The following example provides descriptions for the various keys required for a Fabric Smart Client node that uses the Fabric SDK.
# ------------------- Logging section ---------------------------
# format is same as fabric [<logger>[,<logger>...]=]<level>[:[<logger>[,<logger>...]=]<level>...]
format: '%{color}%{time:15:04:05.000} [%{module}] %{shortfunc} %{level:.4s}%{color:reset} %{message}'
spec: debug
# ------------------- FSC Node Configuration -------------------------
# The FSC id provides a name for this node instance within the fsc network and is used when
# naming docker resources for nwo testing as well as the unique id for tracing.
# It's also used as the unique name to resolve this node's identity and grpc server endpoint
id: someid
# This is the identity of the node
file: /path/to/cert.pem
file: /path/to/key.pwm
# This is used to list the authorized clients of this FSC node.
# At least one client certificate must be specified
# The GRPC service uses this list to filter the connecting clients
- path/to/client-cert.pem
# ------------------- GRPC Server Configuration -------------------------
enabled: true
# The listen address of this server
# ConnectionTimeout specifies the timeout for connection establishment for all new connections
# If not specified or set to <=0 then it will default to 5 seconds
connectionTimeout: 10s
# Whether TLS is enabled or not
enabled: true
# Whether clients are required to provide their TLS certificates for verification
clientAuthRequired: false
# TLS Certificate
file: /path/to/tls/server.crt
# TLS Key
file: /path/to/tls/server.key
# Root certificates to be able to verify client TLS certificates, only required
# if clientAuthRequired is set to true
- /path/to/client/tls/ca.crt
# GRPC Server keepalive parameters
# minInterval is the minimum permitted time between client pings.
# If clients send pings more frequently, the peer server will
# disconnect them
# If not specified, default is 60 seconds
minInterval: 60s
# interval is the duration after which if the server does not see
# any activity from the client it pings the client to see if it's alive
# If not specified, default is 2 hours
interval: 300s
# Timeout is the duration the server waits for a response
# from the client after sending a ping before closing the connection
# If not specified, default is 20 seconds
timeout: 600s
# ------------------- P2P Configuration -------------------------
# Type of p2p communication. Currently supported: libp2p (default), rest
type: libp2p
# listen address see
# for information on the format
listenAddress: /dns4/myhostname/tcp/20001
# Only needed when type == libp2p
# bootstrap node
# if it's empty then this node is the bootstrap node, otherwise it's the name
# of the bootstrap node, which must be defined in the FSC endpoint resolvers section
# and that entry must have an address with an entry P2P.
bootstrapNode: theBootstrapNode
# Only needed when type == rest
# Defines how to instantiate a router, i.e. the component that maps a service name (e.g. alice) to one or more IPs
# The path to the file that contains the routing, if the routing is static
path: /path/to/routing-config.yaml
# ------------------- KVS Configuration -------------------------
# Internal key/value store used by the node to store information
# such as bindings (eg resolvers)
# Sets the maximum number of cached items
# If not specified, default is 100 (TBD: What is the scale here ?, what does 0 mean)
# type can be memory or sql
type: memory
# ------------------- Web Server Configuration -------------------------
# Web server must be enabled to support healthz, version and prometheus /metrics
# end points.
enabled: true
# If tls is enabled then all clients must use mutualTLS
enabled: true
file: /path/to/tls/server.crt
file: /path/to/tls/server.key
# Whether clients are required to provide their TLS certificates for verification
# Require client certificates / mutual TLS for inbound connections.
# Note that clients that are not configured to use a certificate will
# fail to connect to the node.
clientAuthRequired: false
# If mutual TLS is enabled, clientRootCAs.files contains a list of additional root certificates
# used for verifying certificates of client connections.
- path/to/client/tls/ca.crt
# ------------------- Tracing Configuration -------------------------
# Type of provider to be used: none (default), file, optl, console
provider: optl
# Tracer configuration when provider == 'file'
# The file where the traces are going to be stored
path: /path/to/client/trace.out
# Tracer configuration when provider == 'optl'
# The address of collector where we should send the traces
# The ratio of the traces to be sampled
ratio: 0.8
# ------------------- Metrics Configuration -------------------------
# provider can be statsd, prometheus, none or disabled
provider: prometheus
# only required if provider is set to statsd
# network type: tcp or udp
network: udp
# statsd server address
# the interval at which locally cached counters and gauges are pushed
# to statsd; timings are pushed immediately
# No default, this must be specified
writeInterval: 10s
