author | date | keywords | subtitle | title | |||||
Huub de Beer |
April 6th, 2019 |
Automate the use of pandoc |
Pandocomatic |
Pandocomatic automates the use of pandoc. With pandocomatic you can express common patterns of using pandoc for generating your documents. Applied to a directory, pandocomatic acts as a static site generator. For example, this manual is generated with pandocomatic!
Pandocomatic is free software; pandocomatic is released under the GPLv3. You will find the source code of pandocomatic in its repository on Github.
Note. Pandocomatic is build on top of paru, which is a wrapper around pandoc.
Thanks to Ian for his contribution of patches, bug reports, fixes, and suggestions. With your help pandocomatic is growing beyond a simple tool for personal use into a useful addition to the pandoc ecosystem.
Pandocomatic is a Ruby program and can be installed through RubyGems as follows:
gem install pandocomatic
This will install pandocomatic and paru, a Ruby wrapper around pandoc. To use pandocomatic, you also need a working pandoc installation. See pandoc's installation guide for more information about installing pandoc.
You can also build and install the latest version yourself by running the following commands:
cd /directory/you/downloaded/the/gem/to
docker image build --tag pandocomatic:dev .
docker container run --rm -it --volume $(pwd):/home/pandocomatic-user pandocomatic:dev bundle exec rake build
gem install pkg/pandocomatic-2.0.1.gem
You only have to do the second step one time. Once you've created a
docker image, you can reuse it as is until Dockerfile
I use pandoc a lot. I use it to write all my papers, notes, websites, reports, outlines, summaries, and books. Time and again I was invoking pandoc like:
pandoc --from markdown \
--to html \
--standalone \
--csl apa.csl \
--bibliography my-bib.bib \
--mathjax \
--output result.html \
Sure, when I write about history, the CSL
file and bibliography change. And I do not need the --mathjax
like I do when I am writing about mathematics education. Still, all
these invocations are quite similar.
I already wrote the program do-pandoc.rb as part of a Ruby wrapper around pandoc, paru. Using do-pandoc.rb I can specify the options to pandoc in a metadata block in the source file itself. With do-pandoc.rb the invocation above is simplified to:
It saves me from typing out the whole pandoc invocation each time I run pandoc on a source file. However, I have still to setup the same options to use in each document that I am writing, even though these options do not differ that much from document to document.
Pandocomatic is a tool to re-use these common configurations by
specifying a so-called pandocomatic template in a
YAML configuration file. For example, by placing
the following file, pandocomatic.yaml
, in pandoc's data directory:
preprocessors: []
from: markdown
to: html
standalone: true
csl: 'apa.csl'
toc: true
bibliography: /path/to/bibliography.bib
mathjax: true
postprocessors: []
In this configuration file a single pandocomatic template is being
defined: education-research. This template specifies that the source
files it is applied to are not being preprocessed. Furthermore, the
source files are converted with pandoc by invoking
pandoc --from markdown --to html --standalone --csl apa.csl --toc --bibliography /path/to/bibliography.bib --mathjax
Finally, the template specifies that pandoc's output is not being
I now can create a new document that uses this template by including the
following metadata block in my source file,
title: On teaching mathematics
author: Huub de Beer
use-template: education-research
output: on_teaching_mathematics.html
Here goes the contents of my new paper ...
To convert this file to on_teaching_mathematics.html
I run
pandocomatic -i
With just two extra lines in a metadata block I can tell pandocomatic
what template to use when converting a file. You can also use multiple
templates in a document, for example to convert a markdown file to both
HTML and PDF. Adding file-specific pandoc options to the conversion
process is as easy as adding a pandoc
property with those options to
the pandocomatic_
metadata property in the source file like I did with
the output
property in the example above.
Once I had written a number of related documents this way, it was a small step to enable pandocomatic to convert directories as well. Just like that, pandocomatic can be used as a static site generator!
Pandocomatic allows you to put pandoc command-line
options in the document to be converted
itself. Instead of a complex pandoc command-line invocation,
pandocomatic allows you to convert your markdown document
with just:
Pandocomatic starts by extracting the YAML metadata blocks in
, looking for a pandocomatic_
property. If such a
property exists, it is treated as an internal pandocomatic template
and the file is converted according to that pandocomatic template.
For more information about pandocomatic templates, see the chapter
about templates later in this manual.
