diff --git a/RELEASE_NOTES.md b/RELEASE_NOTES.md
index 88c857db8e2..c152c7a480a 100644
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ This serves two purposes:
- Minor: Data collection files are now validated for syntax errors during discovery in https://github.com/hydephp/develop/pull/1732
- Minor: Methods in the `Includes` facade now return `HtmlString` objects instead of `string` in https://github.com/hydephp/develop/pull/1738. For more information, see below.
- Minor: `Includes::path()` and `Includes::get()` methods now normalizes paths to be basenames to match the behaviour of the other include methods in https://github.com/hydephp/develop/pull/1738. This means that nested directories are no longer supported, as you should use a data collection for that.
+- Minor: The `processing_time_ms` attribute in the `sitemap.xml` file has now been removed in https://github.com/hydephp/develop/pull/1744
+- Improved the sitemap data generation to be smarter and more dynamic in https://github.com/hydephp/develop/pull/1744
- The `hasFeature` method on the Hyde facade and HydeKernel now only accepts a Feature enum value instead of a string for its parameter.
- Changed how the documentation search is generated, to be an `InMemoryPage` instead of a post-build task.
- Media asset files are now copied using the new build task instead of the deprecated `BuildService::transferMediaAssets()` method.
diff --git a/packages/framework/src/Framework/Features/XmlGenerators/SitemapGenerator.php b/packages/framework/src/Framework/Features/XmlGenerators/SitemapGenerator.php
index 38e53a3aa3b..01b3f2f10a8 100644
--- a/packages/framework/src/Framework/Features/XmlGenerators/SitemapGenerator.php
+++ b/packages/framework/src/Framework/Features/XmlGenerators/SitemapGenerator.php
@@ -8,29 +8,25 @@
use Hyde\Hyde;
use SimpleXMLElement;
-use Hyde\Facades\Config;
+use Hyde\Pages\HtmlPage;
use Hyde\Pages\BladePage;
use Hyde\Pages\MarkdownPage;
use Hyde\Pages\MarkdownPost;
+use Hyde\Facades\Filesystem;
+use Hyde\Pages\InMemoryPage;
use Hyde\Support\Models\Route;
+use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Hyde\Pages\DocumentationPage;
use Hyde\Foundation\Facades\Routes;
-use Hyde\Framework\Concerns\TracksExecutionTime;
-use function blank;
-use function filemtime;
use function in_array;
use function date;
-use function time;
-use function str_starts_with;
* @see https://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html
class SitemapGenerator extends BaseXmlGenerator
- use TracksExecutionTime;
public function generate(): static
Routes::all()->each(function (Route $route): void {
@@ -40,17 +36,8 @@ public function generate(): static
return $this;
- public function getXml(): string
- {
- $this->xmlElement->addAttribute('processing_time_ms', $this->getFormattedProcessingTime());
- return parent::getXml();
- }
protected function constructBaseElement(): void
- $this->startClock();
$this->xmlElement = new SimpleXMLElement('');
$this->xmlElement->addAttribute('generator', 'HydePHP '.Hyde::version());
@@ -61,62 +48,69 @@ protected function addRoute(Route $route): void
$this->addChild($urlItem, 'loc', $this->resolveRouteLink($route));
$this->addChild($urlItem, 'lastmod', $this->getLastModDate($route->getSourcePath()));
- $this->addChild($urlItem, 'changefreq', 'daily');
+ $this->addChild($urlItem, 'changefreq', $this->generateChangeFrequency(...$this->getRouteInformation($route)));
+ $this->addChild($urlItem, 'priority', $this->generatePriority(...$this->getRouteInformation($route)));
+ }
