diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings index 04fda78f83..35e9b3eafe 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "extended_key.purpose" = "Zweck"; "extended_key.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; "extended_key.account" = "Account"; +"extended_key.account.description" = "Dies ist eine Einstellung für fortgeschrittene Benutzer. Wenn Sie versuchen, ein Wallet (über einen erweiterten privaten Schlüssel) oder eine Transaktionsliste (über einen erweiterten öffentlichen Schlüssel) zu importieren, benötigen Sie das Konto 0."; "extended_key.tap_to_show" = "Zum Anzeigen des erweiterten privaten Schlüssels tippen"; // Backup @@ -318,7 +319,6 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "balance.downloading_blocks" = "Blöcke herunterladen"; "balance.scanning_blocks" = "Scanne Blöcke"; "balance.enhancing_transactions" = "Transaktionen verbessern"; -"wait_for_synchronization" = "Warten auf Synchronisation"; "balance.searching.count" = "%@ tx"; "balance.syncing_percent" = "Synchronisieren... %@"; @@ -348,9 +348,11 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "balance.token.staked" = "Absteckung"; "balance.token.staked.info.title" = "Absteckter Titel"; "balance.token.staked.info.description" = "Absteckungstext"; -"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "Eingefroren"; "balance.token.frozen.info.title" = "gefrorener Titel"; "balance.token.frozen.info.description" = "gefrorener Beschreibungstext"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.title" = "Konto nicht aktiv"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.description" = "Neue TRON-Wallets erfordern eine Einzahlung von mindestens 1 TRX, um aktiv zu werden. Inaktive Wallets können Token halten und empfangen, korrigieren jedoch keine Guthaben, bis sie aktiviert sind."; // Account switcher @@ -445,6 +447,8 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.shuffle.description" = "Die Reihenfolge der Transaktionsausgänge wird bei jeder Transaktion zufällig. Manchmal können Änderungen die erste Ausgabe sein, manchmal kann es die zweite sein. Wenn ein Benutzer dem Entwickler der App vertraut, dann erwäge dies eine empfohlene Option."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.title" = "2. Deterministic"; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.description" = "Es gibt einen allgemein vereinbarten Standard für die Bestellung von Transaktionsausgängen (bekannt als BIP69). In Open-Source-Brieftaschen stellt dieser Standard sicher, dass Wallet-Benutzer nicht darauf vertrauen müssen, wie Entwickler der App die Reihenfolge der Ausgaben implementieren. Da dieser Standard neu ist, haben noch nicht viele Brieftaschen ihn implementiert. Infolgedessen ist es einigermaßen möglich, auf der Blockchain zu sehen, ob eine Transaktion von einer Brieftasche gesendet wurde, die diesen Standard verwendet hat oder nicht."; +"send.select_all" = "Alles Auswählen"; +"send.unselect_all" = "Alle abwählen"; "send.confirmation.title" = "Bestätigen"; "send.confirmation.you_send" = "Sie Senden"; @@ -462,18 +466,20 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "send.confirmation.time_lock" = "TimeLock"; "send.confirmation.replace_by_fee" = "Ersetzen durch Gebühr"; "send.confirmation.replaced_transactions" = "Ersetzte Transaktionen"; - +"send.confirmation.input" = "Eingabe"; + +"send.confirmation.sync_failed" = "Synchronisation fehlgeschlagen"; +"send.confirmation.invalid_data" = "Ungültige Daten"; +"send.confirmation.refresh" = "Aktualisieren"; +"send.confirmation.please_wait" = "Bitte warten"; +"send.confirmation.expires_in" = "Läuft ab in %@"; +"send.confirmation.expired" = "Abgelaufen"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_send" = "Zum Senden wischen"; "send.confirmation.sending" = "Wird gesendet"; "send.confirmation.sent" = "Gesendet"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_approve" = "Zum Genehmigen wischen"; -"send.confirmation.approving" = "Wird bestätigt"; -"send.confirmation.approved" = "Bestätigt"; - "send.confirmation.slide_to_revoke" = "Zum Widerrufen wischen"; -"send.confirmation.revoking" = "Widerrufen"; -"send.confirmation.revoked" = "Widerrufen"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_resend" = "Nochmal senden"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_cancel" = "Transaktion abbrechen"; @@ -506,6 +512,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "send.lock_time" = "TimeLock"; "send.unspent_outputs" = "UTxOs"; +"send.unspent_outputs.description" = "Manuell die UTxO auswählen, um die Mittel im Guthaben auszugeben"; "send.unspent_outputs.send_to" = "Senden an"; "send.unspent_outputs.change" = "Ändern"; @@ -513,6 +520,14 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Du widerrufen"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "Spender"; +"send.enter_amount" = "Betrag eingeben"; +"send.enter_address" = "Adresse eingeben"; +"send.invalid_address" = "Ungültige Adresse"; +"send.token_not_enabled" = "Token nicht aktiviert"; +"send.token_syncing" = "Token-Synchronisation"; +"send.token_not_synced" = "Token nicht synchronisiert"; +"send.insufficient_balance" = "Unzureichendes Guthaben"; + // Donate "donate.list.title" = "Spenden mit"; @@ -549,7 +564,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "swap.trade_error.wrap_unwrap_not_allowed" = "Dieser Service erlaubt keine Verpackung/Auspackung. Bitte versuchen Sie einen anderen Swap-Service. 1Inch empfohlen"; "swap.button_error.insufficient_balance" = "Unzureichendes Guthaben"; "swap.switch_provider.title" = "Dienst wechseln"; -"swap.amount_type.coin" = "Coin"; +"swap.amount_type.coin" = "Münze"; "swap.price" = "Preis"; "swap.buy_price" = "Kaufpreis"; @@ -643,7 +658,6 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "swap.confirmation.slide_to_swap" = "Wischen zum Tauschen"; "swap.confirmation.swapping" = "Swapping"; -"swap.confirmation.swapped" = "Swapped"; "swap.confirmation.refresh" = "Aktualisieren"; "swap.confirmation.impact_too_high" = "%@ hat Swap-Aktion für diesen Handel deaktiviert, da du einen extrem ungünstigen Preis bekommst. Dies ist auf extrem niedrige Liquidität zurückzuführen.\nWenn Sie trotzdem wechseln möchten, verwenden Sie stattdessen %@ Webseite."; "swap.confirmation.impact_warning" = "Wichtig! Du bekommst einen extrem ungünstigen Preis. Dies ist auf die extrem niedrige Liquidität zurückzuführen."; @@ -686,6 +700,53 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "market.defi_cap" = "DeFi MK"; "market.defi_tvl" = "TVL in DeFi"; +"market.global.market_cap" = "Total Cap"; +"market.global.volume" = "24 Std. Vol."; +"market.global.btc_dominance" = "BTC-Dominanz"; +"market.global.etf_inflow" = "ETF Inflow"; +"market.global.tvl_in_defi" = "TVL in DeFi"; + +"market.tab.news" = "Nachrichten"; +"market.tab.coins" = "Münzen"; +"market.tab.watchlist" = "Merkliste"; +"market.tab.platforms" = "Plattformen"; +"market.tab.pairs" = "Paare"; +"market.tab.sectors" = "Sektoren"; + +"market.sort_by.title" = "Sortieren nach"; +"market.sort_by.manual" = "Manuell"; +"market.sort_by.highest_cap" = "Höchste Obergrenze"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_cap" = "Niedrigste Obergrenze"; +"market.sort_by.gainers" = "Gewinner"; +"market.sort_by.losers" = "Verlierer"; +"market.sort_by.highest_volume" = "Höchste Lautstärke"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_volume" = "Geringste Lautstärke"; + +"market.top_coins.title" = "Münzen"; +"market.top_coins" = "Top %@"; + +"market.time_period.title" = "Zeitraum"; +"market.time_period.24h" = "24 Stunden"; +"market.time_period.1d" = "1 Tag"; +"market.time_period.1w" = "1 Woche"; +"market.time_period.2w" = "2 Wochen"; +"market.time_period.1m" = "1 Monate"; +"market.time_period.3m" = "3 Monate"; +"market.time_period.6m" = "6 Monate"; +"market.time_period.1y" = "1 Jahr"; +"market.time_period.2y" = "2 Jahre"; +"market.time_period.5y" = "5 Jahre"; +"market.time_period.24h.short" = "24Std"; +"market.time_period.1d.short" = "1T"; +"market.time_period.1w.short" = "1W"; +"market.time_period.2w.short" = "2W"; +"market.time_period.1m.short" = "1M"; +"market.time_period.3m.short" = "3M"; +"market.time_period.6m.short" = "6M"; +"market.time_period.1y.short" = "1J"; +"market.time_period.2y.short" = "2J"; +"market.time_period.5y.short" = "5J"; + "market.project_has_no_coin" = "Dieses Projekt hat keine eigene Kryptowährung"; "market.top.section.header.see_all" = "Alle anzeigen"; @@ -722,6 +783,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "market.top.top_platforms" = "Top Plattformen"; "market.top.protocols" = "Protocols"; +"market.pairs.volume" = "Lautstärke"; "top_pairs.title" = "Top Marktpaare"; "top_pairs.description" = "Top-Handelspaare nach Volumen in jedem Exchange"; @@ -741,6 +803,17 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "market_discovery.not_found" = "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden"; "market_watchlist.empty.caption" = "Ihre Beobachtungsliste ist leer."; +"market.watchlist.signals" = "Signale"; +"market.watchlist.empty" = "Ihre Beobachtungsliste ist leer"; +"market.watchlist.signals.description" = "Die folgenden Signale basieren auf den Bollinger-Bändern und dem RSI-technischen Preisindikator über etwa die letzten 30 Tage. Diese Signale sind algorithmisch und können sich häufig ändern."; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_buy.description" = "Hohe Zuversicht in Preisanstieg"; +"market.watchlist.signals.buy.description" = "Voraussichtlicher Preisanstieg in naher Zukunft"; +"market.watchlist.signals.neutral.description" = "Kein klarer Trend, der Markt befindet sich im Gleichgewicht"; +"market.watchlist.signals.sell.description" = "Voraussichtlicher Preisanstieg in naher Zukunft"; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_sell.description" = "Hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit für Preissenkungen"; +"market.watchlist.signals.risky.description" = "Erhöhtes Risikoniveau, erfordert Vorsicht"; +"market.watchlist.signals.warning" = "Denken Sie immer daran, das Risikomanagement anzuwenden und beachten Sie, dass dies keine finanzielle Beratung ist."; +"market.watchlist.signals.turn_on" = "Einschalten"; "market.advanced_search.title" = "Filter"; "market.advanced_search.show_results" = "Ergebnisse anzeigen"; @@ -768,7 +841,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "market.advanced_search.price_period" = "Preiszeitraum"; "market.advanced_search.price_change" = "Preisänderung"; -"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risk_trade" = "Handelsrisiko"; +"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risky" = "Riskant"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.strong_buy" = "Starker Kauf"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.buy" = "Kaufen"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.neutral" = "Neutral"; @@ -809,9 +882,9 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "market.advanced_search.more_500_b" = "> 500 Mrd"; "market.advanced_search.day" = "1 Tag"; -"market.advanced_search.week" = "1Week"; +"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Woche"; "market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Wochen"; -"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Monat"; +"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Monate"; "market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Monate"; "market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Jahr"; @@ -835,6 +908,23 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.multi_chain" = "Mehrkettig"; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.filter_by_chain" = "Filtern nach Kette"; +"market.etf.title" = "Gesamtnettonzufluss"; +"market.etf.description" = "Der Nettogeldzufluss eines ETFs entspricht seinen Geldeingängen abzüglich der Abflüsse."; +"market.etf.total_net_assets" = "Gesamte Netto-Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.highest_assets" = "Höchste Vermögenswerte"; +"market.etf.sort_by.lowest_assets" = "Niedrigste Vermögenswerte"; +"market.etf.sort_by.inflow" = "Zufluss"; +"market.etf.sort_by.outflow" = "Abfluss"; +"market.etf.period.all" = "Alle"; + +"market.market_cap.title" = "Gesamtmarktzahl"; +"market.market_cap.description" = "Gesamtmarktwert aller Kryptowährungen"; +"market.market_cap.market_cap" = "Marktkappe"; + +"market.volume.title" = "Lautstärke"; +"market.volume.description" = "Das 24h Handelsvolumen des Krypto-Marktes"; +"market.volume.volume" = "Lautstärke"; + // Coin Page "coin_page.overview" = "Preis"; @@ -855,9 +945,9 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "coin_overview.trading_volume" = "Handelsvolumen"; "coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 Tag"; -"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1Week"; +"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Woche"; "coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Wochen"; -"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Monat"; +"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Monate"; "coin_overview.roi.day200" = "6 Monate"; "coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Jahr"; @@ -895,24 +985,24 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "technical_advice.neutral.rsi" = "RSI = %@ bestätigt ebenfalls das Fehlen eines starken Trends."; "technical_advice.neutral.indicators" = "Das Asset befand sich in der überkauften/überverkauften Zone, aber momentan hat der Preis wieder den Bollinger-Band-Kanal in der neutralen Zone erreicht. Der RSI beträgt %@, was auch das Fehlen eines starken Trends bestätigt. Insgesamt bewegt sich der Assetpreis also in Richtung Durchschnittsbildung und weitere Bewegungen sind in jede Richtung möglich."; -"technical_advice.neutral.advice" = " In general, the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction."; +"technical_advice.neutral.advice" = " Im Allgemeinen bewegt sich der Preis des Vermögenswerts in Richtung Mittelwert, und weitere Bewegungen in jede Richtung sind möglich."; -"technical_advice.other.title" = "Please note:"; +"technical_advice.other.title" = "Bitte beachten Sie:"; -"technical_advice.ema.above" = "above"; -"technical_advice.ema.below" = "below"; -"technical_advice.ema.growth" = "growth"; -"technical_advice.ema.decrease" = "decrease"; -"technical_advice.ema.advice" = "EMA 200. Determines the overall sentiment and trend. The daily price of the asset is located %@ the EMA (%@). This means that globally the asset is set for %@."; +"technical_advice.ema.above" = "oben"; +"technical_advice.ema.below" = "unten"; +"technical_advice.ema.growth" = "wachstum"; +"technical_advice.ema.decrease" = "verringern"; +"technical_advice.ema.advice" = "EMA 200. Bestimmt die allgemeine Stimmung und den Trend. Der tägliche Preis des Vermögenswerts liegt %@ der EMA (%@). Dies bedeutet, dass der Vermögenswert global für %@ eingestellt ist."; -"technical_advice.macd.positive" = "above"; -"technical_advice.macd.negative" = "below"; -"technical_advice.macd.advice" = "MACD. Assesses the strength of the trend considering the average price change. The daily value of the histogram is %@ (%@). The price of the asset globally may move %@."; +"technical_advice.macd.positive" = "oben"; +"technical_advice.macd.negative" = "unten"; +"technical_advice.macd.advice" = "MACD. Bewertet die Stärke des Trends unter Berücksichtigung der durchschnittlichen Preisänderung. Der tägliche Wert des Histogramms beträgt %@ (%@). Der Preis des Vermögenswerts könnte sich global %@ bewegen."; "coin_analytics.indicators.title" = "Technische Indikatoren"; -"coin_analytics.indicators.disclaimer" = "Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice."; +"coin_analytics.indicators.disclaimer" = "Denken Sie immer daran, das Risikomanagement anzuwenden und beachten Sie, dass dies keine finanzielle Beratung ist."; "coin_analytics.indicators.info.title" = "Technische Indikatoren"; -"coin_analytics.indicators.info.description" = "We use the Bollinger Bands + RSI strategy to determine trading signals. All calculations are based on daily candlesticks and provide advice for a moderately long term. The essence of the strategy is that the asset price should reach an extreme, breaking out of the Bollinger Bands channel, and the RSI should be in the overbought/oversold zone. After the price returns to the channel, there is a high probability of the price returning to the mean values or attempting to break the channel from the other side. Note that the strategy may give several false signals during strong market movements before a correct signal appears.\n\nPlease remember that it is very important to apply risk management to trading and remember to cut losses if the market situation changes! "; +"coin_analytics.indicators.info.description" = "Wir verwenden die Bollinger-Bänder + RSI-Strategie, um Handelssignale zu bestimmen. Alle Berechnungen basieren auf täglichen Kerzenleuchtern und geben Ratschläge für eine moderat langfristige Strategie. Die Essenz der Strategie besteht darin, dass der Asset-Preis ein Extrem erreichen sollte, indem er aus dem Bollinger-Bänder-Kanal ausbricht, und der RSI sollte sich in der überkauften/überverkauften Zone befinden. Nachdem der Preis zum Kanal zurückkehrt, besteht eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass der Preis zu den Mittelwerten zurückkehrt oder versucht, den Kanal von der anderen Seite zu durchbrechen. Beachten Sie, dass die Strategie während starker Marktbewegungen mehrere falsche Signale geben kann, bevor ein korrektes Signal erscheint.\n\nBitte denken Sie daran, dass es sehr wichtig ist, Risikomanagement beim Handel anzuwenden und daran zu denken, Verluste zu begrenzen, wenn sich die Marktsituation ändert! "; "coin_analytics.indicators.hide_details" = "Details ausblenden"; "coin_analytics.indicators.show_details" = "Details anzeigen"; "coin_analytics.indicators.summary" = "Zusammenfassung"; @@ -1200,6 +1290,8 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "settings.rate_us" = "Bewerten Sie uns"; "settings.tell_friends" = "Freunden erzählen"; "settings.contact_us" = "Kontaktiere uns"; +"settings.social_networks.label" = "UNSTOPPABLES beitreten"; +"settings.social_networks.footer" = "Bleiben Sie über die Geschehnisse bei Unstoppable auf dem Laufenden. Seien Sie der Erste, der über neue Funktionen, von Benutzern gemeldete Probleme und die Dinge, an denen wir arbeiten, informiert ist!"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1417,9 +1509,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; // Settings -> About App "settings.about_app.title" = "Über die App"; -"settings.about_app.app_name" = "%@ Wallet"; -"settings.about_app.description" = "Die Brieftasche %@ wurde für diejenigen gebaut, die Kryptowährungen auf private und unabhängige Weise investieren und speichern möchten.\n\nEs handelt sich um eine nicht-Custodial, Peer-to-Peer-Wallet, bei der nur der Benutzer die Kontrolle über das Guthaben hat. Es sammelt keine Daten und hält den Benutzer unabhängig, indem er das Guthaben des Benutzers nicht an eine bestimmte Wallet-App sperrt.\n\nDie %@ Brieftasche ist vollständig Open-Source und jeder kann bestätigen, dass die App genau so funktioniert, wie sie es vorgibt."; -"settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Das ist neu"; +"settings.about_app.app_version" = "App-Version"; "settings.about_app.website" = "Website"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact @@ -1446,21 +1536,26 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "appearance.theme.dark" = "Dunkel"; "appearance.theme.light" = "Hell"; -"appearance.tab_settings" = "Tab-Einstellungen"; "appearance.markets_tab" = "Markt-Tab"; +"appearance.hide_markets" = "Märkte ausblenden"; +"appearance.price_change" = "Preisänderung"; +"appearance.price_change.24h" = "24Std"; +"appearance.price_change.midnight_utc" = "Mitternacht UTC"; + "appearance.launch_screen" = "Startbildschirm"; "appearance.launch_screen.auto" = "Auto"; "appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "Guthaben"; "appearance.launch_screen.market_overview" = "Marktübersicht"; "appearance.launch_screen.watchlist" = "Merkliste"; -"appearance.app_icon" = "App-Symbol"; - +"appearance.balance_tab" = "Balance Tab"; +"appearance.hide_buttons" = "Schaltflächen ausblenden"; +"appearance.balance_value" = "Saldo Wert"; +"appearance.balance_value.coin_fiat" = "Münze / Fiat"; +"appearance.balance_value.fiat_coin" = "Fiat / Münze"; "appearance.balance_conversion" = "Saldokonvertierung"; -"appearance.balance_value" = "Saldo Wert"; -"appearance.balance_value.coin_value" = "Münzwert"; -"appearance.balance_value.fiat_value" = "Fiat-Wert"; +"appearance.app_icon" = "App-Symbol"; // Settings -> Contacts @@ -1913,7 +2008,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "nft.activity.empty_list" = "Noch keine Artikel-Aktivität"; "nft.activity.event_types" = "Ereignistypen"; "nft.activity.event_type.all" = "Alle Ereignisse"; -"nft.activity.event_type.sale" = "Sale"; +"nft.activity.event_type.sale" = "Kauf"; "nft.activity.event_type.transfer" = "Überweisung"; "nft.activity.event_type.mint" = "Mint"; "nft.activity.event_type.list" = "Liste"; @@ -1959,7 +2054,6 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "tron.send.fee.info" = "Die geschätzten Kosten für den Versand einer Transaktion im Netzwerk (ohne Energie-, Bandbreiten- und Aktivierungsgebühren)"; "tron.send.resources_consumed.info" = "Bandwidth ist die Einheit, die die Größe der in der Blockchain-Datenbank gespeicherten Transaktionsbytes misst. Je größer die Transaktion, desto mehr Ressourcen werden verbraucht.\n\nEnergie ist die Einheit, die die Anzahl der Berechnungen misst, die von der virtuellen TRON-Maschine benötigt werden, um bestimmte Operationen im TRON-Netzwerk durchzuführen.\n\nDa intelligente Vertragsabschlüsse die Verwendung von Rechnerressourcen erfordern, muss für jeden Smart Contract eine Energiegebühr bezahlt werden."; "tron.send.activation_fee.info" = "Die Übertragung von TRX- oder TRC-10-Token an eine inaktive Konto-Adresse wird das Konto aktivieren."; -"tron.send.inactive_address" = "Diese Adresse ist nicht aktiv"; // Cex Coin Select @@ -2025,7 +2119,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "transaction_filter.