diff --git a/src/frontend/src/api/CreateProjectService.ts b/src/frontend/src/api/CreateProjectService.ts
index 3a8d302de9..b54f2203ca 100755
--- a/src/frontend/src/api/CreateProjectService.ts
+++ b/src/frontend/src/api/CreateProjectService.ts
@@ -352,6 +352,14 @@ const TaskSplittingPreviewService: Function = (
         dispatch(CreateProjectActions.SetIsTasksGenerated({ key: 'task_splitting_algorithm', value: true }));
       } catch (error) {
+        dispatch(
+          CommonActions.SetSnackBar({
+            open: true,
+            message: 'Task generation failed. Please try again',
+            variant: 'error',
+            duration: 2000,
+          }),
+        );
       } finally {
diff --git a/src/frontend/src/components/MapComponent/OpenLayersComponent/Layers/VectorLayer.js b/src/frontend/src/components/MapComponent/OpenLayersComponent/Layers/VectorLayer.js
index 546bd7fddf..e3cb4c26d7 100644
--- a/src/frontend/src/components/MapComponent/OpenLayersComponent/Layers/VectorLayer.js
+++ b/src/frontend/src/components/MapComponent/OpenLayersComponent/Layers/VectorLayer.js
@@ -74,8 +74,10 @@ const VectorLayer = ({
         dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
         featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857',
+      const geometry = vectorLayer.getSource().getFeatures()?.[0].getGeometry();
+      const area = formatArea(geometry);
-      onModify(geoJSONString);
+      onModify(geoJSONString, area);
@@ -191,22 +193,26 @@ const VectorLayer = ({
   useEffect(() => {
     if (!vectorLayer || !style.visibleOnMap || setStyle) return;
-    vectorLayer.setStyle((feature, resolution) => [
-      new Style({
-        image: new CircleStyle({
-          radius: 5,
-          fill: new Fill({
-            color: 'orange',
-          }),
-        }),
-        geometry: function (feature) {
-          // return the coordinates of the first ring of the polygon
-          const coordinates = feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates()[0];
-          return new MultiPoint(coordinates);
-        },
-      }),
-      getStyles({ style, feature, resolution }),
-    ]);
+    vectorLayer.setStyle((feature, resolution) => {
+      return onModify
+        ? [
+            new Style({
+              image: new CircleStyle({
+                radius: 5,
+                fill: new Fill({
+                  color: 'orange',
+                }),
+              }),
+              geometry: function (feature) {
+                // return the coordinates of the first ring of the polygon
+                const coordinates = feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates()[0];
+                return new MultiPoint(coordinates);
+              },
+            }),
+            getStyles({ style, feature, resolution }),
+          ]
+        : [getStyles({ style, feature, resolution })];
+    });
   }, [vectorLayer, style, setStyle]);
   useEffect(() => {
@@ -254,7 +260,6 @@ const VectorLayer = ({
     function pointerMovefn(event) {
       vectorLayer.getFeatures(event.pixel).then((features) => {
-        console.log(selection, 'selection');
         if (!features.length) {
           selection = {};
           hoverEffect(undefined, vectorLayer);
diff --git a/src/frontend/src/components/common/Button.tsx b/src/frontend/src/components/common/Button.tsx
index 49168f80e7..a5f69f748d 100644
--- a/src/frontend/src/components/common/Button.tsx
+++ b/src/frontend/src/components/common/Button.tsx
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ interface IButton {
   icon?: React.ReactNode;
   isLoading?: boolean;
   disabled?: boolean;
+  loadingText?: string;
 const btnStyle = (btnType, className) => {
@@ -24,13 +25,25 @@ const btnStyle = (btnType, className) => {
     case 'other':
       return `fmtm-py-1 fmtm-px-5 fmtm-bg-red-500 fmtm-text-white fmtm-rounded-lg hover:fmtm-bg-red-600`;
     case 'disabled':
-      return `fmtm-py-1 fmtm-px-4 fmtm-text-white fmtm-rounded-lg fmtm-bg-gray-400 fmtm-cursor-not-allowed`;
+      return `fmtm-py-1 fmtm-px-4 fmtm-text-white fmtm-rounded-lg fmtm-bg-gray-400 fmtm-cursor-not-allowed ${className}`;
