Releases: hslayers/hslayers-ng
5ecd851 (origin/refactoring, refactoring) Rename ows panels and components to addLayers
d037866 Parse getfeatureinfo without jquery refs #215
dedaede Refactor Datasource selector WMS module into smaller pieces
42b9f03 Fix error of initial wms config not prefilling
0487e9d Small fix for ows.wfs directive
4cb7525 Fix adding of WMS in ows panel
8ecf9d7 Must import Polygon.fromExtent function correctly
47d8639 Loading of css for material design layout with webpack
5dbd6e4 Minor fix for css loading
e1b3119 Conditional loading of bootstrap and mobile css
d7ed51c Upgrade dependencies/ fix security vulnerabilities
f60f7f6 (origin/ol5, ol5) A more thorough replacement of OL namespace
443bbdb Fix measuring of area
d6ec6d2 Upgrade to openlayers 5 fixes #163
82c05e4 (tag: 1.0.1, release/1.0.1) Release 1.0.1
81bafdb Merge branch 'master' of
372d12d Release 1.0.0
de2b363 Release 0.12.1
99155d8 Have to use explicit injection in strict mode
9caf8dc Change icon for legend
5550c3f Rewrite cesium module import and fix window height
a5a2478 Fix cesium for webpack and without jquery
6ec9b25 Webpack build target for material design variant
b3f2cba Use minified hslayers in readme
cfae7ba README for bundled hslayers with separate app.js
59f18d2 Expose hslayers container template and openlayers
dcf1408 Remove material components from controllers
41fb5b6 Webpack prod build
ded5dd4 Readme changes for using webpack bundle
0260aa0 Use webpack to bundle js, css and html templates
- Proxify geonames calls if page loaded with https fixes #205 (2b7b867)
- Dont require config.hostname param in compositions (1bf0f60)
- Reduce jquery usage - insertAfter and forEach (2fc11de)
- Extract url generation function for status manager (e2ebf29)
- Don't add serviceName=p4b to micka requests fixes #200 (4e2c177)
- Fix resize of cesium window fixes #199 (d31fbab)
- Fix translation generated duplicates in permalink. Remove google plus sharing button (d7a0055)
- Isolate bootstrap from the rest of application. This commit includes script to generate bootstrap.isolated.css file based on the original bootstrap.css where every selector is prefixed by ".bootstrap-iso " (d7807d7)
- Layer title should be clickable not the whole row (0d5eaa6)
- Fix measuring panel looks (0107707)
- Ajax usage without jQuery and fixed styler ui (6ea46a8)
- Remove unused layer types (9223f3e)
- Rewrite modal dialogs without jQuery (37cc769)
- Inject config service where missing for hsl_path (bcd8314)
- Remove examples_list.css (26d4c3c)
- Remove hsl_path where possible (a69c889)
- Remove last usages of gitsha (78df20c)
- Titles of many panels were translated wrongly (3967c0b)
- Remove examples directory (a03194f) (31cba0f)
- Composition import from json and gui improvements (574cce6)
- Remove app dependencly in layermanager (cfc1571)
- Config parameter if to load css and wiki for that (dc4647d)
- Subtitute require function for window.require (c94ee48)
- Use $timeout instead of $apply when resetting map (5a64d5c)
- Dont use jQuery to open layer edit panel (728b494)
- Call Core.setMainPanel through timeout because $apply causes errors (6567fe2)
- Dont use jQuery in permalink module (2223c61)
- Remove reference to jQuery in sharing panels (da01fdb)
- Dont use jQuery for loading-logo removal and smarter timeout (5f15697)
- Dont use jQuery for panel and layout positioning (f843252)
- hsl_path from config not global in all directives (8bb2e2e)
- Don't require app module in components (2519121)
- Reduce usage of jQuery (1502f9e)
- fix function(Api) is not using explicit annotation and (ce61351)
- Core module must not fail if hsl_path is not set (19f6422)
- config.hsl_path in toolbar component (014a0a8)
- Try use hsl_path in config service (32038af)
- Upgrade angular to 1.7 (8c8eeea)
3023365 Merge branch 'master' of
6d5a267 Ugly placement of refresh button for legends
ed269cb Ugly placement of refresh button for legends
b2b99e1 Upgrade dependencies
0475bca Ugly placement of refresh button for legends
549c6b1 Misplaced close buttons in all modal dialogs
9238cd0 Status dialog result/error close button misplaced
c348d4a Layer edit buttons misplaced in hdpi displays fixes #174
4b763e5 OWS panel fields are wrapped in 2 lines. fixes #176
1334bb3 Ugly placement of refresh button for legends
669d8b9 Refactoring of toolbar (search+reset) as component
579df2f Some typos and comments for layerlist
d518076 Permalink module refactoring
7c36fe7 Alittle more flattening of print module
714177d Rewrite of print module to component structure
c886527 Update to angular 1.6 and mostly ng-change fixes
ea8300a Describe the purpose of 'hostname' objects
457a7b7 Change icon of button for adding ows layer
f938c00 Ugly placement of refresh button for legends