From 3a96cb3e5c517130dba877e60085e4ddd8007eef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:29:08 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 01/33] New translations Localizable.strings (French) --- .../fr.lproj/Localizable.strings | 66 +++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings index 0b5814762a..41882fec34 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "Approuvé"; "alert.revoking" = "Révocation en cours"; "alert.revoked" = "Révoqué"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; "no_results_found" = "Aucun résultat"; "action.loading" = "chargement en cours..."; @@ -171,7 +172,6 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; // Coin Platforms -"coin_platforms.description" = "Ce token existe sur plusieurs blockchains."; "coin_platforms.native" = "Natif"; // Copy Warning @@ -318,6 +318,17 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "lost_accounts.warning_title" = "Erreur du trousseau d’accès iOS"; "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "Les données cryptées concernant votre portefeuille ont été récemment invalidées parce que l'écran de verrouillage de votre iOS a été modifié"; +// Token Balance Page +"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; +"" = "Locked title"; +"" = "Locked Description Text"; +"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; +"" = "Staked title"; +"" = "Staked Description Text"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; +"" = "Frozen title"; +"" = "Frozen Description Text"; + // Account switcher "switch_account.title" = "Changer de portefeuille"; @@ -335,15 +346,39 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "deposit.address" = "Adresses"; "deposit.your_address" = "Votre address"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "Vous devez sauvegarder %@ avant de recevoir %@."; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; + +"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; +"deposit.qr_code_description" = "Votre adresse pour le dépôt %@"; +"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"deposit.account" = "Compte"; "deposit.not_active" = "non actif"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "Adresse non-active"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "Les comptes récemment créés sur la blockchain TRON sont inactifs et ne peuvent pas être interrogés ou explorés. Ils doivent être activés.\n\nLe transfert de jetons TRX ou TRC-10 vers une adresse de compte inactive activera le compte. Pour activer un nouveau compte sur la chaîne Tron, des frais de 1 TRX sont nécessaires"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; + +"deposit.warning" = "Envoyer seulement %@ à cette adresse. Envoyer d'autres types de jetons à cette adresse entraînera leur perte ultime."; + +"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; + +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; + +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; + // Send "send.title" = "Envoyer %@"; "send.send" = "Envoyer"; +"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "Montant"; "send.address_placeholder" = "Adresses"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Adresse ou domaine"; @@ -418,6 +453,15 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Vous révoquez"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "Dépendant"; +// Donate + +"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; +"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; +"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; +"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; + // CoinSelector "choose_coin.title" = "Crypto Monnaie"; @@ -425,6 +469,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; // Swap "swap.title" = "Echanger"; +"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; "swap.you_pay" = "Vous payez"; "swap.estimated" = "estimé"; "swap.balance" = "Solde"; @@ -878,9 +923,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "transactions.all_blockchains" = "Toutes les blockchains"; "transactions.all_coins" = "Toutes les pièces"; "transactions.choose_coin" = "Choisir la pièce"; -"transactions.clear" = "Effacer"; "transactions.filter_all" = "Tout"; -"transactions.syncing_text" = "Veuillez attendre la fin de la synchronisation"; "transactions.empty_text" = "Vous n'avez encore aucune transaction en cours ou passée"; "transactions.pending" = "En attente"; "transactions.processing" = "Traitement en cours"; @@ -965,7 +1008,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; "settings.theme" = "Thème"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "application décentralisée"; -"settings.donate.description" = "Ensemble, avec votre soutien, nous pouvons encore améliorer cette application!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; "settings.donate.title" = "Faire un don"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1312,9 +1355,9 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "Activer le portefeuille"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Adresses"; -"" = "Réseau"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Adresses"; -"" = "Réseau"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Demandes en attente"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "Aucune chaîne prise en charge !"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "Certaines chaînes ne sont pas prises en charge !"; @@ -1660,13 +1703,12 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; // Cex Deposit "cex_deposit.title" = "Dépôt %@"; -"deposit.qr_code_description" = "Votre adresse pour le dépôt %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "Adresses"; -"" = "Réseau"; + +"" = "Network"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Mémo (Tag)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "Montant minimum"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Mémo (tag) est requis ou vous perdrez vos pièces."; -"deposit.warning" = "Envoyer seulement %@ à cette adresse. Envoyer d'autres types de jetons à cette adresse entraînera leur perte ultime."; "cex_deposit.copy_address" = "Copier l'adresse"; "cex_deposit.share_address" = "Partager l'adresse"; "cex_deposit.failed" = "Impossible de charger l'adresse du dépôt. Veuillez réessayer."; @@ -1675,7 +1717,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Réseau"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "Assurez-vous que le réseau correspond à l'adresse de retrait et que la plateforme de dépôt le supporte, ou que les actifs peuvent être perdus."; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "Frais"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "Frais du montant"; @@ -1686,12 +1728,12 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Réseau"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "Assurez-vous que le réseau correspond à l'adresse de retrait et que la plateforme de dépôt le supporte."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "Vous retirez"; -"" = "Réseau"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Retraits"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Échec du retrait"; From 3b4ab60e52f2e19b13976960aa62a88c2e3e7277 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:29:09 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 02/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Spanish) --- .../es.lproj/Localizable.strings | 66 +++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings index ecf735face..4787cc8021 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "Aprobar"; "alert.revoking" = "Revocando"; "alert.revoked" = "Revocada"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; "no_results_found" = "No se han encontrado resultados"; "action.loading" = "cargando..."; @@ -171,7 +172,6 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; // Coin Platforms -"coin_platforms.description" = "Este token existe en múltiples blockchains."; "coin_platforms.native" = "Nativa"; // Copy Warning @@ -318,6 +318,17 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "lost_accounts.warning_title" = "Error de la cadena de Claves del iOs "; "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "Los datos encriptados de su monedero han sido recientemente invalidados porque se cambió la pantalla de bloqueo de tu iOS"; +// Token Balance Page +"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; +"" = "Locked title"; +"" = "Locked Description Text"; +"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; +"" = "Staked title"; +"" = "Staked Description Text"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; +"" = "Frozen title"; +"" = "Frozen Description Text"; + // Account switcher "switch_account.title" = "Cambiar monedero"; @@ -335,15 +346,39 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "deposit.address" = "Dirección"; "deposit.your_address" = "Su dirección"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "Necesita una Copia de seguridad %@ antes de poder recibir %@."; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; + +"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; +"deposit.qr_code_description" = "Tu dirección para depositar %@"; +"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"deposit.account" = "Account"; "deposit.not_active" = "inactivo"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "Dirección no activa"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "Las cuentas recién creadas en la cadena de bloques TRON están inactivas y no se pueden consultar ni explorar. Necesitan ser activadas.\n\nPara activar una cuenta inactiva, transfiera tokens TRX o TRC-10 a su dirección. Para activar una nueva cuenta en la cadena Tron, se requiere una cuota de 1 TRX"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; + +"deposit.warning" = "Enviar sólo %@ a esta dirección. Enviar otros tipos de tokens a esta dirección dará como resultado su pérdida definitiva."; + +"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; + +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; + +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; + // Send "send.title" = "Enviar %@"; "send.send" = "Enviar"; +"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "Importe"; "send.address_placeholder" = "Dirección"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Dominio o dirección"; @@ -418,6 +453,15 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Revocas"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "Gastador"; +// Donate + +"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; +"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; +"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; +"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; + // CoinSelector "choose_coin.title" = "Elegir monedas"; @@ -425,6 +469,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; // Swap "swap.title" = "Permutar"; +"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; "swap.you_pay" = "Usted paga"; "swap.estimated" = "estimado"; "swap.balance" = "Saldo"; @@ -878,9 +923,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "transactions.all_blockchains" = "Todos los bloqueos"; "transactions.all_coins" = "Todas"; "transactions.choose_coin" = "Elegir moneda"; -"transactions.clear" = "Claro"; "transactions.filter_all" = "Todo"; -"transactions.syncing_text" = "Por favor, espere a que termine la sincronización"; "transactions.empty_text" = "Todavía no tienes transacciones pendientes o pasadas"; "transactions.pending" = "Pendiente"; "transactions.processing" = "Procesando"; @@ -965,7 +1008,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; "settings.theme" = "Tema"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "app descentralizada"; -"settings.donate.description" = "¡Junto con tu apoyo, podemos hacer esta aplicación aún mejor!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; "settings.donate.title" = "Donar"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1312,9 +1355,9 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "Active su cartera"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Dirección"; -"" = "Red"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Dirección"; -"" = "Red"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Solicitudes Pendientes"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "¡No hay cadenas compatibles!"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "¡Algunas cadenas no son soportadas!"; @@ -1659,13 +1702,12 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; // Cex Deposit "cex_deposit.title" = "Depositar %@"; -"deposit.qr_code_description" = "Tu dirección para depositar %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "Dirección"; -"" = "Red"; + +"" = "Network"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Etiqueta)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "Importe mínimo"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Se requiere Memo (etiqueta) o perderá sus monedas."; -"deposit.warning" = "Enviar sólo %@ a esta dirección. Enviar otros tipos de tokens a esta dirección dará como resultado su pérdida definitiva."; "cex_deposit.copy_address" = "Copiar la dirección"; "cex_deposit.share_address" = "Compartir Dirección"; "cex_deposit.failed" = "Error al cargar la dirección del depósito. Vuelva a intentarlo."; @@ -1674,7 +1716,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Red"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "Asegúrese de que la red coincide con la dirección de retiro y la plataforma de depósito la apoya, o los activos pueden perderse."; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "Comisión"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "Comisión por importe"; @@ -1685,12 +1727,12 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Red"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "Asegúrese de que la red coincide con la dirección de retiro y la plataforma de depósito lo soporta."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "Retira"; -"" = "Red"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Retirar"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Fallo al retirar"; From c855c0ac0e446d98c1efa7b7c699bb6d08f68735 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:29:10 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 03/33] New translations Localizable.strings (German) --- .../de.lproj/Localizable.strings | 66 +++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings index 8c07664479..fa85404479 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "Bestätigt"; "alert.revoking" = "Widerrufen"; "alert.revoked" = "Widerrufen"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; "no_results_found" = "No results found"; "action.loading" = "wird geladen ..."; @@ -171,7 +172,6 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; // Coin Platforms -"coin_platforms.description" = "Dieses Token existiert auf mehreren Blockchains."; "coin_platforms.native" = "Nativ"; // Copy Warning @@ -318,6 +318,17 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "lost_accounts.warning_title" = "iOS-Keychain-Fehler"; "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "Die verschlüsselten Daten Ihres Wallets wurden kürzlich ungültig, weil Ihr iOS-Sperrbildschirm geändert wurde"; +// Token Balance Page +"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; +"" = "Locked title"; +"" = "Locked Description Text"; +"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; +"" = "Staked title"; +"" = "Staked Description Text"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; +"" = "Frozen title"; +"" = "Frozen Description Text"; + // Account switcher "switch_account.title" = "Wallet wechseln"; @@ -335,15 +346,39 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "deposit.address" = "Adresse"; "deposit.your_address" = "Deine Adresse"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "Sie müssen %@ sichern, bevor Sie %@ empfangen können."; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; + +"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; +"deposit.qr_code_description" = "Ihre Adresse für %@"; +"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"deposit.account" = "Account"; "deposit.not_active" = "nicht aktiv"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "Keine aktive Adresse"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "Neu erstellte Konten in der TRON-Blockchain sind inaktiv und können nicht abgefragt oder untersucht werden. Sie müssen aktiviert werden.\n\nDie Übertragung von TRX- oder TRC-10-Token an eine inaktive Konto-Adresse wird das Konto aktivieren. Zur Aktivierung eines neuen Kontos auf der Tron-Kette ist eine Gebühr von 1 TRX erforderlich"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; + +"deposit.warning" = "Senden Sie nur %@ an diese Adresse. Das Senden anderer Arten von Tokens an diese Adresse führt zu ihrem ultimativen Verlust."; + +"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; + +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; + +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; + // Send "send.title" = "Senden %@"; "send.send" = "Senden"; +"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "Betrag"; "send.address_placeholder" = "Adresse"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Adresse oder Domäne"; @@ -418,6 +453,15 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Du widerrufen"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "Spender"; +// Donate + +"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; +"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; +"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; +"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; + // CoinSelector "choose_coin.title" = "Coins auswählen"; @@ -425,6 +469,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; // Swap "swap.title" = "Swap"; +"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; "swap.you_pay" = "Sie bezahlen"; "swap.estimated" = "geschätzt"; "swap.balance" = "Guthaben"; @@ -878,9 +923,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "transactions.all_blockchains" = "Alle Blockchains"; "transactions.all_coins" = "Alle Coins"; "transactions.choose_coin" = "Coins auswählen"; -"transactions.clear" = "Leeren"; "transactions.filter_all" = "All"; -"transactions.syncing_text" = "Bitte warten bis die Synchronisation abgeschlossen ist"; "transactions.empty_text" = "Sie haben noch keine offenen oder früheren Transaktionen"; "transactions.pending" = "In Bearbeitung"; "transactions.processing" = "Verarbeite"; @@ -965,7 +1008,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; "settings.theme" = "Design"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "decentralized"; -"settings.donate.description" = "Gemeinsam können wir mit Ihrer Unterstützung diese App noch besser machen!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; "settings.donate.title" = "Spenden"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1312,9 +1355,9 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "Aktive Wallet"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Adresse"; -"" = "Netzwerk"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Adresse"; -"" = "Netzwerk"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Ausstehende Anfragen"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "Keine unterstützten Ketten!"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "Einige Ketten werden nicht unterstützt!"; @@ -1659,13 +1702,12 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; // Cex Deposit "cex_deposit.title" = "Auftragen %@"; -"deposit.qr_code_description" = "Ihre Adresse für %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "Adresse"; -"" = "Netzwerk"; + +"" = "Network"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Tag)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "Min. Amount"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Memo (Tag) ist erforderlich, sonst verlieren Sie Ihre Münzen."; -"deposit.warning" = "Senden Sie nur %@ an diese Adresse. Das Senden anderer Arten von Tokens an diese Adresse führt zu ihrem ultimativen Verlust."; "cex_deposit.copy_address" = "Adresse kopieren"; "cex_deposit.share_address" = "Adresse teilen"; "cex_deposit.failed" = "Fehler beim Laden der Einzahlungsadresse. Bitte erneut versuchen."; @@ -1674,7 +1716,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Netzwerk"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Netzwerk mit der Auszahlungsadresse übereinstimmt und die Einzahlungsplattform sie unterstützt, oder es können Vermögenswerte verloren gehen."; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "Gebühr"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "Gebühr aus Betrag"; @@ -1685,12 +1727,12 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Netzwerk"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Netzwerk mit der Auszahlungsadresse übereinstimmt und die Einzahlungsplattform unterstützt sie."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "Sie zurückziehen"; -"" = "Netzwerk"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Abheben"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Fehler bei Auszahlung"; From 7e88a8a829b708206da4d25000a2f1eea3d5a3f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:29:11 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 04/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Korean) --- .../ko.lproj/Localizable.strings | 66 +++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings index c18528d2ff..9fa3789173 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "승인됨"; "alert.revoking" = "철회"; "alert.revoked" = "철회됨"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; "no_results_found" = "No results found"; "action.loading" = "로딩중"; @@ -169,7 +170,6 @@ // Coin Platforms -"coin_platforms.description" = "This token exists on multiple blockchains."; "coin_platforms.native" = "네이티브"; // Copy Warning @@ -316,6 +316,17 @@ "lost_accounts.warning_title" = "iOS 키체인 오류"; "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "iOS 잠금 화면이 변경되어 지갑이 보관된 암호화된 데이터가 최근에 무효화되었습니다"; +// Token Balance Page +"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; +"" = "Locked title"; +"" = "Locked Description Text"; +"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; +"" = "Staked title"; +"" = "Staked Description Text"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; +"" = "Frozen title"; +"" = "Frozen Description Text"; + // Account switcher "switch_account.title" = "지갑 변경"; @@ -333,15 +344,39 @@ "deposit.address" = "주소"; "deposit.your_address" = "당신의 주소"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "%@를 백업해야 %@를 받을 수 있습니다."; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; + +"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; +"deposit.qr_code_description" = "입금 주소: %@"; +"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"deposit.account" = "계정"; "deposit.not_active" = "비활성화됨"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "비활성 주소"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "TRON 블록체인에 새로 생성된 계정은 비활성화되어 있어서 조회하거나 탐색할 수 없습니다. 이 계정은 활성화되어야 합니다.\n\n비활성화된 계정 주소로 TRX 또는 TRC-10 토큰을 전송하면 계정이 활성화됩니다. 새로운 TRON 체인 계정을 활성화하려면 1 TRX의 수수료가 필요합니다."; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; + +"deposit.warning" = "이 주소로는 %@만 보내주세요. 다른 종류의 토큰을 이 주소로 보내면 최종적으로 손실이 발생합니다."; + +"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; + +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; + +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; + // Send "send.title" = "전송 %@"; "send.send" = "전송"; +"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "양"; "send.address_placeholder" = "주소"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "주소 또는 도메인"; @@ -416,6 +451,15 @@ "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "당신은 취소"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "스펜더"; +// Donate + +"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; +"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; +"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; +"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; + // CoinSelector "choose_coin.title" = "코인 선택하기"; @@ -423,6 +467,7 @@ // Swap "swap.title" = "스왑"; +"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; "swap.you_pay" = "지불하기"; "swap.estimated" = "예상"; "swap.balance" = "잔액"; @@ -876,9 +921,7 @@ "transactions.all_blockchains" = "모든 블록체인"; "transactions.all_coins" = "모든코인"; "transactions.choose_coin" = "코인 선택"; -"transactions.clear" = "지우기"; "transactions.filter_all" = "All"; -"transactions.syncing_text" = "동기화가 끝날 때까지 기다려 주십시오"; "transactions.empty_text" = "당신은 아직 보류 중 또는 과거에 완료된 거래가 없습니다"; "transactions.pending" = "보류 중"; "transactions.processing" = "처리 중"; @@ -963,7 +1006,7 @@ "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; "settings.theme" = "테마"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "분산형 앱"; -"settings.donate.description" = "함께, 여러분의 지원으로 우리는 이 앱을 더 좋게 만들 수 있습니다!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; "settings.donate.title" = "후원하기"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1310,9 +1353,9 @@ "wallet_connect.url" = "URL 주소"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "지갑 활성화"; "wallet_connect.address" = "주소"; -"" = "네트워크"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.address" = "주소"; -"" = "네트워크"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "보류 중인 요청"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "지원되는 체인이 없습니다!"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "일부 체인은 지원되지 않습니다!"; @@ -1657,13 +1700,12 @@ // Cex Deposit "cex_deposit.title" = "침전 %@"; -"deposit.qr_code_description" = "입금 주소: %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "주소"; -"" = "네트워크"; + +"" = "Network"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Tag)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "최소 금액"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "메모(tag)는 필수입니다. 메모 없이는 코인을 잃을 수 있습니다."; -"deposit.warning" = "이 주소로는 %@만 보내주세요. 다른 종류의 토큰을 이 주소로 보내면 최종적으로 손실이 발생합니다."; "cex_deposit.copy_address" = "주소 복사"; "cex_deposit.share_address" = "주소 공유"; "cex_deposit.failed" = "입금 주소를 불러오지 못했습니다. 다시 시도해주세요."; @@ -1672,7 +1714,7 @@ // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "네트워크"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "출금 주소와 입금 플랫폼이 일치하는지 확인하고 지원하는 자산이어야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 자산이 손실될 수 있습니다."; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "수수료"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "금액에 대한 수수료"; @@ -1683,12 +1725,12 @@ // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "네트워크"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "인출 주소가 네트워크와 일치하고, 입금 플랫폼이 해당 네트워크를 지원하는지 확인하세요."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "출금하셨습니다"; -"" = "네트워크"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "빼다"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "출금 실패"; From 8774beda37adf19da229769d60b1ef733d99ff6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:29:12 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 05/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Russian) --- .../ru.lproj/Localizable.strings | 66 +++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings index af7250ee45..8afc4d8d33 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "Разрешено"; "alert.revoking" = "Отмена"; "alert.revoked" = "Отменен"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; "no_results_found" = "Ничего не найдено"; "action.loading" = "загрузка..."; @@ -173,7 +174,6 @@ // Coin Platforms -"coin_platforms.description" = "Этот токен существует на нескольких блокчейнах."; "coin_platforms.native" = "Нативный"; // Copy Warning @@ -320,6 +320,17 @@ "lost_accounts.warning_title" = "Ошибка связки ключей iOS"; "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "Зашифрованные данные вашего кошелька были недавно аннулированы, поскольку ваш экран блокировки iOS был изменен"; +// Token Balance Page +"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; +"" = "Locked title"; +"" = "Locked Description Text"; +"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; +"" = "Staked title"; +"" = "Staked Description Text"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; +"" = "Frozen title"; +"" = "Frozen Description Text"; + // Account switcher "switch_account.title" = "Переключить кошелек"; @@ -337,15 +348,39 @@ "deposit.address" = "Адрес"; "deposit.your_address" = "Ваш адрес"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "Вам нужно сделать резервную копию %@ перед получением %@."; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; + +"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; +"deposit.qr_code_description" = "Ваш адрес для депозита %@"; +"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"deposit.account" = "Account"; "deposit.not_active" = "не активен"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "Неактивный адрес"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "Недавно созданные учетные записи в блокчейне TRON неактивны и не могут быть запрошены или изучены. Они должны быть активированы.\n\nАктивация новой учетной записи в цепочке Tron требует комиссию в размере 1 TRX. Для активации достаточно просто перевести токены TRX или TRC-10 на неактивный адрес аккаунта"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; + +"deposit.warning" = "Отправка только %@ на этот адрес. Отправка других типов токенов на этот адрес приведет к их окончательной потере."; + +"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; + +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; + +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; + // Send "send.title" = "Отправить %@"; "send.send" = "Отправить"; +"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "Сумма"; "send.address_placeholder" = "Адрес"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Адрес или домен"; @@ -420,6 +455,15 @@ "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Вы отменяете"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "Покупатель"; +// Donate + +"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; +"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; +"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; +"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; + // CoinSelector "choose_coin.title" = "Выберите токены"; @@ -427,6 +471,7 @@ // Swap "swap.title" = "Обменять"; +"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; "swap.you_pay" = "Платите"; "swap.estimated" = "приблизительно"; "swap.balance" = "Баланс"; @@ -880,9 +925,7 @@ "transactions.all_blockchains" = "Все блокчейны"; "transactions.all_coins" = "Все токены"; "transactions.choose_coin" = "Выберите токен"; -"transactions.clear" = "Очистить"; "transactions.filter_all" = "Все"; -"transactions.syncing_text" = "Пожалуйста, дождитесь завершение синхронизации"; "transactions.empty_text" = "У вас ещё нет незавершенных или прошлых транзакций"; "transactions.pending" = "В обработке"; "transactions.processing" = "В процессе"; @@ -967,7 +1010,7 @@ "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; "settings.theme" = "Тема"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "децентрализованное приложение"; -"settings.donate.description" = "С вашей поддержкой мы вместе сможем сделать это приложение еще лучше!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; "settings.donate.title" = "Поддержать"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1314,9 +1357,9 @@ "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "Активный Кошелек"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Адрес"; -"" = "Сеть"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Адрес"; -"" = "Сеть"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Ожидающие запросы"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "Нет поддерживаемых блокчейнов!"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "Некоторые блокчейны не поддерживаются!"; @@ -1663,13 +1706,12 @@ // Cex Deposit "cex_deposit.title" = "Депозит %@"; -"deposit.qr_code_description" = "Ваш адрес для депозита %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "Адрес"; -"" = "Сеть"; + +"" = "Network"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Tag)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "Мин. сумма"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Необходимо memo (tag), или вы потеряете ваши монеты."; -"deposit.warning" = "Отправка только %@ на этот адрес. Отправка других типов токенов на этот адрес приведет к их окончательной потере."; "cex_deposit.copy_address" = "Копировать адрес"; "cex_deposit.share_address" = "Поделиться адресом"; "cex_deposit.failed" = "Не удалось загрузить адрес депозита. Повторите попытку."; @@ -1678,7 +1720,7 @@ // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Сеть"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "Убедитесь, что сеть совпадает с адресом снятия, а платформа депозита поддерживает его, или активы могут быть потеряны."; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "Комиссия"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "Комиссия от суммы"; @@ -1689,12 +1731,12 @@ // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Сеть"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "Убедитесь, что сеть совпадает с адресом снятия и платформа депозита поддерживает его."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "Вывод средств"; -"" = "Сеть"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Вывод средств"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Вывод средств не выполнен"; From a3c67586e8255cace6623cb6d877db6106b7bdf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:29:13 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 06/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Turkish) --- .../tr.lproj/Localizable.strings | 66 +++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings index b74cef90a2..594c64a655 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "Onayla"; "alert.revoking" = "İptal ediliyor"; "alert.revoked" = "İptal et"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; "no_results_found" = "No results found"; "action.loading" = "yükleniyor..."; @@ -171,7 +172,6 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; // Coin Platforms -"coin_platforms.description" = "Bu token birden fazla blok zincirinde bulunur."; "coin_platforms.native" = "Yerel"; // Copy Warning @@ -318,6 +318,17 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "lost_accounts.warning_title" = "iOS Keychain Hatası"; "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "iOS cihazınızın kilidi değiştirildiğinden cüzdan bilginizi tutan şifreli dosya artık geçersiz"; +// Token Balance Page +"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; +"" = "Locked title"; +"" = "Locked Description Text"; +"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; +"" = "Staked title"; +"" = "Staked Description Text"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; +"" = "Frozen title"; +"" = "Frozen Description Text"; + // Account switcher "switch_account.title" = "Cüzdan Değiştir"; @@ -335,15 +346,39 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "deposit.address" = "Adres"; "deposit.your_address" = "Adresiniz"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "%@ almadan önce %@ anahtarlarınızı yedeklemeniz gerekiyor."; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; + +"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; +"deposit.qr_code_description" = "%@ yatırmak için adresiniz"; +"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"deposit.account" = "Account"; "deposit.not_active" = "aktif değil"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "Aktif Adres Değil"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "TRON blok zincirinde yeni oluşturulan hesaplar etkin değildir ve sorgulanamaz veya araştırılamaz. Etkinleştirilmeleri gerekiyor.\n\nTRX veya TRC-10 jetonlarını etkin olmayan bir hesap adresine aktarmak, hesabı etkinleştirir. Tron zincirinde yeni bir hesabın etkinleştirilmesi 1 TRX ücret gerektirir"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; + +"deposit.warning" = "Bu adrese yalnızca %@ gönderin. Bu adrese başka türden jetonların gönderilmesi nihai kayıplarına neden olacaktır."; + +"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; + +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; + +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; + // Send "send.title" = "%@ gönder"; "send.send" = "Gönder"; +"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "Tutar"; "send.address_placeholder" = "Adres"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Adres veya Domain"; @@ -418,6 +453,15 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Sen iptal et"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "Harcayan"; +// Donate + +"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; +"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; +"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; +"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; + // CoinSelector "choose_coin.title" = "Kripto Parayı Seç"; @@ -425,6 +469,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; // Swap "swap.title" = "Takas"; +"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; "swap.you_pay" = "Ödediğiniz"; "swap.estimated" = "tahmini"; "swap.balance" = "Bakiye"; @@ -878,9 +923,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "transactions.all_blockchains" = "Tüm Blok Zincirleri"; "transactions.all_coins" = "Tüm paralar"; "transactions.choose_coin" = "Kripto Parayı Seç"; -"transactions.clear" = "Temizle"; "transactions.filter_all" = "Hepsi"; -"transactions.syncing_text" = "Lütfen güncellemenin bitmesini bekleyin"; "transactions.empty_text" = "Henüz herhangi bir bekleyen veya geçmiş işlem yok"; "transactions.pending" = "Bekleyen"; "transactions.processing" = "İşleniyor"; @@ -965,7 +1008,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; "settings.theme" = "Tema"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "decentralized uygulama"; -"settings.donate.description" = "Desteğinizle birlikte bu uygulamayı daha da iyi hale getirebiliriz!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; "settings.donate.title" = "Bağış yapmak"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1312,9 +1355,9 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "Aktif Cüzdan"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Adres"; -"" = "Ağ"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Adres"; -"" = "Ağ"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Bekleyen Talepler"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "Desteklenen zincir yok!"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "Bazı zincirler desteklenmiyor!"; @@ -1659,13 +1702,12 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; // Cex Deposit "cex_deposit.title" = "Depozito %@"; -"deposit.qr_code_description" = "%@ yatırmak için adresiniz"; "cex_deposit.address" = "Adres"; -"" = "Ağ"; + +"" = "Network"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Tag)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "Min. miktar"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Not (etiket) gereklidir, aksi takdirde madeni paralarınızı kaybedersiniz."; -"deposit.warning" = "Bu adrese yalnızca %@ gönderin. Bu adrese başka türden jetonların gönderilmesi nihai kayıplarına neden olacaktır."; "cex_deposit.copy_address" = "Adresi Kopyala"; "cex_deposit.share_address" = " Adresi paylaş"; "cex_deposit.failed" = "Para yatırma adresi yüklenemedi. Lütfen tekrar deneyiniz."; @@ -1674,7 +1716,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Ağ"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "Ağın para çekme adresiyle eşleştiğinden ve para yatırma platformunun bunu desteklediğinden emin olun, aksi takdirde varlıklar kaybolabilir."; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "Ücret"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "Tutardan ücret"; @@ -1685,12 +1727,12 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Ağ"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "Ağın para çekme adresiyle eşleştiğinden ve para yatırma platformunun bunu desteklediğinden emin olun."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "Geri Çekilirsin"; -"" = "Ağ"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Hesaptan Çek"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Para çekme başarısız oldu"; From 9b4f0fbba9a064a7b759aa1f084b98002a31cbd4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:29:15 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 07/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh.lproj/Localizable.strings | 66 +++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings index 2ed463e789..f107c5463a 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "批准"; "alert.revoking" = "正在取消"; "alert.revoked" = "已注销"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; "no_results_found" = "未发现结果"; "action.loading" = "正在加载..."; @@ -171,7 +172,6 @@ // Coin Platforms -"coin_platforms.description" = "此令牌存在于多个区块链中。"