diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2dfd03b..217ccf3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,78 +6,71 @@
What is it?
-F-Mesh is a simplistic FBP-inspired framework in Go.
-It allows you to express your program as a mesh of interconnected components (or more formally as computational graph).
-You can think of it as a simple functions orchestrator.
F-Mesh is a functions orchestrator inspired by FBP.
+It allows you to express your program as a mesh of interconnected components (or more formally as a computational graph).
Main concepts:
- F-Mesh consists of multiple Components - the main building blocks
-- Components have unlimited number of input and output
-- The main job of each component is to read inputs and provide outputs
+- Components have unlimited number of input and output Ports
- Any output port can be connected to any input port via Pipes
-- The component behaviour is defined by its Activation function
-- The framework checks when components are ready to be activated and calls their activation functions concurrently
-- One such iteration is called Activation cycle
-- On each activation cycle the framework does same things: activates all the components ready for activation, flushes the data through pipes and disposes input Signals (the data chunks flowing between components)
-- Ports and pipes are type agnostic, any data can be transferred or aggregated on any port
-- The framework works in discrete time, not it wall time. The quant of time is 1 activation cycle, which gives you "logical parallelism" out of the box
-- F-Mesh is suitable for prototyping, simulation, functional-style computations and implementing concurrency patterns without using the concurrency primitives like channels or any sort of locks
+- Ports and pipes are type agnostic, any data can be transferred to any port
+- The framework works in discrete time, not it wall time. The quant of time is 1 activation cycle, which gives you "logical parallelism" out of the box (activation function is running in "frozen time")
What it is not?
-F-mesh is not a classical FBP implementation, and it is not fully async. It does not support long-running components or wall-time events (like timers and tickers)
+F-mesh is not a classical FBP implementation, it does not support long-running components or wall-time events (like timers and tickers)
fm := fmesh.New("hello world").
- WithComponents(
- component.New("concat").
- WithInputs("i1", "i2").
- WithOutputs("res").
- WithActivationFunc(func(inputs *port.Collection, outputs *port.Collection) error {
- word1 := inputs.ByName("i1").FirstSignalPayloadOrDefault("").(string)
- word2 := inputs.ByName("i2").FirstSignalPayloadOrDefault("").(string)
+ WithComponents(
+ component.New("concat").
+ WithInputs("i1", "i2").
+ WithOutputs("res").
+ WithActivationFunc(func(inputs *port.Collection, outputs *port.Collection) error {
+ word1 := inputs.ByName("i1").FirstSignalPayloadOrDefault("").(string)
+ word2 := inputs.ByName("i2").FirstSignalPayloadOrDefault("").(string)
- outputs.ByName("res").PutSignals(signal.New(word1 + word2))
- return nil
- }),
- component.New("case").
- WithInputs("i1").
- WithOutputs("res").
- WithActivationFunc(func(inputs *port.Collection, outputs *port.Collection) error {
- inputString := inputs.ByName("i1").FirstSignalPayloadOrDefault("").(string)
+ outputs.ByName("res").PutSignals(signal.New(word1 + word2))
+ return nil
+ }),
+ component.New("case").
+ WithInputs("i1").
+ WithOutputs("res").
+ WithActivationFunc(func(inputs *port.Collection, outputs *port.Collection) error {
+ inputString := inputs.ByName("i1").FirstSignalPayloadOrDefault("").(string)
- outputs.ByName("res").PutSignals(signal.New(strings.ToTitle(inputString)))
- return nil
- })).
- WithConfig(fmesh.Config{
- ErrorHandlingStrategy: fmesh.StopOnFirstErrorOrPanic,
- CyclesLimit: 10,
- })
+ outputs.ByName("res").PutSignals(signal.New(strings.ToTitle(inputString)))
+ return nil
+ })).
+ WithConfig(fmesh.Config{
+ ErrorHandlingStrategy: fmesh.StopOnFirstErrorOrPanic,
+ CyclesLimit: 10,
+ })
- fm.Components().ByName("concat").Outputs().ByName("res").PipeTo(
- fm.Components().ByName("case").Inputs().ByName("i1"),
- )
+ fm.Components().ByName("concat").Outputs().ByName("res").PipeTo(
+ fm.Components().ByName("case").Inputs().ByName("i1"),
+ )
- // Init inputs
- fm.Components().ByName("concat").Inputs().ByName("i1").PutSignals(signal.New("hello "))
- fm.Components().ByName("concat").Inputs().ByName("i2").PutSignals(signal.New("world !"))
+ // Init inputs
+ fm.Components().ByName("concat").InputByName("i1").PutSignals(signal.New("hello "))
+ fm.Components().ByName("concat").InputByName("i2").PutSignals(signal.New("world !"))
- // Run the mesh
- _, err := fm.Run()
+ // Run the mesh
+ _, err := fm.Run()
- // Check for errors
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("F-Mesh returned an error")
- os.Exit(1)
- }
+ // Check for errors
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println("F-Mesh returned an error")
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
- //Extract results
- results := fm.Components().ByName("case").Outputs().ByName("res").FirstSignalPayloadOrNil()
- fmt.Printf("Result is :%v", results)
+ //Extract results
+ results := fm.Components().ByName("case").OutputByName("res").FirstSignalPayloadOrNil()
+ fmt.Printf("Result is : %v", results)
+See more in ```examples``` directory.
Version 0.1.0 coming soon
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/strings_processing/main.go b/examples/strings_processing/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..539a112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/strings_processing/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/hovsep/fmesh"
+ "github.com/hovsep/fmesh/component"
+ "github.com/hovsep/fmesh/port"
+ "github.com/hovsep/fmesh/signal"
+ "os"
+ "strings"
+// This example is used in readme.md
+func main() {
+ fm := fmesh.New("hello world").
+ WithComponents(
+ component.New("concat").
+ WithInputs("i1", "i2").
+ WithOutputs("res").
+ WithActivationFunc(func(inputs *port.Collection, outputs *port.Collection) error {
+ word1 := inputs.ByName("i1").FirstSignalPayloadOrDefault("").(string)
+ word2 := inputs.ByName("i2").FirstSignalPayloadOrDefault("").(string)
+ outputs.ByName("res").PutSignals(signal.New(word1 + word2))
+ return nil
+ }),
+ component.New("case").
+ WithInputs("i1").
+ WithOutputs("res").
+ WithActivationFunc(func(inputs *port.Collection, outputs *port.Collection) error {
+ inputString := inputs.ByName("i1").FirstSignalPayloadOrDefault("").(string)
+ outputs.ByName("res").PutSignals(signal.New(strings.ToTitle(inputString)))
+ return nil
+ })).
+ WithConfig(fmesh.Config{
+ ErrorHandlingStrategy: fmesh.StopOnFirstErrorOrPanic,
+ CyclesLimit: 10,
+ })
+ fm.Components().ByName("concat").Outputs().ByName("res").PipeTo(
+ fm.Components().ByName("case").Inputs().ByName("i1"),
+ )
+ // Init inputs
+ fm.Components().ByName("concat").InputByName("i1").PutSignals(signal.New("hello "))
+ fm.Components().ByName("concat").InputByName("i2").PutSignals(signal.New("world !"))
+ // Run the mesh
+ _, err := fm.Run()
+ // Check for errors
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println("F-Mesh returned an error")
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ //Extract results
+ results := fm.Components().ByName("case").OutputByName("res").FirstSignalPayloadOrNil()
+ fmt.Printf("Result is : %v", results)