For example, if
contains the following pandoc markdown
title: My first pandocomatic-converted document
to: html
Hello *World*!
pandocomatic is instructed by the pandoc
property to convert the
document to the HTML file hello_world.html
. If you would like to
instruct pandocomatic to convert
instead, use command-line option
--output goodday_world.html
. For more information about pandocomatic's
command-line options, see the chapter about command-line
You can tell pandocomatic to apply any pandoc command-line option in a
template's pandoc
property. For example, to use a custom pandoc
template and add a custom CSS file to the generated HTML, extend the
property above as follows:
to: html
- style.css
template: hello-template.html
Besides the pandoc
property to configure the pandoc conversion,
pandocomatic templates can also contain a list of preprocessors
and a list of postprocessors. Preprocessors are run before the
document is converted with pandoc and postprocessors are run afterwards
(see the Figure below):
For example, you can use the following script to clean up the HTML generated by pandoc:
tidy -quiet -indent -wrap 78 -utf8
This script
is a simple wrapper script around the
html-tidy program. To tell pandocomatic to
use it as a postprocessor, you have to change the pandocomatic_
property to:
to: html
- style.css
template: hello-template.html
- ./
The "./
" in the path ./
tells pandocomatic to look for the
script in the same directory as the file to convert. You can
also specify an absolute path (starting with a slash "/
") or a path
relative to the pandocomatic data directory like we do in the path
in the template
property in the example above. See the Section about
specifying paths in pandocomatic for more
information. If you use a path relative to the pandocomatic data
directory, you have to use the --data-dir
option to tell pandocomatic
where to find its data directory. If you do not, pandocomatic will
default to pandoc's data directory.
To convert the example with a data directory, use:
pandocomatic --data-dir my_data_dir
Like pandoc, pandocomatic does support multiple input files. These input files are concatenated by pandocomatic and then treated as a single input file. For example, instead of writing a book in one big markdown file, you could separate the chapters into separate markdown files. To generate the final book, invoke pandocomatic like:
pandocomatic -i -i -i -i -i -o book.html
Note. If multiple files do have a pandocomatic_
property in their
metadata blocks, only the first pandocomatic_
property is used; all
other occurrences are discarded. If this happens, pandocomatic will show
a warning.
Adding an internal pandocomatic template to a markdown file helps a lot by simplifying converting that file with pandoc. Once you start using pandocomatic more and more, you will discover that most of these internal pandocomatic templates are a lot alike. You can re-use these internal pandocomatic templates by moving the common parts to an external pandocomatic template.
External pandocomatic templates are defined in a pandocomatic
configuration file. A pandocomatic configuration file is a YAML
file. Templates are specified in the templates
property as named sub
properties. For example, the internal pandocomatic template specified
in the
file (see previous chapter) can be specified as
the external pandocomatic template hello
in the pandocomatic
configuration file my-config.yaml
as follows:
to: html
- ./style.css
template: hello-template.html
- ./
You use it in a pandoc markdown file by specifying the use-template
sub property in the pandocomatic_
property. The
example then becomes:
title: My second pandocomatic-converted document
use-template: hello
Hello *World*!
To convert
you need to tell pandocomatic where
to find the external pandocomatic template via the --config
command-line option. For example, to convert
to out.html
, use:
pandocomatic -d my_data_dir --config my-config.yaml -i -o out.html
Because you can use an external pandocomatic templates in many files,
these external templates tend to setup more general aspects of a
conversion process. You can customize a such a general conversion
process in a specific document by extending the internal pandocomatic
template. For example, if you want to apply a different CSS style sheet
and add a table of contents, customize the hello
template with the
following internal pandocomatic template:
use-template: hello
toc: true
- './style.css'
- './goodbye-style.css'
's pandoc
property is extended with the --toc
option, the
is removed, and goodbye-style.css
is added. If you want to
add the goodbye-style.css
rather than having it replace style.css
you specify:
- './goodbye-style.css'
Lists and properties in internal pandocomatic templates are merged
with external pandocomatic templates; simple values, such as strings,
numbers, or Booleans, are replaced. Besides a template's pandoc
property you can also customize any other property of the template.
In a similar way that an internal pandocomatic template extends an
external pandocomatic template you can also extend an external
pandocomatic template directly in the pandocomaitc configuration
file. For example, instead of customizing the hello
template, you
could also have extended hello
as follows:
to: html
- ./style.css
template: hello-template.html
- ./
extends: ['hello']
toc: true
- ./goodbye-style.css
The 'goodbye' template extends the hello
template. A template can
extend multiple templates. For example, you could write a template
in which you configure the author
metadata variable:
author: Huub de Beer
This author
template specifies the metadata
property of a template.