# prefix is prepended to all emitted statsd metrics
# ------------------- FSC Node endpoint resolvers -------------------------
# The endpoint section tells how to reach other FSC node in the network.
# For each node, the name, the domain, the identity of the node, and its addresses must be specified.
# name is a name that describes the FSC node (must also match name used in the view) it isn't a P2P bootstrap node
- name: fscNodeA
# domain can be used to distinguish nodes if name isn't unique
# the public identity of this node
path: /path/to/fscNodeA-cert.pem
# endpoint addresses to associate with the resolver
# alias names which can be used as alternative for lookups
- anotherName
# here is the definition of the bootstrap node. If this core.yaml is for this node, it doesn't need to be declared in the resolver list
- name: theBootstrapNode
path: /path/to/theBootstrapNode-cert.pem
# P2P endpoint address for this node
P2P: thebootstrapFQDN:20001
# This demonstrates other keys available for addresses:, TBD
- name: otheraddressestypes
path: /path/to/some-cert.pem
# Port at which the fsc node might listen for some service
# Port at which the View Service Server respond
# Port at which the Web Server respond
# ----------------------- Fabric Driver Configuration ---------------------------
# Is the fabric-sdk enabled
enabled: true
mynetwork: # unique name of the fabric network configuration
# it is the driver to use to provide the implementations of the Fabric API (client-side)
# `generic` supports Fabric 2.x
driver: generic
# defines whether this is the default fabric network
default: true
# Cache size to use when handling idemix pseudonyms. If the value is larger than 0, the cache is enabled and
# pseudonyms are generated in batches of the given size to be ready to be used.
# if not specified then the default is 3
mspCacheSize: 500
# the default msp for this node (matches the id in the msps key)
# TBD: what does being the default mean ?
defaultMSP: mymsp
# 1 or more msps this node can represent
# TBD: but what does that mean ???? how do you know which one will be used ?
# a unique id for this msp
- id: mymsp
# type of msp, can be bccsp, bccsp-folder, idemix or idemix-folder
mspType: bccsp
# fabric mspid of this fsc node
mspID: peerOrg2MSP
# path to full local fabric defined msp structure (including private keys) of this fsc node
path: /path/to/mymsp
# Options, currently only key available is BCCSP (so do we need the BCCSP key ?)
# Can be SW or PKCS11
Default: SW
# Define the properties for a software based X509 system as opposed to a HSM based system
# Only needs to be defined if the BCCSP Default is set to SW
Hash: SHA2
Security: 256
# Definition of PKCS11 configuration parameters when using a Hardware HSM
# Only needs to be defined if the BCCSP Default is set to PKCS11.
# NOTE: in order to use pkcs11, you have to build the application with "go build -tags pkcs11"
# PKCS11 library
Library: /path/to/
# PKCS11 Label
Label: someLabel
# PKCS11 Pin
Pin: 98765432
Hash: SHA2
Security: 256
# For Anonymous identities you need to define an entry with an id of `idemix`
# and must be of mspType idemix
- id: idemix
mspType: idemix
mspID: IdemixOrgMSP
# Path to idemix credentials
path: /path/to/myanonousmous/idemix
# TDB: Optional, applies only to idemix, need to define the scale and meaning and what 0 means
# used to override the MSPCacheSize
cacheSize: 3
# TBD: idemix-folder, bccsp-folder
# define the default values for the tls connections
# Species the fabric network requires TLS or not
enabled: true
# Specifies whether the fabric network requires mutualTLS
clientAuthRequired: false
# The client tls certificate if mutualTLS is required
file: /path/to/client.crt
# The client tls key if mutualTLS is required
file: /path/to/client.key
# Client keepalive settings for GRPC
# If not provided, the default is 60 seconds
interval: 60s
# If not provided, the default is 20 seconds
timeout: 600s
# If not provided, the default is 10 seconds
connectionTimeout: 10s
# number of retries to attempt to send a transaction to an orderer
# If not specified or set to 0, it will default to 3 retries. The orderer is picked randomly for every attempt.
numRetries: 3
# retryInternal specifies the amount of time to wait before retrying a connection to the ordering service, it defaults to 500ms
retryInterval: 500ms
# here is possible to disable tls just for the ordering service.
# if this key is not specified, then the `tls` section is used.
tlsEnabled: true
# here is possible to enable tls client-side authentication just for the ordering service
# if this key is not specified, then the `tls` section is used.
tlsClientAuthRequired: false
# List of orderers on top of those discovered in the channel
# This is optional and as such it should be left to those orderers discovered on the channel
# tls configuration is governed by the `tls` section, if not otherwise specified in the `ordering` section
# address of orderer
- address: 'orderer0:7050'
