Implement finite difference method scheme/program for solving Laplace partial differential equation ( 2T = 0) with Diritchlet boundary conditions and using following approaches: 1. Gauss Seidel Method 2. Alternative direction Implicit
Use following example for demonstration and comparison of computation time: Consider a plate of 2.4m x 3.0 m that is subjected to boundary condition as shown in below figure. Find the temperature (T(x, y)) distribution inside this plate (on grid points). You can consider a square grid of different sizes. Moreover create a surface plot of the temperature distribution.
Note that:
- Proper documentation should be used in the codes
- You have to submit a program. Name of the file should be: “Ass5_EntryNu”
- There will be evaluation of this assignment during some practical session, you will be informed before.
- Total Marks for this assignment = 4.
- No cheating allowed.