This metadata will be mixed into each document that uses this template.
If you want the goodbye
template to also set the author automatically,
you can change its extends
property to:
extends: ['author', 'hello']
Setting up templates by extending other smaller templates makes for a
modular setup. If you share your templates with someone else, they only
have to change the author
template in one place to use their own names
on all their documents while using your templates.
See the Section on extending pandocomatic templates for more information about this extension mechanism.
Once you have created a number of documents that can be converted by pandocomatic and you change something significant in one of the external pandocomatic templates, you have to run pandocomatic on all of the documents again to propagate the changes. That is fine for a document or two, but more than that and it becomes a chore.
For example, if you change the HTML template hello-template.html
the pandocomatic data directory, or switch to another template, you
need to regenerate all documents you have already converted with the old
HTML template. If you run pandocomatic on an input directory rather than
on an input file, it will convert all files in that directory,
Thus, to convert the example files used in this chapter, you can run
pandocomatic -d my_data_dir -c my-extended-config.yaml -i manual -o output_dir
It will convert all files in the directory manual
and place the
generated documents in the output directory output_dir
From here it is but a small step to use pandocomatic as a static-site generator. For that purpose some configuration options are available:
- a settings property in a pandocomatic configuration file to
- running pandocomatic recursively or not
- follow symbolic links or not
- a
property in an external pandocomatic template telling pandocomatic which files in the directory to apply the template to. As a convention, a file namedpandocomatic.yaml
in a directory is used as the pandocomatic configuration file to control the conversion of the files in that directory - a command-line option
to only convert the files that have changes rather than to convert all files in the directory.
With these features, you can (re)generate a website with the pandocomatic invocation:
pandocomatic -d data_dir -c intitial_config.yaml -i src -o www --modified-only
For more detailed information about pandocomatic, please see the Reference section of this manual.
Pandocomatic takes a number of arguments which should at least include the input file or directory. The general form of a pandocomatic invocation is:
pandocomatic options [INPUT]
-v, --version
: Show the version. If this option is used, all other options are ignored.
-h, --help
: Show a short help message. If this option is used, all other options
except --version
or -v
are ignored.
-i PATH, --input PATH
: Convert PATH
. If this option is not given, INPUT
is converted.
and --input
or -i
cannot be used together. You can use
this option multiple times, denoting to concatenate each input file
in the order they are specified on the command-line. Pandocomatic
treats the concatenated files as a single input file.
-o PATH, --output PATH
: Create converted files and directories in PATH
You can specify the output file in the metadata of a pandoc markdown
input file. In that case, you can omit the output argument.
Furthermore, if no output file is specified whatsoever, pandocomatic
defaults to output to HTML by replacing the extension of the input
file with `html`.
The input and output should both be files or both be directories. Pandocomatic will complain if the input and output types do not match.
-s, --stdout
: Print result of converstion to standard output.
You cannot combine this option with `--output` or with a directory
as input.
-d DIR, --data-dir DIR
: Configure pandocomatic to use DIR
as its data directory. The
default data directory is pandoc's data directory. (Run
pandoc --version
to find pandoc's data directory on your system.)
-c FILE, --config FILE
: Configure pandocomatic to use FILE
as its configuration file
during the conversion process. Default is
-m, --modified-only
: Only convert files that have been modified since the last time
pandocomatic has been run. Or, more precisely, only those source
files that have been updated at a later time than the corresponding
destination files will be converted, copied, or linked. Default is
-q, --quiet
: By default pandocomatic is verbose when you convert a directory. It tells you about the number of commands to execute. When executing these commands, pandocomatic tells you what it is doing, and how many commands still have to be executed. Finally, when pandocomatic is finished, it tells you how long it took to perform the conversion.
If you do not like this verbosity, use the `--quiet` or `-q`
argument to run pandocomatic quietly. Default is `false`.
-y, --dry-run
: Inspect the files and directories to convert, but do not actually
run the conversion. Default is false
-l [FILE], --log [FILE]
: Let pandocomatic log what it is doing to FILE
is not
given, pandocomatic uses pandocomatic.log
by default.
Control the level of logging detail with option `--log-level`.
--log-level [LEVEL]
: Log with detail LEVEL
is not given, pandocomatic uses
by default. LEVEL
should be one of: fatal
, error
, info
, or debug
Choose level `debug` to see conversions in atomic detail. It will
show all processors, the actual pandoc invocation executed, and the
final template used.