; "coin_platforms.native" = "原生"; // Copy Warning @@ -318,6 +318,17 @@ "lost_accounts.warning_title" = "iOS Keychain 错误"; "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "因为您的 iOS 锁定屏幕已被更改,所以保存您钱包的加密数据目前已失效"; +// Token Balance Page +"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; +"" = "Locked title"; +"" = "Locked Description Text"; +"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; +"" = "Staked title"; +"" = "Staked Description Text"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; +"" = "Frozen title"; +"" = "Frozen Description Text"; + // Account switcher "switch_account.title" = "切换钱包"; @@ -335,15 +346,39 @@ "deposit.address" = "地址"; "deposit.your_address" = "您的地址"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "您必须在接收%@之前先备份%@。"; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; + +"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; +"deposit.qr_code_description" = "您存放 %@ 的地址"; +"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"deposit.account" = "账户"; "deposit.not_active" = "不活动"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "未激活的地址"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "新创建的 TRON 区块链上的帐户是不活动的,无法查询或探索。它们需要激活。\n\n正在将TRX或 TRC-10令牌传输到一个不活动的帐户地址将激活该帐户。 激活Tron链上的一个新帐户需要1TRX"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; + +"deposit.warning" = "只发送 %@ 到此地址。向此地址发送其他类型的令牌将导致其最终丢失。"; + +"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; + +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; + +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; + // Send "send.title" = "发送%@"; "send.send" = "发送​​"; +"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "金额"; "send.address_placeholder" = "地址"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "地址或域名"; @@ -418,6 +453,15 @@ "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "您已取消"; "approve.confirmation.spender" = "消费人"; +// Donate + +"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; +"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; +"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; +"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; + // CoinSelector "choose_coin.title" = "选择代币"; @@ -425,6 +469,7 @@ // Swap "swap.title" = "掉期交易"; +"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; "swap.you_pay" = "您支付"; "swap.estimated" = "估计"; "swap.balance" = "余额"; @@ -878,9 +923,7 @@ "transactions.all_blockchains" = "所有Blockchains"; "transactions.all_coins" = "所有硬币"; "transactions.choose_coin" = "选择代币"; -"transactions.clear" = "清空"; "transactions.filter_all" = "所有"; -"transactions.syncing_text" = "请等待同步结束"; "transactions.empty_text" = "您还没有任何待定或成功的交易"; "transactions.pending" = "待处理"; "transactions.processing" = "正在处理"; @@ -965,7 +1008,7 @@ "settings.faq" = "常见问题"; "settings.theme" = "主题"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "分布式应用程序"; -"settings.donate.description" = "在你的支持下,我们可以使这个应用更好!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; "settings.donate.title" = "捐助"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1312,9 +1355,9 @@ "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "激活钱包"; "wallet_connect.address" = "地址"; -"" = "网络"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.address" = "地址"; -"" = "网络"; +"" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "待处理请求"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "没有任何支持的链!"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "一些链是不支持的!"; @@ -1659,13 +1702,12 @@ // Cex Deposit "cex_deposit.title" = "存款 %@"; -"deposit.qr_code_description" = "您存放 %@ 的地址"; "cex_deposit.address" = "地址"; -"" = "网络"; + +"" = "Network"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Tag)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "最小金额"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Memo(标签)是必需的,否则您将丢失您的硬币。"; -"deposit.warning" = "只发送 %@ 到此地址。向此地址发送其他类型的令牌将导致其最终丢失。"; "cex_deposit.copy_address" = "复制地址"; "cex_deposit.share_address" = "共享地址"; "cex_deposit.failed" = "加载存款地址失败。请重试。"; @@ -1674,7 +1716,7 @@ // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "网络"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "确保网络匹配提款地址和存款平台支持它,否则资产可能丢失。"; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "费用"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "费用金额"; @@ -1685,12 +1727,12 @@ // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "网络"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "确保网络匹配提款地址和存款平台支持它。"; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "您已退出"; -"" = "网络"; +"" = "Network"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "提取"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "提取失败"; From adecf7da2da760f57d545810da74352bd3519d46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:29:16 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 08/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- .../UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings | 7 ++++--- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings index de0a8f26d4..34a15d53ce 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "Approved"; "alert.revoking" = "Revoking"; "alert.revoked" = "Revoked"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; "no_results_found" = "No results found"; "action.loading" = "loading..."; @@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "restore.non_standard_import" = "Non-Standard Import"; "restore.non_standard_import.description" = "This page provides a special wallet import mechanism to %@ users who have a non-standard wallet. Such wallets might have been created in %@ version 0.27 - 0.28 using a non-English recovery phrase and/or a special character in the wallet passphrase (i.e. diacritic symbol).\n\nIf you're an affected user then your wallet balance will be shown 0 after importing such wallet in version 0.29 or above. This page will enable you to restore access to your non-standard wallet. Once imported you're recommended to create a new wallet (which will be standard compliant) and move funds there."; "restore.warning.non_recommended.description" = "This wallet seems to use a non-standard character in its recovery phrase and/or a passphrase. If you do not see a balance or transactions please read below for details. \n\nCLICK TO GET MORE INFO"; -"restore.error.non_standard.description" = "This is a non-standard wallet.\n\nCLICK TO GET MORE INFO"; +"restore.error.non_standard.description" = "This is a non-standard wallet.\n\nCLICK TO GET MORE INFO"; // Restore Type @@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "backup.title" = "Recovery Phrase"; "backup.description" = "Here's the drill, folks: Write these words down, in the right order, and keep 'em locked up tight in a safe place. It's your ticket to security!"; -"backup.tap_to_show" = "Give it a tap, folks, and let that recovery phrase shine. It's your secret code to safeguarding your assets!"; +"backup.tap_to_show" = "Tap right there, folks, and behold the recovery phrase. It's like unlocking a treasure chest!"; "backup.passphrase" = "Passphrase"; "backup.verify" = "Verify"; "backup.verified" = "Verified"; @@ -1119,7 +1120,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "settings.about_app.title" = "About App"; "settings.about_app.app_name" = "%@ Wallet"; -"settings.about_app.description" = "The %@ wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.\n\nIt's a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn't collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user's funds to a specific wallet app.\n\nThe %@ wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to."; +"settings.about_app.description" = "The %@ wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.\n\nIt's a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn't collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user's funds to a specific wallet app.\n\nThe %@ wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "What's New"; "" = "Website"; "" = "Contact"; From 9ca1ef5f39cd6a970fcf7420607a9cb637eb0648 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:10:57 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 09/33] New translations Localizable.strings (French) --- .../UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings | 12 ++++++------ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings index 41882fec34..86fabb6c1a 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "Les données cryptées concernant votre portefeuille ont été récemment invalidées parce que l'écran de verrouillage de votre iOS a été modifié"; // Token Balance Page -"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; +"balance.token.locked" = "Verrouillé"; "" = "Locked title"; "" = "Locked Description Text"; "balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; @@ -455,9 +455,9 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; // Donate -"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; -"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; -"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; +"donate.list.title" = "Donnez avec"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Obtenir une adresse"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Adresses"; "donate.title" = "Donate %@"; "donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; "" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; @@ -1123,13 +1123,13 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "settings.about_app.description" = "Le portefeuille %@ est conçu pour ceux qui cherchent à investir et à stocker des cryptomonnaies de manière privée et indépendante.\n\nC'est un portefeuille non-dépositaire, peer-to-peer où seul l'utilisateur a le contrôle sur les fonds. Il ne collecte aucune donnée et garde l'utilisateur indépendant en ne verrouillant pas les fonds de l'utilisateur sur une application spécifique de portefeuille.\n\nLe portefeuille %@ est entièrement open-source et tout le monde peut confirmer que l'application fonctionne exactement comme il le prétend."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Nouveautés"; "" = "Site Web"; -"" = "Contact"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Evaluez-nous"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Partager avec ami"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Contact"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "" = "par e-mail"; "" = "par Telegram"; From 9322b3fd9981ea68365e0899cb27424556422354 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:10:58 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 10/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Spanish) --- .../UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings index 4787cc8021..fa4be860f2 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -1123,13 +1123,13 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "settings.about_app.description" = "La billetera %@ está diseñada para aquellos que buscan invertir y almacenar criptomonedas de manera privada e independiente.\n\nEs una billetera no custodial y peer-to-peer donde solo el usuario tiene control sobre los fondos. No recopila datos y mantiene al usuario independiente al no bloquear los fondos del usuario en una aplicación de billetera específica.\n\nLa billetera %@ es completamente de código abierto y cualquier persona puede confirmar que la aplicación funciona exactamente como dice."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Qué novedades hay"; "" = "Website"; -"" = "Contacto"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Califícanos"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Recomendar a un amigo"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Contacto"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "" = "vía E-mail"; "" = "vía Telegram"; From 22f5127d0eefa7bb90dfb2f3a92e33c75023c161 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:10:59 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 11/33] New translations Localizable.strings (German) --- .../de.lproj/Localizable.strings | 38 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings index fa85404479..89374ebf50 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "deposit.warning" = "Senden Sie nur %@ an diese Adresse. Das Senden anderer Arten von Tokens an diese Adresse führt zu ihrem ultimativen Verlust."; -"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"receive_network_select.title" = "Netzwerk"; "receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; "receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; -"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (empfohlen)"; // Send @@ -455,12 +455,12 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; // Donate -"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; -"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; -"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; -"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; -"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; -"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"donate.list.title" = "Spenden mit"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Adresse erhalten"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Adresse"; +"donate.title" = "%@ Spenden"; +"donate.no_assets" = "Sie haben keine Assets zu spenden."; +"" = "Gemeinsam können wir mit Ihrer Unterstützung diese App noch besser machen!"; // CoinSelector @@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; // Swap "swap.title" = "Swap"; -"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; +"swap.no_assets" = "Du hast keine Vermögenswerte zum Tauschen."; "swap.you_pay" = "Sie bezahlen"; "swap.estimated" = "geschätzt"; "swap.balance" = "Guthaben"; @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "swap.token" = "Auswählen"; "swap.advanced_settings" = "Swap-Einstellungen"; "swap.proceed_button" = "Weiter"; -"swap.approve.title" = "Swap Approve"; +"swap.approve.title" = "Genehmigen tauschen"; "swap.approve.description" = "Sie sollten einem intelligenten Vertrag die Erlaubnis erteilen, in Ihrem Namen gegebene Token einzutauschen. Diese Erlaubnis legt einen Betrag fest, der von einem intelligenten Vertrag verwendet werden kann. Sie wirkt sich nicht auf Ihr Guthaben aus, erfordert jedoch eine geringe Gebühr für die Ausführung der Genehmigungstransaktion.\n\nEs kann zwar vor jedem Handel auf Anfrage erfolgen, es ist jedoch günstiger, bei zukünftigen Handelsgeschäften einen höheren Betrag im Voraus für uns zu genehmigen."; "swap.approve.amount_error.already_approved" = "Sie haben bereits eine Vergütung für diesen Betrag"; "swap.approving_button" = "Wird bestätigt..."; @@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; "settings.theme" = "Design"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "decentralized"; -"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "Gemeinsam können wir mit Ihrer Unterstützung diese App noch besser machen!"; "settings.donate.title" = "Spenden"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1123,13 +1123,13 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "settings.about_app.description" = "Die Brieftasche %@ wurde für diejenigen gebaut, die Kryptowährungen auf private und unabhängige Weise investieren und speichern möchten.\n\nEs handelt sich um eine nicht-Custodial, Peer-to-Peer-Wallet, bei der nur der Benutzer die Kontrolle über das Guthaben hat. Es sammelt keine Daten und hält den Benutzer unabhängig, indem er das Guthaben des Benutzers nicht an eine bestimmte Wallet-App sperrt.\n\nDie %@ Brieftasche ist vollständig Open-Source und jeder kann bestätigen, dass die App genau so funktioniert, wie sie es vorgibt."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Das ist neu"; "" = "Website"; -"" = "Kontakt"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Bewerten Sie uns"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Freunden erzählen"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Kontakt"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "" = "per e-Mail"; "" = "per Telegram"; @@ -1355,9 +1355,9 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "Aktive Wallet"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Adresse"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Netzwerk"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Adresse"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Netzwerk"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Ausstehende Anfragen"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "Keine unterstützten Ketten!"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "Einige Ketten werden nicht unterstützt!"; @@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "cex_deposit.title" = "Auftragen %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "Adresse"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Netzwerk"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Tag)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "Min. Amount"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Memo (Tag) ist erforderlich, sonst verlieren Sie Ihre Münzen."; @@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Netzwerk"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Netzwerk mit der Auszahlungsadresse übereinstimmt und die Einzahlungsplattform sie unterstützt, oder es können Vermögenswerte verloren gehen."; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "Gebühr"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "Gebühr aus Betrag"; @@ -1727,12 +1727,12 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Netzwerk"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Netzwerk mit der Auszahlungsadresse übereinstimmt und die Einzahlungsplattform unterstützt sie."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "Sie zurückziehen"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Netzwerk"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Abheben"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Fehler bei Auszahlung"; From f5eef65ae9a046b33235d854d829534578e4f798 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:11:00 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 12/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Korean) --- .../UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings index 9fa3789173..c43e723a3e 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -1121,13 +1121,13 @@ "settings.about_app.description" = "%@ 지갑은 암호화폐를 개인적이고 독립적인 방식으로 투자하고 보관하려는 사람들을 위해 만들어졌습니다. \n\n이 지갑은 사용자만이 자금에 대한 통제를 갖는 비보관형 P2P 지갑입니다. 데이터를 수집하지 않으며 사용자의 자금을 특정 지갑 앱에 잠그지 않아 독립성을 유지합니다. \n\n%@ 지갑은 완전한 오픈소스이며 누구든지 앱이 주장하는 대로 정확하게 작동하는지 확인할 수 있습니다."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "새로운 기능"; "" = "Website"; -"" = "연락처"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "앱 평가"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "친구에게 추천하기"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "연락처"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "" = "이메일로"; "" = "텔레그램을 통해"; From d024c7040d0b6fd68cf165b125160138ff3ac2d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:11:02 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 13/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Russian) --- .../ru.lproj/Localizable.strings | 18 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings index 8afc4d8d33..1211bb1c9a 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ "send.confirmation.resend" = "Отправить повторно"; "send.confirmation.cancel_description" = "Это действие аннулирует предыдущую транзакцию, переотправив ее себе как транзакцию с нулевой суммой. Если исходная транзакция ожидает обработки во время отправки новой, то вероятность ее аннулирования и замены довольно высока. Только одна из этих двух транзакций будет включена в блокчейн."; "send.confirmation.cancel" = "Отменить транзакцию"; -"send.confirmation.nonce" = "Nonce"; +"send.confirmation.nonce" = "Memo"; "send.confirmation.method" = "Метод"; "send.amount_error.balance" = "Недостаточно средств"; "send.address_error.own_address" = "Невозможно отправить TRX самому себе"; @@ -458,11 +458,11 @@ // Donate "donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; -"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; -"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; -"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Получить адрес"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Адреса"; +"donate.title" = "Поддержи нас %@"; "donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; -"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"" = "С вашей поддержкой мы вместе сможем сделать это приложение еще лучше!"; // CoinSelector @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ // Swap "swap.title" = "Обменять"; -"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; +"swap.no_assets" = "У вас нет активов для обмена."; "swap.you_pay" = "Платите"; "swap.estimated" = "приблизительно"; "swap.balance" = "Баланс"; @@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; "settings.theme" = "Тема"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "децентрализованное приложение"; -"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "С вашей поддержкой мы вместе сможем сделать это приложение еще лучше!"; "settings.donate.title" = "Поддержать"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1125,13 +1125,13 @@ "settings.about_app.description" = "Кошелек %@ создан для тех, кто хочет инвестировать и хранить криптовалюты частным и независимым образом.\n\nЭто одноранговый кошелек, где только пользователь имеет контроль над средствами. Он не собирает никаких данных и обеспечивает независимость пользователя, не привязывая средства пользователя к определенному приложению.\n\nКошелек %@ имеет полностью открытый исходный код, и любой может подтвердить, что приложение работает именно так, как заявлено."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Что нового"; "" = "Веб-сайт"; -"" = "Обратная связь"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Оценить нас"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Рассказать друзьям"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Обратная связь"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "" = "по электронной почте"; "" = "через Telegram"; From 09ca8a886f39013e8d2a8111abcd0d2fc7aa6d69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:11:03 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 14/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Turkish) --- .../UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings index 594c64a655..2bb847cdcf 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -1123,13 +1123,13 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "settings.about_app.description" = "%@ cüzdan, kripto para birimlerine özel ve bağımsız bir şekilde yatırım yapmak ve depolamak isteyenler için tasarlanmıştır.\n\nBu, fonlar üzerinde yalnızca kullanıcının kontrolüne sahip olduğu, velayet gerektirmeyen, eşler arası bir cüzdandır. Herhangi bir veri toplamaz ve kullanıcının fonlarını belirli bir cüzdan uygulamasına kilitlemeyerek kullanıcıyı bağımsız tutar.\n\n%@ cüzdan tamamen açık kaynaklıdır ve herkes uygulamanın tam olarak iddia ettiği gibi çalıştığını onaylayabilir."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Yenilikler"; "" = "Website"; -"" = "Iletişim"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Bizi Değerlendirin"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Arkadaşlarına bahset"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Iletişim"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "" = "E-posta yoluyla"; "" = "Telegram aracılığıyla"; From f02355bc0f5bfcc64cb435787cca72470b863fc2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:11:04 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 15/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh.lproj/Localizable.strings | 26 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings index f107c5463a..75ff561bf7 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "因为您的 iOS 锁定屏幕已被更改,所以保存您钱包的加密数据目前已失效"; // Token Balance Page -"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; +"balance.token.locked" = "锁住"; "" = "Locked title"; "" = "Locked Description Text"; "balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; @@ -456,11 +456,11 @@ // Donate "donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; -"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; -"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; -"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; -"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; -"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "获取地址"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "地址"; +"donate.title" = "捐赠%@"; +"donate.no_assets" = "您没有资产可以捐赠。"; +"" = "在你的支持下,我们可以使这个应用更好!"; // CoinSelector @@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ // Swap "swap.title" = "掉期交易"; -"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; +"swap.no_assets" = "您目前没有可供交换的资产。"; "swap.you_pay" = "您支付"; "swap.estimated" = "估计"; "swap.balance" = "余额"; @@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ // Coin Page -> Overview -"coin_overview.indicators" = "Indicators"; +"coin_overview.indicators" = "指标"; "" = "查看"; "coin_overview.indicators.hide" = "隐藏"; "coin_overview.market_cap" = "市场价值"; @@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ // Coin Page -> Indicators -"chart_indicators.title" = "Indicators"; +"chart_indicators.title" = "指标"; "chart_indicators.moving_averages" = "移动平均线"; "chart_indicators.oscillators" = "震荡指标"; @@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ "settings.faq" = "常见问题"; "settings.theme" = "主题"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "分布式应用程序"; -"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "在你的支持下,我们可以使这个应用更好!"; "settings.donate.title" = "捐助"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1123,13 +1123,13 @@ "settings.about_app.description" = "%@ 钱包是为那些寻求投资和以私人和独立方式存储加密货币的人建造的。\n\n它是一个非保管的、对等的钱包,在那里只有用户能够控制资金。 它不收集任何数据,并且通过不将用户的资金锁定到特定的钱包应用程序来保持用户独立。\n\n %@ 钱包完全开源,任何人都可以确认应用程序的工作完全如其所声称的那样正常。"; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "新增内容"; "" = "网站"; -"" = "联系"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "评价我们"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "分享给好友"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "联系"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "" = "通过电子邮件"; "" = "通过 Telegram"; @@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@ "add_token.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; "add_token.already_added" = "该代币已在代币管理列表中"; "add_token.invalid_contract_address" = "请输入正确的合约地址"; -"add_token.invalid_bep2_symbol" = "Invalid BEP2 symbol"; +"add_token.invalid_bep2_symbol" = "无效的 BEP2 符号"; "add_token.contract_address_not_found" = "在 %@ 区块链中找不到合同地址"; "add_token.bep2_symbol_not_found" = "找不到 BEP2 符号"; "add_token.input_placeholder.contract_address" = "智能合约地址"; From e35894eb420bb5595a1b9c3ec6e4b4fda7383813 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:11:06 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 16/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- .../UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings index 34a15d53ce..cbe5318f95 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -1123,13 +1123,13 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "settings.about_app.description" = "The %@ wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.\n\nIt's a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn't collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user's funds to a specific wallet app.\n\nThe %@ wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "What's New"; "" = "Website"; -"" = "Contact"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Rate Us"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Tell Friends"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Contact"; +"" = "Contact Us"; "" = "via E-mail"; "" = "via Telegram"; From e3498f2694241078a509de07bc5f3785f5b0b2f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:16:38 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 17/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Spanish) --- .../UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings index fa4be860f2..417f341b10 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "Los datos encriptados de su monedero han sido recientemente invalidados porque se cambió la pantalla de bloqueo de tu iOS"; // Token Balance Page -"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; +"balance.token.locked" = "Bloqueado"; "" = "Locked title"; "" = "Locked Description Text"; "balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; From 655d7c664c2b034ff749c8c5ad59aad54dc352dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 17:06:40 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 18/33] New translations Localizable.strings (French) --- .../fr.lproj/Localizable.strings | 70 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings index 86fabb6c1a..8adb4765ae 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "Approuvé"; "alert.revoking" = "Révocation en cours"; "alert.revoked" = "Révoqué"; -"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Impossible de reconnaître"; "no_results_found" = "Aucun résultat"; "action.loading" = "chargement en cours..."; @@ -320,14 +320,14 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; // Token Balance Page "balance.token.locked" = "Verrouillé"; -"" = "Locked title"; -"" = "Locked Description Text"; -"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; -"" = "Staked title"; -"" = "Staked Description Text"; -"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; -"" = "Frozen title"; -"" = "Frozen Description Text"; +"" = "Titre verrouillé"; +"" = "Texte de description verrouillé"; +"balance.token.staked" = "Stakée"; +"" = "Titre de la consommation"; +"" = "Texte de description de prise"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "Gelée"; +"" = "Titre gelé"; +"" = "Texte de description gelé"; // Account switcher @@ -346,39 +346,39 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "deposit.address" = "Adresses"; "deposit.your_address" = "Votre address"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "Vous devez sauvegarder %@ avant de recevoir %@."; -"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; -"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "Vous devez sauvegarder %@ avant de pouvoir recevoir des pièces."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Impossible de fournir l'adresse"; "deposit.address_format" = "Format"; "deposit.qr_code_description" = "Votre adresse pour le dépôt %@"; -"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"" = "Adresse de la montre de %@"; "deposit.account" = "Compte"; "deposit.not_active" = "non actif"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "Adresse non-active"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "Les comptes récemment créés sur la blockchain TRON sont inactifs et ne peuvent pas être interrogés ou explorés. Ils doivent être activés.\n\nLe transfert de jetons TRX ou TRC-10 vers une adresse de compte inactive activera le compte. Pour activer un nouveau compte sur la chaîne Tron, des frais de 1 TRX sont nécessaires"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Avez-vous déjà possédé des pièces de monnaie ZEC?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Oui, je suis déjà propriétaire"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "Non, je n'ai pas"; "deposit.warning" = "Envoyer seulement %@ à cette adresse. Envoyer d'autres types de jetons à cette adresse entraînera leur perte ultime."; -"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; -"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_network_select.title" = "Réseau"; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Choisissez un réseau et obtenez une adresse à recevoir."; -"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; -"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Format de l'adresse"; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choisissez un réseau et obtenez une adresse à recevoir."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "Le format Native SegWit est préféré dans Bitcoin pour améliorer le débit et la sécurité. Tous les formats d'adresse (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) peuvent être utilisés de manière interchangeable pour recevoir BTC quel que soit le format d'adresse de l'expéditeur, permettant des transactions transparentes entre différents types de pièces."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "Le format d'adresse en espèces est préféré pour recevoir Bitcoin Cash (BCH) en raison de son expérience utilisateur améliorée et de sa compatibilité. Cependant, les deux formats d'adresse peuvent être utilisés de façon interchangeable pour recevoir le BCH, quel que soit le format de l'adresse de l'expéditeur."; -"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommandé)"; // Send "send.title" = "Envoyer %@"; "send.send" = "Envoyer"; -"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; +"send.no_assets" = "Vous n'avez pas d'actifs à envoyer."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "Montant"; "send.address_placeholder" = "Adresses"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Adresse ou domaine"; @@ -459,8 +459,8 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "donate.list.get_address" = "Obtenir une adresse"; "donate.list.get_address.title" = "Adresses"; "donate.title" = "Donate %@"; -"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; -"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"donate.no_assets" = "Vous n'avez pas d'actifs à donner."; +"" = "Ensemble, avec votre soutien, nous pouvons encore améliorer cette application!"; // CoinSelector @@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; // Swap "swap.title" = "Echanger"; -"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; +"swap.no_assets" = "Vous n'avez pas d'actifs à échanger."; "swap.you_pay" = "Vous payez"; "swap.estimated" = "estimé"; "swap.balance" = "Solde"; @@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; "settings.theme" = "Thème"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "application décentralisée"; -"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "Ensemble, avec votre soutien, nous pouvons encore améliorer cette application!"; "settings.donate.title" = "Faire un don"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1123,13 +1123,13 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "settings.about_app.description" = "Le portefeuille %@ est conçu pour ceux qui cherchent à investir et à stocker des cryptomonnaies de manière privée et indépendante.\n\nC'est un portefeuille non-dépositaire, peer-to-peer où seul l'utilisateur a le contrôle sur les fonds. Il ne collecte aucune donnée et garde l'utilisateur indépendant en ne verrouillant pas les fonds de l'utilisateur sur une application spécifique de portefeuille.\n\nLe portefeuille %@ est entièrement open-source et tout le monde peut confirmer que l'application fonctionne exactement comme il le prétend."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Nouveautés"; "" = "Site Web"; -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "Contactez-nous"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Evaluez-nous"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Partager avec ami"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "Contactez-nous"; "" = "par e-mail"; "" = "par Telegram"; @@ -1355,9 +1355,9 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "Activer le portefeuille"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Adresses"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Réseau"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Adresses"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Réseau"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Demandes en attente"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "Aucune chaîne prise en charge !"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "Certaines chaînes ne sont pas prises en charge !"; @@ -1705,7 +1705,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; "cex_deposit.title" = "Dépôt %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "Adresses"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Réseau"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Mémo (Tag)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "Montant minimum"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Mémo (tag) est requis ou vous perdrez vos pièces."; @@ -1717,7 +1717,7 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Réseau"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "Assurez-vous que le réseau correspond à l'adresse de retrait et que la plateforme de dépôt le supporte, ou que les actifs peuvent être perdus."; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "Frais"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "Frais du montant"; @@ -1728,12 +1728,12 @@ Allez dans Paramètres - > %@ et autorisez l'accès à la caméra."; // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Réseau"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "Assurez-vous que le réseau correspond à l'adresse de retrait et que la plateforme de dépôt le supporte."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "Vous retirez"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Réseau"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Retraits"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Échec du retrait"; From 3b93d6a315eae230b6b7637aeb3e8538eccc519c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 17:06:41 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 19/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Spanish) --- .../es.lproj/Localizable.strings | 62 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings index 417f341b10..cb2d8361c4 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -347,38 +347,38 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "deposit.your_address" = "Su dirección"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "Necesita una Copia de seguridad %@ antes de poder recibir %@."; "receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; -"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "No se puede proporcionar la dirección"; -"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; +"deposit.address_format" = "Formatear"; "deposit.qr_code_description" = "Tu dirección para depositar %@"; -"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"" = "Ver dirección de %@"; "deposit.account" = "Account"; "deposit.not_active" = "inactivo"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "Dirección no activa"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "Las cuentas recién creadas en la cadena de bloques TRON están inactivas y no se pueden consultar ni explorar. Necesitan ser activadas.\n\nPara activar una cuenta inactiva, transfiera tokens TRX o TRC-10 a su dirección. Para activar una nueva cuenta en la cadena Tron, se requiere una cuota de 1 TRX"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "¿Ya has poseído alguna moneda ZEC?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Sí, ya tengo"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, no tengo"; "deposit.warning" = "Enviar sólo %@ a esta dirección. Enviar otros tipos de tokens a esta dirección dará como resultado su pérdida definitiva."; -"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"receive_network_select.title" = "La red"; "receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; -"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Formato de Dirección"; "receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "El formato de SegWit nativo es preferido en Bitcoin para un mejor rendimiento y seguridad. Todos los formatos de dirección (Tapproot, SegWit, Legacy) pueden utilizarse de forma intercambiable para recibir BTC independientemente del formato de dirección del remitente, habilitando transacciones perfectas en diferentes tipos de moneda."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "El formato de Dirección de Efectivo es preferido para recibir Bitcoin Cash (BCH) debido a su mejor experiencia de usuario y compatibilidad. Sin embargo, ambos formatos de dirección se pueden utilizar de forma intercambiable para recibir BCH, independientemente del formato de dirección del remitente."; -"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (promedio)"; // Send "send.title" = "Enviar %@"; "send.send" = "Enviar"; -"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; +"send.no_assets" = "No tiene activos para enviar."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "Importe"; "send.address_placeholder" = "Dirección"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Dominio o dirección"; @@ -455,12 +455,12 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; // Donate -"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; -"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; -"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; -"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; -"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; -"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"donate.list.title" = "Donar con"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Obtener dirección"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Dirección"; +"donate.title" = "Donar %@"; +"donate.no_assets" = "No tiene activos para donar."; +"" = "¡Junto con tu apoyo, podemos hacer esta aplicación aún mejor!"; // CoinSelector @@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; // Swap "swap.title" = "Permutar"; -"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; +"swap.no_assets" = "No tiene activos para intercambiar."; "swap.you_pay" = "Usted paga"; "swap.estimated" = "estimado"; "swap.balance" = "Saldo"; @@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; "settings.theme" = "Tema"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "app descentralizada"; -"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "¡Junto con tu apoyo, podemos hacer esta aplicación aún mejor!"; "settings.donate.title" = "Donar"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1123,13 +1123,13 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "settings.about_app.description" = "La billetera %@ está diseñada para aquellos que buscan invertir y almacenar criptomonedas de manera privada e independiente.\n\nEs una billetera no custodial y peer-to-peer donde solo el usuario tiene control sobre los fondos. No recopila datos y mantiene al usuario independiente al no bloquear los fondos del usuario en una aplicación de billetera específica.\n\nLa billetera %@ es completamente de código abierto y cualquier persona puede confirmar que la aplicación funciona exactamente como dice."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Qué novedades hay"; "" = "Website"; -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "Contáctenos"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Califícanos"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Recomendar a un amigo"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "Contáctenos"; "" = "vía E-mail"; "" = "vía Telegram"; @@ -1218,15 +1218,15 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "contacts.settings.restore_contacts" = "Restaurar contactos"; "contacts.settings.backup_contacts" = "Copiar contactos"; -"contacts.settings.icloud_sync" = "iCloud Sync"; +"contacts.settings.icloud_sync" = "Sync de iCloud"; "contacts.settings.description" = "Sincronizar contactos de pago a iCloud para facilitar la copia de seguridad y el acceso a través de múltiples dispositivos."; "contacts.settings.lost_synchronization.description" = "Se ha perdido la sincronización con iCloud. Por favor, comprueba que iCloud está habilitado en tu dispositivo."; "contacts.settings.merge_disclaimer" = "Tus contactos de pago locales se combinarán con los almacenados en iCloud."; -"contacts.settings.alert.title" = "iCloud Sync"; +"contacts.settings.alert.title" = "Sync de iCloud"; "contacts.settings.alert.description" = "Por favor, comprueba que iCloud Almacenamiento está habilitado en tu dispositivo."; -"contacts.settings.alert_error.title" = "iCloud Error"; +"contacts.settings.alert_error.title" = "Error de iCloud"; // Set PIN @@ -1355,9 +1355,9 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "Active su cartera"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Dirección"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "La red"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Dirección"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "La red"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Solicitudes Pendientes"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "¡No hay cadenas compatibles!"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "¡Algunas cadenas no son soportadas!"; @@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "cex_deposit.title" = "Depositar %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "Dirección"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "La red"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Etiqueta)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "Importe mínimo"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Se requiere Memo (etiqueta) o perderá sus monedas."; @@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Network"; +"" = "La red"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "Asegúrese de que la red coincide con la dirección de retiro y la plataforma de depósito la apoya, o los activos pueden perderse."; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "Comisión"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "Comisión por importe"; @@ -1727,12 +1727,12 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "La red"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "Asegúrese de que la red coincide con la dirección de retiro y la plataforma de depósito lo soporta."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "Retira"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "La red"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Retirar"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Fallo al retirar"; From 41d552ad7bb9dc154275db53fb99fd8e4986cd02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 17:06:42 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 20/33] New translations Localizable.strings (German) --- .../de.lproj/Localizable.strings | 44 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings index 89374ebf50..edd459a101 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/de.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "Bestätigt"; "alert.revoking" = "Widerrufen"; "alert.revoked" = "Widerrufen"; -"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Kann nicht erkennen"; "no_results_found" = "No results found"; "action.loading" = "wird geladen ..."; @@ -320,14 +320,14 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; // Token Balance Page "balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; -"" = "Locked title"; -"" = "Locked Description Text"; -"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; -"" = "Staked title"; -"" = "Staked Description Text"; +"" = "Gesperrter Titel"; +"" = "Gesperrter Beschreibungstext"; +"balance.token.staked" = "Absteckung"; +"" = "Absteckter Titel"; +"" = "Absteckungstext"; "balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; -"" = "Frozen title"; -"" = "Frozen Description Text"; +"" = "gefrorener Titel"; +"" = "gefrorener Beschreibungstext"; // Account switcher @@ -346,31 +346,31 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "deposit.address" = "Adresse"; "deposit.your_address" = "Deine Adresse"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "Sie müssen %@ sichern, bevor Sie %@ empfangen können."; -"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; -"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "Du musst %@ sichern, bevor du Münzen erhalten kannst."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Kann keine Adresse angeben"; "deposit.address_format" = "Format"; "deposit.qr_code_description" = "Ihre Adresse für %@"; -"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"" = "Beobachtungsadresse von %@"; "deposit.account" = "Account"; "deposit.not_active" = "nicht aktiv"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "Keine aktive Adresse"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "Neu erstellte Konten in der TRON-Blockchain sind inaktiv und können nicht abgefragt oder untersucht werden. Sie müssen aktiviert werden.\n\nDie Übertragung von TRX- oder TRC-10-Token an eine inaktive Konto-Adresse wird das Konto aktivieren. Zur Aktivierung eines neuen Kontos auf der Tron-Kette ist eine Gebühr von 1 TRX erforderlich"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Hast du schon einmal im Besitz von ZEC-Münzen?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Ja, ich besitze bereits"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "Nein, ich habe nicht"; "deposit.warning" = "Senden Sie nur %@ an diese Adresse. Das Senden anderer Arten von Tokens an diese Adresse führt zu ihrem ultimativen Verlust."; "receive_network_select.title" = "Netzwerk"; -"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Wählen Sie ein Netzwerk aus und erhalten Sie eine Adresse."; -"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; -"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Adressformatierung"; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Wählen Sie ein Netzwerk aus und erhalten Sie eine Adresse."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "Das Native SegWit Format wird in Bitcoin bevorzugt für einen verbesserten Durchsatz und mehr Sicherheit. Alle Adressformate (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) können unabhängig vom Adressformat des Absenders zum Empfang von BTC verwendet werden ermöglicht nahtlose Transaktionen über verschiedene Münztypen."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "Das Cash Address Format wird bevorzugt für den Erhalt von Bitcoin Cash (BCH) aufgrund seiner verbesserten Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Kompatibilität bevorzugt. Beide Adressformate können jedoch unabhängig vom Adressformat des Absenders austauschbar genutzt werden, um BCH zu empfangen."; "blockchain_type.recommended" = " (empfohlen)"; @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "send.title" = "Senden %@"; "send.send" = "Senden"; -"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; +"send.no_assets" = "Sie haben keine Assets zu senden."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "Betrag"; "send.address_placeholder" = "Adresse"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Adresse oder Domäne"; @@ -1123,13 +1123,13 @@ Gehe zu Einstellungen - > %@ und erlaube Zugriff auf die Kamera."; "settings.about_app.description" = "Die Brieftasche %@ wurde für diejenigen gebaut, die Kryptowährungen auf private und unabhängige Weise investieren und speichern möchten.\n\nEs handelt sich um eine nicht-Custodial, Peer-to-Peer-Wallet, bei der nur der Benutzer die Kontrolle über das Guthaben hat. Es sammelt keine Daten und hält den Benutzer unabhängig, indem er das Guthaben des Benutzers nicht an eine bestimmte Wallet-App sperrt.\n\nDie %@ Brieftasche ist vollständig Open-Source und jeder kann bestätigen, dass die App genau so funktioniert, wie sie es vorgibt."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Das ist neu"; "" = "Website"; -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "Kontaktiere uns"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Bewerten Sie uns"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Freunden erzählen"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "Kontaktiere uns"; "" = "per e-Mail"; "" = "per Telegram"; From 0b93f6a60a8bc994a52efc8c6005c0da4e6f2ec9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 17:06:43 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 21/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Korean) --- .../ko.lproj/Localizable.strings | 44 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings index c43e723a3e..4ae8cd3506 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -362,21 +362,21 @@ "deposit.warning" = "이 주소로는 %@만 보내주세요. 다른 종류의 토큰을 이 주소로 보내면 최종적으로 손실이 발생합니다."; -"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"receive_network_select.title" = "회로망"; "receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; -"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "주소 형식"; "receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; -"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (평균)"; // Send "send.title" = "전송 %@"; "send.send" = "전송"; -"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; +"send.no_assets" = "자산을 보낼 수 없습니다."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "양"; "send.address_placeholder" = "주소"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "주소 또는 도메인"; @@ -453,12 +453,12 @@ // Donate -"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; -"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; -"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; -"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; -"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; -"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"donate.list.title" = "기부하기"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "주소 받기"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "구애"; +"donate.title" = "기부하기 %@"; +"donate.no_assets" = "당신은 기부할 자산이 없습니다."; +"" = "함께, 여러분의 지원으로 우리는 이 앱을 더 좋게 만들 수 있습니다!"; // CoinSelector @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ // Swap "swap.title" = "스왑"; -"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; +"swap.no_assets" = "자산을 교환할 수 없습니다."; "swap.you_pay" = "지불하기"; "swap.estimated" = "예상"; "swap.balance" = "잔액"; @@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; "settings.theme" = "테마"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "분산형 앱"; -"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "함께, 여러분의 지원으로 우리는 이 앱을 더 좋게 만들 수 있습니다!"; "settings.donate.title" = "후원하기"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1121,13 +1121,13 @@ "settings.about_app.description" = "%@ 지갑은 암호화폐를 개인적이고 독립적인 방식으로 투자하고 보관하려는 사람들을 위해 만들어졌습니다. \n\n이 지갑은 사용자만이 자금에 대한 통제를 갖는 비보관형 P2P 지갑입니다. 데이터를 수집하지 않으며 사용자의 자금을 특정 지갑 앱에 잠그지 않아 독립성을 유지합니다. \n\n%@ 지갑은 완전한 오픈소스이며 누구든지 앱이 주장하는 대로 정확하게 작동하는지 확인할 수 있습니다."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "새로운 기능"; "" = "Website"; -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "문의하기"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "앱 평가"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "친구에게 추천하기"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "문의하기"; "" = "이메일로"; "" = "텔레그램을 통해"; @@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ "appearance.theme.light" = "밝은"; "appearance.tab_settings" = "탭 설정"; -"appearance.markets_tab" = "Markets Tab"; +"appearance.markets_tab" = "마켓 탭"; "appearance.launch_screen" = "시작 화면"; "" = "자동"; "appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "잔액"; @@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ "appearance.balance_value.coin_value" = "코인 가치"; "appearance.balance_value.fiat_value" = "법정 가치"; -"appearance.balance_auto_hide" = "Balance Auto Hide"; +"appearance.balance_auto_hide" = "밸런스 자동 숨기기"; // Settings -> Contacts @@ -1353,9 +1353,9 @@ "wallet_connect.url" = "URL 주소"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "지갑 활성화"; "wallet_connect.address" = "주소"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "회로망"; "wallet_connect.address" = "주소"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "회로망"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "보류 중인 요청"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "지원되는 체인이 없습니다!"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "일부 체인은 지원되지 않습니다!"; @@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ "cex_deposit.title" = "침전 %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "주소"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "회로망"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Tag)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "최소 금액"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "메모(tag)는 필수입니다. 메모 없이는 코인을 잃을 수 있습니다."; @@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Network"; +"" = "회로망"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "출금 주소와 입금 플랫폼이 일치하는지 확인하고 지원하는 자산이어야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 자산이 손실될 수 있습니다."; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "수수료"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "금액에 대한 수수료"; @@ -1725,12 +1725,12 @@ // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "회로망"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "인출 주소가 네트워크와 일치하고, 입금 플랫폼이 해당 네트워크를 지원하는지 확인하세요."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "출금하셨습니다"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "회로망"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "빼다"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "출금 실패"; From 35eecb39b074d540e0ac154ce39001369326cdc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 17:06:45 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 22/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Russian) --- .../ru.lproj/Localizable.strings | 30 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings index 1211bb1c9a..526c15a71d 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "Разрешено"; "alert.revoking" = "Отмена"; "alert.revoked" = "Отменен"; -"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Не удалось распознать"; "no_results_found" = "Ничего не найдено"; "action.loading" = "загрузка..."; @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "Зашифрованные данные вашего кошелька были недавно аннулированы, поскольку ваш экран блокировки iOS был изменен"; // Token Balance Page -"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; +"balance.token.locked" = "Заблокировано"; "" = "Locked title"; "" = "Locked Description Text"; "balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; @@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ "receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; "deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; -"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; +"deposit.address_format" = "Формат"; "deposit.qr_code_description" = "Ваш адрес для депозита %@"; "" = "Watch address of %@"; "deposit.account" = "Account"; @@ -366,21 +366,21 @@ "deposit.warning" = "Отправка только %@ на этот адрес. Отправка других типов токенов на этот адрес приведет к их окончательной потере."; -"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"receive_network_select.title" = "Сеть"; "receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; -"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Формат адреса"; "receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; -"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (рекомендовано)"; // Send "send.title" = "Отправить %@"; "send.send" = "Отправить"; -"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; +"send.no_assets" = "У вас нет активов для отправки."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "Сумма"; "send.address_placeholder" = "Адрес"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Адрес или домен"; @@ -1125,13 +1125,13 @@ "settings.about_app.description" = "Кошелек %@ создан для тех, кто хочет инвестировать и хранить криптовалюты частным и независимым образом.\n\nЭто одноранговый кошелек, где только пользователь имеет контроль над средствами. Он не собирает никаких данных и обеспечивает независимость пользователя, не привязывая средства пользователя к определенному приложению.\n\nКошелек %@ имеет полностью открытый исходный код, и любой может подтвердить, что приложение работает именно так, как заявлено."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Что нового"; "" = "Веб-сайт"; -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "Связаться с нами"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Оценить нас"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Рассказать друзьям"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "Связаться с нами"; "" = "по электронной почте"; "" = "через Telegram"; @@ -1357,9 +1357,9 @@ "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "Активный Кошелек"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Адрес"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Сеть"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Адрес"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Сеть"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Ожидающие запросы"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "Нет поддерживаемых блокчейнов!"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "Некоторые блокчейны не поддерживаются!"; @@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ "cex_deposit.title" = "Депозит %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "Адрес"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Сеть"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Tag)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "Мин. сумма"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Необходимо memo (tag), или вы потеряете ваши монеты."; @@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@ // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Сеть"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "Убедитесь, что сеть совпадает с адресом снятия, а платформа депозита поддерживает его, или активы могут быть потеряны."; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "Комиссия"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "Комиссия от суммы"; @@ -1731,12 +1731,12 @@ // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Сеть"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "Убедитесь, что сеть совпадает с адресом снятия и платформа депозита поддерживает его."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "Вывод средств"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Сеть"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Вывод средств"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Вывод средств не выполнен"; From 5922ff9f5cc7fca79673614b6e9f3c66e2def6d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 17:06:46 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 23/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Turkish) --- .../tr.lproj/Localizable.strings | 24 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings index 2bb847cdcf..ed5595ae86 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -364,11 +364,11 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "deposit.warning" = "Bu adrese yalnızca %@ gönderin. Bu adrese başka türden jetonların gönderilmesi nihai kayıplarına neden olacaktır."; -"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; -"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_network_select.title" = "Ağ"; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Bir ağ seçin ve para yatırmak için bir adres alın."; -"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; -"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Adres Formatı"; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Bir ağ seçin ve para yatırmak için bir adres alın."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; @@ -456,8 +456,8 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; // Donate "donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; -"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; -"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Adresi al"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Adresler"; "donate.title" = "Donate %@"; "donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; "" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; @@ -1355,9 +1355,9 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "Aktif Cüzdan"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Adres"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Ağ"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Adres"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Ağ"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Bekleyen Talepler"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "Desteklenen zincir yok!"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "Bazı zincirler desteklenmiyor!"; @@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "cex_deposit.title" = "Depozito %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "Adres"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Ağ"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Tag)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "Min. miktar"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Not (etiket) gereklidir, aksi takdirde madeni paralarınızı kaybedersiniz."; @@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Ağ"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "Ağın para çekme adresiyle eşleştiğinden ve para yatırma platformunun bunu desteklediğinden emin olun, aksi takdirde varlıklar kaybolabilir."; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "Ücret"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "Tutardan ücret"; @@ -1727,12 +1727,12 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Ağ"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "Ağın para çekme adresiyle eşleştiğinden ve para yatırma platformunun bunu desteklediğinden emin olun."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "Geri Çekilirsin"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Ağ"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Hesaptan Çek"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Para çekme başarısız oldu"; From bf630841f6a09013079e15349952a0e001bff32c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 17:06:47 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 24/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh.lproj/Localizable.strings | 66 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings index 75ff561bf7..1e6c359f7b 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "批准"; "alert.revoking" = "正在取消"; "alert.revoked" = "已注销"; -"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "无法识别"; "no_results_found" = "未发现结果"; "action.loading" = "正在加载..."; @@ -320,14 +320,14 @@ // Token Balance Page "balance.token.locked" = "锁住"; -"" = "Locked title"; -"" = "Locked Description Text"; -"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; -"" = "Staked title"; -"" = "Staked Description Text"; -"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; -"" = "Frozen title"; -"" = "Frozen Description Text"; +"" = "锁定标题"; +"" = "锁定描述文本"; +"balance.token.staked" = "已关注"; +"" = "关注的标题"; +"" = "相关的描述文本"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "冰雪奇缘"; +"" = "冰冻标题"; +"" = "冻结描述文本"; // Account switcher @@ -346,39 +346,39 @@ "deposit.address" = "地址"; "deposit.your_address" = "您的地址"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "您必须在接收%@之前先备份%@。"; -"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; -"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "您需要在收到任何硬币之前备份 %@。"; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "无法提供地址"; -"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; +"deposit.address_format" = "格式"; "deposit.qr_code_description" = "您存放 %@ 的地址"; -"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"" = "观看 %@ 的地址"; "deposit.account" = "账户"; "deposit.not_active" = "不活动"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "未激活的地址"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "新创建的 TRON 区块链上的帐户是不活动的,无法查询或探索。它们需要激活。\n\n正在将TRX或 TRC-10令牌传输到一个不活动的帐户地址将激活该帐户。 激活Tron链上的一个新帐户需要1TRX"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "您以前是否拥有过任何ZEC硬币?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "是的,我已经拥有了"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "不,我没有"; "deposit.warning" = "只发送 %@ 到此地址。向此地址发送其他类型的令牌将导致其最终丢失。"; -"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; -"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_network_select.title" = "網絡"; +"receive_network_select.description" = "选择一个网络并获取要接收的地址。"; -"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; -"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "地址格式"; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "选择一个网络并获取要接收的地址。"; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "本机SegWit格式是比特币中为了改进输送和安全性而偏爱的。 所有地址格式 (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) 可以互换使用来接收BTC ,而不论发送者的地址格式。 启用跨越不同种类的无缝交易。"; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "现金地址格式更适合接收比特币现金(BCH),因为它提高了用户体验和兼容性。 然而,无论发件人的地址格式如何,两种地址格式都可以互换地用于接收BCCH。"; -"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (平均)"; // Send "send.title" = "发送%@"; "send.send" = "发送​​"; -"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; +"send.no_assets" = "您没有要发送的资产。"; "send.amount_placeholder" = "金额"; "send.address_placeholder" = "地址"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "地址或域名"; @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ // Donate -"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; +"donate.list.title" = "捐赠方式"; "donate.list.get_address" = "获取地址"; "donate.list.get_address.title" = "地址"; "donate.title" = "捐赠%@"; @@ -1123,13 +1123,13 @@ "settings.about_app.description" = "%@ 钱包是为那些寻求投资和以私人和独立方式存储加密货币的人建造的。\n\n它是一个非保管的、对等的钱包,在那里只有用户能够控制资金。 它不收集任何数据,并且通过不将用户的资金锁定到特定的钱包应用程序来保持用户独立。\n\n %@ 钱包完全开源,任何人都可以确认应用程序的工作完全如其所声称的那样正常。"; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "新增内容"; "" = "网站"; -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "联系我们"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "评价我们"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "分享给好友"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "联系我们"; "" = "通过电子邮件"; "" = "通过 Telegram"; @@ -1355,9 +1355,9 @@ "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "激活钱包"; "wallet_connect.address" = "地址"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "網絡"; "wallet_connect.address" = "地址"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "網絡"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "待处理请求"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "没有任何支持的链!"; "wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "一些链是不支持的!"; @@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ "cex_deposit.title" = "存款 %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "地址"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "網絡"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Tag)"; "cex_deposit.min_amount" = "最小金额"; "cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Memo(标签)是必需的,否则您将丢失您的硬币。"; @@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@ // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Network"; +"" = "網絡"; "cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "确保网络匹配提款地址和存款平台支持它,否则资产可能丢失。"; "cex_withdraw.fee" = "费用"; "cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "费用金额"; @@ -1727,12 +1727,12 @@ // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "網絡"; "cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "确保网络匹配提款地址和存款平台支持它。"; // Cex Withdraw Confirm "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "您已退出"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "網絡"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "提取"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "提取失败"; From 6a465875570da6706b0de5e3a42341ee52864de2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 19:22:38 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 25/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Spanish) --- .../es.lproj/Localizable.strings | 24 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings index cb2d8361c4..4541cd7c75 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/es.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "Aprobar"; "alert.revoking" = "Revocando"; "alert.revoked" = "Revocada"; -"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "No se puede reconocer"; "no_results_found" = "No se han encontrado resultados"; "action.loading" = "cargando..."; @@ -320,14 +320,14 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; // Token Balance Page "balance.token.locked" = "Bloqueado"; -"" = "Locked title"; -"" = "Locked Description Text"; -"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; -"" = "Staked title"; -"" = "Staked Description Text"; -"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; -"" = "Frozen title"; -"" = "Frozen Description Text"; +"" = "Título bloqueado"; +"" = "Texto de descripción bloqueado"; +"balance.token.staked" = "Llevado"; +"" = "Título tomado"; +"" = "Texto de descripción tomada"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "Congelados"; +"" = "Título congelado"; +"" = "Texto de descripción congelada"; // Account switcher @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "deposit.address" = "Dirección"; "deposit.your_address" = "Su dirección"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "Necesita una Copia de seguridad %@ antes de poder recibir %@."; -"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "Necesitas hacer una copia de seguridad de %@ antes de poder recibir cualquier moneda."; "deposit.no_adapter.error" = "No se puede proporcionar la dirección"; "deposit.address_format" = "Formatear"; @@ -365,10 +365,10 @@ Ir a Ajustes - > %@ y permitir el acceso a la cámara."; "deposit.warning" = "Enviar sólo %@ a esta dirección. Enviar otros tipos de tokens a esta dirección dará como resultado su pérdida definitiva."; "receive_network_select.title" = "La red"; -"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Elija una red y obtenga una dirección a recibir."; "receive_address_format_select.title" = "Formato de Dirección"; -"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Elija una red y obtenga una dirección a recibir."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "El formato de SegWit nativo es preferido en Bitcoin para un mejor rendimiento y seguridad. Todos los formatos de dirección (Tapproot, SegWit, Legacy) pueden utilizarse de forma intercambiable para recibir BTC independientemente del formato de dirección del remitente, habilitando transacciones perfectas en diferentes tipos de moneda."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "El formato de Dirección de Efectivo es preferido para recibir Bitcoin Cash (BCH) debido a su mejor experiencia de usuario y compatibilidad. Sin embargo, ambos formatos de dirección se pueden utilizar de forma intercambiable para recibir BCH, independientemente del formato de dirección del remitente."; From e77366d0a228b3c2eb290abab90129e304f8b441 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 19:22:39 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 26/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Turkish) --- .../UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings index ed5595ae86..085250eab7 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; -"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (ortalama)"; // Send From 73b8f9a9ad605cb3b728b2aa52945711f29d798a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 19:22:40 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 27/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- .../pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings | 186 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 93 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings index cbe5318f95..c98ed629a2 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ "button.ok" = "OK"; -"button.apply" = "Apply"; -"button.cancel" = "Cancel"; -"button.close" = "Close"; -"button.continue" = "Continue"; -"button.done" = "Done"; -"button.reset" = "Reset"; -"button.import" = "Import"; -"" = "Next"; -"button.delete" = "Delete"; +"button.apply" = "Aplicar"; +"button.cancel" = "Cancelar"; +"button.close" = "Fechar"; +"button.continue" = "Continuar"; +"button.done" = "Concluído"; +"button.reset" = "Resetar"; +"button.import" = "Importar"; +"" = "Próximo"; +"button.delete" = "Deletar"; "button.share" = "Share"; "button.paste" = "Paste"; "button.resend" = "Resend"; @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ "alert.warning" = "Warning"; "alert.error" = "Error"; "alert.unknown_error" = "Unknown Error"; -"alert.success_action" = "Done"; +"alert.success_action" = "Concluído"; "alert.success" = "Success"; "alert.added_to_watchlist" = "Added to Watchlist"; @@ -278,53 +278,53 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "error.send.self_transfer" = "Sending to yourself is not supported"; "error.send_binance.memo_required" = "The receiver requires a non-empty memo in the transfer transaction"; -"error.send_binance.only_digits_allowed" = "Requires the memo to contain only digits"; -"error.send_z_cash.transparent_address" = "%@ doesn't support payments to a transparent address"; +"error.send_binance.only_digits_allowed" = "Requer que o memorando contenha apenas dígitos"; +"error.send_z_cash.transparent_address" = "O %@ não suporta pagamentos para um endereço transparente"; // Balance -"balance.title" = "Balance"; -"balance.tab_bar_item" = "Balance"; +"balance.title" = "Saldo"; +"balance.tab_bar_item" = "Saldo"; "balance.send" = "Send"; -"balance.withdraw" = "Withdraw"; -"balance.swap" = "Swap"; -"balance.receive" = "Receive"; -"balance.deposit" = "Deposit"; -"balance.address" = "Address"; -"balance.rate_per_coin" = "%@ per %@"; -"balance.syncing" = "Syncing..."; -"balance.searching" = "Searching transactions..."; -"balance.downloading_sapling" = "Downloading Sapling... %d%%"; -"balance.downloading_blocks" = "Downloading Blocks"; -"balance.scanning_blocks" = "Scanning Blocks"; -"balance.enhancing_transactions" = "Enhancing Transactions"; +"balance.withdraw" = "Sacar"; +"balance.swap" = "Trocar"; +"balance.receive" = "Receber"; +"balance.deposit" = "Receber"; +"balance.address" = "Endereço"; +"balance.rate_per_coin" = "%@ por %@"; +"balance.syncing" = "Sincronizando..."; +"balance.searching" = "Procurando transações..."; +"balance.downloading_sapling" = "Baixando prévias.. %d%%"; +"balance.downloading_blocks" = "Baixando Blocos"; +"balance.scanning_blocks" = "Verificando Blocos"; +"balance.enhancing_transactions" = "Aprimorando Transações"; "balance.searching.count" = "%@ tx"; -"balance.syncing_percent" = "Syncing... %@"; -"balance.synced_through" = "until %@"; -"balance.add_coin" = "Add Coin"; -"balance.invalid_api_key" = "Invalid API Key"; -"balance.empty.add_coins" = "Add Coins"; -"balance.empty.description" = "You haven't added any coins to this wallet."; -"balance.watch_empty.description" = "This wallet address does not have any balance"; -"balance.sort_by" = "Sort By"; -"balance.sort.header" = "Sort by"; -"balance.sort.valueHighToLow" = "Balance"; +"balance.syncing_percent" = "Sincronizando... %@"; +"balance.synced_through" = "até %@"; +"balance.add_coin" = "Adicionar Moeda"; +"balance.invalid_api_key" = "Chave de API inválida"; +"balance.empty.add_coins" = "Adicionar Moedas"; +"balance.empty.description" = "Você não adicionou nenhuma moeda nesta carteira."; +"balance.watch_empty.description" = "Este endereço da carteira não tem nenhum saldo"; +"balance.sort_by" = "Organizar por"; +"balance.sort.header" = "Organizar por"; +"balance.sort.valueHighToLow" = "Saldo"; "" = "Name"; -"balance.sort.price_change" = "Price Change"; +"balance.sort.price_change" = "Mudança de Preço"; -"balance_error.change_source" = "Change Source"; -"balance_error.sync_error" = "Sync Error"; -"lost_accounts.warning_title" = "iOS Keychain Error"; -"lost_accounts.warning_message" = "The encrypted data holding your wallet was recently invalidated because your iOS lock screen was changed"; +"balance_error.change_source" = "Mudar a fonte"; +"balance_error.sync_error" = "Erro de Sincronização"; +"lost_accounts.warning_title" = "Erro de Keychain do iOS"; +"lost_accounts.warning_message" = "Os dados criptografados que continham sua carteira foram invalidados recentemente porque a tela de bloqueio do iOS foi alterada"; // Token Balance Page -"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; -"" = "Locked title"; -"" = "Locked Description Text"; -"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; -"" = "Staked title"; -"" = "Staked Description Text"; +"balance.token.locked" = "Bloqueado"; +"" = "Título bloqueado"; +"" = "Texto com Descrição Bloqueada"; +"balance.token.staked" = "Investido"; +"" = "Título Implantado"; +"" = "Texto com Descrição Implantada"; "balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; "" = "Frozen title"; "" = "Frozen Description Text"; @@ -332,20 +332,20 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Account switcher "switch_account.title" = "Switch Wallet"; -"switch_account.wallets" = "Wallets"; -"switch_account.watch_wallets" = "Watch Wallets"; +"switch_account.wallets" = "Carteiras"; +"switch_account.watch_wallets" = "Ver Endereço"; // Release notes -"release_notes.title" = "What's New"; -"release_notes.follow_us" = "Follow Us"; +"release_notes.title" = "O que há de novo"; +"release_notes.follow_us" = "Siga a gente"; // Deposit -"deposit.receive_coin" = "Receive %@"; -"deposit.address" = "Address"; -"deposit.your_address" = "Your Address"; -"receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive %@."; +"deposit.receive_coin" = "Receber %@"; +"deposit.address" = "Endereço"; +"deposit.your_address" = "Seu endereço"; +"receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "Você precisa fazer um backup de %@ antes de poder receber %@."; "receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; "deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "send.send" = "Send"; "send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "Amount"; -"send.address_placeholder" = "Address"; +"send.address_placeholder" = "Endereço"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Address or Domain"; "send.fee" = "Fee"; "send.network_fee" = "Network Fee"; @@ -390,9 +390,9 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "send.duration.minutes" = "%d min."; "send.available_balance" = "Available Balance"; "send.max_button" = "Max"; -"send.next_button" = "Next"; +"send.next_button" = "Próximo"; "send.error.invalid" = "Invalid"; -"send.error.address" = "Address"; +"send.error.address" = "Endereço"; "send.hodler_locktime" = "TimeLock"; "send.hodler_locktime_hour" = "1 hour"; "send.hodler_locktime_month" = "1 month"; @@ -409,22 +409,22 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.title" = "2. Deterministic"; "send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.description" = "There is a commonly agreed standard for ordering transaction outputs (known as BIP69). In open-source wallets, that standard ensures wallet users do not need to trust how developers of the app implement the ordering of the outputs. As this standard is new, not many wallets have implemented it yet. As a result, it's somewhat possible to see on the blockchain whether a transaction was sent from a wallet that uses that standard or not."; -"send.confirmation.you_send" = "You Send"; -"" = "To"; -"send.confirmation.contact_name" = "Contact Name"; -"send.confirmation.domain" = "Domain"; -"send.confirmation.address" = "Address"; +"send.confirmation.you_send" = "Enviar"; +"" = "Para"; +"send.confirmation.contact_name" = "Nome do Contato"; +"send.confirmation.domain" = "Domínio"; +"send.confirmation.address" = "Endereço"; "send.confirmation.account" = "Account"; "send.confirmation.memo" = "Memo"; "send.confirmation.memo_placeholder" = "Memo"; "" = "Total"; "send.confirmation.fee" = "Fee"; -"send.confirmation.time_lock" = "Time Lock"; -"send.confirmation.slide_to_send" = "Slide to Send"; +"send.confirmation.time_lock" = "TimeLock"; +"send.confirmation.slide_to_send" = "Deslize para enviar"; "send.confirmation.sending" = "Sending"; -"send.confirmation.resend_description" = "This action will attempt to invalidate the previous transaction by resending it with a higher fee. If the original transaction remains pending when a new one sent there is s a high chance (not guaranteed) that it will be invalidated and replaced. Only one of these two transactions will be included in the blockchain."; +"send.confirmation.resend_description" = "Esta ação tentará invalidar a transação anterior, reenviando-a com uma taxa maior. Se a transação original permanecer pendente quando uma nova foi enviada há uma alta chance (não garantida) de que ela seja invalidada e substituída. Apenas uma dessas duas transações será incluída no blockchain."; "send.confirmation.resend" = "Resend"; -"send.confirmation.cancel_description" = "This action will attempt to invalidate previous transaction by resending as a new 0 amount transaction to self. If the original transaction remains pending when a new one sent there is s a high chance (not guaranteed) that it will be invalidated and replaced. Only one of these two transactions will be included in the blockchain."; +"send.confirmation.cancel_description" = "Esta ação tentará invalidar a transação anterior, reenviando-a com uma taxa maior. Se a transação original permanecer pendente quando uma nova foi enviada há uma alta chance (não garantida) de que ela seja invalidada e substituída. Apenas uma dessas duas transações será incluída no blockchain."; "send.confirmation.cancel" = "Cancel Transaction"; "send.confirmation.nonce" = "Nonce"; "send.confirmation.method" = "Method"; @@ -468,16 +468,16 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Swap -"swap.title" = "Swap"; +"swap.title" = "Trocar"; "swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; "swap.you_pay" = "You Pay"; "swap.estimated" = "estimated"; -"swap.balance" = "Balance"; +"swap.balance" = "Saldo"; "swap.allowance" = "Allowance"; "swap.you_get" = "You Get"; "swap.token" = "Select"; "swap.advanced_settings" = "Swap Settings"; -"swap.proceed_button" = "Next"; +"swap.proceed_button" = "Próximo"; "swap.approve.title" = "Swap Approve"; "swap.approve.description" = "You should grant permission to a smart contract to swap a given token on your behalf. This permission sets the amount that can be used by a smart contract. It doesn't affect your balance but requires a small fee to execute an approval transaction. \n\nWhile it may be done on-demand before each trade, it's cheaper to approve a higher amount in advance for future trades."; "swap.approve.amount_error.already_approved" = "You already have an allowance for this amount"; @@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Swap Approving -"swap.approve.subtitle" = "Swap"; +"swap.approve.subtitle" = "Trocar"; // Swap Confirmation @@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "market.tvl.platform_field.all" = "All"; -"market.sort_by" = "Sort By"; +"market.sort_by" = "Organizar por"; "" = "Top Coins"; "" = "Top Coins by market cap rank"; @@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "market.advanced_search.liquidity" = "DEX Liquidity"; "market.advanced_search.blockchains" = "Blockchains"; "market.advanced_search.price_period" = "Price Period"; -"market.advanced_search.price_change" = "Price Change"; +"market.advanced_search.price_change" = "Mudança de Preço"; "market.advanced_search.outperformed_btc" = "Outperformed BTC"; "market.advanced_search.outperformed_eth" = "Outperformed ETH"; @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "market.advanced_search.price_close_to_atl" = "Price Close To ATL"; "" = "Top %d"; -"market.advanced_search.reset_all" = "Reset"; +"market.advanced_search.reset_all" = "Resetar"; "market.advanced_search.less_5_m" = "< 5M"; "market.advanced_search.less_10_m" = "< 10M"; @@ -930,12 +930,12 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "transactions.completed" = "Completed"; "transactions.failed" = "Failed"; -"transactions.receive" = "Receive"; +"transactions.receive" = "Receber"; "transactions.send" = "Send"; "transactions.burn" = "Burn"; "" = "Mint"; "transactions.approve" = "Approve"; -"transactions.swap" = "Swap"; +"transactions.swap" = "Trocar"; "transactions.contract_call" = "Contract Call"; "transactions.contract_creation" = "Contract Creation"; "transactions.external_call" = "External Call"; @@ -969,9 +969,9 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "tx_info.status.failed" = "Failed"; "tx_info.from_hash" = "From"; "tx_info.transaction_id" = "ID"; -"tx_info.to_hash" = "To"; +"tx_info.to_hash" = "Para"; "tx_info.spender" = "Spender"; -"tx_info.contact_name" = "Contact Name"; +"tx_info.contact_name" = "Nome do Contato"; "tx_info.button_explorer" = "View on %@"; "tx_info.rate" = "Historical Rate"; "tx_info.options.speed_up" = "Speed Up"; @@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Manage Keys "settings_manage_keys.title" = "Manage Wallets"; -"settings_manage_keys.delete" = "Delete"; +"settings_manage_keys.delete" = "Deletar"; "settings_manage_keys.backup" = "Backup"; "settings_manage_keys.delete.title" = "Delete Wallet"; "settings_manage_keys.delete.confirmation_remove" = "The action will delete this wallet from the device."; @@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "settings.about_app.title" = "About App"; "settings.about_app.app_name" = "%@ Wallet"; "settings.about_app.description" = "The %@ wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.\n\nIt's a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn't collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user's funds to a specific wallet app.\n\nThe %@ wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to."; -"settings.about_app.whats_new" = "What's New"; +"settings.about_app.whats_new" = "O que há de novo"; "" = "Website"; "" = "Contact Us"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Rate Us"; @@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "appearance.markets_tab" = "Markets Tab"; "appearance.launch_screen" = "Launch Screen"; "" = "Auto"; -"appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "Balance"; +"appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "Saldo"; "appearance.launch_screen.market_overview" = "Market Overview"; "appearance.launch_screen.watchlist" = "Watchlist"; @@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "" = "Delete Contact"; "" = "Are you sure you want to delete this contact?"; -"" = "Delete"; +"" = "Deletar"; "" = "Are you sure you want to discard these new changes?"; "" = "Discard Changes"; @@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "contacts.add_address.delete_alert.title" = "Delete Address"; "contacts.add_address.delete_alert.description" = "Are you sure you want to delete this address?"; -"contacts.add_address.delete_alert.delete" = "Delete"; +"contacts.add_address.delete_alert.delete" = "Deletar"; // Contacts -> Settings @@ -1354,9 +1354,9 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "wallet_connect.error.invalid_url" = "Invalid URL Address"; "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; "wallet_connect.active_account" = "Active Wallet"; -"wallet_connect.address" = "Address"; +"wallet_connect.address" = "Endereço"; "" = "Network"; -"wallet_connect.address" = "Address"; +"wallet_connect.address" = "Endereço"; "" = "Network"; "wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Pending Requests"; "wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "No any supported chains!"; @@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "wallet_connect.request_title" = "Contract Call"; "wallet_connect.button.confirm" = "Confirm"; "wallet_connect.sign.request_title" = "Sign Request"; -"wallet_connect.sign.domain" = "Domain"; +"wallet_connect.sign.domain" = "Domínio"; "wallet_connect.sign.dapp_name" = "dApp"; "wallet_connect.sign.message" = "Message to sign"; @@ -1524,7 +1524,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "fee_settings.inputs_outputs" = "Inputs/Outputs"; "fee_settings.transaction_settings" = "Transaction Settings"; "fee_settings.transaction_settings.description" = "Make your Bitcoin transactions harder to trace by changing the way transactions are structured."; -"fee_settings.time_lock" = "Time Lock"; +"fee_settings.time_lock" = "TimeLock"; "fee_settings.time_lock.description" = "TimeLock works only for sending to BIP44 addresses (starting with 1)"; "fee_settings.network_fee" = "Network Fee"; @@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "watch_address.title" = "Watch Wallet"; "" = "Watch"; -"watch_address.address" = "Address"; +"watch_address.address" = "Endereço"; "" = "By"; "watch_address.watch_by" = "Watch By"; "watch_address.evm_address" = "EVM Address"; @@ -1596,7 +1596,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "nft_asset.floor_price" = "Floor Price"; "nft_asset.on_sale" = "On Sale"; "nft_asset.on_auction" = "On Auction"; -"nft_asset.until_date" = "until %@"; +"nft_asset.until_date" = "até %@"; "nft_asset.buy_now" = "Buy Now"; "nft_asset.minimum_bid" = "Minimum Bid"; "nft_asset.best_offer" = "Best Offer"; @@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "activate_subscription.title" = "Activate"; "activate_subscription.wallet" = "Wallet"; -"activate_subscription.address" = "Address"; +"activate_subscription.address" = "Endereço"; "activate_subscription.message" = "Message to Sign"; "activate_subscription.sign" = "Sign"; "activate_subscription.activating" = "Activating..."; @@ -1689,7 +1689,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Cex Coin Select "cex_coin_select.title" = "Choose Coin"; -"cex_coin_select.withdraw" = "Withdraw"; +"cex_coin_select.withdraw" = "Sacar"; "cex_coin_select.withdraw.empty" = "You have no assets to withdraw."; "cex_coin_select.search_placeholder" = "Coin Code or Name"; "cex_coin_select.suspended" = "Suspended"; @@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Cex Deposit "cex_deposit.title" = "Deposit %@"; -"cex_deposit.address" = "Address"; +"cex_deposit.address" = "Endereço"; "" = "Network"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Tag)"; @@ -1734,5 +1734,5 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "You Withdraw"; "" = "Network"; -"cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Withdraw"; +"cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Sacar"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Withdraw failed"; From 266c8542e738d4fb6e675b8e4d31e294e7338d3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 22:30:35 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 28/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- .../pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings | 224 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 112 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings index c98ed629a2..b691390f0c 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -425,33 +425,33 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "send.confirmation.resend_description" = "Esta ação tentará invalidar a transação anterior, reenviando-a com uma taxa maior. Se a transação original permanecer pendente quando uma nova foi enviada há uma alta chance (não garantida) de que ela seja invalidada e substituída. Apenas uma dessas duas transações será incluída no blockchain."; "send.confirmation.resend" = "Resend"; "send.confirmation.cancel_description" = "Esta ação tentará invalidar a transação anterior, reenviando-a com uma taxa maior. Se a transação original permanecer pendente quando uma nova foi enviada há uma alta chance (não garantida) de que ela seja invalidada e substituída. Apenas uma dessas duas transações será incluída no blockchain."; -"send.confirmation.cancel" = "Cancel Transaction"; +"send.confirmation.cancel" = "Cancelar transação"; "send.confirmation.nonce" = "Nonce"; -"send.confirmation.method" = "Method"; -"send.amount_error.balance" = "Not Enough Balance"; -"send.address_error.own_address" = "Cannot transfer TRX to yourself"; -"send.amount_error.maximum_amount" = "Maximum amount %@"; -"send.amount_error.minimum_amount" = "Minimum amount %@"; -"send.amount_error.min_required_balance" = "Min. required remainder %@"; -"send.amount_warning.coin_needed_for_fee" = "Consider leaving some %@ on balance to be able to pay for future transactions."; -"send.token.insufficient_fee_alert" = "Transaction fees for transferring %@ (on %@) paid in %@. You need %@."; - -"send.fee_settings.amount_error.balance.title" = "Insufficient Balance"; -"send.fee_settings.amount_error.balance" = "The current %@ balance is below the amount required to process theis transaction, including transaction fee."; - -"send.fee_settings.stuck_warning.title" = "Risk of getting stuck"; -"send.fee_settings.stuck_warning" = "The transaction may get stuck or fail."; -"send.fee_settings.fee_error.title" = "Fee Error"; -"send.fee_settings.too_low" = "Fee Rate is too low."; -"send.fee_settings.fee_rate_unavailable" = "Fee Rate unavailable. Please, check fee rates manually"; - -"send.stuck_warning" = "Warning! Risk of getting stuck"; +"send.confirmation.method" = "Método"; +"send.amount_error.balance" = "Saldo insuficiente"; +"send.address_error.own_address" = "Não é possível transferir TRX para si mesmo"; +"send.amount_error.maximum_amount" = "Valor máximo: %@"; +"send.amount_error.minimum_amount" = "Valor mínimo: %@"; +"send.amount_error.min_required_balance" = "Restante min. necessário %@"; +"send.amount_warning.coin_needed_for_fee" = "Considere deixar algum %@ no saldo para poder pagar transações futuras."; +"send.token.insufficient_fee_alert" = "Taxas de transação para %@ (%@) pagas em %@. Você precisa de %@."; + +"send.fee_settings.amount_error.balance.title" = "Saldo insuficiente"; +"send.fee_settings.amount_error.balance" = "O saldo atual de %@ está abaixo do valor necessário para processar a transação, incluindo taxa de transação."; + +"send.fee_settings.stuck_warning.title" = "Risco de ficar trancado"; +"send.fee_settings.stuck_warning" = "A transação pode ficar presa ou falhar."; +"send.fee_settings.fee_error.title" = "Erro de taxa"; +"send.fee_settings.too_low" = "Taxa de taxa é muito baixa."; +"send.fee_settings.fee_rate_unavailable" = "Tarifa indisponível. Por favor, verifique as taxas de taxas manualmente"; + +"send.stuck_warning" = "Atenção! Risco de ficar preso"; "send.lock_time" = "TimeLock"; -"approve.confirmation.you_approve" = "You Approve"; -"approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "You Revoke"; -"approve.confirmation.spender" = "Spender"; +"approve.confirmation.you_approve" = "Você concorda"; +"approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Você revoga"; +"approve.confirmation.spender" = "Gastador"; // Donate @@ -476,13 +476,13 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "swap.allowance" = "Allowance"; "swap.you_get" = "You Get"; "swap.token" = "Select"; -"swap.advanced_settings" = "Swap Settings"; +"swap.advanced_settings" = "Configurações de troca"; "swap.proceed_button" = "Próximo"; -"swap.approve.title" = "Swap Approve"; -"swap.approve.description" = "You should grant permission to a smart contract to swap a given token on your behalf. This permission sets the amount that can be used by a smart contract. It doesn't affect your balance but requires a small fee to execute an approval transaction. \n\nWhile it may be done on-demand before each trade, it's cheaper to approve a higher amount in advance for future trades."; -"swap.approve.amount_error.already_approved" = "You already have an allowance for this amount"; -"swap.approving_button" = "Approving..."; -"swap.revoke_warning" = "You can exchange %@, or you need to revoke and approve the new amount"; +"swap.approve.title" = "Aprovar Troca"; +"swap.approve.description" = "Você deve conceder permissão a um contrato inteligente para trocar um determinado token em seu nome. Esta permissão define o valor que pode ser usado por um contrato inteligente. Isso não afeta seu saldo mas requer uma pequena taxa para executar uma transação aprovada. \n\nEmbora possa ser feito sob demanda antes de cada negociação, é mais barato aprovar um montante mais elevado antecipadamente para futuras operações."; +"swap.approve.amount_error.already_approved" = "Você já tem uma permissão para este valor"; +"swap.approving_button" = "Aprovando..."; +"swap.revoke_warning" = "Você pode trocar %@, ou você precisa revogar e aprovar o novo valor"; "swap.revoking_button" = "Revoking..."; "swap.not_available_button" = "Balance N/A"; "swap.trade_error.not_found" = "Can't swap these tokens"; @@ -537,83 +537,83 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "swap.confirmation.impact_too_high" = "%@ has disabled swap action for this trade because you're getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.\nIf you still want to swap please use %@ website instead."; "swap.confirmation.impact_warning" = "Important! You're getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity."; -"swap.confirmation.minimum_received" = "Minimum Received"; -"swap.confirmation.maximum_sent" = "Maximum Sent"; +"swap.confirmation.minimum_received" = "Mínimo recebido"; +"swap.confirmation.maximum_sent" = "Gastos máximos"; -"swap.dex_info.description" = "This exchange service is powered by %@, a decentralized token exchange protocol built on the %@ blockchain. \n\n%@ is fully automated and managed by smart contracts that facilitate token exchanges in a reliable manner without any means to cheat."; +"swap.dex_info.description" = "Este serviço de troca é fornecido por %@, um protocolo descentralizado de troca de tokens construído na blockchain %@. \n\n%@ É totalmente automatizado e gerenciado por contratos inteligentes que facilitam a troca de tokens de uma forma confiável sem qualquer meio de trapaça."; -"swap.dex_info.header_dex_related" = "%@ Related"; +"swap.dex_info.header_dex_related" = "%@ Relacionado"; "swap.dex_info.header_allowance" = "Allowance"; -"swap.dex_info.content_allowance" = "The amount an exchange can spend on a user’s behalf when executing token swaps. A proceeding transaction setting sufficient allowance is required before an actual swap transaction can take place."; +"swap.dex_info.content_allowance" = "O montante que uma exchange pode gastar em nome do usuário na execução de trocas simbólicas. É necessária uma margem suficiente para que uma transação de troca efetiva possa ocorrer."; "swap.dex_info.header_price_impact" = "Price Impact"; -"swap.dex_info.content_price_impact" = "The expected price deviation from a shown price typically increases with the swap amount."; -"swap.dex_info.header_swap_fee" = "Swap Fee"; -"swap.dex_info.content_swap_fee" = "A service fee for the swap action on the platform, shown in the currency the user sells. For most orders, it should be either 0.3 % or 0.6 %."; +"swap.dex_info.content_price_impact" = "O desvio de preço esperado de um valor mostrado, normalmente aumenta com o montante de swap."; +"swap.dex_info.header_swap_fee" = "Tarifas de troca"; +"swap.dex_info.content_swap_fee" = "Uma taxa de serviço para a ação de troca na plataforma, mostrada na moeda que o usuário vende. Para a maioria das encomendas, deve situar-se nos 0,3% ou nos 0,6%."; "swap.dex_info.header_guaranteed_amount" = "Guaranteed Amount"; -"swap.dex_info.content_guaranteed_amount" = "The minimum amount a user is going to receive as a result of a swap action."; -"swap.dex_info.header_maximum_spend" = "Maximum Spend"; -"swap.dex_info.content_maximum_spend" = "The maximum amount a user is going to spend as a result of a swap action."; +"swap.dex_info.content_guaranteed_amount" = "A quantia mínima que um usuário receberá em resultado de uma ação de troca."; +"swap.dex_info.header_maximum_spend" = "Gastos máximos"; +"swap.dex_info.content_maximum_spend" = "A quantia mínima que um usuário receberá em resultado de uma ação de troca."; -"swap.dex_info.header_other" = "Other"; -"swap.dex_info.header_transaction_fee" = "Transaction Fee"; -"swap.dex_info.content_transaction_fee" = "The estimated processing cost of the given transaction on %@ blockchain. %@ related transactions will typically cost more than generic token transfer transactions."; -"swap.dex_info.header_transaction_speed" = "Transaction Speed"; -"swap.dex_info.content_transaction_speed" = "Transactions with a higher transaction fee will result in faster processing speeds. The opposite is true as well."; +"swap.dex_info.header_other" = "Outros"; +"swap.dex_info.header_transaction_fee" = "Taxa de Transação"; +"swap.dex_info.content_transaction_fee" = "O custo de processamento estimado da determinada transação em %@ blockchain. %@ transações relacionadas normalmente custarão mais do que as transações genéricas de transferência do token."; +"swap.dex_info.header_transaction_speed" = "Velocidade da Transação"; +"swap.dex_info.content_transaction_speed" = "Transações com uma taxa de transação maior resultarão em velocidades de processamento mais rápidas. O oposto também é verdade."; "swap.dex_info.link_button" = "%@ Site"; // Market -"market.tab_bar_item" = "Markets"; -"market.title" = "Markets"; -"market.category.overview" = "Overview"; -"market.category.posts" = "News"; -"market.category.watchlist" = "Watchlist"; -"market.total_market_cap" = "Total M.Cap"; -"market.24h_volume" = "24h Volume"; -"market.defi_cap" = "DeFi Cap"; -"market.defi_tvl" = "TVL in DeFi"; - -"market.project_has_no_coin" = "This project doesn’t have a coin"; - -"" = "See All"; -"" = "Top Gainers"; -"" = "Top Losers"; -"" = "Top Sectors"; -"" = "News"; +"market.tab_bar_item" = "Mercados"; +"market.title" = "Mercados"; +"market.category.overview" = "Visão geral"; +"market.category.posts" = "Notícias"; +"market.category.watchlist" = "Lista de observação"; +"market.total_market_cap" = "Valor Total de M."; +"market.24h_volume" = "Volume em 24h"; +"market.defi_cap" = "Mercado de DeFi"; +"market.defi_tvl" = "TVL no DeFi"; + +"market.project_has_no_coin" = "Esse projeto não tem uma moeda"; + +"" = "Ver tudo"; +"" = "Maiores Altas"; +"" = "Maiores Quedas"; +"" = "Principais Setores"; +"" = "Notícias"; "" = "Vol"; -"" = "MCap"; -"" = "Diluted MCap"; +"" = "Cap. de mercado"; +"" = "MCap Diludido"; -"market.market_field.mcap" = "MCap"; +"market.market_field.mcap" = "Cap. de mercado"; "market.market_field.vol" = "Vol"; "market.tvl.market_field.value" = "USD"; -"market.tvl.market_field.diff" = "Percent"; +"market.tvl.market_field.diff" = "Percentual"; -"market.tvl.platform_field.all" = "All"; +"market.tvl.platform_field.all" = "Todos"; "market.sort_by" = "Organizar por"; -"" = "Top Coins"; -"" = "Top Coins by market cap rank"; +"" = "Top Moedas"; +"" = "Top moedas por classificação de capitalização de mercado"; -"" = "Highest Cap"; -"" = "Lowest Cap"; -"" = "Highest Volume"; -"" = "Lowest Volume"; -"" = "Top Gainers"; -"" = "Top Losers"; -"" = "Top NFT Collections"; -"" = "Floor:"; -"" = "Top Platforms"; -"" = "Protocols"; +"" = "Maior capitalização"; +"" = "Menor capitalização"; +"" = "Maior volume"; +"" = "Menor volume"; +"" = "Maiores Altas"; +"" = "Maiores Quedas"; +"" = "Principais Coleções NFT"; +"" = "Andar:"; +"" = "Melhores Plataformas"; +"" = "Protocolos"; -"top_platforms.title" = "Platforms Rank"; -"top_platforms.description" = "Leading blockchain platforms by cumulative market of projects built on top."; +"top_platforms.title" = "Classificação de Plataformas"; +"top_platforms.description" = "Liderança de plataformas de blockchain por mercado cumulativo de projetos construídos no topo."; -"top_platform.title" = "%@ Ecosystem"; -"top_platform.description" = "Market cap of all protocols on the %@ chain"; +"top_platform.title" = "%@ Ecossistema"; +"top_platform.description" = "Valor de mercado de todos procolos na cadeia %@"; "market_discovery.title" = "Discovery"; "market_discovery.filters" = "Filters"; @@ -679,31 +679,31 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "" = "1 Day"; "market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Week"; "market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Weeks"; -"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Month"; -"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Months"; -"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Year"; +"market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Mês"; +"market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Meses"; +"market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Ano"; -"market.advanced_search_results.title" = "Results"; +"market.advanced_search_results.title" = "Resultados"; -"" = "Total Market Cap"; -"" = "Total market value of all cryptocurrencies"; +"" = "Capitalização Total de Mercado"; +"" = "Valor total de mercado de todas as criptomoedas"; -"" = "24h Volume"; -"" = "The 24h trading volume of crypto market"; +"" = "Volume em 24h"; +"" = "O volume de operação em 24h do mercado de cripto"; -"" = "DeFi Cap"; -"" = "Total market value of DeFi projects"; +"" = "Mercado de DeFi"; +"" = "Valor total de mercado de projetos DeFi"; -"" = "TVL in DeFi"; -"" = "Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi"; -"" = "Multi-Chain"; +"" = "TVL no DeFi"; +"" = "Valor total bloqueado (TVL) no DeFi"; +"" = "Multi-Cadeia"; "" = "Filter by chain"; // Coin Page "coin_page.overview" = "Price"; "" = "Analytics"; -"" = "Markets"; +"" = "Mercados"; "coin_page.tweets" = "Tweets"; // Coin Page -> Overview @@ -714,16 +714,16 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "coin_overview.market_cap" = "Market Cap"; "coin_overview.circulating_supply" = "In Circulation"; "coin_overview.total_supply" = "Total Supply"; -"coin_overview.diluted_market_cap" = "Diluted MCap"; +"coin_overview.diluted_market_cap" = "MCap Diludido"; "coin_overview.genesis_date" = "Inception Date"; "coin_overview.trading_volume" = "Trading Volume"; "coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 Day"; "coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Week"; "coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Weeks"; -"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Month"; +"coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Mês"; "coin_overview.roi.day200" = "6 Month"; -"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Year"; +"coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Ano"; "coin_overview.category" = "Category"; @@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "coin_analytics.holders.tracked_blockchains" = "Tracked blockchains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon"; "coin_analytics.holders.in_top_10_addresses" = "in top 10 holders"; "coin_analytics.holders.count" = "Total Holders: %@"; -"coin_analytics.holders.see_all" = "See All"; +"coin_analytics.holders.see_all" = "Ver tudo"; "coin_analytics.project_tvl" = "Project TVL"; "coin_analytics.tvl_ratio" = "M.Cap / TVL Ratio"; @@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "coin_analytics.treasuries" = "Treasuries"; "coin_analytics.treasuries.filters" = "Filters"; -"coin_analytics.treasuries.filter.all" = "All"; +"coin_analytics.treasuries.filter.all" = "Todos"; "coin_analytics.treasuries.filter.public" = "Public"; "coin_analytics.treasuries.filter.private" = "Private"; "coin_analytics.treasuries.filter.etf" = "ETF"; @@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "transactions.all_blockchains" = "All Blockchains"; "transactions.all_coins" = "All Coins"; "transactions.choose_coin" = "Choose Coin"; -"transactions.filter_all" = "All"; +"transactions.filter_all" = "Todos"; "transactions.empty_text" = "You don't have any pending or past transactions yet"; "transactions.pending" = "Pending"; "transactions.processing" = "Processing"; @@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "" = "Today"; "transactions.yesterday" = "Yesterday"; -"transactions.types.all" = "All"; +"transactions.types.all" = "Todos"; "transactions.types.incoming" = "Received"; "transactions.types.outgoing" = "Sent"; "transactions.types.swap" = "Swaps"; @@ -970,12 +970,12 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "tx_info.from_hash" = "From"; "tx_info.transaction_id" = "ID"; "tx_info.to_hash" = "Para"; -"tx_info.spender" = "Spender"; +"tx_info.spender" = "Gastador"; "tx_info.contact_name" = "Nome do Contato"; "tx_info.button_explorer" = "View on %@"; "tx_info.rate" = "Historical Rate"; "tx_info.options.speed_up" = "Speed Up"; -"tx_info.options.cancel" = "Cancel Transaction"; +"tx_info.options.cancel" = "Cancelar transação"; "tx_info.transaction.already_in_block" = "Transaction already in block"; "tx_info.fee" = "Fee"; "tx_info.fee.estimated" = "Fee (est.)"; @@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Settings -> Base Currency "settings.base_currency.title" = "Base Currency"; -"settings.base_currency.other" = "Other"; +"settings.base_currency.other" = "Outros"; "settings.base_currency.disclaimer" = "Disclaimer"; "settings.base_currency.disclaimer.description" = "The exchange rate data is provided by a third party service - \n\nThe %@ wallet app doesn't guarantee these values are always correct and matches market data. The chance for inconsistency is higher if you select any base currency other than %@."; "settings.base_currency.disclaimer.set" = "Set"; @@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "" = "Auto"; "appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "Saldo"; "appearance.launch_screen.market_overview" = "Market Overview"; -"appearance.launch_screen.watchlist" = "Watchlist"; +"appearance.launch_screen.watchlist" = "Lista de observação"; "appearance.app_icon" = "App Icon"; @@ -1582,12 +1582,12 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "nft_collections.on_sale" = "On Sale"; "nft_collections.empty" = "You don’t have any NFTs in your wallet"; -"top_nft_collections.title" = "Top NFT Collections"; +"top_nft_collections.title" = "Principais Coleções NFT"; "top_nft_collections.description" = "Leading NFT collections by trading volume."; // Nft Asset -"" = "Overview"; +"" = "Visão geral"; "" = "Activity"; "nft_asset.last_sale" = "Last Sale"; @@ -1615,7 +1615,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Nft Collection -"" = "Overview"; +"" = "Visão geral"; "" = "Items"; "" = "Activity"; @@ -1627,7 +1627,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "nft_collection.overview.owners" = "Owners"; "nft_collection.overview.items" = "Items"; -"nft_collection.overview.24h_volume" = "24h Volume"; +"nft_collection.overview.24h_volume" = "Volume em 24h"; "nft_collection.overview.today_sellers" = "Today's Sellers"; "nft_collection.overview.floor_price" = "Floor Price"; "nft_collection.overview.all_time_average" = "All time average"; From 816b5a512bdd6ddff058c079d2bfb2cf54cb7a81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 23:39:24 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 29/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Korean) --- .../ko.lproj/Localizable.strings | 42 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings index 4ae8cd3506..c6e496b2e2 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "승인됨"; "alert.revoking" = "철회"; "alert.revoked" = "철회됨"; -"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "인식할 수 없음"; "no_results_found" = "No results found"; "action.loading" = "로딩중"; @@ -317,15 +317,15 @@ "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "iOS 잠금 화면이 변경되어 지갑이 보관된 암호화된 데이터가 최근에 무효화되었습니다"; // Token Balance Page -"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; -"" = "Locked title"; -"" = "Locked Description Text"; -"balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; -"" = "Staked title"; -"" = "Staked Description Text"; -"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; -"" = "Frozen title"; -"" = "Frozen Description Text"; +"balance.token.locked" = "잠김"; +"" = "잠긴 제목"; +"" = "잠긴 설명 텍스트"; +"balance.token.staked" = "판돈"; +"" = "스테이크 타이틀"; +"" = "측설 설명 텍스트"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "잠김"; +"" = "겨울왕국 제목"; +"" = "고정된 설명 텍스트"; // Account switcher @@ -344,31 +344,31 @@ "deposit.address" = "주소"; "deposit.your_address" = "당신의 주소"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "%@를 백업해야 %@를 받을 수 있습니다."; -"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; -"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "코인을 받으려면 %@을(를) 백업해야 합니다."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "주소를 제공할 수 없습니다."; -"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; +"deposit.address_format" = "형식"; "deposit.qr_code_description" = "입금 주소: %@"; -"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"" = "%@의 시계 주소"; "deposit.account" = "계정"; "deposit.not_active" = "비활성화됨"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "비활성 주소"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "TRON 블록체인에 새로 생성된 계정은 비활성화되어 있어서 조회하거나 탐색할 수 없습니다. 이 계정은 활성화되어야 합니다.\n\n비활성화된 계정 주소로 TRX 또는 TRC-10 토큰을 전송하면 계정이 활성화됩니다. 새로운 TRON 체인 계정을 활성화하려면 1 TRX의 수수료가 필요합니다."; -"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "이전에 ZEC 코인을 소유한 적이 있나요?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "예, 이미 소유하고 있습니다"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "아니요, 없어요"; "deposit.warning" = "이 주소로는 %@만 보내주세요. 다른 종류의 토큰을 이 주소로 보내면 최종적으로 손실이 발생합니다."; "receive_network_select.title" = "회로망"; -"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_network_select.description" = "네트워크를 선택하고 입금할 주소를 받으세요."; "receive_address_format_select.title" = "주소 형식"; -"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "네트워크를 선택하고 입금할 주소를 받으세요."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "향상된 처리량과 보안을 위해 Bitcoin에서는 기본 SegWit 형식이 선호됩니다. 모든 주소 형식(Taproot, SegWit, Legacy)을 사용하여 보낸 사람의 주소 형식에 관계없이 BTC를 수신할 수 있으므로 다양한 코인 유형에 걸쳐 원활한 거래가 가능합니다."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "향상된 사용자 경험과 호환성으로 인해 비트코인 캐시(BCH)를 수신하는 데 현금 주소 형식이 선호됩니다. 그러나 두 주소 형식은 보낸 사람의 주소 형식에 관계없이 BCH를 수신하는 데 상호 교환적으로 사용될 수 있습니다."; "blockchain_type.recommended" = " (평균)"; From 765276f9535941a6349c6faed16ac5a561fa79a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 23:39:25 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 30/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- .../pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings | 1994 ++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 997 insertions(+), 997 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings index b691390f0c..fda0edc28f 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -8,84 +8,84 @@ "button.import" = "Importar"; "" = "Próximo"; "button.delete" = "Deletar"; -"button.share" = "Share"; -"button.paste" = "Paste"; -"button.resend" = "Resend"; +"button.share" = "Compartilhar"; +"button.paste" = "Colar"; +"button.resend" = "Enviar novamente"; "button.backup" = "Backup"; -"button.copy" = "Copy"; -"button.retry" = "Retry"; -"" = "Report"; -"button.add" = "Add"; -"button.approve" = "Approve"; -"button.revoke" = "Revoke"; -"button.reject" = "Reject"; -"button.connect" = "Connect"; -"" = "Save"; -"button.send" = "Send"; -"button.sign" = "Sign"; -"button.more" = "Show More"; -"button.i_understand" = "I Understand"; -"button.learn_more" = "Learn More"; - -"alert" = "Alert"; -"alert.copied" = "Copied"; -"alert.saved" = "Saved"; -"alert.saved_to_icloud" = "Saved to iCloud"; -"alert.no_internet" = "No Internet"; -"alert.wrong_amount" = "Wrong Amount"; -"alert.no_fee" = "Wrong Fee"; -"alert.warning" = "Warning"; -"alert.error" = "Error"; -"alert.unknown_error" = "Unknown Error"; +"button.copy" = "Copiar"; +"button.retry" = "Tentar de Novo"; +"" = "Reportar"; +"button.add" = "Adicionar"; +"button.approve" = "Aprovar"; +"button.revoke" = "Revogar"; +"button.reject" = "Rejeitar"; +"button.connect" = "Conectar"; +"" = "Salvar"; +"button.send" = "Enviar"; +"button.sign" = "Assinar"; +"button.more" = "Mostrar Mais"; +"button.i_understand" = "Estou ciente"; +"button.learn_more" = "Saiba Mais"; + +"alert" = "Alerta"; +"alert.copied" = "Copiado"; +"alert.saved" = "Salvo"; +"alert.saved_to_icloud" = "Salvo no iCloud"; +"alert.no_internet" = "Sem Internet"; +"alert.wrong_amount" = "Quantia Errada"; +"alert.no_fee" = "Taxa Errada"; +"alert.warning" = "Aviso"; +"alert.error" = "Erro"; +"alert.unknown_error" = "Erro Desconhecido"; "alert.success_action" = "Concluído"; -"alert.success" = "Success"; - -"alert.added_to_watchlist" = "Added to Watchlist"; -"alert.removed_from_watchlist" = "Removed from Watchlist"; -"alert.added_to_wallet" = "Added to Wallet"; -"alert.removed_from_wallet" = "Removed from Wallet"; -"alert.already_added_to_wallet" = "Already added to Wallet"; -"alert.not_supported_yet" = "Not Supported Yet"; -"alert.copied" = "Copied"; -"alert.created" = "Created"; -"alert.imported" = "Imported"; -"alert.wallet_added" = "Wallet Added"; -"alert.deleted" = "Deleted"; -"alert.waiting_for_session" = "Waiting for Session"; -"alert.try_again" = "Try Again"; -"alert.disconnecting" = "Disconnecting"; -"alert.disconnected" = "Disconnected"; -"alert.enabling" = "Enabling"; -"alert.enabled_coins" = "Enabled %@ more coins"; -"alert.sending" = "Sending"; -"alert.sent" = "Sent"; -"alert.swapping" = "Swapping"; -"alert.swapped" = "Swapped"; -"alert.approving" = "Approving"; -"alert.approved" = "Approved"; -"alert.revoking" = "Revoking"; -"alert.revoked" = "Revoked"; -"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; - -"no_results_found" = "No results found"; -"action.loading" = "loading..."; -"" = "Search"; +"alert.success" = "Sucesso or Completado"; + +"alert.added_to_watchlist" = "Adicionado à Lista"; +"alert.removed_from_watchlist" = "Removido da Lista"; +"alert.added_to_wallet" = "Adicionado à Carteira"; +"alert.removed_from_wallet" = "Removido da Carteira"; +"alert.already_added_to_wallet" = "Já adicionado à carteira"; +"alert.not_supported_yet" = "Não suportado ainda"; +"alert.copied" = "Copiado"; +"alert.created" = "Criado"; +"alert.imported" = "Importado"; +"alert.wallet_added" = "Carteira Adicionada"; +"alert.deleted" = "Excluído"; +"alert.waiting_for_session" = "Aguardando sessão"; +"alert.try_again" = "Tentar novamente"; +"alert.disconnecting" = "Desconectando"; +"alert.disconnected" = "Desconectado"; +"alert.enabling" = "Ativando"; +"alert.enabled_coins" = "Moedas a mais ativadas %@"; +"alert.sending" = "Enviando"; +"alert.sent" = "Enviado"; +"alert.swapping" = "Trocando"; +"alert.swapped" = "Trocado"; +"alert.approving" = "Aprovando"; +"alert.approved" = "Aprovado"; +"alert.revoking" = "Revogando"; +"alert.revoked" = "Revogado"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Impossível Reconhecer"; + +"no_results_found" = "Nenhum resultado encontrado"; +"action.loading" = "carregando..."; +"" = "Buscar"; "status" = "Status"; -"connecting" = "Connecting..."; -"online" = "Online"; -"offline" = "Offline"; -"confirm" = "Confirm"; -"connect" = "Connect"; -"price" = "Price"; -"value" = "Value"; -"note" = "Note"; +"connecting" = "Conectando..."; +"online" = "On-line"; +"offline" = "Desconectado"; +"confirm" = "Confirmar"; +"connect" = "Conectar"; +"price" = "Preço"; +"value" = "Valor"; +"note" = "Observação"; -"version" = "Version %@"; +"version" = "Versão %@"; "n/a" = "N/A"; -"sync_error" = "Sync error. Try again."; +"sync_error" = "Erro de sincronização. Tente novamente."; "number.thousand" = "%@K"; "number.million" = "%@M"; @@ -93,43 +93,43 @@ "number.trillion" = "%@T"; "number.quadrillion" = "%@Q"; -"selector.any" = "Any"; +"selector.any" = "Qualquer"; // Access Camera "access_camera.message" = "%@ absolutely needs access to your tremendous camera for scanning that fantastic QR code. Believe me!. Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; -"access_camera.settings" = "Settings"; +"access_camera.settings" = "Configurações"; // Restore -"restore.title" = "Import Wallet"; -"restore.advanced" = "Advanced"; -"restore.import_by" = "Import By"; -"restore.restore_type.mnemonic" = "Recovery Phrase"; -"restore.restore_type.private_key" = "Private Key"; -"restore.mnemonic.placeholder" = "Enter Recovery Phrase"; +"restore.title" = "Importar carteira"; +"restore.advanced" = "Avançado"; +"restore.import_by" = "Importar por"; +"restore.restore_type.mnemonic" = "Frase de Recuperação"; +"restore.restore_type.private_key" = "Chave Privada"; +"restore.mnemonic.placeholder" = "Insira 12, 15, 18, 21 ou 24 palavras"; "restore.private_key.placeholder" = "Give me that EVM Private Key, that BIP32 Root Key, or that Account Extended Private Key, folks. We're talking big league security here!"; -"restore.private_key.invalid_key" = "Invalid Key"; +"restore.private_key.invalid_key" = "Chave Inválida"; "restore_error.mnemonic_word_count" = "Hey, you, %@! You're off the mark. You need between 12 and 24 words, no less, no more. Let's get it right!"; -"restore.checksum_error" = "Invalid checksum"; -"restore.passphrase" = "Passphrase"; -"restore.input.passphrase" = "Passphrase"; +"restore.checksum_error" = "Soma de Verificação Inválida"; +"restore.passphrase" = "Senha"; +"restore.input.passphrase" = "Senha"; "restore.passphrase_description" = "Listen up, folks. This password right here, it's for your wallet's backup file, not your fancy Apple iCloud password, okay? And here's the deal, you forget this one, there's no recovery, no reset. It's like a key to Fort Knox, so guard it like gold!"; "restore.error.empty_passphrase" = "Folks, we can't have an empty passphrase here, okay?"; -"restore.non_standard_import" = "Non-Standard Import"; -"restore.non_standard_import.description" = "This page provides a special wallet import mechanism to %@ users who have a non-standard wallet. Such wallets might have been created in %@ version 0.27 - 0.28 using a non-English recovery phrase and/or a special character in the wallet passphrase (i.e. diacritic symbol).