+ Attention Required
+ Powered by De.Fi
+ %d Items
+ Trading Assistant
+ Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice.
+ overbought
+ oversold
- 资产的行动是有风险的。
- 从 %s 开始
- 资产不属于Bollinger频道和 %s。
- RSI = %1$s,这也表明该资产为%2$s.
- 可能会有强烈的%s向动,因此最好等待资产价格回到通道中。
- 资产是 %s,但现在它已经返回Bollinger Band 通道。这表明可能出现趋势逆转。
- 与此同时,RSI 是 %1$s, 它仍然表示它是 %2$s。
- 这可能是一个非常强有力的进入市场的信号。请记住,在回到通道后,可能会有多次尝试%s向运动,所以不要忽视风险管理。
- 与此同时,RSI为 %s,这也表明了一种扭转趋势(RSI跨越边界,占70\%%)。
- 然而,价格正在回到中度水平,但仍有上升的潜力。 牢记RSI=50和Bollinger区中部是强大的抗药性和可能的趋势逆转点。 不要忘记风险管理。
- RSI = $s 也证实没有强有力的趋势。
- 该资产处于被推销/出售区内,但此时价格已回到中立区内的Bollinger频道。 RSI 是 %s 也证实了没有强大的趋势。 因此,整体资产价格正在走向平均值,任何方向都有可能进一步发展。
- 一般而言,资产价格正在走向平均值,任何方向都有进一步变动的可能。
- 请注意:
- 以上
- 下面
- 发展
- 减少
- EMA 200。确定总体情绪和趋势。资产的日价格位于 EMA (%1$s) %2$s。这意味着全球资产已设定为 %3$s。
- 以上
- 下面
- MACD。考虑平均价格变动来评估趋势的强度。直方图的每日值为%1$s(%2$s)。该资产的价格全球可能会移动%3$s。
- 技术指标
- 我们使用布林带 + RSI 策略来确定交易信号。所有计算都基于日线图,并为中长期提供建议。该策略的本质是资产价格应该达到一个极端点,突破布林带通道,并且 RSI 应该处于超买/超卖区域。在价格回到通道后,有很高的概率价格回归到平均值或尝试从另一侧突破通道。请注意,在正确信号出现之前,该策略在市场强劲波动期间可能会出现多个虚假信号。\n\n请记住,在交易中应用风险管理非常重要,如果市场情况发生变化,请记得及时止损!
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+ The actions with the asset are risky.
+ Starting from the %s
+ The asset is outside the Bollinger Band channel and %s.
+ RSI = %1$s, This also indicates that the asset is %2$s.
+ There might be a strong %sward movement, so it\'s better to wait for the asset price to return to the channel.
+ the asset was %s, but now it has returned to the Bollinger Band channel. This indicates a possible trend reversal.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %1$s, which still indicates that it is %2$s.
+ This could be a very strong signal to enter the market. Keep in mind that there may be several attempts of %sward movement after returning to the channel, so do not forget about risk management.
+ Meanwhile, the RSI is %s, which also indicates a trend reversal (RSI crossed the boundary at 70\%%).
+ The price is returning to neutral levels, however, there is still potential for upward movement. Keep in mind that RSI = 50 and the middle of the Bollinger Bands are strong resistances and possible trend reversal points. Do not forget about risk management.
+ RSI = $s also confirms the absence of a strong trend.
+ the asset was in the overbought/oversold zone, but at the moment the price has returned to the Bollinger Band channel in the neutral zone. The RSI is %s also confirms the absence of a strong trend, so overall the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ In general, the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction.
+ Please note:
+ above
+ below
+ growth
+ decrease
+ EMA 200. Determines the overall sentiment and trend. The daily price of the asset is located %1$s the EMA (%2$s). This means that globally the asset is set for %3$s.
+ above
+ below
+ MACD. Assesses the strength of the trend considering the average price change. The daily value of the histogram is %1$s (%2$s). The price of the asset globally may move %3$s.
+ Technical Indicators
+ We use the Bollinger Bands + RSI strategy to determine trading signals. All calculations are based on daily candlesticks and provide advice for a moderately long term. The essence of the strategy is that the asset price should reach an extreme, breaking out of the Bollinger Bands channel, and the RSI should be in the overbought/oversold zone. After the price returns to the channel, there is a high probability of the price returning to the mean values or attempting to break the channel from the other side. Note that the strategy may give several false signals during strong market movements before a correct signal appears.\n\nPlease remember that it is very important to apply risk management to trading and remember to cut losses if the market situation changes!
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@@ -1584,8 +1606,8 @@
- 涨幅最大者
- 跌幅最大者
+ Gainers
+ Losers
@@ -1597,7 +1619,7 @@
- 加入未加入的
@@ -1629,26 +1651,26 @@
- 解锁
+ Unlock
- 输入密码
+ Enter Passcode
- 剩余尝试次数: %s
- 常规体
- 随机
+ Attempts left: %s
+ Regular
+ Random
- 设置密码
+ Create Passcode
- 设置密码以启用生物计。
- 设置密码以启用压力模式
- 此密码已被使用.
+ Set a passcode to enable Biometrics
+ Set a passcode to enable Duress Mode
+ This passcode is already being used.
@@ -1681,39 +1703,39 @@
此地址已用于 %s
- 已连接
+ Connected
- 选择代币
- 选择网络
- 选择一个网络并获得一个地址存取。
- 名称或代码
- 存款 %s
- 复制地址
- 共享地址
- 網絡
- 您存放 %s 的地址
- 只发送 %s 到此地址。向此地址发送其他类型的令牌将导致其最终丢失。
- 需要备注(标签),否则您将丢失您的硬币。\n\n仅将 %s 发送到此地址。 将其他类型的代币发送到该地址将导致其最终损失。
- 重要信息
- 需要填写备注(标签)和地址以确保收到资产。否则您的资金将丢失。
- 连接您的 API 密钥失败
+ Choose Coin
+ Choose Network
+ Choose a network and get an address to deposit.
+ Name or code
+ Deposit %s
+ Copy Address
+ Share Address
+ Network
+ Your address for depositing %s
+ Send only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Memo (tag) is required, or your will lose your coins.\n\nSend only %s to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss.
+ Important
+ Both a memo (tag) and the address are needed to ensure that assets are received. Otherwise your funds will be lost.
+ Failed to connect your API Key
- 发送%s
- 網絡
- 费用金额
- 费用
- 确保网络匹配提款地址和存款平台支持它,否则资产可能丢失。
- 安全验证
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- Google 身份验证器代码
- 重新发送
- %s秒
- 输入验证码发送到您的电子邮件.
- 从您的 Google 身份验证器应用程序中输入代码。
- 提取
- 成功
- 现有余额不足
- 您可以提取的最低金额是 %s
- 您可以提取的最大金额是 %s
- 提取失败
+ Send %s
+ Network
+ Fee from amount
+ Fee
+ Ensure the network matches the withdrawal address and the deposit platform supports it, or assets may be lost.
+ Security Verification
+ Verification Code
+ Google Authenticator Code
+ Resend
+ %s sec
+ Enter verification code sent to your email.
+ Enter code from your Google Authenticator App.
+ Withdraw
+ Success
+ Not enough available Balance
+ The minimum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ The maximum amount you can withdraw is %s
+ Withdraw Failed