- if (Config::getBool('hyde.sitemap.dynamic_priority', true)) {
- $this->addChild($urlItem, 'priority', $this->getPriority(
- $route->getPageClass(), $route->getPage()->getIdentifier()
- ));
- }
+ protected function resolveRouteLink(Route $route): string
+ {
+ return Hyde::url($route->getOutputPath());
protected function getLastModDate(string $file): string
- return date('c', @filemtime($file) ?: time());
+ return date('c', @Filesystem::lastModified($file) ?: Carbon::now()->timestamp);
- protected function getPriority(string $pageClass, string $slug): string
+ /**
+ * @param class-string<\Hyde\Pages\Concerns\HydePage> $pageClass
+ * @return numeric-string
+ */
+ protected function generatePriority(string $pageClass, string $identifier): string
$priority = 0.5;
- if (in_array($pageClass, [BladePage::class, MarkdownPage::class])) {
+ if (in_array($pageClass, [BladePage::class, MarkdownPage::class, DocumentationPage::class])) {
$priority = 0.9;
- if ($slug === 'index') {
+ if ($identifier === 'index') {
$priority = 1;
- if ($slug === '404') {
- $priority = 0.5;
- }
- if ($pageClass === DocumentationPage::class) {
- $priority = 0.9;
+ if (in_array($pageClass, [MarkdownPost::class, InMemoryPage::class, HtmlPage::class])) {
+ $priority = 0.75;
- if ($pageClass === MarkdownPost::class) {
- $priority = 0.75;
+ if ($identifier === '404') {
+ $priority = 0.25;
return (string) $priority;
- /** @return numeric-string */
- protected function getFormattedProcessingTime(): string
- {
- return (string) $this->getExecutionTimeInMs();
- }
- protected function resolveRouteLink(Route $route): string
+ /**
+ * @param class-string<\Hyde\Pages\Concerns\HydePage> $pageClass
+ * @return 'always'|'hourly'|'daily '|'weekly'|'monthly'|'yearly'|'never'
+ */
+ protected function generateChangeFrequency(string $pageClass, string $identifier): string
- $baseUrl = Config::getNullableString('hyde.url');
+ $frequency = 'weekly';
- if (blank($baseUrl) || str_starts_with($baseUrl, 'http://localhost')) {
- // While the sitemap spec requires a full URL, we rather fall back
- // to using relative links instead of using localhost links.
+ if (in_array($pageClass, [BladePage::class, MarkdownPage::class, DocumentationPage::class])) {
+ $frequency = 'daily';
+ }
- return $route->getLink();
- } else {
- return Hyde::url($route->getOutputPath());
+ if ($identifier === '404') {
+ $frequency = 'monthly';
+ return $frequency;
+ }
+ /** @return array{class-string<\Hyde\Pages\Concerns\HydePage>, string} */
+ protected function getRouteInformation(Route $route): array
+ {
+ return [$route->getPageClass(), $route->getPage()->getIdentifier()];
diff --git a/packages/framework/tests/Feature/Commands/BuildSitemapCommandTest.php b/packages/framework/tests/Feature/Commands/BuildSitemapCommandTest.php
index 518dbb41796..ee13bc9bf03 100644
--- a/packages/framework/tests/Feature/Commands/BuildSitemapCommandTest.php
+++ b/packages/framework/tests/Feature/Commands/BuildSitemapCommandTest.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
namespace Hyde\Framework\Testing\Feature\Commands;
-use Hyde\Facades\Filesystem;
use Hyde\Hyde;
use Hyde\Testing\TestCase;
@@ -16,14 +15,33 @@ class BuildSitemapCommandTest extends TestCase
public function testSitemapIsGeneratedWhenConditionsAreMet()
- $this->withSiteUrl();
- config(['hyde.generate_sitemap' => true]);
+ config(['hyde.url' => 'https://example.com']);
+ $this->cleanUpWhenDone('_site/sitemap.xml');
- $this->artisan('build:sitemap')->assertExitCode(0);
+ $this->artisan('build:sitemap')
+ ->expectsOutputToContain('Generating sitemap...')