# connection timeout
connectionTimeout: 10s
# path to orderer org's ca cert if tls is enabled
tlsRootCertFile: /path/to/ordererorg/ca.crt
# server name override if tls cert SANS doesn't match address
# it is possible to customize per orderer the TLS behaviour, by using the following attributes
tlsClientSideAuth: true
tlsDisabled: true
tlsEnabled: false
# List of trusted peers this node can connect to.
# usually this will be the fabric peers in the same organisation as the FSC node.
# tls configuration is governed by the `tls` section.
# address of orderer
- address: 'peer2:7051'
# connection timeout
connectionTimeout: 10s
# path to peer org's ca cert if tls is enabled
tlsRootCertFile: /path/to/peerorg/ca.crt
# it is possible to customize per peer the TLS behaviour, by using the following attributes
tlsClientSideAuth: true
tlsDisabled: true
tlsEnabled: false
# `usage` allows the developer to specify the function for which this peer should be used.
# The available functions are: delivery, discovery, finality, and query.
# The default value is the empty string that means that the peer can be used for the supported operations.
# List of channels and deployed chaincode
- name: mychannel
# whether this is the default channel or not
# TBD: What is the meaning of a default channel ?
default: true
numRetries: 3 # number of retries on a chaincode operation failure
retrySleep: 1s # waiting time before retry again a failed chaincode operation
# section about the finality service
waitForEventTimeout: 20s
forPartiesWaitTimeout: 1m
# section about the committer service
waitForEventTimeout: 300s
pollingTimeout: 100ms
numRetries: 3
unknownTxTimeout: 100ms
parallelism: 3 # maximum go routines to commit at the same time transactions of the same block
# section about the delivery service
waitForEventTimeout: 300s
sleepAfterFailure: 10s
# section about the discovery service
timeout: 10s
# section about the chaincode this node should be aware of
# chaincode id
- name: mychaincode
# whether it is a fabric private chaincode or not
private: false
# ----------------------- Fabric Driver Configuration ---------------------------
# Internal vault used to keep track of the RW sets assembed by this node during in progress transactions
# type can be sql or memory. See below for sql configuration options.
type: memory
# TBD: What does this cache, what does 0 mean and what is the scale
# If not specified or set to <0 it defaults to 100.
size: 200
# ------------------- Fabric Node resolvers -------------------------
# The endpoint section tells how to reach other Fabric nodes in the network.
# a unique name which has to match what the view references ?
- name: fscnodeA
# mspid of identity
mspID: peerOrg0MSP
# path to the public MSP (ie no crypto material) or signing cert (but I would highly recommend not specifying just the signing cert)
path: /path/to/fscnodeA/msp
- anotherName
- name: fscnodeB
mspID: peerOrg2MSP
path: /path/to/fscnodeB/msp
Any value that is not a (grand-)child of a list can be overridden with an environment variable that is all uppercase, prefixed with CORE_
and traversing the path in the yaml with underscores. This means that a key like fsc.endpoint.resolvers[0].name cannot be changed via environment variables. Examples:
And so on.
In order to use a hardware HSM for x.509 identities, you have to build the application with
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -tags pkcs11
and configure the PKCS11 settings as describe above.
You can select a golang/sql compatible driver. Although the data in Fabric Smart Client is key/value and not relational, reasons to choose sql may include:
- Using a managed database for high availability, failover and backups
- Wanting a stateless Fabric Smart Client
- The ability to inspect stored data using standard tooling
- Compliance to organization policies.
The driver has been tested with the following sql drivers:
- SQLite: (pure go):
- Postgres (pure Go):
In theory you can use any sql driver if you import it in your application.
To try a new sql driver, add a test here: token/services/db/driver/sql/sql_test.go
type: sql
driver: sqlite
dataSource: /some/path/fsc.sqlite
We use one connection for writes, and an unlimited number for concurrent read connections (see the excellent for more information).
Advanced, more customized settings:
type: sql
driver: sqlite
dataSource: file:/some/path/fsc.sqlite&_txlock=immediate
tablePrefix: fsc # optional
skipCreateTable: true # tells FSC _not_ to create a table when starting up (because it already exists).
skipPragmas: true # if this is false, the pragmas we set in the datasource will be overridden with the defaults (sqlite specific).
maxOpenConns: 20 # optional: max open read connections to the database. Defaults to unlimited. See
maxIdleConns: 20 # optional: max idle read connections to the database. Defaults to 2.
maxIdleTime: 30s # optional: max duration a connection can be idle before it is closed. Defaults to 1 minute.
By default we set the following pragmas (unless you do skipPragmas: true
. Make sure you always have _pragma=journal_mode(WAL
PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;
PRAGMA busy_timeout = 5000;
PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;
PRAGMA cache_size = 1000000000;
PRAGMA temp_store = memory;
The same configuration flags as above apply, but for Postgres we always use one connection pool for reads and writes, and the sqlite pragmas don't apply.
The 'dataSource' field is sensitive because it contains a password. Instead of in this file, set it in the
variables (where mynetwork is the name of your network in core.yaml).
type: sql
driver: postgres
dataSource: host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password=example dbname=tokendb sslmode=disable
maxOpenConns: 25 # optional: max open read connections to the database. Defaults to unlimited.
maxIdleConns: 25 # optional: max idle read connections to the database. Defaults to 2.
maxIdleTime: 30s # optional: max duration a connection can be idle before it is closed. Defaults to 1 minute.
For more info about managing connections, see Keep in mind that Fabric Smart Client maintains two independent database instances: one for KVS and one for the Vault. The combined maxOpenConns should not exceed the configured max_connections in the postgres server (100 by default).