Base library for Interledger projects providing service interfaces, event descriptions, exceptions and data models.
For more information about Interledger specifications that underpin this library, please reference
For more detail about how to use this library, consult the wiki
The library offers interfaces for all core objects and default builders that produce immutable instances of these objects.
To encode these use the ilp-core-codecs module which offers codecs for encoding and decoding the objects according to the ASN.1 specifications and OER (Octet encoding rules).
Interledger Addresses can be created from a String and then manipulated using utility functions
//Create a new address (short form)
InterledgerAddress address = InterledgerAddress.of("private.bob");
//Create a new address (long form)
InterledgerAddress destinationAddress = InterledgerAddress.builder()
//Check if an address starts with a specific prefix
if( address.startsWith("test") ) {
//Testnet address...
// Build ILP Payment Packet
InterledgerPreparePacket interledgerPreparePacket =