A Go package implementing the 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check, or CRC-16, checksum.
To generate the hash of a byte slice, use the crc16.Checksum()
import "github.com/howeyc/crc16"
data := byte("test")
checksum := crc16.Checksum(data, crc16.IBMTable)
The package provides the following hashing tables. For each of these tables, a shorthand can be used.
// This is the same as crc16.Checksum(data, crc16.IBMTable)
checksum := crc16.ChecksumIBM(data)
Using the hash.Hash interface also works.
h := crc16.New(crc16.IBMTable)
data := byte("test")
data2 := byte("data")
checksum := h.Sum(nil)
- 2017.03.27 - Added MBus checksum
- 2017.05.27 - Added checksum function without XOR
- 2017.12.08 - Implement encoding.BinaryMarshaler and encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler to allow saving and recreating their internal state.