- improved
- Added
- Disable
in the web.
- use
to support the web.
- removed
because it was not used and was causing problems with nullsafety.
- use
http: '>=0.12.2 <=0.13.0-nullsafety.0'
- remove the upper bound for flutter
- updated
so support nullsafety.
- update deps.
- added
- added isInRange, toInt and toTimeOfDay to
- fixed
- added
. - updated deps
- fixed image picker crash when not choosing file from gallery
- fixed toast cut in arabic
- updated deps
- added optional authorized navigation.
- Removed
- Make
optional insafeRequest
- Updated to be compatible with flutter 1.2.22.
- Changed to flutter_intl.
- updated deps
- updated deps
- Handel null in
- Added
- chance the behavior of
is set to true then false the last data is returned, as before is was the fist data was being returned. which lead to outdated data when calling setState after changing the mutable field.
- added fixExifRotation
- make safeRequest return what the onSuccess, onError and onUnknownError returns
- updated deps
- added
- show
- Added
- Added
. - updated deps.
- Hide keyboard when picking an image.
- added
to Paginated lists. - updated deps.
- Updated to work with flutter 1.7.0.
- Removed my mod datePicker.
- In safeRequest await on onSuccess and onError callbacks.
- Fix Network image throwing when there is an wrong image url.
- Fix Network image resizing not working.
- Fix Network image resizing not working.
- make the pixelRatio smaller for bigger screens.
- Breaking pass the
directly. - added useWeservResizer.
- Added shrinkWrap to paginated list and grid.
- Added paginated_grid_view_count and paginated_grid_view_extent.
- Added childAspectRatio, crossAxisSpacing and mainAxisSpacing toPaginatedGridView.
- Added PaginatedGridView to toolbox.dart.
- Added PaginatedGridView.
- Added scrollDirection to PaginatedGridView and PaginatedListView.
- change serverFormatter to en.
- json_annotation: ^3.0.1
- build_runner: ^1.9.0
- revert 2.6.1.
- updated deps.
- Added future_extentions.
- updated deps.
- Added
to url_launcher;
- Added StringExtension;
- fix bug in
- Added
- Fix onTap in NetImage.
- Handled wrong url in NetImage.
- Added size to NetImage.
- Added
to NetImage. - Added size to NetImage.
- updated deps.
- Handle the case when the localization is not available.
- Added ink_well_stacked.
- added sendMail to url_launchers
- added safeLaunch to url_launchers
- revert versions of intl intl_translation
- depend on more flexible versions of intl intl_translation
- depend on more flexible versions of intl intl_translation
- updated deps.
- depend on more flexible versions of intl intl_translation
- improve handling of showRefreshIndicator in PaginatedListView.
- localize the string server_error.
- update deps.
- revert changes fron 4.4.2 in flutter_pagewise.dart.
- Improve error reporting in flutter_pagewise.dart.
- updated deps
- added maps.dart to toolbox.dart.
- Added
- Updated provider: ^4.0.0.
- Make the hero animation in NetImage opt in as it was causing crashes when there is multiple image with the same url in the same page.
- Improve hero in NetImage.
- Added swiping support to the image.
- Expose toolbox_config.dart.
- Added global config to the app.
- Added config for noItemsFoundWidget.
- make the SearchItemPicker hide the empty text items.
- added toolbox_app.dart.
- updated toast.
- fixed crash with connection_status_bar.dart
- Updated deps to support flutter the stable 1.12.13.
- Added ru localization.
- Added noItemsFoundBuilder noItemsFoundWidget to PaginatedListView and to PaginatedSliverList.
- Use the default MultipartFile.fromPath instead of implementing it myself.
- updated deps
- improve
and handle nulls in it.
- updated deps.
- make netImage not zoomable.
- updated deps.
- Make toolkit compatible with flutter master.
- Added onUnknownError to http.dart.
- updated deps
- make the background color black for full image.
- added Full screen to netImage
- added suffixIcon prefixIcon to SearchItemPicker
- expose SearchItemPicker
- added SearchItemPicker
- added localization to connection_status_bar.dart
- Ignore touch events on connectionStatusBar.
- Added connectionStatusBar.
- added refresh indicator to paginated_list_view.dart.
- fix a bug in http.
- Improve error methods for http.
- added pushAndRemoveUntil to navigator.
- added the class name as the route name so it can be looked up later.
- improve loadingBuilder logging.
- improve http logging.
- improve http logging.
- improve http logging.
- update chopper2.
- Fix errors regarding chopper2.
- Depend on my chopper2.
- Depend on my fork of chopper.
- Make future required in loading builder.
- Print the error in PaginateListView.
- Improve error handling.
- Added showServerErrorMessage to safeRest.
- Updated gradle and kotlin plugin.
- Added PaginateSliverList.
- Fix ios build issues.
- Added pushReplacement to navigation.dart.
- Added materialRoute to navigation.dart.
- Update deps.
- Added localization to time and date picker field.
- added navigation utils and push method inside it.
- check if onError is null in safeRequest.
- added await to onSuccess to behave predictably.
- added on error. to safeRequest.
- make onSuccess optional in safeRequest.
- handle the error in chopper 3.0.0.
- updated chopper to 3.0.0.
- Added defaults to TabRoundedLineIndicator.
- Added TabRoundedLineIndicator.
- revert changes in 1.6.3 and 1.6.3+1 wait for improvement in another time.
- try making loading builder logging more useful.
- make loading builder logging more useful.
- fix a bug in PaginateListView.
- added mutable to PaginateListView.
- added pageLoadController to PaginateListView.
- fixed comment in LoadingBuilder.
- removed drawer as it's better to be in the app.
- added paginate_list_view to flutter_toolbox
- change src from flutter_utils to flutter_toolbox
- added PaginateListView
- rename net_image to NetImage.
- updated cached_network_image.
- added flutter_cache_manager to make pub happy.
- Wrap the progressPar of the netImage into center
- Added NetImage
- change
to take object not just a string to totally replaceprint()
- No changes just update to indicate breaking change.
- Remove common_button and common_text_field.
- Export all important files.
- Fix gradle build problems and update kotlin and gradle versions.
- initial release.