\n\nIf you're an affected user then your wallet balance will be shown 0 after importing such wallet in version 0.29 or above. This page will enable you to restore access to your non-standard wallet. Once imported you're recommended to create a new wallet (which will be standard compliant) and move funds there."; -"restore.warning.non_recommended.description" = "This wallet seems to use a non-standard character in its recovery phrase and/or a passphrase. If you do not see a balance or transactions please read below for details. \n\nCLICK TO GET MORE INFO"; -"restore.error.non_standard.description" = "This is a non-standard wallet.\n\nCLICK TO GET MORE INFO"; +"restore.non_standard_import" = "Restauração Não-Padrão"; +"restore.non_standard_import.description" = "Esta página fornece um mecanismo de importação de carteira especial para usuários %@ que têm uma carteira não padrão. Tais carteiras podem ter sido criadas na versão %@ do 0. 7 - 0,28 usando uma frase de recuperação não inglesa e/ou um caractere especial na senha da carteira (ou seja, símbolo diacrítico).\n\nSe você é afetado com o seu saldo de carteira será mostrado 0 após importar tal carteira na versão 0.29 ou superior. Esta página permitirá que você restaure o acesso à sua carteira não padrão. Uma vez importado, recomenda-se criar uma nova carteira (que será compatível com o padrão) e mover fundos para lá."; +"restore.warning.non_recommended.description" = "Esta carteira parece usar um caractere não padrão em sua lista de palavras secretas e/ou uma frase secreta. Se você não ver um saldo ou transações, leia abaixo para obter detalhes.\n\nCLIQUE PARA OBTER MAIS INFORMAÇÕES"; +"restore.error.non_standard.description" = "Esta é uma carteira não padrão. \n\nCLIQUE PARA OBTER MAIS INFORMAÇÕES"; // Restore Type -"restore_type.title" = "Import Wallet"; +"restore_type.title" = "Importar carteira"; -"restore_type.recovery.title" = "from Recovery Phrase"; -"" = "from iCloud"; -"restore_type.cex.title" = "from Exchange Wallet"; +"restore_type.recovery.title" = "da Frase de Recuperação"; +"" = "do iCloud"; +"restore_type.cex.title" = "da Exchange Wallet"; "restore_type.recovery.description" = "Import like a pro! Recovery phrase or private key, you choose. It's your call, folks!"; "" = "Import straight from your keychain, folks. It's like having the keys to the kingdom right at your fingertips!"; @@ -137,147 +137,147 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Restore Cloud -"" = "Select Backup"; +"" = "Selecionar Backup"; "" = "Time to choose, folks! Pick the backup wallet you want to bring back. It's all about making the right choice!"; "" = "Can you believe it, folks? No backups found. It's a clean slate, a fresh start!"; -"" = "Imported wallets"; +"" = "Carteiras importadas"; -"" = "Enter Password"; -"" = "Backup Password"; +"" = "Digite a senha"; +"" = "Fazer Backup da Senha"; "" = "Give me that backup password, folks. We're importing your wallet from iCloud, and security is the name of the game!"; // Restore Cex -"restore.cex.title" = "Select CEX"; +"restore.cex.title" = "Selecione o CEX"; "restore.cex.description" = "Choose your battlefield, folks! Select the centralized exchange you want to connect to, and let's make some deals!"; // Restore Binance -"restore.binance.description" = "Please provide the API Keys and API Secret to link your exchange."; -"restore.binance.api_key" = "API Key"; -"restore.binance.secret_key" = "Secret Key"; -"restore.binance.connect" = "Connect"; -"restore.binance.connecting" = "Connecting..."; -"restore.binance.get_api_keys" = "Get API Keys"; -"restore.binance.failed_to_connect" = "Failed to connect your API Key"; +"restore.binance.description" = "Por favor, forneça as Chaves da API e Segredo da API para vincular o seu troco."; +"restore.binance.api_key" = "Chave de API"; +"restore.binance.secret_key" = "Chave secreta"; +"restore.binance.connect" = "Conectar"; +"restore.binance.connecting" = "Conectando..."; +"restore.binance.get_api_keys" = "Obter chaves API"; +"restore.binance.failed_to_connect" = "Falha ao conectar sua chave de API"; "restore.binance.invalid_qr_code" = "Invalid QR Code"; // Coin Settings -"coin_settings.title" = "Blockchain Settings"; +"coin_settings.title" = "Configurações da Blockchain"; "coin_settings.bitcoin_cash_coin_type.title.type0" = "Legacy"; -"coin_settings.bitcoin_cash_coin_type.title.type145" = "CashAddress"; -"sync_mode.from_blockchain" = "From Blockchain"; +"coin_settings.bitcoin_cash_coin_type.title.type145" = "CashAddress (recomendado)"; +"sync_mode.from_blockchain" = "Da Blockchain"; "blockchain_settings.description" = "Get ready to receive payments, folks! When restoring your wallet, make sure to select the right address format. It's all about getting it right!"; // Coin Platforms -"coin_platforms.native" = "Native"; +"coin_platforms.native" = "Nativo"; // Copy Warning -"copy_warning.title" = "Risk of Copying"; -"copy_warning.description" = "As a safety measure, we recommend that you do not use the copy action for this value."; -"copy_warning.dont_copy" = "Don't Copy"; -"copy_warning.i_will_risk_it" = "I will risk it"; +"copy_warning.title" = "Risco de Copiar"; +"copy_warning.description" = "Como medida de segurança, recomendamos que você não use a ação de copiar para este valor."; +"copy_warning.dont_copy" = "Não Copiar"; +"copy_warning.i_will_risk_it" = "Eu vou arriscar"; // Recovery Phrase -"recovery_phrase.title" = "Recovery Phrase"; +"recovery_phrase.title" = "Frase de Recuperação"; "recovery_phrase.warning" = "Listen up, folks, and listen good. This key, you never, ever share it with anyone, okay? Not even with the %@ Wallet support team. They'll never ask for it. It's your key to the kingdom, so keep it locked up tight!"; "recovery_phrase.tap_to_show" = "Tap right there, folks, and behold the recovery phrase. It's like unlocking a treasure chest!"; -"recovery_phrase.passphrase" = "Passphrase"; -"recovery_phrase.copy_warning.title" = "Risk of Recovery Phrase copy"; -"recovery_phrase.copy_warning.description" = "As a security measure,we recommend not using copy action on recovery phrase."; +"recovery_phrase.passphrase" = "Senha"; +"recovery_phrase.copy_warning.title" = "Risco ao copiar a frase de recuperação"; +"recovery_phrase.copy_warning.description" = "Como medida de segurança, recomendamos que não use a ação de copiar na frase de recuperação."; // EVM Private Key -"evm_private_key.title" = "EVM Private Key"; +"evm_private_key.title" = "Chave Privada EVM"; "evm_private_key.tap_to_show" = "Give it a tap, folks, and reveal that private key. It's like finding the secret to success!"; // Extended Key -"extended_key.bip32_root_key" = "BIP32 Root Key"; -"extended_key.account_extended_private_key" = "Account Extended Private Key"; -"extended_key.account_extended_public_key" = "Account Extended Public Key"; -"extended_key.purpose" = "Purpose"; +"extended_key.bip32_root_key" = "Chave Raiz BIP32"; +"extended_key.account_extended_private_key" = "Chave Privada Estendida da Conta"; +"extended_key.account_extended_public_key" = "Chave Pública Estendida da Conta"; +"extended_key.purpose" = "Propósito"; "extended_key.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; -"extended_key.account" = "Account"; +"extended_key.account" = "Conta"; "extended_key.tap_to_show" = "Get ready for it, folks! A little tap, and you'll see that extended private key. It's like unlocking a world of possibilities!"; // Backup -"backup.title" = "Recovery Phrase"; +"backup.title" = "Frase de Recuperação"; "backup.description" = "Here's the drill, folks: Write these words down, in the right order, and keep 'em locked up tight in a safe place. It's your ticket to security!"; "backup.tap_to_show" = "Tap right there, folks, and behold the recovery phrase. It's like unlocking a treasure chest!"; -"backup.passphrase" = "Passphrase"; -"backup.verify" = "Verify"; -"backup.verified" = "Verified"; +"backup.passphrase" = "Senha"; +"backup.verify" = "Confirmar"; +"backup.verified" = "Confirmado"; // Backup Verify Words -"backup_verify_words.title" = "Verify"; -"backup_verify_words.description" = "Select two requested words from your wallet recovery phrase"; -"backup_verify_words.incorrect_word" = "Incorrect Word"; +"backup_verify_words.title" = "Confirmar"; +"backup_verify_words.description" = "Selecione duas palavras solicitadas da sua frase de recuperação de carteira"; +"backup_verify_words.incorrect_word" = "Palavra incorreta"; // Backup Verify Passphrase -"backup_verify_passphrase.title" = "Verify"; -"backup_verify_passphrase.description" = "Enter the passphrase"; -"backup_verify_passphrase.incorrect_passphrase" = "Incorrect passphrase"; +"backup_verify_passphrase.title" = "Confirmar"; +"backup_verify_passphrase.description" = "Insira a senha"; +"backup_verify_passphrase.incorrect_passphrase" = "Senha incorreta"; // Backup Required -"backup_required.title" = "Backup Required"; +"backup_required.title" = "Backup necessário"; // Backup Prompt -"backup_prompt.title" = "Manual Backup"; +"backup_prompt.title" = "Backup Manual"; "backup_prompt.warning" = "Listen up, folks. You've got to create a backup of that recovery phrase and the password that goes with it. This is your lifeline, in case your phone decides to go rogue – lost, stolen, broken, you name it. Protect your assets, it's the smart play!"; "backup_prompt.backup" = "Backup"; -"backup_prompt.backup_manual" = "Manual Backup"; -"backup_prompt.backup_cloud" = "Backup to iCloud"; -"backup_prompt.later" = "Later"; +"backup_prompt.backup_manual" = "Backup Manual"; +"backup_prompt.backup_cloud" = "Backup para o iCloud"; +"backup_prompt.later" = "Mais tarde"; // Backup to iCloud -"" = "Backup to iCloud"; +"" = "Backup para o iCloud"; "" = "Let's get this straight, folks. iCloud storage, it's from Apple, okay? But here's the deal: when you use it, your data, it's not hanging out on your own gadgets. Nope, it's on Apple's servers. So, you're putting your trust, your data's security, in the hands of a third-party service. That's the real story here."; -"" = "I understand that losing access to my iCloud, will result in loosing access to the backup of a respective wallet."; +"" = "Compreendo que perder acesso ao meu iCloud resultará em perder acesso ao backup de uma respectiva carteira."; -"" = "Backup Name"; +"" = "Nome do Backup"; "" = "Give it a name, folks! This backup file needs an identity. Make it memorable!"; "" = "Whoops, folks! You can't leave that backup name hanging empty. Fill it up with something good!"; "" = "Remember, folks, that backup name, it can't be an empty slate. Give it some character!"; "" = "Well, folks, looks like you're not the only one with that backup name. It's already in the club!"; -"" = "Name"; +"" = "Nome"; -"" = "Set Password"; +"" = "Definir Senha"; "" = "Here's the deal, folks: You've got to set an unlock password for your backup. It's gotta be strong, okay? We're talking at least 8 symbols, including one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, a number, and a special character. It's your vault's first line of defense!"; -"" = "Don't forget this password! It is separate from your Apple iCloud password, and it cannot be recovered or reset."; -"" = "Password"; -"" = "Confirm"; -"" = "Save and Backup"; - -"" = "Passphrase cannot be empty"; -"" = "Please use only supported symbols: A-Z a-z 0-9 ' \" ` & / ? ! : ; . , ~ * $ = + - [ ] ( ) { } < > \\ _ # @ | %"; -"" = "At least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one symbol"; -"" = "Incorrect Password"; -"" = "Backup is corrupted"; -"" = "Password doesn’t match"; -"" = "iCloud not Available"; -"" = "Can't save File to iCloud"; -"" = "Can't delete from iCloud"; -"" = "Access iCloud"; -"" = "Access iCloud"; -"" = "To create a backup, you need to provide access to iCloud storage."; +"" = "Não esqueça esta senha! Ela é separada da sua senha do iCloud da Apple e não pode ser recuperada ou redefinida."; +"" = "Senha"; +"" = "Confirmar"; +"" = "Salvar e fazer Backup"; + +"" = "A senha não pode estar vazia"; +"" = "Por favor, use apenas símbolos suportados: A-Z a-z 0-9 ' \" ` & / ? ! : ; . , ~ * $ = + - [ ] ( ) { } < > \\ _ # @ | %"; +"" = "Pelo menos 8 caracteres, incluindo uma letra maiúscula, uma letra minúscula, um número e um símbolo"; +"" = "Senha Incorreta"; +"" = "O backup está corrompido"; +"" = "A senha não corresponde"; +"" = "iCloud indisponível"; +"" = "Não é possível salvar o arquivo no iCloud"; +"" = "Não é possível excluir do iCloud"; +"" = "Acessar o iCloud"; +"" = "Acessar o iCloud"; +"" = "Para criar um backup, você precisa fornecer acesso ao armazenamento iCloud."; // Errors -"error.send.self_transfer" = "Sending to yourself is not supported"; -"error.send_binance.memo_required" = "The receiver requires a non-empty memo in the transfer transaction"; +"error.send.self_transfer" = "Não é possível enviar para você mesmo"; +"error.send_binance.memo_required" = "O receptor requer uma nota não vazia na transação de transferência"; "error.send_binance.only_digits_allowed" = "Requer que o memorando contenha apenas dígitos"; "error.send_z_cash.transparent_address" = "O %@ não suporta pagamentos para um endereço transparente"; @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "balance.title" = "Saldo"; "balance.tab_bar_item" = "Saldo"; -"balance.send" = "Send"; +"balance.send" = "Enviar"; "balance.withdraw" = "Sacar"; "balance.swap" = "Trocar"; "balance.receive" = "Receber"; @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "balance.sort_by" = "Organizar por"; "balance.sort.header" = "Organizar por"; "balance.sort.valueHighToLow" = "Saldo"; -"" = "Name"; +"" = "Nome"; "balance.sort.price_change" = "Mudança de Preço"; "balance_error.change_source" = "Mudar a fonte"; @@ -325,13 +325,13 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "balance.token.staked" = "Investido"; "" = "Título Implantado"; "" = "Texto com Descrição Implantada"; -"balance.token.frozen" = "Frozen"; -"" = "Frozen title"; -"" = "Frozen Description Text"; +"balance.token.frozen" = "Travado"; +"" = "Tempo de congelamento"; +"" = "Texto de Descrição Congelada"; // Account switcher -"switch_account.title" = "Switch Wallet"; +"switch_account.title" = "Trocar carteira"; "switch_account.wallets" = "Carteiras"; "switch_account.watch_wallets" = "Ver Endereço"; @@ -346,84 +346,84 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "deposit.address" = "Endereço"; "deposit.your_address" = "Seu endereço"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "Você precisa fazer um backup de %@ antes de poder receber %@."; -"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; -"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "Você precisa fazer um backup de %@ antes de poder receber qualquer moeda."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Não pode fornecer o endereço"; -"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; -"deposit.qr_code_description" = "Your address for depositing %@"; -"" = "Watch address of %@"; -"deposit.account" = "Account"; +"deposit.address_format" = "Formato"; +"deposit.qr_code_description" = "Seu endereço para o depósito %@"; +"" = "Endereço do relógio do %@"; +"deposit.account" = "Conta"; -"deposit.not_active" = "Not active"; -"deposit.not_active.title" = "Not Active Address"; -"deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "Newly created accounts on the TRON blockchain are inactive and cannot be queried or explored. They need to be activated.\n\nTransferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account. Activating a new account on the Tron chain requires a fee of 1 TRX"; +"deposit.not_active" = "Não ativo"; +"deposit.not_active.title" = "Endereço não ativo"; +"deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "Contas recém-criadas no blockchain TRON estão inativas e não podem ser consultadas ou exploradas. Elas precisam ser ativadas.\n\nPara ativar uma nova conta na cadeia Tron, é necessário transferir tokens TRX ou TRC-10 para um endereço de conta inativo, juntamente com uma taxa de ativação de 1 TRX"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Já possui alguma moeda ZEC?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Sim, eu já possuo"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "Não, eu não tenho"; -"deposit.warning" = "Send only %@ to this address. Sending other types of tokens to this address will result in their ultimate loss."; +"deposit.warning" = "Envie apenas %@ para este endereço. Enviar outros tipos de tokens para este endereço resultará em sua perda suprema."; -"receive_network_select.title" = "Network"; -"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_network_select.title" = "Rede"; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Escolha uma rede e receba um endereço para depositar."; -"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Address Format"; -"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; +"receive_address_format_select.title" = "Formato do Endereço"; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Escolha uma rede e receba um endereço para depositar."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "O formato Nativo SegWit é preferido em Bitcoin para melhorar a taxa de transferência e a segurança. Todos os formatos de endereço (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) podem ser usados intermudanças para receber BTC independentemente do formato de endereço do remetente, permitindo transações ininterruptas entre diferentes tipos de moedas."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "O formato de endereço em dinheiro é preferido para receber Bitcoin Cash (BCH) devido à sua experiência e compatibilidade melhoradas. No entanto, ambos os formatos de endereço podem ser usados internamente para receber BCH, independentemente do formato de endereço do remetente."; -"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recommended)"; +"blockchain_type.recommended" = " (recomendado)"; // Send -"send.title" = "Send %@"; -"send.send" = "Send"; -"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; -"send.amount_placeholder" = "Amount"; +"send.title" = "Enviar %@"; +"send.send" = "Enviar"; +"send.no_assets" = "Você não tem ativos para enviar."; +"send.amount_placeholder" = "Montante"; "send.address_placeholder" = "Endereço"; -"send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Address or Domain"; -"send.fee" = "Fee"; -"send.network_fee" = "Network Fee"; -"send.estimated_fee" = "Estimated Fee"; -"send.max_fee" = "Max Fee"; +"send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Endereço ou Domínio"; +"send.fee" = "Taxa"; +"send.network_fee" = "Taxa de Rede"; +"send.estimated_fee" = "Taxa estimada"; +"send.max_fee" = "Taxa máxima"; "send.duration.hours" = "%d h."; "send.duration.minutes" = "%d min."; -"send.available_balance" = "Available Balance"; -"send.max_button" = "Max"; +"send.available_balance" = "Saldo Disponível"; +"send.max_button" = "Máximo"; "send.next_button" = "Próximo"; -"send.error.invalid" = "Invalid"; +"send.error.invalid" = "Inválido"; "send.error.address" = "Endereço"; -"send.hodler_locktime" = "TimeLock"; -"send.hodler_locktime_hour" = "1 hour"; -"send.hodler_locktime_month" = "1 month"; -"send.hodler_locktime_half_year" = "6 months"; -"send.hodler_locktime_year" = "1 year"; -"send.hodler_locktime_off" = "Off"; -"send.hodler_error.unsupported_address" = "Time locking works only when sending to payment addresses starting with 1... (aka BIP44 addresses)"; -"send.fee_info.title" = "Fee Rate"; +"send.hodler_locktime" = "TravaTempo"; +"send.hodler_locktime_hour" = "1 hora"; +"send.hodler_locktime_month" = "1 mês"; +"send.hodler_locktime_half_year" = "6 meses"; +"send.hodler_locktime_year" = "1 ano"; +"send.hodler_locktime_off" = "Desligado"; +"send.hodler_error.unsupported_address" = "O bloqueio de tempo só funciona com endereços P2PKH (iniciando com 1)"; +"send.fee_info.title" = "Taxa de tarifa"; "send.fee_info.description" = "Blockchains require users to pay network fees when sending transactions. The fees are higher when a lot of transactions are taking place on the network.\n\nThe %@ wallet estimates fee based on the current blockchain activity and recommends the optimal value in order for the transaction to be processed within reasonable amount of time.\n\nThe recommended fee rate shown as the amount of satoshi user needs to pay for a single byte of the transaction. Thus, the total fee depends on the total size of the transaction which is measured in bytes.\n\nUsers may use provided controls to increase or decrease the fee rate value. The change in fee rate changes the total fee for the transaction the user will pay.\n\nSetting fee rate below recommended value may result in a transaction being held as pending for hours, or being rejected. The lower the value, the longer it will take for the transaction to confirm. For transactions where priority is important, we recommend setting higher fee rate."; -"send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.title" = "Transaction Inputs / Outputs"; -"send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.description" = "Most Bitcoin transactions, as well as transactions in alike cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin Cash, Dash, and Litecoin, generate two outputs. One output is the amount that goes to the receiver and the other is the change output that is returned to the sender. The way most wallets construct transactions makes it easy for a third party to understand which of the outputs went to the receiving party and which one was the change amount returned to the sender. As the output returned to the sender is later used in future transactions, a connection between these two transactions becomes apparent.\n\nThe %@ wallet implements measures to make it harder for someone to figure out which output goes where.\n\nThere are two options available to %@ users:"; -"send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.shuffle.title" = "1. Shuffle"; -"send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.shuffle.description" = "The order of transaction outputs is randomized on every transaction. Sometimes change can be the first output, sometimes it can be the second. If a user trusts the developer of the app, then consider this a recommended option."; -"send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.title" = "2. Deterministic"; -"send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.description" = "There is a commonly agreed standard for ordering transaction outputs (known as BIP69). In open-source wallets, that standard ensures wallet users do not need to trust how developers of the app implement the ordering of the outputs. As this standard is new, not many wallets have implemented it yet. As a result, it's somewhat possible to see on the blockchain whether a transaction was sent from a wallet that uses that standard or not."; +"send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.title" = "Entradas / Saídas de Transação"; +"send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.description" = "A maioria das transações em Bitcoin, bem como as transações em criptomoedas, incluindo Bitcoin Cash, Dash, e Litecoin, geram duas saídas. Uma saída é a quantidade que vai para o destinatário e a outra é a mudança de saída que é retornada ao remetente. A maneira como a maioria das carteiras constrói as transações torna mais fácil para um terceiro entender qual das saídas foi para a parte receptora e qual foi a quantia alterada retornada ao remetente. Como a saída retornada ao remetente será usada mais tarde em transações futuras, uma conexão entre essas duas transações se torna evidente.\n\nA carteira %@ implementa medidas para tornar mais difícil para alguém descobrir qual saída vai para onde.\n\nExistem duas opções disponíveis para usuários %@:"; +"send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.shuffle.title" = "1. Embaralhar"; +"send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.shuffle.description" = "A ordem das saídas da transação é aleatória em cada transação. Às vezes, a mudança pode ser a primeira saída, às vezes pode ser a segunda. Se um usuário confiar no desenvolvedor do aplicativo, considere essa uma opção recomendada."; +"send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.title" = "2. Determinístico"; +"send.transaction_inputs_outputs_info.deterministic.description" = "Existe um padrão comumente aceitado para ordenar saídas de transações (conhecido como BIP69). Em carteiras de código aberto, esse padrão garante que os usuários de carteiras não precisem confiar em como os desenvolvedores do aplicativo implementam a ordem das saídas. Como esse padrão é novo, poucas carteiras o implementaram ainda. Como resultado, é possível ver no blockchain se uma transação foi enviada de uma carteira que usa esse padrão ou não."; "send.confirmation.you_send" = "Enviar"; "" = "Para"; "send.confirmation.contact_name" = "Nome do Contato"; "send.confirmation.domain" = "Domínio"; "send.confirmation.address" = "Endereço"; -"send.confirmation.account" = "Account"; +"send.confirmation.account" = "Conta"; "send.confirmation.memo" = "Memo"; "send.confirmation.memo_placeholder" = "Memo"; "" = "Total"; -"send.confirmation.fee" = "Fee"; +"send.confirmation.fee" = "Taxa"; "send.confirmation.time_lock" = "TimeLock"; "send.confirmation.slide_to_send" = "Deslize para enviar"; -"send.confirmation.sending" = "Sending"; +"send.confirmation.sending" = "Enviando"; "send.confirmation.resend_description" = "Esta ação tentará invalidar a transação anterior, reenviando-a com uma taxa maior. Se a transação original permanecer pendente quando uma nova foi enviada há uma alta chance (não garantida) de que ela seja invalidada e substituída. Apenas uma dessas duas transações será incluída no blockchain."; -"send.confirmation.resend" = "Resend"; +"send.confirmation.resend" = "Enviar novamente"; "send.confirmation.cancel_description" = "Esta ação tentará invalidar a transação anterior, reenviando-a com uma taxa maior. Se a transação original permanecer pendente quando uma nova foi enviada há uma alta chance (não garantida) de que ela seja invalidada e substituída. Apenas uma dessas duas transações será incluída no blockchain."; "send.confirmation.cancel" = "Cancelar transação"; "send.confirmation.nonce" = "Nonce"; @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "send.stuck_warning" = "Atenção! Risco de ficar preso"; -"send.lock_time" = "TimeLock"; +"send.lock_time" = "TravaTempo"; "approve.confirmation.you_approve" = "Você concorda"; "approve.confirmation.you_revoke" = "Você revoga"; @@ -455,27 +455,27 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Donate -"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; -"donate.list.get_address" = "Get Address"; -"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Addresses"; -"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; -"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; -"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"donate.list.title" = "Doar com"; +"donate.list.get_address" = "Obter endereço"; +"donate.list.get_address.title" = "Endereços"; +"donate.title" = "Doe %@"; +"donate.no_assets" = "Você não tem ativos para doar."; +"" = "Juntos, com o seu apoio, podemos fazer este aplicativo ainda melhor!"; // CoinSelector -"choose_coin.title" = "Choose Coins"; +"choose_coin.title" = "Escolher Moedas"; // Swap "swap.title" = "Trocar"; -"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; -"swap.you_pay" = "You Pay"; -"swap.estimated" = "estimated"; +"swap.no_assets" = "Você não tem nenhum ativo para trocar."; +"swap.you_pay" = "Você Paga"; +"swap.estimated" = "estimado"; "swap.balance" = "Saldo"; -"swap.allowance" = "Allowance"; -"swap.you_get" = "You Get"; -"swap.token" = "Select"; +"swap.allowance" = "Preço"; +"swap.you_get" = "Você recebe"; +"swap.token" = "Selecionar"; "swap.advanced_settings" = "Configurações de troca"; "swap.proceed_button" = "Próximo"; "swap.approve.title" = "Aprovar Troca"; @@ -483,48 +483,48 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "swap.approve.amount_error.already_approved" = "Você já tem uma permissão para este valor"; "swap.approving_button" = "Aprovando..."; "swap.revoke_warning" = "Você pode trocar %@, ou você precisa revogar e aprovar o novo valor"; -"swap.revoking_button" = "Revoking..."; -"swap.not_available_button" = "Balance N/A"; -"swap.trade_error.not_found" = "Can't swap these tokens"; -"swap.trade_error.wrap_unwrap_not_allowed" = "This service doesn't allow wrapping/unwrapping. Please, try another swap service. 1Inch recommended"; -"swap.button_error.insufficient_balance" = "Insufficient balance"; -"swap.switch_provider.title" = "Swap Service"; -"swap.amount_type.coin" = "Coin"; - -"swap.price" = "Price"; -"swap.buy_price" = "Buy Price"; -"swap.sell_price" = "Sell Price"; -"swap.price_impact" = "Price Impact"; -"swap.maximum_paid" = "Maximum Amount"; -"swap.minimum_got" = "Guaranteed Amount"; +"swap.revoking_button" = "Revogando..."; +"swap.not_available_button" = "Saldo N/A"; +"swap.trade_error.not_found" = "Não é possível trocar esses tokens"; +"swap.trade_error.wrap_unwrap_not_allowed" = "Este serviço não permite embalagem/desagregação. Por favor, tente outro serviço de troca. 1Inch recomendado"; +"swap.button_error.insufficient_balance" = "Saldo insuficiente"; +"swap.switch_provider.title" = "Serviço de Troca"; +"swap.amount_type.coin" = "Moeda"; + +"swap.price" = "Preço"; +"swap.buy_price" = "Preço de Compra"; +"swap.sell_price" = "Preço de Venda"; +"swap.price_impact" = "Impacto de preço"; +"swap.maximum_paid" = "Quantia Máxima"; +"swap.minimum_got" = "Valor garantido"; "swap.estimate_short" = "(est)"; "swap.minimum_short" = "(min)"; -"swap.maximum_short" = "(max)"; +"swap.maximum_short" = "(máx)"; // Swap Advanced Settings -"swap.advanced_settings.slippage" = "Slippage Tolerance"; -"swap.advanced_settings.slippage.footer" = "Your transaction will revert if the price changes unfavorably by more than this percentage"; -"swap.advanced_settings.deadline" = "Transaction Deadline"; -"swap.advanced_settings.deadline.footer" = "Your transaction will revert if it is pending for more than this long."; -"swap.advanced_settings.recipient.footer" = "After the exchange operation, the amount will be transferred to the specified address"; +"swap.advanced_settings.slippage" = "Tolerância de Slippage"; +"swap.advanced_settings.slippage.footer" = "Sua transação será revertida se o preço mudar desfavoravelmente em mais do que esta porcentagem"; +"swap.advanced_settings.deadline" = "Data-limite da operação"; +"swap.advanced_settings.deadline.footer" = "Sua transação será revertida se ficar pendente por mais tempo."; +"swap.advanced_settings.recipient.footer" = "Após a operação de câmbio, o valor será transferido para o endereço especificado"; "swap.advanced_settings.deadline_minute" = "%@ min"; -"swap.advanced_settings.recipient_address" = "Recipient Address"; -"swap.advanced_settings.warning.unusual_slippage" = "Your transaction may be frontrun"; -"swap.advanced_settings.service_fee_description" = "A service fee for the swap action on the platform typicaly either 0.3% or 0.6%"; -"swap.advanced_settings.error.lower_slippage" = "Your transaction is likely to fail."; -"swap.advanced_settings.error.higher_slippage" = "Slippage Tolerance can’t be more than %@%%"; -"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "Invalid Address"; -"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_slippage" = "Invalid Slippage"; -"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_deadline" = "Invalid Deadline"; - -"swap.one_inch.error.cannot_estimate" = "Estimation Error"; -"" = "Check the balance to ensure there is enough %@ to cover the fee. Or try increasing the price slippage amount and try again. Will auto-retry in 3 sec..."; -"swap.one_inch.error.insufficient_liquidity" = "Insufficient Liquidity"; -"" = "Likely there is not enough liquidity available to process this trade. Try lowering the amount."; - -"swap.service" = "Service"; -"swap.service.title" = "Service"; +"swap.advanced_settings.recipient_address" = "Endereço do Destinatário"; +"swap.advanced_settings.warning.unusual_slippage" = "Sua operação pode ser de Front running"; +"swap.advanced_settings.service_fee_description" = "Uma taxa de serviço para a ação de troca na plataforma é tipicamente 0,3% ou 0,6%"; +"swap.advanced_settings.error.lower_slippage" = "É provável que sua transação falhe."; +"swap.advanced_settings.error.higher_slippage" = "Tolerância do Slippage não pode ser maior que %@%%"; +"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_address" = "Endereço Inválido"; +"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_slippage" = "Slippage Inválido"; +"swap.advanced_settings.error.invalid_deadline" = "Prazo de tarefa inválido"; + +"swap.one_inch.error.cannot_estimate" = "Erro de Estimativa"; +"" = "Verifique o saldo para garantir que haja %@ suficiente para cobrir a taxa. Ou tente aumentar o preço do slippage e tente novamente. Será possível tentar novamente em 3 seg..."; +"swap.one_inch.error.insufficient_liquidity" = "Liquidez Insuficiente"; +"" = "Provavelmente não existe liquidez suficiente disponível para processar esta operação. Tente reduzir o valor."; + +"swap.service" = "Serviço"; +"swap.service.title" = "Serviço"; // Swap Approving @@ -532,10 +532,10 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Swap Confirmation -"swap.confirmation.slide_to_swap" = "Slide to Swap"; -"swap.confirmation.swapping" = "Swapping"; -"swap.confirmation.impact_too_high" = "%@ has disabled swap action for this trade because you're getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity.\nIf you still want to swap please use %@ website instead."; -"swap.confirmation.impact_warning" = "Important! You're getting an extremely unfavorable price. This is due to extremely low liquidity."; +"swap.confirmation.slide_to_swap" = "Deslize para trocar"; +"swap.confirmation.swapping" = "Trocando"; +"swap.confirmation.impact_too_high" = "%@ desativou a ação de troca para essa troca porque você está obtendo um preço extremamente desfavorável. Isso se deve a liquidez extremamente baixa.\nSe você ainda quiser trocar, use o site %@."; +"swap.confirmation.impact_warning" = "Importante! Você está recebendo um preço extremamente desfavorável. Isso se deve a uma liquidez extremamente baixa."; "swap.confirmation.minimum_received" = "Mínimo recebido"; "swap.confirmation.maximum_sent" = "Gastos máximos"; @@ -543,13 +543,13 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "swap.dex_info.description" = "Este serviço de troca é fornecido por %@, um protocolo descentralizado de troca de tokens construído na blockchain %@. \n\n%@ É totalmente automatizado e gerenciado por contratos inteligentes que facilitam a troca de tokens de uma forma confiável sem qualquer meio de trapaça."; "swap.dex_info.header_dex_related" = "%@ Relacionado"; -"swap.dex_info.header_allowance" = "Allowance"; +"swap.dex_info.header_allowance" = "Preço"; "swap.dex_info.content_allowance" = "O montante que uma exchange pode gastar em nome do usuário na execução de trocas simbólicas. É necessária uma margem suficiente para que uma transação de troca efetiva possa ocorrer."; -"swap.dex_info.header_price_impact" = "Price Impact"; +"swap.dex_info.header_price_impact" = "Impacto de preço"; "swap.dex_info.content_price_impact" = "O desvio de preço esperado de um valor mostrado, normalmente aumenta com o montante de swap."; "swap.dex_info.header_swap_fee" = "Tarifas de troca"; "swap.dex_info.content_swap_fee" = "Uma taxa de serviço para a ação de troca na plataforma, mostrada na moeda que o usuário vende. Para a maioria das encomendas, deve situar-se nos 0,3% ou nos 0,6%."; -"swap.dex_info.header_guaranteed_amount" = "Guaranteed Amount"; +"swap.dex_info.header_guaranteed_amount" = "Valor garantido"; "swap.dex_info.content_guaranteed_amount" = "A quantia mínima que um usuário receberá em resultado de uma ação de troca."; "swap.dex_info.header_maximum_spend" = "Gastos máximos"; "swap.dex_info.content_maximum_spend" = "A quantia mínima que um usuário receberá em resultado de uma ação de troca."; @@ -615,41 +615,41 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "top_platform.title" = "%@ Ecossistema"; "top_platform.description" = "Valor de mercado de todos procolos na cadeia %@"; -"market_discovery.title" = "Discovery"; -"market_discovery.filters" = "Filters"; -"market_discovery.browse_categories" = "Browse Categories"; -"market_discovery.top_coins" = "TOP Coins"; -"market_discovery.not_found" = "No results found"; +"market_discovery.title" = "Descobrir"; +"market_discovery.filters" = "Filtros"; +"market_discovery.browse_categories" = "Navegar nas categorias"; +"market_discovery.top_coins" = "TOP Moedas"; +"market_discovery.not_found" = "Nenhum resultado encontrado"; -"market_watchlist.empty.caption" = "Your watchlist is empty."; +"market_watchlist.empty.caption" = "Seu catálogo está vazio."; -"" = "Search"; -"" = "No results found"; +"" = "Buscar"; +"" = "Nenhum resultado encontrado"; -"market.advanced_search.title" = "Filters"; -"market.advanced_search.show_results" = "Show Results"; -"market.advanced_search.empty_results" = "Empty Results"; -"market.advanced_search.dex_description" = "This setting applies to tokens traded on Ethereum (Uniswap DEX) and Binance Smart Chain (Pancake DEX)."; +"market.advanced_search.title" = "Filtros"; +"market.advanced_search.show_results" = "Mostrar Resultados"; +"market.advanced_search.empty_results" = "Nenhum resultado"; +"market.advanced_search.dex_description" = "Esta configuração se aplica a tokens operados na Ethereum (Uniswap DEX) e na Binance Smart Chain (Pancake DEX)."; "market.advanced_search.24h" = "24h"; -"market.advanced_search.market_parameters" = "Market Parameters"; -"market.advanced_search.network_parameters" = "Network Parameters"; -"market.advanced_search.price_parameters" = "Price Parameters"; -"market.advanced_search.choose_set" = "Choose Set"; -"market.advanced_search.market_cap" = "Market Cap"; -"market.advanced_search.volume" = "Trading Volume"; -"market.advanced_search.liquidity" = "DEX Liquidity"; +"market.advanced_search.market_parameters" = "Parâmetros do mercado"; +"market.advanced_search.network_parameters" = "Parâmetros de rede"; +"market.advanced_search.price_parameters" = "Parâmetros de preço"; +"market.advanced_search.choose_set" = "Escolha o Conjunto"; +"market.advanced_search.market_cap" = "Capitalização de Mercado"; +"market.advanced_search.volume" = "Volume de Operações"; +"market.advanced_search.liquidity" = "Liquidez DEX"; "market.advanced_search.blockchains" = "Blockchains"; -"market.advanced_search.price_period" = "Price Period"; +"market.advanced_search.price_period" = "Período de Preço"; "market.advanced_search.price_change" = "Mudança de Preço"; -"market.advanced_search.outperformed_btc" = "Outperformed BTC"; -"market.advanced_search.outperformed_eth" = "Outperformed ETH"; -"market.advanced_search.outperformed_bnb" = "Outperformed BNB"; -"market.advanced_search.price_close_to_ath" = "Price Close To ATH"; -"market.advanced_search.price_close_to_atl" = "Price Close To ATL"; +"market.advanced_search.outperformed_btc" = "BTC superado"; +"market.advanced_search.outperformed_eth" = "ETH superado"; +"market.advanced_search.outperformed_bnb" = "BNB superado"; +"market.advanced_search.price_close_to_ath" = "Preço próximo a ATH"; +"market.advanced_search.price_close_to_atl" = "Preço próximo a ATL"; -"" = "Top %d"; +"" = "Primeiros %d"; "market.advanced_search.reset_all" = "Resetar"; "market.advanced_search.less_5_m" = "< 5M"; @@ -659,26 +659,26 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "market.advanced_search.m_5_m_20" = "5M - 20M"; "market.advanced_search.m_10_m_40" = "10M - 40M"; "market.advanced_search.m_20_m_100" = "20M - 100M"; -"market.advanced_search.m_40_m_200" = "40M - 200M"; -"market.advanced_search.m_50_m_200" = "50M - 200M"; -"market.advanced_search.m_100_b_1" = "100M - 1B"; -"market.advanced_search.m_200_b_1" = "200M - 1B"; -"market.advanced_search.m_200_b_2" = "200M - 2B"; -"market.advanced_search.m_500_b_2" = "500M - 2B"; -"market.advanced_search.b_1_b_5" = "1B - 5B"; -"market.advanced_search.b_1_b_10" = "1B - 10B"; -"market.advanced_search.b_2_b_10" = "2B - 10B"; -"market.advanced_search.b_10_b_50" = "10B - 50B"; -"market.advanced_search.b_10_b_100" = "10B - 100B"; -"market.advanced_search.b_100_b_500" = "100B - 500B"; +"market.advanced_search.m_40_m_200" = "40M — 200M"; +"market.advanced_search.m_50_m_200" = "50M — 200M"; +"market.advanced_search.m_100_b_1" = "100M — 1B"; +"market.advanced_search.m_200_b_1" = "200M — 1B"; +"market.advanced_search.m_200_b_2" = "200M — 2B"; +"market.advanced_search.m_500_b_2" = "500M — 2B"; +"market.advanced_search.b_1_b_5" = "1B — 5B"; +"market.advanced_search.b_1_b_10" = "1B — 10B"; +"market.advanced_search.b_2_b_10" = "2B — 10B"; +"market.advanced_search.b_10_b_50" = "10B — 50B"; +"market.advanced_search.b_10_b_100" = "10B — 100B"; +"market.advanced_search.b_100_b_500" = "100B — 500B"; "market.advanced_search.more_5_b" = "> 5B"; "market.advanced_search.more_10_b" = "> 10B"; "market.advanced_search.more_50_b" = "> 50B"; "market.advanced_search.more_500_b" = "> 500B"; -"" = "1 Day"; -"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Week"; -"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Weeks"; +"" = "1 Dia"; +"market.advanced_search.week" = "1 Semana"; +"market.advanced_search.week2" = "2 Semanas"; "market.advanced_search.month" = "1 Mês"; "market.advanced_search.month6" = "6 Meses"; "market.advanced_search.year" = "1 Ano"; @@ -697,719 +697,719 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; "" = "TVL no DeFi"; "" = "Valor total bloqueado (TVL) no DeFi"; "" = "Multi-Cadeia"; -"" = "Filter by chain"; +"" = "Filtrar por cadeia"; // Coin Page -"coin_page.overview" = "Price"; -"" = "Analytics"; +"coin_page.overview" = "Preço"; +"" = "Análises"; "" = "Mercados"; "coin_page.tweets" = "Tweets"; // Coin Page -> Overview -"coin_overview.indicators" = "Indicators"; -"" = "Show"; -"coin_overview.indicators.hide" = "Hide"; -"coin_overview.market_cap" = "Market Cap"; -"coin_overview.circulating_supply" = "In Circulation"; -"coin_overview.total_supply" = "Total Supply"; +"coin_overview.indicators" = "Indicadores"; +"" = "Mostrar"; +"coin_overview.indicators.hide" = "Ocultar"; +"coin_overview.market_cap" = "Capitalização de Mercado"; +"coin_overview.circulating_supply" = "Em Circulação"; +"coin_overview.total_supply" = "Fornecimento total"; "coin_overview.diluted_market_cap" = "MCap Diludido"; -"coin_overview.genesis_date" = "Inception Date"; -"coin_overview.trading_volume" = "Trading Volume"; +"coin_overview.genesis_date" = "Data de Início"; +"coin_overview.trading_volume" = "Volume de Operações"; -"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 Day"; -"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Week"; -"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Weeks"; +"coin_overview.roi.hour24" = "1 Dia"; +"coin_overview.roi.day7" = "1 Semana"; +"coin_overview.roi.day14" = "2 Semanas"; "coin_overview.roi.day30" = "1 Mês"; -"coin_overview.roi.day200" = "6 Month"; +"coin_overview.roi.day200" = "6 Meses"; "coin_overview.roi.year1" = "1 Ano"; -"coin_overview.category" = "Category"; +"coin_overview.category" = "Categoria"; "coin_overview.blockchains" = "Blockchains"; "coin_overview.bips" = "BIPs"; -"coin_overview.coin_types" = "Coin Types"; -"coin_overview.show_more" = "Show More"; -"coin_overview.show_less" = "Show Less"; +"coin_overview.coin_types" = "Tipos de moeda"; +"coin_overview.show_more" = "Mostrar Mais"; +"coin_overview.show_less" = "Mostrar menos"; "coin_overview.links" = "Links"; -"" = "Guide"; -"" = "Website"; +"" = "Guia"; +"" = "Site"; "coin_overview.whitepaper" = "Whitepaper"; // Coin Page -> Analytics -"coin_analytics.indicators.summary" = "Summary"; -"coin_analytics.indicators.title" = "Technical Indicators"; -"coin_analytics.indicators.no_data" = "No Data"; -"coin_analytics.indicators.strong_buy" = "Strong Buy"; -"" = "Buy"; -"coin_analytics.indicators.neutral" = "Neutral"; -"coin_analytics.indicators.sell" = "Sell"; -"coin_analytics.indicators.strong_sell" = "Strong Sell"; -"coin_analytics.period" = "Period"; -"coin_analytics.period.select_title" = "Select Period"; -"coin_analytics.period.1h" = "1 hour"; -"coin_analytics.period.4h" = "4 hours"; -"coin_analytics.period.1d" = "1 day"; -"coin_analytics.period.1w" = "1 week"; - -"coin_analytics.details" = "Details"; - -"coin_analytics.not_available" = "This project has no analytics data"; - -"coin_analytics.technical_indicators" = "Technical Indicators"; -"coin_analytics.technical_indicators.info1" = "Summary: This is a general overview of an asset's technicals, considering a variety of technical indicators and timeframes. It provides a consensus viewpoint (Buy, Sell, or Neutral) based on these indicators."; -"coin_analytics.technical_indicators.info2" = "Moving Averages (MA): These are commonly used technical indicators that smooth out price data to create a trend-following indicator. They show the average price over a specific time period. There are several types of MAs:\n\nSimple Moving Average (SMA): This calculates the average of a selected range of prices, usually closing prices, by the number of periods in that range.