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; "transaction_filter.all_blockchains" = "Alle Blockchains"; -"transaction_filter.coin" = "Coin"; +"transaction_filter.coin" = "Münze"; "transaction_filter.all_coins" = "Alle Coins"; "transaction_filter.contact" = "Kontakt"; "transaction_filter.all_contacts" = "Alle Kontakte"; diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings index 489f8d2e3e..6f1b3fd1a2 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "extended_key.purpose" = "Propósito"; "extended_key.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; "extended_key.account" = "Account"; +"extended_key.account.description" = "This is a setting for advanced users. If you are trying to import wallet (via extended private key )or transactions list (via  extended public key) you need account 0."; "extended_key.tap_to_show" = "Toque para mostrar extended private key"; // Backup @@ -318,7 +319,6 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "balance.downloading_blocks" = "Descargando bloques"; "balance.scanning_blocks" = "Bloques de escaneo"; "balance.enhancing_transactions" = "Mejorar las transacciones"; -"wait_for_synchronization" = "Esperando sincronización"; "balance.searching.count" = "%@ tx"; "balance.syncing_percent" = "Sincronizando... %@"; @@ -351,6 +351,8 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "balance.token.frozen" = "Congelados"; "balance.token.frozen.info.title" = "Título congelado"; "balance.token.frozen.info.description" = "Texto de descripción congelada"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.title" = "Account Not Active"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.description" = "New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated."; // Account switcher @@ -445,6 +447,8 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.shuffle.description" = "El orden de salida de las transacciones se aleatoriza en cada transacción. A veces el cambio puede ser la primera salida, a veces puede ser la segunda. Si un usuario confía en el desarrollador de la aplicación, considere esta una opción recomendada."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.title" = "2. Deterministic"; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.description" = "Existe un estándar comúnmente acordado para ordenar las salidas de las transacciones (conocido como BIP69). En carteras de código abierto, ese estándar asegura que los usuarios de la cartera no necesiten confiar en cómo los desarrolladores de la aplicación implementan el orden de las salidas. Dado que este estándar es nuevo, todavía no muchos monederos lo han implementado. Como resultado, es algo posible ver en la cadena de bloques si una transacción fue enviada desde una cartera que utiliza ese estándar o no."; +"send.select_all" = "Select All"; +"send.unselect_all" = "Unselect All"; "send.confirmation.title" = "Confirmar"; "send.confirmation.you_send" = "Usted envía"; @@ -462,18 +466,20 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "send.confirmation.time_lock" = "TimeLock"; "send.confirmation.replace_by_fee" = "Reemplazar por tarifa"; "send.confirmation.replaced_transactions" = "Transacciones Reemplazadas"; - +"send.confirmation.input" = "Input"; + +"send.confirmation.sync_failed" = "Sync Failed"; +"send.confirmation.invalid_data" = "Invalid Data"; +"send.confirmation.refresh" = "Refresh"; +"send.confirmation.please_wait" = "Please Wait"; +"send.confirmation.expires_in" = "Expires in %@"; +"send.confirmation.expired" = "Expired"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_send" = "Deslizar para enviar"; "send.confirmation.sending" = "Enviar"; "send.confirmation.sent" = "Enviado"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_approve" = "Deslizar para aprobar"; -"send.confirmation.approving" = "Aprobando"; -"send.confirmation.approved" = "Aprobar"; - "send.confirmation.slide_to_revoke" = "Deslizar para revocar"; -"send.confirmation.revoking" = "Revocando"; -"send.confirmation.revoked" = "Revocada"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_resend" = "Reenviar"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_cancel" = "Cancelar transacción"; @@ -506,6 +512,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "send.lock_time" = "Timelock"; "send.unspent_outputs" = "UTXOs"; +"send.unspent_outputs.description" = "Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance"; "send.unspent_outputs.send_to" = "Enviar a"; "send.unspent_outputs.change" = "Cambio"; @@ -513,6 +520,14 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Revocas"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "Gastador"; +"send.enter_amount" = "Introducir cantidad"; +"send.enter_address" = "Enter Address"; +"send.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; +"send.token_not_enabled" = "Token Not Enabled"; +"send.token_syncing" = "Token Syncing"; +"send.token_not_synced" = "Token Not Synced"; +"send.insufficient_balance" = "Saldo insuficiente"; + // Donate "donate.list.title" = "Donar con"; @@ -568,9 +583,9 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "swap.no_providers" = "No hay proveedores"; "swap.enter_amount" = "Introducir cantidad"; "swap.no_quotes" = "Sin ofertas"; -"swap.token_not_enabled" = "Token no habilitado"; -"swap.token_syncing" = "Sincronización de tokens"; -"swap.token_not_synced" = "Token no sincronizado"; +"swap.token_not_enabled" = "Token Not Enabled"; +"swap.token_syncing" = "Token Syncing"; +"swap.token_not_synced" = "Token Not Synced"; "swap.insufficient_balance" = "Saldo insuficiente"; "swap.quotes.providers" = "Proveedores"; @@ -615,7 +630,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "swap.advanced_settings.service_fee_description" = "Tasa de servicio para la acción de intercambio en la plataforma típicamente de 0,3% o 0,6%"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.lower_slippage" = "Es probable que su transacción falle."; "swap.advanced_settings.error.higher_slippage" = "Tolerancia de deslizamiento no puede ser más de %@%%"; -"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "Dirección inválida"; +"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_slippage" = "Deslizamiento no válido"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_deadline" = "Fecha límite no válida"; @@ -636,15 +651,14 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "swap.confirmation.title" = "Confirmar"; "swap.confirmation.quoting" = "Cotización..."; "swap.confirmation.invalid_quote" = "Cotización no válida"; -"swap.confirmation.please_wait" = "Por favor, espere"; +"swap.confirmation.please_wait" = "Please Wait"; "swap.confirmation.quote_expires_in" = "La cotización expira en %@"; "swap.confirmation.quote_expired" = "Cotización expirada"; "swap.confirmation.quote_failed" = "Error al cotizar"; "swap.confirmation.slide_to_swap" = "Deslizar para intercambiar"; "swap.confirmation.swapping" = "Intercambio"; -"swap.confirmation.swapped" = "Cambiado"; -"swap.confirmation.refresh" = "Actualizar"; +"swap.confirmation.refresh" = "Refresh"; "swap.confirmation.impact_too_high" = "%@ ha desactivado la acción de intercambio para esta operación porque está recibiendo un precio extremadamente desfavorable. Esto se debe a una liquidez extremadamente baja. \nSi aún desea intercambiar, utilice el sitio web %@ en su lugar."; "swap.confirmation.impact_warning" = "¡Importante! Has obtenido un precio extremadamente desfavorable debido a la baja liquidez del mercado."; @@ -686,12 +700,59 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "market.defi_cap" = "DeFi Cap"; "market.defi_tvl" = "TVL en DeFi"; +"market.global.market_cap" = "Total Cap"; +"market.global.volume" = "24h Vol."; +"market.global.btc_dominance" = "BTC Dominance"; +"market.global.etf_inflow" = "ETF Inflow"; +"market.global.tvl_in_defi" = "TVL en DeFi"; + +"market.tab.news" = "Noticias"; +"market.tab.coins" = "Coins"; +"market.tab.watchlist" = "Lista de Seguimiento"; +"market.tab.platforms" = "Platforms"; +"market.tab.pairs" = "Pairs"; +"market.tab.sectors" = "Sectors"; + +"market.sort_by.title" = "Sort By"; +"market.sort_by.manual" = "Manual"; +"market.sort_by.highest_cap" = "Highest Cap"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_cap" = "Lowest Cap"; +"market.sort_by.gainers" = "Gainers"; +"market.sort_by.losers" = "Losers"; +"market.sort_by.highest_volume" = "Highest Volume"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_volume" = "Lowest Volume"; + +"market.top_coins.title" = "Coins"; +"market.top_coins" = "Top %@"; + +"market.time_period.title" = "Period"; +"market.time_period.24h" = "24 Hours"; +"market.time_period.1d" = "1 Day"; +"market.time_period.1w" = "1 Week"; +"market.time_period.2w" = "2 Weeks"; +"market.time_period.1m" = "1 Month"; +"market.time_period.3m" = "3 Months"; +"market.time_period.6m" = "6 Months"; +"market.time_period.1y" = "1 Year"; +"market.time_period.2y" = "2 Years"; +"market.time_period.5y" = "5 Years"; +"market.time_period.24h.short" = "24H"; +"market.time_period.1d.short" = "1D"; +"market.time_period.1w.short" = "1W"; +"market.time_period.2w.short" = "2W"; +"market.time_period.1m.short" = "1M"; +"market.time_period.3m.short" = "3M"; +"market.time_period.6m.short" = "6M"; +"market.time_period.1y.short" = "1Y"; +"market.time_period.2y.short" = "2Y"; +"market.time_period.5y.short" = "5Y"; + "market.project_has_no_coin" = "Este proyecto no tiene una moneda"; "market.top.section.header.see_all" = "Ver Todos"; "market.top.section.header.top_gainers" = "Máximos Ganadores"; "market.top.section.header.top_losers" = "Máximos Perdedores"; -"market.top.section.header.sectors" = "Sectores"; +"market.top.section.header.sectors" = "Sectors"; "market.top.section.header.news" = "Noticias"; "market.top.volume.title" = "Volumen"; "market.top.market_cap.title" = "Capitalización de Mercado"; @@ -705,15 +766,15 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "market.tvl.platform_field.all" = "Todo"; -"market.sort_by" = "Ordenar por"; +"market.sort_by" = "Sort By"; "market.top.title" = "Monedas Top"; "market.top.description" = "Mejores monedas por rango de límite de mercado"; -"market.top.highest_cap" = "Capitalización Mayor"; -"market.top.lowest_cap" = "Capitalización Menor"; -"market.top.highest_volume" = "Mayor Volumen"; -"market.top.lowest_volume" = "Menor Volumen"; +"market.top.highest_cap" = "Highest Cap"; +"market.top.lowest_cap" = "Lowest Cap"; +"market.top.highest_volume" = "Highest Volume"; +"market.top.lowest_volume" = "Lowest Volume"; "market.top.top_gainers" = "Máximos Ganadores"; "market.top.top_losers" = "Máximos Perdedores"; "market.top.top_collections" = "Mejores colecciones NFT"; @@ -722,6 +783,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "market.top.top_platforms" = "Plataformas superiores"; "market.top.protocols" = "Protocolos"; +"market.pairs.volume" = "Volume"; "top_pairs.title" = "Mejores pares de mercado"; "top_pairs.description" = "Mejores pares de trading por volumen en cada bolsa"; @@ -741,6 +803,17 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "market_discovery.not_found" = "No se han encontrado resultados"; "market_watchlist.empty.caption" = "Tu Watchlist está vacía."; +"market.watchlist.signals" = "Signals"; +"market.watchlist.empty" = "Your watchlist is empty"; +"market.watchlist.signals.description" = "Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently."; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_buy.description" = "High confidence in price increase"; +"market.watchlist.signals.buy.description" = "Likely price increase in near future"; +"market.watchlist.signals.neutral.description" = "No clear trend, market is in equilibrium"; +"market.watchlist.signals.sell.description" = "Likely price decrease in near future"; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_sell.description" = "High probability of price decrease"; +"market.watchlist.signals.risky.description" = "Elevated risk level, requires caution"; +"market.watchlist.signals.warning" = "Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice."; +"market.watchlist.signals.turn_on" = "Turn On"; "market.advanced_search.title" = "Filtros"; "market.advanced_search.show_results" = "Mostrar Resultados"; @@ -768,7 +841,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "market.advanced_search.price_period" = "Período de Precio"; "market.advanced_search.price_change" = "Cambio de Precio"; -"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risk_trade" = "Riesgo para el Comercio"; +"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risky" = "Risky"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.strong_buy" = "Compra Fuerte"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.buy" = "Comprar"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.neutral" = "Neutral"; @@ -808,16 +881,16 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "market.advanced_search.more_50_b" = "> 50MM"; "market.advanced_search.more_500_b" = "> 500MM"; -"market.advanced_search.day" = "1 día"; -"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Semana"; -"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Semanas"; -"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Mes"; -"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Meses"; -"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Año"; +"market.advanced_search.day" = "1 Day"; +"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Week"; +"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Weeks"; +"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Month"; +"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Months"; +"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Year"; "market.advanced_search.day.short" = "24H"; "market.advanced_search.week.short" = "7D"; -"market.advanced_search.month.short" = "1 M"; +"market.advanced_search.month.short" = "1M"; "market.advanced_search_results.title" = "Resultados"; @@ -835,6 +908,23 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.multi_chain" = "Cadena múltiple"; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.filter_by_chain" = "Filtrar por cadena"; +"market.etf.title" = "Total Net Inflow"; +"market.etf.description" = "The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows."; +"market.etf.total_net_assets" = "Total Net Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.highest_assets" = "Highest Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.lowest_assets" = "Lowest Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.inflow" = "Inflow"; +"market.etf.sort_by.outflow" = "Outflow"; +"market.etf.period.all" = "Todo"; + +"market.market_cap.title" = "Cap.Total del Mercado"; +"market.market_cap.description" = "Valor total del mercado de todas las criptomonedas"; +"market.market_cap.market_cap" = "Capitalización del Mercado"; + +"market.volume.title" = "Volume"; +"market.volume.description" = "El volumen de operaciones 24h del mercado de criptomonedas"; +"market.volume.volume" = "Volume"; + // Coin Page "coin_page.overview" = "Precio"; @@ -854,12 +944,12 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "coin_overview.genesis_date" = "Fecha de inicio"; "coin_overview.trading_volume" = "Volumen de Comercio"; -"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 día"; -"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Semana"; -"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Semanas"; -"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Mes"; +"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 Day"; +"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Week"; +"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Weeks"; +"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Month"; "coin_overview.roi.day200" = "6 Months"; -"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Año"; +"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Year"; "coin_overview.overview" = "Información General"; "coin_overview.description_warning" = "Esta es una descripción generada por IA basada en el material de referencia proporcionado para la criptomoneda dada. Puede contener errores."; @@ -1200,6 +1290,8 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "settings.rate_us" = "Califícanos"; "settings.tell_friends" = "Recomendar a un amigo"; "settings.contact_us" = "Contáctenos"; +"settings.social_networks.label" = "JOIN UNSTOPPABLES"; +"settings.social_networks.footer" = "Stay on top of Unstoppable happenings. Be the first to know about new features, user reported issues and things we work on!"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1418,9 +1510,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; // Settings -> About App "settings.about_app.title" = "Sobre la App"; -"settings.about_app.app_name" = "Cartera %@"; -"settings.about_app.description" = "La cartera %@ está diseñada para aquellos que buscan invertir y almacenar criptomonedas de manera privada e independiente.\n\nEs una cartera no custodial y peer-to-peer donde solo el usuario tiene control sobre los fondos. No recopila ningún dato y mantiene al usuario independiente al no bloquear los fondos del usuario en una aplicación de cartera específica.\n\nLa cartera %@ es completamente de código abierto y cualquiera puede confirmar que la aplicación funciona exactamente como afirma."; -"settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Qué novedades hay"; +"settings.about_app.app_version" = "App Version"; "settings.about_app.website" = "Website"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact @@ -1447,21 +1537,26 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "appearance.theme.dark" = "Oscuro"; "appearance.theme.light" = "Claro"; -"appearance.tab_settings" = "Ajustes de pestaña"; "appearance.markets_tab" = "Pestaña de Mercados"; +"appearance.hide_markets" = "Hide Markets"; +"appearance.price_change" = "Cambio de Precio"; +"appearance.price_change.24h" = "24H"; +"appearance.price_change.midnight_utc" = "Midnight UTC"; + "appearance.launch_screen" = "Pantalla de lanzamiento"; "appearance.launch_screen.auto" = "Auto"; "appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "Saldo"; "appearance.launch_screen.market_overview" = "Visión General del Mercado"; "appearance.launch_screen.watchlist" = "Lista de Seguimiento"; -"appearance.app_icon" = "Icono de la App"; - +"appearance.balance_tab" = "Balance Tab"; +"appearance.hide_buttons" = "Hide Buttons"; +"appearance.balance_value" = "Valor de Saldo"; +"appearance.balance_value.coin_fiat" = "Coin / Fiat"; +"appearance.balance_value.fiat_coin" = "Fiat / Coin"; "appearance.balance_conversion" = "Conversión de balance"; -"appearance.balance_value" = "Valor de Saldo"; -"appearance.balance_value.coin_value" = "Valor de la moneda"; -"appearance.balance_value.fiat_value" = "Valor Fiat"; +"appearance.app_icon" = "Icono de la App"; // Settings -> Contacts @@ -1526,13 +1621,13 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "chart.time_duration.day" = "24H"; "chart.time_duration.week" = "7D"; -"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2 S"; -"chart.time_duration.month" = "1 M"; -"chart.time_duration.month3" = "3 M"; +"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2W"; +"chart.time_duration.month" = "1M"; +"chart.time_duration.month3" = "3M"; "chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6M"; -"chart.time_duration.year" = "1 Año"; -"chart.time_duration.year2" = "2 Años"; -"chart.time_duration.year5" = "5A"; +"chart.time_duration.year" = "1Y"; +"chart.time_duration.year2" = "2Y"; +"chart.time_duration.year5" = "5Y"; "chart.time_duration.all" = "TODO"; "chart.market_cap" = "Capitalización del Mercado"; @@ -1831,7 +1926,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "fee_settings.errors.transaction_underpriced" = "Tarifa baja para la transacción"; "fee_settings.errors.tips_higher_than_max_fee" = "Tarifa máxima es demasiado baja"; "fee_settings.errors.zero_amount.info" = "No se puede transferir 0 TRX"; -"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "Arriesgado"; +"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "Risky"; "fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck.info" = "La transacción puede permanecer pendiente por un tiempo o fallar por completo."; "fee_settings.warning.overpricing" = "Cuota demasiado alta"; "fee_settings.warning.overpricing.info" = "La tarifa de transacción establecida es mayor de lo necesario para procesar esta transacción ahora."; @@ -1960,7 +2055,6 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "tron.send.fee.info" = "El coste estimado del envío de una transacción en la red. (sin excluir Energía, Ancho de Banda y Tarifa Activa)"; "tron.send.resources_consumed.info" = "El bandwidth es la unidad que mide el tamaño de los bytes de transacción almacenados en la base de datos de la cadena de bloques. Cuanto más grande sea la transacción, más recursos de ancho de banda se consumirán.\n\nEnerge es la unidad que mide la cantidad de computación requerida por la máquina virtual TRON para realizar operaciones específicas en la red TRON.\n\nDado que las transacciones de contratos inteligentes requieren recursos informáticos para ejecutarse, cada transacción de contrato inteligente debe pagar la tarifa de energy."; "tron.send.activation_fee.info" = "Transferir tokens TRX o TRC-10 a una dirección de cuenta inactiva activará la cuenta."; -"tron.send.inactive_address" = "Esta dirección no está activa"; // Cex Coin Select diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings index e43c9f76ea..5442e33749 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ "alert.enabled_coins" = "%@ pièces supplémentaires activées"; "alert.sending" = "En attente"; "alert.sent" = "Envoyée"; -"alert.swapping" = "Swapping"; +"alert.swapping" = "Échange"; "alert.swapped" = "Échangé"; "alert.approving" = "En cours d'approbation"; "alert.approved" = "Approuvé"; @@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "extended_key.purpose" = "Objectif"; "extended_key.