+ ->doesntExpectOutputToContain('Skipped')
+ ->expectsOutputToContain(' > Created _site/sitemap.xml')
+ ->assertExitCode(0);
+ }
+ public function testSitemapIsNotGeneratedWhenConditionsAreNotMet()
+ {
+ config(['hyde.url' => '']);
- Filesystem::unlink('_site/sitemap.xml');
+ $this->assertFileDoesNotExist(Hyde::path('_site/sitemap.xml'));
+ $this->artisan('build:sitemap')
+ ->expectsOutputToContain('Generating sitemap...')
+ ->expectsOutputToContain('Skipped')
+ ->expectsOutput(' > Cannot generate sitemap without a valid base URL')
+ ->assertExitCode(0);
+ $this->assertFileDoesNotExist(Hyde::path('_site/sitemap.xml'));
diff --git a/packages/framework/tests/Feature/SitemapFeatureTest.php b/packages/framework/tests/Feature/SitemapFeatureTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e0825f18013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/framework/tests/Feature/SitemapFeatureTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ $filesystem->shouldReceive('lastModified')->andReturn(Carbon::now()->timestamp);
+ File::swap($filesystem);
+ $this->cleanUpWhenDone('_site/sitemap.xml');
+ $this->setUpBroadSiteStructure();
+ $this->withSiteUrl();
+ $this->artisan('build:sitemap')
+ ->expectsOutputToContain('Created _site/sitemap.xml')
+ ->assertExitCode(0);
+ $this->assertFileExists('_site/sitemap.xml');
+ $this->assertSameXml(
+ ''."\n{$this->stripFormatting($this->expected(Hyde::version()))}\n",
+ file_get_contents('_site/sitemap.xml')
+ );
+ }
+ protected function setUpBroadSiteStructure(): void
+ {
+ $this->file('_pages/about.md', "# About\n\nThis is the about page.");
+ $this->file('_pages/contact.html', '
This is the contact page.
+ $this->file('_posts/hello-world.md', "# Hello, World!\n\nThis is the first post.");
+ $this->file('_posts/second-post.md', "# Second Post\n\nThis is the second post.");
+ $this->file('_docs/index.md', "# Documentation\n\nThis is the documentation index.");
+ $this->file('_docs/installation.md', "# Installation\n\nThis is the installation guide.");
+ $this->file('_docs/usage.md', "# Usage\n\nThis is the usage guide.");
+ $this->file('_docs/404.md', "# 404\n\nThis is the 404 page.");
+ }
+ protected function expected(string $version): string
+ {
+ return <<
+ https://example.com/contact.html
+ 2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00
+ weekly
+ 0.75
+ https://example.com/404.html
+ 2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00
+ monthly
+ 0.25
+ https://example.com/index.html
+ 2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00
+ daily
+ 1
+ https://example.com/about.html
+ 2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00
+ daily
+ 0.9
+ https://example.com/posts/hello-world.html
+ 2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00
+ weekly
+ 0.75
+ https://example.com/posts/second-post.html
+ 2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00
+ weekly
+ 0.75
+ https://example.com/docs/404.html
+ 2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00
+ monthly
+ 0.25
+ https://example.com/docs/index.html
+ 2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00
+ daily
+ 1
+ https://example.com/docs/installation.html
+ 2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00
+ daily
+ 0.9
+ https://example.com/docs/usage.html
+ 2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00
+ daily
+ 0.9
+ https://example.com/docs/search.json
+ 2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00
+ weekly
+ 0.5
+ https://example.com/docs/search.html
+ 2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00
+ weekly
+ 0.5
+ XML;
+ }
+ protected function stripFormatting(string $xml): string
+ {
+ return implode('', array_map('trim', explode("\n", $xml)));
+ }
+ protected function expandLines(string $xml): string
+ {
+ return str_replace('><', ">\n<", $xml);
+ }
+ protected function assertSameXml(string $expected, string $actual): void
+ {
+ $this->assertSame($this->expandLines($expected), $this->expandLines($actual));
+ }