\n\nExponential Moving Average (EMA): This gives more weight to recent prices, thereby responding more quickly to recent price changes."; -"coin_analytics.technical_indicators.info3" = "Oscillators: These are technical indicators that fluctuate over time within a band (above and below a center line, or between set levels). They are designed to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in a market. Here are some common oscillators:\n\nRelative Strength Index (RSI): This measures the speed and change of price movements. It is usually used to identify overbought or oversold conditions.\n\nMoving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): This is used to identify potential buy and sell signals. It triggers technical signals when it crosses above (to buy) or below (to sell) its signal line."; - -"coin_analytics.cex_volume" = "CEX Volume"; -"coin_analytics.cex_volume_rank" = "CEX Volume Rank"; -"coin_analytics.cex_volume_rank.description" = "Tokens ranked by trading volume for the token on centralized exchanges."; -"coin_analytics.cex_volume.info1" = "Total trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over a 30-day period."; -"coin_analytics.cex_volume.info2" = "Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading centralized exchanges over 1 year period."; -"coin_analytics.cex_volume.info3" = "Token's rank is based on trading volume on leading centralized exchanges over 30-day period."; -"coin_analytics.cex_volume.info4" = "List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on centralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals."; - -"coin_analytics.dex_volume" = "DEX Volume"; -"coin_analytics.dex_volume_rank" = "DEX Volume Rank"; -"coin_analytics.dex_volume_rank.description" = "Tokens ranked by trading volume for the token on decentralized exchanges."; -"coin_analytics.dex_volume.info1" = "Total trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over a 30-day period."; -"coin_analytics.dex_volume.info2" = "Chart showing variation in daily trading volume for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period."; -"coin_analytics.dex_volume.info3" = "Token's rank based on trading volume on leading decentralized exchanges over 30-day period."; -"coin_analytics.dex_volume.info4" = "List of all tokens ranked based on trading volume on decentralized exchanges over 24H / 7D / 1M intervals."; -"coin_analytics.dex_volume.tracked_dexes" = "DEXes that are being tracked:"; +"coin_analytics.indicators.summary" = "Resumo"; +"coin_analytics.indicators.title" = "Indicadores Técnicos"; +"coin_analytics.indicators.no_data" = "Sem dados"; +"coin_analytics.indicators.strong_buy" = "Compra forte"; +"" = "Comprar"; +"coin_analytics.indicators.neutral" = "Neutra"; +"coin_analytics.indicators.sell" = "Irá vender"; +"coin_analytics.indicators.strong_sell" = "Venda forte"; +"coin_analytics.period" = "Período"; +"coin_analytics.period.select_title" = "Selecionar Período"; +"coin_analytics.period.1h" = "1 hora"; +"coin_analytics.period.4h" = "4 horas"; +"coin_analytics.period.1d" = "1 dia"; +"coin_analytics.period.1w" = "1 semana"; + +"coin_analytics.details" = "Detalhes"; + +"coin_analytics.not_available" = "Este projeto não tem dados de análise"; + +"coin_analytics.technical_indicators" = "Indicadores Técnicos"; +"coin_analytics.technical_indicators.info1" = "Resumo: Esta é uma visão geral das técnicas de um ativo, considerando uma variedade de indicadores técnicos e prazos. Ele fornece uma visão de consenso (Comprar, Vender ou Neutra) com base nestes indicadores."; +"coin_analytics.technical_indicators.info2" = "Movendo Médias (PMA): Estes são indicadores técnicos usados comumente que suavizam dados de preços para criar um indicador de evolução de seguimento. Eles mostram o preço médio durante um período de tempo específico. Existem vários tipos de MAs:\n\nMédia Simples de Movimento (SMA): Isso calcula a média de uma gama de preços selecionada. usualmente fechando preços, pelo número de períodos desse intervalo.\n\nMédia exponencial em movimento (EMA): Isso dá mais peso aos preços recentes, respondendo assim mais rapidamente às alterações recentes de preços."; +"coin_analytics.technical_indicators.info3" = "Osciladores: Estes são indicadores técnicos que variam ao longo do tempo em uma banda (acima e abaixo de uma linha centralizada, ou entre os níveis do conjunto). Destinam-se a ajudar a identificar condições sobrecompradas e sobrevendidas num mercado. Aqui estão alguns osciladores comuns:\n\nÍndice de Força Relativa (RSI): Isso mede a velocidade e a mudança de movimentos de preços. Geralmente é utilizada para identificar condições sobrecompradas ou sobrevendidas.\n\nDivergência Média de Convergência (MACD): Isso é usado para identificar sinais potenciais de compra e venda. Ele aciona sinais técnicos quando cruza acima (para comprar) ou abaixo (para vender) sua linha de sinal."; + +"coin_analytics.cex_volume" = "Volume CEX"; +"coin_analytics.cex_volume_rank" = "Ranking do Volume CEX"; +"coin_analytics.cex_volume_rank.description" = "Tokens classificados por volume de negociação para o token em corretoras centralizadas."; +"coin_analytics.cex_volume.info1" = "Volume total de trading para o token em corretoras centralizadas durante um período de 30 dias."; +"coin_analytics.cex_volume.info2" = "Gráfico mostrando a variação no volume diário de negociação do token nas principais corretoras centralizadas durante um período de 1 ano."; +"coin_analytics.cex_volume.info3" = "Classificação do Token baseada no volume de trading nas principais corretoras centralizadas durante um período de 30 dias."; +"coin_analytics.cex_volume.info4" = "Lista de todos os tokens com base no volume de trading em corretoras centralizadas ao longo de 24H / 7D / 1M."; + +"coin_analytics.dex_volume" = "Volume DEX"; +"coin_analytics.dex_volume_rank" = "Ranking do Volume DEX"; +"coin_analytics.dex_volume_rank.description" = "Tokens classificados por volume de negociação para o token em corretoras descentralizadas."; +"coin_analytics.dex_volume.info1" = "Volume total de trading para o token em corretoras centralizadas durante um período de 30 dias."; +"coin_analytics.dex_volume.info2" = "Gráfico mostrando a variação no volume diário de negociação do token nas principais corretoras centralizadas durante um período de 1 ano."; +"coin_analytics.dex_volume.info3" = "Classificação do Token baseada no volume de trading em principais corretoras centralizadas durante um período de 30 dias."; +"coin_analytics.dex_volume.info4" = "Lista de todos os tokens com base no volume de trading em corretoras descentralizadas ao longo de 24H / 7D / 1M."; +"coin_analytics.dex_volume.tracked_dexes" = "DEXes que estão sendo rastreados:"; "coin_analytics.dex_volume.tracked_dexes.info1" = "Ethereum : Uniswap V2/3, Sushiswap"; "coin_analytics.dex_volume.tracked_dexes.info2" = "Binance-Smart-Chain : PancakeSwap"; -"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity" = "DEX Liquidity"; -"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity_rank" = "DEX Liquidity Rank"; -"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity_rank.description" = "Tokens ranked by available liquidity on decentralized exchanges."; -"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity.info1" = "Total currently available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges."; -"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity.info2" = "Chart showing variation in available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges over 1 year period."; -"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity.info3" = "List of all tokens ranked based on available liquidity for the token on leading decentralized exchanges."; -"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity.tracked_dexes" = "DEXes that are being tracked:"; +"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity" = "Liquidez DEX"; +"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity_rank" = "Ranking de Liquidez DEX"; +"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity_rank.description" = "Tokens classificados por liquidez disponível em corretoras descentralizadas."; +"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity.info1" = "Quantidade total de liquidez disponível para o token em corretoras descentralizadas."; +"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity.info2" = "Gráfico mostrando a variação na liquidez disponível para o token nas principais corretoras descentralizadas durante o período de 1 ano."; +"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity.info3" = "Lista de todos os tokens com base na liquidez disponível para o token nas principais exchanges descentralizadas."; +"coin_analytics.dex_liquidity.tracked_dexes" = "DEXes que estão sendo rastreados:"; "coin_analytics.dex_liquidity.tracked_dexes.info1" = "Ethereum : Uniswap V2/3, Balancer V1/2, Bancor V2, Curve, Sushiswap"; "coin_analytics.dex_liquidity.tracked_dexes.info2" = "Binance-Smart-Chain : PancakeSwap, DODO V1/2"; -"coin_analytics.active_addresses" = "Daily Active Addresses"; -"coin_analytics.active_addresses.30_day_unique_addresses" = "30-Day Unique Addresses"; -"coin_analytics.active_addresses_rank" = "Active Addresses Rank"; -"coin_analytics.active_addresses_rank.description" = "Tokens ranked by number of unique addresses transacting with the token."; -"coin_analytics.active_addresses.info1" = "Total number of unique daily active addresses over a 24-hour period."; -"coin_analytics.active_addresses.info2" = "Chart showing variation in daily active address count over 1 year period."; -"coin_analytics.active_addresses.info3" = "Total number of unique blockchain addresses transacting with token over 30-day period."; -"coin_analytics.active_addresses.info4" = "Token's rank based on the number of active wallets transacting with the token 30-day period."; -"coin_analytics.active_addresses.info5" = "List of all tokens ranked based on the number of daily active addresses transacting with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals."; - -"coin_analytics.transaction_count" = "Transaction Count"; -"coin_analytics.transaction_count_rank" = "Tx Count Rank"; -"coin_analytics.transaction_count_rank.description" = "Tokens ranked by number of transactions on a blockchain."; -"coin_analytics.transaction_count.info1" = "Total number of unique blockchain transactions with token over 30-day period."; -"coin_analytics.transaction_count.info2" = "Chart showing variation in transaction count over 1 year period."; -"coin_analytics.transaction_count.info3" = "Token's rank based on the number of transactions with the token 30-day period."; -"coin_analytics.transaction_count.info4" = "List of all tokens ranked based on the number of transactions with the token over 24h / 7D / 1M intervals."; -"coin_analytics.transaction_count.info5" = "The total number of tokens transferred over the blockchain over the 30 day period."; +"coin_analytics.active_addresses" = "Endereços ativos diários"; +"coin_analytics.active_addresses.30_day_unique_addresses" = "30 Dias Endereços Únicos"; +"coin_analytics.active_addresses_rank" = "Ranking de Endereços Ativos"; +"coin_analytics.active_addresses_rank.description" = "Tokens classificados pelo número de endereços exclusivos que realizam transações com o token."; +"coin_analytics.active_addresses.info1" = "Número total de endereços ativos diários únicos em um período de 24 horas."; +"coin_analytics.active_addresses.info2" = "Gráfico mostrando a variação na contagem diária de endereços ativos durante o período de 1 ano."; +"coin_analytics.active_addresses.info3" = "Número total de endereços de blockchain únicos realizando transações com token em um período de 30 dias."; +"coin_analytics.active_addresses.info4" = "Classificação do token com base no número de carteiras ativas realizando transações no período de 30 dias do token."; +"coin_analytics.active_addresses.info5" = "Lista de todos os tokens classificados com base no número de endereços ativos diários que realizam transações com o token em intervalos de 24h / 7D / 1M."; + +"coin_analytics.transaction_count" = "Contagem de transações"; +"coin_analytics.transaction_count_rank" = "Ranking de Contador Tx"; +"coin_analytics.transaction_count_rank.description" = "Tokens classificados por número de transações em uma blockchain."; +"coin_analytics.transaction_count.info1" = "Número total de transações únicas na blockchain com token em um período de 30 dias."; +"coin_analytics.transaction_count.info2" = "Gráfico mostrando a variação na contagem de transações no período de 1 ano."; +"coin_analytics.transaction_count.info3" = "Ranking do token com base no número de transações com o período de 30 dias do token."; +"coin_analytics.transaction_count.info4" = "Lista de todos os tokens classificados com base no número de transações com o token em intervalos de 24h / 7D / 1M."; +"coin_analytics.transaction_count.info5" = "O número total de tokens transferidos sobre a blockchain ao longo do período de 30 dias."; "coin_analytics.holders" = "Holders"; -"coin_analytics.holders_rank" = "Holders Rank"; -"coin_analytics.holders_rank.description" = "Ranking tokens by unique addresses holding them on multiple blockchains."; -"coin_analytics.holders.info1" = "Total number of unique addresses holding the token on various blockchains."; -"coin_analytics.holders.info2" = "Top 10 wallets holding the token on each blockchain."; -"coin_analytics.holders.tracked_blockchains" = "Tracked blockchains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon"; -"coin_analytics.holders.in_top_10_addresses" = "in top 10 holders"; -"coin_analytics.holders.count" = "Total Holders: %@"; +"coin_analytics.holders_rank" = "Classificação dos Holders"; +"coin_analytics.holders_rank.description" = "Raking de tokens por endereços únicos guardando-os em várias blockchains."; +"coin_analytics.holders.info1" = "Número total de endereços únicos que contêm o token em várias blockchains."; +"coin_analytics.holders.info2" = "As 10 principais carteiras que possuem o token em cada blockchain."; +"coin_analytics.holders.tracked_blockchains" = "Blockchains rastreadas: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Cronos, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon"; +"coin_analytics.holders.in_top_10_addresses" = "Top 10 holders"; +"coin_analytics.holders.count" = "Número total de Holders: %@"; "coin_analytics.holders.see_all" = "Ver tudo"; -"coin_analytics.project_tvl" = "Project TVL"; -"coin_analytics.tvl_ratio" = "M.Cap / TVL Ratio"; -"coin_analytics.project_tvl.info_title" = "Project TVL (Total Value Locked)"; -"coin_analytics.project_tvl.info1" = "Total-Value-Locked (or Assets Under Management) in the project's smart contracts."; -"coin_analytics.project_tvl.info2" = "Chart showing variation Total-Value-Locked in project's smart contracts over 1 year period."; -"coin_analytics.project_tvl.info3" = "Token's rank based on current Total-Value-Locked."; -"coin_analytics.project_tvl.info4" = "List of all tokens ranked based on current Total-Value-Locked."; -"coin_analytics.project_tvl.info5" = "Market Cap / TVL ratio for the project."; +"coin_analytics.project_tvl" = "Projeto TVL"; +"coin_analytics.tvl_ratio" = "Proporção de Capital de M. / TVB"; +"coin_analytics.project_tvl.info_title" = "Projeto TVB (Total de Valor Bloqueado)"; +"coin_analytics.project_tvl.info1" = "Valor-Total-Bloqueado (ou Ativos Sob Gerenciamento) nos contratos inteligentes do projeto."; +"coin_analytics.project_tvl.info2" = "Gráfico mostrando a variação Valor-Total-Bloqueado nos contratos inteligentes do projeto durante o período de 1 ano."; +"coin_analytics.project_tvl.info3" = "Classificação do token com base no Valor-Total-Bloqueado atual."; +"coin_analytics.project_tvl.info4" = "Lista de todos os tokens classificados com base no Valor-Total-Bloqueado atual."; +"coin_analytics.project_tvl.info5" = "Valor de Mercado / proporção VTB para o projeto."; -"coin_analytics.project_fee" = "Project Fee"; -"coin_analytics.project_fee_rank" = "Project Fee Rank"; -"coin_analytics.project_fee_rank.description" = "Tokens ranked according to fees generated by respective projects. The way fees are collected varies from project to project."; +"coin_analytics.project_fee" = "Taxa do Projeto"; +"coin_analytics.project_fee_rank" = "Classificação da Taxa do Projeto"; +"coin_analytics.project_fee_rank.description" = "Tokens ranqueados de acordo com as taxas geradas pelos respectivos projetos. A forma como as taxas são coletadas varia do projeto para o projeto."; -"coin_analytics.project_revenue" = "Project Revenue"; -"coin_analytics.project_revenue_rank" = "Project Revenue Rank"; -"coin_analytics.project_revenue_rank.description" = "Tokens ranked by revenue generated for holders via mechanisms i.e. staking or token burns."; +"coin_analytics.project_revenue" = "Receita do Projeto"; +"coin_analytics.project_revenue_rank" = "Ranking da Receita do Projeto"; +"coin_analytics.project_revenue_rank.description" = "Tokens classificados por receitas geradas para os holders através de mecanismos, ou seja, burns por staking ou token."; -"coin_analytics.other_data" = "Other Data"; +"coin_analytics.other_data" = "Outros dados"; -"coin_analytics.reports" = "Reports"; +"coin_analytics.reports" = "Relatórios"; -"coin_analytics.funding" = "Funding"; -"coin_analytics.funding.lead" = "Lead"; +"coin_analytics.funding" = "Financiamento"; +"coin_analytics.funding.lead" = "Conduzir"; -"coin_analytics.treasuries" = "Treasuries"; -"coin_analytics.treasuries.filters" = "Filters"; +"coin_analytics.treasuries" = "Tesouros"; +"coin_analytics.treasuries.filters" = "Filtros"; "coin_analytics.treasuries.filter.all" = "Todos"; -"coin_analytics.treasuries.filter.public" = "Public"; -"coin_analytics.treasuries.filter.private" = "Private"; +"coin_analytics.treasuries.filter.public" = "Público"; +"coin_analytics.treasuries.filter.private" = "Privado"; "coin_analytics.treasuries.filter.etf" = "ETF"; -"coin_analytics.audits" = "Audits"; -"coin_analytics.audits.issues" = "Issues"; -"coin_analytics.audits.no_reports" = "No audit reports"; - -"coin_analytics.last_30d" = "last 30d"; -"coin_analytics.current" = "current"; - -"coin_analytics.overall_score" = "Overall Score"; -"coin_analytics.overall_score.excellent" = "Excellent"; -"coin_analytics.overall_score.good" = "Good"; -"coin_analytics.overall_score.fair" = "Fair"; -"coin_analytics.overall_score.poor" = "Poor"; -"coin_analytics.overall_score.cex_volume" = "The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on centralized exchanges over the last 7 days."; -"coin_analytics.overall_score.dex_volume" = "The overall score is based on the average daily trading volume on decentralized exchanges over the last 7 days."; -"coin_analytics.overall_score.dex_liquidity" = "The overall score is based on the total avilable liquidity on decentralized exchanges."; -"coin_analytics.overall_score.active_addresses" = "The overall score is based on the average daily active addresses over the last 7 days."; -"coin_analytics.overall_score.project_tvl" = "The overall score is based on the total value locked (assets under management) on the project represented by the given token."; -"coin_analytics.overall_score.transaction_count" = "The overall score is based on the average daily transaction count over the last 7 days."; -"coin_analytics.overall_score.holders" = "The overall score is based on the total number of addresses holding respective token."; - -"coin_analytics.rank" = "Rank"; -"coin_analytics.30_day_rank" = "30-Day Rank"; -"coin_analytics.30_day_volume" = "30-Day Volume"; +"coin_analytics.audits" = "Auditorias"; +"coin_analytics.audits.issues" = "Ocorrências"; +"coin_analytics.audits.no_reports" = "Nenhum relatório de auditoria"; + +"coin_analytics.last_30d" = "últimos 30d"; +"coin_analytics.current" = "atual"; + +"coin_analytics.overall_score" = "Pontuação geral"; +"coin_analytics.overall_score.excellent" = "Excelente"; +"coin_analytics.overall_score.good" = "Excelente"; +"coin_analytics.overall_score.fair" = "Justa"; +"coin_analytics.overall_score.poor" = "Pobre"; +"coin_analytics.overall_score.cex_volume" = "A pontuação geral é baseada no volume médio de trading diário em trocas centralizadas nos últimos 7 dias."; +"coin_analytics.overall_score.dex_volume" = "A pontuação geral é baseada no volume médio diário de trading em trocas descentralizadas nos últimos 7 dias."; +"coin_analytics.overall_score.dex_liquidity" = "A pontuação geral é baseada na liquidez total disponível em trocas descentralizadas."; +"coin_analytics.overall_score.active_addresses" = "A pontuação geral é baseada na média diária ativa dos últimos 7 dias."; +"coin_analytics.overall_score.project_tvl" = "A pontuação geral é baseada no valor total bloqueado (ativos sob gerenciação) no projeto representado pelo token fornecido."; +"coin_analytics.overall_score.transaction_count" = "A pontuação geral é baseada na contagem média de transações diárias nos últimos 7 dias."; +"coin_analytics.overall_score.holders" = "A pontuação geral é baseada no número total de endereços mantendo o respectivo token."; + +"coin_analytics.rank" = "Classificação"; +"coin_analytics.30_day_rank" = "Classificação 30-Dias"; +"coin_analytics.30_day_volume" = "Volume 30 Dias"; // Coin Page -> Markets -"coin_markets.empty" = "No data available"; +"coin_markets.empty" = "Não há dados disponíveis"; // Coin Page -> Tweets -"coin_tweets.reference_type.retweeted" = "Retweeted @%@"; -"coin_tweets.reference_type.quoted" = "Quoted @%@"; -"coin_tweets.reference_type.replied" = "Replied to @%@"; -"coin_tweets.no_tweets_yet" = "No tweets yet"; -"coin_tweets.not_available" = "No twitter available"; -"coin_tweets.see_on_twitter" = "See on Twitter"; +"coin_tweets.reference_type.retweeted" = "Retweetado @%@"; +"coin_tweets.reference_type.quoted" = "Citado @%@"; +"coin_tweets.reference_type.replied" = "Respondido a @%@"; +"coin_tweets.no_tweets_yet" = "Não há tweets ainda"; +"coin_tweets.not_available" = "Nenhum twitter disponível"; +"coin_tweets.see_on_twitter" = "Veja no Twitter"; // Coin Page -> Indicators -"chart_indicators.title" = "Indicators"; -"chart_indicators.moving_averages" = "Moving Averages"; -"chart_indicators.oscillators" = "Oscillators"; +"chart_indicators.title" = "Indicadores"; +"chart_indicators.moving_averages" = "Média em Movimento"; +"chart_indicators.oscillators" = "Osciladores"; -"chart_indicators.settings.period.error" = "Period can’t be more than %d"; +"chart_indicators.settings.period.error" = "O período não pode ser maior que %d"; -"" = "The EMA, SMA, and WMA are moving averages used in technical analysis:\n\nEMA emphasizes recent prices for quicker reactions.\nSMA averages price data for a general trend view.\nWMA balances sensitivity and noise reduction by linearly weighting recent data"; -"" = "Type"; -"" = "Period"; +"" = "O EMA, SMA e WMA são médias móveis usadas em análise técnica:\n\nEMA enfatiza preços recentes para reações mais rápidas.\nSMA indica dados de preços médios para uma visão geral de tendência.\nSaldos WMA e redução de ruído por ponderação linearmente de dados recentes"; +"" = "Tipo"; +"" = "Período"; "chart_indicators.settings.rsi.title" = "RSI"; -"chart_indicators.settings.rsi.description" = "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures price speed and change, identifying overbought (above 70) or oversold (below 30) market conditions. It can also detect price reversals through divergences."; -"chart_indicators.settings.rsi.period_title" = "RSI Length"; +"chart_indicators.settings.rsi.description" = "O Índice de Força Relativa (RSI) é um oscilador de momentum que mede a velocidade e a mudança de preços, identificando supercomprados (acima de 70) ou supervendidos (abaixo de 30) condições de mercado. Ele também pode detectar reversões de preço através de divergências."; +"chart_indicators.settings.rsi.period_title" = "Comprimento RSI"; "chart_indicators.settings.macd.title" = "MACD"; -"chart_indicators.settings.macd.description" = "The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a momentum indicator that tracks the relationship between two EMAs of a security's price. It signals buying or selling opportunities when the MACD line (12-period EMA minus 26-period EMA) crosses the 9-period EMA, known as the signal line."; -"chart_indicators.settings.macd.fast_period_title" = "Fast Length"; -"chart_indicators.settings.macd.slow_period_title" = "Slow Length"; -"chart_indicators.settings.macd.signal_period_title" = "Signal Smoothing"; +"chart_indicators.settings.macd.description" = "A Divergência de Convergência Média em Movimento (MACD) é um indicador de momento que acompanha a relação entre dois EMAs de um preço de segurança. Sinais de compra ou venda de oportunidades quando a linha MACD (EMA de 12 períodos menos 26-period EMA) cruza o EMA de 9 períodos, conhecido como a linha de sinal."; +"chart_indicators.settings.macd.fast_period_title" = "Comprimento Rápido"; +"chart_indicators.settings.macd.slow_period_title" = "Comprimento Lento"; +"chart_indicators.settings.macd.signal_period_title" = "Suavização de sinal"; -"chart_indicators.settings.macd.slow_fast.error" = "Fast Length must be less than Slow Length"; +"chart_indicators.settings.macd.slow_fast.error" = "O comprimento rápido deve ser menor que o comprimento lento"; // Transactions -"transactions.title" = "Transactions"; -"transactions.tab_bar_item" = "Transactions"; +"transactions.title" = "Transações"; +"transactions.tab_bar_item" = "Transações"; "transactions.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; -"transactions.all_blockchains" = "All Blockchains"; -"transactions.all_coins" = "All Coins"; -"transactions.choose_coin" = "Choose Coin"; +"transactions.all_blockchains" = "Todas Blockchains"; +"transactions.all_coins" = "Todas as moedas"; +"transactions.choose_coin" = "Escolher Moedas"; "transactions.filter_all" = "Todos"; -"transactions.empty_text" = "You don't have any pending or past transactions yet"; -"transactions.pending" = "Pending"; -"transactions.processing" = "Processing"; -"transactions.completed" = "Completed"; -"transactions.failed" = "Failed"; +"transactions.empty_text" = "Você ainda não tem nenhuma transação pendente ou anterior"; +"transactions.pending" = "Pendente"; +"transactions.processing" = "Processando"; +"transactions.completed" = "Concluído"; +"transactions.failed" = "Falhou"; "transactions.receive" = "Receber"; -"transactions.send" = "Send"; -"transactions.burn" = "Burn"; +"transactions.send" = "Enviar"; +"transactions.burn" = "Queimar"; "" = "Mint"; -"transactions.approve" = "Approve"; +"transactions.approve" = "Aprovar"; "transactions.swap" = "Trocar"; -"transactions.contract_call" = "Contract Call"; -"transactions.contract_creation" = "Contract Creation"; -"transactions.external_call" = "External Call"; +"transactions.contract_call" = "Chamada de Contrato"; +"transactions.contract_creation" = "Criação de contrato"; +"transactions.external_call" = "Ligação Externa"; -"" = "To %@"; -"transactions.from" = "From %@"; +"" = "Para %@"; +"transactions.from" = "De %@"; -"transactions.multiple" = "Multiple"; +"transactions.multiple" = "Múltiplo"; -"transactions.value.unlimited" = "unlimited"; +"transactions.value.unlimited" = "ilimitado"; -"" = "Today"; -"transactions.yesterday" = "Yesterday"; +"" = "Hoje"; +"transactions.yesterday" = "Ontem"; "transactions.types.all" = "Todos"; -"transactions.types.incoming" = "Received"; -"transactions.types.outgoing" = "Sent"; -"transactions.types.swap" = "Swaps"; -"transactions.types.approve" = "Approvals"; +"transactions.types.incoming" = "Recebido"; +"transactions.types.outgoing" = "Enviado"; +"transactions.types.swap" = "Trocas"; +"transactions.types.approve" = "Aprovações"; -"transactions.unknown_transaction.title" = "Unknown Transaction"; -"transactions.unknown_transaction.description" = "Transaction can not be parsed"; +"transactions.unknown_transaction.title" = "Transação Desconhecida"; +"transactions.unknown_transaction.description" = "Transação não pôde ser analisada"; // Transaction Info -"tx_info.title" = "Transaction Info"; -"" = "Date"; -"tx_info.title_approval" = "Swap Approval"; -"tx_info.status.pending" = "Pending"; -"tx_info.status.completed" = "Completed"; -"tx_info.status.failed" = "Failed"; -"tx_info.from_hash" = "From"; +"tx_info.title" = "Informações sobre a transação"; +"" = "Data"; +"tx_info.title_approval" = "Aprovação de troca"; +"tx_info.status.pending" = "Pendente"; +"tx_info.status.completed" = "Concluído"; +"tx_info.status.failed" = "Falhou"; +"tx_info.from_hash" = "De"; "tx_info.transaction_id" = "ID"; "tx_info.to_hash" = "Para"; "tx_info.spender" = "Gastador"; "tx_info.contact_name" = "Nome do Contato"; -"tx_info.button_explorer" = "View on %@"; -"tx_info.rate" = "Historical Rate"; -"tx_info.options.speed_up" = "Speed Up"; +"tx_info.button_explorer" = "Ver no %@"; +"tx_info.rate" = "Dados históricos"; +"tx_info.options.speed_up" = "Acelerar"; "tx_info.options.cancel" = "Cancelar transação"; -"tx_info.transaction.already_in_block" = "Transaction already in block"; -"tx_info.fee" = "Fee"; -"tx_info.fee.estimated" = "Fee (est.)"; -"tx_info.to_self_note" = "This transaction is sent to own address"; -"tx_info.double_spent_note" = "Double Spend Risk!"; -"tx_info.locked_until" = "Locked until %@"; -"tx_info.unlocked_at" = "Unlocked at %@"; -"tx_info.recipient_hash" = "Recipient"; -"tx_info.raw_transaction" = "Raw Transaction"; +"tx_info.transaction.already_in_block" = "A transação já foi confirmada"; +"tx_info.fee" = "Taxa"; +"tx_info.fee.estimated" = "Taxa (est.)"; +"tx_info.to_self_note" = "Esta transação é enviada para o próprio endereço"; +"tx_info.double_spent_note" = "Risco de gasto duplo!"; +"tx_info.locked_until" = "Bloqueado até %@"; +"tx_info.unlocked_at" = "Desbloqueado às %@"; +"tx_info.recipient_hash" = "Destinatário"; +"tx_info.raw_transaction" = "Transação bruta"; "tx_info.memo" = "Memo"; -"tx_info.service" = "Service"; -"tx_info.view_on" = "View on %@"; -"tx_info.you_pay" = "You Pay"; -"tx_info.you_get" = "You Get"; -"tx_info.you_paid" = "You Paid"; -"tx_info.you_got" = "You Got"; -"tx_info.price" = "Price"; +"tx_info.service" = "Serviço"; +"tx_info.view_on" = "Ver no %@"; +"tx_info.you_pay" = "Você Paga"; +"tx_info.you_get" = "Você recebe"; +"tx_info.you_paid" = "Você Paga"; +"tx_info.you_got" = "Você Tem"; +"tx_info.price" = "Preço"; // Settings -"settings.title" = "Settings"; -"settings.tab_bar_item" = "Settings"; -"settings.manage_accounts" = "Manage Wallets"; -"settings.blockchain_settings" = "Blockchain Settings"; -"" = "Security"; +"settings.title" = "Configurações"; +"settings.tab_bar_item" = "Configurações"; +"settings.manage_accounts" = "Gerenciar carteiras"; +"settings.blockchain_settings" = "Configurações da Blockchain"; +"" = "Segurança"; "settings.experimental_features" = "Experimental"; -"settings.personal_support" = "Personal Support"; -"settings.base_currency" = "Base Currency"; -"settings.language" = "Language"; +"settings.personal_support" = "Suporte Pessoal"; +"settings.base_currency" = "Moeda base"; +"settings.language" = "Idioma"; "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; -"settings.theme" = "Theme"; -"settings.info_subtitle" = "decentralized app"; -"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; -"settings.donate.title" = "Donate"; +"settings.theme" = "Tema"; +"settings.info_subtitle" = "aplicativo descentralizado"; +"settings.donate.description" = "Juntos, com o seu apoio, podemos fazer este aplicativo ainda melhor!"; +"settings.donate.title" = "Doar"; // Settings -> Base Currency -"settings.base_currency.title" = "Base Currency"; +"settings.base_currency.title" = "Moeda base"; "settings.base_currency.other" = "Outros"; -"settings.base_currency.disclaimer" = "Disclaimer"; -"settings.base_currency.disclaimer.description" = "The exchange rate data is provided by a third party service - \n\nThe %@ wallet app doesn't guarantee these values are always correct and matches market data. The chance for inconsistency is higher if you select any base currency other than %@."; -"settings.base_currency.disclaimer.set" = "Set"; +"settings.base_currency.disclaimer" = "Aviso Legal"; +"settings.base_currency.disclaimer.description" = "Os dados da taxa de câmbio são fornecidos por um serviço de terceiros - \n\nO aplicativo de carteira %@ não garante que esses valores sejam sempre corretos e que correspondam aos dados do mercado. A chance de inconsistência é maior se você selecionar qualquer moeda base que não seja %@."; +"settings.base_currency.disclaimer.set" = "Definir"; // Settings -> Manage Wallet -"manage_wallets.title" = "Coin Manager"; -"manage_wallets.not_found" = "No results found. Try to add token manually."; -"manage_wallets.search_placeholder" = "Name, code or contract address"; -"manage_wallets.contract_address" = "Contract Address"; -"manage_wallets.derivation_description" = "There are 4 common address formats %@ wallets can use to receive incoming payments:\n\n- BIP44 (oldest)\n- BIP49\n- BIP84 (recommended)\n- BIP86 (newest)\n\nWhile %@ wallet supports all 4, it recommends to use a %@ wallet operating in BIP84 format."; -"manage_wallets.bitcoin_cash_coin_type_description" = "There are 2 address formats Bitcoin Cash wallets can use to receive incoming payments:\n\n- TYPE 0 (older)\n- TYPE 145 (newer)\n\nWhile %@ wallet supports both of them it recommends to use a Bitcoin Cash wallet operating in TYPE 145 format."; +"manage_wallets.title" = "Gerente de Moedas"; +"manage_wallets.not_found" = "Nenhum resultado encontrado. Tente adicionar token manualmente."; +"manage_wallets.search_placeholder" = "Nome, código ou endereço do contrato"; +"manage_wallets.contract_address" = "Endereço do Contrato"; +"manage_wallets.derivation_description" = "Existem 4 formatos de endereço que %@ carteiras podem usar para receber pagamentos recebidos:\n\n- BIP44 (mais antigo)\n- BIP49\n- BIP84 (recomendado)\n- BIP86 (mais recente)\n\nEnquanto a Carteira %@ suporta todos os 4, ele recomenda usar uma carteira %@ operando no formato BIP84."; +"manage_wallets.bitcoin_cash_coin_type_description" = "Existem 2 formatos de endereço, Bitcoin Cash carteiras podem usar para receber pagamentos recebidos:\n\n- TYPE 0 (mais antigo)\n- TYPE 145 (mais recente)\n\nEnquanto a carteira %@ suporta ambos eles recomenda o uso de uma carteira Bitcoin Cash operando no formato TYPE 145."; // Settings -> Personal Support -"settings.personal_support.telegram_username.title" = "Account"; +"settings.personal_support.telegram_username.title" = "Conta"; "settings.personal_support.telegram_username.placeholder" = "@username"; -"settings.personal_support.description" = "Enter your Telegram account name to open a personal support chat and we'll send message to you."; -"settings.personal_support.request" = "Request"; -"settings.personal_support.requested" = "Requested"; -"settings.personal_support.failed" = "Request failed"; -"settings.personal_support.need_subscription" = "This feature only for %@ Wallet premium users. More info in our official site."; -"settings.personal_support.requested.description" = "You've already requested a private chat, find it on Telegram"; -"settings.personal_support.requested.open_telegram" = "Open Telegram"; -"settings.personal_support.requested.new_request" = "New Request"; +"settings.personal_support.description" = "Digite seu nome de conta do Telegram para abrir um chat de suporte pessoal e enviaremos uma mensagem para você."; +"settings.personal_support.request" = "Solicitar"; +"settings.personal_support.requested" = "Solicitado"; +"settings.personal_support.failed" = "Falha na solicitação"; +"settings.personal_support.need_subscription" = "Esse recurso somente para usuários premium da %@ Carteira. Mais informações em nosso site oficial."; +"settings.personal_support.requested.description" = "Você já pediu um chat privado, encontre-o no Telegram"; +"settings.personal_support.requested.open_telegram" = "Abrir Telegram"; +"settings.personal_support.requested.new_request" = "Nova solicitação"; // Settings -> Experimental Features "settings.experimental_features.title" = "Experimental"; -"settings.experimental_features.description" = "The features below are experimental and should be used with caution. While we have thoroughly tested these features using our own crypto funds, we cannot guarantee they will work as expected in all possible cases."; -"settings.experimental_features.bitcoin_hodling" = "TimeLock"; +"settings.experimental_features.description" = "Os recursos abaixo são experimentais e devem ser usados com cautela. Enquanto nós testamos minuciosamente esses recursos usando nossos próprios fundos cripto, nós não podemos garantir que eles funcionarão como esperado em todos os casos possíveis."; +"settings.experimental_features.bitcoin_hodling" = "TravaTempo"; // Settings -> Experimental Features -> Bitcoin HODLing -"settings.bitcoin_hodling.title" = "TimeLock"; -"settings.bitcoin_hodling.lock_time" = "Activate"; -"settings.bitcoin_hodling.description" = "This enables you to send Bitcoins that cannot be spent until a specified date. \n\nThe receiver of such transactions should use the %@ wallet app version 0.10 or newer, with the BIP44 address format for Bitcoin. \n\nOnly the %@ wallet can correctly identify such transactions on the Bitcoin network, as well as enable the receiver to spend those Bitcoins after the lock period expires. \n\nIf you’re a HODLer, you may use this feature to force yourself into hodling your Bitcoins by sending such transactions to yourself."; +"settings.bitcoin_hodling.title" = "TravaTempo"; +"settings.bitcoin_hodling.lock_time" = "Ativar"; +"settings.bitcoin_hodling.description" = "Isso permite que você envie Bitcoins que não podem ser gastos até uma data especificada. \n\nO destinatário de tais transações deve usar o aplicativo de carteira %@ versão 0.10 ou mais recente, com o formato de endereço BIP44 para Bitcoin. \n\nSomente a carteira %@ pode identificar corretamente tais transações na rede Bitcoin, bem como permitir que o receptor gaste esses Bitcoins após o período de bloqueio expirar. \n\nSe você é um HOLDER, você pode usar este recurso para se forçar a manter seus Bitcoins enviando tais transações para si mesmo. \n\nSendo um recurso experimental, o valor máximo por transação é limitado a 0,5 BTC."; // Settings -> Terms -"terms.title" = "Terms"; -"terms.i_agree" = "I Agree"; +"terms.title" = "Termos"; +"terms.i_agree" = "Eu concordo"; -"terms.item.1" = "Securely backup recovery phrases for each wallet. It's the only way to regain access to funds if the app malfunctions."; -"terms.item.2" = "The wallet recovery phrases are randomly generated on the device during setup and are not stored elsewhere."; -"terms.item.3" = "Disabling unlock PIN (code) on the smartphone deletes all wallets from the app. Recovery phrases will be needed to restore access to funds."; -"terms.item.4" = "Jailbreaking (rooting), using outdated OS, and installing apps from unknown sources may endanger the safety of funds."; -"terms.item.5" = "There may be undiscovered software issues in the code powering this app which may cause the app to malfunction."; +"terms.item.1" = "Frases de recuperação de backup seguros para cada carteira. É a única maneira de recuperar o acesso a fundos se o aplicativo não funcionar."; +"terms.item.2" = "As frases de recuperação de carteira são geradas aleatoriamente no dispositivo durante a configuração e não são armazenadas em outro lugar."; +"terms.item.3" = "Desabilitando o PIN (código) no smartphone exclui todas as carteiras do aplicativo. As frases de recuperação serão necessárias para restaurar o acesso aos fundos."; +"terms.item.4" = "O Jailbreaking (root), o uso de SO desatualizado e a instalação de aplicativos de fontes desconhecidas podem colocar em risco a segurança do dinheiro."; +"terms.item.5" = "Pode haver problemas de software não descobertos no código que irá ligá-lo e causar problemas no aplicativo."; // Settings -> Tell Friends -"settings_tell_friends.text" = "Be Unstoppable"; +"settings_tell_friends.text" = "Seja Unstoppable"; // Settings -> Blockchain Settings -"blockchain_settings.title" = "Blockchain Settings"; +"blockchain_settings.title" = "Configurações da Blockchain"; // Settings -> Security -"settings_security.title" = "Security"; -"settings_security.passcode" = "Passcode"; -"settings_security.change_pin" = "Edit Passcode"; +"settings_security.title" = "Segurança"; +"settings_security.passcode" = "Senha"; +"settings_security.change_pin" = "Editar senha"; "settings_security.touch_id" = "Touch ID"; "settings_security.face_id" = "Face ID"; -"settings_security.blockchain_settings" = "Blockchain Settings"; -"security_settings.delete_alert_button" = "Delete from Phone"; +"settings_security.blockchain_settings" = "Configurações da Blockchain"; +"security_settings.delete_alert_button" = "Excluir do telefone"; -"btc_blockchain_settings.restore_source" = "Restore Source"; -"btc_blockchain_settings.restore_source.description" = "Select a data source for restoring a wallet with transactions."; -"btc_blockchain_settings.restore_source.alert" = "After changing Restore Source the wallet will have to resync itself with the %@ blockchain."; +"btc_blockchain_settings.restore_source" = "Restaurar Fonte"; +"btc_blockchain_settings.restore_source.description" = "Selecione uma fonte de dados para restaurar uma carteira com transações."; +"btc_blockchain_settings.restore_source.alert" = "Após mudar a Restauração, a carteira terá que ressincronizar-se com a blockchain %@."; -"btc_restore_mode.recommended" = "Recommended"; -"btc_restore_mode.more_private" = "More Private"; +"btc_restore_mode.recommended" = "Recomendado"; +"btc_restore_mode.more_private" = "Mais Privado"; -"btc_transaction_sort_mode.shuffle" = "Shuffle"; -"btc_transaction_sort_mode.shuffle.description" = "Random Indexing"; -"btc_transaction_sort_mode.bip69" = "Deterministic Bip69"; -"btc_transaction_sort_mode.bip69.description" = "Lexicographical Indexing"; +"btc_transaction_sort_mode.shuffle" = "Embaralhar"; +"btc_transaction_sort_mode.shuffle.description" = "Indexação aleatória"; +"btc_transaction_sort_mode.bip69" = "Bip69 Determinístico"; +"btc_transaction_sort_mode.bip69.description" = "Indexação Lexicográfica"; -"" = "Restore Source"; +"" = "Restaurar Fonte"; "" = "This setting is only relevant when restoring an existing wallet. It is a process of getting transaction history for a given cryptocurrency so the wallet app is able to display past transactions and calculate the user's balance. This needs to happen only once when the user restores previously created wallets.