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; "extended_key.account" = "Compte"; +"extended_key.account.description" = "Il s'agit d'un paramètre pour les utilisateurs avancés. Si vous essayez d'importer un portefeuille (via une clé privée étendue) ou une liste de transactions (via une clé publique étendue), vous avez besoin du compte 0."; "extended_key.tap_to_show" = "Appuyez pour afficher extended private key"; // Backup @@ -318,7 +319,6 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "balance.downloading_blocks" = "Téléchargement des blocs"; "balance.scanning_blocks" = "Blocs de numérisation"; "balance.enhancing_transactions" = "Amélioration des transactions"; -"wait_for_synchronization" = "Attendez la synchronisation"; "balance.searching.count" = "%@ tx"; "balance.syncing_percent" = "Synchronisation... %@"; @@ -351,6 +351,8 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "balance.token.frozen" = "Gelée"; "balance.token.frozen.info.title" = "Titre gelé"; "balance.token.frozen.info.description" = "Texte de description gelé"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.title" = "Compte non actif"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.description" = "Les nouveaux portefeuilles TRON nécessitent un dépôt d'au moins 1 TRX pour devenir actifs. Les portefeuilles inactifs peuvent recevoir et détenir des jetons, mais les soldes ne seront pas corrigés tant qu'ils ne seront pas activés."; // Account switcher @@ -445,6 +447,8 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.shuffle.description" = "L'ordre des sorties de transaction est aléatoire à chaque transaction. Parfois, le changement peut être la première sortie, parfois la deuxième. Si un utilisateur fait confiance au développeur de l'application, alors considérez cela comme une option recommandée."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.title" = "2. Déterministe"; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.description" = "Il existe une norme communément acceptée pour l'ordonnancement des sorties de transaction, connue sous le nom de BIP69 (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 69). Dans les portefeuilles open source, cette norme garantit que les utilisateurs de portefeuille n'ont pas besoin de faire confiance à la manière dont les développeurs de l'application implémentent l'ordonnancement des sorties. Comme cette norme est relativement récente, peu de portefeuilles l'ont encore mise en œuvre. Par conséquent, il est quelque peu possible de déterminer sur la blockchain si une transaction a été envoyée depuis un portefeuille qui utilise cette norme ou non."; +"send.select_all" = "Tout sélectionner"; +"send.unselect_all" = "Désélectionner tout"; "send.confirmation.title" = "Confirmer"; "send.confirmation.you_send" = "Vous envoyez"; @@ -462,18 +466,20 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "send.confirmation.time_lock" = "TimeLock"; "send.confirmation.replace_by_fee" = "Remplacer par frais"; "send.confirmation.replaced_transactions" = "Transactions remplacées"; - +"send.confirmation.input" = "Entrées"; + +"send.confirmation.sync_failed" = "Échec de synchronisation"; +"send.confirmation.invalid_data" = "Données invalides"; +"send.confirmation.refresh" = "Actualiser"; +"send.confirmation.please_wait" = "Veuillez patienter"; +"send.confirmation.expires_in" = "Expire dans %@"; +"send.confirmation.expired" = "Expiré"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_send" = "Glisser pour envoyer"; "send.confirmation.sending" = "En attente"; "send.confirmation.sent" = "Envoyée"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_approve" = "Glisser pour approuver"; -"send.confirmation.approving" = "En cours d'approbation"; -"send.confirmation.approved" = "Approuvé"; - "send.confirmation.slide_to_revoke" = "Glisser pour révoquer"; -"send.confirmation.revoking" = "Révocation en cours"; -"send.confirmation.revoked" = "Révoqué"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_resend" = "Réenvoyer"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_cancel" = "Annuler la transaction"; @@ -506,6 +512,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "send.lock_time" = "TimeLock"; "send.unspent_outputs" = "UTxOs"; +"send.unspent_outputs.description" = "Choisissez manuellement les UTxO à dépenser les fonds du solde"; "send.unspent_outputs.send_to" = "Envoyer à"; "send.unspent_outputs.change" = "Changer"; @@ -513,6 +520,14 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Vous révoquez"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "Dépendant"; +"send.enter_amount" = "Entrez le montant"; +"send.enter_address" = "Entrer l'adresse"; +"send.invalid_address" = "Addresse invalide"; +"send.token_not_enabled" = "Token non activés"; +"send.token_syncing" = "Synchronisation des token"; +"send.token_not_synced" = "Token non synchronisé"; +"send.insufficient_balance" = "Solde insuffisant"; + // Donate "donate.list.title" = "Donnez avec"; @@ -549,7 +564,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "swap.trade_error.wrap_unwrap_not_allowed" = "Ce service n'autorise pas l'emballage/décompression. S'il vous plaît, essayez un autre service de swap. 1Inch recommandé"; "swap.button_error.insufficient_balance" = "Solde insuffisant"; "swap.switch_provider.title" = "Service de Swap"; -"swap.amount_type.coin" = "Coin"; +"swap.amount_type.coin" = "Pièce"; "swap.price" = "Prix"; "swap.buy_price" = "Prix d'achat"; @@ -642,8 +657,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "swap.confirmation.quote_failed" = "Échec du devis"; "swap.confirmation.slide_to_swap" = "Glisser pour changer"; -"swap.confirmation.swapping" = "Swapping"; -"swap.confirmation.swapped" = "Échangé"; +"swap.confirmation.swapping" = "Échange"; "swap.confirmation.refresh" = "Actualiser"; "swap.confirmation.impact_too_high" = "%@ a désactivé l'action d'échange pour cet échange parce que vous obtenez un prix extrêmement défavorable. Ceci est dû à une liquidité extrêmement faible.\nSi vous voulez toujours échanger, veuillez utiliser le site Web %@ à la place."; "swap.confirmation.impact_warning" = "Important ! Vous avez reçu un prix extrêmement défavorable en raison d'une liquidité extrêmement faible."; @@ -686,6 +700,53 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "market.defi_cap" = "Cap DeFi"; "market.defi_tvl" = "TVL en DeFi"; +"market.global.market_cap" = "Cap Totale"; +"market.global.volume" = "Vol. 24h"; +"market.global.btc_dominance" = "Dominance du BTC"; +"market.global.etf_inflow" = "Entrées d'ETF"; +"market.global.tvl_in_defi" = "TVL en DeFi"; + +"market.tab.news" = "Infos"; +"market.tab.coins" = "Pièces"; +"market.tab.watchlist" = "Liste de suivi"; +"market.tab.platforms" = "Platformes"; +"market.tab.pairs" = "Paires"; +"market.tab.sectors" = "Secteurs"; + +"market.sort_by.title" = "Classer par"; +"market.sort_by.manual" = "Manuel"; +"market.sort_by.highest_cap" = "Cap. marché la plus forte"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_cap" = "Cap. marché la plus basse"; +"market.sort_by.gainers" = "Gagnants"; +"market.sort_by.losers" = "Perdants"; +"market.sort_by.highest_volume" = "Volume le plus élevé"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_volume" = "Volume le plus bas"; + +"market.top_coins.title" = "Pièces"; +"market.top_coins" = "Top %@"; + +"market.time_period.title" = "Période"; +"market.time_period.24h" = "24 Heures"; +"market.time_period.1d" = "1 Jour"; +"market.time_period.1w" = "1 Semaine"; +"market.time_period.2w" = "2 Semaines"; +"market.time_period.1m" = "1 Mois"; +"market.time_period.3m" = "3 Mois"; +"market.time_period.6m" = "6 Mois"; +"market.time_period.1y" = "1 An"; +"market.time_period.2y" = "2 Ans"; +"market.time_period.5y" = "5 Ans"; +"market.time_period.24h.short" = "24H"; +"market.time_period.1d.short" = "1J"; +"market.time_period.1w.short" = "1S"; +"market.time_period.2w.short" = "2S"; +"market.time_period.1m.short" = "1M"; +"market.time_period.3m.short" = "3 M"; +"market.time_period.6m.short" = "6 M"; +"market.time_period.1y.short" = "1A"; +"market.time_period.2y.short" = "2A"; +"market.time_period.5y.short" = "5A"; + "market.project_has_no_coin" = "Ce projet n'a pas de pièce de monnaie"; "market.top.section.header.see_all" = "Tout Afficher"; @@ -705,7 +766,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "market.tvl.platform_field.all" = "Tout"; -"market.sort_by" = "Trier par"; +"market.sort_by" = "Classer par"; "market.top.title" = "Top des coins"; "market.top.description" = "Top des coins par cap de marché"; @@ -722,6 +783,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "market.top.top_platforms" = "Meilleures plateformes"; "market.top.protocols" = "Protocoles"; +"market.pairs.volume" = "Volume"; "top_pairs.title" = "Principaux paires de marché"; "top_pairs.description" = "Principales paires de trading par volume sur chaque bourse"; @@ -741,6 +803,17 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "market_discovery.not_found" = "Aucun résultat"; "market_watchlist.empty.caption" = "Votre liste de suivi est vide."; +"market.watchlist.signals" = "Signaux"; +"market.watchlist.empty" = "Votre liste de suivi est vide"; +"market.watchlist.signals.description" = "Les signaux ci-dessous sont basés sur les indicateurs techniques de prix Bollinger Bands et RSI sur environ les 30 derniers jours. Ces signaux sont algorithmiques et peuvent changer fréquemment."; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_buy.description" = "Haute confiance dans l'augmentation des prix"; +"market.watchlist.signals.buy.description" = "Probable augmentation du prix dans un futur proche"; +"market.watchlist.signals.neutral.description" = "Aucune tendance claire, le marché est en équilibre"; +"market.watchlist.signals.sell.description" = "Probable diminution du prix dans un futur proche"; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_sell.description" = "Probabilité élevée de diminution du prix"; +"market.watchlist.signals.risky.description" = "Niveau de risque élevé, nécessite de la prudence"; +"market.watchlist.signals.warning" = "N'oubliez pas d'appliquer une gestion des risques, et notez que ceci n'est pas un conseil financier."; +"market.watchlist.signals.turn_on" = "Allumer"; "market.advanced_search.title" = "Filtres"; "market.advanced_search.show_results" = "Afficher les résultats"; @@ -768,7 +841,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "market.advanced_search.price_period" = "Période de prix"; "market.advanced_search.price_change" = "Variation de prix"; -"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risk_trade" = "Risque de négociation"; +"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risky" = "Risqué"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.strong_buy" = "Fort Achat"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.buy" = "Acheter"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.neutral" = "Neutre"; @@ -835,6 +908,23 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.multi_chain" = "Multi-chaîne"; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.filter_by_chain" = "Filtrer par chaîne"; +"market.etf.title" = "Flux net total"; +"market.etf.description" = "Le flux net entrant d'un ETF est égal à ses entrées de trésorerie moins ses sorties."; +"market.etf.total_net_assets" = "Total des actifs nets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.highest_assets" = "Actifs les plus élevés"; +"market.etf.sort_by.lowest_assets" = "Les actifs les moins élevés"; +"market.etf.sort_by.inflow" = "Flux entrant"; +"market.etf.sort_by.outflow" = "Flux sortant"; +"market.etf.period.all" = "Tout"; + +"market.market_cap.title" = "Capitalisation de marché totale"; +"market.market_cap.description" = "Valeur de marché totale de toutes les cryptomonnaies"; +"market.market_cap.market_cap" = "Cap. marché"; + +"market.volume.title" = "Volume"; +"market.volume.description" = "Le volume de trading de 24h du marché des cryptomonnaies"; +"market.volume.volume" = "Volume"; + // Coin Page "coin_page.overview" = "Prix"; @@ -878,36 +968,36 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "technical_advice.over.bought" = "suracheté"; "technical_advice.over.sold" = "sursoldé"; "technical_advice.down" = "En baisse"; -"technical_advice.up" = "up"; +"technical_advice.up" = "En haut"; -"technical_advice.over.main" = "The actions with the asset are risky."; -"technical_advice.over.indicators.signal_date" = "Starting from the %@"; -"technical_advice.over.indicators" = "The asset is outside the Bollinger Band channel and %@."; -"technical_advice.over.rsi" = " RSI = %@, This also indicates that the asset is %@."; -"technical_advice.over.advice" = " There might be a strong %@ward movement, so it's better to wait for the asset price to return to the channel."; +"technical_advice.over.main" = "Les actions liées à l'actif comportent des risques."; +"technical_advice.over.indicators.signal_date" = "À partir du %@"; +"technical_advice.over.indicators" = "L'actif est en dehors du canal de bandes de Bollinger et %@."; +"technical_advice.over.rsi" = " RSI = %@, Cela indique également que l'actif est %@."; +"technical_advice.over.advice" = " Il pourrait y avoir un mouvement %@ fort, il est donc préférable d'attendre que le prix de l'actif revienne au canal."; -"technical_advice.strong.indicators" = "The asset was %@, but now it has returned to the Bollinger Band channel. This indicates a possible trend reversal."; -"technical_advice.strong.rsi" = " Meanwhile, the RSI is %@, which still indicates that it is %@."; -"technical_advice.strong.advice" = " This could be a very strong signal to enter the market. Keep in mind that there may be several attempts of %@ward movement after returning to the channel, so do not forget about risk management."; +"technical_advice.strong.indicators" = "L'actif était %@, mais maintenant il est revenu au canal de bandes de Bollinger. Cela indique une possible inversion de tendance."; +"technical_advice.strong.rsi" = " Pendant ce temps, le RSI est %@, ce qui indique toujours qu'il est %@."; +"technical_advice.strong.advice" = " Cela pourrait être un signal très fort pour entrer sur le marché. Gardez à l'esprit qu'il peut y avoir plusieurs tentatives de mouvement %@ après le retour au canal, donc n'oubliez pas la gestion des risques."; -"technical_advice.stable.rsi" = " Meanwhile, the RSI is %@, which also indicates a trend reversal (RSI crossed the boundary at 70%)."; -"technical_advice.stable.advice" = "The price is returning to neutral levels, however, there is still potential for upward movement. Keep in mind that RSI = 50 and the middle of the Bollinger Bands are strong resistances and possible trend reversal points. Do not forget about risk management."; +"technical_advice.stable.rsi" = " Pendant ce temps, le RSI est %@, ce qui indique également un renversement de tendance (le RSI a franchi la limite à 70 %)."; +"technical_advice.stable.advice" = "Le prix revient à des niveaux neutres, cependant, il existe encore un potentiel de mouvement à la hausse. Gardez à l'esprit que le RSI = 50 et le milieu des bandes de Bollinger sont des résistances fortes et des points possibles de renversement de tendance. N'oubliez pas la gestion des risques."; -"technical_advice.neutral.rsi" = "RSI = %@ also confirms the absence of a strong trend."; -"technical_advice.neutral.indicators" = "The asset was in the overbought/oversold zone, but at the moment the price has returned to the Bollinger Band channel in the neutral zone. The RSI is %@ also confirms the absence of a strong trend, so overall the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction."; -"technical_advice.neutral.advice" = " In general, the asset price is moving towards averaging and further movement is possible in any direction."; +"technical_advice.neutral.rsi" = "Le RSI = %@ confirme également l'absence d'une forte tendance."; +"technical_advice.neutral.indicators" = "L'actif se trouvait dans la zone de surachat/survente, mais pour le moment, le prix est revenu dans le canal de Bandes de Bollinger dans la zone neutre. Le RSI est %@, ce qui confirme également l'absence d'une forte tendance, donc dans l'ensemble, le prix de l'actif se rapproche de la moyenne et un mouvement ultérieur est possible dans n'importe quelle direction."; +"technical_advice.neutral.advice" = " En général, le prix de l'actif se rapproche de la moyenne et un mouvement ultérieur est possible dans n'importe quelle direction."; -"technical_advice.other.title" = "Please note:"; +"technical_advice.other.title" = "Veuillez noter:"; -"technical_advice.ema.above" = "above"; -"technical_advice.ema.below" = "below"; -"technical_advice.ema.growth" = "growth"; -"technical_advice.ema.decrease" = "decrease"; -"technical_advice.ema.advice" = "EMA 200. Determines the overall sentiment and trend. The daily price of the asset is located %@ the EMA (%@). This means that globally the asset is set for %@."; +"technical_advice.ema.above" = "au-dessus"; +"technical_advice.ema.below" = "en dessous"; +"technical_advice.ema.growth" = "croissance"; +"technical_advice.ema.decrease" = "diminution"; +"technical_advice.ema.advice" = "EMA 200. Détermine le sentiment et la tendance généraux. Le prix quotidien de l'actif est situé %@ le EMA (%@). Cela signifie que globalement, l'actif est configuré pour %@."; -"technical_advice.macd.positive" = "above"; -"technical_advice.macd.negative" = "below"; -"technical_advice.macd.advice" = "MACD. Assesses the strength of the trend considering the average price change. The daily value of the histogram is %@ (%@). The price of the asset globally may move %@."; +"technical_advice.macd.positive" = "au-dessus"; +"technical_advice.macd.negative" = "en dessous"; +"technical_advice.macd.advice" = "MACD. Évalue la force de la tendance en tenant compte de la variation moyenne des prix. La valeur quotidienne de l'histogramme est %@ (%@). Le prix de l'actif peut globalement se déplacer %@."; "coin_analytics.indicators.title" = "Indicateurs techniques"; "coin_analytics.indicators.disclaimer" = "N'oubliez pas d'appliquer une gestion des risques, et notez que ceci n'est pas un conseil financier."; @@ -1200,6 +1290,8 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "settings.rate_us" = "Evaluez-nous"; "settings.tell_friends" = "Partager avec ami"; "settings.contact_us" = "Contactez-nous"; +"settings.social_networks.label" = "REJOIGNEZ LES UNSTOPPABLES"; +"settings.social_networks.footer" = "Restez informé des événements d'Unstoppable. Soyez le premier à connaître les nouvelles fonctionnalités, les problèmes signalés par les utilisateurs et les projets sur lesquels nous travaillons !"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1335,7 +1427,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "enable_duress_mode.intro.title" = "Mode de Duress"; "enable_duress_mode.intro.description" = "Ce mode permet à l'utilisateur de configurer plusieurs codes d'accès d'application de déverrouillage où un code d'accès désiré n'affiche que les portefeuilles spécifiés. Conçu pour garder les portefeuilles sélectionnés en sécurité sous la contrainte ou les menaces."; -"enable_duress_mode.intro.notes" = "Notes"; +"enable_duress_mode.intro.notes" = "Remarques"; "enable_duress_mode.intro.biometrics.description" = "La fonction %@ fonctionnera pour déverrouiller le mode Duresse. Vous pouvez désactiver %@ pour plus de commodité."; "enable_duress_mode.intro.passcode_disabling" = "Désactivation du code d'accès"; "enable_duress_mode.intro.passcode_disabling.description" = "La désactivation du mot de passe en mode principal réinitialisera automatiquement le Mode Duresse."; @@ -1417,9 +1509,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; // Settings -> About App "settings.about_app.title" = "À propos de l'application"; -"settings.about_app.app_name" = "%@ Portefeuille"; -"settings.about_app.description" = "Le portefeuille %@ est conçu pour ceux qui cherchent à investir et à stocker des cryptomonnaies de manière privée et indépendante.\n\nC'est un portefeuille non-dépositaire, peer-to-peer où seul l'utilisateur a le contrôle sur les fonds. Il ne collecte aucune donnée et garde l'utilisateur indépendant en ne verrouillant pas les fonds de l'utilisateur sur une application spécifique de portefeuille.\n\nLe portefeuille %@ est entièrement open-source et tout le monde peut confirmer que l'application fonctionne exactement comme il le prétend."; -"settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Nouveautés"; +"settings.about_app.app_version" = "Version de l'application"; "settings.about_app.website" = "Site Web"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact @@ -1446,21 +1536,26 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "appearance.theme.dark" = "Sombre"; "appearance.theme.light" = "Classique"; -"appearance.tab_settings" = "Paramètres des onglets"; "appearance.markets_tab" = "Onglet Marchés"; +"appearance.hide_markets" = "Masquer les marchés"; +"appearance.price_change" = "Variation de prix"; +"appearance.price_change.24h" = "24H"; +"appearance.price_change.midnight_utc" = "Minuit UTC"; + "appearance.launch_screen" = "Écran de démarrage"; "appearance.launch_screen.auto" = "Auto"; "appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "Solde"; "appearance.launch_screen.market_overview" = "Vue d'ensemble du marché"; "appearance.launch_screen.watchlist" = "Liste de suivi"; -"appearance.app_icon" = "Icône de l’app"; - +"appearance.balance_tab" = "Balance Tab"; +"appearance.hide_buttons" = "Masquer les boutons"; +"appearance.balance_value" = "Valeur du solde"; +"appearance.balance_value.coin_fiat" = "Pièce / Fiat"; +"appearance.balance_value.fiat_coin" = "Fiat / Pièce"; "appearance.balance_conversion" = "Conversion du solde"; -"appearance.balance_value" = "Valeur du solde"; -"appearance.balance_value.coin_value" = "Valeur de la pièce"; -"appearance.balance_value.fiat_value" = "Valeur Fiat"; +"appearance.app_icon" = "Icône de l’app"; // Settings -> Contacts @@ -1528,8 +1623,8 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "chart.time_duration.week2" = "2S"; "chart.time_duration.month" = "1M"; "chart.time_duration.month3" = "3 M"; -"chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6 m."; -"chart.time_duration.year" = "1J"; +"chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6 M"; +"chart.time_duration.year" = "1A"; "chart.time_duration.year2" = "2A"; "chart.time_duration.year5" = "5A"; "chart.time_duration.all" = "TOUS"; @@ -1959,7 +2054,6 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "tron.send.fee.info" = "Le coût estimé pour envoyer une transaction donnée sur le réseau (sans exclure les coûts d'énergie, de bande passante et d'activation)"; "tron.send.resources_consumed.info" = "Bandwidth passante est l'unité qui mesure la taille des octets de transaction stockés dans la base de données blockchain. Plus la transaction est grande, plus la bande passante sera consommée.\n\nL'énergie est l'unité qui mesure le montant de calcul requis par la machine virtuelle TRON pour effectuer des opérations spécifiques sur le réseau TRON.\n\nÉtant donné que les transactions de contrats intelligents nécessitent des ressources informatiques pour être exécutées, chaque transaction de contrat intelligent nécessite le paiement de frais d'énergie."; "tron.send.activation_fee.info" = "Le transfert de jetons TRX ou TRC-10 vers une adresse de compte inactive activera ledit compte."; -"tron.send.inactive_address" = "Cette adresse n'est pas active"; // Cex Coin Select @@ -2025,7 +2119,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "transaction_filter.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; "transaction_filter.all_blockchains" = "Toutes les blockchains"; -"transaction_filter.coin" = "Coin"; +"transaction_filter.coin" = "Pièce"; "transaction_filter.all_coins" = "Toutes les pièces"; "transaction_filter.contact" = "Contacter"; "transaction_filter.all_contacts" = "Tous les contacts"; diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings index fe7f55f968..25d46a192f 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ "extended_key.purpose" = "목적"; "extended_key.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; "extended_key.account" = "계정"; +"extended_key.account.description" = "This is a setting for advanced users. If you are trying to import wallet (via extended private key )or transactions list (via  extended public key) you need account 0."; "extended_key.tap_to_show" = "탭하여 extended private key 표시"; // Backup @@ -316,7 +317,6 @@ "balance.downloading_blocks" = "블록 다운로드"; "balance.scanning_blocks" = "스캐닝 블록"; "balance.enhancing_transactions" = "거래 향상"; -"wait_for_synchronization" = "동기화 대기 중"; "balance.searching.count" = "%@ tx"; "balance.syncing_percent" = "동기화 중... %@"; @@ -349,6 +349,8 @@ "balance.token.frozen" = "잠김"; "balance.token.frozen.info.title" = "겨울왕국 제목"; "balance.token.frozen.info.description" = "고정된 설명 텍스트"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.title" = "Account Not Active"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.description" = "New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated."; // Account switcher @@ -443,6 +445,8 @@ "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.shuffle.description" = "트랜잭션 출력의 순서는 모든 트랜잭션에서 무작위로 지정됩니다. 때로는 변화가 첫 번째 출력이 될 수도 있고 때로는 두 번째 출력이 될 수도 있습니다. 사용자가 앱 개발자를 신뢰하는 경우 권장 옵션으로 간주합니다."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.title" = "2. Deterministic"; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.description" = "거래 출력을 정렬하는 데에는 일반적으로 합의된 표준이 있습니다(이것은 BIP69로 알려져 있습니다). 오픈 소스 지갑에서는 이 표준이 지갑 사용자가 앱 개발자가 출력 순서를 어떻게 구현하는지 신뢰할 필요가 없도록 보장합니다. 이 표준은 새로운 것이기 때문에 아직 많은 지갑이 이를 구현하지 않았습니다. 그 결과, 블록체인에서 특정 거래가 이 표준을 사용하는 지갑에서 보내졌는지 여부를 어느 정도 파악할 수 있습니다."; +"send.select_all" = "Select All"; +"send.unselect_all" = "Unselect All"; "send.confirmation.title" = "확인"; "send.confirmation.you_send" = "보냅니다"; @@ -460,18 +464,20 @@ "send.confirmation.time_lock" = "TimeLock"; "send.confirmation.replace_by_fee" = "수수료로 대체"; "send.confirmation.replaced_transactions" = "대체된 거래"; - +"send.confirmation.input" = "Input"; + +"send.confirmation.sync_failed" = "Sync Failed"; +"send.confirmation.invalid_data" = "Invalid Data"; +"send.confirmation.refresh" = "Refresh"; +"send.confirmation.please_wait" = "Please Wait"; +"send.confirmation.expires_in" = "Expires in %@"; +"send.confirmation.expired" = "Expired"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_send" = "슬라이드하여 보내기"; "send.confirmation.sending" = "전송중"; "send.confirmation.sent" = "전송됨"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_approve" = "승인하기 위해 슬라이드하십시오"; -"send.confirmation.approving" = "승인 중"; -"send.confirmation.approved" = "승인됨"; - "send.confirmation.slide_to_revoke" = "취소하기 위해 슬라이드하십시오"; -"send.confirmation.revoking" = "철회"; -"send.confirmation.revoked" = "철회됨"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_resend" = "재전송"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_cancel" = "거래 취소"; @@ -504,6 +510,7 @@ "send.lock_time" = "시간 자물쇠"; "send.unspent_outputs" = "UTxOs"; +"send.unspent_outputs.description" = "Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance"; "send.unspent_outputs.send_to" = "보내기"; "send.unspent_outputs.change" = "변경"; @@ -511,6 +518,14 @@ "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "당신은 취소"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "스펜더"; +"send.enter_amount" = "금액 입력"; +"send.enter_address" = "Enter Address"; +"send.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; +"send.token_not_enabled" = "Token Not Enabled"; +"send.token_syncing" = "Token Syncing"; +"send.token_not_synced" = "Token Not Synced"; +"send.insufficient_balance" = "잔액 부족"; + // Donate "donate.list.title" = "기부하기"; @@ -566,9 +581,9 @@ "swap.no_providers" = "제공자 없음"; "swap.enter_amount" = "금액 입력"; "swap.no_quotes" = "제안이 없습니다"; -"swap.token_not_enabled" = "토큰 활성화되지 않음"; -"swap.token_syncing" = "토큰 동기화 중"; -"swap.token_not_synced" = "토큰 동기화되지 않음"; +"swap.token_not_enabled" = "Token Not Enabled"; +"swap.token_syncing" = "Token Syncing"; +"swap.token_not_synced" = "Token Not Synced"; "swap.insufficient_balance" = "잔액 부족"; "swap.quotes.providers" = "제공자"; @@ -613,7 +628,7 @@ "swap.advanced_settings.service_fee_description" = "플랫폼에서 스왑 작업에 대한 서비스 수수료는 일반적으로 0.3% 또는 0.6%입니다."; "swap.advanced_settings.error.lower_slippage" = "귀하의 거래가 실패할 것 같습니다."; "swap.advanced_settings.error.higher_slippage" = "슬리피지 허용 오차는 %@%%를 초과할 수 없습니다."; -"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "잘못된 주소"; +"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_slippage" = "올바르지 않은 슬립"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_deadline" = "올바르지 않은 마감 시간"; @@ -634,15 +649,14 @@ "swap.confirmation.title" = "확인"; "swap.confirmation.quoting" = "견적"; "swap.confirmation.invalid_quote" = "잘못된 견적"; -"swap.confirmation.please_wait" = "기다려 주십시오"; +"swap.confirmation.please_wait" = "Please Wait"; "swap.confirmation.quote_expires_in" = "견적 유효 기간이 %@ 후에 만료됩니다"; "swap.confirmation.quote_expired" = "견적이 만료되었습니다"; "swap.confirmation.quote_failed" = "견적 실패"; "swap.confirmation.slide_to_swap" = "밀어서 결제하기"; "swap.confirmation.swapping" = "스와핑"; -"swap.confirmation.swapped" = "스왑됨"; -"swap.confirmation.refresh" = "새로고침"; +"swap.confirmation.refresh" = "Refresh"; "swap.confirmation.impact_too_high" = "%@은 현재 유동성이 매우 낮아 매우 불리한 가격으로 거래되고 있으므로, 이 거래에 대한 스왑 조치를 비활성화했습니다.\n교환을 원하시면 %@ 웹사이트를 사용하십시오."; "swap.confirmation.impact_warning" = "중요한 사항입니다! 매우 불리한 가격을 받고 있습니다. 이는 유동성이 극도로 낮기 때문입니다."; @@ -684,12 +698,59 @@ "market.defi_cap" = "디파이(DeFi) 시가총액"; "market.defi_tvl" = "디파이(DeFi)에서의 총 예치 가치"; +"market.global.market_cap" = "Total Cap"; +"market.global.volume" = "24h Vol."; +"market.global.btc_dominance" = "BTC Dominance"; +"market.global.etf_inflow" = "ETF Inflow"; +"market.global.tvl_in_defi" = "디파이(DeFi)에서의 총 예치 가치"; + +"market.tab.news" = "뉴스"; +"market.tab.coins" = "Coins"; +"market.tab.watchlist" = "관심 목록"; +"market.tab.platforms" = "Platforms"; +"market.tab.pairs" = "Pairs"; +"market.tab.sectors" = "Sectors"; + +"market.sort_by.title" = "Sort By"; +"market.sort_by.manual" = "Manual"; +"market.sort_by.highest_cap" = "Highest Cap"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_cap" = "Lowest Cap"; +"market.sort_by.gainers" = "Gainers"; +"market.sort_by.losers" = "Losers"; +"market.sort_by.highest_volume" = "Highest Volume"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_volume" = "Lowest Volume"; + +"market.top_coins.title" = "Coins"; +"market.top_coins" = "Top %@"; + +"market.time_period.title" = "Period"; +"market.time_period.24h" = "24 Hours"; +"market.time_period.1d" = "1 Day"; +"market.time_period.1w" = "1 Week"; +"market.time_period.2w" = "2 Weeks"; +"market.time_period.1m" = "1 Month"; +"market.time_period.3m" = "3 Months"; +"market.time_period.6m" = "6 Months"; +"market.time_period.1y" = "1 Year"; +"market.time_period.2y" = "2 Years"; +"market.time_period.5y" = "5 Years"; +"market.time_period.24h.short" = "24H"; +"market.time_period.1d.short" = "1D"; +"market.time_period.1w.short" = "1W"; +"market.time_period.2w.short" = "2W"; +"market.time_period.1m.short" = "1M"; +"market.time_period.3m.short" = "3M"; +"market.time_period.6m.short" = "6M"; +"market.time_period.1y.short" = "1Y"; +"market.time_period.2y.short" = "2Y"; +"market.time_period.5y.short" = "5Y"; + "market.project_has_no_coin" = "이 프로젝트는 코인이 없습니다"; "market.top.section.header.see_all" = "모두 보기"; "market.top.section.header.top_gainers" = "최고 승자"; "market.top.section.header.top_losers" = "최고 패자"; -"market.top.section.header.sectors" = "분야"; +"market.top.section.header.sectors" = "Sectors"; "market.top.section.header.news" = "뉴스"; "market.top.volume.title" = "거래량"; "market.top.market_cap.title" = "시가총액"; @@ -703,15 +764,15 @@ "market.tvl.platform_field.all" = "전체"; -"market.sort_by" = "정렬 기준"; +"market.sort_by" = "Sort By"; "market.top.title" = "주요 코인"; "market.top.description" = "시가총액 순위별 주요 코인"; -"market.top.highest_cap" = "가장 높은 시가총액"; -"market.top.lowest_cap" = "가장 낮은 시가총액"; -"market.top.highest_volume" = "가장 높은 거래량"; -"market.top.lowest_volume" = "가장 낮은 거래량"; +"market.top.highest_cap" = "Highest Cap"; +"market.top.lowest_cap" = "Lowest Cap"; +"market.top.highest_volume" = "Highest Volume"; +"market.top.lowest_volume" = "Lowest Volume"; "market.top.top_gainers" = "최고 승자"; "market.top.top_losers" = "최고 패자"; "market.top.top_collections" = "주요 NFT 컬렉션"; @@ -720,6 +781,7 @@ "market.top.top_platforms" = "주요 플랫폼"; "market.top.protocols" = "프로토콜"; +"market.pairs.volume" = "Volume"; "top_pairs.title" = "상위 시장 페어"; "top_pairs.description" = "각 거래소에서 거래량 상위 페어"; @@ -739,6 +801,17 @@ "market_discovery.not_found" = "검색 결과가 없습니다"; "market_watchlist.empty.caption" = "관심 목록이 비어 있습니다."; +"market.watchlist.signals" = "Signals"; +"market.watchlist.empty" = "Your watchlist is empty"; +"market.watchlist.signals.description" = "Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently."; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_buy.description" = "High confidence in price increase"; +"market.watchlist.signals.buy.description" = "Likely price increase in near future"; +"market.watchlist.signals.neutral.description" = "No clear trend, market is in equilibrium"; +"market.watchlist.signals.sell.description" = "Likely price decrease in near future"; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_sell.description" = "High probability of price decrease"; +"market.watchlist.signals.risky.description" = "Elevated risk level, requires caution"; +"market.watchlist.signals.warning" = "Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice."; +"market.watchlist.signals.turn_on" = "Turn On"; "market.advanced_search.title" = "필터"; "market.advanced_search.show_results" = "결과 보기"; @@ -766,7 +839,7 @@ "market.advanced_search.price_period" = "가격 기간"; "market.advanced_search.price_change" = "가격 변경"; -"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risk_trade" = "거래 위험"; +"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risky" = "Risky"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.strong_buy" = "강력한 매수"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.buy" = "매수"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.neutral" = "중립적"; @@ -806,16 +879,16 @@ "market.advanced_search.more_50_b" = "> 500억"; "market.advanced_search.more_500_b" = "> 5000억"; -"market.advanced_search.day" = "1 일"; -"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 일주"; -"market.advanced_search.week2" = "이주"; -"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 개월"; -"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 개월"; -"market.advanced_search.year" = "일년"; +"market.advanced_search.day" = "1 Day"; +"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Week"; +"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Weeks"; +"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Month"; +"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Months"; +"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Year"; -"market.advanced_search.day.short" = "24시"; +"market.advanced_search.day.short" = "24H"; "market.advanced_search.week.short" = "7일"; -"market.advanced_search.month.short" = "1개월"; +"market.advanced_search.month.short" = "1M"; "market.advanced_search_results.title" = "결과"; @@ -833,6 +906,23 @@ "market.global.tvl_in_defi.multi_chain" = "다중 체인"; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.filter_by_chain" = "체인별 필터링"; +"market.etf.title" = "Total Net Inflow"; +"market.etf.description" = "The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows."; +"market.etf.total_net_assets" = "Total Net Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.highest_assets" = "Highest Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.lowest_assets" = "Lowest Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.inflow" = "Inflow"; +"market.etf.sort_by.outflow" = "Outflow"; +"market.etf.period.all" = "전체"; + +"market.market_cap.title" = "총 시장 자본금"; +"market.market_cap.description" = "모든 암호화폐의 총 시장 가치\" or \"모든 가상 화폐의 총 시장 가치"; +"market.market_cap.market_cap" = "총 시가 총액"; + +"market.volume.title" = "Volume"; +"market.volume.description" = "암호화폐 시장의 24시간 거래량\" or \"가상 화폐 시장의 24시간 거래량"; +"market.volume.volume" = "Volume"; + // Coin Page "coin_page.overview" = "금액"; @@ -853,12 +943,12 @@ "coin_overview.genesis_date" = "창립일"; "coin_overview.trading_volume" = "거래량"; -"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 일"; -"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 일주"; -"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "이주"; -"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 개월"; +"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 Day"; +"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Week"; +"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Weeks"; +"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Month"; "coin_overview.roi.day200" = "6개월"; -"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "일년"; +"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Year"; "coin_overview.overview" = "개요"; "coin_overview.description_warning" = "이것은 주어진 암호화폐에 대한 참고 자료를 기반으로 한 AI 생성된 설명입니다. 오류가 포함될 수 있습니다."; @@ -923,7 +1013,7 @@ "coin_analytics.indicators.sell" = "매도"; "coin_analytics.indicators.strong_sell" = "강한 매도"; "coin_analytics.indicators.overbought" = "Very Risky to Trade"; -"coin_analytics.period" = "기간"; +"coin_analytics.period" = "Period"; "coin_analytics.period.select_title" = "기간 선택"; "coin_analytics.period.1h" = "1시간"; "coin_analytics.period.4h" = "4 시간"; @@ -1089,7 +1179,7 @@ "chart_indicators.settings.ma.description" = "EMA, SMA 및 WMA는 기술 분석에서 사용되는 이동 평균 지표입니다:\n\nEMA는 더 빠른 반응을 위해 최근 가격을 강조합니다.\nSMA는 일반적인 추세를 파악하기 위해 가격 데이터를 평균화합니다.\nWMA는 최근 데이터에 선형 가중치를 두어 민감도와 잡음 감소를 균형잡히게 조절합니다."; "chart_indicators.settings.ma.type_title" = "유형"; -"chart_indicators.settings.ma.period_title" = "기간"; +"chart_indicators.settings.ma.period_title" = "Period"; "chart_indicators.settings.rsi.title" = "RSI"; "chart_indicators.settings.rsi.description" = "상대 강도 지수(RSI)는 가격 속도와 변화를 측정하는 모멘텀 오실레이터로, 과매수(70 이상) 또는 과매도(30 이하) 시장 상황을 식별합니다. 또한, 가격 역전을 발산을 통해 감지할 수도 있습니다."; @@ -1199,6 +1289,8 @@ "settings.rate_us" = "앱 평가"; "settings.tell_friends" = "친구에게 추천하기"; "settings.contact_us" = "문의하기"; +"settings.social_networks.label" = "JOIN UNSTOPPABLES"; +"settings.social_networks.footer" = "Stay on top of Unstoppable happenings. Be the first to know about new features, user reported issues and things we work on!"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1316,7 +1408,7 @@ "settings_security.duress_mode.description" = "강요 상황에서 선택한 지갑을 안전하게 보관하기 위해 디자인된 특별한 모드입니다."; "biometry.off" = "끄기"; -"biometry.manual" = "수동"; +"biometry.manual" = "Manual"; "biometry.on" = "켜기"; "biometry.off.description" = "모든 경우에 비활성화"; "biometry.manual.description" = "버튼으로 스캔하기"; @@ -1416,9 +1508,7 @@ // Settings -> About App "settings.about_app.title" = "앱 정보"; -"settings.about_app.app_name" = "%@ 지갑"; -"settings.about_app.description" = "%@ 지갑은 암호화폐를 개인적이고 독립적인 방식으로 투자하고 보관하려는 사람들을 위해 만들어졌습니다. \n\n이 지갑은 사용자만이 자금에 대한 통제를 갖는 비보관형 P2P 지갑입니다. 데이터를 수집하지 않으며 사용자의 자금을 특정 지갑 앱에 잠그지 않아 독립성을 유지합니다. \n\n%@ 지갑은 완전한 오픈소스이며 누구든지 앱이 주장하는 대로 정확하게 작동하는지 확인할 수 있습니다."; -"settings.about_app.whats_new" = "새로운 기능"; +"settings.about_app.app_version" = "App Version"; "settings.about_app.website" = "웹사이트"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact @@ -1445,21 +1535,26 @@ "appearance.theme.dark" = "어두운"; "appearance.theme.light" = "밝은"; -"appearance.tab_settings" = "탭 설정"; "appearance.markets_tab" = "마켓 탭"; +"appearance.hide_markets" = "Hide Markets"; +"appearance.price_change" = "가격 변경"; +"appearance.price_change.24h" = "24H"; +"appearance.price_change.midnight_utc" = "Midnight UTC"; + "appearance.launch_screen" = "시작 화면"; "appearance.launch_screen.auto" = "자동"; "appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "잔액"; "appearance.launch_screen.market_overview" = "시장 개요"; "appearance.launch_screen.watchlist" = "관심 목록"; -"appearance.app_icon" = "앱 아이콘"; - +"appearance.balance_tab" = "Balance Tab"; +"appearance.hide_buttons" = "Hide Buttons"; +"appearance.balance_value" = "균형 가치"; +"appearance.balance_value.coin_fiat" = "Coin / Fiat"; +"appearance.balance_value.fiat_coin" = "Fiat / Coin"; "appearance.balance_conversion" = "잔액 변환"; -"appearance.balance_value" = "균형 가치"; -"appearance.balance_value.coin_value" = "코인 가치"; -"appearance.balance_value.fiat_value" = "법정 가치"; +"appearance.app_icon" = "앱 아이콘"; // Settings -> Contacts @@ -1522,15 +1617,15 @@ // Key Types -"chart.time_duration.day" = "24시"; +"chart.time_duration.day" = "24H"; "chart.time_duration.week" = "7일"; -"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2주"; -"chart.time_duration.month" = "1개월"; -"chart.time_duration.month3" = "3개월"; -"chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6개월"; -"chart.time_duration.year" = "1년"; -"chart.time_duration.year2" = "2년"; -"chart.time_duration.year5" = "5년"; +"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2W"; +"chart.time_duration.month" = "1M"; +"chart.time_duration.month3" = "3M"; +"chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6M"; +"chart.time_duration.year" = "1Y"; +"chart.time_duration.year2" = "2Y"; +"chart.time_duration.year5" = "5Y"; "chart.time_duration.all" = "모든"; "chart.market_cap" = "총 시가 총액"; @@ -1831,7 +1926,7 @@ "fee_settings.errors.transaction_underpriced" = "낮은 거래 수수료"; "fee_settings.errors.tips_higher_than_max_fee" = "최대 수수료가 너무 낮습니다."; "fee_settings.errors.zero_amount.info" = "0 TRX 을(를) 전송할 수 없습니다."; -"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "위험"; +"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "Risky"; "fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck.info" = "트랜잭션이 잠시 동안 보류 상태로 유지되거나 완전히 실패할 수 있습니다."; "fee_settings.warning.overpricing" = "수수료가 너무 높음"; "fee_settings.warning.overpricing.info" = "설정된 거래 수수료가 지금 이 거래를 처리하는 데 필요한 것보다 높습니다."; @@ -1960,7 +2055,6 @@ "tron.send.fee.info" = "네트워크에서 거래하는 데 드는 예상 비용입니다. (energy, bandwidth 및 활성화 수수료 제외)"; "tron.send.resources_consumed.info" = "Bandwidth 은 블록체인 데이터베이스에 저장된 트랜잭션 바이트 크기를 측정하는 단위입니다. 거래가 클수록 대역폭 자원이 더 많이 사용됩니다.\n\nEnergy 는 TRON 가상 머신이 TRON 네트워크에서 특정 작업을 수행하기 위해 필요한 계산 양을 측정하는 단위입니다. \n\n스마트 계약 트랜잭션은 실행에 계산 자원이 필요하기 때문에 각 스마트 계약 트랜잭션에는 energy 수수료를 지불해야합니다."; "tron.send.activation_fee.info" = "TRX나 TRC-10 토큰을 비활성화된 계정 주소로 이전하면 해당 계정이 활성화됩니다."; -"tron.send.inactive_address" = "이 주소는 활성화되어 있지 않습니다"; // Cex Coin Select diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings index de6fc27246..490323ac03 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "extended_key.purpose" = "Propósito"; "extended_key.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; "extended_key.account" = "Conta"; +"extended_key.account.description" = "This is a setting for advanced users. If you are trying to import wallet (via extended private key )or transactions list (via  extended public key) you need account 0."; "extended_key.tap_to_show" = "Get ready for it, folks! A little tap, and you'll see that extended private key. It's like unlocking a world of possibilities!"; // Backup @@ -318,7 +319,6 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "balance.downloading_blocks" = "Baixando Blocos"; "balance.scanning_blocks" = "Verificando Blocos"; "balance.enhancing_transactions" = "Aprimorando Transações"; -"wait_for_synchronization" = "Aguarde a sincronização"; "balance.searching.count" = "%@ tx"; "balance.syncing_percent" = "Sincronizando... %@"; @@ -351,6 +351,8 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "balance.token.frozen" = "Travado"; "balance.token.frozen.info.title" = "Tempo de congelamento"; "balance.token.frozen.info.description" = "Texto de Descrição Congelada"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.title" = "Account Not Active"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.description" = "New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated."; // Account switcher @@ -445,6 +447,8 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.shuffle.description" = "A ordem das saídas da transação é aleatória em cada transação. Às vezes, a mudança pode ser a primeira saída, às vezes pode ser a segunda. Se um usuário confiar no desenvolvedor do aplicativo, considere essa uma opção recomendada."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.title" = "2. Determinístico"; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.description" = "Existe um padrão comumente aceitado para ordenar saídas de transações (conhecido como BIP69). Em carteiras de código aberto, esse padrão garante que os usuários de carteiras não precisem confiar em como os desenvolvedores do aplicativo implementam a ordem das saídas. Como esse padrão é novo, poucas carteiras o implementaram ainda. Como resultado, é possível ver no blockchain se uma transação foi enviada de uma carteira que usa esse padrão ou não."; +"send.select_all" = "Select All"; +"send.unselect_all" = "Unselect All"; "send.confirmation.title" = "Confirmar"; "send.confirmation.you_send" = "Enviar"; @@ -462,18 +466,20 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "send.confirmation.time_lock" = "TimeLock"; "send.confirmation.replace_by_fee" = "Substituir pela taxa"; "send.confirmation.replaced_transactions" = "Transações Substituídas"; - +"send.confirmation.input" = "Input"; + +"send.confirmation.sync_failed" = "Sync Failed"; +"send.confirmation.invalid_data" = "Invalid Data"; +"send.confirmation.refresh" = "Refresh"; +"send.confirmation.please_wait" = "Please Wait"; +"send.confirmation.expires_in" = "Expires in %@"; +"send.confirmation.expired" = "Expired"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_send" = "Deslize para enviar"; "send.confirmation.sending" = "Enviando"; "send.confirmation.sent" = "Enviado"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_approve" = "Deslize para Aprovar"; -"send.confirmation.approving" = "Aprovando"; -"send.confirmation.approved" = "Aprovado"; - "send.confirmation.slide_to_revoke" = "Deslize para Revogar"; -"send.confirmation.revoking" = "Revogando"; -"send.confirmation.revoked" = "Revogado"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_resend" = "Enviar novamente"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_cancel" = "Cancelar transação"; @@ -506,6 +512,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "send.lock_time" = "TravaTempo"; "send.unspent_outputs" = "UTxOs"; +"send.unspent_outputs.description" = "Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance"; "send.unspent_outputs.send_to" = "Enviar para"; "send.unspent_outputs.change" = "Alterar"; @@ -513,6 +520,14 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Você revoga"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "Gastador"; +"send.enter_amount" = "Inserir Quantidade"; +"send.enter_address" = "Enter Address"; +"send.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; +"send.token_not_enabled" = "Token Not Enabled"; +"send.token_syncing" = "Token Syncing"; +"send.token_not_synced" = "Token Not Synced"; +"send.insufficient_balance" = "Saldo insuficiente"; + // Donate "donate.list.title" = "Doar com"; @@ -568,9 +583,9 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "swap.no_providers" = "Sem provedores"; "swap.enter_amount" = "Inserir Quantidade"; "swap.no_quotes" = "Sem ofertas"; -"swap.token_not_enabled" = "Token não ativado"; -"swap.token_syncing" = "Sincronização do Token"; -"swap.token_not_synced" = "Token não sincronizado"; +"swap.token_not_enabled" = "Token Not Enabled"; +"swap.token_syncing" = "Token Syncing"; +"swap.token_not_synced" = "Token Not Synced"; "swap.insufficient_balance" = "Saldo insuficiente"; "swap.quotes.providers" = "Provedores"; @@ -615,7 +630,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "swap.advanced_settings.service_fee_description" = "Uma taxa de serviço para a ação de troca na plataforma é tipicamente 0,3% ou 0,6%"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.lower_slippage" = "É provável que sua transação falhe."; "swap.advanced_settings.error.higher_slippage" = "Tolerância do Slippage não pode ser maior que %@%%"; -"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "Endereço Inválido"; +"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_slippage" = "Slippage Inválido"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_deadline" = "Prazo de tarefa inválido"; @@ -636,15 +651,14 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "swap.confirmation.title" = "Confirmar"; "swap.confirmation.quoting" = "Cotação..."; "swap.confirmation.invalid_quote" = "Cotação incorreta"; -"swap.confirmation.please_wait" = "Por favor, aguarde"; +"swap.confirmation.please_wait" = "Please Wait"; "swap.confirmation.quote_expires_in" = "O prazo da cotação expira em %@"; "swap.confirmation.quote_expired" = "A cotação expirou"; "swap.confirmation.quote_failed" = "Erro ao cotar"; "swap.confirmation.slide_to_swap" = "Deslize para trocar"; "swap.confirmation.swapping" = "Trocando"; -"swap.confirmation.swapped" = "Trocado"; -"swap.confirmation.refresh" = "Atualizar"; +"swap.confirmation.refresh" = "Refresh"; "swap.confirmation.impact_too_high" = "%@ desativou a ação de troca para essa troca porque você está obtendo um preço extremamente desfavorável. Isso se deve a liquidez extremamente baixa.\nSe você ainda quiser trocar, use o site %@."; "swap.confirmation.impact_warning" = "Importante! Você está recebendo um preço extremamente desfavorável. Isso se deve a uma liquidez extremamente baixa."; @@ -686,12 +700,59 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "market.defi_cap" = "Mercado de DeFi"; "market.defi_tvl" = "TVL no DeFi"; +"market.global.market_cap" = "Total Cap"; +"market.global.volume" = "24h Vol."; +"market.global.btc_dominance" = "BTC Dominance"; +"market.global.etf_inflow" = "ETF Inflow"; +"market.global.tvl_in_defi" = "TVL no DeFi"; + +"market.tab.news" = "Notícias"; +"market.tab.coins" = "Coins"; +"market.tab.watchlist" = "Lista de observação"; +"market.tab.platforms" = "Platforms"; +"market.tab.pairs" = "Pairs"; +"market.tab.sectors" = "Sectors"; + +"market.sort_by.title" = "Sort By"; +"market.sort_by.manual" = "Manual"; +"market.sort_by.highest_cap" = "Highest Cap"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_cap" = "Lowest Cap"; +"market.sort_by.gainers" = "Gainers"; +"market.sort_by.losers" = "Losers"; +"market.sort_by.highest_volume" = "Highest Volume"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_volume" = "Lowest Volume"; + +"market.top_coins.title" = "Coins"; +"market.top_coins" = "Top %@"; + +"market.time_period.title" = "Period"; +"market.time_period.24h" = "24 Hours"; +"market.time_period.1d" = "1 Day"; +"market.time_period.1w" = "1 Week"; +"market.time_period.2w" = "2 Weeks"; +"market.time_period.1m" = "1 Month"; +"market.time_period.3m" = "3 Months"; +"market.time_period.6m" = "6 Months"; +"market.time_period.1y" = "1 Year"; +"market.time_period.2y" = "2 Years"; +"market.time_period.5y" = "5 Years"; +"market.time_period.24h.short" = "24H"; +"market.time_period.1d.short" = "1D"; +"market.time_period.1w.short" = "1W"; +"market.time_period.2w.short" = "2W"; +"market.time_period.1m.short" = "1M"; +"market.time_period.3m.short" = "3M"; +"market.time_period.6m.short" = "6M"; +"market.time_period.1y.short" = "1Y"; +"market.time_period.2y.short" = "2Y"; +"market.time_period.5y.short" = "5Y"; + "market.project_has_no_coin" = "Esse projeto não tem uma moeda"; "market.top.section.header.see_all" = "Ver tudo"; "market.top.section.header.top_gainers" = "Maiores Altas"; "market.top.section.header.top_losers" = "Maiores Quedas"; -"market.top.section.header.sectors" = "Setores"; +"market.top.section.header.sectors" = "Sectors"; "market.top.section.header.news" = "Notícias"; "market.top.volume.title" = "Vol"; "market.top.market_cap.title" = "Cap. de mercado"; @@ -705,15 +766,15 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "market.tvl.platform_field.all" = "Todos"; -"market.sort_by" = "Organizar por"; +"market.sort_by" = "Sort By"; "market.top.title" = "Top Moedas"; "market.top.description" = "Top moedas por classificação de capitalização de mercado"; -"market.top.highest_cap" = "Maior capitalização"; -"market.top.lowest_cap" = "Menor capitalização"; -"market.top.highest_volume" = "Maior volume"; -"market.top.lowest_volume" = "Menor volume"; +"market.top.highest_cap" = "Highest Cap"; +"market.top.lowest_cap" = "Lowest Cap"; +"market.top.highest_volume" = "Highest Volume"; +"market.top.lowest_volume" = "Lowest Volume"; "market.top.top_gainers" = "Maiores Altas"; "market.top.top_losers" = "Maiores Quedas"; "market.top.top_collections" = "Principais Coleções NFT"; @@ -722,6 +783,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "market.top.top_platforms" = "Melhores Plataformas"; "market.top.protocols" = "Protocolos"; +"market.pairs.volume" = "Volume"; "top_pairs.title" = "Principais Pares de Mercado"; "top_pairs.description" = "Principais pares de negociação por volume em todas as bolsas"; @@ -741,6 +803,17 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "market_discovery.not_found" = "Nenhum resultado encontrado"; "market_watchlist.empty.caption" = "Seu catálogo está vazio."; +"market.watchlist.signals" = "Signals"; +"market.watchlist.empty" = "Your watchlist is empty"; +"market.watchlist.signals.description" = "Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently."; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_buy.description" = "High confidence in price increase"; +"market.watchlist.signals.buy.description" = "Likely price increase in near future"; +"market.watchlist.signals.neutral.description" = "No clear trend, market is in equilibrium"; +"market.watchlist.signals.sell.description" = "Likely price decrease in near future"; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_sell.description" = "High probability of price decrease"; +"market.watchlist.signals.risky.description" = "Elevated risk level, requires caution"; +"market.watchlist.signals.warning" = "Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice."; +"market.watchlist.signals.turn_on" = "Turn On"; "market.advanced_search.title" = "Filtros"; "market.advanced_search.show_results" = "Mostrar Resultados"; @@ -768,7 +841,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "market.advanced_search.price_period" = "Período de Preço"; "market.advanced_search.price_change" = "Mudança de Preço"; -"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risk_trade" = "Risco de Negociação"; +"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risky" = "Risky"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.strong_buy" = "Compra forte"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.buy" = "Comprar"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.neutral" = "Neutra"; @@ -808,14 +881,14 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "market.advanced_search.more_50_b" = "> 50B"; "market.advanced_search.more_500_b" = "> 500B"; -"market.advanced_search.day" = "1 Dia"; -"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Semana"; -"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Semanas"; -"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Mês"; -"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Meses"; -"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Ano"; +"market.advanced_search.day" = "1 Day"; +"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Week"; +"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Weeks"; +"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Month"; +"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Months"; +"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Year"; -"market.advanced_search.day.short" = "24h"; +"market.advanced_search.day.short" = "24H"; "market.advanced_search.week.short" = "7D"; "market.advanced_search.month.short" = "1M"; @@ -835,6 +908,23 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.multi_chain" = "Multi-Cadeia"; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.filter_by_chain" = "Filtrar por cadeia"; +"market.etf.title" = "Total Net Inflow"; +"market.etf.description" = "The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows."; +"market.etf.total_net_assets" = "Total Net Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.highest_assets" = "Highest Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.lowest_assets" = "Lowest Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.inflow" = "Inflow"; +"market.etf.sort_by.outflow" = "Outflow"; +"market.etf.period.all" = "Todos"; + +"market.market_cap.title" = "Capitalização Total de Mercado"; +"market.market_cap.description" = "Valor total de mercado de todas as criptomoedas"; +"market.market_cap.market_cap" = "Capitalização de Mercado"; + +"market.volume.title" = "Volume"; +"market.volume.description" = "O volume de operação em 24h do mercado de cripto"; +"market.volume.volume" = "Volume"; + // Coin Page "coin_page.overview" = "Preço"; @@ -854,12 +944,12 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "coin_overview.genesis_date" = "Data de Início"; "coin_overview.trading_volume" = "Volume de Operações"; -"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 Dia"; -"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Semana"; -"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Semanas"; -"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Mês"; +"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 Day"; +"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Week"; +"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Weeks"; +"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Month"; "coin_overview.roi.day200" = "6 Meses"; -"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Ano"; +"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Year"; "coin_overview.overview" = "Visão geral"; "coin_overview.description_warning" = "Esta é uma descrição gerada por IA com base no material de referência fornecido para a criptomoeda em questão. Pode conter erros."; @@ -924,7 +1014,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "coin_analytics.indicators.sell" = "Irá vender"; "coin_analytics.indicators.strong_sell" = "Venda forte"; "coin_analytics.indicators.overbought" = "Very Risky to Trade"; -"coin_analytics.period" = "Período"; +"coin_analytics.period" = "Period"; "coin_analytics.period.select_title" = "Selecionar Período"; "coin_analytics.period.1h" = "1 hora"; "coin_analytics.period.4h" = "4 horas"; @@ -1090,7 +1180,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "chart_indicators.settings.ma.description" = "O EMA, SMA e WMA são médias móveis usadas em análise técnica:\n\nEMA enfatiza preços recentes para reações mais rápidas.\nSMA indica dados de preços médios para uma visão geral de tendência.\nSaldos WMA e redução de ruído por ponderação linearmente de dados recentes"; "chart_indicators.settings.ma.type_title" = "Tipo"; -"chart_indicators.settings.ma.period_title" = "Período"; +"chart_indicators.settings.ma.period_title" = "Period"; "chart_indicators.settings.rsi.title" = "RSI"; "chart_indicators.settings.rsi.description" = "O Índice de Força Relativa (RSI) é um oscilador de momentum que mede a velocidade e a mudança de preços, identificando supercomprados (acima de 70) ou supervendidos (abaixo de 30) condições de mercado. Ele também pode detectar reversões de preço através de divergências."; @@ -1200,6 +1290,8 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "settings.rate_us" = "Avalie-Nos"; "settings.tell_friends" = "Indique para amigos"; "settings.contact_us" = "Fale Conosco"; +"settings.social_networks.label" = "JOIN UNSTOPPABLES"; +"settings.social_networks.footer" = "Stay on top of Unstoppable happenings. Be the first to know about new features, user reported issues and things we work on!"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1417,9 +1509,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Settings -> About App "settings.about_app.title" = "Sobre o App"; -"settings.about_app.app_name" = "Carteira %@"; -"settings.about_app.description" = "A carteira %@ foi construída para aqueles que buscam investir e armazenar criptomoedas de forma privada e independente.\n\nÉ uma carteira não-custódia, peer-to-peer onde apenas o usuário tem controle sobre os fundos. Não coleta nenhum dado e mantém o usuário independente ao não bloquear os fundos do usuário para um aplicativo específico de carteira.\n\nA carteira %@ é totalmente de código aberto e qualquer um pode confirmar que o aplicativo funciona exatamente como afirma."; -"settings.about_app.whats_new" = "O que há de novo"; +"settings.about_app.app_version" = "App Version"; "settings.about_app.website" = "Site"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact @@ -1446,21 +1536,26 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "appearance.theme.dark" = "Escuro"; "appearance.theme.light" = "Claro"; -"appearance.tab_settings" = "Configurações de Abas"; "appearance.markets_tab" = "Guia de Mercados"; +"appearance.hide_markets" = "Hide Markets"; +"appearance.price_change" = "Mudança de Preço"; +"appearance.price_change.24h" = "24H"; +"appearance.price_change.midnight_utc" = "Midnight UTC"; + "appearance.launch_screen" = "Tela Inicial"; "appearance.launch_screen.auto" = "Automático"; "appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "Saldo"; "appearance.launch_screen.market_overview" = "Visão geral do mercado"; "appearance.launch_screen.watchlist" = "Lista de observação"; -"appearance.app_icon" = "Ícone do Aplicativo"; - +"appearance.balance_tab" = "Balance Tab"; +"appearance.hide_buttons" = "Hide Buttons"; +"appearance.balance_value" = "Valor Patrimonial"; +"appearance.balance_value.coin_fiat" = "Coin / Fiat"; +"appearance.balance_value.fiat_coin" = "Fiat / Coin"; "appearance.balance_conversion" = "Conversão de saldo"; -"appearance.balance_value" = "Valor Patrimonial"; -"appearance.balance_value.coin_value" = "Valor da Moeda"; -"appearance.balance_value.fiat_value" = "Valor Fiat"; +"appearance.app_icon" = "Ícone do Aplicativo"; // Settings -> Contacts @@ -1523,15 +1618,15 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Key Types -"chart.time_duration.day" = "24h"; +"chart.time_duration.day" = "24H"; "chart.time_duration.week" = "7D"; -"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2S"; +"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2W"; "chart.time_duration.month" = "1M"; "chart.time_duration.month3" = "3M"; "chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6M"; -"chart.time_duration.year" = "1A"; -"chart.time_duration.year2" = "2A"; -"chart.time_duration.year5" = "5A"; +"chart.time_duration.year" = "1Y"; +"chart.time_duration.year2" = "2Y"; +"chart.time_duration.year5" = "5Y"; "chart.time_duration.all" = "TODOS"; "chart.market_cap" = "Capitalização de Mercado"; @@ -1830,7 +1925,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "fee_settings.errors.transaction_underpriced" = "Taxa baixa para transação"; "fee_settings.errors.tips_higher_than_max_fee" = "A taxa máxima é muito baixa"; "fee_settings.errors.zero_amount.info" = "Não é possível transferir 0 TRX"; -"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "Arriscado"; +"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "Risky"; "fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck.info" = "A transação pode permanecer pendente por um tempo ou falhar completamente."; "fee_settings.warning.overpricing" = "Taxa Muito Alta"; "fee_settings.warning.overpricing.info" = "A taxa de transação definida é maior que o necessário para processar esta transação agora."; @@ -1959,7 +2054,6 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "tron.send.fee.info" = "O custo estimado de envio de determinada transação na rede. (Sem excluir Energy, Bandwidth e Taxa de Ativação)"; "tron.send.resources_consumed.info" = "A bandwidth é a unidade que mede o tamanho dos bytes de transação armazenados no banco de dados blockchain. Quanto maior a transação, mais recursos de largura de banda serão consumidos.\n\nEnergy é a unidade que mede a quantidade de computação necessária pela máquina virtual TRON para realizar operações específicas na rede TRON.\n\nComo as transações de contrato inteligente exigem recursos de computação para executar, cada transação de contrato inteligente requer o pagamento da taxa de energy."; "tron.send.activation_fee.info" = "Transferir tokens TRX ou TRC-10 para um endereço de conta inativo ativará a conta."; -"tron.send.inactive_address" = "Este endereço não está ativo"; // Cex Coin Select diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings index 740bdd3ba6..755b47ce1b 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ "extended_key.purpose" = "Purpose"; "extended_key.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; "extended_key.account" = "Account"; +"extended_key.account.description" = "This is a setting for advanced users. If you are trying to import wallet (via extended private key )or transactions list (via  extended public key) you need account 0."; "extended_key.tap_to_show" = "Нажмите, чтобы показать extended private key"; // Backup @@ -320,7 +321,6 @@ "balance.downloading_blocks" = "Загрузка блоков"; "balance.scanning_blocks" = "Сканирование блоков"; "balance.enhancing_transactions" = "Улучшение транзакций"; -"wait_for_synchronization" = "Дождитесь синхронизации"; "balance.searching.count" = "%@ tx"; "balance.syncing_percent" = "Идет синхронизация... %@"; @@ -353,6 +353,8 @@ "balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; "balance.token.frozen.info.title" = "Frozen title"; "balance.token.frozen.info.description" = "Frozen Description Text"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.title" = "Account Not Active"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.description" = "New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated."; // Account switcher @@ -447,6 +449,8 @@ "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.shuffle.description" = "Порядок выхода транзакций меняется случайным образом в каждой транзакции. Иногда изменение может быть первым выводом, иногда - вторым. Если пользователь доверяет разработчику приложения, то рекомендуем использовать этот вариант."