Releases: hubblecommerce/hubble-frontend-pwa
Releases · hubblecommerce/hubble-frontend-pwa
What's Changed
- fix: import nuxt composables from #imports by @danielroe in #164
New Contributors
- @danielroe made their first contribution in #164
Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v2.4.1
What's Changed
- Updated dependencies: nuxt, @pinia/nuxt, globby, vitest, @nuxt/module…
- module.ts added type to imports, edited Cookie.options interface
- Moved shopware api client aliases from tsconfig files to nuxt.config …
- Show loading bar only client side to avoid hydration mismatch
- Show loading bar only client side to avoid hydration mismatch
- build.config.ts fixed whitespaces
- vitest.config.ts: replaced deps.inline with server.deps.inline
- Raised node version of github test workflow
- Added type keyword to imports, because nuxt / vue compiler options se…
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.4.0
What's Changed
- Release Candidate 2.3 by @dm-heinze in #160
- Updated dependencies: updated Nuxt from 3.6.5 to 3.7.4
- usePage: avoid usage of useRequestUrl composable to prevent circular dependency
- Updated ts config to new nuxt generated configs
- Moved custom error page test from integration tests to e2e tests because nuxt error response changed
Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.3.0
What's Changed
- Removed pinia as a dedicated dependency, added workaround to docs:
- Replaced components style lang scss with postcss
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.2.1
What's Changed
- issue#148 replaced usage of environment variables: APP_BASE_URL, SW_… in #149
- issue#147 guest checkout: fixed back to cart link in #150
- issue#151 added sw plugin config whitelist docs in #153
- daisyUI 3: Issue#156 in #157
- Use store-api logout route for customer logout in ef014db
Shopware 6.5 compatibility:
- Added confirm newsletter subscription option in dcf43f7
- Added double opt in registration in fb583c8
- Added file download functionality for order line items in 16d80ae
- Added wishlist functionality in 1cdb890
Update all dependencies including Nuxt 3.6.5
Several fixes consider price display and end to end test
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0
What's Changed
- Release Candidate 2.1 by @dm-heinze in #146
- [FEATURE] Module tests #142
Bug Fixes:
- [BUG] Export "request" was reexported while both modules are dependencies of each other #138
- [BUG] Tests fail #140
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0
What's New
- Completely revised version based on Nuxt 3
- Installable as a Nuxt.js Module (compatible with Nuxt 3)
- File-based inheritance mechanism
- Typescript Support
- Linting config (for dev purposes only)
- Module is tested (for dev purposes only)
- Platform specific api clients
- Usage of platform agnostic composables
- Integration path for installing platform plugins / modules
- Components as a toolset to build the shop interface
- Provide a default theme based on Tailwind CSS
- SEO friendly interface
- Multi-language support
What's Changed
- Requires Shopware >=
- Documentation moved from to
- Demo moved to
What's New
- Create and install independent Shopware 6 Plugins inluding configurations
What's Changed
- Shopware >6.4.0 Support
- Refactoring: Listing Filter
- Refactoring Listing Pagination
Full Changelog: