Releases: hustf/MechanicalUnits.jl
Upstream changes,
Remove conversion of collections without broadcasting
This removes one of the original features which can be useful when using this as a kind of calculator. It now seems more important to bring the interfaces into line with what Unitful.jl. offers, at the cost of adding a '.' here and there.
Also, promote_to_derived is now exported. This removes one of the many things to remember when writing glue code for other packages (GluecodeDiffEqBase).
Test pretty print updates, Julia 1.6
No actual code changes, but Unitfu.jl has changed, Julia new versions change the print format.
Allow parsing of exponential number quantities
v0.4.2 Allow parsing of exponential number quantities
Update Project.toml to v0.4.1
Avoid version confusion.
Add parsing of String -> Quantity{T} where T<:Real
Add parsing of String -> Quantity{T} where T<:Real to Base.
New Unitful fork version
Require Julia 1.3.
Latest Unitful version .
Installation doc.
Easier installation
Included Manifest. This should install the cloned and modified Unitful,
Flexible unit conversion
Now depends on unregistered fork,