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.title" = "2. Deterministic"; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.description" = "Существует широко признанный стандарт для упорядочивания выходов транзакции, известный как BIP69. В открытых кошельках этот стандарт обеспечивает, чтобы пользователи кошелька не должны были полагаться на то, как разработчики приложения реализуют упорядочивание выходов. Поскольку этот стандарт относительно новый, не многие кошельки его уже реализовали. В результате, на блокчейне в некоторых случаях можно узнать, отправлена ли транзакция из кошелька, который использует этот стандарт или нет."; +"send.select_all" = "Select All"; +"send.unselect_all" = "Unselect All"; "send.confirmation.title" = "Подтвердить"; "send.confirmation.you_send" = "Вы отправляете"; @@ -464,18 +468,20 @@ "send.confirmation.time_lock" = "TimeLock"; "send.confirmation.replace_by_fee" = "Изменить комиссию"; "send.confirmation.replaced_transactions" = "Замененные транзакции"; - +"send.confirmation.input" = "Input"; + +"send.confirmation.sync_failed" = "Sync Failed"; +"send.confirmation.invalid_data" = "Invalid Data"; +"send.confirmation.refresh" = "Refresh"; +"send.confirmation.please_wait" = "Please Wait"; +"send.confirmation.expires_in" = "Expires in %@"; +"send.confirmation.expired" = "Expired"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_send" = "Проведите для отправки"; "send.confirmation.sending" = "Отправка"; "send.confirmation.sent" = "Отправлено"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_approve" = "Проведите для разрешения"; -"send.confirmation.approving" = "Разрешение"; -"send.confirmation.approved" = "Разрешено"; - "send.confirmation.slide_to_revoke" = "Проведите чтобы отозвать"; -"send.confirmation.revoking" = "Отмена"; -"send.confirmation.revoked" = "Отменен"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_resend" = "Отправить повторно"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_cancel" = "Отменить транзакцию"; @@ -508,6 +514,7 @@ "send.lock_time" = "TimeLock"; "send.unspent_outputs" = "UTxOs"; +"send.unspent_outputs.description" = "Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance"; "send.unspent_outputs.send_to" = "Отправить"; "send.unspent_outputs.change" = "Изменить"; @@ -515,6 +522,14 @@ "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Вы отменяете"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "Покупатель"; +"send.enter_amount" = "Введите сумму"; +"send.enter_address" = "Enter Address"; +"send.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; +"send.token_not_enabled" = "Token Not Enabled"; +"send.token_syncing" = "Token Syncing"; +"send.token_not_synced" = "Token Not Synced"; +"send.insufficient_balance" = "Недостаточный баланс"; + // Donate "donate.list.title" = "Пожертвовать с помощью"; @@ -570,9 +585,9 @@ "swap.no_providers" = "Нет провайдеров"; "swap.enter_amount" = "Введите сумму"; "swap.no_quotes" = "Нет предложений"; -"swap.token_not_enabled" = "Токен не включен"; -"swap.token_syncing" = "Синхронизация токенов"; -"swap.token_not_synced" = "Токен не синхронизирован"; +"swap.token_not_enabled" = "Token Not Enabled"; +"swap.token_syncing" = "Token Syncing"; +"swap.token_not_synced" = "Token Not Synced"; "swap.insufficient_balance" = "Недостаточный баланс"; "swap.quotes.providers" = "Провайдеры"; @@ -617,7 +632,7 @@ "swap.advanced_settings.service_fee_description" = "Комиссия за услугу обмена на платформе обычно 0.3% или 0.6%!"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.lower_slippage" = "Ваша транзакция, скорее всего, не выполнится успешно."; "swap.advanced_settings.error.higher_slippage" = "Допустимая величина проскальзывания не может быть больше %@%%."; -"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "Неверный адрес"; +"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_slippage" = "Недействительное отклонение"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_deadline" = "Недействительный срок выполнения"; @@ -638,15 +653,14 @@ "swap.confirmation.title" = "Подтвердить"; "swap.confirmation.quoting" = "Котировка..."; "swap.confirmation.invalid_quote" = "Неверная котировка"; -"swap.confirmation.please_wait" = "Пожалуйста, подождите"; +"swap.confirmation.please_wait" = "Please Wait"; "swap.confirmation.quote_expires_in" = "Срок действия котировки истекает через %@"; "swap.confirmation.quote_expired" = "Котировка истекла"; "swap.confirmation.quote_failed" = "Ошибка при котировании"; "swap.confirmation.slide_to_swap" = "Проведите для обмена"; "swap.confirmation.swapping" = "Обмен"; -"swap.confirmation.swapped" = "Обмен выполнен"; -"swap.confirmation.refresh" = "Обновить"; +"swap.confirmation.refresh" = "Refresh"; "swap.confirmation.impact_too_high" = "%@ отключил действие обмена для этой сделки, потому что вы получаете крайне невыгодную цену. Это связано с крайне низкой ликвидностью.Если вы все равно хотите выполнить обмен, используйте вместо этого веб-сайт %@."; "swap.confirmation.impact_warning" = "Важно! Вы получаете крайне невыгодную цену из-за низкой ликвидности."; @@ -688,12 +702,59 @@ "market.defi_cap" = "Капитализация DeFi"; "market.defi_tvl" = "TVL в DeFi"; +"market.global.market_cap" = "Total Cap"; +"market.global.volume" = "24h Vol."; +"market.global.btc_dominance" = "BTC Dominance"; +"market.global.etf_inflow" = "ETF Inflow"; +"market.global.tvl_in_defi" = "TVL в DeFi"; + +"market.tab.news" = "Новости"; +"market.tab.coins" = "Coins"; +"market.tab.watchlist" = "Избранное"; +"market.tab.platforms" = "Platforms"; +"market.tab.pairs" = "Pairs"; +"market.tab.sectors" = "Sectors"; + +"market.sort_by.title" = "Sort By"; +"market.sort_by.manual" = "Manual"; +"market.sort_by.highest_cap" = "Highest Cap"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_cap" = "Lowest Cap"; +"market.sort_by.gainers" = "Gainers"; +"market.sort_by.losers" = "Losers"; +"market.sort_by.highest_volume" = "Highest Volume"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_volume" = "Lowest Volume"; + +"market.top_coins.title" = "Coins"; +"market.top_coins" = "Top %@"; + +"market.time_period.title" = "Period"; +"market.time_period.24h" = "24 Hours"; +"market.time_period.1d" = "1 Day"; +"market.time_period.1w" = "1 Week"; +"market.time_period.2w" = "2 Weeks"; +"market.time_period.1m" = "1 Month"; +"market.time_period.3m" = "3 Months"; +"market.time_period.6m" = "6 Months"; +"market.time_period.1y" = "1 Year"; +"market.time_period.2y" = "2 Years"; +"market.time_period.5y" = "5 Years"; +"market.time_period.24h.short" = "24H"; +"market.time_period.1d.short" = "1D"; +"market.time_period.1w.short" = "1W"; +"market.time_period.2w.short" = "2W"; +"market.time_period.1m.short" = "1M"; +"market.time_period.3m.short" = "3M"; +"market.time_period.6m.short" = "6M"; +"market.time_period.1y.short" = "1Y"; +"market.time_period.2y.short" = "2Y"; +"market.time_period.5y.short" = "5Y"; + "market.project_has_no_coin" = "У этого проекта нет токена"; "market.top.section.header.see_all" = "Посмотреть всё"; "market.top.section.header.top_gainers" = "Показывают рост"; "market.top.section.header.top_losers" = "Теряют в цене"; -"market.top.section.header.sectors" = "Секторы"; +"market.top.section.header.sectors" = "Sectors"; "market.top.section.header.news" = "Новости"; "market.top.volume.title" = "Объем"; "market.top.market_cap.title" = "Цена"; @@ -707,15 +768,15 @@ "market.tvl.platform_field.all" = "Все"; -"market.sort_by" = "Сортировать"; +"market.sort_by" = "Sort By"; "market.top.title" = "Лучшие токены"; "market.top.description" = "Топ токенов по рыночной капитализации"; -"market.top.highest_cap" = "Наивысшая кап."; -"market.top.lowest_cap" = "Наименьшая кап."; -"market.top.highest_volume" = "Наивысший объем"; -"market.top.lowest_volume" = "Наименьший объем"; +"market.top.highest_cap" = "Highest Cap"; +"market.top.lowest_cap" = "Lowest Cap"; +"market.top.highest_volume" = "Highest Volume"; +"market.top.lowest_volume" = "Lowest Volume"; "market.top.top_gainers" = "Показывают рост"; "market.top.top_losers" = "Теряют в цене"; "market.top.top_collections" = "Топ NFT коллекции"; @@ -724,6 +785,7 @@ "market.top.top_platforms" = "Топ платформы"; "market.top.protocols" = "Протоколы"; +"market.pairs.volume" = "Volume"; "top_pairs.title" = "Лучшие рыночные пары"; "top_pairs.description" = "Лучшие торговые пары по объему на каждой бирже"; @@ -743,6 +805,17 @@ "market_discovery.not_found" = "Ничего не найдено"; "market_watchlist.empty.caption" = "У вас нет токенов в избранном."; +"market.watchlist.signals" = "Signals"; +"market.watchlist.empty" = "Your watchlist is empty"; +"market.watchlist.signals.description" = "Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently."; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_buy.description" = "High confidence in price increase"; +"market.watchlist.signals.buy.description" = "Likely price increase in near future"; +"market.watchlist.signals.neutral.description" = "No clear trend, market is in equilibrium"; +"market.watchlist.signals.sell.description" = "Likely price decrease in near future"; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_sell.description" = "High probability of price decrease"; +"market.watchlist.signals.risky.description" = "Elevated risk level, requires caution"; +"market.watchlist.signals.warning" = "Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice."; +"market.watchlist.signals.turn_on" = "Turn On"; "market.advanced_search.title" = "Фильтры"; "market.advanced_search.show_results" = "Показать результаты"; @@ -770,7 +843,7 @@ "market.advanced_search.price_period" = "Ценовой период"; "market.advanced_search.price_change" = "по изменению цены (%)"; -"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risk_trade" = "Риск для торговли"; +"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risky" = "Risky"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.strong_buy" = "Активно покупать"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.buy" = "Покупать"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.neutral" = "Нейтрально"; @@ -810,14 +883,14 @@ "market.advanced_search.more_50_b" = "> 50млрд"; "market.advanced_search.more_500_b" = "> 500млрд"; -"market.advanced_search.day" = "1 день"; -"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 неделя"; -"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 недели"; -"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 месяц"; -"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 месяцев"; -"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 год"; +"market.advanced_search.day" = "1 Day"; +"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Week"; +"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Weeks"; +"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Month"; +"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Months"; +"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Year"; -"market.advanced_search.day.short" = "24ч"; +"market.advanced_search.day.short" = "24H"; "market.advanced_search.week.short" = "7Д"; "market.advanced_search.month.short" = "1M"; @@ -837,6 +910,23 @@ "market.global.tvl_in_defi.multi_chain" = "Мультичейн"; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.filter_by_chain" = "Сортировать по блокчейну"; +"market.etf.title" = "Total Net Inflow"; +"market.etf.description" = "The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows."; +"market.etf.total_net_assets" = "Total Net Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.highest_assets" = "Highest Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.lowest_assets" = "Lowest Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.inflow" = "Inflow"; +"market.etf.sort_by.outflow" = "Outflow"; +"market.etf.period.all" = "Все"; + +"market.market_cap.title" = "Полная рын. кап."; +"market.market_cap.description" = "Общая рыночная стоимость всех криптовалют"; +"market.market_cap.market_cap" = "Рын. капитализация"; + +"market.volume.title" = "Volume"; +"market.volume.description" = "24-часовой объем крипторынка"; +"market.volume.volume" = "Volume"; + // Coin Page "coin_page.overview" = "Цена"; @@ -856,12 +946,12 @@ "coin_overview.genesis_date" = "Дата старта"; "coin_overview.trading_volume" = "Объем торговли"; -"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 день"; -"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 неделя"; -"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 недели"; -"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 месяц"; +"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 Day"; +"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Week"; +"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Weeks"; +"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Month"; "coin_overview.roi.day200" = "6 месяцев"; -"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 год"; +"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Year"; "coin_overview.overview" = "Обзор"; "coin_overview.description_warning" = "Это описание, сгенерированное искусственным интеллектом на основе предоставленного справочного материала для данной криптовалюты. Оно может содержать ошибки."; @@ -912,7 +1002,7 @@ "technical_advice.macd.advice" = "MACD. Оценивает силу тренда, учитывая среднее изменение цены. Ежедневное значение гистограммы составляет %@ (%@). Цена актива в глобальном масштабе может измениться на %@."; "coin_analytics.indicators.title" = "Технические индикаторы"; -"coin_analytics.indicators.disclaimer" = "Всегда помните о применении управления рисками, и обратите внимание, что это не финансовый совет."; +"coin_analytics.indicators.disclaimer" = "Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice."; "coin_analytics.indicators.info.title" = "Технические индикаторы"; "coin_analytics.indicators.info.description" = "Мы используем стратегию Bollinger Bands + RSI для определения сигналов торговли. Все расчеты основаны на ежедневных свечах и предоставляют рекомендации на среднесрочный период. Суть стратегии заключается в том, что цена актива должна достичь экстремума, выбиваясь из канала Bollinger Bands, а RSI должен находиться в зоне перекупленности/перепроданности. После того как цена возвращается в канал, существует высокая вероятность того, что цена вернется к средним значениям или попытается пробить канал с другой стороны. Обратите внимание, что стратегия может давать несколько ложных сигналов во время сильных рыночных движений, прежде чем появится правильный сигнал.\n\nПожалуйста, помните, что очень важно применять управление рисками при торговле и помнить о сокращении убытков, если ситуация на рынке изменится!"; "coin_analytics.indicators.hide_details" = "Скрыть детали"; @@ -926,7 +1016,7 @@ "coin_analytics.indicators.sell" = "Продавать"; "coin_analytics.indicators.strong_sell" = "Активно продавать"; "coin_analytics.indicators.overbought" = "Очень рискованная торговля"; -"coin_analytics.period" = "Период"; +"coin_analytics.period" = "Period"; "coin_analytics.period.select_title" = "Выберите период"; "coin_analytics.period.1h" = "1 час"; "coin_analytics.period.4h" = "4 часа"; @@ -1092,7 +1182,7 @@ "chart_indicators.settings.ma.description" = "В EMA, SMA и WMA используются средние значения для технического анализа:\n\nEMA подчеркивает последние цены для более быстрых реакций.\nСредние цены SMA для общего представления тренда.\nЧувствительность и шумовое снижение ВМА путем линейного взвешивания последних данных"; "chart_indicators.settings.ma.type_title" = "Тип"; -"chart_indicators.settings.ma.period_title" = "Период"; +"chart_indicators.settings.ma.period_title" = "Period"; "chart_indicators.settings.rsi.title" = "RSI"; "chart_indicators.settings.rsi.description" = "Индекс относительной силы (RSI) - это колебатель импульса, который измеряет скорость и изменения цен, определяющий перекупленные (более 70) или перепродаваемые (менее 30) рыночные условия. Она также может обнаружить изменения цен через расхождения."; @@ -1202,6 +1292,8 @@ "settings.rate_us" = "Оцените нас"; "settings.tell_friends" = "Расскажите друзьям"; "settings.contact_us" = "Свяжитесь с нами"; +"settings.social_networks.label" = "JOIN UNSTOPPABLES"; +"settings.social_networks.footer" = "Stay on top of Unstoppable happenings. Be the first to know about new features, user reported issues and things we work on!"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1319,7 +1411,7 @@ "settings_security.duress_mode.description" = "Специализированный режим, разработанный для обеспечения безопасности выбранных кошельков в условиях принуждения."; "biometry.off" = "Выкл."; -"biometry.manual" = "Вручную"; +"biometry.manual" = "Manual"; "biometry.on" = "Вкл."; "biometry.off.description" = "Отключено во всех случаях"; "biometry.manual.description" = "Сканирование с помощью кнопки"; @@ -1419,9 +1511,7 @@ // Settings -> About App "settings.about_app.title" = "О приложении"; -"settings.about_app.app_name" = "%@ кошелек"; -"settings.about_app.description" = "Кошелек %@ создан для тех, кто ищет возможность инвестировать и хранить криптовалюты в частном и независимом режиме.\n\nЭто некастодиальный кошелек с принципом равноправия, в котором только пользователь имеет полный контроль над своими средствами. Он не собирает никаких данных и сохраняет независимость пользователя, не привязывая средства пользователя к конкретному приложению кошелька.\n\nКошелек %@ полностью открытого исходного кода, и любой может подтвердить, что приложение работает именно так, как утверждается."; -"settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Что нового"; +"settings.about_app.app_version" = "App Version"; "settings.about_app.website" = "Веб-сайт"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact @@ -1448,21 +1538,26 @@ "appearance.theme.dark" = "Тёмная"; "appearance.theme.light" = "Светлая"; -"appearance.tab_settings" = "Настройки вкладки"; "appearance.markets_tab" = "Вкладка рынки"; +"appearance.hide_markets" = "Hide Markets"; +"appearance.price_change" = "по изменению цены (%)"; +"appearance.price_change.24h" = "24H"; +"appearance.price_change.midnight_utc" = "Midnight UTC"; + "appearance.launch_screen" = "Запуск экрана"; "appearance.launch_screen.auto" = "По умолчанию"; "appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "Баланс"; "appearance.launch_screen.market_overview" = "Обзор рынка"; "appearance.launch_screen.watchlist" = "Избранное"; -"appearance.app_icon" = "Иконка приложения"; - +"appearance.balance_tab" = "Balance Tab"; +"appearance.hide_buttons" = "Hide Buttons"; +"appearance.balance_value" = "Значение баланса"; +"appearance.balance_value.coin_fiat" = "Coin / Fiat"; +"appearance.balance_value.fiat_coin" = "Fiat / Coin"; "appearance.balance_conversion" = "Конвертация баланса"; -"appearance.balance_value" = "Значение баланса"; -"appearance.balance_value.coin_value" = "Токен значение"; -"appearance.balance_value.fiat_value" = "Фиатное значение"; +"appearance.app_icon" = "Иконка приложения"; // Settings -> Contacts @@ -1525,15 +1620,15 @@ // Key Types -"chart.time_duration.day" = "24ч"; +"chart.time_duration.day" = "24H"; "chart.time_duration.week" = "7Д"; -"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2Н"; +"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2W"; "chart.time_duration.month" = "1M"; -"chart.time_duration.month3" = "3М"; -"chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6М"; -"chart.time_duration.year" = "1Г"; -"chart.time_duration.year2" = "2Г"; -"chart.time_duration.year5" = "5Г"; +"chart.time_duration.month3" = "3M"; +"chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6M"; +"chart.time_duration.year" = "1Y"; +"chart.time_duration.year2" = "2Y"; +"chart.time_duration.year5" = "5Y"; "chart.time_duration.all" = "ВСЕ"; "chart.market_cap" = "Рын. капитализация"; @@ -1833,7 +1928,7 @@ "fee_settings.errors.transaction_underpriced" = "Низкая комиссия за транзакцию"; "fee_settings.errors.tips_higher_than_max_fee" = "Слишком низкая макс. комиссия"; "fee_settings.errors.zero_amount.info" = "Невозможно отправить 0 TRX"; -"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "Риски"; +"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "Risky"; "fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck.info" = "Обработка транзакции может отложиться на некоторое время, или транзакцию могут полностью отклонить."; "fee_settings.warning.overpricing" = "Слишком высокая комиссия"; "fee_settings.warning.overpricing.info" = "Установленная комиссия за транзакцию больше чем требуется для обработки этой транзакции."; @@ -1962,7 +2057,6 @@ "tron.send.fee.info" = "Ориентировочные затраты на отправку данной транзакции по сети (без учёта energy, Bandwidth и комиссии за активацию) предполагаются"; "tron.send.resources_consumed.info" = "Bandwidth - это единица, которая измеряет размер байт транзакции, хранящихся в базе данных блокчейна. Чем больше транзакция, тем больше bandwidth будет потребляться.\n\nEnergy — это единица, измеряющая количество вычислений, требуемых виртуальной машиной TRON для выполнения конкретных операций в сети TRON.\n\nПоскольку транзакции смарт-контракта требуют выполнения вычислительных ресурсов, каждая сделка по контракту требует оплаты energy комиссии."; "tron.send.activation_fee.info" = "Передача токенов TRX или TRC-10 на адрес неактивного аккаунта активирует его."; -"tron.send.inactive_address" = "Этот адрес не активен"; // Cex Coin Select diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings index 92a3d24b2a..d7eb34c62d 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "extended_key.purpose" = "Purpose"; "extended_key.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; "extended_key.account" = "Account"; +"extended_key.account.description" = "This is a setting for advanced users. If you are trying to import wallet (via extended private key )or transactions list (via  extended public key) you need account 0."; "extended_key.tap_to_show" = "Extended private key göstermek için dokunun"; // Backup @@ -318,7 +319,6 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "balance.downloading_blocks" = "Blokları İndirme"; "balance.scanning_blocks" = "Tarama Blokları"; "balance.enhancing_transactions" = "İşlemleri Geliştirme"; -"wait_for_synchronization" = "Senkronizasyonu bekleyin"; "balance.searching.count" = "bakiye.araması.miktar"; "balance.syncing_percent" = "Senkronize ediliyor... %@"; @@ -351,6 +351,8 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; "balance.token.frozen.info.title" = "Frozen title"; "balance.token.frozen.info.description" = "Frozen Description Text"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.title" = "Account Not Active"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.description" = "New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated."; // Account switcher @@ -445,6 +447,8 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.shuffle.description" = "İşlem çıktılarının sırası her işlemde rastgele belirlenir. Bazen değişim ilk çıktı olabilir, bazen ikinci olabilir. Bir kullanıcı uygulamanın geliştiricisine güveniyorsa bunu önerilen bir seçenek olarak değerlendirin."