       return 'fmtm-primary';
-const Button = ({ btnText, btnType, type, onClick, disabled, className, count, dataTip, icon, isLoading }: IButton) => (
+const Button = ({
+  btnText,
+  btnType,
+  type,
+  onClick,
+  disabled,
+  className,
+  count,
+  dataTip,
+  icon,
+  isLoading,
+  loadingText,
+}: IButton) => (
   <div className="fmtm-w-fit">
       type={type === 'submit' ? 'submit' : 'button'}
@@ -44,7 +57,7 @@ const Button = ({ btnText, btnType, type, onClick, disabled, className, count, d
       {isLoading ? (
-          {type === 'submit' ? 'Submitting...' : 'Loading...'}
+          {type === 'submit' ? 'Submitting...' : loadingText ? loadingText : 'Loading...'}
           <Loader2 className="fmtm-mr-2 fmtm-h-6 fmtm-w-6 fmtm-animate-spin" />
       ) : (
diff --git a/src/frontend/src/components/createnewproject/DataExtract.tsx b/src/frontend/src/components/createnewproject/DataExtract.tsx
index 42e57c2a85..fd2dd1553c 100644
--- a/src/frontend/src/components/createnewproject/DataExtract.tsx
+++ b/src/frontend/src/components/createnewproject/DataExtract.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import axios from 'axios';
 import { geojson as fgbGeojson } from 'flatgeobuf';
-import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 import Button from '../../components/common/Button';
 import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
 import { CommonActions } from '../../store/slices/CommonSlice';
@@ -25,27 +25,66 @@ const osmFeatureTypeOptions = [
   { name: 'osm_feature_type', value: 'polygon', label: 'Polygon' },
+enum FeatureTypeName {
+  point_centroid = 'Point/Centroid',
+  line = 'Line',
+  polygon = 'Polygon',
 const DataExtract = ({ flag, customLineUpload, setCustomLineUpload, customPolygonUpload, setCustomPolygonUpload }) => {
   const dispatch = useDispatch();
   const navigate = useNavigate();
+  const [extractWays, setExtractWays] = useState('');
+  const [featureType, setFeatureType] = useState('');
   const projectDetails: any = useAppSelector((state) => state.createproject.projectDetails);
   const drawnGeojson = useAppSelector((state) => state.createproject.drawnGeojson);
   const dataExtractGeojson = useAppSelector((state) => state.createproject.dataExtractGeojson);
+  const isFgbFetching = useAppSelector((state) => state.createproject.isFgbFetching);
+  const submission = () => {
+    if (featureType !== formValues?.dataExtractFeatureType && formValues.dataExtractWays === 'osm_data_extract') {
+      dispatch(
+        CommonActions.SetSnackBar({
+          open: true,
+          message: `Please generate data extract for ${FeatureTypeName[featureType]}`,
+          variant: 'warning',
+          duration: 2000,
+        }),
+      );
+      return;
+    }
-  const submission = async () => {
     dispatch(CommonActions.SetCurrentStepFormStep({ flag: flag, step: 5 }));
     // First go to next page, to not block UX
+  };
+  const resetFile = (setDataExtractToState) => {
+    setDataExtractToState(null);
+  };
+  const {
+    handleSubmit,
+    handleCustomChange,
+    values: formValues,
+    errors,
+  }: any = useForm(projectDetails, submission, DataExtractValidation);
+  // Generate OSM data extract
+  const generateDataExtract = async () => {
     // Get OSM data extract if required
-    if (formValues.dataExtractWays === 'osm_data_extract') {
+    if (extractWays === 'osm_data_extract') {
+      // Remove current data extract
+      dispatch(CreateProjectActions.setDataExtractGeojson(null));
       // Create a file object from the project area Blob
       const projectAreaBlob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(drawnGeojson)], { type: 'application/json' });
       const drawnGeojsonFile = new File([projectAreaBlob], 'outline.json', { type: 'application/json' });
+      dispatch(CreateProjectActions.SetFgbFetchingStatus(true));
       // Create form and POST endpoint
       const dataExtractRequestFormData = new FormData();
       dataExtractRequestFormData.append('geojson_file', drawnGeojsonFile);
