diff --git a/HydeFront-v4-plan.md b/HydeFront-v4-plan.md
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--- a/HydeFront-v4-plan.md
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-# HydeFront v4 Development Plan
-## Abstract
-We are updating how HydeFront is handled for v2. Instead of declaring styles directly in HydeFront alongside Tailwind, we will refactor those styles into Tailwind.
-HydeFront will serve two main purposes:
-1. It will continue to include the precompiled `app.css` file bundled with new apps, available through the HydeFront CDN.
-2. It will act as a component library, allowing users to include granular styles from `app.css`, which we will preconfigure.
-For example, users can include our Tailwind styles granularly using just the `app.css` file from the HydeFront package. This file will be compiled alongside Tailwind. If users prefer customization, they can remove the import and add the specific styles they want.
-## Refactoring Plan
-### 1. Restructure HydeFront Package
-- Create a new directory structure in HydeFront:
- ```
- hydefront/
- ├── dist/
- │ └── app.css # Pre-compiled styles for CDN
- ├── components/ # New component-based structure
- │ ├── base/ # Base styles
- │ ├── docs/ # Documentation styles
- │ ├── markdown/ # Markdown styles
- │ └── utilities/ # Utility styles
- └── package.json
- ```
-### 2. Convert SCSS to Tailwind Components
-- Convert existing SCSS styles from `hyde.scss` (reference: `packages/hydefront/hyde.scss`) into Tailwind components
-- Create separate files for each component category that can be imported individually
-- Example component structure:
- ```javascript
- // components/docs.js
- module.exports = {
- '.docs-sidebar': {
- '@apply ...': {},
- }
- }
- ```
-### 3. Update Build Process
-- Modify the Vite configuration (reference: `vite.config.js`) to handle component-based builds
-- Update the build scripts in package.json to:
- - Build individual components
- - Generate the complete app.css for CDN distribution
- - Add new script for component-based builds
-### 4. Update Framework Integration
-Key files to modify:
-// packages/framework/resources/views/layouts/styles.blade.php
-{{-- Prevent Alpine.js flashes --}}
-{{-- The compiled Tailwind/App styles --}}
- {{ Vite::assets(['resources/assets/app.css']) }}
- @if(config('hyde.load_app_styles_from_cdn', false))
- @elseif(Asset::exists('app.css'))
- @endif
- {{-- Dynamic TailwindCSS Play CDN --}}
- @if(config('hyde.use_play_cdn', false))
- @endif
-{{-- Add any extra styles to include after the others --}}
-### 5. Documentation Updates
-- Update the asset management documentation
-- Create new documentation for component-based usage
-- Update the HydeFront README (reference: `packages/hydefront/README.md`)
-### 6. Migration Path
-1. Create a new major version branch
-2. Keep existing functionality working while adding new component system
-3. Provide migration guide for users moving from v1 to v2
-4. Update the Hyde starter template to use new component system
-### 7. Configuration Updates
-- Update the Hyde configuration (reference: `config/hyde.php`) to support component-based imports
-- Add new configuration options for granular style inclusion
-### 8. Testing Strategy
-1. Create tests for individual components
-2. Test CDN distribution
-3. Test backward compatibility layer
-4. Test integration with Hyde framework
-### 9. Implementation Phases
-1. **Phase 1**: Create new component structure
-2. **Phase 2**: Convert existing styles
-3. **Phase 3**: Update build system
-4. **Phase 4**: Update framework integration
-5. **Phase 5**: Documentation and migration guide
-6. **Phase 6**: Testing and refinement
-### 10. Breaking Changes to Document
-- New import syntax for granular components
-- Changes to configuration structure
-- Updates to asset compilation process
-- CDN usage changes
-This plan maintains backward compatibility through the CDN while providing a more flexible component-based approach for customization. The changes align with modern frontend practices while keeping Hyde's simplicity.