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.title" = "2. Deterministic"; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.description" = "İşlem çıktılarını sipariş etmek için yaygın olarak kabul edilen bir standart vardır (BIP69 olarak bilinir). Açık kaynaklı (open-source) cüzdanlarda, bu standart, cüzdan kullanıcılarının uygulamanın geliştiricilerinin çıktıların sıralanmasını nasıl uyguladıklarına güvenmelerine gerek kalmamasını sağlar. Bu standart yeni olduğundan, henüz pek çok cüzdan bunu uygulamamıştır. Sonuç olarak, bir işlemin bu standardı kullanan bir cüzdandan gönderilip gönderilmediğini blok zincirinde görmek mümkündür."; +"send.select_all" = "Select All"; +"send.unselect_all" = "Unselect All"; "send.confirmation.title" = "Onayla"; "send.confirmation.you_send" = "Gönderdiğiniz"; @@ -462,18 +466,20 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "send.confirmation.time_lock" = "TimeLock"; "send.confirmation.replace_by_fee" = "Ücretle Değiştir"; "send.confirmation.replaced_transactions" = "Değiştirilmiş İşlemler"; - +"send.confirmation.input" = "Input"; + +"send.confirmation.sync_failed" = "Sync Failed"; +"send.confirmation.invalid_data" = "Invalid Data"; +"send.confirmation.refresh" = "Refresh"; +"send.confirmation.please_wait" = "Please Wait"; +"send.confirmation.expires_in" = "Expires in %@"; +"send.confirmation.expired" = "Expired"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_send" = "Göndermek için Kaydırın"; "send.confirmation.sending" = "Gönderiliyor"; "send.confirmation.sent" = "Gönderildi"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_approve" = "Onaylamak İçin Kaydır"; -"send.confirmation.approving" = "Onaylayan"; -"send.confirmation.approved" = "Onayla"; - "send.confirmation.slide_to_revoke" = "İptal Etmek İçin Kaydır"; -"send.confirmation.revoking" = "İptal ediliyor"; -"send.confirmation.revoked" = "İptal et"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_resend" = "Yeniden Gönder"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_cancel" = "İşlemi İptal Et"; @@ -506,6 +512,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "send.lock_time" = "TimeLock"; "send.unspent_outputs" = "UTxOs"; +"send.unspent_outputs.description" = "Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance"; "send.unspent_outputs.send_to" = "Göndermek için"; "send.unspent_outputs.change" = "Değiştir"; @@ -513,6 +520,14 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Sen iptal et"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "Harcayan"; +"send.enter_amount" = "Miktarı Girin"; +"send.enter_address" = "Enter Address"; +"send.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; +"send.token_not_enabled" = "Token Not Enabled"; +"send.token_syncing" = "Token Syncing"; +"send.token_not_synced" = "Token Not Synced"; +"send.insufficient_balance" = "Yetersiz Bakiye"; + // Donate "donate.list.title" = "Bağış yapın"; @@ -568,9 +583,9 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "swap.no_providers" = "Sağlayıcı Yok"; "swap.enter_amount" = "Miktarı Girin"; "swap.no_quotes" = "Teklif Yok"; -"swap.token_not_enabled" = "Jeton Etkin Değil"; -"swap.token_syncing" = "Token Senkronizasyonu"; -"swap.token_not_synced" = "Jeton Senkronize Edilmedi"; +"swap.token_not_enabled" = "Token Not Enabled"; +"swap.token_syncing" = "Token Syncing"; +"swap.token_not_synced" = "Token Not Synced"; "swap.insufficient_balance" = "Yetersiz Bakiye"; "swap.quotes.providers" = "Sağlayıcılar"; @@ -615,7 +630,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "swap.advanced_settings.service_fee_description" = "Platformdaki takas işlemi için bir hizmet ücreti genellikle %0,3 veya %0,6'dır"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.lower_slippage" = "İşleminizin başarısız olması muhtemeldir."; "swap.advanced_settings.error.higher_slippage" = "Slipaj Toleransı %@%% üzerinde olamaz"; -"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "Geçersiz Adres"; +"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_slippage" = "Geçersiz Kayma"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_deadline" = "Geçersiz Son Tarih"; @@ -636,15 +651,14 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "swap.confirmation.title" = "Onayla"; "swap.confirmation.quoting" = "Alıntı..."; "swap.confirmation.invalid_quote" = "Yanlış alıntı"; -"swap.confirmation.please_wait" = "Lütfen Bekleyin"; +"swap.confirmation.please_wait" = "Please Wait"; "swap.confirmation.quote_expires_in" = "Alıntının geçerlilik süresi %@ sonra sona erecek"; "swap.confirmation.quote_expired" = "Alıntı süresi doldu"; "swap.confirmation.quote_failed" = "Alıntı yaparken hata"; "swap.confirmation.slide_to_swap" = "Değiştirmek için kaydır"; "swap.confirmation.swapping" = "Takas"; -"swap.confirmation.swapped" = "Takas Edildi"; -"swap.confirmation.refresh" = "Yenile"; +"swap.confirmation.refresh" = "Refresh"; "swap.confirmation.impact_too_high" = "%@, son derece elverişsiz bir fiyat aldığınız için bu ticaret için takas işlemini devre dışı bıraktı. Bunun nedeni son derece düşük likiditedir.\nHala takas yapmak istiyorsanız lütfen bunun yerine %@ web sitesini kullanın."; "swap.confirmation.impact_warning" = "Önemli! Son derece olumsuz bir fiyat alıyorsunuz. Bunun nedeni son derece düşük likiditedir."; @@ -686,12 +700,59 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "market.defi_cap" = "DeFi Cap"; "market.defi_tvl" = "TVL in DeFi"; +"market.global.market_cap" = "Total Cap"; +"market.global.volume" = "24h Vol."; +"market.global.btc_dominance" = "BTC Dominance"; +"market.global.etf_inflow" = "ETF Inflow"; +"market.global.tvl_in_defi" = "TVL in DeFi"; + +"market.tab.news" = "Haberler"; +"market.tab.coins" = "Coins"; +"market.tab.watchlist" = "İzleme Listesi"; +"market.tab.platforms" = "Platforms"; +"market.tab.pairs" = "Pairs"; +"market.tab.sectors" = "Sectors"; + +"market.sort_by.title" = "Sort By"; +"market.sort_by.manual" = "Manual"; +"market.sort_by.highest_cap" = "Highest Cap"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_cap" = "Lowest Cap"; +"market.sort_by.gainers" = "Gainers"; +"market.sort_by.losers" = "Losers"; +"market.sort_by.highest_volume" = "Highest Volume"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_volume" = "Lowest Volume"; + +"market.top_coins.title" = "Coins"; +"market.top_coins" = "Top %@"; + +"market.time_period.title" = "Period"; +"market.time_period.24h" = "24 Hours"; +"market.time_period.1d" = "1 Day"; +"market.time_period.1w" = "1 Week"; +"market.time_period.2w" = "2 Weeks"; +"market.time_period.1m" = "1 Month"; +"market.time_period.3m" = "3 Months"; +"market.time_period.6m" = "6 Months"; +"market.time_period.1y" = "1 Year"; +"market.time_period.2y" = "2 Years"; +"market.time_period.5y" = "5 Years"; +"market.time_period.24h.short" = "24H"; +"market.time_period.1d.short" = "1D"; +"market.time_period.1w.short" = "1W"; +"market.time_period.2w.short" = "2W"; +"market.time_period.1m.short" = "1M"; +"market.time_period.3m.short" = "3M"; +"market.time_period.6m.short" = "6M"; +"market.time_period.1y.short" = "1Y"; +"market.time_period.2y.short" = "2Y"; +"market.time_period.5y.short" = "5Y"; + "market.project_has_no_coin" = "Bu proje bir koin içermiyor"; "market.top.section.header.see_all" = "Hepsini Gör"; "market.top.section.header.top_gainers" = "En Kazançlılar"; "market.top.section.header.top_losers" = "Çok Kaybedenler"; -"market.top.section.header.sectors" = "Sektörler"; +"market.top.section.header.sectors" = "Sectors"; "market.top.section.header.news" = "Haberler"; "market.top.volume.title" = "Hacim"; "market.top.market_cap.title" = "P. Değeri"; @@ -705,15 +766,15 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "market.tvl.platform_field.all" = "Hepsi"; -"market.sort_by" = "Sırala"; +"market.sort_by" = "Sort By"; "market.top.title" = "En iyi Coinler"; "market.top.description" = "P. Değerine Göre En Iyi Coinler"; -"market.top.highest_cap" = "En Yüksek"; -"market.top.lowest_cap" = "En Düşük"; -"market.top.highest_volume" = "En Yüksek HacIm"; -"market.top.lowest_volume" = "En Düşük HacIm"; +"market.top.highest_cap" = "Highest Cap"; +"market.top.lowest_cap" = "Lowest Cap"; +"market.top.highest_volume" = "Highest Volume"; +"market.top.lowest_volume" = "Lowest Volume"; "market.top.top_gainers" = "En Kazançlılar"; "market.top.top_losers" = "Çok Kaybedenler"; "market.top.top_collections" = "En İyi NFT Koleksiyonlar"; @@ -722,6 +783,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "market.top.top_platforms" = "En İyi Platformlar"; "market.top.protocols" = "Protokoller"; +"market.pairs.volume" = "Volume"; "top_pairs.title" = "Top Market Pairs"; "top_pairs.description" = "Her borsada hacme göre en üstte olan işlem çiftleri"; @@ -741,6 +803,17 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "market_discovery.not_found" = "Sonuç bulunamadı"; "market_watchlist.empty.caption" = "İzleme listeniz boş."; +"market.watchlist.signals" = "Signals"; +"market.watchlist.empty" = "Your watchlist is empty"; +"market.watchlist.signals.description" = "Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently."; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_buy.description" = "High confidence in price increase"; +"market.watchlist.signals.buy.description" = "Likely price increase in near future"; +"market.watchlist.signals.neutral.description" = "No clear trend, market is in equilibrium"; +"market.watchlist.signals.sell.description" = "Likely price decrease in near future"; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_sell.description" = "High probability of price decrease"; +"market.watchlist.signals.risky.description" = "Elevated risk level, requires caution"; +"market.watchlist.signals.warning" = "Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice."; +"market.watchlist.signals.turn_on" = "Turn On"; "market.advanced_search.title" = "Filtreler"; "market.advanced_search.show_results" = "Sonuçları Göster"; @@ -768,7 +841,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "market.advanced_search.price_period" = "Fiyat Periyodu"; "market.advanced_search.price_change" = "Fiyat Değişimi"; -"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risk_trade" = "Ticaret Riski"; +"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risky" = "Risky"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.strong_buy" = "Kuvvetli Al"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.buy" = "Al"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.neutral" = "Nötr"; @@ -808,16 +881,16 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "market.advanced_search.more_50_b" = "> 50B"; "market.advanced_search.more_500_b" = "> 500B"; -"market.advanced_search.day" = "1 Gün"; -"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Hafta"; -"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Hafta"; -"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Ay"; -"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Ay"; -"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Yıl"; +"market.advanced_search.day" = "1 Day"; +"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Week"; +"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Weeks"; +"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Month"; +"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Months"; +"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Year"; -"market.advanced_search.day.short" = "24S"; +"market.advanced_search.day.short" = "24H"; "market.advanced_search.week.short" = "7G"; -"market.advanced_search.month.short" = "1A"; +"market.advanced_search.month.short" = "1M"; "market.advanced_search_results.title" = "Sonuçlar"; @@ -835,6 +908,23 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.multi_chain" = "Multi-Chain"; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.filter_by_chain" = "Zincir ile filtrele"; +"market.etf.title" = "Total Net Inflow"; +"market.etf.description" = "The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows."; +"market.etf.total_net_assets" = "Total Net Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.highest_assets" = "Highest Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.lowest_assets" = "Lowest Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.inflow" = "Inflow"; +"market.etf.sort_by.outflow" = "Outflow"; +"market.etf.period.all" = "Hepsi"; + +"market.market_cap.title" = "Toplam Piyasa Değeri"; +"market.market_cap.description" = "Tüm kripto paraların toplam piyasa değeri"; +"market.market_cap.market_cap" = "Piyasa Değeri"; + +"market.volume.title" = "Volume"; +"market.volume.description" = "Kripto piyasa 24 saatlik işlem hacmi"; +"market.volume.volume" = "Volume"; + // Coin Page "coin_page.overview" = "Fiyat"; @@ -854,12 +944,12 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "coin_overview.genesis_date" = "Başlangıç ​​tarihi"; "coin_overview.trading_volume" = "İşlem Hacmi"; -"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 Gün"; -"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Hafta"; -"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Hafta"; -"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Ay"; +"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 Day"; +"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Week"; +"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Weeks"; +"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Month"; "coin_overview.roi.day200" = "6 Ay"; -"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Yıl"; +"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Year"; "coin_overview.overview" = "İzleme"; "coin_overview.description_warning" = "Bu, verilen kripto para birimi için sağlanan referans materyale dayanarak yapay zeka tarafından oluşturulmuş bir açıklamadır. Hatalar içerebilir."; @@ -1204,6 +1294,8 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "settings.rate_us" = "Bizi Değerlendirin"; "settings.tell_friends" = "Arkadaşlarına bahset"; "settings.contact_us" = "Bize Ulaşın"; +"settings.social_networks.label" = "JOIN UNSTOPPABLES"; +"settings.social_networks.footer" = "Stay on top of Unstoppable happenings. Be the first to know about new features, user reported issues and things we work on!"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1321,7 +1413,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "settings_security.duress_mode.description" = "Seçilen cüzdanları zorlama altında güvende tutmak için tasarlanmış özel bir mod."; "biometry.off" = "Kapat"; -"biometry.manual" = "Manuel"; +"biometry.manual" = "Manual"; "biometry.on" = "Açık"; "biometry.off.description" = "Tüm durumlarda devre dışı"; "biometry.manual.description" = "Düğme ile tarama"; @@ -1421,9 +1513,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; // Settings -> About App "settings.about_app.title" = "Uygulama Hakkında"; -"settings.about_app.app_name" = "%@ Cüzdanı"; -"settings.about_app.description" = "%@ cüzdan, kripto para birimlerine özel ve bağımsız bir şekilde yatırım yapmak ve depolamak isteyenler için tasarlanmıştır.\n\nBu, fonlar üzerinde yalnızca kullanıcının kontrolüne sahip olduğu, velayet gerektirmeyen, eşler arası bir cüzdandır. Herhangi bir veri toplamaz ve kullanıcının fonlarını belirli bir cüzdan uygulamasına kilitlemeyerek kullanıcıyı bağımsız tutar.\n\n%@ cüzdan tamamen açık kaynaklıdır ve herkes uygulamanın tam olarak iddia ettiği gibi çalıştığını onaylayabilir."; -"settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Yenilikler"; +"settings.about_app.app_version" = "App Version"; "settings.about_app.website" = "Website"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact @@ -1450,21 +1540,26 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "appearance.theme.dark" = "Karanlık"; "appearance.theme.light" = "Açık"; -"appearance.tab_settings" = "Tab Ayarları"; "appearance.markets_tab" = "Piyasalar Sekmesi"; +"appearance.hide_markets" = "Hide Markets"; +"appearance.price_change" = "Fiyat Değişimi"; +"appearance.price_change.24h" = "24H"; +"appearance.price_change.midnight_utc" = "Midnight UTC"; + "appearance.launch_screen" = "Başlangıç Ekranı"; "appearance.launch_screen.auto" = "Oto"; "appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "Bakiye"; "appearance.launch_screen.market_overview" = "Piyasaya Genel Bakış"; "appearance.launch_screen.watchlist" = "İzleme Listesi"; -"appearance.app_icon" = "Uygulama İkonları"; - +"appearance.balance_tab" = "Balance Tab"; +"appearance.hide_buttons" = "Hide Buttons"; +"appearance.balance_value" = "Bakiye değeri"; +"appearance.balance_value.coin_fiat" = "Coin / Fiat"; +"appearance.balance_value.fiat_coin" = "Fiat / Coin"; "appearance.balance_conversion" = "Bakiye çevrimi"; -"appearance.balance_value" = "Bakiye değeri"; -"appearance.balance_value.coin_value" = "Para değeri"; -"appearance.balance_value.fiat_value" = "Fiat Değeri"; +"appearance.app_icon" = "Uygulama İkonları"; // Settings -> Contacts @@ -1527,12 +1622,12 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; // Key Types -"chart.time_duration.day" = "24S"; +"chart.time_duration.day" = "24H"; "chart.time_duration.week" = "7G"; -"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2H"; -"chart.time_duration.month" = "1A"; -"chart.time_duration.month3" = "3A"; -"chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6A"; +"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2W"; +"chart.time_duration.month" = "1M"; +"chart.time_duration.month3" = "3M"; +"chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6M"; "chart.time_duration.year" = "1Y"; "chart.time_duration.year2" = "2Y"; "chart.time_duration.year5" = "5Y"; @@ -1834,7 +1929,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "fee_settings.errors.transaction_underpriced" = "İşlem Ücreti Düşük"; "fee_settings.errors.tips_higher_than_max_fee" = "Max Fee çok düşük"; "fee_settings.errors.zero_amount.info" = "0 TRX aktarılamıyor"; -"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "Riskli"; +"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "Risky"; "fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck.info" = "İşlem bir süre beklemede kalabilir veya tamamen başarısız olabilir."; "fee_settings.warning.overpricing" = "Ücret Çok Yüksek"; "fee_settings.warning.overpricing.info" = "Belirlenen işlem ücreti, bu işlemin şimdi işlenmesi için gereken ücretten daha yüksek."; @@ -1967,7 +2062,6 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "tron.send.fee.info" = "Ağda belirli bir işlemi göndermenin tahmini maliyeti. (Enerji, Bant Genişliği ve Aktivasyon Ücreti hariç)"; "tron.send.resources_consumed.info" = "Bandwidth, blockchain veritabanında saklanan işlem baytlarının boyutunu ölçen birimdir. İşlem ne kadar büyük olursa, o kadar fazla bant genişliği kaynağı tüketilir.\n\nEnergy, TRON sanal makinesinin TRON ağında belirli işlemleri gerçekleştirmek için ihtiyaç duyduğu hesaplama miktarını ölçen birimdir.\n\nAkıllı sözleşmeden beri işlemlerin yürütülmesi için bilgi işlem kaynakları gerekir, her akıllı sözleşme işleminin energy ücretini ödemesi gerekir."; "tron.send.activation_fee.info" = "TRX veya TRC-10 jetonlarını etkin olmayan bir hesap adresine aktarmak, hesabı etkinleştirir."; -"tron.send.inactive_address" = "Bu adres aktif değil"; // Cex Coin Select diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings index 2e014028d7..b6d3d172bf 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ "extended_key.purpose" = "目的"; "extended_key.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; "extended_key.account" = "账户"; +"extended_key.account.description" = "This is a setting for advanced users. If you are trying to import wallet (via extended private key )or transactions list (via  extended public key) you need account 0."; "extended_key.tap_to_show" = "点击點擊顯示 extended private key 显示扩展私钥"; // Backup @@ -318,7 +319,6 @@ "balance.downloading_blocks" = "正在下载块"; "balance.scanning_blocks" = "扫描块"; "balance.enhancing_transactions" = "加强交易"; -"wait_for_synchronization" = "等待同步"; "balance.searching.count" = "%@ tx"; "balance.syncing_percent" = "正在同步... %@"; @@ -351,6 +351,8 @@ "balance.token.frozen" = "冰雪奇缘"; "balance.token.frozen.info.title" = "冰冻标题"; "balance.token.frozen.info.description" = "冻结描述文本"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.title" = "Account Not Active"; +"balance.token.account.inactive.description" = "New TRON wallets require a deposit of at least 1 TRX to become active. Inactive wallets can hold and receive tokens but won’t correct balances until activated."; // Account switcher @@ -445,6 +447,8 @@ "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.shuffle.description" = "交易输出的顺序是随机的每次交易。有时更改可以是第一次输出,有时可以是第二次。 如果用户信任应用程序的开发者,则考虑这个推荐选项。"; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.title" = "2. Deterministic"; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.description" = "存在一个公认的交易输出排序标准(称为BIP69)。在开源钱包中,该标准确保钱包用户不需要信任应用开发者如何实现输出的排序。由于这个标准是新的,目前还没有多少钱包实施它。因此,在区块链上有可能某种程度上看出交易是否来自使用该标准的钱包。"; +"send.select_all" = "Select All"; +"send.unselect_all" = "Unselect All"; "send.confirmation.title" = "确认"; "send.confirmation.you_send" = "您发送"; @@ -462,18 +466,20 @@ "send.confirmation.time_lock" = "TimeLock"; "send.confirmation.replace_by_fee" = "替换交易"; "send.confirmation.replaced_transactions" = "已替换的交易"; - +"send.confirmation.input" = "Input"; + +"send.confirmation.sync_failed" = "Sync Failed"; +"send.confirmation.invalid_data" = "Invalid Data"; +"send.confirmation.refresh" = "Refresh"; +"send.confirmation.please_wait" = "Please Wait"; +"send.confirmation.expires_in" = "Expires in %@"; +"send.confirmation.expired" = "Expired"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_send" = "滑动发送"; "send.confirmation.sending" = "发送中"; "send.confirmation.sent" = "已发送"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_approve" = "滑动以批准"; -"send.confirmation.approving" = "审批中"; -"send.confirmation.approved" = "批准"; - "send.confirmation.slide_to_revoke" = "滑动以撤销"; -"send.confirmation.revoking" = "正在取消"; -"send.confirmation.revoked" = "已注销"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_resend" = "重新发送"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_cancel" = "取消交易"; @@ -506,6 +512,7 @@ "send.lock_time" = "TimeLock"; "send.unspent_outputs" = "UTxOs"; +"send.unspent_outputs.description" = "Manually select UTxO to spend the funds in the balance"; "send.unspent_outputs.send_to" = "发送至"; "send.unspent_outputs.change" = "更改"; @@ -513,6 +520,14 @@ "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "您已取消"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "消费人"; +"send.enter_amount" = "输入金额"; +"send.enter_address" = "Enter Address"; +"send.