@@ -56,9 +95,16 @@ const DataExtract = ({ flag, customLineUpload, setCustomLineUpload, customPolygo
         const fgbUrl = response.data.url;
-        // Append url to project data
+        // Append url to project data & remove custom files
-          CreateProjectActions.SetIndividualProjectDetailsData({ ...projectDetails, data_extract_type: fgbUrl }),
+          CreateProjectActions.SetIndividualProjectDetailsData({
+            ...formValues,
+            data_extract_type: fgbUrl,
+            dataExtractWays: extractWays,
+            dataExtractFeatureType: featureType,
+            customLineUpload: null,
+            customPolygonUpload: null,
+          }),
         // Extract fgb and set geojson to map
@@ -67,21 +113,43 @@ const DataExtract = ({ flag, customLineUpload, setCustomLineUpload, customPolygo
         const uint8ArrayData = new Uint8Array(binaryData);
         // Deserialize the binary data
         const geojsonExtract = await fgbGeojson.deserialize(uint8ArrayData);
+        dispatch(CreateProjectActions.SetFgbFetchingStatus(false));
         await dispatch(CreateProjectActions.setDataExtractGeojson(geojsonExtract));
       } catch (error) {
+        dispatch(
+          CommonActions.SetSnackBar({
+            open: true,
+            message: 'Error to generate FGB file.',
+            variant: 'error',
+            duration: 2000,
+          }),
+        );
+        dispatch(CreateProjectActions.SetFgbFetchingStatus(false));
         // TODO add error message for user
         console.error('Error getting data extract:', error);
-  const {
-    handleSubmit,
-    handleCustomChange,
-    values: formValues,
-    errors,
-  }: any = useForm(projectDetails, submission, DataExtractValidation);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    if (formValues?.dataExtractWays) {
+      setExtractWays(formValues?.dataExtractWays);
+    }
+    if (formValues?.dataExtractFeatureType) {
+      setFeatureType(formValues?.dataExtractFeatureType);
+    }
+  }, [formValues?.dataExtractWays, formValues?.dataExtractFeatureType]);
   const toggleStep = (step, url) => {
+    if (url === '/select-form') {
+      dispatch(
+        CreateProjectActions.SetIndividualProjectDetailsData({
+          ...formValues,
+          dataExtractWays: extractWays,
+          dataExtractFeatureType: featureType,
+        }),
+      );
+    }
     dispatch(CommonActions.SetCurrentStepFormStep({ flag: flag, step: step }));
@@ -137,10 +205,6 @@ const DataExtract = ({ flag, customLineUpload, setCustomLineUpload, customPolygo
     await dispatch(CreateProjectActions.setDataExtractGeojson(extractFeatCol));
-  const resetFile = (setDataExtractToState) => {
-    setDataExtractToState(null);
-  };
   useEffect(() => {
   }, []);
@@ -179,31 +243,59 @@ const DataExtract = ({ flag, customLineUpload, setCustomLineUpload, customPolygo
                 onChangeData={(value) => {
                   handleCustomChange('dataExtractWays', value);
+                  setExtractWays(value);
-              {formValues.dataExtractWays === 'osm_data_extract' && (
+              {extractWays === 'osm_data_extract' && (
                 <div className="fmtm-mt-6">
                     topic="Select OSM feature type"
-                    value={formValues.dataExtractFeatureType}
+                    value={featureType}
                     onChangeData={(value) => {
-                      handleCustomChange('dataExtractFeatureType', value);
+                      setFeatureType(value);
-              {formValues.dataExtractWays === 'custom_data_extract' && (
+              {extractWays === 'osm_data_extract' && featureType && (
+                <Button
+                  btnText="Generate Data Extract"
+                  btnType="primary"
+                  onClick={() => {
+                    resetFile(setCustomPolygonUpload);
+                    resetFile(setCustomLineUpload);
+                    generateDataExtract();
+                  }}
+                  className="fmtm-mt-6"
+                  isLoading={isFgbFetching}
+                  loadingText="Data extracting..."