-r PATH, --root-path PATH
: Set the root path for use with the root path relative path specification in templates (see Specifying paths). It is used mostly with the --css pandoc option. It defaults to the directory of the specified output.
-e FEATURE, --enable FEATURE
: Enable FEATURE in pandocomatic. Pandocomatic supports the following feature toggles:
- "pandoc-verbose" to enable using pandoc's verbose option. By
default pandocomatic removes that verbose option because it can
interfere with running pandoc filters or pandocomatic
When pandocomatic runs into a problem, it will return with status codes
or 1267
. The former is returned if something goes wrong before
any conversion is started and the latter when something goes wrong
during the conversion process.
Pandocomatic can be configured by means of pandocomatic configuration files, which are YAML files. For example, the following YAML code is a valid pandocomatic configuration file:
data-dir: ~/my_data_dir
recursive: true
follow-links: false
skip: ['.*']
glob: ['*.md']
to: html
toc: true
- assets/style.css
- postprocessors/
By default, pandocomatic looks for the configuration files in both the
pandoc data directory and the pandocomatic data directory; by
convention, pandocomatic expects these files to be named
On top of that, you can tell pandocomatic to use a specific
configuration file via the command-line option --config
. For example,
if you want to use a configuration file my-config.yaml
, invoke
pandocomatic as follows:
pandocomatic --config my-config.yaml
A pandocomatic configuration file contains two properties:
- global
- external
I discuss these two properties next. Before I do, however, I describe pandocomatic's configuration hierarchy. For more in-depth information about pandocomatic templates, please see the Chapter on pandocomatic templates.
If you're using pandocomatic a lot, you might have collected many useful templates that you often use. Instead of having to copy them to a new configuration file each time you start a new project, you can put them in a configuration file in one of pandocomatic's data directories. Pandocomatic will construct a configuration hierarchy based on these more global configuration files as follows:
This configuration hierarchy starts with the default configuration that's part of pandocomatic. This is the base configuration that's always there.
Then pandocomatic mixes in the configuration files named
found in the data directories in the following order:- The configuration file in the pandocomatic data directory specified on the command line with option "--data-dir" or "-d".\
- The configuration file in the pandoc data directory, if it exists. Otherwise, as a fall-back, the current working directory is used. Note, a missing pandoc data directory is likely a sign of a broken pandoc installation.
Finally, the configuration file given on the command line with the "--config" or "-c" option is mixed in.
Pandodomatic always constructs the configuration hierarchy in this exact
order, skipping any configuration that's missing. Thus, the default
configuration is extended first by the configuration from pandocomatic's
data directory, then by the configuration from pandoc's data directory,
and finally by the configuration specified with the --config
If you run pandocomatic with command-line option --verbose
, it should
print this configuration hierarchy.
You can configure five optional global settings:
The latter three are used only when converting a whole directory tree with pandocomatic. These are discussed in the next sub section.
The first setting, data-dir
(String), tells pandocomatic where its
data directory is. You can also specify the pandocomatic data
directory via the command-line option --data-dir
. For example, if you
want to use ~/my-data-dir
as the pandocomatic data directory, invoke
pandocomatic as follows:
pandocomatic --data-dir ~/my-data-dir
If no pandocomatic data directory is specified whatsoever, pandocomatic defaults to pandoc's data directory.
Any directory can be used as a pandocomatic data directory, there are no conventions or requirements for this directory other than being a directory. However, it is recommended to create a meaningful sub directory structure. For example, a sub directory for processors, filters, CSL files, and pandoc templates makes it easier to manage and point to these assets.
The setting match-files
controls how pandocomatic selects the template
to use to convert a file. Possible values for match-files
are first
and all
. Pandocomatic matches a file to a template as follows:
If the file has one or more
statements in the pandocomatic metadata, it will use these specified templates. -
However, if no such templates are specified in the file, pandocomatic tries to find global templates as follows:
a. If the setting
has valueall
, all templates with a glob pattern that matches the input filename are used to convert that input file. For example, you can specify a templatewww
to convert*.md
files to HTML and a templatepdf
to convert*.md
to PDF. In this case, a markdown file will be converted to both HTML and PDF. For example, you could use this to generate a website with a print PDF page for each web page.b. If the setting
has valuefirst
, the first template with a glob pattern that matches the input file is used to convert the file.This is the default.