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; +"send.token_not_enabled" = "Token Not Enabled"; +"send.token_syncing" = "Token Syncing"; +"send.token_not_synced" = "Token Not Synced"; +"send.insufficient_balance" = "可用额度不足"; + // Donate "donate.list.title" = "捐赠方式"; @@ -568,9 +583,9 @@ "swap.no_providers" = "没有提供者"; "swap.enter_amount" = "输入金额"; "swap.no_quotes" = "没有报价"; -"swap.token_not_enabled" = "代币未启用"; -"swap.token_syncing" = "代币同步"; -"swap.token_not_synced" = "代币未同步"; +"swap.token_not_enabled" = "Token Not Enabled"; +"swap.token_syncing" = "Token Syncing"; +"swap.token_not_synced" = "Token Not Synced"; "swap.insufficient_balance" = "可用额度不足"; "swap.quotes.providers" = "服务提供商"; @@ -615,7 +630,7 @@ "swap.advanced_settings.service_fee_description" = "典型平台上交换动作的服务费:0.3% 或 0.6%"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.lower_slippage" = "您的交易可能失败。"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.higher_slippage" = "下跌容忍不得高于%@%%"; -"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "错误地址"; +"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_slippage" = "无效延误"; "swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_deadline" = "无效截止日期"; @@ -636,15 +651,14 @@ "swap.confirmation.title" = "确认"; "swap.confirmation.quoting" = "引述..."; "swap.confirmation.invalid_quote" = "无效的报价"; -"swap.confirmation.please_wait" = "请稍候"; +"swap.confirmation.please_wait" = "Please Wait"; "swap.confirmation.quote_expires_in" = "报价在 %@ 后失效"; "swap.confirmation.quote_expired" = "报价已过期"; "swap.confirmation.quote_failed" = "无法提供报价"; "swap.confirmation.slide_to_swap" = "滑动切换"; "swap.confirmation.swapping" = "交易"; -"swap.confirmation.swapped" = "已交换"; -"swap.confirmation.refresh" = "刷新"; +"swap.confirmation.refresh" = "Refresh"; "swap.confirmation.impact_too_high" = "%@ 已禁用此交易的掉期操作,因为您得到的价格极其不利。 这是由于流动性极低造成的。\n如果您仍想兑换,请使用 %@ 网站。"; "swap.confirmation.impact_warning" = "重要提示!您正在以极其不利的价格进行交易。这是因为流动性非常低。"; @@ -686,12 +700,59 @@ "market.defi_cap" = "DeFi市场价值"; "market.defi_tvl" = "DeFi中的TVL"; +"market.global.market_cap" = "Total Cap"; +"market.global.volume" = "24h Vol."; +"market.global.btc_dominance" = "BTC Dominance"; +"market.global.etf_inflow" = "ETF Inflow"; +"market.global.tvl_in_defi" = "DeFi中的TVL"; + +"market.tab.news" = "发现"; +"market.tab.coins" = "Coins"; +"market.tab.watchlist" = "关注"; +"market.tab.platforms" = "Platforms"; +"market.tab.pairs" = "Pairs"; +"market.tab.sectors" = "Sectors"; + +"market.sort_by.title" = "Sort By"; +"market.sort_by.manual" = "Manual"; +"market.sort_by.highest_cap" = "Highest Cap"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_cap" = "Lowest Cap"; +"market.sort_by.gainers" = "Gainers"; +"market.sort_by.losers" = "Losers"; +"market.sort_by.highest_volume" = "Highest Volume"; +"market.sort_by.lowest_volume" = "Lowest Volume"; + +"market.top_coins.title" = "Coins"; +"market.top_coins" = "Top %@"; + +"market.time_period.title" = "Period"; +"market.time_period.24h" = "24 Hours"; +"market.time_period.1d" = "1 Day"; +"market.time_period.1w" = "1 Week"; +"market.time_period.2w" = "2 Weeks"; +"market.time_period.1m" = "1 Month"; +"market.time_period.3m" = "3 Months"; +"market.time_period.6m" = "6 Months"; +"market.time_period.1y" = "1 Year"; +"market.time_period.2y" = "2 Years"; +"market.time_period.5y" = "5 Years"; +"market.time_period.24h.short" = "24H"; +"market.time_period.1d.short" = "1D"; +"market.time_period.1w.short" = "1W"; +"market.time_period.2w.short" = "2W"; +"market.time_period.1m.short" = "1M"; +"market.time_period.3m.short" = "3M"; +"market.time_period.6m.short" = "6M"; +"market.time_period.1y.short" = "1Y"; +"market.time_period.2y.short" = "2Y"; +"market.time_period.5y.short" = "5Y"; + "market.project_has_no_coin" = "此项目没有硬币"; "market.top.section.header.see_all" = "查看全部"; "market.top.section.header.top_gainers" = "涨幅榜"; "market.top.section.header.top_losers" = "跌幅榜"; -"market.top.section.header.sectors" = "行业"; +"market.top.section.header.sectors" = "Sectors"; "market.top.section.header.news" = "发现"; "market.top.volume.title" = "成交量"; "market.top.market_cap.title" = "市值"; @@ -705,15 +766,15 @@ "market.tvl.platform_field.all" = "所有"; -"market.sort_by" = "排序方式为"; +"market.sort_by" = "Sort By"; "market.top.title" = "前列代币"; "market.top.description" = "币种排名描述"; -"market.top.highest_cap" = "市值由高到低"; -"market.top.lowest_cap" = "市值由低到高"; -"market.top.highest_volume" = "成交量由高到低"; -"market.top.lowest_volume" = "成交量由低到高"; +"market.top.highest_cap" = "Highest Cap"; +"market.top.lowest_cap" = "Lowest Cap"; +"market.top.highest_volume" = "Highest Volume"; +"market.top.lowest_volume" = "Lowest Volume"; "market.top.top_gainers" = "涨幅榜"; "market.top.top_losers" = "跌幅榜"; "market.top.top_collections" = "前列 NFT 收藏"; @@ -722,6 +783,7 @@ "market.top.top_platforms" = "前列平台"; "market.top.protocols" = "协议"; +"market.pairs.volume" = "Volume"; "top_pairs.title" = "热门市场交易对"; "top_pairs.description" = "每个交易所的交易量最高的交易对"; @@ -741,6 +803,17 @@ "market_discovery.not_found" = "未发现结果"; "market_watchlist.empty.caption" = "您的观察列表为空。"; +"market.watchlist.signals" = "Signals"; +"market.watchlist.empty" = "Your watchlist is empty"; +"market.watchlist.signals.description" = "Below signals are based on the Bollinger Bands and RSI technical price indicators over approx. the last 30 days. These signals are algorithmic and can change frequently."; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_buy.description" = "High confidence in price increase"; +"market.watchlist.signals.buy.description" = "Likely price increase in near future"; +"market.watchlist.signals.neutral.description" = "No clear trend, market is in equilibrium"; +"market.watchlist.signals.sell.description" = "Likely price decrease in near future"; +"market.watchlist.signals.strong_sell.description" = "High probability of price decrease"; +"market.watchlist.signals.risky.description" = "Elevated risk level, requires caution"; +"market.watchlist.signals.warning" = "Always remember to apply risk management, and note that this is not financial advice."; +"market.watchlist.signals.turn_on" = "Turn On"; "market.advanced_search.title" = "过滤器"; "market.advanced_search.show_results" = "显示结果"; @@ -768,7 +841,7 @@ "market.advanced_search.price_period" = "价格区间"; "market.advanced_search.price_change" = "价格变动"; -"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risk_trade" = "交易风险"; +"market.advanced_search.technical_advice.risky" = "Risky"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.strong_buy" = "强烈建议买入"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.buy" = "购买"; "market.advanced_search.technical_advice.neutral" = "中性"; @@ -808,16 +881,16 @@ "market.advanced_search.more_50_b" = "> 50十亿"; "market.advanced_search.more_500_b" = "> 500十亿"; -"market.advanced_search.day" = "1天"; -"market.advanced_search.week" = "1周"; -"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2周"; -"market.advanced_search.month" = "1月"; -"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 个月"; -"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 年"; +"market.advanced_search.day" = "1 Day"; +"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Week"; +"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Weeks"; +"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Month"; +"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Months"; +"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Year"; -"market.advanced_search.day.short" = "24时"; +"market.advanced_search.day.short" = "24H"; "market.advanced_search.week.short" = "7天"; -"market.advanced_search.month.short" = "1月"; +"market.advanced_search.month.short" = "1M"; "market.advanced_search_results.title" = "搜索结果"; @@ -835,6 +908,23 @@ "market.global.tvl_in_defi.multi_chain" = "多链"; "market.global.tvl_in_defi.filter_by_chain" = "通过区块链过滤"; +"market.etf.title" = "Total Net Inflow"; +"market.etf.description" = "The net inflow of an ETF equals its cash inflows minus outflows."; +"market.etf.total_net_assets" = "Total Net Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.highest_assets" = "Highest Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.lowest_assets" = "Lowest Assets"; +"market.etf.sort_by.inflow" = "Inflow"; +"market.etf.sort_by.outflow" = "Outflow"; +"market.etf.period.all" = "所有"; + +"market.market_cap.title" = "总市场价值"; +"market.market_cap.description" = "所有加密货币的总市场价值"; +"market.market_cap.market_cap" = "市场价值"; + +"market.volume.title" = "Volume"; +"market.volume.description" = "加密货币市场24小时交易量"; +"market.volume.volume" = "Volume"; + // Coin Page "coin_page.overview" = "价格"; @@ -854,12 +944,12 @@ "coin_overview.genesis_date" = "起始日期"; "coin_overview.trading_volume" = "成交量"; -"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1天"; -"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1周"; -"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2周"; -"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1月"; +"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 Day"; +"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Week"; +"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Weeks"; +"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Month"; "coin_overview.roi.day200" = "6月"; -"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 年"; +"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Year"; "coin_overview.overview" = "行情"; "coin_overview.description_warning" = "这是一个基于给定的加密货币所提供的参考材料生成的 AI 描述。它可能包含错误。"; @@ -924,7 +1014,7 @@ "coin_analytics.indicators.sell" = "出售"; "coin_analytics.indicators.strong_sell" = "强烈建议卖出"; "coin_analytics.indicators.overbought" = "Very Risky to Trade"; -"coin_analytics.period" = "句号"; +"coin_analytics.period" = "Period"; "coin_analytics.period.select_title" = "选择时间段"; "coin_analytics.period.1h" = "1 小时"; "coin_analytics.period.4h" = "4 小时"; @@ -1090,7 +1180,7 @@ "chart_indicators.settings.ma.description" = "在技术分析中,EMA、SMA和WMA正在移动平均值:\n\nEMA强调最近的价格以便更快的反应。\n一般趋势视图的SMA平均价格数据。\nWMA 通过线性加权最近数据平衡敏感度和噪声减少"; "chart_indicators.settings.ma.type_title" = "类型"; -"chart_indicators.settings.ma.period_title" = "句号"; +"chart_indicators.settings.ma.period_title" = "Period"; "chart_indicators.settings.rsi.title" = "RSI"; "chart_indicators.settings.rsi.description" = "相对力量指数(RSI)是一种衡量价格速度和变化的动力,能够识别出已经购买(超过70)或出售过量(低于30)市场条件。 它还能够通过差异发现价格逆转。"; @@ -1200,6 +1290,8 @@ "settings.rate_us" = "评价我们"; "settings.tell_friends" = "分享给好友"; "settings.contact_us" = "联系我们"; +"settings.social_networks.label" = "JOIN UNSTOPPABLES"; +"settings.social_networks.footer" = "Stay on top of Unstoppable happenings. Be the first to know about new features, user reported issues and things we work on!"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1317,7 +1409,7 @@ "settings_security.duress_mode.description" = "专用模式用于在胁迫下使选定的钱包安全。"; "biometry.off" = "关"; -"biometry.manual" = "手册"; +"biometry.manual" = "Manual"; "biometry.on" = "开启"; "biometry.off.description" = "在所有情况下禁用"; "biometry.manual.description" = "使用按钮扫描"; @@ -1417,9 +1509,7 @@ // Settings -> About App "settings.about_app.title" = "关于应用"; -"settings.about_app.app_name" = "%@钱包"; -"settings.about_app.description" = "%@ 钱包是为那些寻求投资和以私人和独立方式存储加密货币的人建造的。\n\n它是一个非保管的、对等的钱包,在那里只有用户能够控制资金。 它不收集任何数据,并且通过不将用户的资金锁定到特定的钱包应用程序来保持用户独立。\n\n %@ 钱包完全开源,任何人都可以确认应用程序的工作完全如其所声称的那样正常。"; -"settings.about_app.whats_new" = "新增内容"; +"settings.about_app.app_version" = "App Version"; "settings.about_app.website" = "网站"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact @@ -1446,21 +1536,26 @@ "appearance.theme.dark" = "深色"; "appearance.theme.light" = "浅色"; -"appearance.tab_settings" = "标签设置"; "appearance.markets_tab" = "市场选项卡"; +"appearance.hide_markets" = "Hide Markets"; +"appearance.price_change" = "价格变动"; +"appearance.price_change.24h" = "24H"; +"appearance.price_change.midnight_utc" = "Midnight UTC"; + "appearance.launch_screen" = "启动屏幕"; "appearance.launch_screen.auto" = "自动"; "appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "余额"; "appearance.launch_screen.market_overview" = "行情"; "appearance.launch_screen.watchlist" = "关注"; -"appearance.app_icon" = "应用图标"; - +"appearance.balance_tab" = "Balance Tab"; +"appearance.hide_buttons" = "Hide Buttons"; +"appearance.balance_value" = "余额值"; +"appearance.balance_value.coin_fiat" = "Coin / Fiat"; +"appearance.balance_value.fiat_coin" = "Fiat / Coin"; "appearance.balance_conversion" = "余额转换"; -"appearance.balance_value" = "余额值"; -"appearance.balance_value.coin_value" = "币值"; -"appearance.balance_value.fiat_value" = "纤维值"; +"appearance.app_icon" = "应用图标"; // Settings -> Contacts @@ -1523,15 +1618,15 @@ // Key Types -"chart.time_duration.day" = "24时"; +"chart.time_duration.day" = "24H"; "chart.time_duration.week" = "7天"; -"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2星期"; -"chart.time_duration.month" = "1月"; -"chart.time_duration.month3" = "3个月"; -"chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6个月"; -"chart.time_duration.year" = "1年"; -"chart.time_duration.year2" = "2年"; -"chart.time_duration.year5" = "5年"; +"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2W"; +"chart.time_duration.month" = "1M"; +"chart.time_duration.month3" = "3M"; +"chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6M"; +"chart.time_duration.year" = "1Y"; +"chart.time_duration.year2" = "2Y"; +"chart.time_duration.year5" = "5Y"; "chart.time_duration.all" = "所有"; "chart.market_cap" = "市场价值"; @@ -1830,7 +1925,7 @@ "fee_settings.errors.transaction_underpriced" = "低交易费用"; "fee_settings.errors.tips_higher_than_max_fee" = "最高费用过低"; "fee_settings.errors.zero_amount.info" = "无法传输 0 TRX"; -"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "有风险"; +"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "Risky"; "fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck.info" = "交易可能会在一段时间内仍然处于待处理状态或完全失败。"; "fee_settings.warning.overpricing" = "费用太高"; "fee_settings.warning.overpricing.info" = "当前设置的交易费用高于处理此交易所需的费用。"; @@ -1959,7 +2054,6 @@ "tron.send.fee.info" = "估算在网络上发送特定交易所需的成本,包括能源、带宽和激活费"; "tron.send.resources_consumed.info" = "Bandwidth 是衡量存储在区块链数据库中的交易字节大小的单位。 交易越大,消耗的带宽资源就越多。\n\nEnergy 是衡量波场虚拟机在波场网络上执行特定操作所需计算量的单位。\n\n自智能合约 交易需要计算资源来执行,每笔智能合约交易都需要支付 energy费用。"; "tron.send.activation_fee.info" = "正在将TRX或 TRC-10令牌传输到一个非活动帐户地址将激活帐户。"; -"tron.send.inactive_address" = "此地址未激活"; // Cex Coin Select diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/de.lproj/AppWidget.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/de.lproj/AppWidget.strings index aef320a2c8..3cc3564125 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/de.lproj/AppWidget.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/de.lproj/AppWidget.strings @@ -1,40 +1,39 @@ -"2puq80" = "Coin Price List"; +"2puq80" = "Münzpreisliste"; -"6ebp42" = "Selected Coin"; +"6ebp42" = "Ausgewählte Münze"; -"8vJheC" = "Sort By"; +"8vJheC" = "Sortieren nach"; -"Iodq3O-Rl3a0T" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Gainers’?"; +"Iodq3O-Rl3a0T" = "Um sicherzustellen, dass ich das richtig verstehe, meintest du 'Gewinner'?"; -"Iodq3O-qHGyuo" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Highest Cap’?"; +"Iodq3O-qHGyuo" = "Um sicherzustellen, dass ich das richtig verstehe, meintest du 'Höchste Kapitalisierung'?"; -"Iodq3O-tVjZ7W" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Lowest Cap’?"; +"Iodq3O-tVjZ7W" = "Um sicherzustellen, dass ich das richtig verstehe, meintest du 'Niedrigste Kapitalisierung'?"; -"Iodq3O-x1kK4T" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Losers’?"; +"Iodq3O-x1kK4T" = "Um sicherzustellen, dass ich das richtig verstehe, meintest du 'Verlierer'?"; -"OkcYOj" = "View coin price for selected coin"; +"OkcYOj" = "Anzeigen des Münzpreises für ausgewählte Münze"; -"Rl3a0T" = "Gainers"; +"Rl3a0T" = "Gewinner"; -"VXTxGF" = "Widget Coin"; +"VXTxGF" = "Widget Münze"; -"ZBHf6A" = "Sort Type"; +"ZBHf6A" = "Sortiertyp"; -"hrLfmt" = "Single Coin Price"; +"hrLfmt" = "Einzelpreis der Münze"; -"nj8Co9-Rl3a0T" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Gainers’."; +"nj8Co9-Rl3a0T" = "Es gibt ${count} Optionen, die 'Gewinner' entsprechen."; -"nj8Co9-qHGyuo" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Highest Cap’."; +"nj8Co9-qHGyuo" = "Es gibt ${count} Optionen, die 'Höchste Kapitalisierung' entsprechen."; -"nj8Co9-tVjZ7W" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Lowest Cap’."; +"nj8Co9-tVjZ7W" = "Es gibt ${count} Optionen, die 'Niedrigste Kapitalisierung' entsprechen."; -"nj8Co9-x1kK4T" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Losers’."; +"nj8Co9-x1kK4T" = "Es gibt ${count} Optionen, die 'Verlierer' entsprechen."; -"qHGyuo" = "Highest Cap"; +"qHGyuo" = "Höchste Obergrenze"; -"rCV9fg" = "See coin prices for coin list"; +"rCV9fg" = "Sehen Sie sich die Münzpreise für die Münzliste an"; -"tVjZ7W" = "Lowest Cap"; - -"x1kK4T" = "Losers"; +"tVjZ7W" = "Niedrigste Obergrenze"; +"x1kK4T" = "Verlierer"; diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/es.lproj/AppWidget.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/es.lproj/AppWidget.strings index aef320a2c8..11082649be 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/es.lproj/AppWidget.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/es.lproj/AppWidget.strings @@ -37,4 +37,3 @@ "tVjZ7W" = "Lowest Cap"; "x1kK4T" = "Losers"; - diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/fr.lproj/AppWidget.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/fr.lproj/AppWidget.strings index aef320a2c8..dd8e107d7d 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/fr.lproj/AppWidget.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/fr.lproj/AppWidget.strings @@ -1,40 +1,39 @@ -"2puq80" = "Coin Price List"; +"2puq80" = "Liste des prix des cryptomonnaies"; -"6ebp42" = "Selected Coin"; +"6ebp42" = "Pièce sélectionnée"; -"8vJheC" = "Sort By"; +"8vJheC" = "Classer par"; -"Iodq3O-Rl3a0T" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Gainers’?"; +"Iodq3O-Rl3a0T" = "Juste pour confirmer, vous vouliez 'Gagnants'?"; -"Iodq3O-qHGyuo" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Highest Cap’?"; +"Iodq3O-qHGyuo" = "Juste pour confirmer, vous vouliez 'Capitalisation la plus élevée'?"; -"Iodq3O-tVjZ7W" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Lowest Cap’?"; +"Iodq3O-tVjZ7W" = "Juste pour confirmer, vous vouliez 'Capitalisation la plus faible'?"; -"Iodq3O-x1kK4T" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Losers’?"; +"Iodq3O-x1kK4T" = "Juste pour confirmer, vous vouliez 'Perdants'?"; -"OkcYOj" = "View coin price for selected coin"; +"OkcYOj" = "Afficher le prix de la cryptomonnaie sélectionnée"; -"Rl3a0T" = "Gainers"; +"Rl3a0T" = "Gagnants"; -"VXTxGF" = "Widget Coin"; +"VXTxGF" = "Widget de la cryptomonnaie"; -"ZBHf6A" = "Sort Type"; +"ZBHf6A" = "Type de tri"; -"hrLfmt" = "Single Coin Price"; +"hrLfmt" = "Prix d'une seule cryptomonnaie"; -"nj8Co9-Rl3a0T" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Gainers’."; +"nj8Co9-Rl3a0T" = "Il y a ${count} options correspondant à 'Gagnants'."; -"nj8Co9-qHGyuo" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Highest Cap’."; +"nj8Co9-qHGyuo" = "Il y a ${count} options correspondant à 'Capitalisation la plus élevée'."; -"nj8Co9-tVjZ7W" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Lowest Cap’."; +"nj8Co9-tVjZ7W" = "Il y a ${count} options correspondant à 'Capitalisation la plus faible'."; -"nj8Co9-x1kK4T" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Losers’."; +"nj8Co9-x1kK4T" = "Il y a ${count} options correspondant à 'Perdants'."; -"qHGyuo" = "Highest Cap"; +"qHGyuo" = "Cap. marché la plus forte"; -"rCV9fg" = "See coin prices for coin list"; +"rCV9fg" = "Voir les prix des cryptomonnaies de la liste"; -"tVjZ7W" = "Lowest Cap"; - -"x1kK4T" = "Losers"; +"tVjZ7W" = "Cap. marché la plus basse"; +"x1kK4T" = "Perdants"; diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/ko.lproj/AppWidget.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/ko.lproj/AppWidget.strings index aef320a2c8..11082649be 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/ko.lproj/AppWidget.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/ko.lproj/AppWidget.strings @@ -37,4 +37,3 @@ "tVjZ7W" = "Lowest Cap"; "x1kK4T" = "Losers"; - diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/pt-BR.lproj/AppWidget.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/pt-BR.lproj/AppWidget.strings index aef320a2c8..11082649be 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/pt-BR.lproj/AppWidget.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/pt-BR.lproj/AppWidget.strings @@ -37,4 +37,3 @@ "tVjZ7W" = "Lowest Cap"; "x1kK4T" = "Losers"; - diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/ru.lproj/AppWidget.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/ru.lproj/AppWidget.strings index aef320a2c8..11082649be 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/ru.lproj/AppWidget.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/ru.lproj/AppWidget.strings @@ -37,4 +37,3 @@ "tVjZ7W" = "Lowest Cap"; "x1kK4T" = "Losers"; - diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/tr.lproj/AppWidget.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/tr.lproj/AppWidget.strings index aef320a2c8..11082649be 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/tr.lproj/AppWidget.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/tr.lproj/AppWidget.strings @@ -37,4 +37,3 @@ "tVjZ7W" = "Lowest Cap"; "x1kK4T" = "Losers"; - diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/zh.lproj/AppWidget.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/zh.lproj/AppWidget.strings index aef320a2c8..11082649be 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/zh.lproj/AppWidget.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/Widget/zh.lproj/AppWidget.strings @@ -37,4 +37,3 @@ "tVjZ7W" = "Lowest Cap"; "x1kK4T" = "Losers"; -