+                  disabled={
+                    featureType === formValues?.dataExtractFeatureType &&
+                    dataExtractGeojson &&
+                    !customPolygonUpload &&
+                    !customLineUpload
+                      ? true
+                      : false
+                  }
+                />
+              )}
+              {extractWays === 'custom_data_extract' && (
                     onChange={(e) => {
                       changeFileHandler(e, setCustomPolygonUpload);
                       handleCustomChange('customPolygonUpload', e.target.files[0]);
+                      handleCustomChange('dataExtractFeatureType', '');
+                      setFeatureType('');
+                    }}
+                    onResetFile={() => {
+                      resetFile(setCustomPolygonUpload);
+                      handleCustomChange('customPolygonUpload', null);
-                    onResetFile={() => resetFile(setCustomPolygonUpload)}
                     btnText="Upload Polygons"
@@ -214,8 +306,12 @@ const DataExtract = ({ flag, customLineUpload, setCustomLineUpload, customPolygo
                     onChange={(e) => {
                       changeFileHandler(e, setCustomLineUpload);
                       handleCustomChange('customLineUpload', e.target.files[0]);
+                      handleCustomChange('dataExtractFeatureType', null);
+                    }}
+                    onResetFile={() => {
+                      resetFile(setCustomLineUpload);
+                      handleCustomChange('customLineUpload', null);
-                    onResetFile={() => resetFile(setCustomLineUpload)}
                     btnText="Upload Lines"
@@ -233,7 +329,20 @@ const DataExtract = ({ flag, customLineUpload, setCustomLineUpload, customPolygo
                 onClick={() => toggleStep(3, '/select-form')}
-              <Button btnText="NEXT" btnType="primary" type="submit" className="fmtm-font-bold" />
+              <Button
+                btnText="NEXT"
+                btnType="primary"
+                type="submit"
+                className="fmtm-font-bold"
+                dataTip={`${!dataExtractGeojson ? 'Please Generate Data Extract First.' : ''}`}
+                disabled={
+                  !dataExtractGeojson ||
+                  (extractWays === 'osm_data_extract' && !formValues?.dataExtractFeatureType) ||
+                  isFgbFetching
+                    ? true
+                    : false
+                }
+              />
           <div className="fmtm-w-full lg:fmtm-w-[60%] fmtm-flex fmtm-flex-col fmtm-gap-6 fmtm-bg-gray-300 fmtm-h-[60vh] lg:fmtm-h-full">
diff --git a/src/frontend/src/components/createnewproject/SplitTasks.tsx b/src/frontend/src/components/createnewproject/SplitTasks.tsx
index 22234d128d..55e92b5ff6 100644
--- a/src/frontend/src/components/createnewproject/SplitTasks.tsx
+++ b/src/frontend/src/components/createnewproject/SplitTasks.tsx
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ const SplitTasks = ({ flag, geojsonFile, setGeojsonFile, customLineUpload, custo
     (state) => state.createproject.taskSplittingGeojsonLoading,
   const isTasksGenerated = CoreModules.useAppSelector((state) => state.createproject.isTasksGenerated);
+  const isFgbFetching = CoreModules.useAppSelector((state) => state.createproject.isFgbFetching);
   const toggleStep = (step, url) => {
     dispatch(CommonActions.SetCurrentStepFormStep({ flag: flag, step: step }));
@@ -130,7 +131,6 @@ const SplitTasks = ({ flag, geojsonFile, setGeojsonFile, customLineUpload, custo
     } else {
       projectData = { ...projectData, task_split_dimension: projectDetails.dimension };
-    console.log(projectData, 'projectData');
@@ -379,8 +379,9 @@ const SplitTasks = ({ flag, geojsonFile, setGeojsonFile, customLineUpload, custo
                           icon={<AssetModules.SettingsIcon className="fmtm-text-white" />}
-                            splitTasksSelection === task_split_type['task_splitting_algorithm'] &&
-                            !formValues?.average_buildings_per_task
+                            (splitTasksSelection === task_split_type['task_splitting_algorithm'] &&
+                              !formValues?.average_buildings_per_task) ||
+                            isFgbFetching
                               ? true
                               : false
@@ -426,6 +427,11 @@ const SplitTasks = ({ flag, geojsonFile, setGeojsonFile, customLineUpload, custo
+                  onModify={(geojson) => {
+                    handleCustomChange('drawnGeojson', geojson);
+                    dispatch(CreateProjectActions.SetDividedTaskGeojson(JSON.parse(geojson)));