\n\nAt this point, there are two potential ways for a mobile wallet like %@ to do this:\n\n1. from the API Server: There is a third-party predefined server that hosts the entire blockchain and has all the data processed and optimized to provide that data in a fast manner. This method is fast but potentially (not necessarily) less private. It's also a centralized method to restore a wallet as it depends on the availability of a 3rd party server. This option is recommended due to its speed of getting data (5-10 minutes).\n\n2. from Blockchain: The app tries to restore directly from a network of blockchain nodes. This is a decentralized way to restore wallet balance and past transactions. The app pings many of the network nodes and requests data from them without addressing some nodes specifically. This option is slow and can easily take 2-3 hours, the app needs to be open while restoring is happening. This restore method doesn't depend on any entity and should work in all conditions."; -"" = "RPC Source"; +"" = "Fonte RPC"; "" = "This setting controls how this app interacts with blockchains when sending or receiving transactions.\n\nIn the case of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and Dash, the communication with blockchain network nodes is fully peer-to-peer. %@ pings many nodes and communicates with one of them. Each time the app connects to a different node.\n\nIn the case of Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and other EVM blockchains, there are no alternatives for mobile wallets to interact with respective blockchains other than via third-party RPC service providers (i.e. or personal nodes. That essentially means your communication with that blockchain is not decentralized. This doesn't impact your funds in any way, only the ability to connect to the blockchain network.\n\nRest assured, we are keeping this on the radar and will soon try to provide a decentralized way to sync. Patience."; // Manage Accounts -"manage_accounts.migration_required" = "Migration Required"; -"manage_accounts.migration_recommended" = "Migration recommended"; -"manage_accounts.backup_required" = "Backup required"; +"manage_accounts.migration_required" = "Migração Necessária"; +"manage_accounts.migration_recommended" = "Migração Recomendada"; +"manage_accounts.backup_required" = "Backup necessário"; // Manage Keys -"settings_manage_keys.title" = "Manage Wallets"; +"settings_manage_keys.title" = "Gerenciar carteiras"; "settings_manage_keys.delete" = "Deletar"; "settings_manage_keys.backup" = "Backup"; -"settings_manage_keys.delete.title" = "Delete Wallet"; -"settings_manage_keys.delete.confirmation_remove" = "The action will delete this wallet from the device."; -"settings_manage_keys.delete.confirmation_loose" = "If you didn't back up the private key for this wallet, you will lose access to your funds."; -"settings_manage_keys.delete.confirmation_watch" = "Do you want to stop watching this wallet address?"; -"settings_manage_keys.delete.confirmation_watch.button" = "Stop Watching"; +"settings_manage_keys.delete.title" = "Excluir Carteira"; +"settings_manage_keys.delete.confirmation_remove" = "A ação irá apagar esta carteira do dispositivo."; +"settings_manage_keys.delete.confirmation_loose" = "Se você não fizer o backup da chave privada desta carteira, perderá o acesso aos seus fundos."; +"settings_manage_keys.delete.confirmation_watch" = "Você quer parar de acompanhar este endereço da carteira?"; +"settings_manage_keys.delete.confirmation_watch.button" = "Parar de Acompanhar"; // Settings -> About App -"settings.about_app.title" = "About App"; -"settings.about_app.app_name" = "%@ Wallet"; -"settings.about_app.description" = "The %@ wallet is built for those looking to invest and store cryptocurrencies in a private and independent manner.\n\nIt's a non-custodial, peer-to-peer wallet where only the user has control over the funds. It doesn't collect any data and keeps the user independent by not locking the user's funds to a specific wallet app.\n\nThe %@ wallet is fully open-source and anyone can confirm the app works exactly as it claims to."; +"settings.about_app.title" = "Sobre o App"; +"settings.about_app.app_name" = "Carteira %@"; +"settings.about_app.description" = "A carteira %@ foi construída para aqueles que buscam investir e armazenar criptomoedas de forma privada e independente.\n\nÉ uma carteira não-custódia, peer-to-peer onde apenas o usuário tem controle sobre os fundos. Não coleta nenhum dado e mantém o usuário independente ao não bloquear os fundos do usuário para um aplicativo específico de carteira.\n\nA carteira %@ é totalmente de código aberto e qualquer um pode confirmar que o aplicativo funciona exatamente como afirma."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "O que há de novo"; -"" = "Website"; -"" = "Contact Us"; -"settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Rate Us"; -"settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Tell Friends"; +"" = "Site"; +"" = "Fale Conosco"; +"settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Avalie-Nos"; +"settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Indique para amigos"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "Fale Conosco"; "" = "via E-mail"; "" = "via Telegram"; // Settings -> Privacy -"settings.privacy" = "Privacy"; -"settings.privacy.description" = "%@ doesn't collect any data or use analytics tools that may expose any data about its users. The wallet is designed to ensure a high level of privacy for its users."; -"settings.privacy.statement.user_data_storage" = "User data always remains on the user's device."; -"settings.privacy.statement.data_usage" = "The wallet doesn't collect any data about users."; -"settings.privacy.statement.data_privacy" = "The wallet doesn't share any data about users."; -"settings.privacy.statement.user_account" = "There are no user accounts or databases keeping user data elsewhere."; +"settings.privacy" = "Privacidade"; +"settings.privacy.description" = "%@ não coleta nenhum dado ou usa ferramentas de análise que podem expor quaisquer dados sobre seus usuários. A carteira foi projetada para garantir um alto nível de privacidade para seus usuários."; +"settings.privacy.statement.user_data_storage" = "Os dados do usuário sempre permanecem em seu dispositivo."; +"settings.privacy.statement.data_usage" = "A carteira não coleta nenhum dado sobre os usuários."; +"settings.privacy.statement.data_privacy" = "A carteira não coleta nenhum dado sobre os usuários."; +"settings.privacy.statement.user_account" = "Não há nenhuma conta de usuário ou banco de dados mantendo os dados do usuário em algum lugar."; // Settings -> Appearance -"appearance.title" = "Appearance"; +"appearance.title" = "Aparência"; -"appearance.theme" = "Theme"; -"appearance.theme.system" = "System"; -"appearance.theme.dark" = "Dark"; -"appearance.theme.light" = "Light"; +"appearance.theme" = "Tema"; +"appearance.theme.system" = "Sistema"; +"appearance.theme.dark" = "Escuro"; +"appearance.theme.light" = "Claro"; -"appearance.tab_settings" = "Tab Settings"; -"appearance.markets_tab" = "Markets Tab"; -"appearance.launch_screen" = "Launch Screen"; -"" = "Auto"; +"appearance.tab_settings" = "Configurações de Abas"; +"appearance.markets_tab" = "Guia de Mercados"; +"appearance.launch_screen" = "Tela Inicial"; +"" = "Automático"; "appearance.launch_screen.balance" = "Saldo"; -"appearance.launch_screen.market_overview" = "Market Overview"; +"appearance.launch_screen.market_overview" = "Visão geral do mercado"; "appearance.launch_screen.watchlist" = "Lista de observação"; -"appearance.app_icon" = "App Icon"; +"appearance.app_icon" = "Ícone do Aplicativo"; -"appearance.balance_conversion" = "Balance Conversion"; +"appearance.balance_conversion" = "Conversão de saldo"; -"appearance.balance_value" = "Balance Value"; -"appearance.balance_value.coin_value" = "Coin Value"; -"appearance.balance_value.fiat_value" = "Fiat Value"; +"appearance.balance_value" = "Valor Patrimonial"; +"appearance.balance_value.coin_value" = "Valor da Moeda"; +"appearance.balance_value.fiat_value" = "Valor Fiat"; -"appearance.balance_auto_hide" = "Balance Auto Hide"; +"appearance.balance_auto_hide" = "Ocultar Saldo Automaticamente"; // Settings -> Contacts -"contacts.title" = "Contacts"; -"contacts.list.search_placeholder" = "Search by name"; -"contacts.list.not_found" = "You do not have an added contact"; -"contacts.list.not_found_search" = "No results found"; -"contacts.add_new_contact" = "Add New Contact"; -"contacts.update_contact.already_has_address" = "Selected contact already has an address on %@. This action will replace the address %@ with %@."; -"contacts.update_contact.replace" = "Replace"; -"contacts.list.addresses_count" = "Addresses: %d"; -"" = "New Contact"; -"" = "Name"; -"" = "Name Already Exist"; -"" = "Add Address"; -"" = "Delete Contact"; +"contacts.title" = "Contatos"; +"contacts.list.search_placeholder" = "Pesquisar por nome"; +"contacts.list.not_found" = "Você não tem nenhum contato adicionado"; +"contacts.list.not_found_search" = "Nenhum resultado encontrado"; +"contacts.add_new_contact" = "Adicionar um novo contato"; +"contacts.update_contact.already_has_address" = "O contato selecionado já tem um endereço em %@. Esta ação substituirá o endereço %@ por %@."; +"contacts.update_contact.replace" = "Substituir"; +"contacts.list.addresses_count" = "Endereços: %d"; +"" = "Novo Contato"; +"" = "Nome"; +"" = "Nome já existe"; +"" = "Adicionar endereço"; +"" = "Excluir contato"; "" = "Blockchains"; "" = "Blockchain"; -"" = "Delete Address"; +"" = "Excluir endereço"; -"contacts.restore.restored" = "Restored"; -"contacts.restore.parsing_error" = "File has wrong data!"; -"contacts.restore.restore_error" = "Failed to restore contacts"; -"contacts.restore.overwrite_alert.description" = "This action will overwrite your local payment contacts as well as its iCloud copy (if there is one)."; -"contacts.restore.overwrite_alert.replace" = "Replace"; +"contacts.restore.restored" = "Restaurado"; +"contacts.restore.parsing_error" = "O arquivo tem dados errados!"; +"contacts.restore.restore_error" = "Erro ao restaurar contatos"; +"contacts.restore.overwrite_alert.description" = "Esta ação substituirá seus contatos de pagamento locais, bem como sua cópia do iCloud (se houver uma)."; +"contacts.restore.overwrite_alert.replace" = "Substituir"; -"contacts.add_address.title" = "Add Address"; -"contacts.add_address.create_new" = "Create New Contact"; -"contacts.add_address.add_to_contact" = "Add to Existing Contact"; -"contacts.add_address.exist_address" = "This address is already used for %@"; +"contacts.add_address.title" = "Adicionar endereço"; +"contacts.add_address.create_new" = "Criar Novo Contato"; +"contacts.add_address.add_to_contact" = "Adicionar ao Contato Existente"; +"contacts.add_address.exist_address" = "Este endereço já está em uso para %@"; -"" = "Delete Contact"; -"" = "Are you sure you want to delete this contact?"; +"" = "Excluir contato"; +"" = "Você tem certeza que deseja excluir este contato?"; "" = "Deletar"; -"" = "Are you sure you want to discard these new changes?"; -"" = "Discard Changes"; -"" = "Keep Editing"; +"" = "Tem certeza de que deseja descartar as novas alterações?"; +"" = "Descartar Alterações"; +"" = "Continuar Editando"; -"contacts.add_address.delete_alert.title" = "Delete Address"; -"contacts.add_address.delete_alert.description" = "Are you sure you want to delete this address?"; +"contacts.add_address.delete_alert.title" = "Excluir endereço"; +"contacts.add_address.delete_alert.description" = "Você tem certeza que deseja excluir este endereço?"; "contacts.add_address.delete_alert.delete" = "Deletar"; // Contacts -> Settings -"contacts.settings.title" = "Settings"; +"contacts.settings.title" = "Configurações"; -"contacts.settings.restore_contacts" = "Restore Contacts"; -"contacts.settings.backup_contacts" = "Backup Contacts"; +"contacts.settings.restore_contacts" = "Restaurar contatos"; +"contacts.settings.backup_contacts" = "Backup de contatos"; "contacts.settings.icloud_sync" = "iCloud Sync"; -"contacts.settings.description" = "Sync payment contacts to iCloud for easy backup and access across multiple devices."; -"contacts.settings.lost_synchronization.description" = "iCloud synchronization is lost. Please check that iCloud Storage is enabled on your device."; -"contacts.settings.merge_disclaimer" = "Your local payment contacts will be merged with ones stored on iCloud."; +"contacts.settings.description" = "Sincronize os contatos de pagamento no iCloud para facilitar o backup e o acesso entre vários dispositivos."; +"contacts.settings.lost_synchronization.description" = "A sincronização do iCloud foi perdida. Por favor, verifique se o armazenamento do iCloud está ativado no seu dispositivo."; +"contacts.settings.merge_disclaimer" = "Seus contatos de pagamento locais serão mesclados com os armazenados no iCloud."; "contacts.settings.alert.title" = "iCloud Sync"; -"contacts.settings.alert.description" = "Please check that iCloud Storage is enabled on your device."; +"contacts.settings.alert.description" = "Por favor, verifique se o armazenamento do iCloud está ativado no seu dispositivo."; -"contacts.settings.alert_error.title" = "iCloud Error"; +"contacts.settings.alert_error.title" = "erro do iCloud"; // Set PIN -"set_pin.title" = "Passcode"; -"" = "Your passcode will be used to unlock your wallet"; -"set_pin.wrong_confirmation" = "Passcode did not match. Try again"; +"set_pin.title" = "Senha"; +"" = "Sua senha será usada para desbloquear sua carteira"; +"set_pin.wrong_confirmation" = "Senhas não conferem. Tente novamente"; // Edit PIN -"edit_pin.title" = "Edit Passcode"; -"edit_pin.unlock_info" = "Current Passcode"; -"edit_pin.new_pin_info" = "New Passcode"; +"edit_pin.title" = "Editar senha"; +"edit_pin.unlock_info" = "Senha Atual"; +"edit_pin.new_pin_info" = "Nova Senha"; // Unlock PIN -"" = "Passcode"; -"unlock_pin.cant_save_pin" = "Ouch! We cannot save your passcode, please contact us asap!"; -"unlock_pin.blocked_until" = "Disabled until: %@"; +"" = "Senha"; +"unlock_pin.cant_save_pin" = "Opa! Não podemos salvar a sua senha, por favor, entre em contato conosco assim que possível!"; +"unlock_pin.blocked_until" = "Desativar até: %@"; // Key Types "" = "24H"; "chart.time_duration.week" = "7D"; -"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2W"; +"chart.time_duration.week2" = "2S"; "chart.time_duration.month" = "1M"; "chart.time_duration.month3" = "3M"; "chart.time_duration.halfyear" = "6M"; -"chart.time_duration.year" = "1Y"; -"chart.time_duration.year2" = "2Y"; -"chart.time_duration.all" = "ALL"; +"chart.time_duration.year" = "1A"; +"chart.time_duration.year2" = "2A"; +"chart.time_duration.all" = "TODOS"; -"chart.market_cap" = "Market Cap"; +"chart.market_cap" = "Capitalização de Mercado"; "chart.volume" = "Volume (24h)"; -"chart.circulation" = "In Circulation"; +"chart.circulation" = "Em Circulação"; "chart.selected.volume" = "Vol."; -"" = "Market"; -"" = "Market Cap"; +"" = "Mercado"; +"" = "Capitalização de Mercado"; "" = "Volume (24h)"; -"" = "In Circulation"; -"" = "Total Supply"; +"" = "Em Circulação"; +"" = "Fornecimento total"; -"chart.performance.week_changes" = "Changes (1W)"; -"chart.performance.month_changes" = "Changes (1M)"; +"chart.performance.week_changes" = "Alterações (1S)"; +"chart.performance.month_changes" = "Alterações (1M)"; -"chart.about.header" = "About"; -"chart.about.read_more" = "Read More"; -"chart.about.read_less" = "Read Less"; +"chart.about.header" = "Sobre"; +"chart.about.read_more" = "Ler Mais"; +"chart.about.read_less" = "Ler Menos"; -"coin_page.return_of_investments" = "ROI"; +"coin_page.return_of_investments" = "RDI"; // Create Wallet -"create_wallet.title" = "New Wallet"; -"" = "Name"; -"create_wallet.advanced_setup" = "Advanced"; -"create_wallet.create" = "Create"; -"create_wallet.advanced" = "Advanced"; -"create_wallet.phrase_count" = "Recovery Phrase"; -"create_wallet.12_words" = "12 words (recommended)"; -"create_wallet.n_words" = "%@ words"; -"create_wallet.word_list" = "Word List"; -"create_wallet.passphrase" = "Passphrase"; -"create_wallet.input.passphrase" = "Passphrase"; -"create_wallet.input.confirm" = "Confirm"; -"create_wallet.passphrase_description" = "Passphrases add an additional security layer for wallets. To restore such a wallet a user required both a recovery phrase as well as a passphrase.\n\nPassphrases also make it easy for users to have many multi-coin wallets using a single mnemonic but different password."; -"create_wallet.error.empty_passphrase" = "Passphrase cannot be empty"; -"create_wallet.error.forbidden_symbols" = "Please use only supported symbols:A-Z a-z 0-9 ' \" ` & / ? ! : ; . , ~ * $ = + - [ ] ( ) { } < > \\ _ # @ | %"; -"create_wallet.error.invalid_confirmation" = "Passphrase confirmation does not match"; +"create_wallet.title" = "Nova Carteira"; +"" = "Nome"; +"create_wallet.advanced_setup" = "Avançado"; +"create_wallet.create" = "Criar"; +"create_wallet.advanced" = "Avançado"; +"create_wallet.phrase_count" = "Frase de Recuperação"; +"create_wallet.12_words" = "12 palavras (recomendado)"; +"create_wallet.n_words" = "%@ palavras"; +"create_wallet.word_list" = "Listas de palavras"; +"create_wallet.passphrase" = "Senha"; +"create_wallet.input.passphrase" = "Senha"; +"create_wallet.input.confirm" = "Confirmar"; +"create_wallet.passphrase_description" = "As frases-chave adicionam uma camada de segurança adicional para carteiras. Para restaurar tal carteira, um usuário precisa tanto de uma senha quanto mnemônica.\n\nAs frases-chave também tornam mais fácil para os usuários terem muitas carteiras de multi moedas usando uma única senha mnemônica, mas diferente."; +"create_wallet.error.empty_passphrase" = "A senha não pode estar vazia"; +"create_wallet.error.forbidden_symbols" = "Por favor, use apenas símbolos suportados: A-Z a-z 0-9 ' \" ` & / ? ! : ; . , ~ * $ = + - [ ] ( ) { } < > \\ _ # @ | %"; +"create_wallet.error.invalid_confirmation" = "Confirmação da senha não coincide"; // Restore Select -"restore_select.title" = "Choose Blockchains"; +"restore_select.title" = "Escolha as Blockchains"; // Lock Info -"lock_info.title" = "TimeLock"; -"lock_info.text" = "The sender sent these funds with a spending lock that will expire on the shown date. \n\nNo worries, the received Bitcoins are already yours, but until the lock period expires you cannot spend them on the Bitcoin network."; +"lock_info.title" = "TravaTempo"; +"lock_info.text" = "O remetente enviou esses fundos com um fechamento de gastos que expirará na data mostrada. \n\nNão se preocupe, o Bitcoin recebido já é seu, mas até que o período de bloqueio expire, você não pode gastá-los na rede Bitcoin."; // Double Spend Info -"double_spend_info.title" = "Double Spend"; -"double_spend_info.header" = "Double Spend Risk! There is another transaction on the blockchain that is trying to spend inputs used in this transaction. Only one transaction will be accepted by the network"; -"double_spend_info.this_hash" = "This Tx"; -"double_spend_info.conflicting_hash" = "Conflicting Tx"; +"double_spend_info.title" = "Gasto Duplo"; +"double_spend_info.header" = "Risco de Gasto Duplo! Existe outra transação na Blockchain que está tentando gastar entradas usadas nesta transação. Apenas uma transação será aceita pela rede"; +"double_spend_info.this_hash" = "Esta Tx"; +"double_spend_info.conflicting_hash" = "Tx Conflitante"; // Relative Date -"timestamp.days_ago" = "%lud ago"; -"timestamp.hours_ago" = "%luh ago"; -"timestamp.min_ago" = "%lum ago"; +"timestamp.days_ago" = "%lud atrás"; +"timestamp.hours_ago" = "%luh atrás"; +"timestamp.min_ago" = "%lumin. atrás"; // Intro -"intro.unchain_assets.title" = "Unchain Assets"; -"intro.unchain_assets.description" = "Don't lock yourself in and don't let others do that to you"; -"intro.go_borderless.title" = "Go Borderless"; -"intro.go_borderless.description" = "Bypass conditional barriers and access markets globally"; -"intro.stay_private.title" = "Stay Private"; -"intro.stay_private.description" = "Do not leak your private and financial data to the world"; +"intro.unchain_assets.title" = "Libere Recursos"; +"intro.unchain_assets.description" = "Não se prenda, e não deixe que te prendam"; +"intro.go_borderless.title" = "Seja sem fronteiras"; +"intro.go_borderless.description" = "Ultrapasse barreiras e acesse mercados globais"; +"intro.stay_private.title" = "Mantenha sua Privacidade"; +"intro.stay_private.description" = "Não vaze seus dados privados e financeiros para o mundo"; // Guides -"guides.tab_bar_item" = "Academy"; -"guides.title" = "Academy"; +"guides.tab_bar_item" = "Treinamento"; +"guides.title" = "Treinamento"; // Add Token -"add_token.title" = "Add Token"; +"add_token.title" = "Adicionar token"; "add_token.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; -"add_token.already_added" = "This token is already in the Coin Manager list"; -"add_token.invalid_contract_address" = "Invalid contract address"; -"add_token.invalid_bep2_symbol" = "Invalid BEP2 symbol"; -"add_token.contract_address_not_found" = "Contract address not found in %@ blockchain"; -"add_token.bep2_symbol_not_found" = "BEP2 symbol not found"; -"add_token.input_placeholder.contract_address" = "Contract Address"; -"add_token.input_placeholder.bep2_symbol" = "BEP2 Symbol"; -"add_token.coin_name" = "Coin Name"; -"add_token.symbol" = "Symbol"; -"add_token.decimals" = "Decimals"; +"add_token.already_added" = "Este token já está na lista de moedas"; +"add_token.invalid_contract_address" = "Endereço do contrato inválido"; +"add_token.invalid_bep2_symbol" = "Símbolo BEP2 inválido"; +"add_token.contract_address_not_found" = "Endereço do contrato não encontrado em %@ blockchain"; +"add_token.bep2_symbol_not_found" = "Símbolo BEP2 não encontrado"; +"add_token.input_placeholder.contract_address" = "Endereço do Contrato"; +"add_token.input_placeholder.bep2_symbol" = "Símbolo BEP2"; +"add_token.coin_name" = "Nome da Moeda"; +"add_token.symbol" = "Símbolo"; +"add_token.decimals" = "Decimais"; // Wallet Connect "wallet_connect.title" = "WalletConnect"; -"wallet_connect.error.invalid_url" = "Invalid URL Address"; +"wallet_connect.error.invalid_url" = "Endereço URL Inválido"; "wallet_connect.url" = "URL"; -"wallet_connect.active_account" = "Active Wallet"; +"wallet_connect.active_account" = "Carteira ativa"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Endereço"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Rede"; "wallet_connect.address" = "Endereço"; -"" = "Network"; -"wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Pending Requests"; -"wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "No any supported chains!"; -"wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "Some chains are unsupported!"; -"wallet_connect.connect_description" = "By clicking approve, you allow this app to view your public address. This is an important security step to protect your data from potential phishing risks."; -"wallet_connect.usage_description" = "You can go to the browser. Do not close this page while interacting in the browser."; -"wallet_connect.no_connection" = "Failed to establish a connection. Try reconnecting again."; -"wallet_connect.button_reconnect" = "Reconnect"; -"wallet_connect.button_disconnect" = "Disconnect"; -"ethereum_transaction.error.title" = "Error"; -"ethereum_transaction.error.insufficient_balance" = "The transaction requires %@ for sending."; -"ethereum_transaction.error.insufficient_balance_with_fee" = "The current %@ balance is below the amount required to process this transaction, including the transaction fee."; -"ethereum_transaction.error.lower_than_base_gas_limit" = "The selected fee value is too low and will be rejected!"; -"ethereum_transaction.error.nonce_already_in_block" = "The transaction is already in block!"; -"ethereum_transaction.error.replacement_transaction_underpriced" = "Fee not enough to replace the transaction"; -"ethereum_transaction.error.transaction_underpriced" = "Fee not enough to send the transaction"; -"ethereum_transaction.error.tips_higher_than_max_fee" = "Max fee cannot be lower than the tips, because Max fee includes the tips."; -"ethereum_transaction.error.reverted" = "The transaction cannot be executed: %@"; -"wallet_connect.request_title" = "Contract Call"; -"wallet_connect.button.confirm" = "Confirm"; -"wallet_connect.sign.request_title" = "Sign Request"; +"" = "Rede"; +"wallet_connect.list.pending_requests" = "Solicitações Pendentes"; +"wallet_connect.main.no_any_supported_chains" = "Nenhuma cadeia suportada!"; +"wallet_connect.main.unsupported_chains" = "Algumas cadeias não são suportadas!"; +"wallet_connect.connect_description" = "Ao clicar em aprovar, você permite que este aplicativo veja seu endereço público. Este é um importante passo de segurança para proteger seus dados de potenciais riscos de phishing."; +"wallet_connect.usage_description" = "Você pode ir ao navegador. Não feche esta página enquanto interage no navegador."; +"wallet_connect.no_connection" = "Não foi possível estabelecer a conexão. Tente reconectar novamente."; +"wallet_connect.button_reconnect" = "Reconectar"; +"wallet_connect.button_disconnect" = "Desconectar"; +"ethereum_transaction.error.title" = "Erro"; +"ethereum_transaction.error.insufficient_balance" = "A transação requer %@ para enviar."; +"ethereum_transaction.error.insufficient_balance_with_fee" = "O saldo atual de %@ está abaixo do valor necessário para processar a transação, incluindo taxa de transação."; +"ethereum_transaction.error.lower_than_base_gas_limit" = "O valor da taxa selecionada é muito baixo e será rejeitado!"; +"ethereum_transaction.error.nonce_already_in_block" = "A transação já foi confirmada!"; +"ethereum_transaction.error.replacement_transaction_underpriced" = "Taxa insuficiente para substituir a transação"; +"ethereum_transaction.error.transaction_underpriced" = "Taxa insuficiente para realizar transação"; +"ethereum_transaction.error.tips_higher_than_max_fee" = "Taxa máxima não pode ser inferior à dica, porque a taxa máxima inclui as dicas."; +"ethereum_transaction.error.reverted" = "A transação não pode ser executada: %@"; +"wallet_connect.request_title" = "Chamada de Contrato"; +"wallet_connect.button.confirm" = "Confirmar"; +"wallet_connect.sign.request_title" = "Solicitação de assinatura"; "wallet_connect.sign.domain" = "Domínio"; "wallet_connect.sign.dapp_name" = "dApp"; -"wallet_connect.sign.message" = "Message to sign"; +"wallet_connect.sign.message" = "Mensagem não assinada"; "wallet_connect_list.title" = "WalletConnect"; -"wallet_connect.list.empty_view_text" = "No active sessions"; +"wallet_connect.list.empty_view_text" = "Nenhuma sessão ativa"; -"wallet_connect.list.pairings" = "Pairings"; -"wallet_connect.list.version_text" = "Version %@"; -"wallet_connect.list.v1_bottom_text" = "In the first version of WalletConnect, you must go into sessions to see and confirm the request"; -"wallet_connect_list.new_connection" = "New Connection"; -"wallet_connect_list.disconnecting" = "Disconnecting"; +"wallet_connect.list.pairings" = "Pareamento"; +"wallet_connect.list.version_text" = "Versão %@"; +"wallet_connect.list.v1_bottom_text" = "Na primeira versão do WalletConnect, você deve ir às sessões para ver e confirmar o pedido"; +"wallet_connect_list.new_connection" = "Nova Conexão"; +"wallet_connect_list.disconnecting" = "Desconectando"; -"wallet_connect.no_account.description" = "You need to create or import a wallet before you can use WalletConnect."; -"wallet_connect.unbackuped_account.description" = "You need to backup %@ before you can use WalletConnect"; +"wallet_connect.no_account.description" = "Você precisa criar ou importar uma carteira antes de usar o WalletConnect."; +"wallet_connect.unbackuped_account.description" = "Você precisa fazer o backup de %@ antes de poder usar o WalletConnect"; -"wallet_connect.non_supported_account.description" = "Your current wallet type %@ does not support WalletConnect"; -"wallet_connect.non_supported_account.switch" = "Switch"; +"wallet_connect.non_supported_account.description" = "Seu tipo de carteira atual %@ não suporta WalletConnect"; +"wallet_connect.non_supported_account.switch" = "Alternar"; -"wallet_connect.pending_requests_title" = "Pending Requests"; -"wallet_connect.paired_dapps.title" = "Paired dApps"; -"wallet_connect.paired_dapps.cant_disconnect" = "Can't Disconnect"; -"wallet_connect.paired_dapps.disconnect_all" = "Delete All"; -"wallet_connect.pending_requests.nonactive_footer" = "To open an request you must activate the desired wallet"; +"wallet_connect.pending_requests_title" = "Solicitações Pendentes"; +"wallet_connect.paired_dapps.title" = "dApps pareados"; +"wallet_connect.paired_dapps.cant_disconnect" = "Não foi possível desconectar"; +"wallet_connect.paired_dapps.disconnect_all" = "Excluir Tudo"; +"wallet_connect.pending_requests.nonactive_footer" = "Para abrir um pedido você deve ativar a carteira desejada"; // App Status -"app_status.title" = "App Status"; -"app_status.application_status" = "Application status"; -"app_status.linked_wallets" = "Linked Wallets"; -"app_status.version_history" = "Version History"; -"app_status.blockchain_status" = "Blockchain status"; +"app_status.title" = "Status do app"; +"app_status.application_status" = "Status da aplicação"; +"app_status.linked_wallets" = "Carteiras Vinculadas"; +"app_status.version_history" = "Histórico da versão"; +"app_status.blockchain_status" = "Status da Blockchain"; // FAQ @@ -1418,321 +1418,321 @@ Go to Settings - > %@ and allow access to the camera."; // Status Info "status_info.title" = "Status"; -"status_info.pending.title" = "Pending"; -"status_info.pending.content" = "The transaction has not been confirmed on the blockchain yet. Transactions sent with a recommended or higher fee setting are generally processed within a few minutes. Transactions sent with a low fee may remain pending for a few hours or even days, and can even be rejected. Note that status of an individual transaction in %@ wallet interface typically updated with a short delay."; -"status_info.processing.title" = "Processing"; -"status_info.processing.content" = "The transaction has been already included in the blockchain but has not reached permanent finality. At this point, it's safe to consider the transaction as completed for smaller payments. For larger payments, it's recommended to wait until the transaction status changes to completed."; -"status_info.completed.title" = "Completed"; -"status_info.confirmed.content" = "Transaction is completed and considered permanent and irreversible."; -"status_info.failed.title" = "Failed"; -"status_info.failed.content" = "The transaction did not get processed and no value transfer took place. Depending on the fail reason, some failed transactions may consume transaction fees. Transactions that were replaced or canceled by another transaction do not consume transaction fees and will also appear as failed. The %@ app is unable to show the reason for failed transactions, but users are able to look it up themselves on a public block explorer i.e."; +"status_info.pending.title" = "Pendente"; +"status_info.pending.content" = "A transação ainda não foi confirmada no blockchain. As transações enviadas com uma configuração de taxas recomendada ou maior são geralmente processadas dentro de alguns minutos. Transações enviadas com uma taxa baixa podem permanecer pendentes por algumas horas ou até mesmo dias, e podem até mesmo ser rejeitadas. Note que o status de uma transação individual na interface de carteira %@ tipicamente atualizado com um curto atraso."; +"status_info.processing.title" = "Processando"; +"status_info.processing.content" = "A transação já foi incluída na blockchain, mas ainda não atingiu a finalidade permanente. Neste ponto, é seguro considerar a transação como concluída para pagamentos menores. Para pagamentos maiores, é recomendado esperar até que o status da transação seja alterado."; +"status_info.completed.title" = "Concluído"; +"status_info.confirmed.content" = "A transação está concluída e considerada permanente e irreversível."; +"status_info.failed.title" = "Falhou"; +"status_info.failed.content" = "A transação não foi processada e nenhuma transferência de valor ocorreu. Dependendo da razão de falha, algumas transações falhadas podem consumir taxas de transação. As transações que foram substituídas ou canceladas por outra transação não consomem taxas de transação e também aparecerão como falha. O app %@ é incapaz de mostrar o motivo de falhas nas transações, mas os usuários são capazes de procurar isso em um explorador público de blocos. ."; // Onboarding -"onboarding.balance.create" = "New Wallet"; -"onboarding.balance.import" = "Import Wallet"; -"" = "Watch Wallet"; +"onboarding.balance.create" = "Nova Carteira"; +"onboarding.balance.import" = "Importar carteira"; +"" = "Ver Endereço"; // Manage Accounts -"manage_accounts.n_words" = "%@ words"; -"manage_accounts.n_words_with_passphrase" = "%@ words with passphrase"; +"manage_accounts.n_words" = "%@ palavras"; +"manage_accounts.n_words_with_passphrase" = "%@ palavras com senha"; // Manage Account -"" = "Name"; -"manage_account.recovery_phrase" = "Recovery Phrase"; -"manage_account.public_keys" = "Public Keys"; -"manage_account.private_keys" = "Private Keys"; -"manage_account.backup_recovery_phrase" = "Manual Backup"; -"manage_account.cloud_backup_recovery_phrase" = "Backup to iCloud"; -"manage_account.cloud_delete_backup_recovery_phrase" = "Delete Backup from iCloud"; -"manage_account.manual_backup_required" = "Manual Backup Required"; -"manage_account.manual_backup_required.description" = "In order to securely delete your backup on iCloud, you will need to manually backup your recovery phrase first."; -"manage_account.manual_backup_required.button" = "Backup Now"; -"manage_account.unlink" = "Unlink Wallet"; -"manage_account.backup.no_backup_yet_description" = "Complete one of the wallet backup options to start using the wallet."; -"manage_account.backup.has_backup_description" = "It's recommended to have a manual backup for each wallet."; - -"manage_account.cloud_delete_backup_recovery_phrase.description" = "Are you sure you want to delete your wallet backup from iCloud?"; +"" = "Nome"; +"manage_account.recovery_phrase" = "Frase de Recuperação"; +"manage_account.public_keys" = "Chaves públicas"; +"manage_account.private_keys" = "Chave Privada"; +"manage_account.backup_recovery_phrase" = "Backup Manual"; +"manage_account.cloud_backup_recovery_phrase" = "Backup para o iCloud"; +"manage_account.cloud_delete_backup_recovery_phrase" = "Excluir Backup do iCloud"; +"manage_account.manual_backup_required" = "Backup Manual Requerido"; +"manage_account.manual_backup_required.description" = "Para excluir com segurança seu backup no iCloud, você precisará fazer backup da sua frase de recuperação manualmente."; +"manage_account.manual_backup_required.button" = "Realizar backup agora"; +"manage_account.unlink" = "Desvincular Carteira"; +"manage_account.backup.no_backup_yet_description" = "Conclua uma das opções de backup da carteira para começar a usar a carteira."; +"manage_account.backup.has_backup_description" = "É recomendável ter um backup manual para cada carteira."; + +"manage_account.cloud_delete_backup_recovery_phrase.description" = "Você tem certeza de que deseja excluir o backup da carteira do iCloud?"; // Manage Account -> Public Keys -"public_keys.title" = "Public Keys"; -"public_keys.evm_address" = "EVM Address"; -"public_keys.evm_address.description" = "Allows read-only monitoring of wallets holding assets on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and other EVM based blockchains."; -"public_keys.account_extended_public_key" = "Account Extended Public Key"; -"public_keys.account_extended_public_key.description" = "Allows read-only monitoring of wallets holding Bitcoin and other UTXO based crypto (i.e. Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, etc.)."; +"public_keys.title" = "Chaves públicas"; +"public_keys.evm_address" = "Endereço EVM"; +"public_keys.evm_address.description" = "Permite o monitoramento somente leitura de carteiras mantendo ativos na Ethereum, na Binance Smart Chain e em outras blockchains baseadas em EVM."; +"public_keys.account_extended_public_key" = "Chave Pública Estendida da Conta"; +"public_keys.account_extended_public_key.description" = "Permite monitoramento somente leitura das carteiras segurando Bitcoin e outras cripto baseadas em UTXO (ou seja, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash etc.)."; // Manage Account -> Private Keys -"private_keys.title" = "Private Keys"; -"private_keys.evm_private_key" = "EVM Private Key"; -"private_keys.evm_private_key.description" = "Grants full control over EVM based crypto i.e. Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain etc within respective wallet."; -"private_keys.bip32_root_key" = "BIP32 Root Key"; -"private_keys.bip32_root_key.description" = "Grants full control over the assets on the respective wallet."; -"private_keys.account_extended_private_key" = "Account Extended Private Key"; -"private_keys.account_extended_private_key.description" = "Grants full control over Bitcoin and other UTXO based crypto i.e. Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, etc. within respective wallet."; +"private_keys.title" = "Chave Privada"; +"private_keys.evm_private_key" = "Chave Privada EVM"; +"private_keys.evm_private_key.description" = "Concede controle total sobre cripto baseado em EVM i.e Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, etc. dentro da respectiva carteira."; +"private_keys.bip32_root_key" = "Chave Raiz BIP32"; +"private_keys.bip32_root_key.description" = "Concede controle total sobre os ativos da respectiva carteira."; +"private_keys.account_extended_private_key" = "Chave Privada Estendida da Conta"; +"private_keys.account_extended_private_key.description" = "Concede controle total sobre Bitcoin e outras criptomoedas baseadas em UTXO, ou seja, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash etc. dentro da respectiva carteira."; // Manage Account -> EVM Address -"evm_address.title" = "EVM Address"; +"evm_address.title" = "Endereço EVM"; // Birthday Height -"birthday_height.title" = "Birthday Height"; +"birthday_height.title" = "Aniversário"; // Birthday Input -"birthday_input.title" = "Birthday Height"; -"birthday_input.description" = "Enter wallet's birthday height for faster synchronization."; -"birthday_input.new_wallet" = "New Wallet"; -"birthday_input.new_wallet.description" = "Doesn't have any transactions"; -"birthday_input.old_wallet" = "Existing Wallet"; -"birthday_input.old_wallet.description" = "Has transactions"; -"birthday_input.input_placeholder" = "%@ (optional)"; +"birthday_input.title" = "Aniversário"; +"birthday_input.description" = "Insira a data da criação da carteira para uma sincronização mais rápida."; +"birthday_input.new_wallet" = "Nova Carteira"; +"birthday_input.new_wallet.description" = "Não tem nenhuma transação"; +"birthday_input.old_wallet" = "Carteira existente"; +"birthday_input.old_wallet.description" = "Tem transações"; +"birthday_input.input_placeholder" = "%@ (opcional)"; -"restore_setting.birthday_height" = "%@ Birthday Height"; -"" = "The initial synchronization with the blockchain can consume a lot of internet traffic."; +"restore_setting.birthday_height" = "%@ Aniversário"; +"" = "A sincronização inicial com o blockchain pode consumir muito tráfego na internet."; // EVM Network -"evm_network.rpc_source" = "RPC Source"; -"evm_network.added" = "Added"; -"evm_network.add_new" = "Add New"; +"evm_network.rpc_source" = "Fonte RPC"; +"evm_network.added" = "Adicionado"; +"evm_network.add_new" = "Adicionar novo"; // Add RPC Source -"add_evm_sync_source.title" = "Add RPC Source"; -"" = "Name"; -"add_evm_sync_source.rpc_url" = "RPC URL"; -"add_evm_sync_source.basic_auth" = "Basic Auth (optional)"; -"add_evm_sync_source.warning.url_exists" = "RPC Source with this url already exists"; -"add_evm_sync_source.error.invalid_url" = "Entered url is invalid. Valid url must have one of the following schemes: https, wss"; +"add_evm_sync_source.title" = "Adicionar fonte RPC"; +"" = "Nome"; +"add_evm_sync_source.rpc_url" = "URL RPC"; +"add_evm_sync_source.basic_auth" = "Autenticação básica (opcional)"; +"add_evm_sync_source.warning.url_exists" = "Fonte RPC com esta url já existe"; +"add_evm_sync_source.error.invalid_url" = "Url inserida é inválida. URL válida deve ter um dos seguintes esquemas: http, https, ws, wss"; // Send Settings -"evm_send_settings.nonce" = "Transaction Nonce"; -"" = "The nonce is a unique integer value for a transaction within the user's wallet. It normally increments with each submitted transaction and does not need changing. Advanced users can set it equal to a nonce of a pending transaction in order to cancel and replace that transaction, as long as the new transaction has a sufficiently higher fee to prevent the old one from being confirmed instead (for example, they may want to speed up its confirmation, or to change transaction parameters entirely). When multiple pending transactions have the same nonce, only one gets confirmed, typically the one with the highest fee."; -"evm_send_settings.nonce.errors.already_in_use" = "Used Nonce"; -"" = "An executed transaction with this nonce already exists."; - -"fee_settings" = "Advanced"; -"fee_settings.fee" = "Fee"; -"" = "Blockchains require users to pay network fees when sending transactions. The fees are higher when a lot of transactions are taking place on the network."; -"fee_settings.fee_rate" = "Fee Rate"; -"fee_settings.fee_rate.description" = "Here is the recommended value for hitting the next 2 blocks"; -"fee_settings.inputs_outputs" = "Inputs/Outputs"; -"fee_settings.transaction_settings" = "Transaction Settings"; -"fee_settings.transaction_settings.description" = "Make your Bitcoin transactions harder to trace by changing the way transactions are structured."; +"evm_send_settings.nonce" = "Nonce de Transação"; +"" = "O nonce é um valor inteiro exclusivo para uma transação dentro da carteira do usuário. Ele normalmente aumenta com cada transação enviada e não precisa ser alterado. Os usuários avançados podem defini-lo igual a um nonce de uma transação pendente para cancelar e substituir essa transação, desde que a nova transação tenha uma taxa suficientemente alta para evitar que a antiga seja confirmada (por exemplo, eles podem querer acelerar sua confirmação, ou alterar totalmente os parâmetros da transação). Quando várias transações pendentes têm o mesmo nonce, apenas uma é confirmada, geralmente aquela com a taxa mais alta."; +"evm_send_settings.nonce.errors.already_in_use" = "Usado Nonce"; +"" = "Já existe uma transação executada agora."; + +"fee_settings" = "Avançado"; +"fee_settings.fee" = "Taxa"; +"" = "Blockchains exigem que os usuários paguem taxas de rede ao enviar transações. As taxas são mais altas quando muitas transações estão ocorrendo na rede."; +"fee_settings.fee_rate" = "Taxa de tarifa"; +"fee_settings.fee_rate.description" = "Aqui é o valor recomendado para atingir os próximos 2 blocos"; +"fee_settings.inputs_outputs" = "Entrada/Saída"; +"fee_settings.transaction_settings" = "Configurações de transação"; +"fee_settings.transaction_settings.description" = "Torne suas %@ transações mais difíceis de rastrear, mudando a maneira como as transações são estruturadas."; "fee_settings.time_lock" = "TimeLock"; -"fee_settings.time_lock.description" = "TimeLock works only for sending to BIP44 addresses (starting with 1)"; - -"fee_settings.network_fee" = "Network Fee"; -"" = "The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network."; -"fee_settings.gas_limit" = "Gas Limit"; -"" = "Transaction complexity is measured in units called \"gas\". It varies depending on the smart contract being executed. The Gas Limit is the estimated maximum gas needed to execute it. The actual gas used will normally be lower."; - -"fee_settings.gas_price" = "Gas Price"; -"" = "The fee for transacting on the network is measured in gas units. Gas Price is the amount a user is willing to spend per unit of gas. When the network is busy, gas prices are high, and low when it's idle. An insufficient gas price is often a reason for a transaction to remain pending for an extended period."; - -"fee_settings.base_fee" = "Base Fee"; -"" = "The network protocol determines the base price per gas for each block, called base fee rate. It varies according to the network utilization level from block to block. It can increase or decrease by no more than 12.5% in the next block, making fees more predictable. The value shown here is the current block's base fee rate."; -"fee_settings.max_fee_rate" = "Max Fee Rate"; -"" = "This is the maximum total price per gas the user is willing to pay. It must cover the network's base fee rate and max priority fee rate. The value shown here is suggested based on an estimate of the next block's base fee rate plus the max priority fee rate chosen by the user. The actual fee rate paid will normally be lower. Setting this lower than the current base fee rate will limit the fee paid, but will result in longer waiting times for the transaction to be confirmed, or even in a stuck transaction."; -"" = "Max Priority Fee"; -"" = "Users pay priority fees to incentivize a transaction to be confirmed more quickly. They are sometimes called tips. The max priority fee rate is the maximum additional price per gas the user is willing to pay on top of the base fee rate. The value shown here is suggested based on predicted network conditions. The actual priority fee will normally be lower. Setting this to zero may result in a long waiting time for transaction to be confirmed, as it is placed at the end of the pending transactions queue from all users."; - -"fee_settings.errors.insufficient_balance" = "Insufficient balance"; -"fee_settings.errors.unexpected_error" = "Unexpected Error"; -"" = "The current %@ balance is below the amount required to process this transaction, including the transaction fee."; -"fee_settings.errors.low_max_fee" = "Low Fee"; -"" = "The set transaction fee amount is insufficient for processing this transaction now."; -"fee_settings.errors.nonce_already_in_block" = "Can't replace transaction."; -"fee_settings.errors.replacement_transaction_underpriced" = "Low Fee for replacement transaction"; -"fee_settings.errors.transaction_underpriced" = "Low Fee for transaction"; -"fee_settings.errors.tips_higher_than_max_fee" = "Max Fee is too low"; -"" = "Cannot transfer 0 TRX"; -"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "Risky"; -"" = "The transaction may remain pending for a while or fail entirely."; -"fee_settings.warning.overpricing" = "Fee Too High"; -"" = "The set transaction fee is higher than necessary for processing this transaction now."; +"fee_settings.time_lock.description" = "TimeLock funciona apenas para enviar para endereços BIP44 (começando com 1)"; + +"fee_settings.network_fee" = "Taxa de Rede"; +"" = "O custo estimado do envio de determinada transação na rede."; +"fee_settings.gas_limit" = "Limite de gás"; +"" = "A complexidade da transação é medida em unidades chamadas \"gas\". Ela varia dependendo do contrato inteligente ser executado. O Limite de Gas é estimado o gas máximo necessário para o executar. O gas real utilizado normalmente será mais baixo."; + +"fee_settings.gas_price" = "Preço do Gás"; +"" = "A taxa para transação na rede é medida em unidades de gás. O preço do gás é a quantidade que um usuário está disposto a gastar por unidade de gás. Quando a rede está ocupada, os preços do gás são altos e baixos quando está inativa. Um preço de gás insuficiente é frequentemente uma razão para que uma transação permaneça pendente por um período prolongado."; + +"fee_settings.base_fee" = "Taxa Base"; +"" = "O protocolo de rede determina o preço base por gas para cada bloco, a taxa base. Varia de acordo com o nível de utilização da rede de bloco para bloco. Ele pode aumentar ou diminuir em não mais do que 12,5% no próximo bloco, tornando as taxas mais previsíveis. O valor mostrado aqui é a taxa base de taxa atual do bloco."; +"fee_settings.max_fee_rate" = "Taxa Máxima"; +"" = "Este é o preço total máximo por gas que o usuário está disposto a pagar. Ela deve cobrir a taxa base da rede e a taxa máxima de prioridade. O valor mostrado aqui é sugerido com base em uma estimativa da taxa base do próximo bloco mais a taxa máxima de prioridade escolhida pelo usuário. A taxa real paga normalmente será menor. Definir isso mais baixo que a taxa base atual irá limitar a taxa paga, mas resultará em períodos de espera mais longos para que a transação seja confirmada, ou até mesmo em uma transação travada."; +"" = "Taxa de prioridade máxima"; +"" = "Os usuários pagam taxas de prioridade para incentivar uma transação a ser confirmada mais rapidamente. Às vezes são chamados de tips. A taxa máxima de prioridade é o preço adicional máximo por gas que o usuário está disposto a pagar acima da taxa base. O valor mostrado aqui é sugerido com base nas condições previstas de rede. A taxa de prioridade real normalmente será menor. Definir como zero pode resultar em um longo tempo de espera para que a transação seja confirmada, como é colocado no final da fila de transações pendentes de todos os usuários."; + +"fee_settings.errors.insufficient_balance" = "Saldo insuficiente"; +"fee_settings.errors.unexpected_error" = "Erro inesperado"; +"" = "O saldo atual de %@ está abaixo do valor necessário para processar a transação, incluindo taxa de transação."; +"fee_settings.errors.low_max_fee" = "Taxa baixa"; +"" = "A taxa de transação definida é insuficiente para processar esta transação agora."; +"fee_settings.errors.nonce_already_in_block" = "Não é possível substituir a transação."; +"fee_settings.errors.replacement_transaction_underpriced" = "Taxa baixa para transação substituída"; +"fee_settings.errors.transaction_underpriced" = "Taxa baixa para transação"; +"fee_settings.errors.tips_higher_than_max_fee" = "A taxa máxima é muito baixa"; +"" = "Não é possível transferir 0 TRX"; +"fee_settings.warning.risk_of_getting_stuck" = "Arriscado"; +"" = "A transação pode permanecer pendente por um tempo ou falhar completamente."; +"fee_settings.warning.overpricing" = "Taxa Muito Alta"; +"" = "A taxa de transação definida é maior que o necessário para processar esta transação agora."; // Watch Address -"watch_address.title" = "Watch Wallet"; -"" = "Watch"; +"watch_address.title" = "Ver Endereço"; +"" = "Ver"; "watch_address.address" = "Endereço"; -"" = "By"; -"watch_address.watch_by" = "Watch By"; -"watch_address.evm_address" = "EVM Address"; -"watch_address.tron_address" = "TRON Address"; +"" = "Por"; +"watch_address.watch_by" = "Assistir Por"; +"watch_address.evm_address" = "Endereço EVM"; +"watch_address.tron_address" = "Endereço TRON"; "watch_address.public_key" = "Account xPubKey"; -"watch_address.public_key.placeholder" = "Enter Account Extended Public Key "; -"watch_address.public_key.invalid_key" = "Invalid Key"; -"watch_address.choose_blockchain" = "Choose Blockchain"; -"watch_address.choose_coin" = "Choose Coin"; +"watch_address.public_key.placeholder" = "Insira a chave pública estendida da conta "; +"watch_address.public_key.invalid_key" = "Chave Inválida"; +"watch_address.choose_blockchain" = "Escolha Blockchain"; +"watch_address.choose_coin" = "Escolher Moedas"; // Nft Collections "nft_collections.title" = "NFTs"; -"nft_collections.price_mode" = "Price Mode"; -"nft_collections.last_sale" = "Last Sale"; -"nft_collections.average_7d" = "Average 7D"; -"nft_collections.average_30d" = "Average 30D"; -"nft_collections.on_sale" = "On Sale"; -"nft_collections.empty" = "You don’t have any NFTs in your wallet"; +"nft_collections.price_mode" = "Modo de Preço"; +"nft_collections.last_sale" = "Última Venda"; +"nft_collections.average_7d" = "Média 7D"; +"nft_collections.average_30d" = "Média 30D"; +"nft_collections.on_sale" = "À Venda"; +"nft_collections.empty" = "Você não tem NFTs em sua carteira"; "top_nft_collections.title" = "Principais Coleções NFT"; -"top_nft_collections.description" = "Leading NFT collections by trading volume."; +"top_nft_collections.description" = "Liderando coleções NFT pelo volume de trading."; // Nft Asset "" = "Visão geral"; -"" = "Activity"; - -"nft_asset.last_sale" = "Last Sale"; -"nft_asset.average_7d" = "7 Day Average"; -"nft_asset.average_30d" = "30 Day Average"; -"nft_asset.floor_price" = "Floor Price"; -"nft_asset.on_sale" = "On Sale"; -"nft_asset.on_auction" = "On Auction"; +"" = "Atividade"; + +"nft_asset.last_sale" = "Última Venda"; +"nft_asset.average_7d" = "Média de 7 dias"; +"nft_asset.average_30d" = "Média de 30 dias"; +"nft_asset.floor_price" = "Preço Mínimo"; +"nft_asset.on_sale" = "À Venda"; +"nft_asset.on_auction" = "Leilão"; "nft_asset.until_date" = "até %@"; -"nft_asset.buy_now" = "Buy Now"; -"nft_asset.minimum_bid" = "Minimum Bid"; -"nft_asset.best_offer" = "Best Offer"; -"" = "Properties"; -"nft_asset.description" = "Description"; -"nft_asset.details" = "Details"; -"nft_asset.details.contract_address" = "Contract Address"; -"nft_asset.details.token_id" = "Token ID"; -"nft_asset.details.token_standard" = "Token Standard"; +"nft_asset.buy_now" = "Compre Agora"; +"nft_asset.minimum_bid" = "Oferta Mínima"; +"nft_asset.best_offer" = "Melhor Oferta"; +"" = "Propriedades"; +"nft_asset.description" = "Descrição"; +"nft_asset.details" = "Detalhes"; +"nft_asset.details.contract_address" = "Endereço do Contrato"; +"nft_asset.details.token_id" = "ID do Token"; +"nft_asset.details.token_standard" = "Critérios do Token"; "nft_asset.details.blockchain" = "Blockchain"; "nft_asset.links" = "Links"; -"" = "Website"; -"nft_asset.options.save_to_photos" = "Save to Photos"; -"nft_asset.options.set_as_watch_face" = "Set as Watch Face"; -"nft_asset.save_to_photos.failed" = "Failed to save NFT image"; +"" = "Site"; +"nft_asset.options.save_to_photos" = "Salvar na Galeria"; +"nft_asset.options.set_as_watch_face" = "Definir como Face Assistida"; +"nft_asset.save_to_photos.failed" = "Falha ao salvar a imagem NFT"; // Nft Collection "" = "Visão geral"; -"" = "Items"; -"" = "Activity"; +"" = "Itens"; +"" = "Atividade"; -"nft_collection.overview.description" = "Description"; -"nft_collection.overview.contracts" = "Contracts"; +"nft_collection.overview.description" = "Descrição"; +"nft_collection.overview.contracts" = "Contratos"; "nft_collection.overview.links" = "Links"; -"" = "Website"; +"" = "Site"; -"nft_collection.overview.owners" = "Owners"; -"nft_collection.overview.items" = "Items"; +"nft_collection.overview.owners" = "Donos"; +"nft_collection.overview.items" = "Itens"; "nft_collection.overview.24h_volume" = "Volume em 24h"; -"nft_collection.overview.today_sellers" = "Today's Sellers"; -"nft_collection.overview.floor_price" = "Floor Price"; -"nft_collection.overview.all_time_average" = "All time average"; -"nft_collection.overview.royalty" = "Royalty"; -"nft_collection.overview.inception_date" = "Inception Date"; - -"nft.activity.contracts" = "Contracts"; -"nft.activity.empty_list" = "No item activity yet"; -"nft.activity.event_types" = "Event Types"; -"nft.activity.event_type.all" = "All Events"; -"" = "Sale"; -"nft.activity.event_type.transfer" = "Transfer"; +"nft_collection.overview.today_sellers" = "Vendedores de Hoje"; +"nft_collection.overview.floor_price" = "Preço Mínimo"; +"nft_collection.overview.all_time_average" = "Média de todo o período"; +"nft_collection.overview.royalty" = "Direitos Autorais"; +"nft_collection.overview.inception_date" = "Data de Início"; + +"nft.activity.contracts" = "Contratos"; +"nft.activity.empty_list" = "Sem atividade de item ainda"; +"nft.activity.event_types" = "Tipos de Eventos"; +"nft.activity.event_type.all" = "Todos os Eventos"; +"" = "Venda"; +"nft.activity.event_type.transfer" = "Transferir"; "" = "Mint"; -"nft.activity.event_type.list" = "List"; -"nft.activity.event_type.listCancel" = "List Cancel"; -"nft.activity.event_type.offer" = "Offer"; -"nft.activity.event_type.offerCancel" = "Offer Cancel"; +"nft.activity.event_type.list" = "Lista"; +"nft.activity.event_type.listCancel" = "Lista De Cancelar"; +"nft.activity.event_type.offer" = "Oferta"; +"nft.activity.event_type.offerCancel" = "Cancelar oferta"; // Subscription Info -"subscription_info.title" = "Premium Features"; -"subscription_info.info1.title" = "Cryptocurrency Analytics"; -"subscription_info.info1.text" = "Spot Lucrative Opportunities, Avoid Scams, and Maximize Your Profits in the Dynamic World of Cryptocurrency."; -"subscription_info.info2.title" = "Chart Indicators"; -"subscription_info.info2.text" = "Spot Lucrative Opportunities, Avoid Scams, and Maximize Your Profits in the Dynamic World of Cryptocurrency."; -"subscription_info.info3.title" = "Personal Support"; -"subscription_info.info3.text" = "Spot Lucrative Opportunities, Avoid Scams, and Maximize Your Profits in the Dynamic World of Cryptocurrency."; -"subscription_info.get_premium" = "Get Premium"; -"subscription_info.already_have" = "I already have Premium"; +"subscription_info.title" = "Recursos Premium"; +"subscription_info.info1.title" = "Análise de Criptomoedas"; +"subscription_info.info1.text" = "Oportunidades Spot Lucrativas, Evite Bases e Maximize Seus Lucros no Mundo Dinâmico das Criptomoedas."; +"subscription_info.info2.title" = "Indicadores de Gráfico"; +"subscription_info.info2.text" = "Oportunidades Spot Lucrativas, Evite Bases e Maximize Seus Lucros no Mundo Dinâmico das Criptomoedas."; +"subscription_info.info3.title" = "Suporte Pessoal"; +"subscription_info.info3.text" = "Oportunidades Spot Lucrativas, Evite Bases e Maximize Seus Lucros no Mundo Dinâmico das Criptomoedas."; +"subscription_info.get_premium" = "Obter Premium"; +"subscription_info.already_have" = "Eu já tenho Premium"; // Activate Subscription -"activate_subscription.title" = "Activate"; -"activate_subscription.wallet" = "Wallet"; +"activate_subscription.title" = "Ativar"; +"activate_subscription.wallet" = "Carteira"; "activate_subscription.address" = "Endereço"; -"activate_subscription.message" = "Message to Sign"; -"activate_subscription.sign" = "Sign"; -"activate_subscription.activating" = "Activating..."; -"activate_subscription.failed_to_activate" = "Failed to activate subscription"; -"activate_subscription.activated" = "Activated"; -"activate_subscription.no_subscriptions" = "Your wallet address does not have a subscription to premium features, you need to purchase it to activate the subscription."; +"activate_subscription.message" = "Mensagem para Assinar"; +"activate_subscription.sign" = "Assinar"; +"activate_subscription.activating" = "Ativando..."; +"activate_subscription.failed_to_activate" = "Falha ao ativar a assinatura"; +"activate_subscription.activated" = "Ativado"; +"activate_subscription.no_subscriptions" = "Seu endereço de carteira não tem uma assinatura para recursos premium, você precisa comprá-la para ativar a assinatura."; // Launch -"launch.failed_to_launch" = "Failed to launch application due to internal error. Please try restarting app or report the error to our support team."; -"" = "Report"; +"launch.failed_to_launch" = "Falha ao iniciar o aplicativo devido a um erro interno. Tente reiniciar o aplicativo ou relate o erro à nossa equipe de suporte."; +"" = "Reportar"; // Tron -"tron.send.activation_fee" = "Activation Fee"; -"tron.send.resources_consumed" = "Resources Consumed"; +"tron.send.activation_fee" = "Taxa de ativação"; +"tron.send.resources_consumed" = "Recursos consumidos"; "tron.send.bandwidth" = "Bandwidth"; "" = "Energy"; -"" = "The estimated cost of sending given transaction on the network. (Without excluding Energy, Bandwidth and Activating Fee)"; -"" = "Bandwidth is the unit that measures the size of the transaction bytes stored in the blockchain database. The larger the transaction, the more bandwidth resources will be consumed.\n\nEnergy is the unit that measures the amount of computation required by the TRON virtual machine to perform specific operations on the TRON network.\n\nSince smart contract transactions require computing resources to execute, each smart contract transaction requires to pay for the energy fee."; -"" = "Transferring TRX or TRC-10 tokens to an inactive account address will activate the account."; -"tron.send.inactive_address" = "This address is not active"; +"" = "O custo estimado de envio de determinada transação na rede. (Sem excluir Energy, Bandwidth e Taxa de Ativação)"; +"" = "A bandwidth é a unidade que mede o tamanho dos bytes de transação armazenados no banco de dados blockchain. Quanto maior a transação, mais recursos de largura de banda serão consumidos.\n\nEnergy é a unidade que mede a quantidade de computação necessária pela máquina virtual TRON para realizar operações específicas na rede TRON.\n\nComo as transações de contrato inteligente exigem recursos de computação para executar, cada transação de contrato inteligente requer o pagamento da taxa de energy."; +"" = "Transferir tokens TRX ou TRC-10 para um endereço de conta inativo ativará a conta."; +"tron.send.inactive_address" = "Este endereço não está ativo"; // Cex Coin Select -"cex_coin_select.title" = "Choose Coin"; +"cex_coin_select.title" = "Escolher Moedas"; "cex_coin_select.withdraw" = "Sacar"; -"cex_coin_select.withdraw.empty" = "You have no assets to withdraw."; -"cex_coin_select.search_placeholder" = "Coin Code or Name"; -"cex_coin_select.suspended" = "Suspended"; +"cex_coin_select.withdraw.empty" = "Você não tem ativos para retirar."; +"cex_coin_select.search_placeholder" = "Código ou Nome da Moeda"; +"cex_coin_select.suspended" = "Suspenso"; // Cex Deposit Network Select -"cex_deposit_network_select.title" = "Choose Network"; -"cex_deposit_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to deposit."; +"cex_deposit_network_select.title" = "Escolha a Rede"; +"cex_deposit_network_select.description" = "Escolha uma rede e receba um endereço para depositar."; // Cex Deposit -"cex_deposit.title" = "Deposit %@"; +"cex_deposit.title" = "Depósito %@"; "cex_deposit.address" = "Endereço"; -"" = "Network"; +"" = "Rede"; "cex_deposit.memo" = "Memo (Tag)"; -"cex_deposit.min_amount" = "Min. Amount"; -"cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Memo (tag) is required, or your will lose your coins."; -"cex_deposit.copy_address" = "Copy Address"; -"cex_deposit.share_address" = "Share Address"; -"cex_deposit.failed" = "Failed to load deposit address. Please retry."; -"cex_deposit.memo_warning.title" = "Important"; -"cex_deposit.memo_warning.description" = "Both a memo (tag) and the address are needed to ensure that assets are received. Otherwise your funds will be lost."; +"cex_deposit.min_amount" = "Valor Mín."; +"cex_deposit.warning_memo" = "Memo (tag) é necessário, ou você perderá suas moedas."; +"cex_deposit.copy_address" = "Copiar Endereço"; +"cex_deposit.share_address" = "Compartilhar endereço"; +"cex_deposit.failed" = "Não foi possível carregar o endereço de depósito. Por favor, tente novamente."; +"cex_deposit.memo_warning.title" = "Importante"; +"cex_deposit.memo_warning.description" = "Ambos os memorandos (tag) e o endereço são necessários para garantir que as ativos são recebidas. Caso contrário, seus fundos serão perdidos."; // Cex Widthdraw -"" = "Network"; -"cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "Ensure the network matches the withdrawal address and the deposit platform supports it, or assets may be lost."; -"cex_withdraw.fee" = "Fee"; -"cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "Fee from amount"; -"cex_withdraw.error.insufficient_funds" = "Not enough available balance"; -"cex_withdraw.error.max_amount_violated" = "The maximum amount you can withdraw is %@"; -"cex_withdraw.error.min_amount_violated" = "The minimum amount you can withdraw is %@"; -"cex_withdraw.address_required" = "Address is required"; +"" = "Rede"; +"cex_withdraw.network_warning" = "Certifique-se de que a rede corresponde ao endereço de retirada e a plataforma de depósito suporta, ou os ativos podem ser perdidos."; +"cex_withdraw.fee" = "Taxa"; +"cex_withdraw.fee_from_amount" = "Taxa a partir do valor"; +"cex_withdraw.error.insufficient_funds" = "Saldo disponível insuficiente"; +"cex_withdraw.error.max_amount_violated" = "O valor máximo que você pode retirar é %@"; +"cex_withdraw.error.min_amount_violated" = "O valor mínimo que você pode retirar é %@"; +"cex_withdraw.address_required" = "O endereço é obrigatório"; // Cex Withdraw Network Select -"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Network"; -"cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "Ensure the network matches the withdrawal address and the deposit platform supports it."; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.title" = "Rede"; +"cex_withdraw_network_select.description" = "Certifique-se de que a rede corresponde ao endereço de retirada e a plataforma de depósito suporta."; // Cex Withdraw Confirm -"cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "You Withdraw"; -"" = "Network"; +"cex_withdraw_confirm.you_withdraw" = "Você retira"; +"" = "Rede"; "cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw" = "Sacar"; -"cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Withdraw failed"; +"cex_withdraw_confirm.withdraw_failed" = "Falha na retirada"; From b877feeb932f2b5246541e99722823150c6f1980 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2023 11:28:03 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 31/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Russian) --- .../ru.lproj/Localizable.strings | 18 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings index 526c15a71d..9ec9f1bb40 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -348,29 +348,29 @@ "deposit.address" = "Адрес"; "deposit.your_address" = "Ваш адрес"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "Вам нужно сделать резервную копию %@ перед получением %@."; -"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; -"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "Вам нужно сделать резервную копию %@ перед тем, как вы сможете получить любые монеты."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Не удается предоставить адрес"; "deposit.address_format" = "Формат"; "deposit.qr_code_description" = "Ваш адрес для депозита %@"; -"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"" = "Отслеживаемый адрес %@"; "deposit.account" = "Account"; "deposit.not_active" = "не активен"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "Неактивный адрес"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "Недавно созданные учетные записи в блокчейне TRON неактивны и не могут быть запрошены или изучены. Они должны быть активированы.\n\nАктивация новой учетной записи в цепочке Tron требует комиссию в размере 1 TRX. Для активации достаточно просто перевести токены TRX или TRC-10 на неактивный адрес аккаунта"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Вы уже владели какими-либо монетами ZEC?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Да, у меня уже есть"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "Нет, у меня нет"; "deposit.warning" = "Отправка только %@ на этот адрес. Отправка других типов токенов на этот адрес приведет к их окончательной потере."; "receive_network_select.title" = "Сеть"; -"receive_network_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_network_select.description" = "Выберите сеть и получите адрес для получения."; "receive_address_format_select.title" = "Формат адреса"; -"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Choose a network and get an address to receive."; +"receive_address_format_select.description" = "Выберите сеть и получите адрес для получения."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; "receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ // Donate -"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; +"donate.list.title" = "Поддержи нас"; "donate.list.get_address" = "Получить адрес"; "donate.list.get_address.title" = "Адреса"; "donate.title" = "Поддержи нас %@"; From 7e419d59765850fabfafb13f0c8829e539fb446a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2023 11:58:47 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 32/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Russian) --- .../UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings index 9ec9f1bb40..942aa2d63c 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -371,8 +371,8 @@ "receive_address_format_select.title" = "Формат адреса"; "receive_address_format_select.description" = "Выберите сеть и получите адрес для получения."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "Формат Native SegWit предпочтителен в Биткойне для повышения пропускной способности и безопасности. Все форматы адресов (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) могут использоваться взаимозаменяемо для получения BTC независимо от формата адреса отправителя, что обеспечивает бесперебойные транзакции между различными типами монет."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "Формат Cash Address предпочтителен для получения Bitcoin Cash (BCH) из-за улучшенного пользовательского опыта и совместимости. Однако, оба формата адреса могут использоваться взаимозаменяемо для получения BCH, независимо от формата адреса отправителя."; "blockchain_type.recommended" = " (рекомендовано)"; @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ "donate.list.get_address" = "Получить адрес"; "donate.list.get_address.title" = "Адреса"; "donate.title" = "Поддержи нас %@"; -"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; +"donate.no_assets" = "У вас нет активов для пожертвования."; "" = "С вашей поддержкой мы вместе сможем сделать это приложение еще лучше!"; // CoinSelector From e4847237c3a88f6ca2590690967f9c3421a093d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imadia Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2023 11:58:48 +0600 Subject: [PATCH 33/33] New translations Localizable.strings (Turkish) --- .../tr.lproj/Localizable.strings | 44 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings index 085250eab7..d89dbc5a4b 100644 --- a/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/UnstoppableWallet/UnstoppableWallet/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ "alert.approved" = "Onayla"; "alert.revoking" = "İptal ediliyor"; "alert.revoked" = "İptal et"; -"alert.cant_recognize" = "Can't Recognize"; +"alert.cant_recognize" = "Tanıyamıyorum"; "no_results_found" = "No results found"; "action.loading" = "yükleniyor..."; @@ -319,9 +319,9 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "lost_accounts.warning_message" = "iOS cihazınızın kilidi değiştirildiğinden cüzdan bilginizi tutan şifreli dosya artık geçersiz"; // Token Balance Page -"balance.token.locked" = "Locked"; -"" = "Locked title"; -"" = "Locked Description Text"; +"balance.token.locked" = "Kilitli"; +"" = "Kilitli Başlık"; +"" = "Kilitli Açıklama Metni"; "balance.token.staked" = "Staked"; "" = "Staked title"; "" = "Staked Description Text"; @@ -346,21 +346,21 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "deposit.address" = "Adres"; "deposit.your_address" = "Adresiniz"; "receive_alert.not_backed_up_description" = "%@ almadan önce %@ anahtarlarınızı yedeklemeniz gerekiyor."; -"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "You need to backup %@ before you may receive any coins."; -"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Can't provide address"; +"receive_alert.any_coins.not_backed_up_description" = "Herhangi bir jeton alabilmeniz için %@'ı yedeklemeniz gerekir."; +"deposit.no_adapter.error" = "Adres veremiyorum"; -"deposit.address_format" = "Format"; +"deposit.address_format" = "Biçim"; "deposit.qr_code_description" = "%@ yatırmak için adresiniz"; -"" = "Watch address of %@"; +"" = "%@ adresini izle"; "deposit.account" = "Account"; "deposit.not_active" = "aktif değil"; "deposit.not_active.title" = "Aktif Adres Değil"; "deposit.not_active.tron_description" = "TRON blok zincirinde yeni oluşturulan hesaplar etkin değildir ve sorgulanamaz veya araştırılamaz. Etkinleştirilmeleri gerekiyor.\n\nTRX veya TRC-10 jetonlarını etkin olmayan bir hesap adresine aktarmak, hesabı etkinleştirir. Tron zincirinde yeni bir hesabın etkinleştirilmesi 1 TRX ücret gerektirir"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Have you previously owned any ZEC coins?"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Yes, I already own"; -"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "No, I don’t have"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.description" = "Daha önce herhangi bir ZEC paranız var mıydı?"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.already_own" = "Evet, zaten sahibim"; +"deposit.zcash.restore.dont_have" = "Hayır, bende yok"; "deposit.warning" = "Bu adrese yalnızca %@ gönderin. Bu adrese başka türden jetonların gönderilmesi nihai kayıplarına neden olacaktır."; @@ -369,8 +369,8 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "receive_address_format_select.title" = "Adres Formatı"; "receive_address_format_select.description" = "Bir ağ seçin ve para yatırmak için bir adres alın."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "The Native SegWit format is preferred in Bitcoin for improved throughput and security. All address formats (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy) can be used interchangeably to receive BTC regardless of the sender's address format, enabling seamless transactions across different coin types."; -"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "The Cash Address format is preferred for receiving Bitcoin Cash (BCH) due to its improved user experience and compatibility. However, both address formats can be used interchangeably to receive BCH, regardless of the sender's address format."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin.bottom_description" = "Bitcoin'de daha iyi bir verimlilik ve güvenlik için yerel SegWit formatı tercih edilir. Tüm adres formatları (Taproot, SegWit, Legacy), gönderenin adres formatına bakılmaksızın BTC almak için birbirinin yerine kullanılabilir ve farklı para birimlerinde kesintisiz işlemlere olanak tanır."; +"receive_address_format_select.bitcoin_cash.bottom_description" = "Geliştirilmiş kullanıcı deneyimi ve uyumluluğu nedeniyle Bitcoin Cash (BCH) almak için Nakit Adresi formatı tercih edilmektedir. Ancak gönderenin adres formatı ne olursa olsun, BCH'yi almak için her iki adres formatı da birbirinin yerine kullanılabilir."; "blockchain_type.recommended" = " (ortalama)"; @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "send.title" = "%@ gönder"; "send.send" = "Gönder"; -"send.no_assets" = "You have no assets to send."; +"send.no_assets" = "Gönderilecek öğeniz yok."; "send.amount_placeholder" = "Tutar"; "send.address_placeholder" = "Adres"; "send.address_or_domain_placeholder" = "Adres veya Domain"; @@ -455,12 +455,12 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; // Donate -"donate.list.title" = "Donate with"; +"donate.list.title" = "Bağış yapın"; "donate.list.get_address" = "Adresi al"; "donate.list.get_address.title" = "Adresler"; -"donate.title" = "Donate %@"; -"donate.no_assets" = "You have no assets to donate."; -"" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"donate.title" = "Bağış yapmak %@"; +"donate.no_assets" = "Bağışlayacak varlığınız yok."; +"" = "Desteğinizle birlikte bu uygulamayı daha da iyi hale getirebiliriz!"; // CoinSelector @@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; // Swap "swap.title" = "Takas"; -"swap.no_assets" = "You have no assets to swap."; +"swap.no_assets" = "Takas edilecek varlığınız yok."; "swap.you_pay" = "Ödediğiniz"; "swap.estimated" = "tahmini"; "swap.balance" = "Bakiye"; @@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "settings.faq" = "FAQ"; "settings.theme" = "Tema"; "settings.info_subtitle" = "decentralized uygulama"; -"settings.donate.description" = "Together, with your support, we can make this app even better!"; +"settings.donate.description" = "Desteğinizle birlikte bu uygulamayı daha da iyi hale getirebiliriz!"; "settings.donate.title" = "Bağış yapmak"; // Settings -> Base Currency @@ -1123,13 +1123,13 @@ Ayarlar - > %@ ekranına giderek kamera erişimine izin verin."; "settings.about_app.description" = "%@ cüzdan, kripto para birimlerine özel ve bağımsız bir şekilde yatırım yapmak ve depolamak isteyenler için tasarlanmıştır.\n\nBu, fonlar üzerinde yalnızca kullanıcının kontrolüne sahip olduğu, velayet gerektirmeyen, eşler arası bir cüzdandır. Herhangi bir veri toplamaz ve kullanıcının fonlarını belirli bir cüzdan uygulamasına kilitlemeyerek kullanıcıyı bağımsız tutar.\n\n%@ cüzdan tamamen açık kaynaklıdır ve herkes uygulamanın tam olarak iddia ettiği gibi çalıştığını onaylayabilir."; "settings.about_app.whats_new" = "Yenilikler"; "" = "Website"; -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "Bize Ulaşın"; "settings.about_app.rate_us" = "Bizi Değerlendirin"; "settings.about_app.tell_friends" = "Arkadaşlarına bahset"; // Settings -> About App -> Contact -"" = "Contact Us"; +"" = "Bize Ulaşın"; "" = "E-posta yoluyla"; "" = "Telegram aracılığıyla";