public class CommonStore {
public static final String NAME = "common_store";
// 原本的获取SP的方法
// public static final SharedPreferences preferences = GlobalConfig.appContext.getSharedPreferences(NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
// 导入原SP数据
public static final SharedPreferences preferences = FastPreferences.adapt(GlobalConfig.appContext, NAME);
具体用法可参考 MultiProcessTestActivity 和 TestService
需要提醒的是,由于支持多进程需要维护更多的状态 MPFastKV 的写入要比 FastKV 慢不少,所以在不需要多进程访问的情况下,尽量用 FastKV 或 FastPreferences。
Kotlin是兼容Java的,所以Kotlin下也可以直接用FastKV或者SharedPreferences的API。 此外,Kotlin还提供了“委托属性”这一语法糖,可以用于改进key-value API访问。
object UserData: KVData("user_data") {
override fun encoders(): Array<FastKV.Encoder<*>> {
return arrayOf(AccountInfo.ENCODER, LongListEncoder)
var userAccount by obj("user_account", AccountInfo.ENCODER)
var isVip by boolean("is_vip")
var fansCount by int("fans_count")
var score by float("score")
var loginTime by long("login_time")
var balance by double("balance")
var sign by string("sing")
var lock by array("lock")
var tags by stringSet("tags")
var favoriteChannels by obj("favorite_channels", LongListEncoder)
fun login(uid: Long) {
val account = AccountInfo(uid, "mock token", "hello", "12312345678", "[email protected]")
UserData.userAccount = account
fun fetchUserInfo() {
UserData.run {
isVip = true
fansCount = 99
score = 4.5f
loginTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
balance = 99999.99
sign = "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
lock = Utils.md5("12347".toByteArray())
tags = setOf("travel", "foods", "cats")
favoriteChannels = listOf(1234567, 1234568, 2134569)
open class KVData(name: String) {
val kv: FastKV by lazy {
FastKV.Builder(PathManager.fastKVDir, name).encoder(encoders()).build()
protected open fun encoders(): Array<FastKV.Encoder<*>>? {
return null
protected fun boolean(key: String, defValue: Boolean = false) = BooleanProperty(key, defValue)
protected fun int(key: String, defValue: Int = 0) = IntProperty(key, defValue)
protected fun float(key: String, defValue: Float = 0f) = FloatProperty(key, defValue)
protected fun long(key: String, defValue: Long = 0L) = LongProperty(key, defValue)
protected fun double(key: String, defValue: Double = 0.0) = DoubleProperty(key, defValue)
protected fun string(key: String, defValue: String = "") = StringProperty(key, defValue)
protected fun array(key: String, defValue: ByteArray = EMPTY_ARRAY) = ArrayProperty(key, defValue)
protected fun stringSet(key: String, defValue: Set<String>? = null) = StringSetProperty(key, defValue)
protected fun <T> obj(key: String, encoder: FastKV.Encoder<T>) = ObjectProperty(key, encoder)
companion object {
val EMPTY_ARRAY = ByteArray(0)
class BooleanProperty(private val key: String, private val defValue: Boolean) :
ReadWriteProperty<KVData, Boolean> {
override fun getValue(thisRef: KVData, property: KProperty<*>): Boolean {
return thisRef.kv.getBoolean(key, defValue)
override fun setValue(thisRef: KVData, property: KProperty<*>, value: Boolean) {
thisRef.kv.putBoolean(key, value)
// ...省略其他实现...