+                    setGeojsonFile(null);
+                  }}
               {generateProjectLog ? (
diff --git a/src/frontend/src/components/createnewproject/UploadArea.tsx b/src/frontend/src/components/createnewproject/UploadArea.tsx
index 01f3c93281..2bcba1ce65 100644
--- a/src/frontend/src/components/createnewproject/UploadArea.tsx
+++ b/src/frontend/src/components/createnewproject/UploadArea.tsx
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ const uploadAreaOptions = [
-const UploadArea = ({ flag, geojsonFile, setGeojsonFile }) => {
+const UploadArea = ({ flag, geojsonFile, setGeojsonFile, setCustomLineUpload, setCustomPolygonUpload }) => {
   const dispatch = useDispatch();
   const navigate = useNavigate();
   // const [uploadAreaFile, setUploadAreaFile] = useState(null);
@@ -264,6 +264,9 @@ const UploadArea = ({ flag, geojsonFile, setGeojsonFile }) => {
                 handleCustomChange('drawnGeojson', geojson);
+                dispatch(CreateProjectActions.ClearProjectStepState());
+                setCustomLineUpload(null);
+                setCustomPolygonUpload(null);
diff --git a/src/frontend/src/store/slices/CreateProjectSlice.ts b/src/frontend/src/store/slices/CreateProjectSlice.ts
index 7f9cc75856..5de2a1cea2 100755
--- a/src/frontend/src/store/slices/CreateProjectSlice.ts
+++ b/src/frontend/src/store/slices/CreateProjectSlice.ts
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ export const initialState: CreateProjectStateTypes = {
   isUnsavedChanges: false,
   canSwitchCreateProjectSteps: false,
   isTasksGenerated: { divide_on_square: false, task_splitting_algorithm: false },
+  isFgbFetching: false,
 const CreateProject = createSlice({
@@ -215,6 +216,15 @@ const CreateProject = createSlice({
         [action.payload.key]: action.payload.value,
+    SetFgbFetchingStatus(state, action) {
+      state.isFgbFetching = action.payload;
+    },
+    ClearProjectStepState(state) {
+      state.dividedTaskGeojson = null;
+      state.splitTasksSelection = null;
+      state.dataExtractGeojson = null;
+      state.projectDetails = { ...state.projectDetails, customLineUpload: null, customPolygonUpload: null };
+    },
diff --git a/src/frontend/src/store/types/ICreateProject.ts b/src/frontend/src/store/types/ICreateProject.ts
index 900dff66de..bd7fd27e08 100644
--- a/src/frontend/src/store/types/ICreateProject.ts
+++ b/src/frontend/src/store/types/ICreateProject.ts
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ export type CreateProjectStateTypes = {
   isUnsavedChanges: boolean;
   canSwitchCreateProjectSteps: boolean;
   isTasksGenerated: {};
+  isFgbFetching: boolean;
 export type ValidateCustomFormResponse = {
   detail: { message: string; possible_reason: string };
diff --git a/src/frontend/src/views/CreateNewProject.tsx b/src/frontend/src/views/CreateNewProject.tsx
index 14f6ac96bb..271d9b4dc1 100644
--- a/src/frontend/src/views/CreateNewProject.tsx
+++ b/src/frontend/src/views/CreateNewProject.tsx
@@ -61,7 +61,15 @@ const CreateNewProject = () => {
       case '/create-project':
         return <ProjectDetailsForm flag="create_project" />;
       case '/upload-area':
-        return <UploadArea flag="create_project" geojsonFile={geojsonFile} setGeojsonFile={setGeojsonFile} />;
+        return (
+          <UploadArea
+            flag="create_project"
+            geojsonFile={geojsonFile}
+            setGeojsonFile={setGeojsonFile}
+            setCustomLineUpload={setCustomLineUpload}
+            setCustomPolygonUpload={setCustomPolygonUpload}
+          />
+        );
       case '/select-form':
         return (
diff --git a/src/frontend/src/views/NewDefineAreaMap.tsx b/src/frontend/src/views/NewDefineAreaMap.tsx
index 72d0b8d82e..15364b012e 100644
--- a/src/frontend/src/views/NewDefineAreaMap.tsx
+++ b/src/frontend/src/views/NewDefineAreaMap.tsx
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ import { GeoJSONFeatureTypes } from '../store/types/ICreateProject';
 type NewDefineAreaMapProps = {
   drawToggle?: boolean;
-  splittedGeojson: GeoJSONFeatureTypes;
+  splittedGeojson: GeoJSONFeatureTypes | null;
   uploadedOrDrawnGeojsonFile: GeoJSONFeatureTypes;
   buildingExtractedGeojson?: GeoJSONFeatureTypes;
   lineExtractedGeojson?: GeoJSONFeatureTypes;
-  onDraw?: () => void;
+  onDraw?: (geojson: any, area: number) => void;
+  onModify?: (geojson: any, area?: number) => void;
 const NewDefineAreaMap = ({
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ const NewDefineAreaMap = ({
               constrainResolution: true,
               duration: 500,
-            zoomToLayer
+            onModify={onModify}
         {isDrawOrGeojsonFile && !splittedGeojson && (