The third setting, extract-metadata-from
controls from which files
pandocomatic tries to extract pandoc metadata YAML blocks. In these
metadata blocks, you can set metadata specific to the document in the
file. This metadata can include instructions for pandocomatic, like
selecting a template to use, or to setup an internal pandocomatic
Pandocomatic always tries to extract metadata YAML blocks from markdown
files. If pandocomatic doesn't know if the file it is processing is a
markdown file, it falls back to pandoc's default behavior in recognizing
markdown files. However, if you give your markdown files a file
extension than isn't recognized by pandocomatic or pandoc as a markdown
file, e.g., ".pandoc", use property extract-metadata-from
to tell
pandocomatic to extract metadata from those files.
Property extract-metadata-from
takes a list of glob patterns. For
example, to extract metadata from ".pandoc" files, use:
# ...
extract-metadata-from: ['*.pandoc']
# ...
Note that the extract-metadata-from
property cannot be used to stop
pandocomatic from extracting metadata from markdown files.
You can convert a directory tree by invoking pandocomatic with a single
directory as the input rather than one or more files. Of course, once
you start converting directories, more fine-grained control over what
files to convert than "convert all files" is useful. There are four
settings you can use to control which files to convert. Three of them
are global settings, the other one is the glob
property of an
external pandocomatic template. The glob
property is discussed
The three global settings to control which files to convert are:
(Boolean), which tells pandocomatic to convert sub directories or not. This setting defaults totrue
(Boolean), which tells pandocomatic to treat symbolic links as files and directories to convert or not. This setting defaults tofalse
(Array of glob patterns), which tells pandocomatic which files not to convert at all. This setting defaults to['.*', 'pandocomatic.yaml']
: ignore all hidden files (starting with a period) and also ignore default pandocomatic configuration files.
Pandocomatic's default configuration file is defined in the file
This default configuration is used when
- no configuration is specified via the command-line option
, and - no default configuration file (
) can be found in the pandocomatic data directory.
When converting a directory tree, each time pandocomatic enters a (sub)
directory, it also looks for a default configuration file to update
the current settings. In other words, you can have pandocomatic behave
differently in a sub directory than the current directory by putting a
file in that sub directory that changes the global
settings or external pandocomatic templates.
Besides the global settings
property, a pandocomatic configuration
file can also contain a templates
property. In the templates
property you define the external pandocomatic templates you want to
use when converting files with pandocomatic. Pandocomatic templates are
discussed in detail in the Chapter on pandocomatic
templates. The glob
property of external
pandocomatic templates is related to configuring pandocomatic when
converting a directory. It tells pandocomatic which files in a directory
are to be converted with a template.
If you look at the example pandocomatic configuration file at the
start of this chapter, you see that the webpage
template is configured
with property glob: ['*.md']
. This tells pandocomatic to apply the
template webpage
to all markdown files with extension .md
. In other
words, given a directory with the following files:
+ sub directory/
| +
- image.png
Running pandocomatic with the example pandocomatic configuration file will result in the following result"
+ sub directory/
| + index.html
- index.html
- image.png
That is, all .md
files are converted to HTML and all other files are
copied, recursively.
Pandocomatic automates the use of pandoc by extracting common patterns of using pandoc into so called pandocomatic templates. You can then apply these templates to your documents. As described in Part II, there are internal and external pandocomatic templates. The difference between these two types of templates is their scope: internal pandocomatic templates only affect the document they are defined in, whereas external pandocomatic templates, which are defined in a pandocomatic configuration file, affect all documents that use that template.
Although you can create an one-off internal pandocomatic template for a document---sometimes you just have an odd writing project that differs too much from your regular writings---, most often you use an external pandocomatic template and customize it in the internal pandocomatic template.
In this Chapter the definition, extension, customization, and use of templates are discussed in detail.
An external pandocomatic template is defined in the templates
property of a pandocomatic configuration file. For example, in the
following YAML code, the template webpage
is defined:
data-dir: ~/my_data_dir
recursive: true
follow-links: false
skip: ['.*']
glob: ['*.md']
to: html
toc: true
- assets/style.css
- postprocessors/
Each template is a sub property in the templates
property. The
property name is the template name. The property value is the template's
definition. A template definition can contain the following sub
Before discussing these properties in detail, the way pandocomatic resolves paths used in these sections is described first because paths can be used in most of these properties.
Because templates can be used in any document, specifying paths pointing to assets to use in the conversion process is not straightforward. Using global paths works, but has the disadvantage that the templates are no longer easily shareable with others. Using local paths works if the assets and the document to convert are located in the same directory, but that does not hold for more general external pandocomatic templates. As a third alternative, pandocomatic also supports paths that are relative to the pandocomatic data directory. Finally, to handle paths that are meaningful in the output documents, pandocomatic has a way to specify paths relative to a root path.
You can specify these types of paths as follows:
All local paths start with
. These paths are local to the document being converted. When converting a directory tree, the current directory is being prepended to the path minus the./
.On the Windows operating system, a local path starts with
. Note that backslashes might need escaping, like.\\
. -
Global paths start with a
. These paths are resolved as is. On the Windows operating system, a global path starts with a letter followed by a colon and a backslash, for exampleC:\
. Note that backslashes might need escaping, likeC:\\
. -
Paths relative to the pandocomatic data directory do not start with a
nor a/
. These paths are resolved by appending the path to the pandocomatic data directory. These come in handy for defining general usable external pandocomatic templates.Note. For filters, processors, and start-up or clean-up scripts, the path is first checked against the
. If pandocomatic finds an executable matching the path, it will resolve that executable instead. -
Paths relative to a root path start with
. These paths are resolved by adding../
to first go to the root path, then from there to go to the path specified.The root path is set by means of the command-line option
. If no such option is used, the directory of the output is used instead.Note. This root relative path alternative is experimental.
A template can extend zero or more templates by supplying a list of template names to extend. The extension builds from left to right.
For more detailed information about extending templates, see the Section about extending templates below.
Extend from template
:extends: ['webpage']
If only one template is extended, a string value is also allowed. The following has the same effect as the example above:
extends: webpage
Extend from templates
:extends: ['webpage', 'overview']
Note. If both templates have overlapping or contradictory configuration, the above extension can be different from the one below:
extends: ['overview', 'webpage']
When a template is used for converting files in a directory tree, you
can specify which files in the directory should be converted by a
template. The glob
section expects a list of glob
patterns. All
files that match any of these glob patterns are converted using this
When there are more templates that have matching glob patterns, the first one is used.
If there is also a skip
configured (see the Section on global
settings, the skip
setting has precedence over the
setting. Thus, if skip
is ['*.md']
and glob
is ['*.md']
the template will not be applied.
Apply this template to all files with extension
(i.e. all markdown files):glob: ['*.md']
Apply this template to all HTML files and all files starting with
:glob: ['overview_*', '*.html']
For more involved conversion patterns, some setup of the environment might be needed. Think of setting Bash environment variables, creating temporary directories, or even installing third party tools needed in the conversion. Startup scripts can be any executable script or program.
Setup scripts are run before the conversion process starts.
Run script "" before starting the conversion process:
setup: - scripts/
After setup, pandocomatic executes all preprocessors in order of
specification in the preprocessor
property, which is a list. A
preprocessor is any executable script or program that takes as input the
document to convert and outputs that document after "preparing" it
somehow. You can use a preprocessor to add metadata, include other
files, replace strings, and so on.
Add the today's date to the metadata:
preprocessors: ['preprocessors/']
Note. You can also use a filter to mix in the date.
Metadata is used in pandoc's templates as well as a means of
communicating with a filter. Some metadata is common to many documents,
such as language, author, keywords, and so on. In the metadata
property of a template you can specify this global metadata. The
property is a key-value list.
For example, all document I write have me as the author:
metadata: author: Huub de Beer
To actually control the pandoc conversion process itself, you can
specify any pandoc command-line option in the pandoc
property, which
is a key-value list.
Convert markdown to a standalone HTML document with a table of contents:
pandoc: from: markdown to: html toc: true standalone: true
Convert markdown to ODT with citations:
pandoc: from: markdown to: odt bibliography: 'assets/bibligraphy.bib' toc: 'assets/APA.csl'
For convenience, the virtual output format pdf
is added by
pandocomatic. It allows you to specify PDF output without needing to use
the output
option. This allows for general pandoc configurations for
generating PDF files. You specify the PDF output format by to: pdf
Pandocomatic will determine the actual output format based on the value
of pdf-engine
. If that option is not set, pandocomatic defaults to
To give the use more control over what filename extension will be used,
the virtual pandoc option use-extension
has been added. If set, and
the output
option is not being used, the value of the use-extension
option is used as the extension of the output file. For example, to
generate a PDF presentation using the beamer output format, you can
specify the following pandoc options:
from: markdown
to: beamer
use-extension: pdf
Finally, the virtual pandoc option rename
has been added to allow you
to rename the output file via a script. This script will receive the
destination path on STDIN
and is supposed to write the renamed output
path to STDOUT
. It allows you to perform quite complex behavior with
regards to the output directory and name of output files.
