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I'm trying to train an unconditional diffusion model on a greyscale image dataset. I am using diffusers_training_example.ipynb on Google Colab connected to my local GPU. When running the ‘Let's train!’ cell I am getting this Accelerate error. Initially, I tried downgrading my Accelerate from 1.3.0 to 0.3.0 and 0.27.0 as some forums suggested but this made no difference. Any advice would be great! Thank you.
Run through the google colab notebook up until the training cell. Ensure you are running on a local GPU and using greyscale images.
System Info
Python 3.12.8
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2024 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Wed_Oct_30_01:18:48_Pacific_Daylight_Time_2024
Cuda compilation tools, release 12.6, V12.6.85
Build cuda_12.6.r12.6/compiler.35059454_0
Can you link to the notebook you're using? The provided link is for documentation and leads to examples/unconditional_image_generation/ which has up-to-date usage of accelerate.
@hlky Hi, See below. I have had to make some adjustments to the original notebook to accommodate using a local GPU, my greyscale images and troubleshoot additional issues such as incompatibilities between hugging face versions and diffusers. Any troubleshooting I have done is commented with 'DG - TROUBLESHOOT'.
Describe the bug
I'm trying to train an unconditional diffusion model on a greyscale image dataset. I am using diffusers_training_example.ipynb on Google Colab connected to my local GPU. When running the ‘Let's train!’ cell I am getting this Accelerate error. Initially, I tried downgrading my Accelerate from 1.3.0 to 0.3.0 and 0.27.0 as some forums suggested but this made no difference. Any advice would be great! Thank you.
Run through the google colab notebook up until the training cell. Ensure you are running on a local GPU and using greyscale images.
System Info
Python 3.12.8
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2024 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Wed_Oct_30_01:18:48_Pacific_Daylight_Time_2024
Cuda compilation tools, release 12.6, V12.6.85
Build cuda_12.6.r12.6/compiler.35059454_0
Package Version
absl-py 2.1.0
accelerate 0.27.2
aiohappyeyeballs 2.4.4
aiohttp 3.11.11
aiosignal 1.3.2
anyio 4.8.0
argon2-cffi 23.1.0
argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0
arrow 1.3.0
asttokens 3.0.0
async-lru 2.0.4
attrs 24.3.0
babel 2.16.0
beautifulsoup4 4.12.3
bleach 6.2.0
certifi 2024.12.14
cffi 1.17.1
charset-normalizer 3.4.1
colorama 0.4.6
comm 0.2.2
contourpy 1.3.1
cycler 0.12.1
datasets 3.2.0
debugpy 1.8.12
decorator 5.1.1
defusedxml 0.7.1
diffusers 0.11.1
dill 0.3.8
executing 2.1.0
fastjsonschema 2.21.1
filelock 3.16.1
fonttools 4.55.3
fqdn 1.5.1
frozenlist 1.5.0
fsspec 2024.9.0
ftfy 6.3.1
grpcio 1.69.0
h11 0.14.0
httpcore 1.0.7
httpx 0.28.1
huggingface-hub 0.25.0
idna 3.10
importlib_metadata 8.5.0
ipykernel 6.29.5
ipython 8.31.0
ipywidgets 8.1.5
isoduration 20.11.0
jax 0.5.0
jaxlib 0.5.0
jedi 0.19.2
Jinja2 3.1.5
json5 0.10.0
jsonpointer 3.0.0
jsonschema 4.23.0
jsonschema-specifications 2024.10.1
jupyter 1.1.1
jupyter_client 8.6.3
jupyter-console 6.6.3
jupyter_core 5.7.2
jupyter-events 0.11.0
jupyter-http-over-ws 0.0.8
jupyter-lsp 2.2.5
jupyter_server 2.15.0
jupyter_server_terminals 0.5.3
jupyterlab 4.3.4
jupyterlab_pygments 0.3.0
jupyterlab_server 2.27.3
jupyterlab_widgets 3.0.13
kiwisolver 1.4.8
Markdown 3.7
MarkupSafe 3.0.2
matplotlib 3.10.0
matplotlib-inline 0.1.7
mistune 3.1.0
ml_dtypes 0.5.1
modelcards 0.1.6
mpmath 1.3.0
multidict 6.1.0
multiprocess 0.70.16
nbclient 0.10.2
nbconvert 7.16.5
nbformat 5.10.4
nest-asyncio 1.6.0
networkx 3.4.2
notebook 7.3.2
notebook_shim 0.2.4
numpy 2.2.2
opt_einsum 3.4.0
overrides 7.7.0
packaging 24.2
pandas 2.2.3
pandocfilters 1.5.1
parso 0.8.4
pillow 11.1.0
pip 24.3.1
platformdirs 4.3.6
prometheus_client 0.21.1
prompt_toolkit 3.0.48
propcache 0.2.1
protobuf 5.29.3
psutil 6.1.1
pure_eval 0.2.3
pyarrow 19.0.0
pycparser 2.22
Pygments 2.19.1
pyparsing 3.2.1
python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0
python-json-logger 3.2.1
pytz 2024.2
pywin32 308
pywinpty 2.0.14
PyYAML 6.0.2
pyzmq 26.2.0
referencing 0.36.1
regex 2024.11.6
requests 2.32.3
rfc3339-validator 0.1.4
rfc3986-validator 0.1.1
rpds-py 0.22.3
safetensors 0.5.2
scipy 1.15.1
Send2Trash 1.8.3
setuptools 75.8.0
six 1.17.0
sniffio 1.3.1
soupsieve 2.6
stack-data 0.6.3
sympy 1.13.1
tensorboard 2.18.0
tensorboard-data-server 0.7.2
terminado 0.18.1
tinycss2 1.4.0
tokenizers 0.21.0
torch 2.5.1+cu124
torchaudio 2.5.1+cu124
torchvision 0.20.1+cu124
tornado 6.4.2
tqdm 4.67.1
traitlets 5.14.3
transformers 4.48.0
typing_extensions 4.12.2
tzdata 2024.2
uri-template 1.3.0
urllib3 2.3.0
wcwidth 0.2.13
webcolors 24.11.1
webencodings 0.5.1
websocket-client 1.8.0
Werkzeug 3.1.3
widgetsnbextension 4.0.13
xxhash 3.5.0
yarl 1.18.3
zipp 3.21.0
Who can help?
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