I use this virtual pandoc option when I am generating my static sites
with both HTML and PDF output and my input file is named
. For
the HTML format I want index.html
as the output file name, but for the
PDF output I do not want index.pdf
as output filename. Instead, I
prefer to use the name of the input directory with extenstion .pdf
. To
that end I setup pandocomatic as follows:
from: markdown
to: pdf
rename: use-dirname.rb
and use-dirname.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
current_dst = $
current_dst_dir = File.dirname current_dst
current_dst_filename = File.basename current_dst
current_dst_extname = File.extname current_dst
dirname = File.split(current_dst_dir).last
if current_dst_filename.start_with? "index" and not dirname.nil?
puts File.join(current_dst_dir, "#{dirname}.#{current_dst_extname}")
puts current_dst
Note Pandoc's command-line option --verbose
might interfere with
the inner working of pandocomatic. As a result, pandocomatic will ignore
pandoc's --verbose
option and warn you about this.
Similar to the preprocessors
property, the postprocessors
is a list of scripts or programs to run after the pandoc conversion has
finished. Each postprocessor takes as input the converted document and
outputs that document with the changes made by the postprocessor.
Postprocessors come in handy for cleaning up output, checking for dead
links, do string replacing, and so on.
Clean up the HTML generated by pandoc through the
program:postprocessors: ['postprocessors/']
The counterpart of the setup
property. The cleanup
property is a
list of scripts or programs to run after the conversion of the document.
It can be used to clean up temporary files, resetting the environment,
uploading the resulting document, and so on.
Deploy a generated HTML file to your website:
cleanup: ['scripts/']
Using the extends
property of a template, you can mix and extend
multiple templates. For example, building on the webpage
template, I
can create a my-webpage
template like so:
data-dir: ~/my_data_dir
recursive: true
follow-links: false
skip: ['.*']
author: Huub de Beer
- preprocessors/today.rb
glob: ['*.md']
to: html
toc: true
- assets/style.css
- postprocessors/
extends: ['author', 'today', 'webpage']
to: html5
bibliography: 'assets/my-bibliography.bib'
This my-webpage
templates extends the original by:
- it always has my name as author
- it sets "today" as the date so the date gets updated automatically whenever I convert a document with this template
- and uses my bibliography for generating references.
Although extension of templates is relatively straightforward, there are some nuances to the extension rules to keep in mind. Basically there are three cases:
If the parent template has a property, but the child does not, the resulting template has the parent's property. Examples:
parent = 4 ∧ child = ⊘ ⇒ 4 parent = [4, 5] ∧ child = ⊘ ⇒ [4, 5]
If the parent template does not have a property, but the child does, the resulting template has the child's property.
parent = ⊘ ∧ child = 4 ⇒ 4 parent = ⊘ ∧ child = {a: 1} ⇒ {a: 1}
If both parent and child templates do have a property, the resulting template will have that property and its value is determined as follows:
If the child's value is of a simple type, such as a string, number, or Boolean, the resulting property will have the value of the child. Examples:
parent = 4 ∧ child = true ⇒ true parent = [4, 5] ∧ child = "yes" ⇒ "yes" parent = {key: true} ∧ child = 12 ⇒ 12
If parent and child values both are key-value lists, the resulting value will be the child's key-value list merged with the parent's key-value list. Examples:
parent = {a: 1, b: 2} ∧ child = {a: 2, c: 3} ⇒ {a: 2, b: 2, c: 3} parent = {a: 1, b: 2} ∧ child = {a: , c: 3} ⇒ {b: 2, c: 3}
If the parent value is a list, two different extension mechanisms can take effect depending on the type of the child's value:
If the child is a list as well, the resulting value will be the child's list merged with the parent's list. Duplicate values will be removed. Lists in pandocomatic templates are treated as sets. Examples:
parent = [1] ∧ child = [2] ⇒ [1, 2] parent = [1] ∧ child = [1, 2] ⇒ [1, 2]
If the child is a key-value list, it is assumed to have keys
. The resulting value will be the parent's value with the items from theremove
list removed and items from theadd
list added. Examples:parent = [1] ∧ child = {'remove': [1], 'add': [3]} ⇒ [3] parent = [1, 2] ∧ child = {'remove': [1]} ⇒ [2]
To remove a property in a child template, that child's value should be
. You can create a nil
value in YAML by having a key without a
To use an external pandocomatic template you have to use it in a
document by creating an internal pandocomatic template which has the
property set to the name of the external pandocomatic
template. After that, you can customize the template to suit the
document it is used in, for example adding extra pandoc command-line
options or adding another preprocessor.
You create an internal pandocomatic template by adding a
property to the document's YAML metadata. The
property can have the same properties as an external
pandocomatic template except for the glob
and extends
(Actually, you can add these two properties as well, but they are
For example, if you use the my-webpage
template, but you would like to
use a different bibliography and check all links in the converted
document, your document would look like:
title: About using templates
use-template: my-webpage
bibliography: ./a_different_bibliography.bib
- postprocessors/
# Introduction
To use a template, ...
The use-template
property can also be a list of external pandocomatic
template names. In that case, the document is converted once for each
of these templates. For example, this allows you to generate both a HTML
and a PDF version of a document at the same time:
title: About using templates
- my-webpage
- my-pdf
bibliography: ./a_different_bibliography.bib
- postprocessors/
# Introduction
To use a template, ...
Do note, however, that an internal pandocomatic template will apply to all used external pandocomatic templates. It is not possible to customize one used template differently than another. This means that you have to move the customization to the used external pandocomatic templates or you have customize the internal pandocomatic template such that it is applicable to all used external pandocomatic templates (as in the example above).
You can use environment variables in your templates to make them more
flexible. For example, if you want to vary the output format depending
on the value of environment variable OUTPUT_FORMAT
, add the following
format property to your template:
# ...
# ...
format: $(OUTPUT_FORMAT)$
When pandocomatic reads this template, it replaces $(OUTPUT_FORMAT)$
with the value of the environment variable OUTPUT_FORMAT
. If no such
variable exists, pandocomatic stops after printing an error message.
Pandocomatic tells you in which template it encountered this
non-existing environment variable so you can easily investigate and
resolve the issue.
In other words, all occurrences of $(X)$
in an internal or external
template are replaced by the the value of environment variable X
. You
can use environment variables anywhere in your templates, as property
names, keys, or values. You can even use it to add YAML snippets to your
Combined with other tools, like bash scripts, make files, and the like, you can create a powerful and flexible template system for your situation.
Pandocomatic uses paru
to run pandoc. Paru itself uses the pandoc
executable in your PATH
If that already is pandoc2, you do not need to do anything.
If you have pandoc1 installed by default, however, and you want to run a
nightly version of
pandoc2, you have to
to point to the pandoc2 executable. For
export PARU_PANDOC_PATH=~/Downloads/pandoc-amd64-7c20fab3/pandoc
You can run pandoc in quiet mode by using the --quiet
or -q
command-line option. For example:
pandocomatic --quiet
pandocomatic template
: A pandocomatic template specified the conversion process executed by pandocomatic. It can contain the following properties:
- glob
- extends
- setup
- preprocessors
- metadata
- pandoc
- postprocessors
- cleanup
internal pandocomatic template
: A pandocomatic template specified in a pandoc markdown file itself
via the YAML metadata property pandocomatic_
external pandocomatic template
: A pandocomatic template specified in a pandocomatic configuration file.
: A preprocessor applied to an input document before running pandoc.
: A postprocessor applied to an input document after running pandoc.
pandocomatic data directory
: The directory used by pandocomatic to resolve relative paths. Use this directory to store preprocessors, pandoc templates, pandoc filters, postprocessors, setup scripts, and cleanup scripts. It defaults to pandoc's data directory.
pandocomatic configuration file
: The configuration file specifying external pandocomatic templates
as well as settings for converting a directory tree. Defaults to
extending pandocomatic templates
: External pandocomatic templates can extend other external pandocomatic templates. By using multiple smaller external pandocomatic templates it is possible to setup your templates in a modular way. Pandocomatic supports extending from multiple external pandocomatic templates.
static-site generator
: Pandocomatic can be used as a static-site generator by running pandocomatic recursivel on a directory. Pandocomatic has some specific congiguration options to be used as a static-site generator.
pandocomatic_: pandoc: filter: - './documentation/data-dir/filters/number_all_the_things.rb' number-sections: false ...